7 RAYSManual
7 RAYSManual
7 RAYSManual
The archangels are the messengers who bring us the intelligence of the universe in a simple and
practical way. They represent the seven principles of God’s foundation – Power, Wisdom, Love,
Purity, Healing, Service and Forgiveness – also known as the Seven Rays of Enlightenment.
These rays are the seven rainbow colors and each color is guided by an Archangel.
Imagine the Godhead, the Source, as pure white Light. In much the same way as normal light is
refracted through a prism into seven colors, so too is the Source Light refracted to earth in seven
basic colors. At least this is so in the dimension where we find ourselves currently. Each of
these seven rays brings a different aspect of the Godhead to us here on earth. Each ray also
focuses more intensely on the earth on a special day of the week. Think of the earth as a
spinning prism and every day a new color or aspect of the Godhead is more intensely focused
than the other rays. The traits of the ray and the specific archangel are stronger on that particular
day of the week.
Remember how we said each archangel and archeiai serve on one of the seven rays? Well, in
much the same way as we here on earth work in pairs, male and female, to bring forth new life,
so too do the archangels and archeiai work together as a pair to introduce the quality of their ray
into human consciousness, together.
You, just like everyone else, have a special alignment with one or more of these rays / qualities,
which to a large extent determines your path and your service work while you are incarnate here.
Your missions are aligned with the prominent ray colors and qualities of the rays with which you
are resonating now. We can all benefit to learn with which ray(s) or Godly attributes we have a
special connection with (resonate to).
Each of us resonates with one or more of the archangels and consequently the ray(s) which they
represent. If we use our connection to these archangels with which we resonate to, and that
particular path(s) of the rainbow, our own spiritual progress will be greatly accelerated. These
awesome beings, these angelic hosts, are the ones who step down the tremendous energy and
high frequencies from the God Source, down to a level where we can access this information and
then further our own progress along our journeys. These beings of Light are our caretakers, our
guides and our support structures. They, along with many others, support us in every second of
every day of our lives, whether we are aware of their presence or not.
The seven rays can also be matched with your seven major chakras. The easterners say that
when each chakra is perfectly tuned, the body is in utter bliss. So, too, the balance of the 7 rays
can bring us to a higher level of consciousness and we can experience more of a connection to
the God Source. The chakras serve the purpose of anchoring the seven force-fields and qualities
of the seven rays of Light into our bodies, directly from the God head.
When our chakras are perfectly aligned and spinning along the spine, they infuse our being with
vitality and pure energy from God, creating wellness and harmony in our bodies, minds and
spirits. In this way, they give us the capacity to express the qualities of these rays within our
The Three-Fold Flame
The seven rainbow rays each have individual powers and qualities but they also work together
very well. Pink, Yellow, and Blue form a powerful triad of Love, Wisdom and Power. These
three attributes of God actually blend in the Heart chakra to form the Sacred Three-Fold Flame.
The blue ray is governed by God’s righteous warrior, Archangel Michael and his complement
Faith, the pink ray by Archangels Chamuel & Chastity and the yellow ray by Archangels Jophiel
& Christine. The Three-Fold Flame is the spark of life, seated in the Heart center of the body. It
anchors the intrinsic qualities of God inside each of us.
This is the covenant which I will make…says the LORD. I will place my law within them, and
write it upon their hearts; I will be their God, and they shall be my people… All, from the least
to the greatest shall know me, says the LORD, for I will forgive their evil doing and remember
their sin no more. JEREMIAH 31::33-34
Sapphire Blue
Michael & Faith
Hercules & Amazonia
Jophiel & Christine
Apollo & Lumina
Chamuel & Charity
Heros & Amora
Gabriel & Hope
Purity & Astrea
Emerald Green
Raphael & Mary
Cyclopea & Virginia
Purple & Gold (or Ruby)
Uriel & Aurora
Peace & Aloha
Zadkiel & Amethyst
Arcturus & Victoria
Sapphire Blue
Protection, Deliverance & Faith
Divine Wisdom
Divine Love – Charity is compassion in action
Purity, Hope, Resurrection & Ascension
Emerald Green
Truth, Concentration & Healing
Purple & Gold (or Ruby)
Peace, Ministration & Service
Transmutation & Purification through Invocation
This was derived directly from a wonderful little book that everyone should have. It is titled:
“ANGELS of Love and Light” by Lynn Fischer. It is highly recommended that you buy this
book as it is the foundation of the teachings about angels covered in this course. The ISBN # is:
0-9652896-0-5. This little book covers this subject and the subject of angels in much greater
The first solar ray represents the power and will of God as well as the power of faith and
protection. Power is the force behind action and movement. It is the motivation in all that we
do. The sapphire blue ray brings down God’s power which is never harmful. It emanates most
strongly on Tuesday and is governed by Archangel Michael & Archeiai Faith. Rulers,
executives and public servants are usually found working under this ray. It teaches us the proper
use of power and sends us an understanding of God’s power so that we do not mis-create. This
correct use may be achieved by working on these four basic qualities: Love, Forgiveness,
Humility & Faith. When all four are in balance, we may find ourselves in the position of
respected leaders in our community. Calling upon this ray will help a leader to be honorable
rather than self-serving. The sapphire blue ray is the color of the throat chakra, which is the seat
of communication and governs the power of the spoken word.
Often called the sunshine ray of enlightenment, wisdom and understanding. Its golden-yellow
color is most prominent on Sunday. The easterners place the yellow ray at the crown chakra.
Light means an end to darkness. Enlightenment means the end of ignorance. Once we are wise,
we have no fear. Ignorance, fear and greed bring about war, prejudice and hatred. Wisdom and
illumination bring peace because they are of God. Archangel Jophiel & Archeiai Christine
govern the second solar ray through their devotion to divine wisdom. Angels of the 2nd ray
abound in schools, colleges, universities and theological schools. They provide us with divine
guidance in education and learning. They magnify the quality of illumination all over the world.
Represents the vibration of adoration the expresses the universal law of divine love. The desire
to create beauty and harmony comes under this ray. People working as artists, musicians and
peacemakers are attracted to this blushing, heavenly hue. The color of joy, it draws out the good
in people and brings a feeling of oneness with others. It helps people fulfill their own specific
divine plan by uplifting their emotional state and drawing on the quality of divine love in their
hearts and expressing it in their outer world. The love ray rules the heart, the seat of central
power in the body. The Archangels Chamuel & Charity govern this pink ray as they radiate
qualities of adoration – the profound act of honoring the divine. They teach us that God’s love is
always abundantly flowing to us and can never be withheld, for it can never be depleted. It is
eternal. For love is the highest expression of God and is magnified every time we express our
love to any part of life.
This ray is the inspirational energy of God, representing purity, resurrection and ascension. It is
made up of all the colors of the rainbow combined to form a sparkling crystal white. This ray
rules the base of the spine chakra. Also known as the pure energies of creation, Jesus Christ
demonstrated the action of the 4th ray with the miracle of his resurrection. It magnifies the
qualities of pureness and wholeness and the desire for our Soul to re-unite with God. This
dazzling white ray is for purification and gives us the sense to strive for perfection. It is the
desire to know and be closer to God through the purity of one’s body, mind and spirit. Those
who work under this ray are usually spiritual leaders, architects, builders, musicians, artists,
astronomers, biochemists, physicists and spiritual scientists. Archangel Gabriel and Archeiai
Hope direct this ray by representing the resurrection and hope of eternal life. This PURITY
FLAME pours forth most strongly on Friday.
The 6th ray represents the majestic virtues of God’s grace, devotion and ministration. It is also
known as the GRACE FLAME for it blazes forth the qualities of mercy, compassion and loving
protection. It promotes a desire to contribute to life through selfless service to God and our
fellow man. Those who work under this ray are ministers, teachers, psychologists, missionaries,
lawyers, public servants and social workers. Also blue collar workers, ranchers, farmers,
businessmen and woman. The ruby ray also represents the universal law of cause and effect
known as karma. Karma is the result of our consciousness in action. Every thought, word and
deed is recorded as karma and through these the soul reaps its rewards or retributions for their
thoughts and actions. It teaches us that we are accountable for determining our fate through what
we choose to think, feel, say and do. We learn from karma how to correct ourselves and behave
in the best interests for all mankind. Archangels Uriel and Aurora bring these qualities of the
sixth solar ray, radiating spiritual vitality to all earthly beings. Their influence is strongest on
The seventh solar ray represents freedom and forgiveness. It is also known as the VIOLET
FLAME or as Violet Fire. It plays a powerful role in “divine alchemy” which is the action of
transforming ourselves from a lower to a higher state of consciousness. This ray is most active
on Saturdays. It is ruled by the benevolent angels of invocation, Archangel Zadkiel and Archeiai
Amethyst. The violet ray is also an aspect of the Holy Spirit, which stands for forgiveness and
transformation in the Holy Trinity. This ray is the divine alchemy that transmutes misqualified
(misused) energy back into its pure state as it originally came forth from God. The seventh ray
of freedom will be the most active and predominant energetic vibration of the earth during the
next 2000-year cycle, known as the seventh cycle or the return back to God. The violet ray is the
symbol for the approaching “New Age” which means quite literally “a new age of consciousness
and freedom” for all. The violet flame can transmute our burdens and heal the earth when we
choose to magnify its qualities of forgiveness. It will change the energy within ourselves, our
lives and the world around us. It is truly the gift of forgiveness and the action of the Holy Spirit
working within. Often found working on this ray are great leaders, diplomats and royalty.