Running A Caravan
The caravan is a group character for the players, a joint mobile base PCs
of operations. Overleaf is a caravan sheet for the players to manage. List the players’ characters and their usual roles in the caravan.
You don’t need a caravan to travel the UVG, but it’s a good idea. Common roles include expedition leader, navigator, captain of the
guards, chief negotiator, mechanic or animal handler, and doctor.
Money (Cash)
Cash (€) is the currency of the UVG. It’s called cash as a nod to Helpers
ancient Chinese cash (文) and the whole Marco Polo meta-theme. Helpers are secondary characters with specialized skills: navigators,
An unskilled laborer earns €1/day. Lower denominations exist, but cooks, mechanics, guards, hunters, scouts, etc.. Unless otherwise
can generally be ignored at the scale of caravans. Letters of credit specified, a helper’s weekly wages equal their €6 per level.
made out by private butcher banks are also available.
Financier (Patron)
Create this NPC together with the players. The zanier, the better.
Ask the players in turn about the patron’s goals, the organization,
opponents, weaknesses, oddities, and so on.
Every adventuring-trading company needs a cheesy logo. When the
players decide to change it later, it costs 1d6 x €100 in random fees.
This section helps track the heroes’ investments in trade routes and
other shenanigans. Use the table on p.XX to generate returns.
Time, besides money, is the other key constraint on caravans. Travel
is nearly impossible in winter, and the heat is oppressive in summer.
Have the players give each year a memorable name.
Fast (fresh horses) and slow tags (heavy wagons) cancel each other
out. The speed score represents additional tallies (days) added to
the time track, or tallies from Misfortune and exploration negated.
How many supplies the caravan consumes each week. For simplicity,
humans consume a sack of supplies each week, herbivorous mounts
subsist by grazing and foraging, but consume a sack of supplies each
week in wastelands. Vehicles burn a sack of fuel per week. Magical
creatures, such as golems and the undead, require no supplies.
Units and Encumbrance Example: the fabulous gold and marble statue of the metaphysical
insinuation of being by Jeerida the Artistique is worth €6,000 and
1 sack = 10 stones = 100 soaps = 2,500 cash takes 6 sacks of inventory (thus: €6,000, 6 sacks) to transport safely.
» Sack: basic caravan inventory unit.
» Stone: a tenth of a sack, also a generic significant item, like a So Hack It Up
sabre or spear or shield or shovel. About 15lbs. A smart (philistine) hero can hack out 1d6 + Level percent of a trea-
» Soap: a hundredth of a sack, also a generic small item, like a sure’s value in one turn. This will reduce the value of the rest of the
signal whistle or signet ring or spike. Or bar of soap. work by 10x that amount in percent.
» Cash (€): one standard unit of currency.
Example: Pikker the Peng-Ling rolls 5%, gouges out the gold bits for
A human’s inventory limit is 7 + Strength stones’ worth of items €300, and pockets them. The remaining defaced sculpture is now
or one packed sack (10 stones). For every stone over their limit, a worth 50% less: €3,000. Yeah, looters are not nice.
human suffers -1 to all rolls.
Players will come up with weird ideas for rigging up rollers, ropes,
and pulleys to drag heavy things long distances. This is good.
Encourage them.
1. Remove one sack of supplies per human-sized person from The farther heroes travel, the more renowned they will be in their
the caravan inventory. home towns, and the more valuable their stories.
2. One hero rolls for misfortune. A different hero tests each week.
3. Check what encounters happen and resolve them. The use of Days
4. Any heroes that did not participate in a fight or flight can treat Heroes traveling the UVG will also find uses for days, particularly
the week as a long rest. for taking short rests to recover an expended daily ability or 1d4
5. Check if the caravan has arrived at a destination. Most desti- Life, roughly exploring a point of interest, observing a new creature,
nations are a week apart but some require two, or even three, mucking around a destination, and, most crucially, dying of thirst.
weeks of voyaging in the wastes. If the caravan has not yet
arrived at a safe location repeat steps 1 to 5 until it does. Tally extra days accrued from Misfortune, exploration, and other
6. When the caravan arrives at a destination, one hero makes a miscellaneous events until they reach a full week. Then repeat steps
moderate relevant test for discoveries and notes any on the 1 to 3 (no rest) and reset the tally.
map. These are points of interest a few days’ journey from the
destination. There are a limited number of discoveries avail- A caravan is slowed down when the animals are encumbered,
able at each destination. passengers are sick, it is using slow vehicles, or can be described by
Instead of traveling a caravan may stop for a full week. any other word that feels slow. At the beginning of every week tally
an extra day for every applicable condition and adjective. Thus an
When a caravan is stopped in the wilderness each hero may take encumbered (1) caravan with sick (2) heroes using slow (3), heavy (4)
one of the following actions before step 1: wagons starts every week by tallying four extra days.
» Forage for supplies: with a moderate relevant test they gain
one sack of supplies. Difficulty varies depending on how plen- A caravan is fast if everybody is mounted, has an exceptional guide,
tiful the wildlife is. is using excellent steeds, or fast golem vehicles. Every applicable
» Care for another character: they fully recover a damaged attribute condition negates one tally per week—leaving more time for
and gain advantage on tests vs. illness and poison. exploration. Even a fast caravan cannot travel a 1-week distance in
» Set an ambush: prepare a trap to waylay other travelers or to less than one week—they are just traveling at an optimal pace.
gain advantage in a hostile encounter.
» Study: probe ancient artifacts, scrolls, or items to figure out Rest and Recovery
how they work, learn a new spell or skill. In keeping with the emphasis on weeks, a long rest takes one week
» Hide the camp: advantage to avoiding encounters. and each hero recovers only one of the following:
» Their full Life (hit points or health in some systems).
If the caravan is stopped at a destination each hero may also: » One stat (ability score or other similar attribute).
» Explore further for additional discoveries. » Their entire fatigue track (it’s called rest for a reason).
» Buy and sell trade goods. » From one harmful effect (death, soul removal, and so on).
» Every hero may pay expenses for lodging and food rather than
consuming sacks of supplies and, in some places, even buy addi- When a hero is cared for by another character they recover one
tional sacks of supplies. This action is free. more attribute per week.
Every week of traveling, a different player rolls to see what bad luck
has befallen the caravan. Misfortune applies to the whole caravan,
but characters test individually to avoid the worst outcomes (like
contracting a horrible disease).
Misfortune Modifiers
The referee can provide a bonus or penalty to the roll.
You can expand your game world north and south from any point Where is the discovery?
on the big map. d6 How Far Away? d8 Which Way?
1 A mere day. Maybe less? 1 West, towards the Black City.
2 Two days. 2 Southwest.
3 Three. 3 South, towards the Cyan Sea.
4 Four. Getting the idea? 4 Southeast, to the Red Mountains.
5 Five. 5 East, towards civilization.
6 Six. This is redundant. 6 Northeast, to the Moon Mountains.
6/6 A full week away. 7 North, towards the Silent Forest.
6/6/6 Right here! Hidden! 8 Northwest, towards the Flesh Coast.
When selling multiply the price by the factor, when buying divide.
Haggling Table
d20 Factor Interesting Note
1 0 Local authorities (or thugs?) confiscate the goods!
2–5 0.5 Ripped off! Was it knives in the milk or the fine print?
6–13 1 A fair and reasonable sale.
14–17 1.2 A solid, profitable sale.
18–19 1.5 A good trade. Anyone should be proud.
20+ 3 This might be almost too good. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to
quickly skip town now...
The vehicles in the transport table are all less cost effective than Dragging
animals. It’s hard to keep machines running in the wilderness and Using improvised stretchers, ropes, rollers or skids, a creature can
their key value is transporting big heavy things that a single mule or pull double its normal capacity.
camel couldn’t manage like magical sarcophagi, golden idols, and
glass cannons. Flying
Not a good idea because of the Purple Haze, which rots human
Energy minds. At least, that’s what natives say. Also, there are fragments of
Most vehicles burn synthetic fuel. Traditionally, this is refined with stuckforce littering the sky, an invisible cutting hazard.
from biomass with the use of biomagical eating animalcules and
alchemical vats, or with a domesticated autofac. Some remote Golem
communities even refine their dead into energy. Golem vehicles use near-inexhaustible radiothermal batteries.
» Low-Q Diesolene, “Ole Belcher”, costs €10 per sack and produces Each lasts for decades. They are popular targets for thieves.
hot, iridescent smoke. Adds the “smoke” tag to a caravan.
» Premium Guzzolene costs €20 per sack. Grazing
» Oldtech Jetolene costs €50 per sack and adds the “fast” tag to a Herbivores usually eat grass and other plants. In deserts, they
caravan. It burns white-hot and may explode engines. consume a sack of supplies per week. Common supplies cost €2 per
sack, like for humans. Camels only consume half, they’re cool.
Humanoids Porter
The caravan economics of UVG strongly discourage the use of 1 sack Capacity: 2 sacks
capacity humans. They can carry useful gear or 1 supply. They can’t Cost: €20 per week. Doesn’t work on Sundays.
graze, so they’ll eat that Supply in a week, and then what? It’s just Consumes: 1 supply per week
not practical. They’re on the list to cover normal adventuring events Speed: Normal
and to tempt new players into setting off on a 2-week journey with 1 Tough professional. Skilled at packing and carrying stuff, preparing
week of supplies and some instant enemies. supply depots, and surviving in the wilds.
Porters, or anything that can carry 2 sacks (1 sack of gear, 1 sack of Slave Porter
supplies) are better, especially if they know the terrain. The cost of Capacity: 2 sacks
a Porter (€20/week) vs. a Slave Porter (€600) means that renting Cost: €600
is much better than buying. The cost is included, though, because Consumes: 1 supply per week
nefarious and shortsighted PCs might decide to raise some quick Speed: Normal
capital by hiring porters in one location and selling them in another. Like a porter, but less free and more resentful.
Disposable Slave Surgical Obedience: €50, 50% chance to kill the participant.
Capacity: 1 sack With a sharpened spoon, some ultratech crystal neuron lances,
Cost: €200. strong drugs, and a bit of elbow grease, a (un)licensed neuro-
Consumes: 1 supply per week chirurge will carve away the unpleasantly disobedient bits of a brain.
Speed: Normal Survivors will cheerfully obey any order. Eat my fingers? You’ve got
Managed with threats and fear. Isn’t paid wages. Slavery is evil. it, Boss! Charge that hydratiger? I’m on it, yippee! Considered a bit
too evil by even the most jaded evil warlords.
Capacity: 4 sacks
Cost: €600
Consumes: grazing, or 2 supply per week
Speed: Normal
Magnificent, shaggy creatures, biomantically engineered to posi-
tively enjoy lugging heavy goods for humans. Many grow intensely,
emotionally attached to their human masters.
Biomechanical Beast
Capacity: 6 sacks
Cost: €3,000
Consumes: grazing, or 3 supply per week
Speed: Normal
Astonishing amalgams of muscle and cybernetics sheathed in
superior skin. These very rare creatures of the Long Ago can be
ridden in combat. Most ordinary steeds will break before them.
Adventuring Handcart
Capacity: 3 sacks Metal Steeds
Cost: €10 Capacity: 2 sacks
Requires: A human. Cost: €1,200
Speed: Slow Requires: A lack of common sense.
The glorified wheelbarrow doesn’t need much of a road, but it does Consumes: 1 supply of fuel per 2 weeks
need some kind of road. Not recommended for battle. Speed: Fast
One-way tickets to organ donation. If it’s 90% engine, 8% wheels,
Small Wagon, Rickety Coach, or Swaying Cart and 2% seat, it’s a Metal Steed. No space for supplies, no room for
Capacity: 6 sacks error. Goes like the wind on fire. The best are air-breathing, like
Cost: €200 wicker autogolems, and require no fuel.
Requires: A draft animal.
Speed: Slow Metal Steed Add-Ons
A classic for a reason. Wains of this type truly opened up the steppes Gun Mount: €50
to the known Lime Nomads and the forgotten Flour Nomads. Lets the rider fire a weapon while roaring along at full speed. The
weapon must fit in the rider’s inventory. Attaching or detaching it
Solid Coach or Wagon takes 2 rounds.
Capacity: 12 sacks
Cost: €600 Sidecar: €500
Requires: Two draft animal. Increases capacity by 1 sack, but loses the Fast trait.
Speed: Slow
Heavy vehicles for big caravans. With their weight they are unsuit- Aquatic: €1,000
able for rough terrain, poor roads, and deep mud. Can take Road Sometimes, all the good loot is buried at the bottom of a lake. The
Yacht upgrades or below. vehicle can no longer operate on the surface, but it can move under-
water. It’s not a proper submarine, with rooms and torpedo tubes
Massive Hauling Wagon and all of that. It’s just a pressurized pod with an engines on it, a
Capacity: 24 sacks diving suit with attitude. The driver can wiggle their arms through
Cost: €600 thick diving gloves.
Requires: Four draft animal.
Speed: Very Slow Gyrocoptic! €1,000
How else are you going to move an obelisk? The immense weight of Flying in the Ultraviolet Grasslands is a bad idea. Bits of invisible
these wagons means they require well-prepared surfaces. Can take stuckforce shred aircraft. Purple haze rots your brain. Dormant
War Engine upgrades or below. anti-missile defense systems wake up, think “Oh, that looks inter-
esting,” and blow you out of the sky. Still it beats walking. A caravan
Cart and Wagon Add-Ons with a flying vehicle gains 30-minute advance warning against
All four sizes of pulled vehicle are a variation and elaboration on most encounters. Flying vehicles ignore terrain.
the wheel + axle + bed design. They can use the same upgrades, so
prices are listed for each of the sizes in order.
Vehicle Features
d20 Brands of Long Long Ago Dubious Features
1 Macaroni Integrale Self-threading caps
2 Atomkraftwagen Anti-tampering engine configuration
3 Spitz-Schnauzer Synchrotronic gearbox
4 Deus Machina Electric transix variator
5 Olive Garden Dilithium superfluid compressors
6 Singer Metal Humans Dante’s Gate propulsion unit
7 Void Y Microhydraulic homeostatic brain
8 <=5H1N3=> Inhalator body air scoops
9 Vanta-Chouette Anti-rapture heartbeat sensors
10 AXE Vehicle Lubricants Nine-axis suspension struts
11 Podzol Kozmos Swivel bucket seats
12 Vega Utopia Industries Gyroscopic auto-leveler
13 Barca Real ESL Automatic anti-crash foam nozzles
14 Omnisentience UI Extruded poly-chromium trim
15 Langmorgen KNVX Telepathic key systems
16 Three Ritual Extensible omniadaptors
17 Aquarius Trained underbody rust slimes
18 Maya Yuga Mercurial dimagnetic levitation bearings
19 Feltz & Filtz Ghost-bone dry-clutch
20 Sombrero Corporation Hydrophobic faux-fur seat covers
“We’re going to the Black City and we don’t care if it’s supposed to Only gear and services that cost at least a day’s proletarian wages
take eight weeks, we’ll make it in four and bring enough black-light (€1) are listed. Cheaper stuff is available at the referee’s discretion,
to set us all up. Now, how many horses will you loan us?” Inge and but the expenses usually don’t have to be tracked. When a PC tries
Ingot, the bearded ambiguously dwarfish merchants glowered to buy a thousand bars of soup, or something weird like that, the
and pointed to the large sign that read, “No Lones to Adventerers, referee decides how much it costs.
Frybooters or Wagonbonds.”
Medic0-Veterinary Services
Service Time Description (Availability) Effect Cost
1 Medicheck, Basic 1 day Untrained doctor provides some autopills (common). Restore 1d6 life. €5
2 Medicheck, Premium 1 day Brand-name doctor unit & a treatment golem (uncommon). Restore 2d6 life. €25
3 Limbback Services 1 week Biomancer grows back a limb using beast egg mass (rare). Restore or replace a limb. €200
4 NuBody Regimen 2 weeks Expert biomancer grows a full body from just a head (v rare). Repair all physical damage. €1,200
5 Pathosupression 1 day Course of drugs to slow disease (common). Stop disease progress for 1d6 weeks. €10
6 Purifying Fire 1 week Sentient nano-animalcule swarm purges system (rare). Purge any disease or infection. €300
7 Cosmetic Biomancy 1 day Get a new face, a new look, or more defined abs (uncommon). It’s cosmetic. €50
8 Functional Biomancy 1 week Acquire a new mutation or other beneficial trait (rare). It’s effective. €500
9 Brain Transfer 1 week Swap brains, or put brain into a fresh clone body (v rare). Drastic. Reset all physical stats. €1,500
10 Aural Rebalance 1 day Crystal healer removes negative vibrations (uncommon). Pause curse or possession for 1d4+1 weeks. €50
11 True Exorcism 3 days Trained inquisitor casts out a possessing demon or curse (v rare). Casts out a demon or void thing. €300
12 Blood Replacement 1 day Suppresses vampiric and lycanthropic urges (uncommon). Suppress urges for 1d4+1 weeks. €75
13 Controlled Implant 1 day Bio-chirurgeon installs an implant or prosthetic (uncommon). Avoid accidents and infections. €10
Mechanitechnical Services
Service Time Description (Availability) Effect Cost
1 Chopshop, Basic 1 day Local blackthumb whacks it with a sonic wrench (uncommon). Repair 1d8 life. €5
2 Chopshop, Guild 1 day Traditional mechanic carefully repairs the machine (rare). Repair 2d8 life. €25
3 Body Modification 1 week Repaint, restyle, refashion, remake. All the res (rare). Change how a machine looks. €100
4 Junkyard Repair 3 days Lost wheel, busted cannon, broken cams. All fixed (rare). As good as new. Just looks different. €200
5 Full Rebuild 2 weeks Golem wizard revives a dead (0 life) machine or vehicle (v rare). It’s back! Big and mean as ever. €1,000
6 Engine Wizardry 1 week Expert technowizard installs a different engine (v rare). Hopefully it’s a golem drive ... €1,000
7 Update Drivers 1 day Electric wizard installs new subroutines in a golem (rare). It learns a new skill. €500
8 Install Kit 1 day Hereditary welda-fella bolts on a new module (uncommon). Looks rough, but it works. Technical. €25
9 Automind 3 days Golemancer installs an autonomous control system (rare). Full self-driving! About as smart as a roach. €500
10 Golem Intelligence 2 weeks Golemancer wires and activates a fully sentient mind (x rare). It’s alive! Personality may vary. €5,000
Recall Soul
Necroflare, Ka-Theft
R: touch T: corpse D: 0
After a 1 hour ritual, the wizard calls back a creature’s soul, which
erupts from the corpse as a coiling serpent of ectoplasmic fire. The
soul can be captured in a golem, used to power obscene artifacts, or
merely used for theatrical effect. This spell must be overcharged to
call back the soul of any creature of worth and potency.
Overcharge: the soul is bound in a portable wispy globe for up to 3
d20 Deleterious (Bad Stuff) Cosmetic (Weird Stuff) Beneficial (Helpful Stuff)
1 Teeth fall out or become needle-sharp. Hairless or exceptionally fluffy. Stronger. Strength increases. This may increase the stat beyond human
Eventually may turn into bite attack. May end up a true fur-ball. maximums, as high as 7. Maximum bonus to d20 roll remains +13.
2 Skin rots or develops suppurating boils. Change skin and or hair colour. Better. Endurance increases. May end up as high as 7.
3 Ears wither away or turn into bony horns. Ears change shape. Faster. Agility increases. May go as high as 7.
4 Hand withers or locks into claw. Lips grow or disappear. Smarter. Thought increases. May go as high as 6 or 7, but strange
Eventually may become a weapon. madnesses start developing as brain becomes inhuman.
5 Vestigial fingers or toes. Eventually they Nose grows or disappears. Psionic evolution. Mental ability develops or spell acquired as an innate
may become fully functional. Possibility of prehensile nose. ability usable once per day.
6 Vestigial gills or gas bladder. Eventually Eyes change colour. May end up Tougher. Life increased. This can get ridiculous. May be useful for a wizard.
may permit breathing water or gas. radically weird.
7 Vestigial wings or flagellae. Eventually Grow taller or shorter. May become Resilient. Immune system boosted, gain [+] against disease, poison,
they may become functional. much taller or shorter. radiation, or any one other environmental effect.
8 Fingers wither or become raw. Eventually Mouth widens or narrows. Psionic augmentation. Develop supernatural aptitude with one type of
they may wither away. Eventually it may disappear. skill and make all relevant rolls with [+].
9 Joints stiffen or become weak, but Small horns or bony plates grow. Supersoldier reflexes. Gain [+] on initiative. Always get one action during
hypermobile. Movement slowed. This may turn into armor. surprise round.
10 Chronic fatigue or keratin ropes grow Patterns appear on skin. Later, Expert mimicry. Can flawlessly reproduce any action seen. Always gain [+]
from body. Eventually body may become these move and shift. Later, the to a skill test to perform an action they have already seen performed (i.e.
sessile mass of keratin ropes. movements become controlled. monkey see, monkey do).
11 Eyes turn milky and blind. Eventually eyes Voice changes, becomes oddly Cosmic channeling. When hero sees somebody cast a spell they test Aura
may evaporate and collapse out of eye inhuman. Eventually it becomes a to see if you can grab an echo of it and save it in their personality matrix
sockets. Vision reduced to astral sight. cascade of colours and sensations. (inventory) for later.
12 Intelligence reduced or personality Blood changes colour, becoming Mule. Can carry twice as much as a normal human. Speed may eventually
becomes strangely alien. blue or green. be reduced as carrying capacity increases.
13 Feet deformed or oddly turned. Skin becomes smooth and waxy. Metabolic enhancement. Derive sustenance from anything organic, and
Eventually may turn into hooves, paws, Eventually it becomes translucent, stomach is immune to organic poisons. Unfortunately, alcohol barely
or bird legs. then flesh follows. works anymore.
14 Vestigial tail or arm. Eventually may Muscles grow slimmer or bulkier. Optic augmentation. Eyes become sharper and more amazing than those
become functional. Eventually this becomes extreme. of any normal human.
15 Bones become soft or brittle. Eventually Skull changes, becoming rounder Sensory expansion. Develop eerie new senses: vibration sense,
may dissolve entirely. or elongated. echolocation, electro-detection, a magnetic sense. Choose one.
16 Back becomes fused or hunched. Features become animalistic. Chosen regenerator. No longer make death tests. Every time hero is
Eventually a shell-like carapace may Eventually they may become reduced to zero Life their body goes into hibernation as it reassembles
form. completely animal. itself at rate of 1 Life per day. Each reassembly reduces Endurance by 1.
17 Strange bones erupt from skin in odd Eyes grow larger or smaller. Plastic bone structure. Can slowly adjust the shape and size of bones,
places. May develop into spikes or armor Eventually they may disappear or squeezing through small spaces, growing taller or shorter, or mimicking
over time. become disembodied. other people’s faces.
18 Additional eye or teeth grow somewhere Fingers grow longer or shorter. Predator. Quickly heal by consuming and reprocessing similar biomatter
odd. Eye is functional. Teeth can be Eventually they may turn into long, (animals for animals, golems for golems). Recover 1 Life for every stone
coaxed to grow into an additional mouth multi-tool like assemblages of of flesh consumed (so about 10 Life for a fully grown humanoid). During
with a bit of biomancy and surgery. chitin and bone. healing-feeding frenzy, consume a stone of flesh per action.
19 Tongue fuses to jaw or is covered in sharp Bone structure becomes bulkier or Precognitive mutation. Occasionally see glimpses of the future. It hurts,
radulae. Speech becomes strange. more gracile. but it works. Can spend 1 Life to roll a test to avoid damage with [+].
20 Secondary brain begins to develop, Skin becomes cuttlefish-like, Secret weapon. Body carries natural weapons hidden within it, perhaps
eventually achieving a semblance of changing colour at the flickering of claws within fingers, blades within arms, or venomous fangs in the
independent thought. thought and emotion. mouth. Whatever. Hero now has natural weaponry.