Tanroad 3

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Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is assigned by the Supervisor.
vested with the responsibility of Maintenance and
Development of Trunk and Regional Roads Networks in 3. POSITION TITLE: DRIVER II (2 POSTS)
Tanzania Mainland. It is also responsible in conducting
Axle Load Control Operations using weighbridges Scope of Position:
scales. The successful candidate should be ready to work for
considerable lengths of time when required under
The Research and Development Unit (RDU) TANROADS minimum supervision.
- Headquarter on behalf of the Chief Executive
TANROADS is looking for suitably qualified and Key Qualifications:
competent Tanzanians to fill vacant positions available Holders of Certificate of Secondary Education
for Engineers, Technicians (Civil) and Drivers as follows; Examination with Basic Driving Course offered by VETA
or any other recognised institution and driving licence
1. POSITION TITLE: ENGINEER II (3 POSTS) Grade C or E with good track record in driving for not
less than one (1) year.
Scope of Position:
The successful candidate should be ready to work for Duties and Responsibilities:
considerable lengths of time when required under i. To drive Agency’s motor vehicles;
minimum supervision. ii. To maintain the vehicle logbook;
iii. To undertake motor vehicle services;
Key Qualifications: iv. To maintain safety and cleanliness of the motor
Holders of Bachelor Degree in the following fields: Civil vehicle;
Engineering, Highway Engineering, Transportation v. To deliver and collect mail and goods; and
Engineering or equivalent from a recognized institution. vi. To perform such other related duties as may be
Training in the relevant fields and relevance of the assigned by the supervisor.
final degree project report to the job will be added
advantages. Must be registered with the Engineers 4. POSITION TITLE: RECEPTIONIST II (2 POSTS)
Registration Board in the category of Graduate
Engineer. Scope of Position:
The successful candidate should be ready to work for
Duties and Responsibilities: considerable lengths of time when required under
i.  To carry out soil and materials investigations minimum supervision.
and tests related to Civil Engineering design and
construction. Key Qualifications:
ii.  To undertake subsoil and geotechnical Holders of Certificate in Front Office Management,
investigations, including analysis and preparation Customer Service or Telephone Operations (NTA Level
of factual reports for design of foundations for 5) from recognized institution.
bridges, dams, buildings and slopes.
iii. To carry out quality control tests at construction Duties and Responsibilities:
site. i. To receive and guide visitors;
iv.  To participate in pavement evaluations/studies/ ii. To attend incoming and outgoing calls;
monitoring of road pavement performance. iii. To arrange appointments for customers;
v.  To participate in the review of geotechnical, iv. To manage calls register;
pavement and material design/study reports v. To manage visitor’s register;
prepared by outside Agencies, Firms or Institutions. vi. To prepare report on usage of telephone; and
vi.  Perform such other related duties as may be vii. To perform such other related duties as may be
assigned by Supervisor. assigned by the Supervisor.


1. All applicants must be a Tanzania Citizens.
Scope of Position: 2. Applicants must attach an up-to-date Curriculum
The successful candidate should be ready to work for Vitae (CV) having reliable contacts, i.e. postal
considerable lengths of time when required under address, e-mails and telephone numbers.
minimum supervision. 3. Age: Not above 45
4.  Apart from professional qualifications
Key Qualifications: requirements outlined in the position, candidates
Holders of Full Technician Certificate (FTC) or Diploma to assume the positions must be trustworthy,
in Civil Engineering or equivalent qualification from responsible, reliable, accountable and with high
recognized institutions. degree of integrity.
5. Applicants should apply on the strength of the
Duties and Responsibilities: information given in this advertisement.
i.  To inspect and reports on roads and bridge 6.  Applicants must attach their detailed relevant
maintenance works; certified copies of academic certificates.
ii. To supervise road and bridge maintenance works; 7. Testimonials, Partial transcripts and result slips
iii. To measure and certifies works for payment; will not be accepted.
iv. To undertake road inventory and condition survey; 8.  Applicants should indicate three referees with
v. To undertake road traffic count; their reliable contacts.
vi. To carry out in situ testing; 9.  Certificates from foreign examination bodies
vii. To undertake laboratory tests and to monitor tests should be certified by TCU, NACTE, or NECTA
results and trends; 10. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for
viii. To prepare invoices for materials testing; interview.
ix. To undertake laboratory apparatus and equipment 11. Deadline for submission of application is 14th
calibration; August, 2023.
x. To prepare site report; and 12. Application letters should be written in English
xi. To perform such other related duties as may be Language.

Terms and Conditions of Service

1. Appointment will be on Contract Terms; renewable subject to satisfactory performance;
2. The salaries for the post will be according to TANROADS Scales.

Means of Applications
Please send your handwritten application letter, academic and birth certificates as well as
comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (C.V) to the address shown below. Your application must be
submitted not later than 14th August, 2023. Only successful candidates will be notified and invited
for Interview.

P. O. BOX 9452,

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