Schema Reference BOD

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Schema reference

This is v0.3 of the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard. It includes updates to the data model
and codelists as well as additional technical guidance.

Implementers should be aware that future changes are anticipated, before a version 1.0
release. See the Changelog and About pages for more information.

MUST and SHOULD are used in the schema to denote required and recommended elements
of the Standard, as defined in RFC2119.
The following is an A - Z guide to the objects of the Data Standard’s schema, plus
its codelists . Details of each object’s properties are provided in a table generated from the
JSON schema. (For a structured view of how objects fit together in the JSON schema, use
the Schema browser.)

The top-level objects are statements:

• Ownership-or-control statements
• Entity statements
• Person statements
Statements are built up from a set of nested objects and properties, each of which has a field
name, a title and a description that defines how the object or field should be used.

BODS data MAY be published as a valid JSON document. See Serialization for more

A free text address string, providing as much address data as is relevant, suitable for
processing using address parsing algorithms. For some uses (for example, Place of Birth)
only a town and country are required.

Title Description Type Format Required

type string
What type of address is this? See the addressType codelist.
See AddressType

address string
The address, with each line or component of the address separated by a line-
Address break or comma. Where postal codes are isolated fields in source systems,
this address field SHOULD NOT include the postal code.

postCode string
Postcode The postal code for this address.
Title Description Type Format Required
country string
Country The 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1) for this address.

A diversity of address formats are used across data management systems, and data is often
inconsistently entered across data fields in these source systems (and legacy datasets).
Therefore the BODS schema uses a very simple address format for data exchange.
Consuming systems will need to parse BODS addresses before carrying out any structured

Designers of new data collection systems are encouraged to choose an appropriate structured
format, with reference to established standards, and awareness of the need to accomodate
addresses from across the world. See issue 18 for more details.

An individual, organisation or other responsible agent making, or supporting, a given
statement or annotation.

Description Type Format Required
name string
Name The name of the agent

uri string uri

URI An optional URI to identify the agent.

The annotations property of statements currently allows an array of these simple
annotation objects to be included. An annotation can be used to hold information (structured
or otherwise) for which a place does not exist elsewhere in the schema. See Sources and
annotations for further guidance.

Title Description Type Format Required

statementPointerTarget string Required
An RFC6901 JSON Pointer (
describing the target fragment of the statement that this annotation
applies to, starting from the root of the statement. A value of ‘/’ indicates
that the annotation applies to the whole statement.

creationDate string date

Creation Date The date this annotation was created.

createdBy object
Title Description Type Format Required
Created By The person, organisation or agent that created this annotation.

createdBy/name string
The name of the person, organisation or agent that created this

createdBy/uri string uri

An optional URI to identify person, organisation or agent that created
this annotation.

motivation string Required

The motivation for this annotation, chosen from a codelist. See the
annotationMotivation codelist.
See AnnotationMotivation

description string
Description A free-text description to annotate this statement or field.

transformedContent string
A representation of the annotation target after the transformation in the
description field has been applied. This field SHOULD only be used
when the motivation is transformation.

url string uri

A linked resource that annotates, provides context for or enhances this
statement. The content of the resource, or the relationship to the
statement, MAY be described in the description field. This field is
REQUIRED if the value of motivation is ‘linking’.

A country MUST have a name. A country SHOULD have a 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-

Title Description Type Format Required

name string Required
Name The name of the country

code string
Country code The 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1) for this country.

A statement identifying and describing the entity that is the subject of the ownership or
control described in an ownership or control statement.

Title Description Type Format Required

statementID string Required
A persistent globally unique identifier for this statement.
Statement Identifier
See ID

statementType string Required

Statement type This MUST be ‘entityStatement’.

statementDate string date

The date on which this statement was made.
Statement date
See StatementDate

isComponent boolean Required

Does this Entity Statement represent a component of an indirect
ownership-or-control relationship? Where isComponent is ‘true’:
(1) the statementID of this Entity Statement MUST be an element
in the componentStatementIDs array of that primary Ownership-
or-control Statement, (2) this Entity Statement MUST come before
Is component
that primary Ownership-or-control Statement in a BODS package or
stream, (3) the replacement of this Entity Statement SHOULD be
considered when replacing the primary Ownership-or-control
Statement. The primary Ownership-or-control Statement MUST
have a isComponent value of ‘false’.

entityType string Required

From the entityType codelist. What kind of entity is this? The
‘registeredEntity’ code covers any legal entity created through an act
of official registration, usually resulting in an identifier being
assigned to the entity. The ‘legalEntity’ code covers other bodies
with distinct legal personality (international institutions, statutory
corporations etc.). The ‘arrangement’ code covers artificial entities,
described in the data model for the purpose of associating one or
more natural or legal persons together in an ownership or control
relationship, but without implying that the parties to this
arrangement have any other form of collective legal identity.

See EntityType

unspecifiedEntityDetails object
An explanation of why this entity has an entityType of
Unspecified entity
‘anonymousEntity’ or ‘unknownEntity’. A reason MUST be
Title Description Type Format Required
unspecifiedEntityDetails/reason string Required
The reason that an entity cannot be specified. From the
unspecifiedReason codelist.
See UnspecifiedReason

unspecifiedEntityDetails/description string
Any supporting information about the absence of a specific entity.
Description This field may be used to provide set phrases from a source system,
or for a free-text explanation.

name string
Entity name The declared name of this entity.

alternateNames array[string]
Alternative names An array of other names this entity is known by.

jurisdiction object
The jurisdiction in which this entity was registered (for legal and
registered entities, and arrangements). Or the state’s jurisdiction (for
Jurisdiction states and state bodies).

See Jurisdiction

identifiers array[Identifier]
One or more official identifiers for this entity. Where available,
official registration numbers should be provided.
See Identifier

foundingDate string
When was this entity founded, created or registered. Please provide
as precise a date as possible in ISO 8601 format. When only the year
Founding date
or year and month is known, these can be given as YYYY or

dissolutionDate string
If this entity is no longer active, provide the date on which it was
disolved or ceased. Please provide as precise a date as possible in
Dissolution date
ISO 8601 format. When only the year or year and month is known,
these can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

addresses array[Address]
One or more addresses for this entity.
See Address
Title Description Type Format Required
uri string uri
Where a persistent URI
URI ( is
available for this entity this should be included.

replacesStatements array[string]
If this statement replaces a previous statement or statements, provide
the identifier(s) for the previous statement(s) here. Consuming
Replaces applications are advised to mark the identified statements as no
statement(s) longer active.

See ReplacesStatements

publicationDetails object Required

Information concerning the original publication of this statement.
Publication details
See PublicationDetails

source object
The source of information about this entity, or of information that
supports an anonymous or unknown entity statement.
See Source

annotations array[Annotation]
Annotations about this statement or parts of this statement
See Annotation

publicListing object
Details of a publicly listed company, its securities (shares and other
tradable financial instruments related to the entity), and related
Public listing regulatory filings.

See PublicListing

entitySubtype object
Further information about the type of entity described in the

entitySubtype/generalCategory string Required

The general category into which the entity fits. The category
classification MUST align with the entityType classification.
General category
See EntitySubtypeCategory

entitySubtype/localTerm string
Title Description Type Format Required
The local term for the category of entity. For example, in Finland
Local term
‘ministeriö’ for a government department.

formedByStatute object
The law which mandated the formation of the entity described in the
statement, where applicable. This information SHOULD be
Formed by statute
provided where a state has created an agency or other entity with
specific legislation.

formedByStatute/name string
Statute name The name of the law.

formedByStatute/date string
The date on which the law was passed. The date SHOULD be in the
Date form YYYY-MM-DD. When only the year or year and month is
known, these can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

A string of minimum length 32 and maximum length 64.

A persistent globally unique identifier for this statement.

The Identifier object is used to connect a statement to the real-world person or entity that it
refers to, using one or more existing known identifiers. See Real world identifiers for
technical guidance on when and how to use this object.

An identifier that has been assigned to this person or entity. The scheme or list from which
the identifier is drawn should be declared.

Title Description Type Format Required

id string
ID The identifier for this person or entity as provided in the declared scheme.

scheme string
For entity statements, the scheme should be a entry from the
( codelist. For person statements, the scheme should
have the pattern {JURISDICTION}-{TYPE} where JURISDICTION is an ISO
3-digit country code and TYPE is one of PASSPORT, TAXID or
IDCARD. scheme or schemeName (or both) MUST be included in an Identifier

schemeName string
Title Description Type Format Required
The name of this scheme, where the org-id code is unknown or only an
unvalidated string is provided. scheme or schemeName (or both) MUST be
included in an Identifier object.

uri string uri

Where this identifier has a canonical URI
URI ( this may be

A description of the interest held by an interestedParty in another entity.

Title Description Type Format Required

type string
A codelist value indicating the nature of the interest. See the
interestType codelist
Type of interest
See InterestType

directOrIndirect string
How directly the interest is exercised by the interested party. The value
Direct or MUST be ‘indirect’ if intermediate entities or agents are known to exist,
indirect and MUST be ‘direct’ if such intermediaries are known not to exist.
Otherwise the value MUST be ‘unknown’.

beneficialOwnershipOrControl boolean
Does this statement assert this as a beneficial ownership or control
interest? A beneficial ownership or control interest is always between a
Beneficial natural person and some entity, and exists where the person ultimately
ownership or benefits from, or has a degree of control over, the entity. There may be
control cases where a person has an interest in an entity, but where there are
arrangements or other conditions that mean this interest does not
constitute beneficial ownership or control.

details string
This field may be used to provide the local name given to this kind of
Details interest, or any further semi-structured or unstructured information to
clarify the nature of the interest held.

share object
Where an exact percentage is available, this should be given,
and maximum and minimum values set to the same as the exact
percentage. Otherwise, maximum and minimum can be used to record the
Title Description Type Format Required
range into which the share of this kind of interest falls. By default
the minimum is inclusive and the maximum exclusive (minimum-value ≤
share < maximum-value). If you wish to change these defaults, use
the exclusiveMinimum and exclusiveMaximum properties.

See Share

startDate string
When did this interest first occur. Please provide as precise a date as
Start date possible in ISO 8601 format. When only the year or year and month is
known, these can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

endDate string
When did this interest cease. Please provide as precise a date as possible
End date in ISO 8601 format. When only the year or year and month is known,
these can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

The interested party has some level of ownership or control over the entity referenced in this
ownership or control statement. This should be described with reference to either an entity
statement or person statement, or, where the interested party is unknown, details of why.

Title Description Type Format Required

describedByEntityStatement string
A reference to a statement describing a registered entity, trust or
arrangement that has an ownership or control interest in the subject
Described by entity
of this statement. An entityStatement should be used when the
direct interests to be described represents known control or
ownership by anyone other than a natural person.

describedByPersonStatement string
Described by person A reference to a statement describing a natural person who has an
statement ownership or control interest in the subject of this statement.

unspecified object
When confirmation has been provided that no interested party
exists, where ownership and control information does not need to
be provided, or where details of ownership and control are
Unspecified or unknown, a reason MUST be given. Where an unknown entity is
unknown ownership the subject of further ownershipOrControlStatements in the same
and control structure, or where there is a natural person with ownership or
control but their name or details are not known or cannot be
disclosed for some reason, unspecified should not be used, but
instead a reference to
Title Description Type Format Required
a personStatement or entityStatement should be provided
but identifying details MAY be left blank.

unspecified/reason string Required

The reason that an interested party cannot be specified. From the
unspecifiedReason codelist.
See UnspecifiedReason

unspecified/description string
Any supporting information about the absence of a confirmed
Description beneficial owner. This field may be used to provide set phrases
from a source system, or for a free-text explanation.

A jurisdiction MUST have a name. A jurisdiction SHOULD have the 2-letter country code
(ISO 3166-1) or the subdivision code (ISO 3166-2) for the jurisdiction.

Title Description Type Format Required

name string Required
Name The name of the jurisdiction

code string
Country or The 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1) or the subdivision code (ISO
subdivision code 3166-2) for the jurisdiction.

An name by which this individual is known. Names should be provided in `fullName`, and
may optionally be broken down in the `familyName`, `givenName` and `patronymicName`
fields, based on the EC ISA Core Person Vocabulary (
government-core-vocabularies) definitions.

Title Description Type Format Required

type string
What kind of name is this? See the nameType codelist.
See NameType

fullName string
Full name The full name contains the complete name of a person as one string.

familyName string
Title Description Type Format Required
A family name is usually shared by members of a family. This attribute also
carries prefixes or suffixes which are part of the Family Name, e.g. ‘de
Family Boer’, ‘van de Putte’, ‘von und zu Orlow’. Multiple family names, such as
name are commonly found in Hispanic countries, are recorded in the single Family
Name field so that, for example, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra’s Family
Name would be recorded as ‘Cervantes Saavedra.’

givenName string
A given name, or multiple given names, are the denominator(s) that identify
an individual within a family. These are given to a person by his or her
parents at birth or may be legally recognised as ‘given names’ through a
formal process. All given names are ordered in one field so that, for example,
the given name for Johann Sebastian Bach is ‘Johann Sebastian’.

patronymicName string
Patronymic names are important in some countries. Iceland does not have a
Patronymic concept of family name in the way that many other European countries do,
Name for example. In Bulgaria and Russia, patronymic names are in every day
usage, for example, the ‘Sergeyevich’ in ‘Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev’.

If a person is a beneficial owner of an entity - whether directly or indirectly - and the person
or entity is required to declare this beneficial ownership, there MUST be an Ownership-or-
control Statement connecting the two which represents the beneficial ownership relationship.
See Representing beneficial ownership for detailed requirements.

An ownership or control statement is made up of an entity, an interested party (a reference to

an entity, natural person, arrangement or trust), details of the interest and provenance
information for the statement.

Title Description Type Format Required

statementID string Required
A persistent globally unique identifier for this statement.
Statement Identifier
See ID

statementType string Required

Statement type This MUST be ‘ownershipOrControlStatement’.

statementDate string date

The date on which this statement was made.
Statement date
See StatementDate

isComponent boolean Required

Title Description Type Format Required
Does this Ownership-or-control Statement represent a component of
a wider indirect ownership-or-control relationship?
Where isComponent is ‘true’: (1) the statementID of this
secondary Ownership-or-control Statement MUST be an element in
the componentStatementIDs array of that primary Ownership-or-
control Statement, (2) this Ownership-or-control Statement MUST
come before that primary Ownership-or-control Statement in a
Is component
BODS package or stream, (3) the replacement of this Ownership-or-
control Statement SHOULD be considered when replacing the
primary Ownership-or-control Statement, and (4) the primary
Ownership-or-control Statement MUST have a isComponent value
of ‘false’. Where isComponent is ‘false’, this Ownership-or-control
Statement is the primary declaration of the relationship between
the subject and the interestedParty .

componentStatementIDs array[string]
The identifiers of all component statements that provide detail about
the indirect relationship between this
Statement’s subject and interestedParty . If this Ownership-or-
control Statement has components, it MUST itself have
statement IDs
a isComponent value of ‘false’.

See ID

subject object Required

Subject The subject of an ownership or control relationship.

subject/describedByEntityStatement string Required

Described by entity Provide the identifier of the statement which describes the entity that
statement the subject of an ownership or control interest.

interestedParty object Required

The interested party has some level of ownership or control over the
entity referenced in this ownership or control statement. This should
be described with reference to either an entity statement or person
Interested party
statement, or, where the interested party is unknown, details of why.

See InterestedParty

interests array[Interest]
A description of the interests held by the interestedParty covered by
this statement in the entity covered by this statement.
See Interest

publicationDetails object Required

Title Description Type Format Required
Information concerning the original publication of this statement.
Publication details
See PublicationDetails

source object
The source of the information that links the entity and the interested
party, or that supports a null statement.
See Source

annotations array[Annotation]
Annotations about this statement or parts of this statement
See Annotation

replacesStatements array[string]
If this statement replaces a previous statement or statements, provide
the identifier(s) for the previous statement(s) here. Consuming
Replaces applications are advised to mark the identified statements as no
statement(s) longer active.

See ReplacesStatements

A description of a politically-exposed person status.

Title Description Type Format Required

reason string
Reason The reason for this person being declared a politically-exposed person.

missingInfoReason string
An explanation of the reason that PEP status for the person is not provided
(i.e. politicalExposure.status is ‘unknown’). This may be a standard
descriptive phrase from the source system, or a free-text justification.
Where this field is present it should be the only field except for source .

jurisdiction object
The jurisdiction where this person is a PEP.
See Jurisdiction

startDate string
Title Description Type Format Required
When did this PEP status begin. Please provide as precise a date as
State date possible in ISO 8601 format. When only the year or year and month is
known, these can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

endDate string
When did this PEP status end. Please provide as precise a date as possible
End date in ISO 8601 format. When only the year or year and month is known, these
can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

source object
The source of this PEP information
See Source

A person statement describes the information known about a natural person at a particular
point in time, or from a given submission of information

Title Description Type Format Required

statementID string Required
A persistent globally unique identifier for this statement.
Statement Identifier
See ID

statementType string Required

Statement type This MUST be ‘personStatement’.

statementDate string date

The date on which this statement was made.
Statement date
See StatementDate

isComponent boolean Required

Does this Person Statement represent a component of an indirect
ownership-or-control relationship? Where isComponent is ‘true’:
(1) the statementID of this Person Statement MUST be an
element in the componentStatementIDs array of that primary
Ownership-or-control Statement, (2) this Person Statement MUST
Is component
come before that primary Ownership-or-control Statement in a
BODS package or stream, (3) the replacement of this Person
Statement SHOULD be considered when replacing the primary
Ownership-or-control Statement. The primary Ownership-or-
control Statement MUST have a isComponent value of ‘false’.
Title Description Type Format Required
personType string Required
Use the personType codelist. The ultimate beneficial owner of a
legal entity is always a natural person. Where the beneficial owner
has been identified, but information about them cannot be
disclosed, use ‘anonymousPerson’. Where the beneficial owner
has not been clearly identified, use ‘unknownPerson’. Where the
Person type beneficial owner has been identified use knownPerson. Where a
person has the type ‘anonymousPerson’ or ‘unknownPerson’ a
reason for the absence of information SHOULD be provided in

See PersonType

unspecifiedPersonDetails object
An explanation of why this person has a personType of
Unspecified person
‘anonymousPerson’ or ‘unknownPerson’. A reason MUST be

unspecifiedPersonDetails/reason string Required

The reason that an interested party cannot be specified. From the
unspecifiedReason codelist.
See UnspecifiedReason

unspecifiedPersonDetails/description string
Any supporting information about the absence of a confirmed
Description beneficial owner. This field may be used to provide set phrases
from a source system, or for a free-text explanation.

names array[Name]
One or more known names for this individual.
See Name

identifiers array[Identifier]
One or more official identifiers for this perrson. Where available,
official registration numbers should be provided.
See Identifier

nationalities array[Country]
An array of ISO 2-Digit country codes representing nationalities
held by this individual.
See Country

placeOfBirth object
Title Description Type Format Required
A free text address string, providing as much address data as is
relevant, suitable for processing using address parsing algorithms.
For some uses (for example, Place of Birth) only a town and
Place of birth
country are required.

See Address

birthDate string
The date of birth for this individual. Please provide as precise a
Date of birth date as possible in ISO 8601 format. When only the year or year
and month is known, these can be given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

deathDate string
If this individual is no longer alive, provide their date of death.
Please provide as precise a date as possible in ISO 8601 format.
Death date
When only the year or year and month is known, these can be
given as YYYY or YYYY-MM.

placeOfResidence object
A free text address string, providing as much address data as is
relevant, suitable for processing using address parsing algorithms.
For some uses (for example, Place of Birth) only a town and
Place of residence
country are required.

See Address

taxResidencies array[Country]
An array of ISO 2-Digit country codes representing the tax
residencies held by this individual.
Tax residency
See Country

addresses array[Address]
One or more addresses for this entity.
See Address

publicationDetails object Required

Information concerning the original publication of this statement.
Publication details
See PublicationDetails

source object
The source of information about this person, or of information that
Source supports an unknown or anonymous person statement.
Title Description Type Format Required
See Source

annotations array[Annotation]
Annotations about this statement or parts of this statement
See Annotation

replacesStatements array[string]
If this statement replaces a previous statement or statements,
provide the identifier(s) for the previous statement(s) here.
Consuming applications are advised to mark the identified
Replaces statement(s)
statements as no longer active.

See ReplacesStatements

politicalExposure object
Information about whether, and how, the person described by this
statement is politically exposed. Use this property only if
Political exposure
politically exposed person (PEP) declarations are expected as part
of beneficial ownership declarations.

politicalExposure/status string Required

This value is ‘isPep’ or ‘isNotPep’ according to whether the
person described by this statement has the status of politically
Politically exposed
exposed person (PEP). An ‘unknown’ value means a PEP status
person (PEP) status
declaration is expected but missing; the reason for the missing data
SHOULD be supplied in the details array.

politicalExposure/details array[PEP Status]

One or more descriptions of this person’s Politically Exposed
Politically exposed Person (PEP) status.
person (PEP) details
See PepStatusDetails

Details of a publicly listed company, its securities (shares and other tradable financial
instruments related to the entity), and related regulatory filings.

Title Description Type Format Required

hasPublicListing boolean Required
Has public This value MUST be true if the entity is known to be a publicly listed
listing company.

companyFilingsURLs array[string] uri

Title Description Type Format Required
Company URL or URLs where regulatory filings related to major holdings can be
filings retrieved. URLs may point to pages maintained by regulatory bodies, stock
URLs exchanges or by the company itself.

securitiesListings array[Securities listing]

Details of the entity’s securities and the public exchanges and markets on
which they are traded. All equity securities SHOULD BE listed here, plus any
other securities from which beneficial ownership might be derived. Where a
security is traded on more than one market, there SHOULD BE an entry for
each market (or market segment).

See SecuritiesListing

Information concerning the publication of this statement.

Title Description Type Format Required

publicationDate string date Required
The date on which this statement was published.

bodsVersion string Required

BODS The version of the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard to which this
version statement conforms, expressed as major.minor. For example: 0.2 or 1.0.

license string uri

A link to the license that applies to this statement. The canonical URI of the
License license SHOULD be used. Publishers are encouraged to use a Public Domain
URL Dedication or Open Definition Conformant
( license.

publisher object Required

Details of the organisation or individual publishing this statement.
See Publisher

Details of the organisation or individual publishing a statement.

Title Description Type Format Required

name string
Title Description Type Format Required
Name The name of the publisher

url string uri

URL The URL of the parent dataset or of the publisher’s website homepage

If this statement replaces a previous statement or statements, provide the identifier(s) for the
previous statement(s) here. Consuming applications are advised to mark the identified
statements as no longer active.

See Updating statements for technical guidance on working with updates to data.

Details of a security and the market on which it is traded.

See Real world identifiers for technical guidance on representing securities listings.

Title Description Type Format Required

marketIdentifierCode string
The Market Identifier Code (MIC) of the market on which the
security is traded. Where the security is traded on a segment of an
Market Identifier exchange, this is the MIC of the segment. Where it is traded on the
Code (MIC) main exchange, this is the MIC of the main exchange and MUST
match the operatingMarketIdentifierCode . MICs are allocated
and managed under ISO standard 10383.

operatingMarketIdentifierCode string
The Market Identifier Code (MIC) of the main exchange or trading
platform handling trades in this security. Where the security is traded
Operating Market on a segment of an exchange, this is the MIC of the parent exchange
Identifier Code or trading platform. Where it is traded on the main exchange, this is
(Operating MIC) the MIC of that main exchange and MUST match
the marketIdentifierCode . MICs are allocated and managed
under ISO standard 10383.

stockExchangeJurisdiction string Required

The 2-letter country code (ISO 3166-1) or the subdivision code (ISO
Stock exchange
3166-2) for the jurisdiction under which the exchange, market or
trading platform is regulated.

stockExchangeName string Required

Title Description Type Format Required
The name of the exchange, market or trading platform on which the
Stock exchange security is traded. If the security is traded on a segment of the
name exchange, then the name SHOULD include both elements. For
example, ‘London Stock Exchange - MTF’.

security object Required

Security Identifying information of the stock or other security.

security/idScheme string
The scheme under which the security has been issued a unique,
persistent identifier. For accepted schemas, see the
Identifier scheme securitiesIdentifierSchemes codelist.

See SecuritiesIdentifierSchemes

security/id string
Identifier The unique identifier of the security as issued under the idScheme .

security/ticker string Required

The stock ticker identifying this security on the named stock
Stock ticker

Where an exact percentage is available, this should be given, and `maximum` and `minimum`
values set to the same as the exact percentage. Otherwise, `maximum` and `minimum` can be
used to record the range into which the share of this kind of interest falls. By default the
`minimum` is inclusive and the `maximum` exclusive (minimum-value ≤ share < maximum-
value). If you wish to change these defaults, use the `exclusiveMinimum` and
`exclusiveMaximum` properties.

Title Description Type Format Required

exact number
Exact share The exact share of this interest held (where available).

maximum number
The upper bound of the share of this interest known to be held.

minimum number
The lower bound of the share of this interest known to be held.

exclusiveMinimum boolean
Title Description Type Format Required
If exclusiveMinimum is true, then the share is at least greater than
the minimum value given. E.g. if minimum is ‘25’, the share is at least 25.1,
and not simply 25.

exclusiveMaximum boolean
If exclusiveMaximum is true, then the share is at least less than
the maximum value given. E.g. if maximum is ‘50’, the share is less than
49.999, and not simply 50.

The source object is used to explain where information in a statement originated from, and to
link to supporting information.

Title Description Type Format Required

type array[string]
What type of source is this? Multiple tags can be combined. Values should
Source come from the source type codelist.
See SourceType

description string
Where required, additional free-text information about the source of this
statement can be provided here.

url string uri

If this information was fetched from an external URL, or a machine or human
readable web page is available that provides additional information on how
this statement was sourced, provide the URL.

retrievedAt string date-time

If this statement was imported from some external system, include a
timestamp indicating when this took place. The statement’s own date should
be set based on the source information.

assertedBy array[Agent]
Who is making this statement? This may be the name of the person or
organisation making a self-declaration (in which case, please make sure the
name field matches the organisation or person name field), or the name or
description of some other party. If this statement has been verified, this may
also include the name of the organisation providing verification.

See Agent

See Sources and annotations for a discussion of provenance modelling.

Dates MUST conform with the extended format of ISO 8601. All of the following, for
example, are valid:

• A full datetime string (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)

• A year, month and day (YYYY-MM-DD)
• A year and month (YYYY-MM)
• A year (YYYY)


code title description
The place where a person was born. This must
Place of
placeOfBirth only be used to describe natural persons. Only a
town and country are required.
Residential An address where someone lives. This must
address only be used for natural persons.

An official address for delivering statutory mail

Registered and legal notices which must be provided to
address company registers. This must only be used to
describe entities.
An address which can be used as an alternative
Service to a residential address for the purpose of
address receiving post. This must only be used for
natural persons.

An address provided in addition to the primary

alternative address for this entity or person that is neither a
service nor a registered address.
business A place where the entity conducts its business.


code title description
The description field provides contextual
commenting Commenting
comments for a field, object or statement.
The value of this field, object or statement
correcting Correcting
has been corrected, using the method in the
code title description
description field and/or from the original
value given in the description field.

The value of this field, object or statement

has been augmented or processed for the
identifying Identifying purpose of identifying natural persons or
legal entities, using the method in the
description field.
The description explains how linked material
relates to the field, object or statement. A
linking Linking
URL to linked material MUST be provided
in the url field.

The values of this field, object or statement

have been changed from their original form
transformation Transformation using the method in the description field.
The transformed representation may be
provided in the transformedContent field.


code title description
direct Direct The interest is held directly.
The interest is held through one or more intermediate
indirect Indirect
entities (including arrangements).

unknown Unknown The interest may be direct or indirect.


code title description
Any legal entity created through an act of
Registered official registration. In most cases,
Entity registered entities will have an official
issued identifier.
A body with distinct legal personality,
such as an international institution or
legalEntity Legal entity statutory corporation, but which is not
otherwise uniquely identified in some
official register.

An artificial entity, created by agreements,

arrangement Arrangement
contracts or other processes.
code title description
An entity that has been identified, but for
anonymousEntity which no identifying information is being

unknownEntity An entity that has not been identified.
A country, nation or community with legal
state State
sovereignty within a territory.

A core administrative or legislative unit

stateBody State body
within a state’s apparatus.


code title description
An element of government with
State body > executive responsibilities. Terms
Government often used to designate such a
department body: ministry, department, bureau
or office.
A body overseeing or
administering elements of public
State body > policy. State agencies may have
State Agency responsiblities which are devolved
from government departments or
from the state’s legislative body.

A type of state body unlike a

State body >
stateBody-other government department or state


code title description
An economic interest in
shareholding Shareholding an entity gained by
holding shares.
A controlling interest in
an entity gained by
holding shares. Defined
votingRights Voting rights
as the right of
shareholders to vote on
matters of corporate
code title description
policy, including
decisions on the
makeup of the board of
directors, issuing
securities, initiating
corporate actions and
making substantial
changes in the

A controlling interest in
an entity. Defined as the
appointmentOfBoard absolute right to appoint
of board
members of the board of
Any influence or
control in an entity that
Other is distinct from being a
otherInfluenceOrControl influence or shareholder, having
control voting rights or having
the absolute right to
appoint to the board.

A controlling interest in
an entity gained by
Senior employment. Defined as
seniorManagingOfficial managing the person who
official exercises control over
the management of the
A settlor is a person
who, either actually or
by operation of law,
creates a trust. A settlor
of a trust is sometimes
also known by other
settlor Settlor names such as a trustor,
a grantor or a donor.
Also to be used for a
person with a settlor-
equivalent role in any
legal arrangement that
is similar to a trust.

A trustee is a person
trustee Trustee
who administers the
code title description
trust for the benefit of a
third party and in whom
the legal title of the trust
property is vested either
by declaration of the
settlor or by operation
of law. Also to be used
for a person with a
trustee-equivalent role
in any legal
arrangement that is
similar to a trust.
A protector is a person
appointed to protect the
interests or wishes of
the settlor, providing
influence and guidance
to the trustee who
protector Protector
administers the trust.
Also to be used for a
person with a protector-
equivalent role in any
legal arrangement that
is similar to a trust.

An economic interest in
a trust or other legal
arrangement. Defined as
a person or legal entity
beneficiaryOfLegalArrangement of a legal
who benefits from a
trust or other legal
arrangement’s holdings
or activities.
The right to a share in
the amount of an asset
Rights to
or resource that exceeds
rightsToSurplusAssetsOnDissolution surplus assets
the portion that is
on dissolution
utilized upon the
winding up of an entity.

An economic interest in
Rights to an entity. Defined as
receive beneficial ownership
profits or rights beyond those
income otherwise implied by
ownership structures
code title description
that are granted by
An interest that is
rightsGrantedByContract granted by
granted by contract.

Conditional An interest that exists

conditionalRightsGrantedByContract rights granted only if some contractual
by contract condition is met.
Control of an entity
Control via
gained through a
controlViaCompanyRulesOrArticles provision in company
rules or
articles or by
shareholder agreement.

Control of an entity
gained through a legal
framework, such as a
combination of
legislation (primary and
Control by
secondary). This type of
controlByLegalFramework legal
interest is created by
governments and
legislators in order to
establish and guide
agencies and entities
linked to the state.
One of a group of
people constituted as
boardMember the strategic decision-
making body of an

The person holding the

most power and
authority on the board
of directors. They also
provide leadership to
the firm’s officers and
boardChair Board chair
executives, and ensure
that the firm’s duties to
shareholders are being
fulfilled by acting as a
link between the board
and upper management.
code title description
The interestedParty is
known to have an
interest in the subject of
unknownInterest this Ownership-or-
control Statement, but
the nature of the interest
is unknown.

The nature of this

unpublishedInterest interest is known but is
not published.
A controlling interest in
an asset owned by an
entity. Defined as the
enjoymentAndUseOfAssets and use of
right to make use of
assets belonging to an

An economic interest in
an asset owned by an
Right to
entity. Defined as the
profit or
rightToProfitOrIncomeFromAssets right to derive profits
income from
and/or income from
assets belonging to an


code title description
A name that identifies the person for legal,
administrative and other official purposes. A
individual Legal name person’s legal name will usually be the one
that is found on official government
Translation of A translation of the person’s individual
name name in a different language.

Transliteration A transliteration of the person’s individual

of name name in a different script.
former Former name A name that the person has used in the past.

Another name that the person is known by.

alternative This might be an alias, a nickname or a
name that the person is also known as (aka).
code title description
birth Birth name The legal name of the person at birth.


code title description
This person has been identified, and
Known information such as names, identifiers or
person biographical information may be provided
about them.
This person has been identified, but
identifying information is being withheld.
anonymousPerson The reason for non disclosure should be
given in the
accompanying missingInfoReason field.

Unknown The identity of this person has not been

person discovered or confirmed.


code title description
International Scheme for unique identification of securities
Securities internationally. Securities are issued 12-character
Identification identifiers. Full details of the scheme are specified by
Number (ISIN) ISO 6166.
Scheme for unique identification of securities
internationally. Securities are issued 12-character
figi identifiers. Full details of the scheme are specified as
Global identifier
an Object Management Group

Committee on
Scheme for unique identification of securites in
North America. Securities are issued 9-character
cusip Identification
identifiers. The scheme is managed by the American
Bankers Association and specified as ANSI X9.6.
Scheme for unique identification of securites issued
cins outside North America. Securities are issued 9-
character identifiers. The scheme is managed by the
System (CINS)
code title description
American Bankers Association and specified as
ANSI X9.6.


code title description
The information was provided by the
Self individual or entity referred to in this
declaration statement, or by their authorised
Official The information was taken from an official
register register.

The information was provided by a third

party, not directly related to the individual,
thirdParty Third party
entity or interests described by this
Primary The information was provided as a result of
research research into primary sources.

The information has been verified through

verified Verified the process documented in the associated


code title description technical note

The statement contains
The parent object
information known
should be
about a natural person
Person validated using
personStatement at a particular point in
Statement the Person
time, or from a given
submission of
The statement contains
information that The parent object
identifies and should be
Entity describes an entity at a validated using
Statement particular point in the Entity
time, or from a given Statement
submission of schema.
code title description technical note
The parent object
The statement contains
should be
details of the interests
Ownership- validated using
held by an interested
ownershipOrControlStatement or-control the Ownership-
party in an entity at a
Statement or-control
particular point in


code title description
al note
There are no
beneficial owners
who need to
disclose ownership
noBeneficialOwners beneficial
according to the
rules under which
this statement is
The subject of this
ownership or
Subject control statement
unable to has, as the
subjectUnableToConfirmOrIdentifyBeneficial confirm or disclosing party,
Owner identify been unwilling or
beneficial unable to confirm
owner the existence
identify a
beneficial owner.

The interested
party in this
Interested ownership or
party has control statement
not has not provided
provided enough
informatio information to
n identify or confirm
the identity of the
beneficial owner.
The subject of this
Subject ownership or
exempt control statement
from is not required to
disclosure disclose its
beneficial owner.
code title description
al note

The interested
Interested party in this
party ownership or
interestedPartyExemptFromDisclosure exempt control statement
from is exempt from
disclosure having their
identity disclosed.
The reason an
Unknown interested party
reason cannot be provided
is not known.

A publisher does
not have access
to information on
Informati this person or
on entity. This
unknown should not
informationUnknownToPublisher to the generally be
publisher used in situations
of the where one party
data has the
responsibility to
provide such

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