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(A Descriptive Study of English Teachers at Nursing Class in

SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the Degree of English Education

10535 4802 11



Skripsi atas nama Evi Putriyanio nim 10535 04802 11 diterima dan
disahkan oleh Panitia Ujian Skripsi berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Rektor
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar Nomorz 079 Tahun 1436 H12015 M,
Sebagai salah satu syarat guna memperoleh Gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S1) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar pada hari Sabtu tanggal26 Oktober 2015

19 September 2015 M
05 Dzulhijjah 1436 H


Pengawas Umum : Dr. H.Irwan Akib' M.Pd 【

Ketua Dr. H. Andi Sukri Syamsuri, M.[trum (..

Sekretaris Khaeruddin, S.Pd., M.Pd


1. E「 win Akib,SoPd。 ,1罐 .Pd。

2. Uttmi Khaerati Syam,S.Pd。 ,MoPd.

3. Dr.Abdo ⅣIuin,MoHum.

4. Drao Hasnttwati Latiet ⅣI.Pd・


w rerakredixasi
@ Institusi


Title The Teachers'Strategies in Teaching]Ellgiish at]ヽ ursillg(Ciass

in SMK Samudera Nusantara PIakassar

Name Evi Putriyani

Reg.Number 105350480211

Program Engilsh]騨颯報t五五〇n DOparl:meliStratal(Sl)

Facult=v FaOli町 ヴ黎 Che=‐ 1騨 ip_ing and ttduc室 饉on

Makassar, 26 November 2015


Consざ tant Ⅱ


Dean of Head of English

Q rerarr,aant,;asi rr,atitosi

In the Name of Allah, most Gracious, most merciful

Salawat and Salam are addressed to the final, chosen, religious messenger, the

Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

I am willing to present my thanks for everyone who has helped me, especially in

this thesis. Alhamdulillah, all of honors are just for Allah Azza Wajalla, the


Then I want to express my sincere thanks to:

1. Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd, the Rector of the Makassar Muhammadiyah

University for his advices during me study at the university.

2. Dr. A. Syukri Syamsuri, M.Hum, the Dean of Teacher Training and


3. Erwin Akib, S.Pd. M.Pd and Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd. M.Pd., the Head

and Secretary of English Education Department, who gave me valuable

authorities and suggestion in doing thesis.

4. My consultants, Erwin Akib, S.Pd., M.Pd and Maharida, S.Pd., M.Pd. for

their valuable guidance, encouragement, patient, correlation, advice, and

suggestion which are very helpful in finishing this thesis.

5. All lecturers and staffs of English Department of Faculty of Teacher Training

and Education of Makassar Muhammadiyah University, who have transferred

much knowledge to me. For guidance, instruction and help during study at the


6. Headmaster of SMK Samudera Nusantara, Aditia, S.Pd. The English teachers

Sri Puji Astuti, S,Pd and St. Asmin Dumarni, S,Pd who gave me a change to

conduct research in their class. All students in Nursing Program who helped

me conduct my research.

7. My beloved parents, Darwis (alm) and Rosdiana. Thank you so much for

your affection, advices, guidance, instruction and help in all my life, your

love is beyond any words. My beloved brother and sisters Ahmad Yani,

S.Pd., MM and Nurshiyam, Amd.Keb, Marlisa, Marlina and Rosneli. Then

You, thank you very much for your time to share your great knowledge and

great experiences to me. May Allah SWT does ever safeguard

8. Special Thanks to my beloved and greatest friends “INDO LOGO” (Wahe’,

Uun, Idun, Becil, Bebeb, Tante, Ria, Tikoo, and Inu) they all have given me a

cheerful and joyful world and beautiful togetherness. Thank you for sharing

and support each other in this same struggle, much love.

9. My Beloved friends of “Attractive Class ’11” Thanks for our togetherness

and your attention to me.

10. The last, this thesis is far from being perfect, but it is expected that this thesis

will be useful not only for the researcher, but also the readers. For this reason,

constructive thought full suggestion and critics are well come to make this

thesis better.

Finally, may Allah SWT receive all their works and kindnesses. Aamiin.

Makassar, September 2015

The Researcher,

Evi Putriyani


“Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears”

“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times“

On dedicated to my beloved mother, father in heaven, sisters, friends and you

The greatest things I have ever had


EVI PUTRIYANI. 2015. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English at

Nursing Class in SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar. English Education
Department. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah
University of Makassar. Supervised by Erwin Akib and Maharida.
The research aimed at finding out the teachers’ strategies in teaching
English at Nursing Class and students’ responds through those teaching strategies.
This research was conducted through descriptive qualitative method. The
samples of the research consisted of two English teachers and 30 students of
Nursing Program of SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar in academic year
2015/2016. In order to gather the data, the researcher used three instruments of
research, they were; classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire.
The findings indicates that the teachers’ strategies in teaching English at
Nursing Class in SMK Samudera Nusantara are four namely group discussion,
student presentation, lecture method and multimedia method. Students prefer
group discussion than student presentation, lecture method and multimedia

Key words : Teachers’ Strategies and Nursing Class



COVER ...................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................ ii

COUNSELLING SHEET......................................................................... iii

SURAT PERJANJIAN ............................................................................. vii

SURAT PERNYATAAN .......................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDMENT.............................................................................. ix

MOTTO ..................................................................................................... xi

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................... xii

LIST OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES .......................................................................... xvi

LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................... xvii

LIST OF FIGURE .................................................................................... xviii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1

A. Background ................................................................ 1
B. Problem Statements.................................................... 4
C. The Objectives of the Research ................................. 4
D. Significance of Research............................................ 4
E. The Scope of the Research......................................... 5


A. Previous Related Research Findings.......................... 6

B. Some Pertinent Ideas.................................................. 8
C. Conceptual Framework .............................................. 23

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD............................................... 25

A. Research Design ...................................................... 25
B. Population and Sample ............................................ 25
C. Instrument of the Research ...................................... 26
D. Procedure of Collecting Data................................... 26
E. Technique of Data Analysis .................................... 27

CHAPTER IV : FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION.................................. 28

A. Findings ................................................................. 30
B. Discussion ............................................................. 35

CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.......................... 42

A. Conclusion ................................................................. 42
B. Suggestion.................................................................. 43



Appendices Pages

List of Interview for Students …………………..…………………………… 49

List of Interview for Teachers ……………………..………………………… 50

Observation Checklist ………………………………………..……………… 51

Questioner for Students ………………………... …………………………… 54

Interview Transcript …………………………… …………………………… 55

Documentations ………………………………… …………………………… 68

Table Pages

Table 1.1 Word Associated with Breathing ………………………………… 24

Table 1.2 Words Associated with Communicating .………………………… 24

Table 4.1 Types of Teaching Strategies Applied by Teachers ……………… 31

Table 4.2 Frequency Distribution of Strategies 1 …………………………… 33

Table 4.3 Frequency Distribution of Strategies 2 …………………………… 34

Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Strategies 3 …………………………… 35

Table 4.5 Frequency Distribution of Strategies 4 …………………………… 36

Figure Pages

Figure 4.1 Percentage of Teaching Strategies ……………………………… 32

Figure 4.2 Percentage of Strategy 1 ………………………………………… 34

Figure 4.3 Percentage of Strategy 2 ………………………………………… 35

Figure 4.4 Percentage of Strategy 3 ………………………………………… 36

Figure 4.5 Percentage of Strategy 4 ………………………………………… 37


EVI PUTRIYANI. 2015. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English at Nursing

Class in SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar. English Education Department. The
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.
Supervised by Erwin Akib and Maharida.
The research aimed at finding out the teachers’ strategies in teaching English
at Nursing Class and students’ responds through those teaching strategies.
Thisresearch was conducted through descriptive qualitative method. The
samples of the research consisted of two English teachers and 30 students of Nursing
Program of SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar in academic year 2015/2016. In
order to gather the data, the researcher used three instruments of research, they were;
classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire.
The findings indicates that the teachers’ strategies in teaching English at
Nursing Class in SMK Samudera Nusantara are four namely group discussion,
student presentation, lecture method and multimedia method. Students prefer group
discussion than student presentation, lecture method and multimedia method.

Key words : Teachers’ Strategies and Nursing Class




A. Background

Learning English is something almost being an obligation. As an

international language, it has many roles in daily life either in study or work.

English needed by people work in many job areas, such as in tourism, banking,

medical etc. In Indonesia, English has known as foreign language. It exists in

every education levels from kindergarten till university. Not only taught in formal

school, but also many people take more course to learn English specially. It proofs

that English is very important in human life.

The result of learning English depends on some factors. How the teacher

conduct the teaching and learning process in the classroom affect the quality of

learning itself. Teaching process involves skill of the teacher in convey the subject

material. Skill is not enough for teachers they also need creativity and strategy to

make the class alive. The more creative teachers will produce better result. In fact,

the teachers have to make a decision on how to manage the class in the real

situation. Most cases that happen in the class depend on how teacher manage it.

There are many strategies in teaching language, but teaching in front of the class

more complicated that the other condition.

Vocational school is a school that has same degree with senior high

school, where the students not only study about science but also how to improve

their skill. We can see the tendency from the existing department offering by


vocational school. How to be a skillful human is more important than just be a

smart theoretically. As same as in senior high school English also taught in

vocational school. In this case English are adapted by certain field that students’

need to study. English material in vocational school taught use English for

Specific Purposes approach.

As Bracaj (2014:40) states “the need of lingua franca of science,

technology, education and business has led to the worldwide demand of English

for Specific Purpose (ESP). The field of ESP has rapidly developed recently to

become a major part in English language teaching and research”. Students in

vocational school have more intention to look for a job than continue their study

to the university. If we focus on the origin of ESP and its development is closely

linked with learners´ interest in various specific disciplines e.g. ´Law English´, 42

´English for Hotel Industry´ or ´English for Tourist Management´, English for

business, English for medicine etc. Students learn English for a specific purpose,

represented by studying subject matter, to gain and develop appropriate

knowledge and skills through English. Students study ESP not only they are

interested in English language but because they have to perform a task in English.

Their command of the English language must be such that they can reach a

satisfactory level in their specialist subject studies. In other words, students who

have studied English for Specific Purposes during their universities years, would

be easy for them to adapt to their work conditions and would be easily employed

in their fields. So, they have to prepare their self, include their skill and ability in

speak English in order to face the job competition.


There are many departments that offering by vocational school. One of

the most popular is nursing department. Nursing department became a favorite

nowadays. There are many young people interested in a nurse profession. That

profession is not only need skill but also the good communication including use

English. Therefore, the teacher’s strategy in teaching English must be effective in

order to fulfill the student’s needs.

There are some problems happening in vocational school, one of them is

the content of curriculum, especially the syllabus for English subject. Syllabus in

vocational school is almost same with senior high school. It is too general to apply

in vocational school which needs more specific. The material in syllabus is too

board for the students. Students in Nursing Program also need a specific material

in learn English which relate to their program. Sometimes students are confused

with the material that is given by the teacher.

The other problem is the English textbook that used in vocational school.

English books in vocational school are used in all programs. Textbook actually

must be designed different for each program. Each program has different need in

English, so the textbook must has a specific content that needed by the students.

For example students in Nursing Program need English textbook content about

how to take care the patients, hospital tools, surgery, kinds of disease and

medicine, etc. It is needed by the students to improve their language skill in order

to face the work competition in this free trade era.

Based on the problem and statement above researcher wants to conduct a

research entitle “The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English at Nursing


Class” (A Descriptive Study of English Teachers at Nursing Class in SMK

Samudera Nusantara Makassar).

B. Problem Statement

The teachers’ strategies in teaching English at vocational school are

general, while the students need to learn English more specific. Especially in

Nursing Program, teachers have to guide the students in learning about English

which is relevant with their program. So, the teachers need more specific

strategies in teaching English in vocational school.

The statements above have guided the researcher to formulate the

research questions as follows:

1. What are the teachers’ strategies in teaching English at Nursing Class of

SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar?

2. What are the students’ responds through the teachers’ strategies at Nursing

Class in SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar?

C. Objective of Research

Based on the problem statements above, the researcher want to find out:

1. To find out the teacher’s strategy in teaching English at Nursing Class of

SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar.

2. To find out the students’ responds through the teachers’ strategiesat

Nursing Class of SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar.

D. Significant of Research

This research was conducted in order to get some significance.

Researcher expects that the result of the study useful for students of Nursing

Program to develop their English skills. The result of the study is useful for the

English teachers of Nursing Program in providing relevant English learning

materials for their students. The result of this study encourage other English

Education Department students to conduct similar research on the different fields

of the study. The most important is this study hoped can encourage the

government to compose specific English curriculums for all departments of SMK

in Indonesia.

E. Scope of Research

This research was focused on the teachers’ strategies in teaching English

at Nursing Class of SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar. Researcher described

the commonly teaching strategies used by teacher and the students’ responds

through the teachers’ strategies.




This part related to previews related research finding, some pertinent

ideas and also conceptual framework.

A. Previews Related Research Finding

Research about teacher’s strategies in vocational school had been

investigated by some researcher as follows:

1. Nurhayati (2014) investigated a research entitle “Teacher’s Perception on

The Student Needs in Learning English and Its Impact to The Teaching

Strategies at Pastry Student of SMKN 2 Trenggalek”. She concluded that

the English teacher of SMKN 2 Trenggalek that teach in pastry classes

was considered the language need of the student subconsciously. 1) The

target need of pastry students were be able to communicates in the field of

produced and served the cakes, cookies, and beverages. 2) The learning

need of pastry students were the material that were required the degree of

competences of pastry student in SMKN 2 Trenggalek. 3) The teaching

strategies that the teacher used in her teaching and learning process were

direct instruction strategy and cooperative learning strategy. Those two

teaching strategy were derived from the teacher perception on the student

need in learning English.


2. Inayah (2014) has investigated a research entitle “EFL Teachers’ Teaching

Strategies in Public Vocational High Schools in Singaraja”. She compared

the teacher’s strategy in teaching English among three public vocational

schools in Singaraja. In the conclusion she stated that teachers faced some

problems in implementing the teaching strategies. The problems could

come from the students, regarding their level, motivation and

heterogeneous ability. Moreover, teachers could also be obstacle in

implementing the teaching strategies in the class, in terms of their

personality and their lack of motivation to teach. She divided the

conclusion into three parts as follows:

a. English Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in three Public Vocational

High Schools in Singaraja had implemented various strategies to

facilitate the students in achieving the learning objectives. The

implementation of the strategies was varied based on the indicators and

in which part of the lesson sections they were implemented. There was

no specific strategy used for certain school specialization. The

strategies were applicable in all specializations. It is then the job of the

teachers to connect and facilitate it so that students would experience.

Various strategies applied to reach one big learning objective

“communicate in novice level” (as it is stated in standard competence)

gave opportunity for students to experience many different things

along the process of reaching that final goal.


b. There were strategies which were similar from one school to the

others. However, there were differences found in the focused of the

skills and also the procedures in applying the strategies. The difference

of the number of strategies implemented was due to the students’ level

and teachers’ experiences.

c. There were three factors faced in implementing strategies. The first

was the students, in terms of their level, lack of motivation, and

heterogeneity. The second is the teacher that includes teacher’s lack of

motivation to teach and teacher’s personality. The last is the limitation

of the facility.

The previous research results above have relationship with the

research that will conduct by the researcher. They have similarity in order to

investigate about teachers and teaching strategy. The result above also shows

that the students in vocational school need more specific materials than the

others. It because they need to focus in their program means that the English

materials they have to learn are that suitable and relate to their skill program.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

In this part will discuss about the literature which relate to the research

focus such as, definition of strategy, teaching strategy, English for Specific

Purposes, curriculum in vocational school, vocational school and teaching English

in Nurse Program.

1. Strategy

Oxford (1990:7) states that the word strategy comes from ancient

Greek term strategia meaning generalship or the art of war. More

specifically, strategy involves the optimal management of troops, ship or

aircraft in a planned campaign. A different, but related, word is tactic,

which are tools to achieve the success of strategies. Many people use this

two terms interchangeably. The two expressions share some basic implied

characteristics: planning, competition, conscious manipulation, and

movement toward a goal. In nonmilitary settings, the strategy concept has

been applied to clearly non-adversarial situations, where it has come to

mean a plan, step, or conscious action toward achievement of an objective.

There are another terms that describes the instructional approaches of

teaching such as methods, strategies and styles. Metzler in (Cothran and

Kulinna, 2006:167) provides an overview of the differences in terminology,

“methods, strategies or styles is typically used for one a few short-term

learning activities and outcomes and the gives way to another method,

strategy, or style”.

According to the statements above, the terms of instructional

approaches of teaching have differences and similarities. They can be used in

teaching and learning process. Although the term of strategy usually use in

military, it also used in education.

2. Teaching Strategy

a. Definition of Teaching Strategy


Teaching strategy is one of the common terms used to define the

activity in the classroom between teachers and students. Smith in (Anil,

2011:1) states “teaching strategy refers to a pattern of teaching acts that

serves to attain certain outcomes”. It refers to how the teacher designed the

class, involves classroom setting and teaching material. In prepare all of

their need until conduct the teaching process; it will be expect to gain

some goals.

According to J.R. David in (Sanjaya, 2008:294) in education the

term of strategy is defined as “a plan, method, or series of activities

designed to achieve a particular educational goal”. It means that teaching

strategy can be concluded as a planning that contain of series of activities

which is designed to reach particular educational goal.

Teaching strategy is also defined by Strasser in (Anil, 2011:2)

that “teaching strategy is generalized plan for a lesson or lessons which

includes structure, desired learner behavior, in terms of the goals of

instruction, and an outline of tactics necessary to implement the strategy”.

It is more specific than the previous definition. Teaching strategy deals

with the lesson plan which involves tactic to implement the strategy in

teaching and learning process.

As stated above, strategy can be defined as an effort and process

that used by teacher. In the using of strategy, the teachers plan and prepare

the teaching and learning process. By using the strategy the teacher hope

to get the goals of teaching they want.

b. Aims of Teaching Strategy


As a tool in attains goals in teaching and learning process,

teaching strategy has some aims as follows:

1) Ensuring that certain learning will be acquired in as brief a time as


2) Inducing students to engage in exchange of ideas.

3) Minimizing the number of wrong responses as the students attempt

to learn a concept, principle etc.

4) Ensuring the attainment of certain content objectives, (Anil,


Based on the statements above, teaching strategy used to get the

goal by ensuring the students get the gist of the lesson. Beside that the

students also taught to be a social people. They will communicate each

other to share ideas and opinion.

c. Categories of Teaching Strategies

Teaching strategies divided into categories. Sharma (2015:44)

states teaching strategies can be divided into two categories as follows:

1) Autocratic Strategies

Autocratic strategies are traditional teaching strategies and

are also called convergent approach. These are content centered and

teacher-centered. While using these strategies, the teacher’s place is

primary and the pupil’s place is secondary. The teacher determines the

content himself and by considering himself an ideal and by


suppressing pupil’s interests, attitudes, capacities, abilities and needs,

he\she tries to impose knowledge forcibly from outside in the minds of

the pupils. In such a situation, pupils don’t have any freedom for their

expressions. Hence, in these objectives and group development is not

cared for at all. Autocratic teaching strategies include Lecture,

Demonstration, Tutorial, Programmed instruction, etc.

a) Lecture Method

Presents the subject matter with an attention getting

device which gives the idea of what the lesson is about. Explain the

topic to clarify the ideas and highlight the lessons that not familiar

to the students, (Mojares, 2008:566).

b) Tutorial

It is the fundamental right of every person to get

education in democracy. Therefore, instead of individual teaching,

group-teaching is emphasized so that the large group may be

educated at the low rate of expenditure. But it is also true that in

group teaching, a general teacher cannot solve the ‘personal’

problems of every learner, (Sharma, 2015:4).

c) Multimedia Methods

Multimedia methods of presentation include slide shows,

movies, power point presentations and transparencies. Visual aides

to instruction can help students better understand the ideas that are

being presented. When creating presentations, it is important to


keep notes concise and to the point while including interesting and

relevant images, (Sharma, 2015:48).

d) Demonstration

The teacher demonstrates or has a student demonstrate

the series of actions. Students are expected to pay careful attention,

but they do not talk or repeat the commands, (McClosky, 1988:8).

2) Democratic Strategies
The democratic strategies are child centered as the students

determine themselves the content. Hence, the students’ place is

primary and that of teachers is secondary. As a result of its use,

maximum interaction occurs between the students and the teacher.

This develops their constructive capacities in accordance to their

interests, attitudes, capacities, abilities, needs and mental levels of the

students. Democratic strategies are objective and hence, the genius

children gain advantage to the maximum. Following are the

democratic strategies:

a) Group Discussion/Discussion Question

Discussion questions engage students by challenging

them to think by analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating the subject

matter. These are critical questions conceived to utilize group

discussions in a manner that will move the student from knowledge

of facts to the evaluation of outcome, (Harris, 2002:4).

b) Students Presentation

Having students prepare for and then present information

to the class as a whole can be a fun and engaging method of

instruction, (Sharma, 2015:53).

a) Role Play

Role plays help students use language fluently. They also

help them learn to be creative, imaginative, and resourceful. In a

role play, unlike a dialogue, the teacher provides only a brief

description of the characters and situation of the students then

improvise the words and actions, (Thrush, 1996:21).

b) Simulation

The purpose of integrating simulation into any curriculum

is to provide students with beneficial learning experiences that will

assist in meeting course and program objectives, while promoting

safe patient care, (Lowenstein, 2011:240).

c) Brainstorming

Brainstorming is used to encourage the students to freely

share their ideas. All ideas are accepted in the beginning of the

process with no response, regardless of how useless or impractical

it may be seem, is omitted from the first stages of brainstorming.

d) Independent Study

A third view of knowledge was that students did have the

ability to learn from a variety of strategies and that learning was


not directly dependent on the teacher or special groups of students,

(Cothran & Kullina, 2006:176).

Based on the statements above can be conclude that teaching

strategy is the general term of teaching and learning process. It is divided

into two categories, Autocratic Strategies which are consist of methods

and approaches in teaching where the teacher as the center. While,

Democratic Strategies consist of methods and approaches where the

students as the center.

3. English for Specific Purposes

Bracaj (2014:40) states “English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or

English for Special Purposes arose a term in the 1960’s as it became

increasingly aware that general English courses frequently did not meet

learner or employer’s need”. As English continued to dominate as lingua

franca or business, media, technology, medicine, education and research, the

demands of ESP is growing rapidly. Particularly EFL countries where English

is mainly used for instrumental purposes.

According to the statement above, ESP arose as the clue for the

teacher in teaching English specifically. English subject are taught too general

for the learner, the materials are too board to be learned. Through the ESP, the

students are taught English according to their need and what they want to


Hutchinson and Waters (1987:19) state that:

“English for Specific Purposes is an approach not a product. ESP is
not particular kind of language or methodology, nor does it
consists of a particular type of teaching material. Understood
properly, it is an approach to language learning which is based on
the learners reason for learning.
In other words, ESP is an approach to language learning in which is

based on learners needs. It means that, before ESP teacher teaches ESP

learners, they have to know first what the learners’ needs in order to learn

language. To know the learners need the teacher have to do analysis. Further,

they make basic distinction between target needs and learning needs. Target

needs are what the learners need to do in order to learn. It is more useful to

look at the target situation in terms of necessities, lacks and wants. The

necessities are the type of need determine by demands of the target situation

that is what the learners have to know in order to function effectively in target

situation. The lacks are the gap between what the learners have already known

and the necessities. The wants are what the learners want.

4. Curriculum

a. Definition of Curriculum

There are many definitions about curriculum. Lunenburg

(2011:1) states “curriculum as content, as learning experiences, as

behavioral objectives, as a plan for instruction, and as a nontechnical

approach”. All of this definition will be discussed more deeply as follows:

1) Curriculum as Content

Over the years and currently, the dominant conception of the

curriculum is that of content or subject matter taught by teachers and

learned by students.

2) Curriculum as Learning Experiences

The conception of the curriculum as the experiences of the

learner, complemented by organized content or subject matter was

introduced in many curriculum publications. Selecting the content,

with accompanying learning experiences, is one of the central

decisions in curriculum making, and, therefore, a rational method of

going about it is a matter of great concern according to its most ardent


3) Curriculum as Objectives

Past and present efforts at curriculum improvement have

made much use of goals and objectives as bases for curriculum


4) Curriculum as a Plan for Instruction

Most textbooks on curriculum have dealt with issues of

curriculum development or improvement, thus focusing on the

production of curriculums. A few books have dealt with thinking about

curriculum implementation and evaluation. The processes of

developing, implementing, and evaluating a curriculum may be

considered as the essential elements of a curriculum plan. A

curriculum plan is a system for both decision making and action with

respect to curriculum functions directed at a specified population.

Thus, a curriculum plan has three primary functions: to produce a

curriculum for an identifiable population, to implement the curriculum

in a specific school, and to appraise the effectiveness of the curriculum


5) Curriculum as a Nontechnical Approach

The nontechnical approach to curriculum represents a

rejection of traditional curriculum planning, a rethinking of

curriculum. Advocates of the latter approach reject the assumption that

reality can be defined and represented by symbolic forms—by boxes,

arrows, and graphs.

According to the statements above can be conclude that

curriculum have many definition in different use. As content, it contains

the subject of the lesson plan. It also can be the learning experience of the

learner, objectives of the teaching and learning, plan and as a nontechnical


Murray Print (in Sanjaya, 2008:3) composed curriculum into four

statements as follows:

1) Planned learning experiences;

2) Offered within an educational institution/program;

3) Represented as a document; and

4) Includes experiences resulting from implementing document.


Print viewed that a curriculum covers learning experience

planning, school program that represent as a document and result of

implementing document.

The points above makes clear that curriculum is a plan of

learning that printed as document. It is used to develop the material that

will be taught to the students in learning process. It is composed base on

the experiences of the composer to offer in the school or educational


b. School Based Curriculum

1) Definition School Based Curriculum

In National Education Standard (SNP Article 1, Verse 15),

defined that School Based Curriculum is an operational curriculum is

composed and did by each school. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan (KTSP) are composed by each school by watching and

according to the standard competence which is developed by National

Education Standard Corporation/Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan

(BSNP). It is a curriculum which can be developed by school based on

the characteristics and condition of schools.

So, Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is a

curriculum which is used in the school base on the characteristic of

that school. In order to get the learning and teaching process


maximally the teacher should compose lesson plan which contains the

illustration of learning process in classroom interaction.

2) Characteristics of School Based Curriculum (KTSP)

According to Sanjaya (2008:130), School Based

Curriculum/Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) has some

characteristics. They are explained below:

a) School Based Curriculum is a curriculum which aims at

science discipline.

b) School Based Curriculum is a curriculum which aims at

individual development.

c) School Based Curriculum is a curriculum which access

region importance.

d) School Based Curriculum is a technological curriculum.

According to the statements above, KTSP is composed to

make the learning process more maximal. It is useful for students in

order to develop their knowledge, behavior and technology skill.

5. Vocational School

a. Teaching English in Vocational School

The graduates of a vocational school become skillful workers. In

this level, the students should have a good ability in oral communication.

That is also the objective of teaching English in a vocational school. The


activities which are used in curriculum should be communicative.

Communicative here means that the activity can be a bridge to make

communication among the students and also between students and


Department of Education (2010:4) states that”

“Vocational and Applied Learning (VAL) prepares young people

with the skills and dispositions they require to participate in life,
education and work beyond the school environment. Vocational
and Applied Learning gives students ‘real-life’ challenges in
problem-solving futures planning, design and innovation, and
teaches them critical skills, techniques and procedures for learning,
life and work. Student learning is authenticated through an array of
purposeful experiences within and outside the classroom. These
include: guest speakers, excursions, exchanges, industry visits,
mentoring, shadowing, internships, team projects, research and
development, manufacturing, community based learning, service
learning, project-based learning and enterprise learning”

Based on the statements above can be consider that English has a

big role in communication, especially for students in vocational school.

There are several differences between teaching English in vocational high

schools and teaching English in senior high schools. Teaching English in

vocational high schools should refer to the program of study of students

who are being taught. The English teachers of vocational schools have to

teach about the language of English that is closely related to the students

major of study, for example, the teachers both explain and give

information about the English expressions of handling guess to the hotel

accommodation students.

b. Teaching English for Nursing

Parkinson and Brooker (2004:51) state:


“Being able to communicate is an essential skill for all health

professionals and it is particularly important for nurses who are
with people and their families for many hours a day. It is not
always easy to understand what people are saying or to get them to
understand what you are trying to tell them ….Nurses need to
communicate so they can find out about the people in their care by
taking a nursing history, give them information about their care
and teach them about managing their illness.”

Therefore, a nurse must have good communication either oral or

written. They must have a good communication because they will meet

many people with each characteristic. They may differ in nation, race, and

language. English comes as the unity language that almost used by all

people in the world. English as an international language has big role in

the medical profession. It needs by them who work in that job area in

order to give serving maximally to patients from all background. But in

medical profession, there are some terms that use rarely in daily life. These

terms commonly use in medical, such as:

Table 1.1 Words associated with breathing

Colloquial (everyday) or slang

Nursing/Medical or Standard
No. (very informal) words and
English Words
expression used by patients
1 Dyspnoea Breathlessness; out of breath;
puffed; short of breath; fighting
for breath (severe cases)

2 Expectorate To bring up/cough up phlegm; spit

3 Expiration Breathing out

4 Inhaler for drugs Puffer

5 Inspiration Breathing in

(Parkinson & Brooker 2004:60)


Table 1.2 Words associated with communicating

Colloquial (everyday) or slang

Nursing/Medical or Standard
No. (very informal) words and
English Words
expression used by patients
1 Double vision; seeing
2 Can't get the words out
3 I know what to say but nothing
Dysphasia (aphasia)
comes out; I
can't find the right word; the
sentence comes
out all wrong; I can say the word
but I don't
know what it means

4 Hard of hearing; deaf as a post

Hearing impairment, deafness
5 Ringing, buzzing or roaring sound
in the ears

(Parkinson &Brooker 2004:69)

The terms above can show that how different the term in medical

and daily life. Therefore a nursing student must have a skill in order to

speak English base on their skill fluently. It is very useful for their

knowledge especially in communication and reading their subject

references that used English as the language.

C. Conceptual Framework

This research will be conducted by considering the conceptual

framework that illustrated bellows:


Teaching Materials

 Observation
 Interview
 Questionnaire

 Autocratic Strategies
 Democratic Strategies

Teachers’ Strategies Students’ Responds

The researcher identified the teaching strategies by using

observation, interview and questionnaire towards the teaching materials. The

result of them can show what actually teachers’ strategies that applied in

teaching and what about the students’ responds through it.




A. Research Design

This research was conducted by applied a descriptive qualitative

method. The researcher has investigated about the teachers’ strategies in

teaching English at Nursing Program of SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar.

Therefore, this research need a method in order to collecting and analyzing

data which suitable with purpose of this research in order to get an exact

description of teachers’ strategies in teaching English at Nursing Class.

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is one of most influential thing in research. Gay

(1981:86) states that population is the group of interest to the researcher;

the group to which she or he would like the result of the study to be

generalize. That statement indicates that the researchers have to choose the

population in which they want to investigate. The population also can

influence the result of the research that the researchers want. In this

research, researcher took all the English teachers of SMK Samudera

Nusantara Makassar as the population which consist of 2 teachers.

2. Sample

According to Ary and Jacob (2010:148), “sample is a portion of a

population”. Sampling is indispensable to the researcher. Usually, the


time, money, and effort involved do not permit a researcher to study all

possible members of a population. Furthermore, it is generally not

necessary to study all possible cases to understand the phenomenon under

consideration. Sampling comes to your aid by enabling you to study a

portion of the population rather than the entire population. In this case

researcher took the English teachers who teach in Nursing Class as the

sample. There were two teachers who teach English at Nursing Class. To

know the students’ responds researcher gave questioner to 30 nursing

students. That was why, this research used purposive sampling.

C. Instruments of The Research

The instruments of this research were observation, interview and

questionnaire. Observation was used to find out the teachers’ strategies in

teaching English at Nursing Class. Questionnaire was used to find out the

students’ responds. Interview was used to support the data which was found in

observation and questionnaire.

D. Data Collection Method

Qualitative research approach relies heavily on the observations,

questionnaire and interviews. The researcher applied classroom observation,

questionnaire and simple interview in this research by doing these following


1. The researcher met the teachers to know the schedule.

2. The researcher employed direct observation in as the first step to get the

data. The observation was be administered in classroom and mainly


observed the teachers’ strategies and students’ responds in teaching and

learning English process in the classroom. During the observation, the

researcher observed all the teaching learning process in the classroom.

3. The researcher gave the students questionnaire to know their responds.

4. The interview section hold after the data from observation and

questionnaire was identified. The questions had directed to the English

teachers and students which focused to teacher’s strategies and students’


E. Technique of Data Analysis

The data in this research had been analyzed by using the descriptive

qualitative method. To analyze rate percentage of teachers’ strategies and

students’ responds in teaching and learning English at Nursing Class in SMK

Samudera Nusantara Makassar use the following formula:

= X 100%

Where: P = percentage

F = frequency

N = total sample, (Ary & Jacob, 2010:122).

Conclude the result by describing about the teachers’ strategies in

teaching English at Nursing Class in SMK Samudera Nusantara Makassar.




This chapter deals with the findings and discussion of the research. The

findings of the research consists the description of data analysis result. While the

discussion deals with the board explanation and interpretation of the research


A. Findings

The data that had been collected by using observation and interview

are explained in this part. The findings of this research is about the teachers’

strategies in teaching English at Nursing class and the students’ respond

through that strategies. All of the findings are described below:

1. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English at Nursing Class

There were two teachers who teach in Nursing Class. Based on

the observation list and interview, the researcher found that those teachers

applied four types of teaching strategies. They used that strategies based

on the students need in every single meeting. The teachers also pay

attention the kinds of teaching material which can be tough through certain

strategies. The types of strategies can be seen on the table as follows:


Table 4.1 Types of Teaching Strategies Applied by Teachers

No Types of Teaching Strategies Frequency Percentage

1. Group Discussion 5 41,7%

2. Students Presentation 4 33,3%
3. Lecture Method 2 16,7%
4 Multimedia Method 1 8,3%
Total 12 100%

Based on the Table 4.1 can be described that the teachers applied

teachers’ strategies democratic and autocratic strategies. Democratic strategies

were group discussion and students presentation. Group discussion was

applied five times (41,7%), students presentation was applied four (33,3%).

While autocratic strategies were lecture method and multimedia method.

Lecture method was applied twice (16,7%), while multimedia method was

applied once (8,3%). It showed that group discussion more frequently applied

than the others strategies.

Graphic 1.1 Percentage
1.1 Percentage of Teaching
of Teaching Strategies

41,67% 33,33%

33,33% 16,67%
Group Discussion
16,67% Student Presentation
Lecture Method
Multimedia Method

The data alsoStudent

Group can be seenLecture
by using graphic form as
Multimedia follows:
Discussion Presentation Method Method

The graphic above shows that teachers applied group

discussion was 41,7%, student presentation was 33,3%, lecture method

was 16,7%, and multimedia method was 8,3%.

The data above also supported by the result of the teachers’

interview result. The first teacher said that, she used or applied certain

teaching strategies in teaching. In autocratic strategies she applied two

types of strategies, lecture method and multimedia method. She applied

lecture method rarely because it placed the students in passive position,

but that strategy also applied if the material needed explanation before.

In democratic strategies, she applied group discussion and

students presentation. She applied those strategies in order to make the

class life. According to the teacher, the students like those strategies

more than the others strategies. Those strategies could make them more

active in the classroom.

2. Students’ Responds through The Teaching Strategies

According to the questionnaire result, the students’ responds

through the teaching strategies that applied by teacher were varied. As

the teacher applied in the classroom, the students liked the democratic

strategies more than autocratic strategies. To support the data of

questionnaire the researcher conducted interview to the students. There

were 30 students as the sample in that step.

a. The data collected through questionnaire


There were four teaching strategies applied by the

teachers in Nursing Class, namely group discussion, student

presentation, lecture method and multimedia method. To describe

those strategies can be use the table below.

1) Strategies 1: Group Discussion

Table 4.2 Frequency distribution of strategy 1

No Response Frequency Percentage

1. Yes 26 86,7%
2. No 4 13,3%
Total 86 100%

Based on the table above, the researcher found that 26

(86,7%) students liked group discussion. There were 4 (13,3%)

students disliked group discussion. It also can be seen in the form

of graphic as follows:

Graphic 4.2 Percentage of Stratey 1

Graphic 4.2 Percentage of Stratey 1

13,30% YesYes
No No

Yes No

From the graphic above can be seen that 86,7%

students liked group discussion. While 13,3% students disliked

group discussion.

2) Strategy 2: Student Presentation

Table 4.3 Frequency distribution of strategy 2

No Response Frequency Percentage

1. Yes 25 83,3%
2. No 5 16,7%
Total 30 100%

From the Table 4.3 the researcher found that 25 or

83,3% students liked student presentation. While there were 5 or

16,7% students disliked it.

Graphic 4.3 Percentage of Stratey 2

Graphic 4.3 Percentage of Stratey 2
83,30% 16,30%

Yes No

Yes No

From the graphic above can be seen that 83,3%

students liked student presentation strategies. While 16,3%

disliked if their teacher applied student presentation in


3) Strategy 3: Lecture Method

Table 4.4 frequency distribution of strategy 3


No Response Frequency Percentage

1. Yes 11 36,7%
2. No 19 63,3%
Total 30 100%

From Table 4.4 can be found that there were 11 or

36,7% students liked lecture method. There were 19 or 63,3%

students disliked the lecture method.

Graphic 4.4 Percentage of Stratey 3



Yes No

From the graphic above can be seen that most of

students disliked lecture method. It was about 63,3%. Only

36,7% students liked lecture method.

4) Strategy 4: Multimedia Method

Table 4.5 frequency distribution of strategy 4

No Response Frequency Percentage

1. Yes 24 80,0%
2. No 6 20,0%
Total 30 100%

From Table 4.5 can be found that there were 24 or 80%

students liked multimedia method. While there were 6 or 20%

students disliked the lecture method.

Graphic 4.5 Percentage of Stratey 4



Yes No
From the Graphic 4.5 can be seen that there were 80%

students liked multimedia method. Only 20% students disliked if

the teacher applied lecture method.

Interview also conducted to know the students’ reasons

why they like or dislike certain teaching strategies. Most of the

students liked group discussion because they could share many

ideas with their friends. Through group discussion they could

practice how to collaborate and know their friends’

characteristics more deeply each other.

Most of them disliked lecture method because they

were bored if the teachers gave many explanations. It also took

them became passive and could not explore their ideas and


B. Discussion

In this part represent the board explanation about the research

finding. There were two research findings of the teachers’ strategies in

teaching English at Nursing Class and the students’ responds through those

strategies. They are explained more deeply as follows:

1. The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching English at Nursing Class Based

on the Direct Observation that Found by the Researcher are:

As stated before that there are four teaching strategies that

applied by the teacher in teaching English at Nursing Class in SMK

Samudera Nusantara Makassar. They were lecture method and multimedia

method which are known as autocratic strategies. The others strategies

were group discussion and students presentation which is categorized as

democratic strategies.

According to the teachers, those four strategies were easy to

apply in the classroom. The teachers applied lecture method for some

teaching material which needed more explanation before. The lecture

method had advantages and disadvantages. One of the advantage was the

students can be focused in accepting the teaching material, while the

disadvantages was the students became passive rather than active in the

learning process.

Below is the transcript of the teacher interview

Interviewer : What strategy do you apply in teaching?


Teacher 1 : In autocratic strategy I apply lecture method and

multimedia method, while in democratic strategy I apply

group discussion and student presentation.

Interview : Why do you apply that strategies?

Teacher 1 : Because that strategies is easy to apply in this classroom

Interview : What are the advantages and disadvantages of that


Teacher 1 : The advantage of lecture method is the students can be

focus to accepting the material, can complain and clarified

text material and facilities in large classroom. The

disadvantages is place the students in passive rather than

active in learning process

Interviewer : When does the strategy applied?

Teacher 1 : If the subject material needs explanation before,

(Recorded on September 2nd, 2015).

The teacher also said that the student like democratic strategies

rather than autocratic strategies. They liked it because they can be more

active in learning process. When the teacher applied group discussion, the

students were enthusiastic in learning, but if the teacher applied lecture

method they looked bored with the subject. Most of students also like if

the teacher applied students presentation, although some of them were not

interested in that strategy.

The teachers apply group discussion and student presentation

more frequently that the others strategies because nursing student have to

develop their self through communicated and share each other. The will

face many people in their live in the future. So, they must have more self

confidence. The teachers apply lecture method and multimedia method

rarely because they place the students in the passive side. While nursing

students have to more active in order to train their self to solve the

problem by self or together.

Interviewer : When does the strategy applied?

Teacher 2 : I apply group discussion when the learning material needs

collaborate, for example to solve some difficult exercise.

I apply student presentation if the students have homework

etc. I apply multimedia method if the material is too board

for oral presentation. I apply lecture method for new or

difficult material

Interviewer : How do the students’ responds about the strategy?

Teacher 2 : Since I tough them those strategies, they look comfortable

and enjoy.

Interviewer : Which one does the students like autocratic or democratic


Teacher 2 : I think the students prefer group discussion than the others

teaching strategies, (Recorded on September 5th, 2015).

Each teaching material needed different strategies to conduct. For

example, teacher delivered about job description through student

presentation. The students were very excited to join the class. They made

the job description by themselves then presented one by one in front of the

classroom. Some students looked shy to present, but they must do that.

When the teacher applied group discussion, the learning material

was about announcement. The students are divided into 5 groups. Each

groups consisted of four or five members. They discussed about how to

make a good announcement. After that the ambassador of the group

presented the result of discussion in front of the others groups.

2. The Students’ Responds through Teachers’ Strategies

According to the questioner and interview result, the researcher

found that most of students preferred democratic than autocratic strategies.

They preferred group discussion than the other teaching strategies. They

like group discussion because they could share each other, knew the

characteristics of their friends; they could help their friend to understand

the material of the subject. The other students said that group discussion

made them more responsible about the result. While there were few

students disliked group discussion because they were bored with the

material which was repeated by the teacher.

The example of students interview result

Interviewer : Why do you like group discussion?

Student 1 : Because we can share and help each other

Interviewer : Why do you dislike group discussion?

Student 2 : Because I am bored with the material, the teachers

repeat the material endlessly

The second strategy was student presentation. The students

argued that students presentation could help them to find new word; trying

them to be more active and confidence to talk in front of many people. The

others students said that they disliked student presentation, because they

did not have self confidence.

Interviewer : Why do you like student presentation?

Student 3 : Because we can study well, recognize new


Interviewer : Why do you dislike student presentation?

Student 4 : Because sometimes I confused about the material,

we do not have any preparation but have to present


The students who liked multimedia method had some reason. By

using tools, the material can be more clearly. It also made students

interested in learning, because used some picture. While they who dislike

multimedia method assumed that it was difficult to apply in the classroom.

Interviewer : Why do you like multimedia method?

Student 5 : I like it because the material can be present more


Interviewer : Why do dislike multimedia method?

Student 6 : I do not like it because sometimes I do not

understand the material through a tool.

More than 60% students disliked lecture method. They gave

various reasons why they disliked it. Most of them said that they were

bored if the lecture explained the subject without gave them chance to

express their ideas.

Interviewer : Why do you dislike lecture method?

Student 7 : because we are bore with material, sometimes the

teacher also still continue the explanation although

we do not understand.

All of teaching strategies has the advantages and disadvantages.

The most important thing is how to apply it in the classroom. The teacher

should be creative and innovative to make the students more interested in


learning. How interested the teaching strategies depend on the teacher




This chapter consists of the conclusion and result of the findings and

discussions in the preview chapter.

A. Conclusion

After analyzed the data during conduct this research, the researcher

conclude that:

1. The teachers’ applied four teaching strategies namely group discussion

(41, 7%), student presentation (33,3%), lecture method (16,7%) and

multimedia method (8,3%) in teaching English at Nursing Class in SMK

Samudera Nusantara Makassar. Those strategies applied by teachers

because the teachers think that strategies are easy and suitable for Nursing


2. The students prefer autocratic than democratic strategies, especially

group discussion than student presentation, lecture method and

multimedia method in learning English. Mostly students like discuss and

presentation method. They like both strategies because they can sharing

each other and also can express their thinking while through presentation

they can be more confidence to speak in front of the many people.

B. Suggestion

The researcher also offers some suggestion as the result of this



1. The English teacher of SMK Samudera Nusantara especially who teach in

Nursing Class should apply all of teaching strategies in order to know the

students’ interested.

2. The English teacher in Nursing Class of SMK Samudera Nusantara should

considering the students’ mood and feel in learning if he applies certain

teaching strategies.

3. The result of this research cannot cover all the matters about teaching

strategies and students’ respond, it is become a challenge for the next

researcher to find more important thing about that.


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The researcher, Evi Putriyani, was born in Jampu

(Bone) March 17th 1990. She is the first daughter of
marriage Darwis and Rosdiana. She has three sisters
named Marlisa, Marlina and Rosneli.

She started her education in SDN No 65 Sijelling in

1997 and graduated in 2002. She went to SMP 34
Makassar in 2002 and finished in 2005. Then she
continued to SMAN 18 Makassar and finished in 2008.

She worked before continue her study to the university.

She worked at SMA Amanah Nusantara as a treasure
since 2009 until 2015. In 2011 she went to Makassar Muhammadiyah University for
English Department.

She finished her study in Makassar Muhammadiyah University with a thesis entitle
“The Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Enlish at Nursing Class in SMK Samudera
Nusantara Makassar”.

1. Do you know teaching strategies?

2. Do you apply certain teaching strategy in teaching?

3. What strategy do you apply in teaching?

4. Why do you apply that strategy?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of that strategy?

6. When do those strategies apply?

7. How do the students respond that strategy?


1. Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

2. Why do you prefer it?

3. Which one you do not like?

4. Why you do not like it?

Interview Transcript

Interviewer : Do you know teaching strategies?

Ibu Sri Puji : Yes of course I know teaching strategy because teaching strategy is
one of the teacher need in teaching and learning process and how to
make the class life.

Interviewer : Do you apply certain teaching strategy in teaching?

Ibu Sri Puji : Yes of course.

Interviewer : What strategy do you apply in teaching?

Ibu Sri Puji : In autocratic strategy I apply lecture method and multimedia method,
while in democratic strategy I apply group discussion and student

Interview : Why do you apply that strategies?

Ibu Sri Puji : Because that strategies is easy to apply in this classroom

Interviewer : What are the advantages and disadvantages of that strategies?

Ibu Sri Puji : The advantage of lecture method is the students can be focus to
accepting the material, can complain and clarified text material and
facilities in large classroom. The disadvantages is place the students in
passive rather than active learning process

Interviewer : When does the strategy applied?

Ibu Sri Puji : If the subject material need explanation before

Interviewer : How do the students’ responds about the strategy?

Ibu Sri Puji : First the students are focus to the explanation then give respond when
they don’t understand the material

Interviewer : Which one do the students like autocratic or democratic strategy?

Ibu Sri Puji : The students like democratic strategy because they can more active.
Interview Transcript

Interviewer : Do you know teaching strategies?

Ibu St Asmin : Yes I am

Interviewer : Do you apply certain teaching strategy in teaching?

Ibu St Asmin : Yes of course.

Interviewer : What strategy do you apply in teaching?

Ibu St Asmin : There are four teaching strategies I usually apply in teaching. Group
discussion, student presentation, multimedia method and lecture

Interview : Why do you apply that strategies?

Ibu St Asmin : Because I am teaching in Nursing Program which need students’

activeness. So I apply strategies which suitable to their program.

Interviewer : What are the advantages and disadvantages of that strategies?

Ibu St Asmin : I think each strategies have them, but it depends on the teacher
conduct the classroom situation.

Interviewer : When does the strategy applied?

Ibu St Asmin : I apply group discussion when the learning material needs
collaborate, for example to solve some difficult exercise.

I apply student presentation if the students have homework etc

I apply multimedia method if the material is too board for oral


I apply lecture method for new or difficult material

Interviewer : How do the students’ responds about the strategy?

Ibu St Asmin : Since I tough them those strategies, they look comfortable and enjoy.

Interviewer : Which one does the students like autocratic or democratic strategy?

Ibu St Asmin : I think the students prefer group discussion than the others teaching
Interview Transcript

1. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Isma : I prefer group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Isma : Because we can share our ideas each other

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Isma : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Isma : Because I am bored if the teacher explain so much material

2. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Isti : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Isti : We can practice to speak better and learn more about our
error spelling

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Isti : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Isti : It is 50:50, sometimes I cannot understand the material

3. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Ani : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Ani : We can discuss and closer to our friends

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Ani : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Ani : Sometimes I cannot understand the material well

4. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Fitri : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Fitri : we can closer each other, share our ideas

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Fitri : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Fitri : I am bore with that strategy

5. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Indah : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Indah : If the teacher uses multimedia, it helps us to understand fast

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Indah : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Indah : Sometimes it makes me confuse how to present

6. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Nurul : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Nurul : We can discuss, think and solve the problem together

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Nurul : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Nurul : It is difficult to speak in English

7. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Ahda : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Ahda : We can collaborate and share each other

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Ahda : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Ahda : I am bored with explanation

8. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Ummul : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Ummul : We can collaborate, sharing and closer with our friends

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Ummul : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Ummul : Because if teacher explains, only one student can understand

9. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Riska : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Riska : If we do task together, it will finish fast

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Riska : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Riska : Sometimes the explanation is not clearly

10. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer

Islami : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do not you like lecture method?

Islami : It is not fair if only teacher active in the classroom

11. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Asmi : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Asmi : Because we became a team, we can get many knowledges

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Asmi : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Asmi : I do not have any self confidence

12. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Dewi : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Dewi : Because I can understand well if the teacher explain to me

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Dewi : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Dewi : I do not have self confidence, sometimes I am confuse.

13. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Indah : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Indah : Because I am happy to collaborate with my friends

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Indah : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Indah : I cannot understand the explanation, I need more active

14. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Khadijah : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Khadijah : Because we can share each other

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Khadijah : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Khadijah : Sometimes I cannot focus and feel sleepy

15. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Aulia : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Aulia : I like it because we can know our friends deeply

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Aulia : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Aulia : Because I lost my self confidence

16. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Widya : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Widya : Because we can cooperated each other to find out the real

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Widya : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Widya : Because I am bored

17. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Mirna : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Mirna : I can understand easily

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Mirna : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Mirna : I do not like it

18. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Selvi : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Selvi :It makes us can present something in front of many people

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Selvi : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Selvi : Sometimes I do not understand

19. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Chalma : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Chalma : Because we can share our aspiration

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Chalma : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Chalma : I can understand if the teacher explain directly

20. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Mutmainna : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Mutmainna : Because we can share our ideas

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Mutmainna : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Mutmainna : Because it is bothersome

21. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Igar : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Igar : Because it is clear

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Igar : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Igar : Sometimes the others friend do not share their ideas

22. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Winda : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Winda : Because we can more active, we can share

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Winda : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Winda : Because we need more active than teacher

23. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Fitriani : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Fitriani : Because we can share each other

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Fitriani : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Fitriani : If the teacher more active the student cannot develop

24. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Izza : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Izza : We can improve our knowledge through sharing

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Izza : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Izza : It makes students bored

25. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Sukmayanti : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Sukmayanti : Because we can share each other and make it easy

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Sukmayanti : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Sukmayanti : If the teacher just explains sometimes we cannot understand

26. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Arjun : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Arjun : Because we can understand easily

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Arjun : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Arjun : Because I do not like discuss

27. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Neneng : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Neneng : Because it tries us to speak in front of the people

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Neneng : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Neneng : Because if the teacher explain, sometimes it is not clear

28. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Salwia : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Salwia : Because it is interesting

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Salwia : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Salwia : It is difficult to understand if only just discuss

29. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Dewi : Multimedia method

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Dewi : Because it is more clearly

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Dewi : Lecture method

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Dewi : We are not given any chance to explain

30. Interviewer : Which one teaching strategies do you prefer?

Anna : Student presentation

Interviewer : Why do you prefer it?

Anna : because we can present the result of our task directly

Interviewer : Which one do not you like?

Anna : Group discussion

Interviewer : Why do not you like it?

Anna : Because the material is repeat






Categories of Teaching Strategies

1. Autocratic Strategies

Kinds of Autocratic RESPONSE

Strategies YES NO

1 Lecture Method

2 Demonstration

3 Tutorial

4 Use of Multimedia

2. Democratic Strategies

Kinds of Democratic RESPONSE

Strategies YES NO

1 Group Discussion

2 Exhibits

3 Role Play

4 Simulation

5 Student Presentation
6 File Trip

7 Case Study

8 Brainstorming

9 Independent Study

10 Fishbone Method

11 Assigning Task Method

Questionnaire for students

Name :
Class :
Program :

No Question
Yes No

1 Do you like group discussion?

2 Do you like student presentation?

3 Do you like lecture method?

4 Do you like multimedia method?

List interview for students

1. Why do you like that teaching strategy?

2. Why don’t you like that teaching strategy?

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