2023 September Newsletter

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A monthly publication for Illinois Free Will Baptist families


Come and enjoy the preaching, music and fellowship!

Leader’s Breakfast Tuesday morning at Ina Church.

On Sunday evening, special recognition will be given to those who attended the first camp
Barry Simpson at the old West City location in 1951.



September 22-23, 2023

Ladies of all ages are invited

to join us for our Fall Retreat
3D ARCHERY – 10:30 AM Registration begins at 5:45 on Friday.

Dorm will be available to spend the night.

Saturday will begin

with breakfast at 8:30 am

Young ladies, ages 12- 19,

will enjoy a special
SEND OFF SERVICE – 8:30 breakout session and activities
Pastors: Eddie Donelson, Keith McDannel and Josh Colson Reporter: Heather Phillips
Wow! August is gone and it is so hard to believe that summer break is over and school is already back in session.
Vacation Bible School was a HUGE success! We were blessed with so many smiling faces on the kids and on all of our
wonderful volunteers!! It was a fast-paced week and everyone, including the workers, had an amazing time!
The 2023-2024 AWANA season begins September 6. AWANA is open to anyone ages 2-High School. Each Wednesday
evening from 6:30-8:00pm the kids work on scripture memorization as well as play games and hear a lesson taught by
volunteers within our church. If you or someone you know is looking for a great program to be a part of, tell them about
AWANA at PFWBC! We will also have adult classes available as well. “Whoever welcomes one such child in my name
welcomes me… your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” - Matthew 18:5
Our Back to School Prayer this year… As you pack your child's lunch bag, PRAY!
Pray they will hunger for God's Word daily. Matthew 5:6
As your child gets on to the bus and you wave good-bye, PRAY!
Ask God to keep his feet on the path of righteousness always. Proverbs 8:20
As the day goes on and you wonder what they are doing, PRAY!
Ask your Heavenly Father to protect them. Psalm 91:14
As you look over the papers they bring home each day, PRAY!
Pray that their mind will grow in the knowledge of the Lord. 2 Peter 1:3
As you empty the backpack and find scraps of paper and broken pencils, PRAY!
Pray that God will take away broken pieces from the day and bring healing. Psalm 147:3
We are continuing to pray for our schools, students, and teachers-- for their safety, purpose, focus, and more!
Change what we see in 2023! "Blessed are those who have not seen and have yet believed.” – John 20:29

Pastor: Robert Craig | Reporter: Jo Ann Craig
Greetings to our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Is it really August already? My, where has the time gone. I’m so
thankful to be passing through this life hand in hand with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I trust you are too!
We are still having wonderful services as well as seeing an increase in congregational numbers. I had been asked to
sing at a memorial service for a dear friend in Bay Minette, AL on July 22, so Robert and I were able to “throw” a little
vacationing in during the week. We were able to spend time with precious friends and family in Alabama. Robert had
asked Brother David Shores to fill in for him during our absence, but we so wanted to be in our home church for the
Sunday service that we drove straight home after the memorial service. We arrived at 12:00 am, were able to get a little
rest and were able to be at Sunday School, morning and evening worship.
Brother David preached two awesome sermons that we were privileged and blessed to listen to. THANK YOU, Brother
David for covering for us. We knew our congregation was in good hands!
On July 30, 2023, we had our congregational singing night. WOW, WOW and WOW what an awesome singing service
featuring local talent. The Spirit of the Lord was in the house! The service lasted longer than usual, but I don’t believe
anyone noticed. It was so good to hear the fellowshipping going on after the service. I have to say, as the pastor’s wife,
that it filled my heart with joy to hear the chatter and laughter going on; and the food, AS ALWAYS, was delicious. God
provided abundantly. This has been our biggest congregation so far with 57 present. We know that God is certainly on
the move in our little church. If your church doesn’t have services on Sunday nights, please feel free to join us for a time
of worship, with services (both regular and congregational night) beginning at 6:00 pm.
Our WCS (Women Caring and Sharing) ministry was held on August 12, 2023, with games, devotional/special speaker
(Judy Strickland), special singing and, of course, good food and fellowship. We were expecting a great time in the Lord
and were not disappointed. A great time had by all. Thanking God, for His presence and His blessings! I love and thank
God for all the beautiful ladies in our church!
We are also looking forward to being in revival at Hazel Dell the week of August 21st. There will be a different speaker
each night. Brother Robert Craig will be speaking on Friday night, August 25th. Come be with us in revival service. You
won’t want to miss a blessing!
Remember: “Jesus loves us just as we are, but HE loves us too much to leave us just as we are!”
Prayer: “May you be blessed in the Lord and may you be a blessing to others!”
Page 2 – Illinois Newsletter – September 2023
Interim Pastor: Steve Wease Reporter: Tom Hay
Heritage Church is back with new leadership! We have hung in there, keeping the
doors open for services while being without a pastor for over four years now. Pastor
Steve Wease and his wife, Georgia, have agreed to be the new shepherd in the Capitol
City. We have been working to build up our congregation and we are updating our website
to expand our outreach. Events are being planned, including a Chili Cookoff!
Pastor Steve has been canvassing the neighborhood and making new contacts.
Heritage is in the middle of a remodeling project to our Fellowship Building and
repairing flood and mold damage in the basement. With assistance of volunteers from
Interim Pastor
Business Men in Christ, framing and drywall have been replaced. We are still working on Steve Wease
painting and trim.
In our August 6th service, three souls were led to the Lord and baptism will be scheduled soon!
We have great hope in the future of Heritage Church and in making it a strong, Spirit-filled force in the community!
“And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good,
even to them that are called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28


Pastor: Adam Brown Reporter: Jodi Tanner
Even with the grass still green and water filled creeks, fall is definitely just around the corner. It can be noticed in the
yellow buses you meet on the road, sunflowers standing tall, and the golden rays of day seeming just a little shorter.
Arnold View welcomed new youth leaders, River and Danielle Doss, on August 16. Please join with us in praying for
them to have strength and wisdom as they embark on this new ministry.
Haley Mueller, who was recently saved, followed the Lord in baptism. We want to encourage her as she grows in
faith. Robert and Brenda Zeboski were recently welcomed in membership. We’d like to extend congratulations to Mike
and Delores Burn on their recent marriage. We’d like to extend our sympathies to the family of Gene Cobb. It was
always a blessing when Gene would play or sing during worship.
On Sunday morning September 17, we look forward to welcoming Brother Jim McComas to speak and sing as we
celebrate our homecoming. We had such a wonderful time sharing the love of Jesus last school year by hosting the
Good News Club at Crab Orchard Schools and are anticipating a great time again this school year, with volunteer training
scheduled this month. We are preparing and looking forward to this opportunity to enjoy the beauty of fall while
reaching out in our community October 21 during our second Fall Festival with something for all ages. One can’t help
but notice God’s handiwork within the body of Christ knitting together those with different skills, talents, interests, and
abilities to carry out His work.
“... joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly,
makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.” - Ephesians 4:16 (ESV)

Interim Pastor: Kent Dunford Reporter: Alice Barron
VBS has come and gone. Thank you to Malinda Edgell, Emilee Smith and the Ezra Drama Team for their help as well as
Harmony's teachers, helpers and kitchen workers. The money collected was donated to the Johnston City Lunch Bunch
to help with summer meals. Thanks to Brother Cody Alstat for bringing it all together.
Brian and Buffy Diefenbach and family attended the National Convention in North Carolina where Buffy served as
Delegate from Illinois. Hailey placed first in banner and 3rd place in Christian Recitation and Elijah received a 2nd place in
Art in the CTS competition. Congratulations to both of them. Randy Blades, Dick Cremer and David Meacham attended
the Master's Men meeting at Hazel Dell Church.
Brother Mike Kash came to preach for us on July 31st, giving Brother Kent and Sister Tedra time to go on a short
vacation. After the evening service, we celebrated with a Birthday and Anniversary fellowship. Thank you, Brother Mike
and Cindy for coming. We held our monthly Master's Men and Sisters of Strength meeting on August 8th with 16 in
attendance. Brother Cody and Sister Buffy are working on the Youth Rally planned for September 17th. Put this on your
calendar! “ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” - Philippians 4:13
Illinois Newsletter – September 2023 – Page 3
Pastor: Larry Cook Reporters: Jackie Capps and Kaitlyn Catron
At the beginning of June, one of our former pastors, Spencer Meagher, had a fundraiser because he is battling cancer.
We donated $1000 to Brother Spencer and we ask that you keep him and his family in your prayers.
In June and July, we had several youth members attend Camp Hope. Dixie Catron, London Williams and Paris Williams
attended 3rd and 4th grade week. Emmy Catron attended 5th and 6th grade week and Jersey Lea attended 7th and 8th
grade week.
At the end of June, we held VBS. It was "Lava, Lava Luau" themed. We raised nearly $200 from 3 days of VBS and
donated it to Camp Hope.
Our annual Sunday School Picnic was also held at Camp Hope. The swimming pool was the highlight of the day.
Brother Larry and Sister Linda Cook, Sister Brenda Fowler and Sister Jackie Capps attended the Rend Lake District
meeting at Bakerville Church.
On July 12th London and Paris Williams asked Jesus to live in their hearts and be their Savior. On August 11th they
were baptized by Brother Larry in David and Rhonda McLearin's pool. They are the girls’ grandparents.

Pastor: Bryant Harris Youth Pastor: Ryan Payne Reporter: Donna Harmon
In June, Brother Bryant recognized all the fathers. There was a special offering for the church van. Brother Bryant
honored all the graduates with a special bible. Sunday evening was food and fellowship, Wednesday visitation ladies
Bible study and youth group.
July 24-27 was VBS. They had an attendance of 30. They provided a meal each night. The kids really had fun. Olivia
kept them quite busy. Olivia is also the new Tuesday School director. Ms Melinda will be missed and was great, great!
She poured her heart and soul into the kids for many years.
The church now has a van. Brother Ryan drove it to Kansas City Missouri with five kids for a mission trip. They had a
special send-off early Sunday morning. They left July 30th through August 4th. Wednesday night visitation, the ladies
Bible study and youth group. Brother Bryant and family had a vacation in Gulf Shores. They went deep sea fishing.
Brother Ryan and Olivia attended the national and Zane worked in Truth and Peace. The men are still working on the
new addition. It surely was nice for VBS. Brother Bryant said one Sunday morning he who does not love does not know
God for God is love. What a deep thought to go home on. A good thought we could share love with one person each
month that is not able to be at church. God bless all of you.


Pastor: Phillip Kennedy
We are praying for a safe school year for all! We were unable to attend the National Convention this year but enjoyed
watching online. During the Convention we were busy with VBS! Our VBS was July 17-21 and was called “Submerged.”
We had a good week of ministry! We raised money for Operation Christmas boxes and all the kids dumped Ice water on
Pastor Phillip. We also finished out serving lunches at the Alliance for kid’s summer lunch program. On August 30 we
had a wonderful fellowship meal after church to celebrate A Day B Day.
We had some guys go to the Hazel Dell Men's Dinner on August 3rd. Pastor Phillip and family attended the quarterly
meeting at Alexander Church on August 5th. Rusty Carney was the speaker. There was a great turn out at the Pastor’s
Breakfast on the first Monday of August. On August 14 we had our Fellowship with the Pastor and enjoyed coffee and
donuts. We had a good turnout.
James Kennedy shared a devotion on Sunday morning August 13th. Our Children's Church has been learning different
methods of evangelism. We have started back a few ministries that we didn't have during the summer months. We had
a Family Gym Night on August 4th with a good turnout. Pray for this family fun event as we meet and prayerfully reach
those in our community. Our next one is September 1st from 6p.m to 8p.m. We also started back our Student
Hangouts. Pray for these students as most of them do not regularly attend church. Our September dates for student
Hangouts are September 7th and 21st, both are from 6p.m to 7p.m.
September will be a full month of ministry. Looking forward to Adult Camp Meeting, Master’s Men Retreat and Ladies
Retreat plus more, looking forward to worshiping and fellowship with many of our other churches.
Page 4 – Illinois Newsletter – September 2023
Pastor: Brad Ryan Reporter: Katie Williams
We hope you all have had a wonderful summer! Summers are always an exciting time with VBS, Camp Hope, and our
National Convention. We were happy to have Brother David Shores preach for us on July 16th while our pastors were
traveling to North Carolina. Brother David pastored our church for many years and it is always wonderful to see him and
Sister Pat.
On July 19th Briley Czerwinski welcomed baby Wailyn Grace Czerwinski. She is such a doll and we are so happy for the
Czerwinski family!
The last Sunday evening in July, we had a time of fellowship and were able to hear from our Truth and Peace students
about their experience at Nationals. We are grateful for our young people and their willingness to serve.
On August 6th, we had the privilege to hear from Rusty and Brenda Carney about their mission in Japan. They sang a
song in Japanese and talked about various outreaches they do to bring people into their church. We are praying for their
ministry in Japan!
Our Ladies Friendship Circle had a Bake Sale on August 13th and were able to raise over $600 for missions! God has
blessed our church with generous, caring people.
We are planning another Block Party for the middle of October to reach our local community. Please pray for this
outreach, that some might begin to attend and call our church their home.

Pastor: Randy Carney Reporter: Doug Hancock
Concluding our 14th Lunch Bunch (see last issue)…JCity church hosted the 5th Sunday Sing July 30th,with churches in
our community providing music, singing, testimonies…and homemade ice cream! We are experiencing a slow, steady
growth…and Pastor Randy has introduced Discipleship Explosion, a program to teach members to reach others. On
September 10th, the congregation is invited to the Carney home after church for a picnic and a baptism in the pond for
folks who want to be baptized “the old fashioned way “.
All is well at the Center for Hope and Renewal, as plans for the fall are being finalized. The Arrow, a monthly
newspaper…is being published to promote positive items in our town…and alert folks of events to come.


Pastor Ernie Lewis Reporter Suzanne Lewis
Brother Ernie and Suzanne were able to attend the National Association convention in Raleigh, North Carolina. They
enjoyed the services, the competition, a couple of banquet/dinners, laughter and latte, and even the business.
Several from our church went on a World Changers Mission Trip to Pine Bluff, Arkansas. We also attended a Cardinal
game in St. Louis using free tickets provided to the church.
We held our monthly grocery giveaway for Senior Citizens.
Several groups in our church are having Bible studies. One group meets at the church. A group of younger women
meets in various homes. Some of the men have been meeting in a home and not only enjoying Bible studies, but
shooting pool in his shop. We are thankful that so many are delving deeply into God’s Word.
Several participated in the recent Johnsonville Days that included the tractor show, the mud bog and delicious food.
We were also heavily involved in the Cisne Reunion. Several of our girls were in the various pageants. We operated a
‘Taco-in-a-Bag’ stand throughout the four-day event. We also sponsored a Christian ventriloquist who put on an amazing
Saturday morning program in the park. Our entry in the parade received a plaque for being the best walking group.
Rusty Carney and his three children joined us for a Sunday morning service and Rusty shared about their ministry in
Japan. That same morning, we held our annual ‘Back-to-School’ recognition. There was a prayer of dedication for all the
students, teachers, and staff from area schools.
Our teens enjoyed an ‘End-of-Summer’ party at the Link. They of course enjoyed pizza, music, and played a variety of
games in the gym. Brother Ernie attended the Executive Board meeting in Mt. Vernon. He gave a report from the
mission board and enjoyed the fellowship with others.
Illinois Newsletter – September 2023 – Page 5
Pastor: Curtis Smith Reporter: Diana Kirk
What a busy summer it has been, but now it is time for students and teachers to return to school. We had a special
prayer over individuals who will be returning to school this fall. There was a group of 24 including students, teachers,
aides and a school nurse who will be returning to school from our church. God’s blessings on all who are beginning the
new school year.
The annual Hazel Dell Master’s Men Dinner Night was held on Thursday, August 5th. There were approximately 90 men
present for this meeting. Brother Brian Gibson was the speaker for the evening. Thank you to all who worked or
provided food to make this special night a success.
The Summer Lunches came to an end as Hazel Dell passed out lunches to students in Sesser for the final week. Thank
you to those who helped with this summer project.
Wednesday, August 9th was the Prayer Walk at the Sesser-Valier school in preparation for the new school year.
Congratulations to Titus Smith on competing at the National Convention. We are blessed by this boy and his love for
the Lord.
We are looking forward to our Homecoming services on October 1st. Brother Ernie Lewis will be our speaker and
Redemption will be providing the special music. A noon meal is being planned as well.
“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,
even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” - Ephesians 4:32

Dr. Brad Ransom AT INA FREE WILL BAPTIST CHRCH Dr. Eddie Moody

2024 Nominations Requested

The 2023-2024 Nominating Committee, which will serve through the national convention in Tampa, Florida, is
prepared to receive nominees for the 2024 election, according to Terry Hinds, chairman.
The committee will meet in December and compile a report offering a single nomination for each position to be
filled. The report will be presented to delegates at the 2024 convention.
The following board and commission positions will be filled in 2024: Women Nationally Active for Christ (3), D6 Family
Ministry (3), IM, Inc. (3), Welch College (3), Commission for Theological Integrity (1), Historical Commission (1), Media
Commission (1), Music Commission (1), General Board (10), Executive Committee (3).
Nominations, accompanied by a brief resume, must be submitted exclusively to the chairman on or before October 1.
Download the nomination form at http://www.nafwb.org/nominations.
Contact Chairman Terry Hinds: Nominating Committee 851 N Miami St Wabash IN 46992
Page 6 – Illinois Newsletter – September 2023

[Grab your reader’s Brother Ivan Ryan, pictured here with his wife, Diane was hired by the Illinois
attention with a great Executive Board at their Board Meeting at Mount Vernon on August 14th to become
the Interim Promotional Secretary for the Illinois Free Will Baptist State Association
quote from the
on January 1, 2024.
document or use this Brother Ryan has served in Illinois for many years and recently retired from
space to emphasize a pastoral ministry after a lengthy term at the Arnold View Church located near Creal
key point. To place this Springs, Illinois.
text box anywhere on He has served on several State Boards and has been active in all the
the page, just drag it.] work of Illinois free Will Baptists. Pray for him as he transitions into this new
position. More information will be provided in the coming months.



Rusty and Brenda Carney and family are in the United States

Rusty Carney (IL) and Brenda Wendlandt Carney (OK) both grew up in
pastors’ homes and were saved at an early age. God began dealing with
both of them independently about surrendering to His call to be
missionaries. They ended up meeting at Welch college to study missions.
They were married after graduation and have been serving in Japan as
missionaries with IM since 2009. Their first two terms were in Hokkaido,
and they are currently serving in the Tokyo area at the Kamifukuoka Christ
Church. Rusty enjoys playing piano, spending time with people one-on-
one, and observing the beauty of God’s creation. Brenda enjoys cooking,
gardening, and socializing.
They have three children: Grace—a scheduled, passionate teenager.
Kelton—an outgoing, spirited creative. And Katherine—a kind, nurturing
The Carneys are home to visit family, raise support and visit supporting churches. Have them at your church for
a service to share their burden for Japan. You may contact Brother Ernie Lewis for scheduling a service by calling



The Illinois Camp Board reported that for Summer 2023, Camp Hope had:
a total of 345 young people plus workers for camp:

Leadership Camp – 24 Junior/Senior Camp - 61

Freshmen/ Sophomore Camp – 50 Junior High Camp - 91
Junior Camp – 56 Primary Camp - 63

Illinois Newsletter – September 2023 – Page 7

Illinois Free Will Baptist September 2023 U. S. Postage Paid
Non-Profit Org.
NEWSLETTER Bonnie, Illinois
Permit Number 1
Illinois State Association of Free Will Baptists
P.O. Box 1 Bonnie, Illinois 62816-0001


Reporters: Please send all correspondence for the Illinois Newsletter to www.davidshores37@gmail.com
The deadline for articles for publication in the October Newsletter is September15th

Dear Readers:
As you can see in this Newsletter, there are a lot of activities scheduled for September:
Camp Meeting – September 10-13 (Please note that services are scheduled for 6:30 each evening)
Master’s Men Retreat – September 14-16
Ladies Retreat – September 22-23
Leadership Boot Camp at Ina Church – September 29-30
( Plus: We are hosting our First Free Will Baptist Hispanic Camp Meeting at Camp Hope – August 25-27! )

Also, it should be noted that an Interim Promotional Secretary has been hired to begin serving on January 1, 2024.
Brother Ivan Ryan will be replacing me (David Shores) after I have served many years in this position. I want to thank
Brother Ryan for his spiritual help he has given to me. Not only is he a Christian brother, he is truly a great friend. I also
thank everyone for your support and prayers for my wife and me. Our churches in Illinois have been a blessing to us,
have helped us in so many ways, and have been an encouragement throughout the years.
We will work together to make the transition easy by the end of the year.
Illinois Free Will Baptists have been a part of my life since the night I was an 18 year old converted in a revival meeting
at the Waltonville Church in January, 1956…thank you for everything and God bless you - David Shores

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