Q2 Module6 G7-8 Agri-Crop-Production

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Agricultural Crop Production




Interpret farm plans and lay- out

Let Us Define:
Lay-outing-locating the position of plant in the field
Intercropping-the planting of another crop within the row of the main crop
Monocropping- the growing of single crop
Irrigation- the application of water to the soil by any other means than rainfall

How Crops are Arranged in Row Planting

Row planting - is a system of growing crops in linear pattern in at least one direction rather than
planting without any distinct arrangement.
- Crops are planted in rows or straight lines, either singly or in multiple rows, mainly to enhance
maximum yields as well as for convenience.
- An east-west row orientation is preferred to maximize light absorption, but this is not always
The specific advantages of row planting over broadcasting or scatter planting:
(1) light absorption is maximized and, conversely, the excessive shading effect of other plants is
minimized thus favoring more efficient photosynthesis and improved crop yield;
(2) wind passage along the interrow is enhanced which increases gas exchanges and prevents
excessive humidity;
(3) access through the interrow facilitates cultivation, weeding, and other farm operations
including hauling;
(4) movement within the crop area is convenient and allows close inspection of individual plants;
(5) visibility is enhanced.
Row Planting Arrangement
**Row-planted crops are either arranged in equidistant single rows or in multiple rows.
SINGLE ROWS - is most common in monocropping or sole cropping, the growing of a single
Multiple Row Planting Arrangement
- is a system of growing crops in blocks or strips of 2 or more rows.
- This planting arrangement is common in multiple cropping in which two or more crops are
grown in the same piece of land.
Spatial Arrangement in Intercropping- is the systematic apportioning of the farm area or any
growing surface for crop production.
In multiple cropping by intercropping, the intercrop can be planted in any of the following ways:

(1) within the rows of the maincrop,
(2) between the rows of the maincrop,
(3) in replacement series
Another practice is in strip intercropping,
Methods of Planting Crops in the Farm
- In general, there are two methods of planting crops: direct seeding and transplanting.
Direct seeding is either by broadcast, hill or dibble, or by drill method.
- hill and the drill methods are alternative options in row planting.
- is a method of planting in which seeds are directly planted on the ground in the farm or any
growing surface.
- generally, applies to large-seeded vegetables as well as in cereals and grain legumes
- also commonly used to refer to the planting of seed pieces or underground vegetative planting
materials directly into the soil.
*Planting crops by Broadcasting or Sabog Tanim, Or Scatter Planting, commonly applies to
small seeds, like rice and mungbean, that are capable of germination and sustained growth without
soil cover.
- Skill is important to ensure even distribution of seeds per unit ground area based on the desired
seeding rate per hectare.
*Dibbling is an old method of planting crops practiced by subsistence farmers in hilly lands.
*The hill method of direct seeding is done by dropping seeds in holes made by a dibbler or in
furrows that are more or less equidistant.
- A hill is that specific spot on the ground on which a plant or a group of plants is grown.
*The drill method of planting crops is done, either manually or mechanically, by releasing seeds
continuously, as if pouring water from a bottle with a small opening.
- there is no uniform spacing between plants in the row
*TRANSPLANTING is a method of planting crops in which potted plants or pre-grown seedlings
or clones are planted on the ground, other growing surface, or any growing structure.
- also convenient with a few plants that can be transferred with a ball of soil around the roots
- most common with small-seeded vegetables, vegetatively propagated crops, ornamental crops,
fruit trees and many perennial crops.
- used to refer to the practice of replanting an already established plant in one location and moving
it elsewhere.

Interpret irrigation plan and design

*Irrigation System Plan and Design

- Proper design of an irrigation system requires that the pumping system precisely match to the
irrigation distribution system so that the pressure and flow rate required can be efficiently provided
by the pumping system.

- Irrigation water management involves determining when to irrigate, the amount of water to apply
at each irrigation event and during each stage of plant, and operating and maintaining the irrigation


The primary function of farm irrigation systems is to supply crops with irrigation water in the
quantities and at the time it is needed.
Specific Function Includes:
1. Diverting water from the water source.
2. Conveying it to individual fields within the farm.
3. Distributing it within each field.
4. Providing a means for measuring and regulating flows.
Essential Features of a Plan
• Topographic Data
• Water Source Capacity
• Depending on the water source, a well log or water license must accompany the irrigation
• Soil and Crop Characteristics
• Design Parameters
• Design Data

*Different Designs of Irrigation Systems

1. SURFACE IRRIGATION- water is applied to the field in either the controlled or uncontrolled
1.1 Furrow system

a. Furrow irrigation by cutting the ridge b .Furrow irrigation with siphons

1.2 Border Irrigation System- controlled surface flooding is practiced and is suited to crops
that can withstand flooding for a short time.
1.3 Basin Irrigation System- water is flooded in wider areas and is ideal in irrigating rice.

-The sprinkler system is ideal in areas where water is scarce.
- A sprinkler system conveys water through pipes and applies it with a
minimum number of losses.

Types of Conventional Sprinkler Systems

a. Fully portable system: The system is designed to be moved from one field to another or other
pumping sites that are in the same field.
b. Semi-portable system: Water source and pumping plant are fixed in locations. Other components
can be moved.
c. Fully permanent system: Permanent laterals, mains, sub-mains as well as fixed pumping plant.


a. Water is applied directly to the crop,
example, entire field is not wetted.
b. Water is conserved
c. Weeds are controlled because only the
places getting water can grow weeds.
d. There is a low-pressure system.
e. There is a slow rate of water application
somewhat matching the consumptive use.
Application rate can be as low as 1- 12 l/hr.
f. There is reduced evaporation, only
potential transpiration is considered.
g. There is no need for a drainage system. Components of a Drip Irrigation


PART 1. Matching Type:

Directions: Select the best answer by matching column A and column B, write the letter
of your answer on the space provided for.

Column A Column B

_____1. Lay-outing a. The application of water to the soil by any other means than
_____2. Intercropping rainfall
_____3. Monocropping b. The growing of single crop
_____4. Irrigation c. Growing crops in linear pattern in at least one direction
_____5. Row planting d. Two or more crops are grown in the same piece of land
_____6. Multiple cropping e. Locating the position of plant in the field
_____7. Spatial arrangement f. The planting of another crop within the row of the main crop
_____8. Direct seeding g. The practice of replanting an already established plant in one
_____9. Transplanting location and moving it elsewhere
_____10. Broadcasting h. Is done by dropping seeds in holes made by a dibbler or in
_____11. Hill method furrows that are more or less equidistant
_____12. Drill method i. Is done by releasing seeds continuously as if pouring water from a
bottle with small opening
j. Is a method of planting in which seeds are directly planted on the
ground in the farm?
k. Also called as sabog tanim or scatter planting which commonly
applies to small seeds
l. The systematic apportioning of the farm area or any growing

PART II. True or False:
Directions: Read and analyze each statement below. Write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect on the space provided for.

_____1. In surface irrigation, water is applied to the field in controlled or uncontrolled manner.
_____2. The surface irrigation is consisting of furrow, border, and basin irrigation systems.
_____3. The sprinkler system is ideal in areas where water is abundant.
_____4. The types of conventional sprinkler systems are fully portable, semi- portable, and fully
permanent systems.
_____5. In the drip or trickle irrigation, water is applied directly to the soil.
_____6. In basin irrigation, water is flooded in wider areas.
_____7. In a fully permanent system, the laterals, mains, sub- mains and pumping plant are all portable.
_____8. Border irrigation is suited for crops that can withstand flooding for a short time such as wheat.

Answer Key: (Worksheet No. 6)
Simple Activities (Part 1)
1. e
2. f
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. d
7. l
8. j
9. g
10. k
11. h
12. i
Moderate Activities (Part II)

1. true
2. true
3. false
4. true
5. false
6. true
7. false
8. true


PART I. Fill-in the blanks.

Directions. Fill in the missing word to complete the sentence.

1. An east-west row orientation is preferred to _____________.

2. ______________________is the systematic apportioning of the farm area or any growing
surface for crop production.
3-4. Row-planted crops are either arranged in equidistant (3) ________________ or in
(4) ______________.
5. ______________ is a method of planting crops in which potted plants or pre-grown seedlings
or clones are planted on the ground, other growing surface, or any growing structure.
6-8. n multiple cropping by intercropping, the intercrop can be planted in any of the following
ways: (6) __________________________________, (7) ___________________________, and
(8) _____________________________.
9-10. In general, there are two methods of planting crops: (9) ________________and.
(10) ________________.

Directions: Write T is the statement is correct and F if it is not.

_____1. In surface irrigation, water is applied to the field in controlled or uncontrolled manner.
_____2. The types of conventional sprinkler systems are fully portable, semi- portable, and fully
permanent systems.
_____3. In the drip or trickle irrigation, water is applied
directly to the soil.
_____4. In basin irrigation, water is flooded in wider areas.
_____5. In a fully permanent system, the laterals, mains, sub- mains and pumping plant are all
PART III. ESSAY. (10 pts)

Directions: Answer the following.

1. What is the difference between row planting and scatter planting?

2. How do you arrange row planted crops?
3. What is spatial arrangement?

A. Books
Ramos, Pedro P., & Intacto III, Victor V. Agricultural Crop Production. K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum. Technology and Livelihood Education. Learning Module.

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