Dynamic Evolution Mechanism of A Rock Slope With Discontinuities Under Earthquake Motions Using Shaking Table Tests
Dynamic Evolution Mechanism of A Rock Slope With Discontinuities Under Earthquake Motions Using Shaking Table Tests
Dynamic Evolution Mechanism of A Rock Slope With Discontinuities Under Earthquake Motions Using Shaking Table Tests
Received: 2 July 2021 / Accepted: 1 November 2021 / Published online: 23 November 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021
Under the impact of earthquake, even if the slopes do not fail, the integrity of rock slope structure would be damaged sub-
jected to the seismic motion. The process of damage, destruction and failure for slopes is characterized by the dynamic evolu-
tion of stability. In the areas with active tectonic activities, frequent earthquakes have a significant effect on the attenuation
of slope stability. To investigate the dynamic evolution of a rock slope under earthquake motions, a series of shaking table
tests were performed. An artificial synthetic earthquake seismic wave was adopted to investigate the horizontal acceleration
response. The results show that the wave field propagation results in acceleration amplification for the slope body above
the tuff structural surface are larger than those inside the slope, and a maximum value of 3.7 is observed at slope crest. The
structural surface results in a mutation of the acceleration response, which is not conducive to the slope stability. The mod-
eled slope entered the plastic stage (input motion of 2.97 m/s2) earlier than landslides occurred (input motion of 4.46 m/s2).
In addition, the safety factor of the sliding blocks was calculated based on pseudo static analysis. A good correspondence
was found between the safety factors and the failure mode of the slope. The damage evolution process for the rock slope
can be divided into three stages: an elastic stage (1.6 < safety factor ≤ 4.7), a plastic stage (0.8 < safety factor ≤ 1.6), and a
damage stage (safety factor ≤ 0.8).
Keywords Rock slope · Shaking table · Discontinuous joints · Wave field propagation characteristics · Dynamic evolution ·
Safety factor
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horizontal weak intercalation. Fan et al. (2016b) investigated (Chen et al. 2016). In shaking table tests, the response of the
the dynamic response of slopes parallel to geological bed- slope can be studied under different ground motion inputs
ding (bedding slopes) and slopes that cross-cut geological and waveforms with varying model sizes. As a result, the
bedding (counter-bedding slopes). The results indicated that dynamic response of the slope can be accurately obtained
the dynamic failure modes of bedding slopes and counter- (Lin 2006; Yang 2012; Yang et al. 2018). Therefore, shaking
bedding slopes are different. The former occurs mainly table tests have become one of the best methods for studying
through vertical tensile cracks at the rear of the slope, bed- rock slopes, and can reflect the dynamic response and failure
ding slide of the strata along the weak intercalation, and modes of slopes under earthquake motions (Chen 2016; Fan
rock collapse from the slope crest; the latter occurs mainly et al. 2016a, b; Sun et al. 2019).
through staggered horizontal and vertical fissures, extrusion To clarify the dynamic evolution and failure mechanism
of the weak intercalation, and breakage at the slope crest. of rock slopes with complex geological structures, shaking
He et al. (2021) studied the seismic response characteris- table tests are designed and carried out in this study based
tics and deformation evolution of bedding rock slope, and on the engineering background of the slope response of the
found that the bedding structural surface redistributes the Jinsha River Bridge. The tests imitate the slope, including
horizontal amplification effect and dominate the seismic its penetrating weak structural surface and steep structural
amplification at the crest. Many studies have focused on the surface on the trailing edge. The dynamic response char-
dynamic response characteristics and dynamic stability of acteristics of a rock slope with a bedding weak structural
rock slopes under earthquake loading (Lee et al. 2007; Xu surface and steep structural surface on the trailing edge is
et al. 2013; Liu et al. 2014; Xu and Yan 2014; Yang et al. investigated, and a series of large-scale shaking table tests
2014; Chen et al. 2016; Fan et al. 2016a, b; Sun et al. 2019). are performed. Moreover, based on an analysis of the slope
Given these results, a better understanding of the dynamic safety factor, the processes that produce dynamic damage of
evolution of rock slopes containing discontinuities under the slope are identified. The failure mode and mechanism for
earthquake excitation is needed. the slope are also discussed.
The understanding of rock slope dynamic evolution is the
design basis for landslide prevention and control. The failure
mechanism and dynamic response characteristics of a rock Shaking table test
slope are also the foundation for dynamic stability evaluation
of the slope under seismic loading (Dong et al. 2011; Yang To investigate the dynamic response and dynamic evolution
et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2021). A number of previous studies of a rock slope containing discontinuities under earthquake
have aimed to analyze the dynamic response of rock slopes motion, model tests are conducted in this study. The slope
under earthquake motions and have achieved some important model in the shaking table tests is scaled from the bank slope
results. The methods for analyzing slope dynamic responses of the Jinsha River Bridge.
under seismic excitation include analytical methods (Yang
2007; Yang 2009), numerical simulation methods (Shen and Case study
Karakus 2013; Luo et al. 2020), and physical simulation
methods (Li et al. 2009; Dong et al. 2011; Sahoo et al. 2015; The Jinsha River Bridge crosses the Jinsha River. As shown
He et al. 2021). Numerical methods have been developed in Fig. 1, it is an important bridge on the Huali highway con-
and applied because of their enhanced ability to simulate necting the cities of Lijiang and Huaping. The route crosses
actual failure mechanisms (Quecedo 2004; Babanouri 2017). the Jinsha River at a vertical angle from east to west (as
However, these methods are difficult to apply owing to the shown in Fig. 2). As the key project of the HuaLi highway,
lack of earthquake recordings resulting from the random the main pile cap of the bridge is located in the middle of
occurrence of earthquakes. Thus, numerical methods cannot the slopes near the Jinsha River. The bank slope, on which
accurately evaluate seismic response. Therefore, laboratory the main pile cap was built, has a stepped topography due
model experiments, i.e., shaking table tests, are required for to the dip structure and flow along the river. The Huaping
further study of the dynamic response of rock slopes (Pépin coast is along the bank slope, with a gradient of 20–30°.
et al. 2012). For complex slope structures, seismic modeling The exposed strata of the project area are Permian volcanic
is one of the most useful and powerful tools for studying rock, mainly composed of various shaped basalt, mixed with
the effects of the propagation of seismic waves generated layered breccia lava and tuff. The site of the slope has a
by ground motion (Che et al. 2016). With the development tuff structural surface and a step structural surface on the
of experimental technology, shaking table tests have been trailing edge (as shown in Fig. 3). Based on the “Code of
widely used to study the seismic response of various types of seismic design of buildings” (GB 50011-2016), the seismic
lithological combinations and structures, particularly slopes precautionary intensity of local area is VIII. Combined with
with discontinuous joints and slopes with weak intercalation the actual situation of the bridge, the main factors affecting
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the stability of the slope are the topography, stratigraphic confirmed using the law of similitude. The similarity ratio
lithology, combination of the structural surfaces, and seismic for the geometric dimensions is 375, the similarity ratio for
loads. The Huaping bank slope can be considered as a typi- the acceleration is 1, and the similarity ratio for the density
cal rock slope with bedding structural surface. And the local is 1. The other physical quantities are calculated according
frequent seismic activities could cause a significant effect of to these similarity criteria, and are summarized in Table 1.
stability decrease. Therefore, the shaking table test which The results calculated with the similarity ratios indicate
simulates the dynamic response and evolution mechanism that a thickness of the tuff structure surface of 5 mm can
of typical rock slope could provide important reference for be used in the test model. To meet this requirement, model
rock slope risk management. materials are prepared by as a mixture of other materials,
i.e., cement, sand, clay, and iron powder. Based on the
Material properties ratio test, density test, materials test, and three static tri-
axial tests, the selected mass ratio of cement, sand, clay,
According to the geologic conditions of the Huaping iron powder, mixture (admixture and water reducing agent)
bank slope along the Jinsha River Bridge, the rock slope and water is 0.325:17:9:0.4:0.03:5. The physical parame-
is assumed to be in a state of plane strain. The material ters of similarity material are listed in Table 2. The density
characteristics of the models and test conditions should be parameter was obtained by cutting ring method, and the
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Table 1 Similarity criteria calculation parameters containing modulus, cohesion and friction angle
Quantity Similarity criteria Similarity
were obtained by triaxial compression test. The tuff material
coefficient on the structural surface is modeled with a PVC expansion
sheet to obtain a similar cohesion of 21.1 kPa and internal
Geometric L CL = 375 375 friction angle of 23.2°.
Acceleration a Ca = 1 1
Density ρ Cρ = 1 1
Scale model
Young’s modulus E CE = CρCL 375
Poisson’s ratio μ 1 1
The model is 1.3 m in height and weighs more than 7 tons
Cohesion c Cc = CρCaCL 375
(as shown in Fig. 4). There are many challenges in con-
Internal friction angle φ 1 1
struction of a model of this size. If the model is poured as
a whole, the curing time will be excessively long. Because
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different areas in the model have different curing times, it is curing times of all pieces are then precisely controlled. Typi-
difficult to control the strength of the simulation material. In cal pieces are shown in Fig. 5. To simulate the tuff structural
addition, it is difficult to place the sensor in the center of the surface, a PVC expansion sheet was inserted in the piece
model. Therefore, a special construction method is used to during the corresponding stage. A typical piece containing
address these problems. The model is split into 224 pieces, the tuff structural surface is shown in Fig. 5b. To simulate
and each piece is poured with a corresponding mold. Stag- the step structural surface in the trailing edge, sand was
gered seam assembling was adopted in the building process inserted in the piece during the corresponding stage. A typi-
of slope model to ensure the integrity of rock mass. The cal piece containing a step structural surface in the trailing
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edge is shown in Fig. 5c. After completion of the model, the were placed on the slope surface, while the other acceler-
PVC expansion sheet is connected to form the same shape as ometers were embedded at various depths in the slope. The
the tuff structural surface. Some cracks are used to simulate accelerometers used are able to collect acceleration data in
the step structural surface on the trailing edge, as shown in three directions simultaneously (as shown in Fig. 8). The
Fig. 5c. These cracks are cut with a 5-mm-thick iron sheet frequency range of the acceleration sensors is 0–1500 Hz in
and filled with sand. After the piece is poured, it is cured for the horizontal direction and 0–800 Hz in the vertical direc-
5d in a dry, cool environment. tion; the sensitivity is approximately 66 mV/m·s−2 with a
To clarify the dynamic response of the rock slope, a sim- range of ± 20 m/s2. An additional buffer layer with a thick-
plified model was established and simulated. The model ness of 10 cm was designed to minimize the effects of the
slope had a size of 280 × 140 cm and a height of 130 cm bottom boundary.
(shown in Fig. 3). The slope model was constructed with
prefabricated pieces, which were assembled in seven layers. Input motions
The angles of the structural plane and trailing edge of the
steep structural surface slope in the model material were 30 Within 100 km of the Huaping bank slope, there were 36 his-
and 75°, respectively. The slope model is shown in Fig. 6. torical earthquakes occurred with magnitude greater than 3.0
from 2011 to 2021, an average of 3.6 earthquakes per year.
Measurements The earthquake of highest magnitude was the 2019 Ms 4.9
Yongsheng earthquake, whose epicenter was 72.6 km away
The acceleration measurement setup is shown in Fig. 7. from the slope and PGA reached 0.30 m/s2. The waveform
First, 20 accelerometers were arranged in the slope; accel- used for shaking table test was synthesized based on local
erometers A8, A12, A15, A18, A22, A23, A24, and A25 historical earthquake data and geological characteristics.
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1 Horizontal(x) 6 0.37
2 Horizontal(x) 7 0.74
3 Horizontal(x) 8 2.97
4 Horizontal(x) 9 4.46
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along the surface and sliding along the two sides. In the tests,
FNi tan 𝜑i
the landslide body is subjected to gravity, inertial force, and K s = � ∑n �
(PGA tan 𝜑i + FWi sin 𝜑i
friction. The safety factor of the landslide body can be esti- i=1 max
mated when the geometry, failure mode, and sliding surface where FNi is the normal force between two sides of the
of the rock slope have been identified. The sliding body is structure surface, 𝜑i is the internal friction angle of the PVC
divided into several blocks for calculation of the safety factor material, PGA is obtained from one of the acceleration sen-
based on the amplification effect difference of slope body sors in the block, and FWi is the gravity of each block.
above structural surface, as shown in Fig. 11. The difference Calculation of the safety factor is based on three differ-
in the amplification effect represents the inequivalent force ent values obtained from the accelerometers. The safety
of slope body at different positions. The inertial force of factor (Ks) is calculated from the most dangerous moment.
each block can be obtained from one of the acceleration sen- The evolution of the safety factor is shown in Fig. 14. It
sors in the block. Based on the MPGA distribution, the land- can be seen that K s decreases sharply when input motion
slide body is divided into three parts, as shown in Fig. 13. changes from 0.37 to 0.74 m/s2, while it decreases gradu-
The forces between blocks can be neglected. Considering ally from 0.74 to 2.97 m/s2, with Ks > 1.0. Additionally,
the similarity of tuff structural surface with soil material, the safety factor calculated for the three segments are quite
Mohr–Coulomb criterion was usually adopted to describe similar, which means that segmentation method does not
the shear strength of structural plane in physical model test significantly affect the calculation results. Moreover, K s
or numerical simulation (Sun et al. 2017). The anti-slip force for the three blocks are all less than 1.0 when the accelera-
can be obtained from the normal force and the friction angle tion reaches 4.46 m/s2, which means the surface slope is
of the PVC expansion sheet. Calculating the inertial force at unstable.
each moment, the maximum value obtained represents the Some marking spots were stuck on the slope surface,
most dangerous moment for each case. The safety factor is including reference spots on the model box. After each
calculated using the equation below: loading case, the horizontal relative displacement between
marking spots and reference spots was measured. And the
average displacement of each block was calculated, as shown
in Fig. 15. As the macroscopic result of seismic damage, the
displacement could reflect the evolution process of slope
stability. It can be observed that the displacement increases
when input motion reaches 2.97 m/s2. And it reaches the
maximum value when input motion is 4.46 m/s2 and Ks
are less than 1.0. The block B has the largest displacement,
which reaches 22.94 mm. The displacement records show
consistency with the evolution process of Ks, indicating that
safety factor is a good reflection of the failure mode of the
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Based on these results, the evolution process of the land- collapse and landslides will occur. To describe the failure
slide can be divided into three stages. The first stage is an mode of the model, any cracks or deformation present are
elastic stage (Ks = 1.6–4.7). In this stage, the rock materi- recorded by photographs at the end of each test. The devel-
als of the slope are in an elastic state. The second stage is opment of cracks is shown in Figs. 16, 17. Before the input
a plastic stage (Ks = 0.8–1.6), which indicates a dangerous acceleration reaches 0.74 m/s2, a few cracks can be identified
moment for the slope. Low magnitude earthquakes or rain- near the slope surface. The failure modes of the slope model
fall can easily cause landslides in this stage. The last stage are mainly caused by the occurrence and deepening of these
is the damage stage (Ks < 0.8), in which landslides occur. cracks. When the input acceleration is between 2.97 and
4.46 m/s2, the cracks continue to deepen and extend gradu-
ally, and a few penetrating cracks occur with local spalling
Failure mechanism occurring near the slope surface. A large number of cracks
can be identified near the tuff structural surface, indicating
Failure process analysis a significant shear failure mode.
Based on the similar failure processes observed in various Failure mode analysis
models, the failure process of a rock slope can be character-
ized by three notable features (Huang et al. 2013). First, a Failure occurred in the model when the horizontal input
crack near the top surface is observed. Second, with increas- acceleration reached 4.46 m/s2, and a photo of the model
ing input acceleration, the cracks extend and tend to connect, after failure is shown in Fig. 18. The cracks and deforma-
as shown in Fig. 16. Finally, the top area of the slope will tion in the model observed during the process of removal
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