Builder: The First Baptist
Builder: The First Baptist
Builder: The First Baptist
Thank you to all who have made this project a reality. Now, we need to ask one more thing of you. Following our Wednesday evening service on the 15th, we need volunteers to help move the tables and chairs out of the Fellowship Hall. Would you plan to stay and help? Our Wednesday night service on the 15th will be our regularly scheduled quarterly conference. It is at that time that we will vote on the budget for the coming year. We will also hear a report and recommendation from the property committee concerning our Mold issue. This is a very important meeting and I encourage everyone to attend. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary beginning at 7pm. On the evening of the 16th Steven Camp from Desert Wind Films will be with us showing the trailer to the movie that was made here, Fishers of Men, beginning at 3pm and continuing every half hour until 7pm. You are invited to come by and watch this trailer and join in a time of prayer for the spiritual success of this endeavor. Now the G R E A T E S T N E W S O F A L L, w e will gather together here this Sunday to worship and honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You can join with us, indeed, are expected to join with us. I will look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Paul
Sunday December 5, 2010 Budget Receipts $31,267.00 Budget Needs To Date $907,630.80 Budget Receipts YTD $834,887.53 Receipts Under Budget By $72,743.27 Lottie Moon To Date $9,853.75 Bible Study 378
Sunday, December 12 Early Worship 8:30 AM Bible Study 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Chancel Choir Christmas Musical 6:30 PM Monday, December 13 Saints Alive 9:30 AM Finance Committee 5:30 PM Deacons 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 14 th th 7 & 8 Grade Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Wednesday, December 15 Graded Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Youth Bible Study & Supper 6:00 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Church Conference 7:00 PM Mission Friends, GAs, RAs 7:00 PM Girls of Grace 7:00 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Chancel Choir 8:00 PM WE WELCOME NEW MEMBER BY LETTER Saundra Hill Rogers 1507 Lakewood Dr 246-7915 OUR CONDOLENCES TO: *****The Family of Christelle Olive. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Gene & Clair Dunlap and Kevin & Wanda Lewis on the birth of a grandson, Winston Beckett Dunlap, weighing 6 lbs 9 oz on 11-29. Proud parents are Mark & Angie Dunlap. EXTENDED SESSION December 12 Eddie & Debbie Duke, Ryan & Brittany Phillips, Jean Stokes, Betty Johnson, Nan Jordan, Sandra Mobley, Rob & Lauren Millings, Bryan & Julie Cottles, Ralph & Barbara Smith, Peggy Freeman
WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT December 15, 2010 6:00 PM Ham Brown Rice Green Beans Congealed Salad Rolls Dessert
THE FIRST BAPTIST BUILDER (USPS 042-040) Periodicals postage at Bainbridge, Georgia. Published weekly by First Baptist Church, 200 South Clay Street, Bainbridge, Georgia 39817. P.O. Box 155, Bainbridge, Georgia 39818. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the First Baptist Builder, P.O. Box 155, Bainbridge, Georgia 39819
First Baptist Church 200 South Clay Street P.O. Box 155 Bainbridge, GA 39818 Phone 229-246-1563 Fax 229-246-8182 Rev. Paul Medley...Pastor Rev. Art Bruce.....Minister of Music/Senior Adults Rev. Earl Barron....Minister of Education/Children Rev. Al Session..Minister of Youth/College Clarene Jones..Office Secretary Virginia Smith......Administrative Secretary Email:
December 8, 2010
Volume 63 Number 49
A CHRISTMAS INVITATION Come Just As You Are Presented in the Evening Worship time this Sunday. Beautiful solos, duets, Ladies Ensemble, Young Musicians Choir and Chancel Choir are featured this year. Al and Kelley are our dramatic narrators again. Invite friends and neighbors to this inspiring time of worship led by musicians in our Music Ministry. NOTE: Bonus rehearsal directed by Mark Mitchell, Saturday at 9:30 AM. THANKS TO SHOCKWAVE Last Sunday evening, our youth choir SHOCKWAVE presented an awesome program of Christmas music. Thanks to each teen and leader for this wonderful presentation. FELLOWSHIP CLUB DECEMBER ACTIVITY About 50 Fellowship Club members and some Methodist friends enjoyed a great meal at the Emerald Lake RV Resort in Seminole County. In spite of the cold weather, we had a great time. A big thank-you to Billy Poppell for driving the bus so professionally! Next months meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 10th ( Watch this column for a possible change due to the Fellowship hall renovation.) SAINTS ALIVE GATHERING AND SINGING reminded of our Christmas soup luncheon on Monday, December 13. The noon luncheon will be preceded by a 9:30 AM concert at the Manor and a 10:30 AM concert at Willow Ridge. Bring a White Elephant gift to exchange. We will also share our ministry in song by sharing at Bainbridge Healthcare, Riverside Place and Johnsons Personal Care Home on Monday, December 20. Depart from church at 10:00, sing in 2 locations, eat lunch (Dutch treat) then sing after lunch. We should be finished by about 1:30 PM.
Food For Christmas We will meet at the church on Tuesday Dec. 21st to pack boxes and take them to the community for those who need food for the holidays. Those youth that would like to help out, we will meet at the church at 11 a.m. pack, do lunch together, and then go and take the food to the families. Please sign up in the youth room for this event. Callaway Gardens Trip On Dec. 20th we will be going to see the lights at Callaway Gardens. We will leave the church at 3 p.m. The cost will be $15 plus money to buy supper that night. Sign ups will take place on Wed and Sun for this upcoming event. D-Now Houses If you are interested in hosting or co-hosting a house for DNow, please let me know as soon as possible.
FBC Parking Lot 06:30 Hours Mess Tent 09:00 Hours Mess Tent 12:00 Hours No later than 18:00 Hours $25.00 Local Currency
To learn more about the trip you may go to their website at:
What a wonderful time that was experienced by all who participated in Parents, Pajamas, and Pancakes this past Saturday! All children had an opportunity to match clues about Jesus' birth and give their answer. This was followed by a yummy pancake, sausage, and juice breakfast. Bro. Earl shared the Christmas story and everyone sang Christmas Carols. The activity was topped off by children and parents working together to complete three ornaments to take home ......a snowflake, a wreath, and a reindeer!!! What fun we had !!!!! Enjoy our slide show on the church web-page. Earl & The Ministry Team
Websites of Interest to FBC There are a lot of websites you can go to in order to find out information about our church and ministries. Church website: College website: Youth website: You can also find the youth and church on Facebook now.