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Ministry of jal Shakti

Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation

Jal Jeevan Mission

Village Profile (As on 10/08/2023)

Village rating

Village rating is not updated.

Abstract data

State : Tamil Nadu

District : V illupuram

Block : Marakkanam

Panchay at : V annipair

V illage : V anniper

Nos. of Habitations : 6
Habitation list :

S. Habit at ion Name Rural populat ion Wat er Qualit y Households Nos. of t ap Balance
No. St at us connect ions households
Tot al SC ST GEN provided

1 Anil Meshram 34 7 27 0 9 0 9

2 IRULAR COLONY 61 0 61 0 15 15 0

3 T.pudupakkam 7 39 15 12 7 12 17 3 56 117

4 T.pudupakkam 1 56 1 56 0 0 45 45 0

5 V anniper 1 267 0 0 1 267 280 1 63 117

6 V ANNIPER 7 67 7 67 0 0 1 68 99 69

Total population : 3024

SC : 945

ST : 1 00

GEN : 1 97 9

House connection information

Nos. of housesholds (As on 01 /04/2023) : 690

Nos. of tap connections prov ided (As on 1 0/08/2023) : 37 8

Is PWS av ailable ? Y es
JJM status : In progress

Water quality status

Contamination found as on 01 /04/2023 : None

Water Quality Management Information System (WQMIS)

Laborat ory / FTK t est ing Test ing det ail

1 Laboratory testing [ : 0.000, T esting tim e : 02/01 /2023], [Chloride (as Cl) (m g/l) : 254.000, T esting tim e :
20/05/2023], [Fluoride (as F) (m g/l) : 0.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [Free residual
Chlorine (m g/l) : 0.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [Iron (As Fe) (m g/l) : 0.000, T esting tim e
: 20/05/2023], [Nitrate (as NO3) (m g/l) : 22.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [pH (NA) : 7 .020,
T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [Sulphate (as SO4) (m g/l) : 248.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023],
[T DS (m g/l) : 862.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [T otal Alkalinity (as Calcium Carbonate)
(m g/l) : 202.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [T otal Hardness (As CaCO3) (m g/l) : 264.000,
T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [T urbidity (NT U) : 3.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [E. coli
(CFU/100 m l) : 0.000, T esting tim e : 20/05/2023], [T otal coliform (CFU/ 100 m l) : 0.000,
T esting tim e : 20/05/2023],

2 FTK testing [Ammonia (as Total Ammonia- N) (mg/l), T esting tim e : 29/03/2022], [Chloride (as Cl) (mg/l),
T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Fluoride (as F) (mg/l), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Free residual
Chlorine (mg/l), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Iron (As Fe) (mg/l), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023],
[Nitrate (as NO3) (mg/l), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [pH (NA), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Total
Alkalinity (as Calcium Carbonate) (mg/l), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Total dissov led solids (mg/l),
T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Total Hardness (As CaCO3) (mg/l), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023],
[Turbidity (NTU), T esting tim e : 24/01 /2023], [Bacteriological (H2S test) (NA), T esting tim e :
24/01 /2023],

List of schemes
Est . Rep.
S. Sanct ion Work order Cost Exp St at us of Work
Scheme Id Scheme Name Cat egory Ty pe
No. Y ear dat e (Rs. in (Rs. in Scheme st art ed
lakh) lakh)

1 8509520 2022-23 - V P - Tied 2022- 03/03/2023 3.89 0.00 Ongoing SV S PWS Y es

- Prov iding 2023
Pipeline 7 1 5m and
35 nos FHTCs
Works at
T.Pudupakkam in
V annipair
Panchay at

2 1 2821 1 9 EAST OF V ILLAGE - 2008- 1 2/1 1 /2008 8.08 0.00 Completed SV S PWS Y es

3 84237 42 MKM (V P)- 2021 - 30/04/2022 4.1 7 0.00 Ongoing SV S PWS No

Prov iding 2022
Distribution pipe
line 850 M & 45 Nos
of FHTCS works

4 1 2821 02 NEAR ERI - 2008- 03/1 1 /2008 2.31 0.00 Completed SV S PWS Y es

5 39951 3 Tubewell Power 1 97 9- 31 /03/1 980 1 .20 0.00 Completed SV S PWS Y es

Pump-Deep 1 980
Tubewell (1 980) -

6 1 41 91 5 Tubewell Power 1 992- 03/1 2/1 993 6.50 0.00 Completed SV S PWS Y es
Pump-Deep 1 993
Tubewell (1 993) -

7 21 5296 Tubewell Power 1 996- 1 5/02/1 997 4.50 0.00 Completed SV S PWS Y es
Pump-Deep 1 997
Est . Rep.
S. Sanct ion Work order Cost Exp St at us of Work
Scheme Id Scheme Name Cat egory Ty pe
No. Y ear dat e (Rs. in (Rs. in Scheme st art ed
lakh) lakh)
Tubewell (1 997 ) -

8 81 7 9548 V annipair 2020- 05/1 1 /2020 4.91 0.00 Ongoing SV S Retrofit No

V annippair irula 2021
Colony FHTCS 50
Disti line 1 500M

9 43457 3 V anniper -IRULAR 2008- 1 8/1 2/2008 0.50 0.00 Completed SV S PWS Y es

10 547 6259 ws to anganwadi- 201 3- 22/09/201 3 0.60 0.34 Completed SV S PWS Y es

V anniper - 201 4

11 5284288 WSS to v ennipiar 201 3- 1 5/07 /201 3 1 6.39 1 5.02 Completed SV S PWS Y es
Group House 201 4
Colony -

Water sources

Locat ion Scheme Det ails

S. Est .
No. Source Source Scheme Name - Sanct ion Cost Cent ral
Habit at ion Name Exp (Rs. St at us
Ty pe locat ion SchemeId Y ear (Rs. in Scheme
in lakh)

1 Ground IRULAR in habitaiton V anniper -IRULAR 2008- 0.50 0.00 Completed No

Water COLONY (SourceId : COLONY - (43457 3) 2009
1 1 40254)
Locat ion Scheme Det ails

S. Est .
No. Source Source Scheme Name - Sanct ion Cost Cent ral
Habit at ion Name Exp (Rs. St at us
Ty pe locat ion SchemeId Y ear (Rs. in Scheme
in lakh)

V annipair V annippair 2020- 4.91 0.00 Ongoing No

irula Colony FHTCS 2021
50 Disti line 1 500M -
(81 7 9548)

2 Ground T.pudupakkam in habitaiton Tubewell Power 1 996- 4.50 0.00 Completed No

Water (SourceId : Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 997
1 1 457 56) (1 997 ) -
(21 5296)

3 Ground T.pudupakkam inside the MKM (V P)- Prov iding 2021 - 4.1 7 0.00 Ongoing No
Water habitation Distribution pipe line 2022
(SourceId : 850 M & 45 Nos of
1 1 42288) FHTCS works
(84237 42)

4 Ground T.pudupakkam inside the WSS to v ennipiar 201 3- 1 6.39 1 5.02 Completed Y es
Water Colony habitation Group House Colony - 201 4
5233245) HOUSE COLONY -

5 Ground V anniper in habitaiton EAST OF V ILLAGE - 2008- 8.08 0.00 Completed No

Water (SourceId : V ANNIPER - 2009
1 1 341 31 ) (1 2821 1 9)

6 Ground V anniper in habitaiton Tubewell Power 1 97 9- 1 .20 0.00 Completed No

Water (SourceId : Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 980
1 1 3441 2) (1 980) -V ANNIPER -
(39951 3)

7 Ground V anniper in habitaiton Tubewell Power 1 992- 6.50 0.00 Completed No

Water (SourceId : Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 993
1 1 35395)
Locat ion Scheme Det ails

S. Est .
No. Source Source Scheme Name - Sanct ion Cost Cent ral
Habit at ion Name Exp (Rs. St at us
Ty pe locat ion SchemeId Y ear (Rs. in Scheme
in lakh)
(1 993) -V ANNIPER -
(1 41 91 5)

8 Ground V anniper Inside the ws to anganwadi- 201 3- 0.60 0.34 Completed Y es

Water habitation V anniper -V ANNIPER 201 4
(SourceId : - (547 6259)
540921 1 )

9 Ground V ANNIPER in habitaiton NEAR ERI - 2008- 2.31 0.00 Completed Y es

Water COLONY (SourceId : V ANNIPER COLONY - 2009
1 1 421 7 8) (1 2821 02)

House connection planned/ provided

Scheme Det ails

House House Est .
S. Rep.
Habit at ion Name connect ion connect ion Scheme Name - Sanct ion Cost Cent ral
No. Exp (Rs. St at us
planned provided SchemeId Y ear (Rs. in Scheme
in lakh)

1 IRULAR 15 15 V annipair V annippair 2020- 4.91 0.00 Ongoing No

COLONY irula Colony FHTCS 2021
50 Disti line 1 500M -
(81 7 9548)

2 IRULAR 6 0 V anniper -IRULAR 2008- 0.50 0.00 Completed No

COLONY COLONY - (43457 3) 2009

3 T.pudupakkam 35 35 2022-23 - V P - Tied - 2022- 3.89 0.00 Ongoing No

Prov iding 2023
Distribution Pipeline
7 1 5m and 35 nos
FHTCs Works at
T.Pudupakkam in
Scheme Det ails
House House Est .
S. Rep.
Habit at ion Name connect ion connect ion Scheme Name - Sanct ion Cost Cent ral
No. Exp (Rs. St at us
planned provided SchemeId Y ear (Rs. in Scheme
in lakh)
V annipair Panchay at
- (8509520)

4 T.pudupakkam 1 40 18 Tubewell Power 1 996- 4.50 0.00 Completed No

Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 997
(1 997 ) -
(21 5296)

5 T.pudupakkam 45 45 MKM (V P)- Prov iding 2021 - 4.1 7 0.00 Ongoing No

Colony Distribution pipe line 2022
850 M & 45 Nos of
FHTCS works
(84237 42)

6 T.pudupakkam 12 0 WSS to v ennipiar 201 3- 1 6.39 1 5.02 Completed Y es

Colony Group House Colony - 201 4

7 V anniper 10 0 EAST OF V ILLAGE - 2008- 8.08 0.00 Completed No

V ANNIPER - 2009
(1 2821 1 9)

8 V anniper 27 2 23 Tubewell Power 1 97 9- 1 .20 0.00 Completed No

Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 980
(1 980) -V ANNIPER -
(39951 3)

9 V anniper 10 1 30 Tubewell Power 1 992- 6.50 0.00 Completed No

Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 993
(1 993) -V ANNIPER -
(1 41 91 5)
Scheme Det ails
House House Est .
S. Rep.
Habit at ion Name connect ion connect ion Scheme Name - Sanct ion Cost Cent ral
No. Exp (Rs. St at us
planned provided SchemeId Y ear (Rs. in Scheme
in lakh)

10 V anniper 10 0 ws to anganwadi- 201 3- 0.60 0.34 Completed Y es

V anniper -V ANNIPER 201 4
- (547 6259)

11 V ANNIPER 50 3 NEAR ERI - 2008- 2.31 0.00 Completed Y es

(1 2821 02)

12 V ANNIPER 0 3 Tubewell Power 1 97 9- 1 .20 0.00 Completed No

COLONY Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 980
(1 980) -V ANNIPER -
(39951 3)

13 V ANNIPER 0 21 Tubewell Power 1 992- 6.50 0.00 Completed No

COLONY Pump-Deep Tubewell 1 993
(1 993) -V ANNIPER -
(1 41 91 5)

14 V ANNIPER 0 32 V annipair V annippair 2020- 4.91 0.00 Ongoing No

COLONY irula Colony FHTCS 2021
50 Disti line 1 500M -
(81 7 9548)

School/ Balwadi/ Anganwadi information

Availabilit y Rain
Running Availabilit y St ora
of drinking Wat er
S. Habit at ion School/ Balwadi/ wat er in of dry Tank A
Cat egory Classificat ion wat er Harvest ing
No. Name Anganwadi Name t oilet s/ t oilet s/ (Capacit
t hrough t ap st ruct ure
urinals urinals Y es)
connect ion inst alled

1 T.pudupakkam PANCHAY AT Local Primary only with Y es Y es Y es No No

UNION PRIMARY Body grades 1 to 5
Availabilit y Rain
Running Availabilit y St ora
of drinking Wat er
S. Habit at ion School/ Balwadi/ wat er in of dry Tank A
Cat egory Classificat ion wat er Harvest ing
No. Name Anganwadi Name t oilet s/ t oilet s/ (Capacit
t hrough t ap st ruct ure
urinals urinals Y es)
connect ion inst alled

2 V anniper PANCHAY AT Local Upper Primary Y es Y es Y es No Y es

UNION MIDDLE Body with grades 1 to 8 (1 000.0
SCHOOL, liters)

3 V anniper V anniper Local Balwadi/Aganwadi Y es Y es Y es No Y es

Body (500.00

Ashram shala & Other public institutions

Availabilit y
Running Rain Wat er St orage
of drinking Availabilit y
Habit at ion wat er in Harvest ing Tank Avail
S. No. Locat ion Cat egory wat er of dry t oilet s/
Name t oilet s/ st ruct ure (Capacit y , i
t hrough t ap urinals
urinals inst alled Y es)
connect ion

1 V anniper IWSC TOILET Other Gov t. Y es Y es Y es No Y es

office (500.000

2 V anniper Panchay at Office Other Gov t. Y es Y es Y es No Y es

office (500.000

3 V anniper PDS shop Other Gov t. Y es Y es Y es No Y es

office (300.000

4 V anniper V PSC Billding Other Gov t. Y es Y es Y es No Y es

office (300.000
Availabilit y
Running Rain Wat er St orage
of drinking Availabilit y
Habit at ion wat er in Harvest ing Tank Avail
S. No. Locat ion Cat egory wat er of dry t oilet s/
Name t oilet s/ st ruct ure (Capacit y , i
t hrough t ap urinals
urinals inst alled Y es)
connect ion

Village level functionaries contacts

Gram panchayat members

Data not updated

Village level committee (VWSC/ Pani Samiti/ UserGroup)

S. Funct ional
Level Name Gender Designat ion Mobile Email Address
No. Designat ion


Dev elopment

O&M staff
S. No. Name Gender Designat ion Mobile


2 S Elumalai Male PO XXXXXXXXX1

3 S Selv am Male PO XXXXXXXXX0

Women identified for WQMS

S. No. Name Mobile Age

1 Ambiga XXXXXXXXX4 36

2 Brabav athi XXXXXXXXX8 32

3 Chanthara XXXXXXXXX6 34

4 Chithara XXXXXXXXX4 38

5 Tharanidev i XXXXXXXXX5 34

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