Lecture 1

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CEE 111

Engineering Drawing


Course Structure


Theory 1 hr each week (14 Theory classes)

Tutorial 3 hrs every week (14 Tutorial classes)

Class Structure

Faculty Tutor
G11-G12: Monday Dr. Anil Kumar Bachu
G13-G14: Tuesday Dr. Om Prakash
G15-G16: Wednesday Dr. Pradhi Rajeev
G17-G18: Friday Dr. Ramakrishna Bag
G19-G20: Thursday Dr. Amit Kumar Verma
Course Book

▪ N.D. Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House.

▪ Agrawal & Agrawal, Engineering Drawing, McGraw Hill Education


▪ D.A. Jolhe, Engineering Drawing, McGraw Hill Education (India).

▪ K. Venugopal, Engineering Drawing and Graphics, New Age

Marks Distribution

Mid Semester Exam = 25%

End Semester Exam = 45%

Tutorial work will be graded = 25%

Attendance and class performance = 5%

Mode of Instruction

1. Power point presentation

2. On board demonstration
3. Supplementary material
4. Interactive discussion
Lecture wise contents
Course Requirements

1. A minimum of 75% attendance is a must to appear in the end-

semester examination
2. Students coming late will not be allowed in the class
3. Please carry all your drawing equipment to all the tutorial
4. Copying and Plagiarism: Copying of assignments and tutorials is not
allowed and will attract disciplinary action such as debarring from exams or
even expulsion from the institute!
Discipline and General Etiquettes
Engineering Drawing

Drawing is an art of representing objects or forms on a flat surface or a

canvas chiefly by means of lines using any of a wide variety of tools and
Engineering Drawing is language of engineers to describe products.
It is a graphical way to convey an unambiguous and accurate description
necessary for engineered items.
The purpose of it is to provide exact geometrical configuration for the
construction or analysis of machines, structures or systems.
Drawing Instruments/Materials
1. Drawing board
2. T-square
3. Set-squares: 30⁰ -60⁰ and 45⁰
4. Drawing instrument box: large size compass with interchangeable
pencil and pen legs, lengthening bars, small bow compass, large size
divider, small bow divider
5. Scales
6. Protractor
7. Drafters
8. Drawing papers and pencils
Things you need for Engineering Drawing

The size of the drawing boards is recommended by BIS: IS 1444-1989.

BIS SP:46(1988) A3 297 x 420
Things you need for Engineering Drawing
Things you need for Engineering Drawing
Things you need for Engineering Drawing
Things you need for Engineering Drawing
Sheet Sizes
Sheet Layout

Border Lines:
Top, bottom and right border = 20 mm
Left = 30 mm
Title Block

Title block Dimension should be 185 mm X 65 mm

1. Name and Roll Number

2. Title of the Sheet
3. Scale
4. Date


All in BLOCK letters

How to begin your drawing?

To start with the preparation of a drawing the procedure

mentioned below may be followed:

➢ Clean the drawing board and all the drawing instruments

using duster.
➢ Fix the drawing sheet on the drawing board.
➢ Fix the mini-drafter in a convenient position.
➢ Draw border lines using HB pencil.
➢ Complete the title box using HB pencil
➢ Plan spacing of drawings b/n two problems/views

➢ Never sharpen pencils over drawing.

➢ Clean pencil point with a soft cloth after sharpening.
➢ Keep drawing instruments clean.
➢ Rest hands on drawing instruments as much as possible – to
avoid smearing the graphite on the drawing.
➢ When darkening lines – try to work from the top of the
drawing to the bottom, and from left to the right across the
➢ Use brush to remove eraser particles. Never use hands.
➢ Always use appropriate drawing pencils.

▪Visible lines represent features that can be seen in the current view

▪Hidden lines represent features that can not be seen in the current view

▪Centre line represents symmetry, path of motion, centres of circles, axis

of axis-symmetrical parts

▪Dimension and Extension lines indicate the sizes and location of

features on a drawing
Lines: Example

1. Most convenient unit of length is millimeter.

2. Angles are shown in degree

◦ Extension line
◦ Dimension line
◦ Leader line
◦ Arrow heads
◦ Dimensions
Dimensioning: Example
Dimensioning: Salient Features

1. Dimension lines should be drawn at least 10 mm away from the

2. Smaller dimension should be placed near the view and the larger further
3. As far as possible dimension should be outside the view
4. Dimension should be perpendicular to dimension line
5. All dimensions should be unidirectional
6. Units should NOT be written after each dimension
7. Do not repeat the same dimension in different views
8. Dimension should be given to visible lines and not to hidden lines
Dimensioning: Dos & Don'ts
Dimensioning: Arcs & Circles
Drawing Scales

Scale is the ratio of the linear dimension of an element of an object

shown in the drawing to the real linear dimension of the same element
of the object.
Drawing Scales

Designation of a scale consists of the word “SCALE” followed by the

indication of its ratio, as follow

1. SCALE 1:1 for full size

2. SCALE X:1 for enlargement scales
3. SCALE 1:X for reduction scales
Representative fraction (R.F.) = Length of the drawing/ Actual length of
Lettering- Type A
Lettering- Type A
Lettering- Type B
Lettering- Type B
Vertical Capital Alphabets and numbers

Inclined Capital Alphabets and numbers

Vertical Lowercase Alphabets

Inclined Lowercase Alphabets

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