Hydroponics Plant Monitoring System Using IoT: A Review
Hydroponics Plant Monitoring System Using IoT: A Review
Hydroponics Plant Monitoring System Using IoT: A Review
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Swapna C. Jadhav3
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications
Government College of Eng.
Jalgaon, India
Abstract:- For more production in farming, many farmers using a hydroponic system for growing food for their space
use more fertilizers and pesticides. All these chemical scientist in space. Farmers can benefit from a hydroponics
fertilizers are harmful to human health. So organic plant monitoring system that uses IoT. The IoT platform is
farming will be necessary nowadays. Hydroponic farming utilized to monitor water parameters in these systems, which
is one of the organic farming. Inside hydroponic no are used to cultivate plants. Water parameters include Total
fertilizers and pesticides are sprinkled on plants by Dissolved Solid (TDS), temperature, pH, and water level. All
farmers. Our paper describes about closed-loop of these factors are determined by attaching various sensors.
hydroponic system. Closed loop hydroponic means all After carrying data by sensors this data is fed to cloud or IoT-
parameters that are required for hydroponic farming are based applications for further processing on this data. With the
controlled and monitored automatically with the help of help of Data Analytics and Machine Learning can generate
IoT. Here NodeMCU serves as the central control unit of useful predictions for further systems. Controlling water
our system which controls all parameters system. parameters is possible with the help of different actuators.
Hydroponic systems connected with IoT are perfect so
Keywords:- Hydroponics Iot, NFT, TDS, Thing Speak, Etc. controlling and monitoring these parameters from a distance is
possible for farmers.
Nowadays every sector is growing, development in the
agriculture sector is also the most important part. So, Paper [1] has described what is the utility of systems used
innovation and new experiments are expected in agriculture. where soil degradation is high, and hydroponic can be framed
Because 68% of the Indian population depends on agriculture indoors. It is used in terrace gardening. The author designed a
for their livelihood. India has a great history of farming system to produce plants/crops efficiently by reducing the
techniques, and many innovations in the field of agriculture usage of water, nutrients, and area required for farming.
have been made in India.
Paper [2] has given information about NFT (Nutrition
Hydroponics plant monitoring system using IoT is a low film Technique), this technique is a popular one that is
labour cost system. Hydroponics is a system in which plants practiced widely in hydroponic farming. Also, these papers
or vegetables are cultivated without soil. Inside Hydroponic explain what you need to build a NFT system. While
instead of soil, water is used for cultivating plants. With the controlling different parameters of water with a
help of water only it is not possible to grow plants, so inside Nutrition solution we must change the TDS for different plants
water all nutrients are provided which are required to grow and vegetables. The temperature range of water is between 18-
plants. Hydroponic is derived from the Greek word, hydro, 26℃ and the pH range is between 6.0-7.0. These readings vary
which means water, and ponos means work. The main with different plants. For the different climate changes, change
objectives of the hydroponic system include growing in water temperature is important. Also, hydroponic can be
vegetables with minimal use of water and controlling the possible indoors so the cost of transportation is not required.
environment for better growth of vegetables.
[3] The paper focused on the explanation of hydroponics
As the population increases the problem of land and food farming and its IoT-based design and development means after
also increases. Then the hydroponic system is a solution to the acquiring data from different sensors, data is forwarded to the
problem of land and labour costs. In hydroponics plants are IoT platform. These papers describe the three layers of IoT,
cultivated in water instead of soil, hence this farming is including a perception layer, a transportation layer, and an
possible in any location like in home and space. NASA is also application layer. The author explains the plot regarding air
Leafy Vegetables
Romaine lettuce, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce,
butter lettuce, baby leaf lettuce, escarole, endive, spring mix,
spinach, cabbage, kale, arugula, and chard are examples of
leafy vegetables.
Fig 1 General Block Diagram
Fruity Vegetables
The figure shows the block diagram of a Hydroponic
Cucumbers, eggplant, okra, sweet corn, squash, peppers,
system using IoT. This system works on the NodeMCU board
and tomatoes are examples of fruity vegetables. We must take
which is a Wi-fi based module. This module takes the inputs
certain procedures when cultivating these plants.
from the sensor processes the input data and generates the
output. There are various sensors are used to capture the data