Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Student S Book Unit 1
Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Student S Book Unit 1
Language Hub Pre-Intermediate Student S Book Unit 1
My best
friend is the
one who
brings out the
best in me.
Henry Ford
iñupiat friends play in the first of the winter snow, Nome, Alaska.
1.1 Breaking
Breaking the
the ice
ice Find
new 1.1
D LISTEN FOR DETAIL Listen again and complete each tip
with the correct verb. 3 you ever met a famous person? (have)
A Complete the definitions with the words in the box.
ask discuss feel give know say
4 you do anything nice last weekend? (did)
C SPEAK Work in pairs. Look again at vocabulary
conversation relationship successful tip topic Exercise A on page 146. Take turns to spell the words.
1 something positive about the place
1 A private and informal talk between two people is a or situation you are in, and then ask a question.
5 you like tea or coffee? (do)
. 2 about other people. SPEAKING
2 A useful suggestion is a . 3 Don’t be negative about other people because you don’t
6 you a late-night or early-morning person? (are) A Find out some information about your classmates.
3 When you achieve the result you want, you are know who they . Write six questions using the ideas below to help you.
. 4 Ask lots of questions and lots of Then write two more questions using your own ideas.
4 A subject that you write or speak about is a 7 who your funniest friend? (is)
answers. • ice breakers
. 5 When you more relaxed, ask some Hi, my name’s . It’s nice to meet you. So, …
5 When two or more people or things are connected in personal questions. 8 who the first person you talked to this morning? (was)
• personal questions
some way, they have a . 6 Don’t topics like religion or politics • family and friends
B SPEAK Work in groups. Discuss the questions. with someone you don’t know. 9 you ever been to a wedding? (have) Do you come from a large family?
1 What is happening in the photo at the top of the page? E SPEAK Work in groups. Discuss the questions. • interests and hobbies
2 Where do people often meet for the first time? 1 What did you think of the tips in the podcast? 10 what the last good film you saw? (was) • childhood and school
3 How do you usually start a conversation with someone 2 What other topics are easy to talk about with new people? • work and study
you have just met? F SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in • favourite things/places
C LISTEN FOR KEY WORDS Listen to an interview with GRAMMAR Exercise E. • last weekend/holiday
1.1 psychologist isabelle Ackerman. Question forms Where did you go for your last holiday?
1 What topic does she talk about?
A WORK IT OUT Complete the questions with the words VOCABULARY B Work in pairs. Work with someone you do not know well
2 What should you start a conversation with? 1.2 in the box. Listen again and check your answers. People and follow the instructions.
3 What are two safe topics of conversation to ‘break A Go to the Vocabulary Hub on page 146. 1 Stand up and meet the other people in the class.
are did (x2) do (x2) have is (x2) were
the ice’? Take turns asking and answering the questions you
1 What do you say to a stranger at a party or a new B SPEAK Work in pairs. Answer the questions. wrote in Exercise A.
Glossary colleague at the office? 1 How many relatives do you have? How often do you see 2 When you have broken the ice, sit down with your
break the ice (phrase) to do or say something that makes people feel it OK to talk about some topics, but not others?
2 them all? partner and tell him/her about the people you met.
less shy or nervous in a social situation
politics (n) the activities of governments which control a country 3 you ever met someone new and had no idea 2 How many of your colleagues or other students in your Was it easy to break the ice or do you need some
or area what to talk about? class are also your friends? more help?
psychology (n) the study of the mind and how it affects behaviour
religion (n) the belief in the existence of a god or gods 4 you having fun? 3 Do you find it easy to talk to strangers? Why/Why not?
social life (n) the time you spend enjoying yourself with friends 5 What your favourite band?
6 you enjoy the ceremony?
7 you at school together?
8 Where you study? Find out about someone new
9 you have children?
1.2 Blogsand
bloggers Talk
Talk about
about different
different types
types of of people
V types of people P using a dictionary G frequency words and phrases GRAMMAR C WORK IT OUT Write the four frequency words in
Exercise B in the correct place.
Frequency words and phrases
A Listen to an interview with Calvin Norton about another Frequency words
READING PRONUNCIATION 1.5 blog, Humans of New York, and answer the questions.
100% always
A Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Using a dictionary 1 What is the blog about? usually
1 Which websites do you visit most often and why? Macmillan English Dictionary 2 What type of people does Brandon Stanton interview? often
2 Which blogs, vlogs (video blogs) or video B Listen and complete each sentence from the radio show
channels do you know or follow? 1.5 with one word. sometimes
The Macmillan English Dictionary gives clear, simple explanations and
3 What kind of topics do you enjoy reading about 2
real life examples showing you how and when the word is used. 1 a week, we bring you reviews and
online? recommendations from the wonderful world of the
B READ FOR MAIN IDEA Read Three of the best A Look at this entry from the Macmillan English Dictionary. Match the internet. hardly ever
quickly. Which blog sounds most interesting to definitions (1–5) with the labels (a–e). 2 i’m out in the real world. 0% 4
Everybody has their own style of handwriting, but can someone’s handwriting tell you what they are like? your handwriting say about you? with the speakers below. working
The study of handwriting is called graphology. Graphologists are often involved in legal cases. They are
1 ‘i believe i can do anything if i try. i don’t usually worry
responsible for matching criminals to their handwriting or deciding if signatures are real.
Some graphologists think handwriting can show anything: what kind of job you will be good at, how
about things.’ confident
healthy you are and even what kind of partner you might be happy with. 2 ‘i love my job. i work a lot, but that’s OK.’
If you are interested in what your handwriting says about you, check out our information.
3 ‘i can paint pictures, write stories and make music.’
Letter size Small: Medium: Large: 4 ‘i plan my time carefully and i always know where to find 1.7
B Listen again and repeat the words.
my things.’
You’re probably a hard-working The research says you’re Big writing – big personality! People with C Look again at the article. Find the other personality
person. People with small sensible; you think carefully large writing are usually keen on parties 5 ‘i don’t like work. i like doing nothing! My perfect day? 1.8 adjectives in bold and write them in the correct place in
handwriting are rarely lazy. about the decisions you make. and social events and are rarely shy. Staying in bed with a pizza.’ Exercise A. Listen and check and repeat.
6 ‘i like to think about things carefully before i do them.’
D SPEAK Work in pairs. practise saying the words. Listen
and check your partner’s pronunciation.
Letter shape Dotting your i
7 ‘i have lots of friends and we meet and go out all the
Rounded letters: Rounded letters suggest you are a Dot high over the i: The research says 8 ‘i like learning new things and i ask a lot of questions.’ SPEAKING HUB
creative person. Are you good at art or music? you have a good imagination.
A Work in pairs. You are going to study your
Pointed letters: You are curious. Your favourite 9 ‘i like to do things myself.’ classmates’ handwriting. Follow the instructions.
A question is ‘Why?’!
Dot low over the i: You are a well-
organised person. Are your desk and B Look at the underlined phrases in the article. Complete 1 Sign your name and write this sentence on a piece
room tidy? the questions with the correct preposition. of paper.
1 Are you involved in any clubs, groups or teams? The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Which ones?
Spacing between words Your signature 2 What are you good ?
2 Swap papers and use the information in What does
your handwriting say about you? to write five things
Wide spacing: Narrow spacing: Difficult to read: You are a private person. Like your about your partner’s personality.
3 Who is responsible doing the cooking in your home?
signature, you can be difficult to read.
4 Are you happy your mobile phone? Why/Why not? B DISCUSS Using your notes, tell your partner what
You’re an independent You’re very sociable Easy to read: Confident people often have signatures their writing says about them.
5 What websites, magazines or TV shows are you
type and you are happy and you need other that are easy to read. You know what you are good at
on your own. people in your life. and you don’t mind telling other people about it. interested ?
6 Are you keen books and reading?
Glossary Does your handwriting match your personality?
C SPEAK Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
legal (adj) relating to the law or lawyers Don’t be disappointed with the results if not.
Exercise B.
Describe someone’s personality
spacing (n) the amount of space between things Not every graphologist believes there is a connection.
1.4 Hello again 1.4
Café Hub F
greet people and give personal information, make introductions
greet people and give personal information, make introductions
word stress and intonation
P word stress and intonation
Unit 1 Review
A Complete the words for types of people.
1 someone who likes animals
B Complete the article with the missing words.
Erwin: 1
Hi, my name’s Erwin.
GRAMMAR Laura: Oh, hi,Erwin.2 .
A Complete the questions with the correct form of do, be i’m Laura, the office manager.
or have. Erwin: 3 .
1 Do you a pet? i think you’re going to be my boss!
2 you from a large family? nice / What / surprise / a
3 you have a party for your last birthday? days / are / doing / What / you / these
4 you ever been to your country’s capital city? Alan: Dan?
5 What your favourite book or toy when you Dan: Alan! 4 ! How are you?
were a child? 5
Alan: Oh, fine, thanks. ?
Dan: i’m still teaching.
10 RELATiONsHips
Grammar Hub Grammar Hub
Am I in this class? Have you ever met a famous person? A Write the missing letters. B put the words and phrases of frequency in the correct
• We can also ask question with What, Where, When, Why and place in each sentence. sometimes more than one
Are they strangers? Who before the verb have.
1 in e v e r get bored writing my blog.
answer is possible.
2 She’s s s late for work.
1 We go on holiday. (once a year)
1.2 Frequency words and phrases
day 3 They a watch vlogs in their free time.
We go on holiday once a year.
0% 100% a week 4 We’re n y home before 11.
twice 2 They comment on online articles. (now and again)
never rarely occasionally sometimes often normally always month 5 He o y checks his social
three times
• We use frequency words after be and can. year media accounts at work.
3 i read online tips. (every so often)
He is normally very sensible. 6 ir go online before starting work.
every so often now and again most of the time
I can never read your handwriting! 7 He o visits his relatives in italy.
• We usually use frequency phrases at the beginning or end
4 She writes for popular magazines. (most of the time)
• We use frequency words before other verbs. of the sentence.
I sometimes watch vlogs online. I take my dog for a walk twice a day.
5 He takes his dog to the park. (three times a week)
Every so often, I travel to another country.
• We use the ending -thing with objects. Do you want something to eat? 2 i want to go somewhere / something new. 1 Somebody/Someone left a comment.
• We use indefinite pronouns with singular verbs. 3 There is nobody / nothing i can do. 2 could get online – there was no
I always take something to read on the train.
internet connection.
• We use the ending -where with places. Everyone is interested. NOT Everyone are interested. 4 We don’t need everything / anything else.
• We use ’s with indefinite pronouns for possessives. 3 Do you know at this party?
They live somewhere in Italy. 5 We go everywhere / anywhere together.
• We use any- in negative sentences. Is this anybody’s mobile phone? 6 Someone / Anyone broke the ice.
4 i don’t want to speak to you. i have
to say to you.
I don’t know anything. 7 No one / Someone came to Vant’s party.
• We also use any- in questions. 5 Did you write on her Facebook page?
Is there anything unusual about her handwriting? 6 There is unusual about this signature.
it’s strange!
7 They live in Romania.
➤ Go back to page 7.
Vocabulary Hub 1 Writing Write information about yourself
1.1 People B Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
D Which colours are the different types of mistakes in
A SPEAK Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Describe the coffee dog father football positive Use it or lose it Karolina’s writing?
people and their relationships. Use the words in the box
1 i’m a owner. i take it for a walk twice 1 grammar mistakes
to help you. Welcome. This is a blog for language learners
a day. written by … a language learner! 2 vocabulary mistakes
children colleagues friends grandparents parents 2 i’m a big drinker. Cappuccino is my My favourite tip for people interested in learning 3 spelling mistakes
relatives strangers students teacher
favourite, but i also like espresso. languages is ‘use it or lose it’. It means ‘practise
3 i’m a of two. My wife and i have two the language and you won’t forget it’. I started E Find and correct one mistake in each sentence. Then
1 2 3 decide what type of mistake it is. Write grammar (G),
daughters. this blog to practise my English. Would you like
to practise your English? Send me a message in vocabulary (V) or spelling (S).
4 i’m a person. i try not to worry or
complain. English and I’ll reply. Twice a week, I’ll post the 1 i’m a keen travller and i study
most interesting messages on the blog. tourism.
5 i’m a fan. My favourite team is
Manchester United. 2 Why you did start this blog?
4 5
About me 3 i try to learn a new word
keen on ever day.
I’m Karolina. Tea drinker,
We say keen on + verb + -ing or keen on + noun. 1bloger and hard-working 4 i usually am online during
• i’m keen on travelling. 2langage learner. 3I’ve 20 years the evenings.
• i’m keen on tennis. old and I’m Polish. I study law 5 i guess i’m an independant
We can also say a keen + noun. at university, and English in type.
B Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. • i’m a keen traveller. my free time. I go to English 6 i’m responsible with updating
lessons 4three times week and I practise for half the website.
1 Sally and Nicole are good friends / strangers and they go an hour every day. I have to be 5wel organised to
➤ Go back to page 4. 7 Are you want to know more
to the same college. get everything done! Of course, I’m 6serious with
about our group?
2 Jamal is a photography colleague / teacher. He knows a 2.3 Life events learning, but I also really enjoy it.
8 i’ve never write a blog before.
lot about cameras. My blog 7aren’t my only hobby. I’m a book lover and
a b I’m also 8keen at old black and white films. I read
3 Every weekend, i go to stay at my grandparents’ /
couple’s house. and watch in Polish and English. WRITING
4 i never know what to say to strangers / parents when i I’m a curious, sociable person and 9I like talk to
A PLAN You are going to write an About me section for
meet them for the first time. people who ask questions. I’m interested in creative
your own blog, website or social media page. Make notes
5 Janelle and Carla are colleagues / students, and they
c d types and I love meeting new people – especially
about your work or studies, your likes and dislikes and
other language learners (in the real world and online). the type of person you are.
work together in the office very well.
I think that makes me a 10person people. I hope you
6 All of my relatives / teachers live in the same town –
enjoy the blog. Remember … use it or lose it! B WRITE Use your notes and Writing Exercise A to help
we’re a very close family. you write your blog. Then check your writing using the
➤ Go back to page 3. e f list below and the strategies in the Writing skills box.
A Read the home page of Karolina’s blog and answer the
questions. i have mentioned my work or studies.
1.2 Types of people
1 What is her blog about and who is it for? i have mentioned some of my likes and dislikes.
A Match the descriptions (1–10) with the types of people in 2 How can you help Karolina? i have described my personality and the type of person
bold in Three of the best. g h
i am.
1 a person who likes animals animal lover B Work in pairs. Read the About me section of Karolina’s
blog. Then cover the blog and discuss what you i have checked my work for mistakes with grammar,
2 a woman who has three children remember about: vocabulary and spelling.
3 a person who is very interested in food
i j 1 her work or studies 3 the type of person she is C REVIEW Work in groups. Read the group’s profiles. Can
2 her likes and dislikes you recommend any blogs, websites, magazines, books,
4 a person who enjoys seeing other places Tv shows or films the people in your group might be
C Work in pairs. in Karolina’s About me section there are ten interested in?
5 a person who watches or takes part in sports mistakes with grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Correct
them. Use the information in the box to help you.
Match the life events (1–10) with the pictures (a–j).
6 a person who plays computer games Checking your writing
1 have a baby / children 6 fall in love
7 a person who enjoys spending time with others
2 go to university 7 get your own place Follow these tips to help make your writing better.
3 get a job 8 retire • Always read your writing slowly and carefully before you
8 a person who loves reading finish.
4 get married 9 learn to swim
9 a person who writes online regularly • Try and find and correct any mistakes.
5 leave home 10 leave school
10 a person who listens to music regularly • Check your grammar.
➤ Go back to page 17.
• Check the vocabulary and spelling and be careful with any
new language.
170 AUDiOsCRipTs