OP 5.6-8fire Evacuation Drill Evaluation Checklist

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Noble Packaging Pvt Ltd

Fire Evacuation Drill Evaluation Checklist

Name of Building/Facility: __________________________________________________________

Building/Facility Address: __________________________________________________________

Building/Facility City: _______________________________ Zip Code: _____________________

Date of Drill: ________________

Time Initiated: ______________ Time Occupants Vacated: _______________ Elapsed Time: _________________

Drill Monitor Name: _____________________________________ Title/Position: _____________________________

Weather: Temp: Cold/Warm/Hot Winds: Calm/Breezy/Windy Precipitation: Sunny/Cloudy/Rain/Snow/Sleet


Evacuation routes posted Yes No Electrical appliances were turned off Yes No N/A
Evacuation signs are in good condition Yes No Lights were turned off Yes No N/A
Exits are clearly marked Yes No HVAC units were shut down Yes No N/A
Exit signs are properly illuminated Yes No
Exit doors are operating properly Yes No PLAN:
Egress routes free of obstructions Yes No Evacuation performed according to plan Yes No
Egress routes properly lighted Yes No Occupants met at designated place per plan Yes No
Meeting place at safe distance from building Yes No
COMMUNICATION: Drill/Response Team acted according to plan yes No
Method of Drill Activation: Fire Dept. (“mock”) notified according to plan yes No
Alarm Activation PA System In-House Word of Mouth
Other: _____________________________________________ FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS:
Drill Preannounced Yes No Fire alarm clearly heard in all areas Yes No
Fire Department present for drill Yes No Alarm monitoring company received alarm Yes No
Alarm monitoring company notified Yes No Electromagnetic locks operated appropriately yes No
Security notified Yes No Public Address system clearly heard in all areas Yes No N/A
Elevators recalled to correct floor yes No N/A
Doors and windows closed Yes No EVACUATION:
Rooms checked prior to closing doors Yes No All occupants participated and evacuated Yes No
Doors left unlocked Yes No Restrooms checked for occupants Yes No
Fire extinguisher taken to location of fire Yes No Evacuation was orderly Yes No
Door hold-open devices operated appropriately Visitors escorted and accounted for Yes No
Yes No N/A Special needs persons accommodated Yes No
Elevators were used during evacuation Yes No
Overall response of occupants Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Noise level of evacuation Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Number of occupants evacuated:

Visitors: __________ Staff: ___________ Residents: __________TOTAL: __________

Any item receiving a “No” or “Unsatisfactory” is an item that the facility should work on to correct.
 Evaluate the effectiveness of the occupants abilities to evacuate the building

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OP 5.6-8
Noble Packaging Pvt Ltd
Fire Evacuation Drill Evaluation Checklist

 Evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the written evacuation plan

 Evaluate the occupants’ ability to recognize the fire alarm
 Determine whether the occupants take appropriate actions upon hearing/seeing the fire alarm
 Determine that the occupants begin the evacuation plan in an appropriate manner and/or per the plan
 Evaluate the occupants ability to provide assistance to visitors or individuals who are experiencing difficulty
 Evaluate the occupants ability to recognize and take appropriate actions when a means of egress is unsafe
 Ensure occupants report in a designated meeting places
The following information is required to be collected during evacuation drills per the International Fire Code:
1. Identity of the person conducting the drill
2. Date and time of the drill
3. Notification method used
4. Employees on duty and participating
5. Number of occupants evacuated
6. Special conditions simulated
7. Problems encountered
8. Weather conditions when occupants evacuated
9. Time required to accomplish complete evacuation
Where a fire alarm system is provided, emergency evacuation drills shall be initiated by activating the fire alarm system.
Drills shall be held at unexpected times and under varying conditions to simulate the unusual conditions that occur in case of
a fire.
TABLE 405.2 – Fire and Evacuation Drill Frequency and Participation
Group or Occupancy Frequency Participation
Group A Quarterly Employees
Group B b Annually All Occupants
Group B (Ambulatory care facilities) Annually Employees
Group B b (Clinic, outpatient) Annually Employees
Group E Monthly a All Occupants
Group F Annually Employees
Group I -1 Semiannually on each shift All Occupants
Group I -2 Quarterly on each shift a Employees
Group I -3 Quarterly on each shift a Employees
Group I -4 Monthly on each shift a All Occupants
Group R -1 Quarterly on each shift Employees
Group R -2 d Four annually All Occupants
Group R-4 Semiannually on each shift a All Occupants
a. In severe climates, the fire code official shall have the authority to modify the emergency evacuation drill frequency
b. Emergency evacuation drills are required in Group B buildings having an occupant load of 500 or more persons or more than 100 persons above or
below the lowest level of discharge.
c. Emergency evacuation drills are required in ambulatory care facilities in accordance with Section Emergency evacuation drills in Group R-2 buildings
shall be in accordance with Section Other Group R-2 occupancies shall be in accordance with Section

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OP 5.6-8

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