Freeman Et Al. 2007 American Water Resources Association

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Mary C. Freeman, Catherine M. Pringle, and C. Rhett Jackson2

ABSTRACT: Cumulatively, headwater streams contribute to maintaining hydrologic connectivity and ecosystem
integrity at regional scales. Hydrologic connectivity is the water-mediated transport of matter, energy and
organisms within or between elements of the hydrologic cycle. Headwater streams compose over two-thirds of
total stream length in a typical river drainage and directly connect the upland and riparian landscape to the
rest of the stream ecosystem. Altering headwater streams, e.g., by channelization, diversion through pipes,
impoundment and burial, modifies fluxes between uplands and downstream river segments and eliminates dis-
tinctive habitats. The large-scale ecological effects of altering headwaters are amplified by land uses that alter
runoff and nutrient loads to streams, and by widespread dam construction on larger rivers (which frequently
leaves free-flowing upstream portions of river systems essential to sustaining aquatic biodiversity). We discuss
three examples of large-scale consequences of cumulative headwater alteration. Downstream eutrophication and
coastal hypoxia result, in part, from agricultural practices that alter headwaters and wetlands while increasing
nutrient runoff. Extensive headwater alteration is also expected to lower secondary productivity of river systems
by reducing stream-system length and trophic subsidies to downstream river segments, affecting aquatic com-
munities and terrestrial wildlife that utilize aquatic resources. Reduced viability of freshwater biota may occur
with cumulative headwater alteration, including for species that occupy a range of stream sizes but for which
headwater streams diversify the network of interconnected populations or enhance survival for particular life
stages. Developing a more predictive understanding of ecological patterns that may emerge on regional scales as
a result of headwater alterations will require studies focused on components and pathways that connect head-
waters to river, coastal and terrestrial ecosystems. Linkages between headwaters and downstream ecosystems
cannot be discounted when addressing large-scale issues such as hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and global losses
of biodiversity.

(KEY TERMS: aquatic ecology; rivers ⁄ streams; environmental impacts; hydrologic connectivity; biodiversity; eco-
system function.)

Freeman, Mary C., Catherine M. Pringle, and C. Rhett Jackson, 2007. Hydrologic Connectivity and the Contri-
bution of Stream Headwaters to Ecological Integrity at Regional Scales. Journal of the American Water
Resources Association (JAWRA) 43(1):5-14. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00002.x

Paper No. J06011 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received February 1, 2006; accepted October 4,
2006. ª 2007 American Water Resources Association. No claim to original U.S. government works.
Respectively, Ecologist, U. S. Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Athens, Georgia 30602 (address for correspondence:
Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-2202); Professor, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
30602; and Associate Professor, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602
(E-Mail ⁄ Freeman:




The hydrologic connectivity of small headwater
streams to navigable waters is clear and unambigu-
ous to ecologists. Every important aspect of the Longitudinal connections within riverine ecosys-
river ecosystem, the river geomorphic system, and tems have long been recognized by both aquatic and
the river chemical system begins in headwater terrestrial ecologists, as illustrated by the widespread
streams. Other papers in this issue focus on the use of the term river corridor in the literature. The
contribution of headwater streams to stream flow term connectivity did not emerge in the freshwater
(Winter, this issue), nutrient cycling and watershed- literature until the early 1990s (but see Amoros and
scale water quality (Alexander et al., this issue; Roux, 1988). A review of 20 major journals in fresh-
Triska et al., this issue), regional biodiversity water ecology and management from 1945-2003 indi-
(Meyer et al., this issue), and as providers of cates that connectivity surpassed the use of corridor
organic matter subsidies to downstream reaches by the late 1990s, with the trend continuing into the
(Wipfli et al., this issue). Our purpose is to consider 2000s (Pringle, 2006). In contrast, the term connectiv-
and provide examples of large-scale ecological effects ity was widely used a decade earlier in journals in
of headwater alteration. the fields of landscape ecology and conservation bio-
Headwater streams clearly dominate surface water logy (e.g., Merriam, 1984). Connectivity is also a
drainage networks. Definitions of headwater streams fundamental concept of metapopulation ecology
vary, but if we define headwaters as all first- and sec- (Moilanen and Hanski, 2001). A metapopulation is a
ond-order streams, then, in aggregate, these streams group of individual populations that are connected by
compose over two-thirds of the total stream length in migration and dispersal. Metapopulation models were
a river network (Leopold et al., 1964). A first-order initially designed and tested on terrestrial biota (typ-
stream is an intermittent or perennial stream with ically insects and small mammals); metapopulation
no temporary or perennial tributaries, while a sec- theory has more recently been applied to riverine
ond-order stream is created by the confluence of two biota, such as fishes and mussels (Stoeckel et al.,
first-order streams. Every large river is fed by liter- 1997; Policansky and Magnuson, 1998; Gotelli and
ally hundreds of thousands of small headwater Taylor, 1999; Fagan, 2002).
streams (Leopold et al., 1964). First- and second-order Freshwater ecologists frequently use the term con-
streams may be too small for boating and fishing, but nectivity to describe spatial linkages within rivers
they connect upland and riparian systems with river (Stanford and Ward, 1992, 1993; Ward, 1997; Amoros
systems. and Bornette, 1999; Wiens, 2002). Ward (1997) defines
In this paper, we illustrate mechanisms by which riverine connectivity as energy transfer across the riv-
the cumulative alteration of headwater streams is erine landscape. Ward and Stanford (1989a) define riv-
likely to affect ecological function at larger scales. ers as having interactive pathways along one temporal
We begin by defining hydrologic connectivity, consid- dimension (time scales) and three spatial dimensions
ering the need for the legal definition of ‘‘connected’’ [i.e., longitudinal (upstream-downstream); lateral
to be based on scientific measurements of water, (channel-bank ⁄ floodplain); and vertical (atmosphere-
energy, material, and organism transport between channel-subsurface)]. Consideration of dynamic inter-
waterbodies. We then cite an example of unantici- actions along these four dimensions has proven to be
pated, large-scale environmental changes resulting an effective conceptual framework to understand
from human impacts on hydrologic connectivity. We human impacts on river ecosystems (e.g., Ward and
follow by considering large-scale consequences of Stanford, 1989b; Boon et al., 1992; Pringle, 1997, 2000;
headwater stream alteration. Using examples of Tockner and Stanford, 2002).
coastal eutrophication, diminished riverine produc- In contrast to riverine connectivity, hydrologic con-
tivity, and lowered viability of river biota, we sug- nectivity (Pringle, 2001, 2003a,b) encompasses
gest that headwater alteration has the potential to broader hydrologic connections, beyond the water-
reduce ecological integrity at large spatial scales, shed, on regional and global scales. Hydrologic con-
particularly where river systems are already affec- nectivity refers to the water-mediated transport of
ted by landscape changes and downstream modifica- matter, energy, and organisms within or between ele-
tions including dams, levees and flow regulation. ments of the hydrologic cycle (sensu Pringle, 2001), in
We close by discussing specific research needed to essence combining the hydrologic cycle with riverine
improve our ability to understand and predict the connectivity. Aspects of hydrologic connectivity are
large-scale consequences of altering headwater essential to maintaining the ecological integrity of
streams. ecosystems, where ecological integrity is defined as



the undiminished ability of an ecosystem to continue clause of the U.S. Constitution gives the Federal gov-
its natural path of evolution, its normal transition ernment authority to regulate river-based commerce,
over time, and its successional recovery from pertur- which includes regulating water quality. In the past,
bations (Westra et al., 2000). Conversely, hydrologic the concept of connectivity extended Federal jurisdic-
connectivity also directs and facilitates the flow of tion to small streams and isolated wetlands by virtue
exotic species, human-derived nutrients, and toxic of their direct hydrologic (regardless of form and rate)
wastes in the landscape. Hydrologic connectivity at and biological linkages to interstate or navigable
large scales is a formidable concept because of the waters (Downing et al., 2003). Given the complexity
inherent complexity of water movement within and of hydrologic connections, it is essential that political
between the atmosphere, surface-subsurface systems and legal determinations of thresholds of connectivity
and the ocean (e.g., Winter et al., 1998); and the (for purposes of Clean Water Act jurisdiction) be
extent and magnitude of human alterations (e.g., informed by scientific understanding of headwater
Pringle and Triska, 2000). stream effects on ecological functions at larger scales.
Scientific concepts of connectivity differ from legal A compelling example of how important it is to
definitions. Hydrologists view connectivity as a con- consider the large-scale effects of altered hydrologic
tinuum because the entire landscape is hydrologically connectivity concerns alterations in the biogeochemi-
connected (Figure 1). Moreover, biological connections cal transport and cycling of silica as a result of the
among waterbodies are not restricted to pathways of cumulative effects of dams. Rivers supply over 80% of
water flow; e.g., migratory birds, amphibians, and the total silicate input to oceans (Treguer et al.,
winged aquatic insects travel across watershed 1995). Silicate stimulates production of diatoms,
boundaries. Legally, however, stream navigability which fuel food webs and play a critical role in CO2
and the influence of headwaters on the integrity of uptake (Smetacek, 1998). Increasing evidence links
interstate waters have played prominent roles in dam construction to decreased silicate transport and
legal questions over Federal jurisdiction of small alterations in coastal food web structure (Conley
streams and wetlands. The interstate commerce et al., 2000). Moreover, reduced riverine inputs of

FIGURE 1. The Hydrologic Pathways Connecting the Landscape to Streams and Rivers. When soils are undisturbed by grading, compaction,
and paving, most rainfall reaches streams and wetlands by subsurface pathways. Streams and wetlands can be considered the low parts of
the landscape into which ground water leaks from the uplands. Ground-water levels rise and fall in response to recharge from infiltrated
rainfall and leakage to streams and wetlands. Redrawn from Jackson (in press).



other elements such as iron, may have far-reaching buildings, roads, or parking lots is accompanied by
effects beyond coastal ecosystems (Hutchins and Bru- elevated streamflow, nutrients, pesticides, fecal coli-
land, 1998). Iron availability has been linked to pat- forms, and pharmaceuticals that are associated with
terns of silicate uptake. Therefore, reductions of pavement, compacted soils, landscape management,
riverine-transported iron (as a result of hydrological domestic animal waste, and sewer leaks (Paul and
alterations) might also affect silicate uptake in nutri- Meyer, 2001). Strip mining and hilltop mining exca-
ent-rich upwelling zones far from the coasts (Ittekkot vate some headwater streams and bury others in
et al., 2000). Further declines in the delivery of sedi- mine tailings. The downstream receiving waters are
ments, dissolved silicate, and other elements to estu- affected not only by the loss of the streams, but
aries and coastal oceans can be expected as new potentially by acidic ground water and streamflow
dams are constructed, with consequences to coastal created by the exposure of an enormous combined
food webs and wildlife. surface area of unweathered rock and the resulting
Environmental effects of altered nutrient transport oxidation of sulfides and pyrites. Stream systems
in regulated rivers have emerged within the last two altered by ditching to improve drainage from agricul-
decades. This and other examples (e.g., mobilization tural fields also receive high nutrient and sediment
of methylmercury in reservoirs) suggest that the cur- concentrations because of fertilizer or manure appli-
rent extent and magnitude of hydrologic alterations cation and soil erosion. Small streams are often
and pollutant loading will result in new, perhaps impounded to create ‘‘farm ponds,’’ or increasingly, to
unexpected, environmental problems, and raise ques- create ‘‘amenities’’ in residential developments; in
tions of the larger scale effects of other alterations in both cases, the downstream drainage is influenced
hydrologic connectivity (Pringle, 2003c). not only by replacement of the stream ecosystem with
a reservoir but also by nutrient and sediment runoff
from the landscape.
Finally, most U.S. (and other Holarctic) river sys-
REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM RESPONSE TO tems are hydrologically altered by dams (Dynesius
HEADWATER STREAM ALTERATION and Nilsson, 1994), an important fact for considering
the emerging consequences of headwater disturbance.
In effect, river systems are being squeezed from both
Channelization, diversion through pipes (‘‘piping’’), ends – downstream by dams and levees that frag-
impoundment and burial of headwater streams una- ment mainstems and isolate channels from their
voidably impact stream systems by altering runoff floodplains, and upstream by disturbance and loss of
patterns, fluxes to downstream segments, and by headwater streams. The free-flowing, mid-sized river
eliminating distinctive habitats. Managers and regu- segments caught between downstream dams and
lators require information on the size and extent of impoundments and upstream headwater disturbance
these effects, and also on how increasing cumulative are frequently essential to sustaining aquatic biodi-
headwater alteration may affect ecosystem integrity, versity (see, e.g. Freeman et al., 2005).
locally and at larger scales. Headwater alteration It is thus important to evaluate the ecological
affects ecological function at larger scales through effects of headwater stream alteration with respect to
the loss of unique functions and in relation to the additional water quality changes associated with
importance of headwater connectivity to downstream stream disturbance and in the context of downstream
and upland systems. We discuss three examples of channel modifications. Toward this end, we provide
realized or potential large-scale consequences of head- examples that illustrate a range of ecosystem effects
water loss and alteration. Each of these examples, associated with headwater alteration. Specifically,
coastal eutrophication, lowered riverine productivity, we examine linkages between headwater modifica-
and reduced viability of riverine biota, reflect the pre- tion and: (1) coastal eutrophication and hypoxia,
dominance and position of headwater streams as (2) diminished secondary productivity in rivers, and
riverine capillaries into the upland landscape. (3) reduced viability of stream biota.
Additionally, hydrologic alteration of headwater
streams is generally accompanied by water quality
impacts. Human activities commonly associated with Coastal Eutrophication ⁄ Hypoxia
headwater stream modification include land develop-
ment, road construction, mining, agricultural drain- Loss of nutrient processing in headwaters (Meyer
age, and reservoir creation. Each activity entails and Wallace, 2001; Triska et al., this issue), accom-
significant water quality changes beyond those panied by increased nutrient runoff with landscape
caused by the physical alteration of the headwater disturbance, can cause downstream nutrient loading
channels. Stream piping to create additional space for and contribute to coastal eutrophication and hypoxia.



Accelerated algal growth and subsequent oxygen headwaters to larger rivers. However, the large
depletion in estuaries is a worldwide problem (Turner aggregate length of headwater streams means that,
and Rabalais, 1994; Diaz and Rosenberg, 1995; Justic even though local production may be relatively low,
et al., 1995). Over the last 30 years, the worldwide headwaters may still contribute a substantial propor-
number of oxygen–starved, coastal dead zones has tion of total system productivity. For example, total
tripled, primarily because of anthropogenic eutrophic- macroinvertebrate production per unit length of
ation and related hydrological modifications (Malak- stream may increase by 1,000 times from first- to sev-
off, 1998). enth-order streams along a longitudinal gradient in a
Alteration of headwater ephemeral areas, wetlands, southern Appalachian River (Grubaugh et al., 1997).
and streams for agricultural purposes in the midwes- However, because of their large cumulative lengths,
tern U.S. has significantly contributed to the seasonal the smaller streams (i.e., drainage area < 10 km2)
occurrence of a large-scale (12,000-20,000 km2) recur- still contribute at least 10% of the total macroinverte-
ring area of hypoxia (dissolved oxygen contents brate production in this system (Figure 2). This calcu-
<2 mg L)1) in the Gulf of Mexico (Rabalais et al., lation underestimates the proportion of total
1996). Over 20 million hectares of farmland in Ohio, production contributed by headwaters because at
Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, southern Wisconsin, and least half of the network comprises streams draining
southern Minnesota was tile-drained from 1870-1920 less than 0.1 km2 (Hansen, 2001), for which produc-
and 1945-1980 for row-crop agriculture (Zucker and tion estimates are unavailable. Also, secondary pro-
Brown, 1998; Goolsby et al., 2001; Mitsch et al., 2001). duction estimates for the seventh-order sites in this
Tiles efficiently drain water from the soil saturated example are among the highest ever measured (Grub-
zones to streams, thereby reducing residence time in augh et al., 1997) and are driven by production in
areas conducive to denitrification (saturated sedi- shallow, rocky, vegetated habitats that are limited to
ments of headwater streams and wetlands). In associ- a portion of the total length of larger channels (e.g.,
ation with chemical fertilizer inputs, tile drainage about 33% in the upper Conasauga River, also in the
increases nitrogen export from midwestern croplands southern Appalachian Highlands; Argentina, 2006).
(Baker and Johnson, 1981; Fenelon and Moore, 1998; Production in deeper habitats with finer bed sedi-
David and Gentry, 2000; McIsaac and Hu, 2004). ments may be substantially lower than in bedrock
Nitrate nitrogen loads from the Mississippi River
basin to the Gulf of Mexico approximately tripled
100 10,000
% Stream length or total production

between 1970 and 2000, with most of the increase

occurring before 1983 (Goolsby et al., 2001). % Stream length
80 % Total production, cumulative
The relatively recent seasonal occurrence of a hyp- 1,000
oxia zone in the Gulf of Mexico suggests an ecological

g AFDM/m/y
threshold response for nitrogen inputs. Nitrogen con-
50 100
centrations had already increased substantially by
1960 without creating large-scale hypoxia, but addi-
tional tile drainage and chemical fertilizer application 30
(which increased substantially after 1960; Mitsch 20

et al., 2001) may have tipped the scale. Economic and 10

social costs associated with the zone of hypoxia in the 0 1

0.1 1 10 100 1000
Gulf of Mexico include reduced food resources for fish Drainage area, km2
and shrimp (Rabalais et al., 1995), reduced abun-
dances of fish and shrimp (Pavela et al., 1983; Leming
FIGURE 2. An Example of Headwater Contribution to Network-
and Stuntz, 1984; Renaud, 1986), declining shrimp Wide Production by Aquatic Macroinvertebrates. Cumulative
catch efficiency (Zimmerman and Nance, 2001), and percent total secondary production as a function of stream size
consequent negative impacts on recreational and com- (broken line) is estimated as a product of annual production (g ash
mercial fisheries. Restoring the integrity of the system free dry mass per m stream length, black squares; note logarithmic
will require widespread land management changes scale) for first through seventh-order stream sites in the Little
Tennessee River basin, NC (Grubaugh et al., 1997), and percent
and structural solutions applied to headwaters across total stream length in orders with corresponding drainage areas
the basin (Mitsch et al., 2001). (solid line; from Hansen, 2001). Production estimates from
Grubaugh et al. were weighted by stream widths and averaged
across sites within orders (including sites S3 and M1, and M1 and
M2 for third- and fourth-orders, respectively). Percent total stream
Diminished Secondary Productivity of River Systems
length for each order was calculated from Hansen’s (2001) data for
second through seventh-order streams (i.e., excluding the smallest
Productivity, particularly in forested landscapes, size class of streams, 0.0026-0.062 km2), to correspond to the range
generally increases along the river continuum from of drainage areas for which Grubaugh et al. reported production.



and cobble habitats of larger rivers; for comparison, aquatic productivity. Loss of productive capacity in
invertebrate production on submerged woody debris headwater streams, especially where small stream
in rivers may be 3-4 times that in sand and mud sub- corridors represent least-altered portions of land-
strates (Benke et al., 1984). Adjusting the production scapes, and of headwater contributions to down-
estimates for the seventh-order sites downward to stream productivity could cascade into large-scale
account for contributions from less productive larger- declines in populations of terrestrial vertebrate and
channel habitats would further increase the relative invertebrate predators.
contribution of low-order streams.
Headwater stream productivity also contributes to
production in downstream river segments. Because Reduced Viability of Freshwater Biota
headwater channels compose most of the length in a
river system, these small streams are primary collec- Loss of flora and fauna that typically inhabit head-
tors, and processors, of terrestrially derived organic waters, or that depend on small streams to complete
matter. Organic detritus and invertebrates exported life-cycles, represents large and direct effects of head-
from headwaters can substantially subsidize food water disturbance (Meyer and Wallace, 2001; Meyer
resources for downstream aquatic communities. The et al., this issue). Loss of small-stream species would
exceptionally high production recorded in seventh- also reduce basin or region-wide diversity of some
order Appalachian stream sites discussed earlier are taxonomic groups. For example, at least 20% of the
driven by filtering invertebrates feeding primarily on stonefly (Plecoptera) species in eastern North Amer-
transported detritus (Grubaugh et al., 1997; Rosi- ica exclusively inhabit first- and second-order streams
Marshall and Wallace, 2002). Invertebrate production (based on species counts from Meyer et al. this issue),
may also support productive (Randall et al., 1995) and Stark,
and species-rich native fish assemblages. In the stonefly.html; accessed January 2006). Among the 99
southeastern U.S., for example, fish assemblages in described salamander species native to the south-
middle-order rivers comprise numerous small-bodied eastern U.S., 33 inhabit ‘‘small streams’’ and 33 live
species feeding on benthic and also on drifting inver- adjacent to small, woodland streams (Dodd, 1997).
tebrates. Drift includes terrestrial invertebrates that Therefore, 66% of southeastern U.S. salamander spe-
fall from riparian habitats into streams and that may cies may be threatened by headwater disturbance.
be consumed by a variety of fishes, in some cases Alteration of small headwater streams in the
accounting for 50% or more of fish diets (Nakano and Alabama River system (which drains portions of
Murakami, 2001; Baxter et al., 2005). Terrestrial sub- 4 physiographic provinces in three U.S. states) could
sidies also contribute to production of economically result in the regional loss of as much as 7% (12 of
important, drift-feeding fishes such as salmonids 184) of fish species native to the system (based on
(Wipfli and Gregovich, 2002; Cummins and Wilzbach, habitat preferences listed in Etnier, 1997), whereas
2005). failure to protect habitat in somewhat larger streams
The importance of headwater streams to the (i.e., ‘creeks’ in Etnier’s classification) could threaten
trophic basis for downstream assemblages has not 45% of the drainage’s 184 native fishes (Freeman
been quantified. We and others (Cummins and Wilz- et al., 2005).
bach, 2005; Wipfli, 2005) hypothesize that headwater In addition to providing habitat, headwater connec-
streams contribute significantly to downstream pro- tivity to downstream segments affects viability of spe-
ductivity. The importance of headwater exports is cies that occupy, but are not restricted to,
likely accentuated where small streams feed rivers in headwaters. For example, the Cherokee darter
which local secondary production is depressed by (Etheostoma scotti), is a federally-protected fish that
effects of flow alteration (e.g., by upstream dams that inhabits streams draining between about 0.5 and
cause extreme flow fluctuations or limit floodplain 100 km2 in a single southeastern U.S. river system
inundation), sediment loading from landscape distur- (B. Freeman, University of Georgia, personal commu-
bance (current or historic; Waters, 1995) and loss of nication). Fauna such as the Cherokee darter that
migratory fauna because of downstream dams (Free- inhabit dendritic networks of tributary streams have
man et al., 2003). greater potential for dispersal among populations
Finally, river systems, including headwater than when populations are arrayed linearly along a
streams, also subsidize terrestrial foodwebs. Aquatic stream, and thus have longer expected times to meta-
insect emergence from rivers provides prey for mul- population extinction (Fagan, 2002). Truncating
tiple terrestrial consumers (reviewed by Baxter et al., headwaters from stream systems will in fact have the
2005), including, e.g., migratory birds (Nakano and effect of making networks progressively more linear,
Murakami, 2001). Terrestrial consumers of fishes, with potential effects on species persistence even
including birds and mammals, also clearly utilize though their habitat in larger streams may be



protected by federal regulations. Additionally, impe- severe deleterious effects on salmon populations. By
riled species that only occupy larger streams may altering flow pathways of precipitation to headwater
also have reduced viability if these species or their streams (Figure 1), such as when infiltration rates
prey (e.g., benthic macroinvertebrates) depend on are reduced by soil compaction or paving, urbaniza-
trophic subsidies supplied by headwaters. Failure to tion can elevate local stormflows by 2-5 times, caus-
protect headwater integrity while believing that ing rapid channel erosion and biotic simplification
downstream habitat protection is sufficient for con- (Wolman and Schick, 1967; Hollis, 1975; Booth and
servation could substantially underestimate regional Jackson, 1997; Booth et al., 2002). However, the
loss of biodiversity. effects of urbanization on salmonids may depend on
Several anadromous and catadromous fishes utilize the spatial pattern of development and stream distur-
the entire stream system, from small headwater bance. For example, relatively healthy salmonid pop-
streams to estuaries (and the ocean) across their life ulations in streams in the vicinity of Seattle, WA,
cycles. For examples, coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kis- occur only in streams with intact headwaters (Fresh
utch) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are and Lucchetti, 2000). Minimizing disturbance to
two economically and socially important anadromous headwater streams may increase the ecological resili-
species for which small headwater streams provide ence of these stream systems.
important spawning and rearing habitat. Coho and
steelhead reside in rivers entering the Pacific from
Central California to Alaska to the Kamchatka Pen-
insula in Russia, and during their ocean life they live CONCLUSIONS AND RESEARCH NEEDS
in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea. Some popu-
lations of these species migrate thousands of kilom-
eters upstream to their headwater spawning grounds A large-scale perspective is clearly important for
(Northcote and Hinch, 2004), and they have been informing jurisdiction, management and conservation
observed spawning in as little as 7-10 cm of water decisions regarding activities that alter headwater
depth (Gribanov, 1948; Briggs, 1953). Coho females streams. Cumulative effects of human activities (e.g.,
frequently choose streams less than 1 m wide for urbanization, mountain-top mining, intensive agricul-
spawning (Burner, 1951). After the fry emerge, they ture) may have negative consequences on regional
frequently rear in small streams, with water depths and even global scales with respect to societally
and velocities less than 15 cm and 15 cm ⁄ s (Everest important issues such as potable water quality, eco-
and Chapman, 1972), and they prefer streams with nomically important fisheries, and aquatic and ter-
abundant cover including overhanging vegetation, restrial biodiversity. The contribution of headwater
undercut banks, submerged vegetation, and woody stream alteration to larger scale environmental prob-
debris (Bjornn and Reiser, 1991). As the fish grow, lems, including coastal eutrophication and regional
they move downstream into progressively deeper and declines in water quality, fisheries and biodiversity is
faster habitats (Sandercock, 1991). exacerbated by other human actions that increase
Maintenance of intact headwater streams that are nutrient loading to river systems and that diminish
accessible to fishes improves the resilience of salmon ecological functions in lower river reaches.
populations to disturbance. One of the many factors Research is needed to quantify the large-scale con-
limiting coho and steelhead productivity are small sequences of disturbing or removing (e.g., through
road crossings for which the culverts do not allow piping, impoundment, filling) headwater streams
upstream fish passage and thus constrict the avail- from the river network. Severing the ‘‘capillaries’’ of
able useful habitat. Northcote and Hinch (2004) the system can alter downstream hydrology, water
found that stream crossings were ‘‘perhaps the great- quality, biota and geomorphic processes. Key research
est environmental impact of forestry on fish migra- questions include: (1) How do cumulative effects of
tion.’’ In British Columbia alone, there are 225,000 headwater loss and degradation interact with altered
stream crossings with approximately 10,000 new hydrologic connectivity and contaminant loading in
crossings added each year (Harper and Quigley, lower watersheds to modify the transport of contami-
2000). By restricting access to headwater streams, nants and essential nutrients? (2) At what point do
fish passage barriers at road crossings force spawning cumulative effects of headwater degradation become
females to select less optimal spawning sites and so great as to alter ecosystem function, e.g., secon-
crowd fry and juveniles into downstream habitats dary productivity and population viability, in down-
where they are more susceptible to predation. stream systems or in adjacent uplands?
Urbanization imposes multiple stressors on salmon The lack of baseline data limits our ability to
(larger and more frequent peak flows, habitat simpli- evaluate changes in riverine productivity or in river-
fication, increased concentrations of toxins) and has ine and riparian consumer communities that may



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