06 She Sop Consultation and Participation of Workers
06 She Sop Consultation and Participation of Workers
06 She Sop Consultation and Participation of Workers
This procedure establishes to ensure all employees are aware of the purpose and value of achieving the
company’s management system practices; including receiving, documenting and responding to relevant
communication, participation and consultation internally and from external interest parties pertaining to SHE
This procedure applies to both internal and external parties that related to the Medivest Management
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
ISO 45001: 2018; Clause 5.4 – Consultation and participation of workers
SHE Policy and Objectives
Hazard and Risk Control (relevant personnel)
Environmental Pollution Control (relevant personnel)
SHE practices
Applicable compliance obligation (relevant personnel)
Emergency Preparedness & Response Program
Interested parties requirements
Safety Briefing / Toolbox Talk Form and Safety Notice
Minute Meeting
MMS Medivest Sdn Bhd
OSH Occupational Safety and Health
PTW Permit to Work
SHE Safety, Health and Environment
Facility Manager (FM) / Plant Manager (PM)
Head of Services (HOS)
Engineers / Supervisor
Safety Coordinator (SC)
Customer Services Representative (CSR)
Internal Consultation
1. FM / PM / HOS / SC shall carries out any Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting at least twice a week. The
attendance needs to be keep in the SHE File for record.
2. FM / PM / HOS / SC shall ensure that relevant employees have been consulted / briefed / communicated
during SHE Induction on the following:
SHE Policy and Objectives
Hazard and Risk Control (relevant personnel)
Environmental Pollution Control (relevant personnel)
SHE practices
Applicable compliance obligation (relevant personnel)
Emergency Preparedness & Response Program
Interested parties requirements
3. The others consultation channel shall be established either through memo, email, meeting, discussion,
notice board etc. to:-
Collect information from employees for improvement
Ensure the information is passed to relevant personnel for action, if required
Reply on relevant suggestion for improvement through notice board or equivalent
Consultation from employees where there are any changes that affect workplace safety, health and
Act as a mechanism for employee to feedback on any SHE issue encountered at work for
4. The above SHE information can be consulted / communicated through any of the following:
Notice board, poster, memo
Sharing / induction / briefing / training programs
Safety / committee meeting
Safety alert
Pamphlet distribution (if applicable)
5. Any record of Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting and SHE Induction shall be kept in SHE File for record
External Consultation
1. For Contractor / Sub-contractor, visitor and other parties shall register at Visitor Log Book manage by
Customer Service Representative (CSR) with providing the information details such as Full Name as
per Identification card, Identification Number / Passport, Company and Signature.
2. CSR / Security guard will provide the visitor identification card.
3. CSR shall liaise with FM / HOS for the contractor / sub-contractor, visitor and other parties for Safety
Briefing / Toolbox Meeting.
4. FM / PM and SC shall ensure that Contractor / Sub-contractor, visitor and other parties have been
properly consulted / communicated during Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting with the information stated
in Safety Notice such as:
Emergency practices in the company or premises to vendors, contractor / sub-contractor, visitor and
others parties to any commencement of work / activities.
Every vendors, contractor / sub-contractor, visitor and others parties is responsible for occurrence of
any incident / accident
Smoking is not allowed in Medivest workplace
Obey on safety signage
all work area shall properly demarcated and appropriate to be displayed
all visitor shall be observant to all signage around Medivest workplace
Access to power supply for machineries must be approved by Medivest.
Appropriated PPE must be worn at all times
In case of main power failure, visitor must remain calm and wait for future announcement.
Access to any “Authorised Personnel” only workplace shall be with Medivest consent
Safe working procedure must be practised at all time and adhered to all Safety, Health and
Environment Legal requirements such as working in confined space, working at height, etc.
Handling and storage of chemical must be in accordance with specified methods as stated in the
Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
Waste shall be removed and disposed upon work completion. Disposal of all waste shall be in proper
manner as in Scheduled Waste Regulation and /or local authority requirement.
Every accident, injury, fire hazard, abnormal situation or dangerous situation including potential
danger during visit should be reported immediately to the SHE Department.
During emergency situation, all visitors within Medivest workplace shall evacuate the premise to the
designated area. Observe all Emergency Route Plans around the workplace.
Speed limit within Medivest workplace is a 25km/h
No honking within Medivest workplace
5. All the vendors, contractor / sub-contractor, visitor or other parties need to understand the content in
the Safety Notice and need to acknowledge in the Safety Notice.
6. SHE Coordinator shall ensure Safety Notice is been briefed during Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting
and acknowledge the Safety Notice to make sure safety measure and environmental control for vendor,
contractor / sub-contractor, visitor and other parties to comply with regulations.
7. For any projects or activities (involving contractor / sub-contractor) that need long duration (2 days and
above), SC shall ensure Head of Services / Engineer / Supervisor is conduct Toolbox Meeting weekly
and any discussion need to be recorded in MMS From 2000 – Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting.
8. For any new contractor been hired during the project duration, he / she need to undergo Safety briefing
and Safety Coordinator shall ensure he/she understand and acknowledge the Safety Notice. .
9. The Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting needs to take daily attendance of contractor / sub-contractor with
Company & Staff Number or any identification number
10. SHE Coordinator needs to keep the Safety Notice in the SHE File for record.
FM / PM / Occupational
Carries out any Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting at least twice a
HOS / SC Safety and
week. The attendance needs to be keep in the SHE File for record.
Health Act
Ensure that relevant employees have been consulted / briefed /
ISO 45001:
communicated during SHE Induction on the following:
i. SHE Policy and Objectives 2018;
ii. Hazard and Risk Control (relevant personnel)
FM / PM / Clause 5.4 –
HOS / SC Consultation
iii. Environmental Pollution Control (relevant personnel)
iv. SHE practices
v. Applicable compliance obligation (relevant personnel)
of workers
vi. Emergency Preparedness & Response Program
vii. Interested parties requirements
For any new contractor been hired during the project duration, he HOS / SC Occupational
/ she need to undergo Safety briefing and Safety Coordinator shall Safety and
ensure he/she understand and acknowledge the Safety Notice. Health Act 1994
ISO 45001:
The Safety Briefing / Toolbox Meeting needs to take daily 2018; Clause
attendance of contractor / sub-contractor with details: 5.4 –
a) Name HOS / SC Consultation and
b) Company & Staff Number or any identification number participation of
c) Signature workers
Not applicable.