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LEGO® Education is pleased to bring you the “Simple Machines” curriculum pack.

Who is it for?
This material is designed for use by teachers of students in grades three through
five, who wish to introduce their students to the following simple machines:

• Gears
• Wheels and Axles
• Levers
• Pulleys

Working in pairs, students of any academic background can build, learn and
investigate using the models and activities included in this curriculum pack.

What is it for?
LEGO Education STEM solutions enable students to work as young scientists and
engineers, helping them to investigate and understand the operation of simple and
compound machines found in everyday life. The materials promote an enjoyable
but challenging classroom environment in which students can develop skills such
as creative problem-solving, communication of ideas, and teamwork. The activities
lead students to make initial use of scientific method through observation, reasoning,
prediction, and critical thinking.

The “Simple Machines” curriculum pack enables you to partially cover the following
Crosscutting Concepts and overall Science and Engineering Practices, which have
been set forth in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

Science and Engineering Practices:

• Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
• Developing and using models
• Planning and carrying out investigations
• Analyzing and interpreting data
• Using mathematics and computational thinking
• Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
• Engaging in argument from evidence
• Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Crosscutting Concepts:
• Patterns
• Cause and effect: Mechanism and explanation
• Scale, proportion, and quantity
• Systems and system models
• Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation
• Structure and function
• Stability and change

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©2016 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.

What is in it?
The 9689 Brick Set 9689
The set consists of four full-color sets of building instructions for the four simple
machines, including building instructions for both the principle models and the main
models, and 204 LEGO® elements, including an element (brick) separator. The main
models and the principle models described in this curriculum pack can all be built
from the elements in the set, though only one at a time.

The 9689 Curriculum Pack

This curriculum pack contains teaching suggestions and materials that will enable
teachers to make effective use of the Simple Machines Set in class. The curriculum
pack is divided into the following sections:

Please refer to the NGSS and Common Core State Standards grids in the ‘Curriculum’
section of this curriculum pack to see which of the main activities and problem-
solving activities match your current teaching program.

The four simple machine sections:

These sections provide information and activities for the four simple machines:
gears, wheels and axles, levers, and pulleys. All four simple machine units are
presented in the same way.
• An overview of the simple machine in focus is given. The overview starts with
an introduction and with ideas for establishing the concept and providing the
vocabulary relevant to the simple machine. A brief outline for using the principle
models is also included.
• Following this is an overview of relevant images from Images for Classroom Use,
a collection of photographs, pictures, drawings, and illustrations that can be used
to support the teaching of simple machines. These images are intended to help
students understand the links between the models they build and the real world.
There is also an overview of the elements used for building both the principle
models and the main models.
• Each unit then introduces the Teacher’s Notes and student worksheets for the
principle models, the related main model, and the problem-solving activity.

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Teacher’s Notes Teacher’s Notes Main Activity: Go-Cart

There are detailed Teacher’s Notes for each simple machine section. In some cases,

1. First, build Go-Cart Model B5 and steer it around. B5

Follow Building Instructions B, pages 22 to 30, steps 1 to 13.

When Go-Cart Model B5 has been built, check the following:
• If necessary, students should be made aware of how friction (see “Glossary”
section) can affect movement. If the wheels are pushed in too far toward

additional materials will be necessary for the main activities and investigations;
the body of the model they cannot turn freely.
• Make sure Sam or Sally is attached securely. Teacher’s Notes 21

Main Activity: Go-Cart


these are listed. The Teacher’s Notes indicate key learning areas, give suggestions
2. Mark which type of axle is used for the front set of wheels.

for carrying out each main activity, provide hints, questions, and vocabulary specific Hint
When testing

3. Then
the go-cart,

of the carttoand
B5 usesuse

the other
a single,
hands to keep all four wheels on
the track. Place one
lookhand on the at
carefully back
on theB6.
fixed axle.

the pictures
of the models and compare Go-Cart Model B5 Main Activity: Go-Cart

to the main activity, and suggest further ideas for investigation. The answers to
Name(s): Date and subject:

Main Activity: Go-Cart

wheel. • Circle what is different.

Student Worksheet

• What do you notice? Explain how the models are different. 1. First, build Go-Cart Model B5 and steer it
Follow Building Instructions B, pages 22 to 30,
steps 1 to 13.


Students should notice the difference in the axles used for the front set of wheels.
2. Mark which type of axle is used for the front
set of wheels.

Model B5 uses a single axle, while model B6 uses separate axles. 3. Then look carefully at the pictures of the
models and compare Go-Cart Model B5 to
Go-Cart Model B6.

• Circle what is different.

B5 B6

• What do you notice? Explain how the models

are different.

4. Next, look carefully at the pictures of the models and make a prediction.
If I compare model B5 to model B6, then I think that Go-Cart Model (B5/B6) will be
4. Next, look carefully at the pictures of the
models and make a prediction.
B5 B6

questions asked on the Student Worksheets, together with comments to the teacher,
If I compare model B5 to model B6, then I
think that Go-Cart Model (B5 / B6) will be the
easier to steer.

the easier to steer. LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2012 The LEGO Group. 044409.

Encourage students to discuss the effects the different axles will have on the
go-carts in their own words. For the prediction, the correct answer is model B6;
however, it does not matter whether students get the answer right or wrong at this
point, only that they should make a prediction that can be checked later.

5. Test Go-Cart Model B5. Student Worksheet Main Activity: Go-Cart

are written in blue italics in the Teacher’s Notes.

5. Test Go-Cart Model B5.

Students observe and test the degree of ease with which they can steer the model Easy Difficult Observation notes

in a straight line and around a sharp corner. Encourage them to try more than once
to ensure that their observations are correct. 6. Build Go-Cart Model B6 and steer it around.
Follow Building Instructions B, pages 32 to 40,

steps 1 to 13.


7. Test Go-Cart Model B6.

The students will notice that Go-Cart Model B5 is very easy to steer when driving Easy Difficult Observation notes

in a straight line. However, they will also notice that it is hard to steer through sharp
turns or in a zigzag pattern, as the wheels cannot turn at different speeds. One 8. Finally, draw a conclusion and check your
B5 B6

wheel will always skid when turning corners. Students must write their answers in
My tests show that Go-Cart (B5 / B6) is the
easier to steer.

My prediction was (right / wrong).

the chart. LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2012 The LEGO Group. 044409.

Note: If possible, keep an example of Go-Cart Model B5 for students to compare

with Go-Cart Model B6.

In the Teacher’s Notes you will find eight main activities, each of which includes
including student worksheets, assessment tools, ‘Connect’ stories, and questions and
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ideas for for further investigation. You will also find four problem-solving activities, LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2016 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.

which also include assessment tools and ‘Connect’ stories, as well as a design brief
and a possible design solution – all ready for you to introduce to your students.

Main Activities and Student Worksheets Main Activity: Go-Cart

The student worksheets help students to work individually, in pairs, or in groups to Name(s):

Main Activity: Go-Cart

Student Worksheet
Date and subject:

apply the knowledge they have acquired about the simple machine concept through
Student Worksheet Main Activity: Go-Cart

5. Test Go-Cart Model B5.

building or discussion activities. The student worksheets can be copied as required. 1. First, build Go-Cart Model B5 and steer it B5

Follow Building Instructions B, pages 22 to 30, Easy Difficult Observation notes
steps 1 to 13.

Writing is kept to a minimum on the student worksheets for the principle models—
2. Mark which type of axle is used for the front
set of wheels.

students only need to mark choices, draw lines to label illustrations, or write numbers. 3. Then look carefully at the pictures of the
models and compare Go-Cart Model B5 to
Go-Cart Model B6.

• Circle what is different.

B5 B6
6. Build Go-Cart Model B6 and steer it around.
Follow Building Instructions B, pages 32 to 40,
steps 1 to 13.


7. Test Go-Cart Model B6.

• What do you notice? Explain how the models
are different.

On the student worksheets for the main models students will be challenged to Easy Difficult Observation notes

predict an outcome, which they will then investigate, and finally they will document
4. Next, look carefully at the pictures of the
models and make a prediction.
B5 B6
If I compare model B5 to model B6, then I
think that Go-Cart Model (B5 / B6) will be the
easier to steer.

their findings. LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2016 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
8. Finally, draw a conclusion and check your
My tests show that Go-Cart (B5 / B6) is the
easier to steer. 61
B5 B6

My prediction was (right / wrong).

Text on the student worksheets is kept to a minimum, but nevertheless early readers LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2016 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.

may need help in understanding the written instructions. Icons have been included
on the student worksheets to help students through the main activity in focus; these
symbolize, for example, that something must be marked or drawn, circled, or joined,
or that students are asked to write in a number.

Problem-Solving Activities Problem-Solving Activity: Wheelbarrow

These problem-solving activities are intended to encourage students to apply the Problem-Solving Activity:
Student Worksheet

knowledge they have gained from both the different principle models and/or the Need help?
Look at:

B1 Problem-Solving Activity: Wheelbarrow

main model concerning the simple machine in focus. The suggested problem-
Problem-Solving Activity:
Wheelbarrow 3

Teacher’s Notes

solving model solution that is included is only meant as a guiding principle to solving
Learning objectives:
Students are encouraged do some research related to the real-life problem
they are set to solve and/or the type of simple machine that they are going to
use, and to:
• Identify a need or a problem

• Develop explanations using observations

• Test, evaluate, and redesign models

the problem posed.


When Sam and Sally visit the fair they always remark on how tidy the area is kept.
However, not everybody remembers to throw their litter in the bin! Having so many To help in the design process, instruct the students to look at the picture on Hint
people in one place at one time means that a lot of people working at the fair have the Student Worksheet and read the accompanying text. If time and facilities are

Most of the images used in the material

to spend time picking up litter. Sam and Sally want to help the people working at available, have your students conduct research, and also encourage them to can be found in the section “Images for
the fair to carry the many the bags of litter that have been gathered. generate ideasB4
and questions by posing problems they must take into account in Classroom Use”, and are easy to display
their design and building process. Your students could search the Internet to learn in class.
Let’s help Sam and Sally! more about the appearance, structure, and function of different sorts of litter carts
and wheelbarrows.
Build a wheelbarrow like the one in the picture.
Students should be reminded of the principle models that they have worked with. Need help?
It might be a good idea to build principle models B3 and B4 to show the different Look at:

If possible, take a picture of each of the students’ model solutions and have
Your design brief is as follows:

• Build a wheelbarrow. structures.


• Give your wheelbarrow handles, and legs to support it while standing.

• Your wheelbarrow must be able to carry the LEGO® weight. Discuss the design problem specified in the design brief in class. Try to find several
possible general solutions, or use the suggested solution for inspiration if necessary.
When you have finished, test the wheelbarrow. Push it along with the LEGO weight in
it, and check to see if it is well balanced. Assess how easily the wheelbarrow can be Discuss the constraints and functions your students will have to take into account
to carry out the design brief. Try to get your students to focus on relevant issues and

the students explain how they have solved the problem. Keep the pictures as
moved in a straight direction and turned. What makes it easy or difficult to steer?
decisions by asking questions. These might include:

• How will your model look?

Maybe a handcart with wheels, and perhaps handles for pushing it and a space for
the load. Or maybe simply a wheelbarrow like the one shown in the drawing.
• What LEGO® elements do you have available? Should you use big wheels or small
wheels for the wheelbarrow, and how will your wheelbarrow stand on the ground?
What can you use as legs to support the wheelbarrow?

inspirational material for future problem solvers.

• How do you think you might start building?

Optional materials
Materials for enhancing the appearance and functionality of the model: Students can
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. use paper, cardboard, and 64markers to make the bin element of the wheelbarrow or to
©2016 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
make bags of litter. Additional LEGO elements, if available, may be used.

When the model is finished, encourage students to reflect on both the product Did you know?
that they have produced and the processes they have used by: The LEGO weight element weighs
• Carrying out tests to evaluate the performance of their model approximately 53 g (1.8 oz.).
• Reflecting on the design brief
• Recording their design by drawing or taking digital photos

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Assessment materials are provided for all four of the main activities and the four
problem-solving activities. These materials define clear learning goals before the
students start each activity and motivate the students to challenge themselves
throughout the learning process. You can also use these materials to assess your
students’ development in different learning areas.

Student Worksheets Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

The student worksheets should be used to document each student’s work and to Name(s):

Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

Student Worksheet
Student Worksheet
Date and subject:

5. Test Merry-Go-Round Model A6.

1 2
Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

support them throughout each of the main activities. These worksheets are an easy-
• If you want Sam or Sally to make a full 4 8
turn, how many times must you crank the Student Worksheet 1 Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

Write down your answer. Explore the effect of the different gearings illustrated. Build them into the
Remember to try at least three times for a fairMerry-Go-Round one after the other.
test. It is important to keep an eye on
What do you notice?

to-use tool for assessing each student’s level and achievement during the activities.
a) where your handle start position is and
b) where Sam or Sally’s start position is on theExplain how the gearings are different.
1. First, build Merry-Go-Round Model A6 and Merry-Go-Round. A6
Record observations.
make it turn.
Follow Building Instructions A, pages 34 to 42,
steps 1 to 11.

They can also comprise a valuable part of the each student’s logbook or portfolio.
2. Count the teeth on the gears. Start counting 6. Build Merry-Go-Round Model A7 and make it A7

from the dot. turn. 2 3

Follow Building
4 8
steps 1 to 11.
Instructions A, pages 44 to 52,


7. Test Merry-Go-Round Model A7.

1 2 3
• If you crank the handle three times, how 4 ?8
3. Then look carefully at the pictures of the
models and compare Merry-Go-Round Model turn? A6
many times does Sam or Sally take a full
A6 to Merry-Go-Round Model A7.
Write down your answer.
• Circle what is different. Remember to try at least three times for a fair
test. It is important to keep an eye on 3
a) where your handle start position is and
b) where Sam or Sally’s start position is on the
• What do you notice? Explain how the models
are different.
8. Finally, draw a conclusion and check your
My tests show that Merry-Go-Round (A6 / A7) A6 A7
turns faster.

Draw some gear trains (many gears meshing), or some everyday machines and
My prediction was (right / wrong). mechanisms where gears are used.

4. Next, look carefully at the pictures of the

models and make a prediction.
A6 A7
If I compare model A6 to model A7, then I
think Merry-Go-Round Model (A6 / A7) will turn

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Student Self-Assessment Tools Activity Name:


There are two generic student self-assessment rubrics. One has been developed for Student Name:

How did you do?


use during the main activities, and the other is intended for use with the problem- Directions: Circle the brick that shows how well you did. The bigger brick, the better you did.

I asked questions to understand what to do.

I understood what to do.

solving activities. These rubrics help students to reflect on and evaluate their work I made predictions and tested my model.
I made observations and gathered data.

during each lesson. I shared my ideas.

I listened to my team.

I used scientific words.

I used fair testing.

Using these rubrics, students assess themselves according to the ‘Four Bricks Scale’ Describe what you did (Draw, write or add a photo):

in which the biggest brick represents the highest rating. In certain situations, you
might also consider asking your students to assess themselves using only two of the
four bricks. Tell someone what you learned…

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Teacher Assessment Tools Merry-Go-Round

Teacher Assessment

The Observation Checklists are linked directly to each of the main activities and the Class:

Performance and Learning Targets linked to the


Students Name:

problem-solving activities. You can use these checklists to assess the science and
activity and the eight Next Generation Science

Observe the suggested student behaviors while working with the

activity. Either use the suggested Emerging (E), Developing (D),
Proficient (P), Accomplished (A) proficiency level descriptions or use
one relevant to your context.

engineering practices of your students individually, in pairs, or in groups.

Student Performance Targets linked to the activity:
To what degree can the student…?

Adequately build the Merry-Go-Round model(s) with help or

independently using the Building Instruction (1, 2, 3, 6)

Use the model to demonstrate and share understanding of science

terms and make predictions about the use of different types of gears
(E.g. crown gear, spur gear, driver gear, driven gear) (1, 3, 4, 5, 8)

Use prior knowledge of fair rides to describe orally or in writing

scientific problems that can be solved using different types of gears
(1, 6, 8)

Make changes or create a new model design in order to create a more

advanced model based on tests and data (2, 3, 4, 6)

You either can use the Emerging, Developing, Proficient, or Accomplished

Use Merry-Go-Round worksheets to record and analyze data collected
from the model investigation (3, 4, 5)

Selected Student Learning Targets linked to the practices:

To what degree can the student…?

Ask questions and make observations about what would happen if a

variable is changed (1, 3)

proficiency level descriptions described on the next page, or use other assessment
Demonstrate ability to use fair testing of models and make
adjustments based upon test data and measurements (3, 4, 6)

Test different model designs of the same object to determine which

one better meets the criteria (3)

Estimate, collect, measure, describe and/or graph quantities to make

comparisons across teams and listen to the ideas of others (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

criteria that are relevant to your school context.

Communicate the meaning of the findings with others (E.g. orally, in
drawing or writing) (4, 8)

Optional Student Learning Targets

Lesson Observational Notes:

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The student is at the beginning stages of development in terms of content
knowledge, ability to understand and apply content, and/or demonstration of
coherent thoughts about a given topic.

The student is able to present basic knowledge only (e.g., vocabulary), and cannot
yet apply content knowledge or demonstrate comprehension of the concepts being

The student has concrete levels of comprehension of the content and concepts,
and can demonstrate adequately the topics, content, or concepts being taught. The
ability to discuss and apply concepts outside of the required assignment is lacking.

The student can take concepts and ideas to the next level, apply concepts to other
situations, and synthesize, apply, and extend knowledge to discussions that include
extensions of ideas.

Where can I find the assessment materials?

You can find the assessment materials in the Teacher’s Notes for each of the main
activities and problem-solving activities.

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Classroom Management Tips

For Your First LEGO® Education Activity, and Beyond

1. Before Class
• Download the curriculum pack from the URL that is printed on the lid of each
LEGO® brick set.
• Open one of the sets, sort the bricks, and get to know the bricks by working with
one of the principle models, followed by a main activity. Use the relevant student
worksheets and assessment tools.

2. During Class
• At the beginning of the first lesson, allow the students some time to get to know the
LEGO brick set.
• Use a jar to collect stray pieces.
• Make adjustments in order to challenge the students who are ready to improve and
develop new skills.
• Label the boxes so that you can recognize which box belongs to which student(s).
• Plan to stop the lesson with enough time to allow the students to tidy up.

3. After Class
• If you did not finish the activity, store the LEGO sets and the models so that they
are ready for the next lesson.
• Evaluate the lesson.

How much time is needed?

There are many ways to use the Simple Machines Set in your classroom, and many
different ways to plan your class schedule. Activities can be completed by
individuals or by small teams or groups, depending upon the number of sets that are
available to your class.

If you choose to introduce the principle models of one simple machine, 2-3 of Hint
the models can be built, investigated, and explored, and the parts put away again, We suggest students work together in
within a single 45-minute lesson if the students are already experienced LEGO pairs, sharing a set between them.

However, if you choose to continue with a main activity, then at least two more class
periods will be needed, depending on the time spent on discussion, the building
skills of your students, and the time you allow for experimentation. A double lesson
is ideal to be able to explore, build, and investigate in depth most of the (optional)
extension ideas built into the main activity, and especially for the students to make
any creative variations of their own.

In the case of the problem-solving activities, students should be able to tackle

the challenge within a sequence of two lessons.

How do I organize the building instructions? 9689


For easy classroom management we suggest storing the building instructions in 1 4 6 A1

binders so that they are close at hand and ready to use at the beginning of each A2

2 5



What’s needed in my classroom?



Tables may be pushed aside to let models roll across a smooth floor and boxes may 6002501

be needed for a ramp.

Students need to be able to construct in pairs facing each other or side-by-side. It is

also an advantage to have a cupboard or shelves where you can store the sets lying
flat with any unfinished models on top of them.

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LEGO® Education’s 4C approach

The main activities in the “Simple Machines” curriculum pack follow LEGO®
Education’s 4C approach: Connect, Construct, Contemplate, and Continue. This
enables you to progress naturally through the main activities.

Connect Teacher’s Notes

Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

The Connect story places the characters Sam and Sally in real-life surroundings,
Most of the images used in the material
can be found in the section “Images for
Classroom Use”, and are easy to display
in class.

linking an object/item from the real world that most students will recognize to the
simple machine concept under consideration. This real-world object will closely
resemble the LEGO models students will work with and build. In the Connect Sam and Sally love going to the fair. The ride they enjoy most is the merry-go-round.
It’s such fun to spin around and around, waving to their friends and families!

Do you like merry-go-rounds?

passage the language is more child-oriented, as it is intended for you to read aloud.
What do you enjoy most about them?
Which simple machine might be needed for a merry-go-round to turn?

Let’s build a merry-go-round!

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Construct Teacher’s Notes

Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

Using the building instructions, students build models covering the concepts related
1. First, build Merry-Go-Round Model A6 and make it turn. A6

Follow Building Instructions A, pages 34 to 42, steps 1 to 11.

When Merry-Go-Round Model A6 has been built, check the following:
• Crank the yellow handle to make sure the merry-go-round turns.
• Make sure the minifigure is attached securely. Students are welcome to use
either Sam or Sally, but they should be told that it is easier to count how many

to the simple machine in focus. Tips are provided for testing and for making sure that
times the merry-go-round makes a full turn with only one minifigure on the merry- 33


each model functions as intended.

Students should be reminded that
the drive gear is the gear turned by an
outside effort, in this case your hand
cranking the yellow handle.

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Contemplate Teacher’s Notes

Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

This stage involves students investigating the models they have constructed.
2. Count the teeth on the gears. Start counting from the dot.

8 24

Through these investigations, students will learn to observe and compare results There are two gears used in model A6: a spur gear (8 teeth) and a crown gear
(24 teeth).

from tests that they make, and to report on their observations. They will be
3. Then look carefully at the pictures of the models and compare Merry-Go-Round Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

Model A6 to Merry-Go-Round Model A7. Name(s):

Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

Student Worksheet
Date and subject:

• Circle what is different.

• What do you notice? Explain how the models are different. 1. First, build Merry-Go-Round Model A6 and A6

make it turn.
Follow Building Instructions A, pages 34 to 42,
steps 1 to 11.

Students should notice the difference in both size and number of gears used on
2. Count the teeth on the gears. Start counting
from the dot. 1 2 3
4 ?8

model A6 compared to model A7. 3. Then look carefully at the pictures of the
models and compare Merry-Go-Round Model
A6 to Merry-Go-Round Model A7.
A6 A7

encouraged to describe the outcomes of their investigations. Questions are included

• Circle what is different.

• What do you notice? Explain how the models

are different.

4. Next, look carefully at the pictures of the models and make a prediction.
If I compare model A6 to model A7, then I think Merry-Go-Round Model (A6/A7) 4. Next, look carefully at the pictures of the
models and make a prediction.

If I compare model A6 to model A7, then I

think Merry-Go-Round Model (A6 / A7) will turn
A6 A7

will turn faster.


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Encourage students to discuss the effects the different gearing has on the merry-
go-rounds in their own words. For the prediction, the correct answer is model A7;
however, it does not matter whether students get the answer right or wrong at this
point, only that they should make a prediction that can be checked later.

that are designed to further deepen students’ experience and understanding of 5. Test Merry-Go-Round Model A6. Student Worksheet Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

5. Test Merry-Go-Round Model A6.

• If you want Sam or Sally to make a full turn, how many times must you crank
1 2 3
• If you want Sam or Sally to make a full
turn, how many times must you crank the
4 ?8 1

Write down your answer.

Remember to try at least three times for a fair

the handle?
test. It is important to keep an eye on
a) where your handle start position is and
b) where Sam or Sally’s start position is on the

Have students observe the starting point of both the handle and the minifigure. 6. Build Merry-Go-Round Model A7 and make it
Follow Building Instructions A, pages 44 to 52,
steps 1 to 11.


Encourage them to try more than once, to ensure that their observations are
7. Test Merry-Go-Round Model A7.
1 2 3
• If you crank the handle three times, how
many times does Sam or Sally take a full
4 ?8

correct. Students must write their answer on the Student Worksheet.

Write down your answer.

the investigation. This phase provides the opportunity for you to begin evaluating
Remember to try at least three times for a fair
test. It is important to keep an eye on 3
a) where your handle start position is and
b) where Sam or Sally’s start position is on the

8. Finally, draw a conclusion and check your

My tests show that Merry-Go-Round (A6 / A7) A6 A7
turns faster.

The students will have to crank the handle three times for Merry-Go-Round Model
My prediction was (right / wrong).

A6 to turn once. The gear ratio is 3:1; this is a gearing down arrangement (because
24/8 = 3/1), and the merry-go-round turns slowly. Students should be made aware LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. 29

that the angled gearing enables the rotary motion to be transmitted through
©2012 The LEGO Group. 044409.

a 90-degree angle.

learning outcomes and the progress of individual students, especially by looking at

Note: If possible, keep an example of Merry-Go-Round Model A6 for students to
compare with Merry-Go-Round Model A7.

their worksheets and talking to them about their reflections and answers.
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Continue Teacher’s Notes

Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

Continued learning is always more enjoyable and creative when it is sufficiently

Students are encouraged to explore the gearings illustrated on the Student Hint
Worksheet and to record their observations. Most of the images used in the material
can be found in the section “Images for
Note: There are no building instructions included to guide students through Classroom Use”, and are easy to display
the Continue phase, other than the illustrated suggestions on the Student Worksheet. in class.

challenging. Extension ideas are therefore provided to encourage the students to

Encourage your students to discuss the effects that the gearing in focus will have on
the merry-go-round in their own words, prompting them with questions such as:

• Describe what happened when you turned the handle.

• How many times did you have to turn the handle to make the merry-go-round turn
once? Why do you think that was?
• Describe how the model works.

change or add features to their models and to investigate further—always with the
• What did you do to make sure your observations were correct?

It is suggested that students should draw a gear train (many gears meshing) or items Student Worksheet

Explore the effect of the different gearings illustrated. Build them into the
Main Activity: Merry-Go-Round

where they find gears used in everyday machines and mechanisms. For inspiration,
Merry-Go-Round one after the other.

What do you notice?

Explain how the gearings are different.
Record observations.

read or show the “Overview: Gears” section.


key learning area in mind. This phase encourages students to experiment and to
With more advanced students, you might consider introducing compound gearing or
gear ratios. Ask what the gear ratio is, and how much faster or slower than the handle
Draw some gear trains (many gears meshing), or some everyday machines and
mechanisms where gears are used.

the merry-go-round will turn.

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apply their knowledge creatively.

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What Are Simple Machines?

We use simple machines every day—when we open a door, turn on a faucet, open Did you know?
a tin can, or ride a bike. Simple machines make it easy for us to do work. A force A crowbar is a simple machine called
(a push or a pull effort) makes something (a mass or load) move a distance. a lever.

Simple machines have only one part to do the work and they have very few or even
no moving parts. A lever is an example of such a simple machine. You can use a lever,
for example a crowbar, to move a large load with a smaller effort than you would
need if you did not have a machine to help you. The force applied to the lever makes
the load move, but the effort needed is less than if the force was applied directly to
the load. The work is thus easier to do.

The terms load and effort are used in describing how simple machines work.
The load is the object that is moved, e.g., a box. The effort is the force used to do the
work. In the situation illustrated, the effort is the force that someone will apply to the
moving dolly to move (or lift) the load (the box).

Simple machines have very few parts; compound machines are made up of two or Did you know?
more simple machines. A moving dolly is one example of a compound machine. It A wheelbarrow is a compound machine.
has combined two simple machines. The handles are levers that help lift the load,
and the wheel and axle help move the load forward easily. The same principle
applies to a wheelbarrow.

Machines help us do many things: they help us lift, pull, split, fasten, cut, carry, mix,
etc. All machines are made up of simple machines. More complicated machines
(compound machines) are made up of a number of simple machines that function
together to help do the work. Gears are sometimes categorized as compound
machines, but in this material we have regarded them as simple machines.

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