11 Core Responsibilities Ccu
11 Core Responsibilities Ccu
11 Core Responsibilities Ccu
1. Critical or intensive care is a complex ELEVEN (11) MAJOR KEY
specialty developed to serve the RESPONSIBILITIES AREAS IN
diverse health care need of patients CRITICAL CARE NURSING
(and their families) with actual or
Key Responsibility Area I:
potential life-threatening conditions.
It is therefore important that a clear 1. Safe Quality Nursing Care
statement of what critical care nursing
wishes to achieve and provide should
be articulated. 1. Conducting nursing
2. To promote optimal delivery of safe assessment.
and quality care to the critically ill DESCRIPTION: The critical
patients and their families by care/ intensive care unit
providing highly individualized care (ICU) nurse performs patient
so that the physiological dysfunction health assessment accurately,
as well as the psychological stress in continuously,
the ICU are under control; comprehensively and
3. To care for the critically ill patients systematically. The critical
with a holistic approach, considering care nurse prioritizes the
the patient’s biological, health needs of the patient
psychological, cultural and spiritual from a holistic perspective.
Competent Behavior Clusters: Competent Behavior Clusters:
1. Obtains comprehensive The critical care nurse:
patient information from a
1. Utilizes collected data to
holistic perspective with
establish a list of actual and
the aid of advanced
potential patient
technologies and physical
examination techniques,
2. Collaborates with the
paying particular attention
patient, if applicable, family
to the psychosocial impact
and other healthcare team
of the critical care
members in identifying
environment on patients
problems/needs and planning
and relatives.
of appropriate nursing actions
2. Prioritizes the health
needs of the patient based
3. Establishes and records the
on the assessment data and
priority of problem/needs
communicates this
according to the actual danger
information to the right
or potential threats to the
people in a correct and
timely manner.
4. Formulates an
3. Collects patient’s data in a
individualized care plan with
systematic, objective and
continuous review to match
continuous manner from
both the needs of the patient
clinical observation and
and family.
monitoring devices.
4. Ensures pertinent data are Responsibilities:
clearly documented and
accessible to all health 3. Implementing planned care.
care team members. DESCRIPTION: The critical
care nurse implements
Responsibilities: planned care to achieve
optimal health status or
2. Formulating care plans.
dignified death of the patient.
DESCRIPTION: The critical
care identifies patient’s Competent Behavior Clusters:
problems in relation to
patient’s needs /nurse The critical care nurse:
develops individualized, 1. Carries out planned patient
holistic and patient-centered care or immediate nursing
care plans that document actions in a safe,
nursing diagnoses. comprehensive, effective and
humanistic manner according
to patient’s response.
2. Adopts evidence based-practice in hospice, palliative and end-of-life
the care of the critically ill patients care needs.
where applicable.
3. Assists the patient towards end-of-
5. Maintaining effective
life attaining peaceful and dignified
DESCRIPTION: The critical
Responsibilities: care nurse communicates
relevant, accurate and
4. Evaluating patient’s health
comprehensive information,
progress and outcome.
both verbal and written, about
DESCRIPTION: The critical
the patient’s health status to
care nurse evaluates the
related health care team
outcomes of nursing care in an
members and family
explicit, systematic and
ongoing manner.
Competent Behavior Clusters:
Competent Behavior Clusters:
The critical care nurse:
The critical care nurse:
1. Reports instantly key changes of
1. Maximizes clinical skills with
patient’s health condition in an
monitoring devices to evaluate the
emergency situation.
care process and compares the
patient’s response with expected 2. Monitors and documents relevant
outcome. information objectively and
2. Identifies the cause for any
significant difference between the 3. Maintains information in an
patient’s response and the expected accessible and retrievable form.
4. Conducts effective patients and
3. Identifies potential risk of patients, family health education.
such as but not limited to Deep Venus
Thrombosis (DVT), aspiration,
pressures, infection, fall risk, 6. Acting in emergency
malnutrition / starvation, patient situations such as rapid
abuse, iatrogenic etiologies. deterioration, life-
threatening, unstable, and
4. Revises the care plan to ensure
critical events.
patient centered and quality of care to
DESCRIPTION: The critical
care nurse responds swiftly in
5. Implements appropriate and a calm and proficient manner
effective nursing interventions to help when faced with an
patients and significant others address unexpected or rapidly
changing situation related to h) Trauma
the patient or environment. i) Burn
j) Organ Transplantation
Competent Behavior Clusters:
k) Control of Infection
The critical care nurse: l) Psychosocial and
Spiritual Care
1. Demonstrates knowledge of ICU
emergencies such as medical Competent Behavior Clusters:
emergencies, civil disasters and
A. Pulmonary care
contingency plan for hospital
emergencies. The critical care nurse:
2. Anticipates possible changes / 1. Has an understanding of the
complications associated with applied respiratory physiology.
particular diseases and/or treatment
2. Demonstrates nursing
competencies in:
3. Implements prompt and
▪ Respiratory assessment
appropriate resuscitative
▪ Respiratory monitoring such
as clinical observation,
4. Keeps the medical team informed arterial blood gases, SpO2,
of patient’s deteriorating condition in ETCO2.
a timely manner. ▪ Airway management such as
suctioning, chest
5. Fulfills the specific team role
physiotherapy, oral care, use
during large-scale crisis to provide
of airway gadgets and others
safe, effective and efficient care of the
Respiratory investigation and
therapy such as
Responsibilities: bronchoscopy, tracheostomy,
chest physiotherapy
7. Demonstrating specific
knowledge and skills in the 3. Provides holistic care to patients in
critical care setting. the following conditions:
DESCRIPTION: The critical
Before and after thoracic
care nurse provides quality
and effective care to patient in
With acute or chronic
the following aspects:
respiratory disorders.
a) Pulmonary
On ventilator support
b) Cardiovascular
Being weaned from
c) Neurological
mechanical ventilator.
d) Renal
On oxygen therapy
e) Gastrointestinal
Initiates and assists in the
f) Endocrine
emergency and resuscitative
g) Peri-operative
procedures such as
endotracheal intubation, D. Renal care.
tracheostomy and chest drain
The critical care nurse:
Educates and supervises Has an understanding of the applied
patients and families on home renal physiology.
oxygen therapy. Demonstrates nursing competencies
B. Cardiovascular care
➢ Renal assessment
The critical care nurse: ➢ Renal investigation
➢ Interpretation of blood
Has an understanding of the applied
cardiac physiology.
Provides holistic care to patients with
Demonstrates nursing competencies
renal failure by:
➢ Peritoneal dialysis
➢ Cardiovascular assessment
➢ Hemodialysis
➢ Cardiovascular investigation
➢ Continuous renal replacement
➢ Interpretation of
therapy (CRRT)
➢ Hemodynamic monitoring such E. Gastrointestinal care
as non-invasive, arterial pressure,
The critical care nurse:
pulmonary artery pressure, CVP.
➢ Administration of cardiac Has an understanding of the applied
medication. gastrointestinal physiology.
Provides holistic care to patient:
C. Neurological care
➢ With gastrointestinal disorder
The critical care nurse: such as acute pancreatitis, hepatic
Has an understanding of the applied
➢ Before and after gastrointestinal
neurological physiology.
Demonstrates nursing competencies
➢ With gastrointestinal emergencies
such as gastrointestinal bleeding,
➢ Neurological assessment
esophageal varices bleeding.
➢ Neurological investigation
➢ Undergoing different procedures
Provides holistic care to patient:
such as peritoneal lavage.
➢ Before and after neurological
➢ Early access and early feeding
using appropriate gadgets.
➢ Suffering from neuro-medical
disorders. F. Endocrine care
➢ On intracranial pressure
The critical care nurse:
Has an understanding of the applied
endocrine physiology.
Provides holistic care to patients with
the following conditions:
➢ Diabetic emergencies such as I. Burn care
diabetic ketoacidosis,
The critical care nurse:
hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia.
➢ Thyroid storm Has an understanding of the:
➢ Other endocrine emergencies ➢ Applied skin physiology
➢ Mechanism of injury associated
G. Peri-operative care
with burn and inhalation injury.
The critical care nurse: Demonstrates nursing competencies
Equips oneself with knowledge and
➢ Burn assessment
skills for implementation of safe,
➢ Burn resuscitation such as airway,
adequate evidence-based care of
breathing and circulation.
clients during the pre-, intra- and
➢ Burn wound care
post-operative procedures.
Provides holistic care to patients with
Provides holistic care to patients with
the following conditions:
Educates patient on long term skin
➢ Before and after different
types of operations.
➢ With wounds and drains. J. Organ transplantation care
Demonstrates nursing competencies
The critical care nurse:
in pain assessment and pain
management. Demonstrates knowledge in brain
stem death test.
H. Trauma care
Identifies potential organ donor.
The critical care nurse: Provides holistic care to:
➢ Potential donor
Has an understanding on the
➢ Perioperative transplant patient
mechanism of different types of
Identifies potential risk associated
with organ transplant and takes
Demonstrates nursing competencies
appropriate actions.
➢ Primary and secondary K. Pain Management
The critical care nurse:
➢ Stabilization, transfer and
transport of trauma patients. 1. Applies evidence-based practices
➢ Emergency and resuscitative on pain prevention.
Provides holistic care to patients with 2. Selects appropriate assessment and
different types of traumas. intervention tools and techniques in
collaboration and consultation with
other team members (such as WHO
Pain Ladder or other similar
3. Demonstrate management N. Miscellaneous
capabilities of clients using
The critical care nurse provides holistic care
pharmacological and non-
to patients with the following problems:
pharmacological interventions.
➢ Drug overdose
L. Prevention and Control of Infection
➢ Hematological failure
The critical care nurse: ➢ Obstetrical emergencies
➢ Pediatric emergencies
1. Has an understanding of the
➢ Near drowning
principles of prevention of infection.
➢ Thermal injuries – heat stroke,
2. Complies with infection prevention hypothermia
and control guidelines.
M. Psychosocial and spiritual care
3. Demonstrates competency in
The critical care nurse:
handling and preventing infection.
1. Identifies the psychosocial and
4. Monitors patient’s treatment
spiritual needs of ICU patent and
compliance and the related outcome.
his/her families.
5. Provides health education on
2. Demonstrates nursing competence
infection control to the patients and
in communication and counseling
M. Psychosocial and spiritual care
3. Supports the family during the loss,
The critical care nurse: grieving and bereavement process.