Lesson Plan

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Subject: Exercise and its Classification

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Define Exercise and discuss its types.

Learning across the curriculum:

- Science: Study the effects of exercise on the human body.

- Mathematics: Calculate calories burned during different types of exercise.

- Physical Education: Demonstrate various exercise techniques.

Elicit: To access prior knowledge, ask students the following questions:

1. What do you understand by the term "exercise"?

2. Can you name any types of exercise that you are familiar with?

Engage: To get students hooked and focused on the topic, try the
following ideas:

1. Show a short video clip of athletes engaging in different types of exercise.

2. Conduct a brief class discussion on the importance of exercise for physical and
mental well-being.

3. Display images of individuals participating in various physical activities and ask

students to describe the type of exercise they are performing.


Activity 1: Exercise Classification Chart

Materials: Chart paper, markers


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a chart paper and markers.

3. Ask the groups to create a classification chart for different types of exercise,
categorizing them into aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility, and strength exercises.

4. Instruct the groups to list examples under each category.



- Accuracy of exercise classification

- Correct examples provided


- Accurate classification: 5 points

- Correct examples: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises?

2. Give an example of a flexibility exercise.

Activity 2: Exercise Types Role Play

Materials: None

1. Divide the class into pairs.

2. Assign each pair a type of exercise (aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility, or strength).

3. Instruct the pairs to create a short role play demonstrating their assigned exercise

4. Allow time for preparation, and then have each pair perform their role play in front
of the class.



- Clarity of role play

- Accuracy in portraying the assigned exercise type


- Clear role play: 5 points

- Accurate portrayal: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. What are the key characteristics of aerobic exercises?

2. How is flexibility exercise different from strength exercise?

Activity 3: Exercise Comparison Worksheet

Materials: Worksheets with exercise descriptions


1. Distribute worksheets to each student.

2. Each worksheet should contain descriptions of different exercises.

3. Ask students to compare and contrast the exercises based on their classification.

4. Instruct students to write down the similarities and differences they observe.



- Correct comparison of exercises

- Understanding of exercise classification


- Correct comparison: 5 points

- Understanding of classification: 5 points

Assessment questions:

1. Compare and contrast aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

2. How is flexibility exercise different from strength exercise?


1. Teach the concept of exercise classification using a PowerPoint presentation,

explaining each type in detail and providing examples.

2. Engage students in a discussion to ensure their understanding of the different

exercise types.

1. Organize a group activity where students create a workout routine that

incorporates all four types of exercise.

2. Conduct a debate on the topic: "Which type of exercise is the most beneficial for
overall fitness?"


1. Assess students' understanding by conducting a written test on exercise


2. Observe students' participation and performance during the role play and group


Assign students to research and present on the benefits of exercise for specific
health conditions, such as diabetes or obesity.


Write a reflection paper on the importance of exercise in maintaining a healthy

lifestyle. Include examples of different exercise types and how they contribute to
overall fitness.

By following this 7Es lesson plan format, teachers can effectively teach the concept
of exercise and its classification to Grade 10 students, ensuring active engagement
and understanding of the topic.

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