ND 212-Nutritional Assessment
ND 212-Nutritional Assessment
ND 212-Nutritional Assessment
Philosophy: Ciencia y Virtud (Science and Virtue) In implementing the quality policy, CEU will:
Vision 1. Develop and maintain qualified and competent human resources;
2. Attain organizational unity and effectiveness;
To be the university of first choice. 3. Ensure functional and efficient systems;
CEU seeks to be the university of first choice - the leading higher education institution 4. Disseminate information efficiently to the different functions;
fostering excellence in the pursuit of knowledge while engendering personal integrity and 5. Identify the needs of the University community;
social responsibility. 6. Provide adequate resources and facilities; and
Mission 7. Improve quality services continuously through a responsive feedback mechanism.
To build a brighter future - for our students, the Philippines, and the world. CENTRO ESCOLAR EXPECTED GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES (CEEGA)
It is committed to:
Provide a rich and stimulating academic environment in order to promote creative and Graduate Attributes Skills, Knowledge, Attitudes that Escolarian Graduates possess
scholarly academic pursuits among its faculty and equip students with the knowledge, Lifelong Learner (LL) 1. Learns and works independently as well as collaboratively.
skills, sound moral values, and an appreciation of arts and culture that will prepare 2. Translates knowledge generated from research and other sources to improve quality
them to become productive and innovative professionals with a commitment to nation of life.
building in the context of one world; 3. Creates new ideas to better understand society.
Enhance the development of higher education in the Philippines through its exemplar 4. Evaluates own thinking, behavior and spirituality for self-growth.
academic programs and practices, leadership in professional organizations, and Reflective and Creative Thinker 1. Thinks critically and creatively.
participation in academic consortia; and (RCT) 2. Shows open-mindedness.
Contribute to the promotion of human health and well-being through high-quality 3. Solves problems systematically.
programs in health professional education, research, and community service. 4. Loves art and shows artistic sensibility.
Caring and Trustworthy Citizen 1. Values people and acts in unity with others.
(CTC) 2. Commits to social justice and principles of sustainability and respect for diversity.
V - Valuing others, caring for them and empowering them
3. Practices good stewardship and accountability.
A - Accountability, integrity and trustworthiness
4. Manifest social responsibility by helping improve conditions of those who have less in
L - Lifelong learning as individuals and as an organization
U - Unity, teamwork and loyalty
life or circumstance.
E - Excellence in all endeavors Proficient Communicator (PC) 1. Articulates ideas clearly for varied purposes and audiences of diverse culture.
S - Social responsibility as citizens of the Filipino nation and of the world 2. Listens attentively, engages in meaningful exchange and shares knowledge, values,
attitudes and intentions.
CEU QUALITY POLICY 3. Utilizes effectively appropriate media and information technologies.
Centro Escolar University is committed to provide quality, relevant, timely and Competent and Productive 1. Initiates, innovates better ways of doing things and accountability
effective service and support to the University community through an efficient Professional (CPP) 2. Promotes quality and productivity.
organizational system imbued with values and professionalism.
In line with the Centro Escolar The graduates of B.S. Nutrition and Dietetics should be able to:
University’s philosophy, mission, and vision to The graduates of B.S. Nutrition and Dietetics should be able to:
be the University of first choice, the School of 1. Translate the role of nutrition and dietetics in improving the overall health and well-being according to various needs, capacity, and
Nutrition and Hospitality Management is potentials of individuals, groups and families
committed: 2. Organize a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and multi-cultural nutritional care plan as designed individually or through
collaborative efforts to achieve total wellness of an individual and other diverse group.
1. to develop well-rounded individuals; and 3. Incorporate food and nutrition plans in the local and national development efforts to address nutritional concerns
4. Plan and manage food service in different settings and nutrition programs in a multilevel approach, according to regulations and
2. to produce competent professionals who policies
are involved in community service, 5. Design economically viable activities using evidence-based studies in varying food, nutrition, and dietetics programs for practical
research-oriented, and equipped with the application
new information technology and emerging 6. Model the ethical standards of nutrition and dietetics in recognition of professional and social responsibility
knowledge and skills that meet 7. Engage in lifelong learning activities keeping abreast in continuing education and development of scientific research related to food
international standards of excellence while and nutrition
continually in quest for personal and 8. Articulate the latest scientific breakthrough related to the practice of food and nutrition using appropriate language required
professional growth. 9. Maximize the use of Philippine products and commodities in the practice of nutrition and dietetics to preserve the Filipino historical
and cultural heritage; convey nutrition information using local language as appropriate in the community setting
Course Description Nutritional Assessment deals with the study of the principles and methods of measuring and evaluating the nutritional status of individual and various population groups. It
: includes practical training in using direct and indirect method of assessing the nutritional status of both in clinical and public health setting. Emphasis is given on the
definition, standard components, methods and tools in nutritional status assessment as well as the interpretations and implications of nutritional assessment data as a vital
component of community diagnosis. Laboratory experience will focus on anthropometric and dietary methods of nutritional assessment.
Pre-requisite : Basic Nutrition
2. Journals
Food and Nutrition Research Institute. (2016). Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes. FNRI, Taguig City
Food and Nutrition Research Institute. Facts and Figures: 8th National Nutrition Survey Results. FNRI Taguig City
National Nutrition Council. (2012). Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos. NNC, Taguig City
National Nutrition Council. (2012). NNC Governing Board Resolution No. 2, Series 2012 approving the Implementing Guidelines on OPT Plus. NNC, Taguig City
3. Electronic References
www.fnri.gov.ph / www.nnc.gov.ph / www.unicef.org / www.who.int