Gsci Gsci GLC 2003 Gwichin Language Dictionary 4th

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§wicfiyafi ts'at 'T'eetf'it


§wicfi'in Language
'Fourth :Edition

Preyared Gy:

Cjwich'in Socia{&' cuftura{ 1nstitute I §wich'in La11fJuage Centre

'T'siigefitchic I Port M.cPherson
'lforth.west tTerritories

'March 2003
Pourtfi :Edition

Verb Paradigms .............................................................. Section IV

Section I

This Gwich'in Noun Dictionary the result of combined
work between the Gwich'in Language Centre and the Gwich'in
Social and Cultural Institute. This fourth version,
following three previous Gwich'in Noun Dictionaries
beginning in 1997, is the result of continued involvement
of members of the Teetl' Gwich'in community of Fort
McPherson and the Gwichyah Gwich'in community of
Tsiigehtchic. We would like to ensure the publ that these
are a continuation of the previous works of Mr. John
Ritter's Gwich'in Athabaskan Noun Dictionary (circa. 1976)
and Mr. William George Firth's Gwich'in Ginjik Dinehtl'ee'
(circa. 1991). Both of these men have continued their work
in other such fields of language retention and

This Gwich'in Noun Dictionary contains nouns, verbs and

grammar used in both dialects of Fort McPherson and
Tsiigehtchic. Gwich'in Language Workshops relating to
terminology development and term verification have been
held throughout the years involving elders from both
communities and this information has been entered into the

The dictionary project is an ongoing effort and as such,

more dictionary workshops will be held in future. We will
continue our efforts to add new Gwich'in words and terms
and in future publish yet another edition.

You will notice that we have only used two dialects in this
Noun Dictionary. This was not to avoid utilizing other
dialects as it was predetermined that we would only
concentrate on two dialects of the Mackenzie Delta rather
than involving other dialects that have minimal speakers on
the east side of the Yukon/Northwest Territories border.

We have gathered terms from almost all of the projects that

the Gwich'in Language Centre and the Gwich'in Social and
Cultural Institute were involved in. Words that appear in
have been veri by the Elders in the numerous
workshops we have held over the t few Also
included in this edition is a sound chart to assist those
using the dictionary with pronunciation. We have also
added the kinship terms for each of the two dialects.

Several elders have spent endless hours ass ting us with

the correct articulation and distinguishing of paradigms
and they are to be thanked and remembered for what they
contributed. A few of the elders passed on during the
creation of this dictionary and we would like to remember
them for their assistance and assure their family and
relatives that we have not forgotten their words of wisdom
throughout. A huge hai' choo to the following: Fort
McPherson (Teetl'it Zheh) -Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Alexie,
Mr. Amos Francis, Mrs. Elizabeth Colin, Mrs. Eunice
Mitchell, Mrs. Bella Ross, Mr. And Mrs. William Teya, Mrs.
Rachel Stewart, Mrs. Doris Itsi, Mrs. Bertha Francis, Mrs.
Mary M. Firth, Ms. Hannah Alexie, Abraham Stewart Sr.,
Michael Pascal Sr., Lucy Wilson and Mrs. Joanne Snowshoe.
Tsiigehtshik (Arctic Red River) - Mr. Bob Norman, Mr. John
Norbert, Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Andre, Mr. Noel Andre, Mr.
Gabe Andre, Mr. Cecil Andre, Mrs. Eileen Cardinal, Mrs.
Rose Clark, Mr. Hyacinthe Andre, Mr. Pierre Benoit, Mr.
Cecil Andre and Mrs. Joanne Nazon.

Individual staff from both the Gwich'in Language Centre and

the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute are to be
thanked for their endless support throughout the collecting
of the information. Ms. Lisa J. Andre assisted in the
beginning with the phonetic spelling followed by Mrs.
Eleanor Mitchell-Firth who concluded the dictionary. Mr.
Mark Riepl, a Linguistic Masters' Student from the
University of Victoria was instrumental in collecting and
producing the Grammar section of this dictionary. Other
staff and cooks in the communities are to be thanked for
their contributions. We have many that we can name,
however, we may not pay tribute to some that have not been
mentioned. To all we say a huge hai' choo and thank you
for your cooperation and determination in putting this book
in print and accessible for students and interested persons

In closing, we invite comments and sugges for
future and we can be reached at the following
addresses listed below.

William G. Firth Eleanor Mitchell-Firth

Manager of Language Programs, Linguist-in-Training,
Gwich'in Social and Cultural Gwich'in Language
Institute, Centre,
P 0. Box 54, P.O. Box 54,
Fort McPherson, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Tel: (867) 952~2377 Tel: (867) 952-2377

Fax : ( 8 6 7 ) 9 5 2 ~ 2 4 3 3 Fax : ( 8 6 7 ) 9 5 2-2 4 3 3
Section II

Gwich'in Sound Chart


daa'aii axe No equivalent in English. A sharp,

tse' (GG) beaver abrupt stop.

b beebii baby Same as in English, baby.

libaarii a keg

ch chee river bottom Same as English; chair.

egeechan shoulder blade

ch' ch'ii mosquitoes No equivalent in English. Similar to a

ahch'ii pigeon hawk ch with a sharp, abrupt stop.

d dinjii man same as in English; door, doctor.

lldii tea

dh dhivii weasel Same as in English; this.

tseedhoh money

dl dlak squirrel Same as Ln English; sadly.

dlok laughter

dr drin day Same as in English: dream.

vidrit his/her leg bone
muskrat as English;
daadzaii swan

ddh ddhah mountain No English equivalent. Similar to d

gwiddhak crumbs plus a th as in this.

dzh dzhii bird Similar to gee with the g more drawn out.
dzhirh mittens

f frii ban frying pan Same as f in English; frying pan.

Hgam coffee

g geh rabbit Same as English give, trigger.

gugeh snow goose

gh vaghaii his/her sister-in-law No English equivalent. Similar to flat r

aghan war in French rouge.

gw gwaakal the ground is bare Same as in the English name: Gwendolyn

gwatat amongst it

ghw ooghwan it's growling Similar to roy in French royal.

luu ghwaii rough ice

h han river Same as in English hat, has.

ahtal grouse

as English
ja{ fish hook

k kant'ik moccasin uppers Same as in English kite.

kaiik'it community

k' k'oh clouds Similar to k with a sharp, abrupt stop or a

aak'ii cow, buffalo breath after the letter.

kh kheh Canada goose Similar to German ch in Bach.

giikhii preacher, minister

kw kwan' flre Same as English quest, queen.

akwat 2 year old beaver

lidii tea Same as English low, mellow.

nllii meat

fuk fish Similar to l with air coming out of both

ihlak one sides of the tongue.

m maamaa mom, mother Same as m in English mouse, mille

amaa' breast

n niinjii lynx Same as n in English need.

ninleetth'ak your ring

nd ndak further back Same as in English nd end, sand.


njuu Same as in Punjab.

dmjik moose

r teenjir half Same as in English read, ran.

leth t'ir sandbar (GG)

s soogaii sugar Same as English.

lisel salt

sh sheejii my older sister Same as in English.

shat a scar

sr srii knife Equivalent to shr in shrew, shroud.

gwahsri' meadow

t tah socks Same as in English.

vit lake trout

t' nivee t' ah'ii soldier Similar to English t with a sharp, abrupt
vint'ii behind her/him stop or a sharp breath.

th thai pants Same as English thin, thick.

thoh belt

t} daatleh soap (GG) Similar to cl in clean, dear without

tlee ointment (GG) movement of the vocal chords.

tl' ti'yah
ti'oo grass

tr trah merganser Same as in English.

daatrat it is shaking

tr' tr'iinin a child Similar to !r followed with a sharp, abrupt

etr'uu arctic tern stop.

ts tse' beaver (GG) Same as English bats, cats.

tseenjaa carefully

ts' ts'aivit arctic loon Similar tots with a sharp, abrupt stop.
ts'iivii spruce tree

tsh ihditshlh numerals Similar to a ch sound however, with a dzan

tshl' muskrat tail heavier pronunciation on the ch.

tth tthaa mountain squirrel Similar to t with a th as in thin.

tthak all, everything

tth' tth'an bone Similar to tth with a sharp, abrupt stop.

ejlitth'ak he hears

v vadzaih caribou Same as in English.

van lake

y yahkeh as
yeelil is dragging it

zh zhoh wolf Same is in English words vision, illusion.

dehzhoo snow on branches

zr zral shout Pronounced similar to zhr.

daazraii swan


i drin day Same as in English grin, sin.

ts'it porcupine

e geh rabbit Same as in English met, let, bet.

ts'eh hat, cap

a dah blood Same as in English shut, gut, nut.

.fat smoke

0 oh fish trap Similar as in English coke, poke.

zhoh snow

u tsuk marten Same as in English toot, boot, took.

luk fish

ii vigil it's young Same as in English bee, see, knee.

divii sheep
ee river/lake i"'nt-irn"W'l as English lay, way.
shuundee my oldE;r brother

aa daadzaii common loon Similar to a in Albert.

aazrik wood shavings

00 goots'an theirs Same as English go.

dhootsaii you all made it

uu Iyuu ice Same as English in moon, toque.

uudee upwards

All other vowels with the hook placed under the vowel as in the following: L ~. q_, Q, lJ,
Ii. ~~. q_q_, QQ, lJlJ, gives the vowel a nasal or 'n' sound.

Vowel Combinations:

ao gaolii I expect Same as in English cow, town, pout.

eu dizheu cow moose Similar to English eh followed with oo.

ali tali trail, road, street Similar to English a with ee following.

eli gwileli She/he/it is poor Similar to English eh with ee following.

ai' vataf it's handle Pronounced a with short English ee, with a
sharp, abrupt

Low Tone Marks:

If the tone mark appears over certain words, then it would change the meaning as in
the following:

zhoh snow zhoh wolf

shuh drum shuh wart
khah packsack khah war club
shih grizzly bear shlh food
sryuh mconnu srylih robin

With words that are possessed, the tone mark would appear over the first vowel in
after the second set of consonants as in the following:

srii knife vizrli' his knife

ts'eh hat, cap vits'ee' her hat, his cap
tah socks vataa' her socks
tr'ih boat vitr'li' his boat

*Any recopying of this or any material from the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
must have the full written permission of the Executive Director of GSCI.
Section III

Gwich'in Grammar

Overview of the Gwich' in

The Gwich'in is highly structured and contains a much larger range
information than verbs in English. In fact, a single Gwich'in verb may be the
equivalent of an entire English sentence. Consider the two sentences below, which
express roughly the same idea:

(1) a. Nintl'eltshuh.
b. I gave it to you.

Both of these sentences convey roughly the same information; both identify a first
person subject (I), a third person direct object (it), and a second person indirect object
(you), and both sentences relate these entities together through the action of 'giving'.
However, though the informational content of these two sentences is the same, each
expresses this information differently. The English sentence is composed of an ordered
set of separate words, whereas the Gwich'in sentence is composed of an ordered set of
small word-parts grouped together into a single word. Let's look at the Gwich'in
sentence in a little more detail.
Gwich'in verbs are composed of a stem preceded by a number of smaller units
called prefixes. The stem is usually the last syllable of the verb and contains the core
meaning conveyed by the verb. In the sentence above, the stem is -tshUh, which
expresses the meaning of "transfer a flat, flexible object," something like the English
word gave (although, more specific than the English word). Immediately preceding the
stem are a number of prefixes, each adding a small piece of information to the overall
meaning of the verb. Moving from right to left, the first prefix is -1-, which indicates
that the subject is first person, or 'T. Next comes the prefix -nt!'e-, which roughly
means "to", preceded by ni- which means "you". Putting all of these pieces together,
we end up with a complete Gwich'in verb.

(2) ni- nt{'e -1- tshUh.

you to I gave-it
"I gave it to you."

The Gwich'in verb is actually much more complex than what has been indicated thus
far. Along with information about subjects and objects, verb prefixes have a wide
variety of functions and express many different types of information. example,
as tense (the in that an event or
(whether an action or event is viewed as completed or ongoing),
number (the number of people or things partidpating in an event), and adverbial
extensions of the stem's meaning (such as 'again', 'back-and-forth, 'above', 'below'). A
complete description of all of these prefixes is far beyond the scope of this short
introduction; such a description would easily fill an entire book. However, because it
is useful for those wishing to understand the basic structure of Gwich'in verbs, we will
examine a few of the most common prefixes below.

1. The Verb
The first thing to notice about the different parts of a Gwich'in verb is that they
are all strictly ordered with respect to one another. Scholars studying languages
related to Gwich'in have found it useful to divide fully formed verbs into a series of
'prefix positions', each position representing a particular function within the verb.
These positions also capture the relative order in which prefixes must occur. The
resulting sequence of prefix positions is often called a 'template'. Below is an example
of a template for Gwich'in, with different positions numbered and labeled. Although
this template is greatly simplified (a complete grammatical description of Gwich'in
would require a much more articulated template), our purpose is simply to overview
the basic structure of the verb, so it will suffice.

(3) The Verb Template

5 4 3 2 1
Adverbials Direct Plural Tense I Subject STEM
&Post- Object Subject Aspect (&
positions Classifier)

This template divides the Gwich'in verb into 6 different 'slots': the stem plus five prefix
positions. Below we will look briefly at each of these template positions.

1.1 The Verb Stem

Furthest to the right is the verb stem, which conveys the core meaning of a
verb. In the vast majority of cases, the verb stem is the last syllable of a full verb.
Below are some examples of verbs, with the verb stem in boldface. Don't worry too
much about the prefixes for now; the important thing to notice in these examples is
that the verb stem remains constant while the prefixes change to indicate slight
differences in the same basic meaning.

i. Stem: -lih "sing"
a. Ijihlih 1 "I am singing."
b. Ijiinlih "You are singing."
c. Ijiidliih "We are singing."

ti. Stem: -'al "ate"

a. lida' til "We ate."
b. Uu'al? "Did you people eat?"
c. Ag»n'al "They ate."

In all of these examples, the stem remains the same regardless of the exact
meaning of the verb. There are many verbs, however, where different stems are used
to indicate slight differences in meaning. A few of the most common types of stem
changes are summarized below.

i. Tense
Differences in tense are often marked by changes in the verb stem, along with
different prefixes. It is very common in Gwich'in to use slightly different stems for
present, past, and future tense verbs. Below is one example.

(5) a. Gjinkhii. "He is speaking."

b. Gfinhe ·. "He spoke."
c. Giteekhyah. "He will speak."

For the verb "to speak," Gwich'in uses three different verb stems. The stem -khli is
used in present tense constructions, -he' is used for past tense, and -khyah is used for
future tense.

ti. Number
Some Gwich'in verbs require different stems depending on the number of
people or things participating in the action or state denoted by the verb. Below is an
example of the verb meaning "believe it."

The change from -lih to -lih in this word reflects a regular sound change that occurs between the stem
and the prefixes in Gwich'in. Many stem-initial sounds (fricatives) become voiceless when preceded by
[h). In this case, voiced [I] becomes voicless [a] due to the first person subject prefix [h-] preceding it.
Gwik'injihshit. "I believe it."
Gwik'injinizhi t. "You believe it.~
Gwik'injizhi t. "He I She believes it."
Gwik'injildizhi t. "We (two) believe it."
Gwik'injuhshit. "You people (two) believe it."
Gwik'injigizhit. "They (two) believe it."

Gwik'injildij ii. "We (three or more) believe it."

Gwik'injuhj ii. "You people (three or more) believe it."
Gwik'injigij ii. "They (three or more) believe it."

In this example, the choice of verb stem depends on how many people the speaker is
talking about. The stem -zhit is used when one or two people are referred to while -jli
is used when three or more people are referred to.
Unlike nouns in English, most Gwich'in nouns do not have plural forms. A
noun such as aih "snowshoe" may refer to one, two, or many snowshoes. Often it is
only by looking at the particular form that the verb stem takes that Gwich'in speakers
are able to determine the number of objects spoken about. For example, in the
sentences below, the number of snowshoes referred to is indicated by the particular
stem used.

(7) a. aih nanii' ali "S/he placed the snowshoe there."

b. aih naniinlli. "S/he placed snowshoes there."

Put another way, Gwich'in uses different verbs when different numbers of entities are
involved in the action or state denoted by the verb. In the above example, we might
translate the stem -ali as "placing one thing" and the stem - lil as "placing several

iii. Classillcatory Verbs

We've seen that different Gwich'in verb stems are used when different
numbers of things are spoken about. Having different verbs for singular and plural is
often called a classillcation system. it is a way of classifying the nature of the entities
involved in an action by using different verbs to refer to that action. The Gwich'in

number is fairly distinguishing simply singular,
However, Gwich'in has a very complex classification system for some
verbs, where the verb stem chosen depends on the shape or condition of the thing
being described. This system is particularly common with the verbs that refer to the
handling of objects. Several examples for the verb "give" are given on the next page.
Pay attention to the different stems used (in boldface again) and the different objects
referred to.

a. Ts'at vintl'a'ahshuh. "I gave him a blanket."
blanket I-gave-it-to-him

b Dinehtr'eh vint{'a'ahshuh. "I gave him paper."

paper I-gave-it-to-him

c. Diik'ee vint{'aiityin. "I gave him a gun."

gun I-gave-it-to-him

d Ga£ vinti'aiityin. "I gave him a stick."

stick I-g'ave-it-to-him

e. Tyah vinti'aii'ajh. "I gave him a bucket."

bucket I-gave-it-to-him

f. Tshuu vinti'aiikaih. "I gave him water (in a cup)."

water I-gave-it-to-him

g. diik'ee vinti'aillih. "I gave him some guns."

gun I-gave-them-to-him

h Tyah vinti'aillih. "I gave him some buckets."

bucket I-gave-them-to-him

f. Ti'yah vinti'aiilih. "I gave him rope."

rope I-gave-it-to-him
stems on

these changes as follows:

-tshUh Flat, flexible, cloth-like blanket, paper I

-tyin Long, skinny, rigid gun, stick
-'am Chunky, box-like bucket, water in a
objects, or objects in cup (or in a bucket).
-lih Plural objects AND rope,
string or rope-like any plural object
objects regardless of shape.

1.2 Prefix Position 1: Subjects

The first prefix position closest to the stem is the subject position. Prefixes in
this position indicate the subject of the verb as either first person singular "I", first
person plural "we", second person singular "you", second person plural "you people",
and third person singular "he", "she", or "it". Note that third person plural subjects
"they" are not marked by the prefixes in this position, but by a prefix in position 3
(which we will look at later).
One difficulty in discussing the subject position prefixes is that they occur in a
wide variety of alternate forms. The particular form that a subject prefix takes is
largely determined by the prefixes adjacent to it, especially by an abstract prefix called
the classifier, which occurs between the stem and the subject prefixes. We have
ignored the classifiers in this introduction and haven't indicated them on the verb
template in (3) because their function and meaning is highly abstract and it is not
cmcial to understand them to acquire a basic understanding of Gwich'in verbs. It is
enough for our purposes to know that the classifiers divide Gwich'in verbs into four
groups, the presence of a particular classifier prefix helping to indicate which group a
verb belongs to. Scholars studying these classifiers typically refer to the four groups of
verbs as the 0-classifierverbs (or "zero-classifier" verbs), h-classifierverbs, d-classifier
verbs, and ]-classifier verbs, because these are the forms that the classifiers took at an
earlier stage in the history of Gwich'in (and other closely related languages). We will
continue to to labels, it will help us sort out the
different subject prefixes. It is enough our to that
Gwich'in verb will belong to one of the four types listed above.
Simply put (and overlooking a lot of further complexities), the particular form
of a subject prefix depends on the type of verb stem; a-classifier verbs take a particular
set of subject prefixes, while h-classifier verbs take a different set, and so on. For
example, the first person subject prefix ("I") is -ih- with 0-classifier verbs, but changes
to -if- with h-classifier verbs, -il- with !-classifier verbs, and -sh- with d-dassifier
verbs. A summary of the subject prefixes is given below.

(10) Subject Prefixes

0- h- d-Classifier l
Classifier Classifier lassifi
I -ih- -U- -sh- -il-
You -iin- -inidi- -ah- a.a.
We -iidi- -iidi- -aa- -aa-
You (p) -oh- -oh- I -oh- I -00-
-okhwi- -okhwi-
He/She/It -a- -idi- -ah- -aa-

As can be seen, the subject prefixes come in a wide variety of forms. To add to the
difficulties in sorting out the subject prefixes, the forms given here are simply the most
basic form these prefixes take; other factors will further affect the prefixes, changing
their pronunciation in various ways. However, the subject prefix of any word should
be recognizable from the chart in (10). Paradigms for each classifier-type verb are
given below. Observe the subject prefixes in each verb and compare it to the chart

(11) Subject Paradigms

0-classifier Verbs:
Stem: -dlah "laugh"
ihdlah. "I am laughing."
iindlah. "You are laughing."
adlah. "He/She is laughing."
Hdadlah. "We are laughing."
ohdlah. "You people are laughing."

Geh hadiniht'ih. "I am cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadiniint'ih. "You are cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadint'ih. "He/She is cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadiniidit'ih. "We are cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadinoht'ih. "You people are cutting up a rabbit."

h-classifier Verbs:
Stem: -hlili "beat (drumr
ShUh alhah. "I am beating a drum."
shUh&hah "You are beating a drum."
ShUh ahah. "He/She is beating a drum."
shUh aahah. "We are beating a drum."
ShUh ohah. "You people are beating a drum.''

Stem: -gaih Udry"

N1lli algaih. "I am drying meat."
Nilii n&hgaih. "You are drying meat."
Nilli ahgaih. "He/She is drying meat."
Nilii aagaih. "We are drying meat."
Nilii ohgaih. "You people are drying meat."

d-classifier Verbs:
Stem: -vik "swim"
k'ashivik. "I am swimming."
k'andivik. "You are swimming."
k'adivik. "He/She is swimming."
k'aiidivik. "We are swimming."
k'aavik. "You people are swimming."

Stem: -'in "have, do"

vishi'in "I have it."
vindi'in "You have it."
yidi'in. "He/She has it."
viidi'ii "We have it."
vokhwe'in "You people have it."
!-Classifier Verbs
Stem: -dzoh "dance"
Aldzoh. "I am dancing."
ndzoh. "You are dancing."
Aadzoh. "He/She is dancing."
Aadzoh. "We are dancing."
Oodzoh. "You people are dancing."

Stem: -gal "run"

Algal. "I am running."
1\a.ngal. "You are running."
Aa gal. "He/She is running."
Aagal. "We are running."
Dugal. "You people are running."

1.3 Position 2: Tense

The tense prefixes occupy the second position of our template. In actual fact,
what we have labeled as position 2 should actually be regarded as a series of different
positions, since tense is marked by a large array of prefixes which interact in complex
ways. There is also a large number of other prefixes which occur somewhere between
the subject prefixes of position 1 and the plural subject preflxes of position 3. A full
description of all of these prefixes is far beyond the scope of this introduction, so we
will simplify things by regarding position 2 as a "loose" position where a number of
different tense prefixes may occur. Simply bear in mind that there are a number of
common prefixes that occur between position 3 and position 1, as you will see many of
them in the paradigms that follow.

i. Past tense
Past tense verbs are marked in a variety of ways, sometimes with prefixes and
a stem change, sometimes just with a prefix, and sometimes with only a stem change.
There are several prefixes that may occur to mark past tense; sometimes two or more
of these prefixes will be present at the same time. The past tense prefix system is
highly complex and poorly understood at the present time. For now, we will simply

some common to get an of that occur
this position.
The most common past tense prefix is -lin- or one of its many variations (for
example, sometimes it appears as -1-, sometimes just as nasalization on an adjacent
prefix). Most importantly for us, this prefix often affects the subject prefixes which
follow it, especially the first person a-classifier subject prefix (-ih-) and the third
person prefixes. Below are two examples which show the effects of this prefix.

12) Past tense prefix -lin-:

a. Present tense: Ihdlah. "I am laughing."

b. Past tense: Hdla'. "I laughed."

c. Present tense: Adlah. "He/She is laughing."

d. Past tense: Iindla'. "He/She laughed."

First, notice that the stem changes from -dlah to its past tense form -dla '. In addition
to this stem change, the subject prefixes also change form. This is the effect of the past
tense prefix which immediately precedes the subject prefix position.

ii. Future tense

Unlike the past tense prefixes discussed above, the future tense of verbs is
marked quite regularly by one of two future prefixes that occur in position 2: -ha- or
-ta-. The difference between these two prefixes is negligible, and for our purposes we
may regard them as equivalent. The examples below illustrate the use of -ha-:

(13) Future tense prefix -ha- :

a. Present tense: Eenakhit. "I am grabbing it."

b. Future tense: Eehakhyah. "I will grab it."

c. Present tense: Yadahk'ee. "He is firing it."

d. Future tense: Yahadahk'ee. "He will fire it."

e. Present tense: Yuudahkat. "He is asking him."

f. Future tense: Yuuhadahkat. "He will ask him."

1.4 ects
The plural subject position holds a further set of subject markers which are
separated from the subject position 1 by the tense prefixes in position 2. Plural subject
prefixes include the impersonal subject -tr'- "some people, people" and the plural third
person subject marker -gi- "they". This prefix also commonly appears as -ga-,
depending on the sounds that surround this prefix.
Recall that there is position 1 subject prefix corresponding to "they"; the only
third person subject marked in position 1 is the third person singular "he/she/it". In
order to make a third person subject of a verb plural, Gwich'in adds the plural subject
marker to position 3. Below are a few examples of this prefix.

(14) Third person plural subject prefix -gi- (-ga-) :

a. Naa'eh. "He/she is standing."

b. Ginaa'eh. "They are standing."

c. Diik'ee sranalih. "He/She is fixing the gun."

d. Diik'ee sraganalih. "They are fixing the gun."

e. tuk ahch'uh. "He/She is frying fish."

f. tuk gahch'uh. "They are frying fish."

The other plural subject prefix is -tr'-, the impersonal subject marker. This
prefix is used when the subject of a verb is not referring to any specific people,
something like the English word one in the sentence One must always think before
one acts. Below is one example.

(15) Impersonal subject prefix

a. Gwinah'in'. "He/She saw it."

b. Gugwinah'ln'. "They saw it."
c. Tr'igwinah'in'. "People saw it."

1.5 4: ect
The position directly preceding the plural subject prefixes is used to mark
direct objects. These prefixes are listed below.

(16) Direct Object Prefixes

-shi- "me"
-ni- "you"
0 (-yi-) "him, her, it"
-nokhwa- "us"
-nokhwa- "you people"
-gu- "them"

Note two things about this chart; first, the third person singular object is marked with
a 0 (zero). This is because third person objects are marked by the absence of a prefix
in the direct object position of the template. Transitive verbs (verbs that refer to
activities that necessarily involve at least two participants - subject and object) that
occur without any direct object prefixes are interpreted with a third person singular
object. We will see below, however, that there is in fact a third person direct object
prefix that may occur in the direct object position of the template (-yi-), but it behaves
quite differently than the others, so we will ignore it for the moment. Second, notice
that the first person plural and second person plural direct object prefixes are the
same. In other words, -nokhwa- can mean either "us" or "you people." Below are some
examples of the direct object prefixes listed in the chart above, marked in boldface.

(17) a. Nilts'uh. "I am kissing him/her/it."

b. Shinaats'uh. "He/She is kissing me."
c. Ninaats'uh. "He/She is kissing you."
d. Nokhwaganaats'uh. "They are kissing us/you people."

As mentioned above, there is a third person prefix that occurs in the direct
object position. This prefix has the form -yi-. It has parallels in other closely related
languages and is referred to by a variety of names; a simple name for it is 'alternate
third person object.' Usually, third person direct objects are marked by the absence

a with a
two verbs below.

(18) a. naats'uh. "You are kissing him/her/it."

b. yinaats'uh. "He/she is kissing him/her/it."

Notice that in the first verb (18a) the third person object is marked by the absence of a
direct object prefix; this is the normal state of affairs when the subject is not third
person (it is second person in this example). However, when the subject is also third
person, the third person object is marked by -yi-, as can be seen in example (18b).
Another fact of the alternate third person is that when an independent noun
occurs in the sentence as the object, the -yi- prefix does not appear, even if the subject
is also third person. In other words, the prefix -yi- is only used when the direct object
is not expressed by a noun. The examples below illustrate this pattern.

(19) a. Beebti naats'uh. "He is kissing the baby."

b. Beebti yinaats'uh. "The baby is kissing him."
c. Yinaats'uh. "He is kissing him."

Notice that in the first example, (19a), where the alternate third person prefix does not
occur, the word bei:bii must refer to the object of the sentence. When this word is used
to express the subject however, like in example (19b), the alternate third person prefix
must be used, since the subject (beebii) is third person. Finally, the last example (19c)
is ambiguous about who is doing the kissing and who is being kissed. We can
summarize these facts by saying that the alternate third person object prefix -yi- is
only used when i) the subject is third person, and ti) the object is not expressed as a
separate noun. Note that the word naats'uh used alone, perhaps to mean "He is
kissing him" is not a grammatical verb in Gwich'in. This verb form can only be used if
the object is specified by an independent noun, such as in (19a).
There are a few other direct object prefixes that are worth mentioning,
although we will not be discussing them in any length here. These are -adl- the
'reflexive' prefix, and -nih(l)- the 'reciprocal' prefix. The reflexive basically means
(20) a. Yik' ee' aatrah. "He is washing him."
Adik'ee'ahtrah. "He is washing himself."
c. Nihk'eetr'aatrah. "We are washmg each other."

1.6 Position 5: Adverbials

The last prefix position we will be looking at is used to carry a wide variety of
different prefix types and a very large number of individual prefixes. Unfortunately,
this area of Gwich'in verb structure is beyond the scope of this short introduction;
indeed, even a brief summary of most of these prefixes could fill an entire dictionary.
Instead, we will simply look at a few isolated examples of position 5 prefixes so that
readers have some idea of their function.
In many ways, the prefixes of position 5 are easier to grasp than the prefixes
we have been looking at so far. This is because these prefixes are much closer to
individual English words and have more concrete meanings that the prefixes from
positions 1 to 5. For the most part, position 5 prefixes add an adverbial extension to
the meaning of the verb, something like adverbs in English. For example, the meaning
"again" can be added to an English sentence to modify its meaning somewhat.
Compare I fried the fish with I fried the fish agam. Gwich'in also has an independent
word meaning "again", chan. However, "again" may also be expressed in Gwich'in
with the position 5 prefix na-. This prefix is something like the English prefix re- as in
i refried the fish. Below is an example of this prefix.

(21) a. Tree. "He is crying."

b. Naditree. "He is crying again."

There are a relatively large number of adverbial prefixes like this in Gwich'in.
Another type of prefix that occupies position 5 are the incorporated post-
positions. These are called postpositions because they are much like English
prepositions such as to, from, away, under except that their objects precede them
instead of follow them (hence the term postpositions). At the beginning of this
outline, we saw an example of a postposition prefix occupying position 5 of the
template. It is repeated here.

a. Nint{'ee you"
b. Nintf'ettshUh. "I gave it to

There are many more different prefixes with fascinating and complex properties that
precede the direct object prefixes of position 4. Unfortunately, an adequate discussion
of all of them would lead us too far a field.

2. Few Notes on the Paradigms

The paradigms given on the next few pages are presented as an aid to learning
Gwich'in and studying its verb structure. A few remarks are necessary to help readers
understand the paradigms.

1. The paradigms are organized around a basic English meaning. First,

second, and third person subjects, both singular and plural (and in
some cases dual where the distinction exists), are listed for three tenses;
simple, past, and future.

2. The term simple tense has been used instead of present tense. The
reason for this is that what we have been calling present tense in
Gwich'in actually may refer to past events. For example, the verb Tree
may mean "He is crying" (and often does), but it may also mean "He
was crying." In actual fact, there is no distinction in Gwich'in between
present and past tense. Instead, the true distinction is between
imperfective and perfective aspect. Imperfective verbs are those that
refer to an action as ongoing without paying attention to whether the
action was completed or not. Examples in English are I was reading, He
is eating, They are laughing. Perfective verbs are those that refer to an
action as completed, such as i have read the book, He ate, They have
laughed. In Gwich'in, what we have been calling present tense verbs
are actually imperfective aspect verbs and may actually take place in
past time, while what we have been calling past tense verbs are actually
perfective verbs. We retain the label past tense simply because most
perfective verbs are most easily construed as occurring in past time.

3. Many Gwich'in verbs are transitive, meaning they take a direct object
prefix (much like English transitive verbs which must occur with a

1 "i
noun). In the paradigms, these have marked
with an 0 . For example, the word for "I am frying"
appears as:
0 aech'Uh.

This indicates that an object normally precedes this word, such as in

the following:

tuk akh'uh. "I am frying fish."

Section IV

Gwich'in Grammar

Verb Paradigms
-zhit I -dhat I -dhat [singular/dual]
-jii I -jik I -jik [plural]
Classifier: 0

gwik'injihshlt I believe it.

gwik'injinizhlt You believe it.
gwik'injizhlt Slhe believes it.
gwik'injlidizhlt We (two) believe it.
gwik'injuhshlt You (two) believe it.
gwik'injigizhlt They (two believe it.
gwik'injlidijli We (three +) believe it.
gwik'injuhjli You (three +) believe it.
gwik'injiigigli They (three+) believe it.

gwik'injihthat I believed it.
gwik'iniindhat You believed it.
gwik'injiindhat S/he believed it.
gwik'injlididhat We (two) believed it.
gwik'injuudhat You (two) believed it.
gwik'injigiindhat They (two) believed it.
gwik'injiidijik We (three+) believed it.
gwik'injuujik You (three+) believed it.
gwik 'injigiinjik They (three+) believed it.

gwik 'injihihthat I will believe it.
gwik'injihiindhat You will believe it.
gwik'injiheedhat S/he will believe it.
gwik'injihiididhat We (two) will believe it.
gwik'injihuhthat You (two) will believe it.
gwik'injigiheedhat They (two) will believe it.
gwik'injihiidijik We (three+) will believe it.
gwik'injihuhjik You (three+) will believe it.
gwik'injigiheejik They (three+) will believe it.
Root: -tl:'aa I -tl:'aa I -ti'aa
Classifier: h

o niltt'yah I am braiding
0 nqhtl'yah You are braiding
0 nahtl'yah Slhe is braiding 0.
0 naatl'yah We are braiding
o nohtl'yah You (p) are braiding
o giinahtf'yah They are braiding 0.

o nidhiltt'yah I have braided 0.
o nidh~htt'yah You have braided 0.
o niltl'yah Slhe has braided 0.
o nidha.att'yah We have braided 0.
0 nadhootl'yah You (p) have braided 0.
0 giniltl'yah They have braided 0.

o haniltl'yah I will braid 0.
0 hanqhtl'yah You will braid
0 hanahtf'yah S/he will braid 0.
o hanaatf'yah We will braid 0.
o hanohtl'yah Yau (p) will braid
o gihanahtl'yah They will braid 0.

-vir I -vir I -vir
Classifier: h

Oiivir I am boiling
0 nqhvir You are boiling
0 ahvir Slhe is boiling
o aavir We are boiling
0 ohvir You (p) are boiling
0 gahvir They are boiling

Odhifvir I boiled
0 dhqhvir You boiled
0 Uvir S/he boiled 0.
o dhaavir We boiled 0.
0 dhohvir You (p) boiled 0.
0 gifvir They have boiled 0.

0 hihiir I will boil 0.
0 hqhvir You will boil 0.
0 hahvir Slhe will boil 0.
o haavir We will boil 0.
0 hohvir You (p) will boil 0.
0 gahahvir They will boil
a )
-droo I 1
Classifier: h

o a.fdroo I caught
o qhdroo You caught
0 ahdroo S!he caught
0 aadroo We caught
o ohdroo You (p) caught
0 gahdroo They caught

0 eha.fdroo I will catch
0 ehqhdroo You will catch 0.
o ehahdroo Slhe will catch 0.
o ehaadroo We will catch 0.
0 ehohdroo You (p) will catch 0.
0 geehahdroo They will catch 0.

-tree 1 -tre' 1
Classifier: 0

ihtree I am crying.
nitree You are crying.
tree S/he is crying.
iiditree We are crying.
ohtree You (p) are crying.
gitree They are crying.

titre' I cried.
iintre' You cried.
iintre' Slhe cried.
liditre' We cried.
ootre' You (p) cried.
giintre' They cried.

hihtree I will cry.
hiintree You will cry.
heetree Slhe will cry.
hliditree We will cry.
hohtree You (p) will cry.
geeheetree They will cry.
-t'ih I t'uh
Classifier: 0

0 hadiniht'ih I am cutting up
0 hadiniint'ih You are cutting up
0 hadint'ih S/he is cutting up
0 hadinlidit'ih We are cutting up
0 hadinoht'ih You (p) are cutting up
0 hagidint'ih They are cutting up

0 hadiniit'Uh I have cut up 0.
0 hadiniint'Uh You have cut up 0.
0 hadiniint'Uh S/he has cut up
0 hadiniidit'Uh We have cut up 0.
o hadinoot'uh You (p) have cut up 0.
0 hagidiniint'Uh They have cut up 0.
I I -dzoo
Classifier: l

aldzoo I am dancing.
andzoo You are dancing.
aadzoo Slhe is dancing.
aadzoo We are dancing.
oodzoo You (p) are dancing.
agaadzoo They are dancing.

aldzo' I danced.
andzo' You danced.
aadzo' Slhe danced.
aadzo' We danced.
oodzo' You (p) danced.
agaadzo' They danced.

ahaldzoo (TG) I ataldzoo (GG) I will dance.
ahaandzoo (TG) I ataandzoo (GG) You will dance.
ahaadzoo (TG) I ataadzoo (GG) Slhe will dance.
ahaadzoo (TG) I ataadzoo (GG) We will dance.
ahoodzoo (TG) I atoodzoo (GG) You (p) will dance.
agahaadzoo (TG) I agataadzoo (GG) They will dance.

-gyit I -gyit I -gyit
Classifier: 0

khagwihgyit I am digging {a hole).

khagwiingyit You are digging (a hole).
khagwigyit Slhe is digging (a hole).
khagwiidigyit We are digging (a hole).
khagohgyit You (p) are digging (a hole).
khagogwigyit They are digging (a hole).

khagwiigyit I dug (a hole).
khagwiingyit You dug (a hole).
khagwiingyit Slhe dug (a hole).
khagwtidigyit We dug (a hole).
khagoogyit You (p) dug (a hole).
khagogwiingyit They dug (a hole).

khagihihgyit I will dig (a hole).
khagwihiingyit You will dig (a hole).
khagwiheegyit Slhe will dig (a hole).
khagwihlidigyit We will dig (a hole).
khagwohohgyit You (p) will dig (a hole).
khagugwiingyit They will dig (a hole).
-gan 1 -gan 1 -gall
Classifier: h

0 argaih I am drying
0 nahgaih You are drying
o ahgaih Slhe is drying
0 aagaih We are drying
0 ohgaih You (p) are drying
o gahgaih They are drying

o dhUgaih I dried 0.
o dh~hgaih You dried 0.
0 clgaih S/he dried
o dhaagaih We dried
o dhoogaih You (p) dried 0.
o gargaih They dried 0.

o hargaih I will dry 0.
0 h~hgaih You will dry 0.
o hahgaih Slhe will dry 0.
o haagruh We will dry 0.
o hohgaih you (p) will dry
o gahahgaih They will dry 0.

-ill 1 -lik 1 -lyaa
Classifier: 0

0 sranaihlih I am fixing
0 srananllh You are fixing
0 sranalih Slhe is fixing
0 sranhlidilih We are fixing
0 sranohlih Yau (p) are fixing
0 sraganalih They are fixing

0 sranaihlik I fixed 0
0 sranaiinlik You fixed
0 sranaiinlik Slhe fixed
0 sranhlidillk We fixed 0.
0 sranohlik You (p) fixed 0.
0 sreegiinlik They fixed 0.

0 sranahihlyah I will fix 0.
0 sranahiinlyah You will fix 0.
0 sreeheelyah Slhe will fix 0.
0 sranahiidilyah We will fix 0.
0 sranohohlyah Yau (p) will fix
0 sreegiheelyah They will fix 0.

-'aa I I-
Classifier: 0

ih'ah I am eating.
tin'ah You are eating.
a'ah Slhe is eating.
lida'ah We are eating.
uh'ah You (p) are eating.
aga'ah They are eating.

ii'hl I ate.
tin'hl You ate.
tin'hl Slhe ate.
llda'al We ate.
uu'al You (p) ate.
agiin'hl They ate.

ehih'aa I will eat.
ehtin'aa You will eat.
ehee'aa Slhe will eat.
ehllda'aa We will eat.
ehuh'aa You (p) will eat.
egahee'aa They will eat.

-ch'Uh 1 -ch'uh 1 -ch'uh
Classifier: h

o akh'uh I am frying
0 nqhch'Uh You are frying
0 ahch'Uh Slhe is frying
o aach'Uh We are frying
0 ohch'Uh You (p) are frying
0 gahch'Uh They are frying

0 dhakh'Uh I fried
0 dhq.hch'Uh You fried 0.
o al-ch'uh Slhe fried 0.
o dhaach'uh We fried 0.
0 dhohch'Uh You (p) fried 0.
0 gal-ch'Uh They fried 0.

o hal-ch'uh I will fry 0.
0 hq.hch'Uh You will fry 0.
0 hahch'Uh Slhe will fry 0.
o haach'uh We will fry 0.
0 hohch'Uh You (p) will fry 0.
0 gahahch'Uh They will fry 0.
-njli I -njik I -ndhl
Classifier: 0

vits 'atr'inihjili I am helping him/her.

vits 'atr'iniinjili You are helping him/her.
yits 'atr'iinjili S/he is helping him/her.
vits 'atr'indinjili We are helping him/her.
vits ·atr'inohnjih You (p) are helping him/her.
giits 'atr'iinjili They are helping him/her.

vits ·atr'inihnjik I helped him/her.
vits 'atr'iniinjik You helped him/her.
yits 'atr'iniinjik S/he helped him/her.
vits' atr'indinjik We helped him/her.
vitsatr'inoonjik You (p) helped him/her.
giits ·atr'iinjik They helped him/her.

vits'atr'ihihndal I will help him/her.
vits'atr'ihiindhl You will help him/her.
yits'atr'iheendal S/he will help him/her.
vits 'atr'ihiidandhl We will help him/her.
vits' atr'ihohndal You (p) will help him/her.
giits 'atr'iheendal They will help him/her.
( )
-dati I -dill' I -dati
Classifier: d

gahshandaih I know it.

gahnidandhlh Youknowt.
gahdandaih Slhe knows it.
gahiidandaih We know it
gahkhwondhlh You (p) know it.
gahgidandaih They know it.

gahiishandhl' I knew it.
gahiindandai · You knew it.
gaheedandhl' Slhe knew it.
gahiidandai' We knew it.
gahkhwondai' You (p) knew it
gahgeedandhl' They knew it.

gatihshandhlh I will know it.
gahtiindandaih You will know it.
gahteedandaih Slhe will know it.
gahtiidandaih We will know it.
gahtookhwandaih You (p) will know it.
gahgiteedandaih They will know it.

I -dla · 1-dlaa
Classifier: 0

ihdlaa I am laughing.
iindlaa You are laughing.
adlaa Slhe is lauging.
lidadlaa We are laughing.
ohdlaa You (p) are laughing.
geedlaa They are laughing.

iidla' I laughed.
iindla' You laughed.
iindla' Slhe laughed.
lidadla' We laughed.
oodla' You (p) laughed.
giindla' They laughed.

hihdlaa I will laugh.
hiindlaa You will laugh.
heedlaa Slhe will laugh.
hlidadlaa We will laugh.
hohdlaa You (p) will laugh.
giheedlaa They will laugh.

1 '1
-t'ali I I -t'ali
Classifier: h

ch'idhilt' hlh I am lying down.

ch'idhqht' aih You are lying down.
ch'ilt'aih Slhe is lying down.
ch'idhaat'aih We are lying down.
ch'idhoot' aih You (p) are lying down.
ch'igilt'hlh They are lying down.

ch'ilt'hl' I lay down.
ch'qht'ai' You lay down.
ch'aht'ai' S!he lay down.
ch'aat'ai' We lay down.
ch'oot'ai' You (p) lay down.
ch'igaht' ai' They lay down.

ch'ihilt'aih I will lay down.
ch'ihqht'aih You will lay down.
ch'ihaht'aih Slhe will lay down.
ch'ihaat'aih We will lay down.
ch'ihoot'aih You (p) will lay down.
ch'igahaht'aih They will lay down.

-k'li I -k'in I -kyaa
Classifier: h

gwidil-k'lh I am making fire.

gwidinyqhk 'lh You are making fire.
gwijahk'lh Slhe is making fire.
gwijaak'lh We are making fire.
gwidohk'lh You (p) are making fire.
gugwijahk'lh They are making fire.

gwijidhUk'in I made fire.
gwijidhlnk'in You made fire.
gwiji{k'in Slhe made fire.
gwijidhaak'in We made fire.
gwijidhohk'in You (p) made fire.
gugwijiik'in They made fire.

gwata!k'yaa I will make fire.
gwatqhk'yaa You will make fire.
gwatahk'yaa Slhe will make fire.
gwataak'yaa We will make fire.
gwatohk'yaa You (p) will make fire.
gugwatahk'yaa They will make fire.

-tsii I -tsai' I -tsaa
Classifier: h

0 ehsih I am making
0 nqhtsih You are making
0 ahtsih Slhe is making
0 aatsih We are making
0 ohtsih You (p) are making
0 gahtsih They are making 0.

o dhihsaih I made
o dhqhtsaih You made 0.
o ahsaih S/he made 0.
o dhaatsaih We made
o dhootsaih You (p) made 0.
o gahsaih They made 0.

0 hahsaa I will make 0.
0 hqhtsaa You will make 0.
0 hahtsaa Slhe will make 0.
0 haatsaa We will make 0.
0 hohtsaa You (p) will make
0 gahahtsaa They will make
-jii I I -jaa
Classifier: 0

gidinihjii I am praying.
gidiniinjii You are praying.
gijiinjii Slhe is praying.
gidiniidljii We are praying.
gidinohjii You (p) are praying.
gigijiinjii They are praying.

gidiidi' I prayed.
gidiindi' You prayed.
gideedi' Slhe prayed.
gidiidl' We prayed.
gidoodi' You (p) prayed.
gigideedi' They prayed.

gihidihjaa I will pray.
gihidiinjaa You will pray.
gihideejaa S!he will pray.
gihidiidijaa We will pray.
gihidohjaa You (p) will pray.
gigihedeejaa They will pray.

-gal I -gik I -gal
Classifier: l

algal I am running.
aanghl You are running.
aagal Slhe is running.
aagal We are running.
uugal You (p) are running.
gaagal They are running.

k'algik I ran.
k'~~ngik You ran.
k'aagik S/he ran.
k'aagik We ran.
k'aogik You (p) ran.
k'agaagik They ran.

halgal I will run.
haangal You will run.
haaghl Slhe will run.
haaghl We will run.
huugal You (p) will run.
gahaagal They will run.

-'iiI -'in I -'yaa
Classifier: h

0 nil'ih I see
0 nah'ih You see
0 nah'ih Slhe sees
0 naa'ih We see
0 noo'ih You (p) see
0 ginah'ih They see

0 nil'in I saw
0 nqh'in You saw
0 nah'in Slhe saw 0.
0 naa'in We saw
0 noh'in You (p) saw 0.
0 ginah'in They saw 0.

o hanU'yah I will see 0.
0 hanqh'yah You will see 0.
0 hanah'yah S!he will see 0.
o hanaa'yah We will see 0.
0 hanoh'yah You (p) will see
0 gihanah'yah They will see 0.

-kaii I -k.Sd I -kaa
Classifier: h

0 k'e'danalkaii I am sewing
0 k'e'danqhkaii You are sewing
o k'e'jahkaii Slhe is sewing
0 k'e'danaakaii We are sewing
0 k'e'danohkaii You (p) are sewing
0 k'e'gijahkaii They are sewing

0 k'e'jadhalkhl' I sewed
o k'e'jadhqhkai' You sewed
o k'e'jalkai' S/he sewed 0.
o k'e'jadhaakal' WesewedO.
0 k'e'jadhookai' You (p) sewed 0.
0 k'e'gijalkai' They sewed 0.

0 k'eehadalkaa I will sew 0.
0 k'eehadqhkaa You will sew 0.
0 k'eehadahkaa Slhe will sew 0.
0 k' eehadaakaa We will sew 0.
0 k'eehadohkaa You (p) will sew
0 k'eegahadahkaa They will sew
a )
-k'ee I -k'ee I -k'ee
Classifier: h

o uudUk'ee I am shooting at
0 uujqhk'ee You are shooting at
0 uudahk'ee Slhe is shooting at 0.
o uujaak'ee We are shooting at
0 uudohk'ee You (p) are shooting at
0 guudahk'ee They are shooting at

0 uunUk'ee I shot at
0 uunyqhk'ee You shot at
0 uunahk'ee Slhe shot at 0.
0 uunaak'ee We shot at 0.
0 uudohk'ee You (p) shot at 0.
o guunahk'ee They shot at 0.

0 uuhalk'ee I will shoot at 0.
0 uuhqhk'ee You will shoot at 0.
0 uuhahk'ee Slhe will shoot at 0.
o uuhaak'ee We will shoot at 0.
0 uuhohk'ee You (p) will shoot at 0.
o guuhahk'ee They will shoot at
-dii I -dl' I -dyaa (TG)
-dyeh 1 -dye' 1 -dyaa (GG)
Classifier: 0

dhiidlh (TG) I dhiidyeh (GG) I am sitting.

dhiindih (TG) I dhiindyeh (GG) You are sitting.
dhidlh (TG) I dhidyeh (GG) Slhe is sitting.
dhiididih (TG) I dhiidldyeh (GG) We (two) are sitting.
dhoodih (TG) I dhoodyeh (GG) You (p) are sitting.
guudlh (TG) I guudyeh (GG) They are sitting.

iidi' (TG) I iidye' (GG) I sat.
iindi' (TG) I iindye' (GG) You sat.
iindi' (TG) I iindye' (GG) Slhe sat.
iididi' (TG) I iididye' (GG) We sat.
oodi' (TG) I oodye' (GG) You (p) sat.
giindi' (TG) I giindye' (GG) They sat.

hihdyaa I will sit.
hiindyaa You will sit.
heedyaa Slhe will sit.
hiididyaa We will sit.
hohdyaa You (p) will sit.
geeheedyaa They will sit.

-tshii I -tshi' I -tshaa [singular I dual]
-tshuu I -tshuu I -tshuu [plural]
Classifier: 0

dhiitshih I am sleeping.
dhiintshih You are sleeping.
dhitshih Slhe is sleeping.
dhiiditshih We (two) are sleeping.
dhootshih You (two) are sleeping.
gidhitshih They (two) are sleeping.
dhEmtshUh We (three+) are sleeping.
dhootshUh You (three+) are sleeping.
gahtshUh They (three+) are sleeping.

iitshi' I slept.
iintshi' You slept.
iintshi' Slhe slept.
iiditshi' We (two) slept.
ootshi' You (two) slept.
giintshi' They (two) slept.
aatshUh We (three +) slept.
ohtshUh You (three+) slept.
giltshUh They (three+) slept.

hihtshaa I will sleep.
hiintshaa You will sleep.
heetshaa Slhe will sleep.
hiiditshaa We (two) will sleep.
hohtshaa You (two) will sleep.
geheetshaa They (two) will sleep.
haatshuh We (three +) will sleep.
hohtshUh You (three+) will sleep.
gahahtshUh They (three+) will sleep.
-lok 1 -lai' 1 -lok
Classifier: 0

o ihlok I am snaring
o iinlok You are snaring 0
o eelok Slhe is snaring 0.
o iidalok We are snaring
o ohlok You (p) are snaring
0 geelok They are snaring

o dhillru' I snared
o dhiinlai' You snared 0.
o ehlai' Slhe snared 0.
o dhiidalai' We snared 0.
o dhoolai' You (p) snared 0.
o gehlru' They snared 0.

o ehihlok I will snare 0.
o ehiinlok You will snare 0.
0 eheelok Slhe will snare 0.
0 ehiidalok We will snare 0.
o ehohlok You (p) will snare 0.
0 geheelok They will snare

-njli I -ndak I -ndaa
Classifier: d

chihshinju I am tired.
chlindinju You are tired.
cheedinju Slhe is tired.
chlidinjn We are tired.
chuukhwinju You (p) are tired.
chigeedinjH They are tired.

chihshindak I was tired.
chlindindak You were tired.
cheedindak Slhe was tired.
chlidindak We were tired.
chuukhwindak You (p) were tired.
chigeedindak They were tired.

chihlishindaa f will be tired.
chihlindindaa You will be tired.
chiheedindaa Slhe will be tired.
chihiindindaa We will be tired.
chihuukhwindaa You (p) will be tired.
chigiheedindaa They will be tired.

-dhan 1 -dhan 1 -zhaa
Classifier: 0

o nihthan I want
o niindhan You want
o niindhan Slhe wants
o niidadhan We want
0 nohthan You (p) want
o giiniindhan They want

o niidhan I wanted
o niindhan You wanted 0.
o niindhan S/he wanted 0.
o nlidadhan WewantedO.
0 nohthan You (p) wanted 0.
o giiniindhan They wanted 0.

0 hinihshah I will want 0.
o hiniinzhah You will want 0.
0 hineezhah S/he will want 0.
0 hinlidizhah We will want 0.
0 hanohshah You (p) will want 0.
0 geheneezhah They will want 0
I I -traa
Classifier: h

0 k'ee'ah:raa I am washing
o k'ee'qhtraa You are washing
0 k'ee'ahtraa Slhe is washing 0.
o k'ee'aatraa We are washing
0 k'ee'ohtraa You (p) are washing
0 k'eegahtraa They are washing

0 k'ee'ah:ra' I washed
o k'ee'qhtra' You washed 0.
o k'ee'ahtra' Slhe washed 0.
o k'ee'aatra' WewashedO.
0 k'ee'ohtra' You (p) washed 0.
0 k'eegahtra' They washed 0.

0 k'eehahraa I will wash 0.
0 k'eehqhtraa You will wash 0.
0 k'eehahtraa Slhe will wash 0.
0 k'eehaatraa We will wash 0.
0 k'eehohtraa You (p) will wash 0.
0 k'eegahahtraa They will wash

I -'in'/-
Classifier: h

gwitr'it t'agwU'ih I am working.

gwitr'it t'agwqh'ih You are working.
gwitr'it t'agwah'ih S/he is working.
gwitr'it t'agwaa'ih We are working.
gwitr'it t'agoh'ih You (p) are working.
gwitr'it t'agugwah'ih They are working.

gwitr'it t'agwil'in' I worked.
gwitr'it t'agwqh'in' You worked.
gwitr'it t'agwah'in' S!he worked.
gwitr'it t'agwaa'in' We worked.
gwitr'it t'agoh'in' You (p) worked.
gwitr'it t'agugwah'in' They worked.

gwitr'it t'agwahae'yah I will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahah'yah You will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahah'yah S/he will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahaa'yah We will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahoh'yah You (p) will work.
gwitr'it t'agugwahah'yah They will work.

Section V

English - Gwich' in Words

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

abduction Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlee tr'tiunjik ihree = one person

tr'uunjik = he/she was taken

aboriginal language Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khehlok nilii nat ginjik khehlok = all together
nilii nat = they are
ginjik = language

aboriginal person Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khehlok nilii ihlee khehrok = all together
nilii = he/she is
ihree = one of them

aboriginal rights Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khehlok gidilii guuts'an khehrok = all together
gdonlii gidilii = they are
guuts'an goonlii = it is theirs

abrogate (abolish) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vikwaa nagwahtsii make no more

abscond Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lachti uzhii s/he left and can't be found

abscond Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwineh'dk chtiuzhii s/he went in hiding

absolute jurisdiction Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhat kaiik'it gwizraih zhat kaiik'lt =this community
gwizraih = only

abstain Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm akhe'guunuu they left it alone

abuse Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khainji 'tr'ijildhat they suffer

access Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwik'it gwiteelyaa gwik'lt = the same as

gwiteelyaa = it will be

access Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm akdo dagidi'in ntih akdo dagidi'in = that's what they do
nuh = s/he says

accessory after the fact Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo t'idi'in guuzhik tehk'oo = wrongdoing
yits'at tr'iinjii t'idi'in = s/he is doing
guuzhik = meanwhile
yits'at = to him/her
tr'iinjii = assisting

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtduc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

accessory after the fact Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vat'agwU'ee guuzhik vat'agwtree = s/he is blamed
yits'at tr'iinjii guuzhlk = meanwhile
yits'at = to him/her
tr'iinjli = assisting

accident Teetl'lt Gwtch'm gatr'igoolih kwah gatr'igoolih = expected

tagwijtiudhat kwah =not
tagwijuudhat = it has happened

acclamation Teetl'tt Gwtch'm chan gwik'it gdodlit chan= again

gwik'lt = the same
goodlit = it happened

acclamation Teetl'tt Gwtch'm neetr'ina,hchih s/he was placed there

accused Teetl'tt Gwtch'm adanh vit'agwU'ee adanh = him/her

vit'agwH'ee = s/he is blamed

accused Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwit'agwU'ee s/he is blamed

accused's election Teetl'tt Gwtch'm adanh juu yuuhadahkat adanh = s/he

niindhan juu = this way
yuuhadahkat = s/he will be
niindhan = s/he wants

accused's election Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ihlee tehk'oo t'idizhik ihlee = a person

eenjit tatr'igwahaandal tehk'oo =wrongdoing
t'idizhik = it happened to him/her
eenjit = for it
tatr'agwahaandal = they will be

acquired Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vigwidiinjik k'iighe' vlgwidiinjik = he/she was hurt

k'iighe' = because of it

acquit Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ekhe'tr'iguunuu they left it alone

acquittal Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vinatr'idiinjik tr'igwiltsaii vinatr'idiinjik = to change again

tr'igwlltsaii = it was made

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal .translation

acquitted Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vinatr'idiinjik to changed agam

act Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dadi ·n what he/she's domg

act Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm gogwinii'ee k'it gogwinii'ee =judicial

dinithad'oo k'lt = like it
dinithcl.tJ:'oo = it was written

activist Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwich'i' nag~hdaii gwich'i' =away from

nagqhdaii = they try

activist Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwich'i' ginee'ah gwich'i' =away from

ginee'ah = they lead

activities Teet!' 1t Gw1ch' m nihfinehch'i' ts'at gwitr'it nihhnehch'i' = different

t'agwaa'ih ts'at =and
gwitr'it = work
t'agwaa'ih = we are doing it

actus reus Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ganiinji 'adhat s/he is thinking about it

address the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uudhilch'eii nat ts'at uudhllch'eii nat = the jury
tr'igHkhii ts'cl.t tr'igHkhii = talking to them

adjournment Teetf'it Gwich'in nddo gwiniindhat it has ended

adjudicate Teetl'!t Gw1eh'm gwich'iidee gwik'it gdodlit gwich'iidee = finally

gwik'lt = the same
goodlit = it happened

adolescent boy both tshyaa njdo' tshyaa =boy

njoo' = older

adopt Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo t'idizhik ntih tehk'oo =something wrong

t'idizhik = it happened
nuh = s/he says

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

adopted child both tr'iinin gwand'atr'1i,hchii tr'iinin =child

gwantl'atr'4hchii = she/he was
given away

adopted family both tr'iinin goontl'atr'1i,hchii tr'iinin = child

goontl'atr'4hchii = s/he was given
to them

adoption (child) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'iinin diintl' atr' 1i,hchih tr'iinin = a child
diintl'atr'4hchih = was given to us

adult court Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii njdo atr'oodahkat dinjii = a person

njdo =older
atr'oodahkat = court

adversely affected Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vindah dagwidi'in vindah = in his presence

gwik'iighe' khainji'daadhat dagwidi'in =what they did
gwik'lighe' = because of it
khainji'daadhat = s/he suffers

affect Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vachii' s/he is excited

affidavit Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwin~h'in gwik'it gwinah'ln - s/he saw

te'tr'idantl'oo gwik'lt = like it
te'tr'idantl'oo = it was transcribed

affidavit of service Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwik'lt te 'tr'idantl'oo gwik'it = like it

gwits'an eltsaii te'tr'idantl'oo =it was written
gwits'an ehsaii = it was given to

after three days Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drin tyik gwindoo drin =day
tyik = three
gwindoo = after

after three days Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tik tl'ee drin =day
tik =three
tl'ee = after

afterward both aii tl'ee aii = that

tl'ee = after/under

Gwich'in_ Social & Cultural Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

agent Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chan izhii videek'it chan= again

niheehaa izhii = someone else
videek'it = one's place
nlheehcla = s/he will be put

ailment both ts'ik

ailment (eye) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ndeh gwits'ik ndeh =eyes

gwits'lk = its sickness

air freshener both srite' daatsanh srite' = good

daatsanh = it smells

air freshener Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vik' iighe' gwiinzii vik'iighe' = because of 1t

gugwaatsan gwiinzii = good
gugwaatsan = it smells

air hole both teeddhaa

airplane Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii nadinaadhak litsii = machine

nadlnaadhak = it flies

Aklavik People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Ehdii Tat Gwich'in ehdii = timber

tat= among
gwich'in = people

alcohol both kwantshti' kwan =fire

tshu' = its water

alcohol Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu tr'aakaii tshuu =water

tr'aakaii = bitter/tastes bad

alcohol councillor Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm kwantshlt' eenjit gwits'at kwantsht)' = alcohol

tr'iinjii eenjit =for
gwits'at tr'iinjii = s/he is helping

alcohol councillor Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm kwantshti' ch'i' gwits'at kwantshu' = alcohol

tr'iinjii ch'l' = away from it
gwits'at tr'iinjii = s/he is helping

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Gwich'in word literal translation

alcohol in blood Teetl'1t Gwtch'm diidaa tat kwantshtl' t'injik diidaa- our blood
tat= among
kwantshu' = alcohol
t'injik = it is mixed

alcoholic both edinii eenjit iizuu edinii = drinking

eenjit = for
iizuu =bad

alcoholic (chronic) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm duuyeh kwantshti' ehdanh' duuyeh =never

gwinda ih kwantshu' = alcohol
ehdanh' = without
gwindaih =he/she lives

alderman Teetl'lt Gwtch'm k'adagwidaadhat ts'anuu k'adagwidaadhat = the one that

ts'anuu = s/he helps

alert machine Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uuchilzhin' ge'iitsii uuchllzhin' = s/he is alert

ge'iitsli = it's machinery

alias Teetl'lt Gwtch'm uuzri' ezhii t'ajqhch'uu uuzrl' = one's name

ezhii = different
t'aj&hch'uu = s/he is using

alibi Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ezhik ihlii kwaa I wasn't there

all saints day (Nov Gwtchyah Gwtch'm luundee drin choo luundee =saints
1st) drin =day
chao= big

allegation Teetl'1t Gwtch'm akoo deedi'in giiyahntih akoo deedi'in = he/she did that
giiyahnuh = they said about him

altar Gwtchyah Gwtch'm limes k'it limes= mass

k'it =place

a! tar Teetl'1t Gwtch'm at1Hinjii tr' ahtsii deek'it ataiinjii = offering

tr'ahtsii = make
deek'it = place

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

altar Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vakak ii'aa sruudidinuu vakak =on it

ii'aa = we eat
sruudidinuu = pure

altar boys Gwrchyah Gwrch'm limes ak'ag&hdak limes= mass

ak'agqhdak = helpers

altar boys Teetl'rt Gwtch'm giikhii ts'anuu giikhii = minister

ts'anuu = helper

alternative measures Teetl'tt Gwrch'm ejtik ts'aii veenjit ejuk ts'aii = different way
natr'igwitahtsaa veenjit = for him/her
natr'igwitahtsaa - it will be changed

alzheimers Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shinh yildak old age is taking


ambulatory Teetl'tt Gwrch'm nahadik s/he walks around

amending formula Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ejtik natr'igwidinuutl'oo ejuk = different

natr'igwidinuutf'oo = it was written

amending formula Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm vah dagwldH'e' ejtik vah- with it

natr'agwahtsii dagwldH'e' = the law
ejuk = different
natr'agwahtsii = they are making it

american widgeon Teetl'1t Gwtch'm teevee dits'an teevee = along the river shore
dits'an = duck

american widgeon Gwrchyah Gw1ch'm vuuzrii nijiltsik

amnesia Teetl'tt Gwrch'm juudin nilii ganaandaii s/he doesn't remember who
kwaa s/he is.

anchor Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm chichidha' aii chichidha'aii = it lies at the bottom

of the river/lake

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

anchor rope Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vah chichidha'~:;H tl'yaa' vah = with

chichidha'~H = it lies at the bottom
of the river /lake
tf'yaa' = rope (possessed)

ancient times Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ts'iid<\H gwinoo d<H' ts'iidqji = early people
gwinoo = then
dai' = at that time

Anderson River both Shryuh Choo Njik Shryuh = coney

Chao= big
Njik =river

angel both zhee kak gwich'in zhee = heaven

kak =on
gwich'in = people

anglican minister Gwrchya Gwrch'm chii zhit gwich'in giikhii chii = rock/stone
zhlt =in
gwich'in = people
giikhii = minister

Anglican Minister Teetl'rt Gwrch'm giikhii minister

anglicans both chii zhit gwich'in chii = rock/stone

zhlt =in
gwich'in = people

animal (small) Teetl'lt Gwrch'm nin tsal nin = animals

tsal = small

animals both nin

animosity Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiizuu yeenjit gwlizuu = bad

niinji'adhat yeenjit = for him/her
nlinji'adhat = s/he is thinking

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ankle both shikaiichan my ankle

ant both neejii'

antler (thin velvet Teetl'tt Gwtch'm edzhi' dhoh edzhl' = antler

covering of) dhoh = skin, cover

antlers both edzhi'

antlers (with mossy Gwtchya Gwtch'm edzhi' zhao edzhl' = antler

covering) zhoo = hairy

anus (his/her) both vatthal his/her anus

anxiety Teetl'tt Gwtch'm viyinji' ataiinji'dizhit viyinjl' = his/her mind

ataiinji'dizhit = can't stop

appeal Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ejtik natr'igwitahtsaa ejuk = different

natr'igwitahtsaa = they will make it

appearance notice Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ezhik t'ahiinch'yaa ezhlk = there

t'ahiinch'yaa = you will be

applauding Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lanagaat'an they are clapping their hands

applauding Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lanlatr'aat'an they are clapping their hands

apple Teetl'tt Gwtch'm eveedzaa

apples (dried) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm eveedzee'

apples (dried) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm eveedzaa gaii eveedzaa = apple

gaii =dry

April Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tadhaa Zrii tadhaa = warm

zrii =month

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

April Teetl'It Gw1ch'm Vananh Dzhirh Thoh Vananh = in that month

T'atr'aazhik Dzhirh = mitts
Thoh = belt
T'atr'aazhik = put in

arch-angel Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm zhee kak gwich'in chit zhee kak gwich'in = angel
chit = leader

archaeologist Teetl'It Gw1ch'm dinjii oonoodai' gwidal dinjii = man/people

hah dha'aii oonoodaj' = a long time ago
gwid;:H = things
bah dha'aii = works with it

archaeology Teetl'It Gw1ch'm oonoodai' gwid<U hah oonoodai' = a long time ago
dha'aii gwidal = things
bah dha'aii = works with it

Arctic Red River both Tsiigehnjik tsii = to cache

geh = there
njik = the river

Arctic Red River both Gwichyah Gwich'in gwichyah = flat place

People gwich'in = people

Arctic Red (town) both Tsiigehtshik tsii = to cache

geh =there
tshik = the confluence of

arctic tern Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ts'all:H'

arctic tern Gwichyah Gw1ch'm chugwitl'ik

Arctic Village People Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm Neets'aii Gwich'in neets'aii = on the side of the
gwich'in = people

Arctic Village People Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Tanan Gwich'in tanan = a hill

gwich'in = people
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language. Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

argueing Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ats'at t'ivitr'ahnuh ats'at = towards him/her

t'ivitr'ahnuh = s/he is telling

arguing (they are) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm ats'at t'inihHgaadinuu atsat = towards him/her
t'inihhgaadinuu = they tell each

arm chair Teetl'It Gw1ch'm vakak tr'oodii tshtiu' vakak =on it

tr'oodii = they sit
tshtlu' = soft

arm (my) both shigyin my arm

arm (upper) both shidizhtiu' my upper arm

armpit (my) both shigee' my armpit

army Teetl'It Gw1ch'm nivee nootl'ii nivee = warriors/soldiers

nootl'ii = a group

aroma both srite' gwidaatsan it smells good

array of jurors Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'uudh.ilch'eii eenjit tr'uudhllch'eii =jurors

tatr'igwahaandal eenjit = for
tatr'igwahaandal = they will choose

array of jurors Teetl'1t GwJCh'm tr'uudhilch'eii eenjit tr'uudhllch'eii =jurors

tatr'igwa,hjii eenjit = for
tatr'igwq.hjii = they're being chosen

arrow Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'ye'

arrow Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'i'

arrow feather Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'ye' t'ee' k'ye' = arrow

t'ee' = its feather

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic,NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

arrow feather Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'i' t'ee' k'i' =arrow

t'ee' = its feather

arrow for rats and birds both tal

arrow (notch at back Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'i' k'eegoo k'i' =arrow

end) k'eegoo = at the back

arrowhead Gwtchyah Gwtch'm k'ye' dee chi' k'ye' = arrow

deechl' = its head

arrowhead Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'i' deechi' k'i' =arrow

deechi' = its head

arson Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwijahk'ii s/he is making fire.

artifacts Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ts'iidaii gwidal ts'iidaii = ancient people

gwidal = things

artifacts Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ejiich'ii shik atr'igw!lh'ak ejlich'ii = things

shik =old
atr'igw~h'ak =to find

Ash Wednesday Gwtchyah Gwtch'm I:.eth Drin {eth =ashes

drin =day

Ash Wednesday Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Adatr'idaagaii Dr in adatr'idaagaii = depriving ones self

dr1n =day

ashamed Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uuzhii

ashes Gwtchyah Gwtch'm leth

ashes (hot) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshik ltiu'

ashes (loose in the air Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lits'ih

or on objects)

Gwich'in Social &Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

aspirin Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm diichi' ehs'ik agoondaii diichi' = one's head

ehs'ik = he/ she is sick
agoondaii = medicine

aspirin Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diichi' agoondaii' diichi' = one's head

agoondaii' = medicine

assault Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yits'at ni'ts'ahthat s/he is assaulting him/her.

assault causing bodily Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yidiinjik s/he hurt him/her


assizes Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nijin ji' natr'oohadahkat nijln jl' = at what time
natr'oohadahkat = they will ask

atmosphere Teetl'tt Gwtch'm zheezrih zhee =sky

zrih =clear

attempted murder Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yidrln tahtsaa yidrln = his/her day

gwik'agwandaii tahtsaa = s/he will make
gwik'agwandaii = s/he is trying

attic Gwtchyah Gwtch' m ayeedak zheh ayeedak = upper

zheh =house

attic Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iyehdak zheh iyehdak = above, upper

zheh =house

Attoe Lake both Chii Chyaa Van

Attorney General Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dinjii eenjit gUkhii dinjii = people/man

eenjit = for him/her
gHkhii = s/he speaks

August Teetl'1t Gwtch'm Vananh Gwijidhitsik vananh = on it/ during that time
gwijidhitsik = something reddish

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson,.NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

August Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Nin Dichadh Zree' nin = animals

dichadh = moult/lose feathers
zn~e· = month

AugustlS Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Shin Tl'at Drin Chao shin = summer

tl'at = middle
drin =day
chao= big

aunt (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shuutr'i' my aunt (father's sister)

aunt (my) both shootr'i' my aunt (father's sister

aunt (my) both sheek'aii my aunt (mother's sister)

aurora borealis Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yikaih

(northern lights)

aurora borealis Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yik~ih Hthithik'an yik~ih = northern lights

(northern lights) Hthithik'an = it is burning

autrefois acquit Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm adai' geenjit ekhe' adai' = already

natr'iguunuu geenjit = for it
ekhe' natr'iguunuu = they left it

awl Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tthah

babiche (large size) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm akaiilaih

babiche (large size) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm akaiil:a,th

babiche (skinny) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl'il ts'ik tl'il = babiche

ts'ik = skinny

babiche (small size) both tl'il

baby both beebii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

baby belt (carrier) both tl:' aguut' aii

baby bottle Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm beebii yizhit aht'ok beebii = baby

yizhit = in it
aht'ok = s/he is sucking

baby crib Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'iinin tsal dehk'it tr'iinin = child

tsal =small
dehk'lt = bed

baby crib Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm beebii ctehk'it beebii = baby

dehk'!t = bed

babysitter Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'iinin k'anahtyee tr'iinin = child

k'anahtyee = takng care of

babysitter Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'iinin k'anahtii tr'iinin = child

k'anahtii = taking care of

babysitter Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'iinin hah dhidyee tr'iinin = child

hah =with
dhidyee = sit

back (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shamin my back

back (my lower back) both shitl'eetoh my lower back

backbencher Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii vuuzri' tr'oonjik dinjii = the people

vuuzrl' = his/her name
tr'oonjik = they took it

bacon Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lugqhshqq k'eh ligqhshlJlJ = pig

k'eh = fat

bacon Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lugohshuu k'eh ligohshuu = pig

k'eh = fat

bag both uhtshuh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Di Gwich'in word English literal translation

bait (hook) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm lyClh zhii lyqh =hook

zhii = its food

bait (hook) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lyah zhii lyah =hook

zhii = its food

bait (trap) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm khyqh zhii khyqh =trap

zhii = its food

bait (trap) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm khy1:J,.h ts'an' khyqh =trap

ts'an' = its own

bait (trap) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm khyah zhii khyah =trap

zhii = its food

baking powder Gwtchyah Gwtch'm leth tat tr'injal leth =flour

tat= among
tr'injal = to pour in

baking powder Teetl'tt Gwtch'm hih tat tr'injal hlh =flour

tat= among
tr'injal = to pour in

baking powder Gwtchyah Gwtch'm leth tat tr'anjal leth =flour

tat= among
tr'anjal = to pour in

balance (lack of) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vahaakak s/he is staggering

bald both gwaakal

ball both nehkak

ballistics Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diik'ee chi' ahdandaii diik'ee chl' = bullets

ahdandaii = s/he knows about it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ban on publication Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwandak ahtsii kat duuyeh gwandak = news/stories
geenjit gigUkhii ahtsii = he/she makes
kat = more than one
duuyeh = never
geenjit = for it
gigHkhii = they talk

bandage (cloth) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gugwijiinjii vah gwitl'ande' gugwijiinjii =injury

tr'ahchoh vah =with it
gwitl'ande' =wrap around
tr'ahchoh = tie

bandaid Gw1chyah Gwtch'm diigwidiinjik gwakak diigwidiinjik = one's injury

gatr'aht'an gwakak = on it
gatr'aht'an = to stick it on

bandaid Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gugwijiinjii gwakak gugwijiinjii = injury

gatr'aht'an gwakak = on it
gatr'aht'an = to stick on

bandana Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diichi' nanuut'aii diichi' = one's head

nanuut'aii =strung aroud

bank Gwtchyah Gwtch'm lazh&& zheh lazhqft = money

zheh =house

bank Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tseedhdh k'atr'inahtii k'it tseedhdh = money

k'atr'inahtii = taking care of it
k'it =place

bank Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tseedhdh k'atr'inahtyee tseedhdh = money

zheh k'atr'inahtyee = looking after it
zheh =house

bank Teetl'lt Gwtch'm tseedhdh k'anaatii deek'it tseedhdh = money

k'anaatii = taking care of it
deek'it = place

bannock Gwtchyah Gwtch'm lethch'uh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bannock Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm

bannock made with Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ik'indze'

fish eggs

bannock made with roe Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'indzih

banns (marriage) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihkhatr'igwa,hchii geenjit nihkhatr'igw&hchii = wedding

di:nehtl'eh ceremony
geenjit = for
dlnehtl'eh = paper

baptism both tshuu gwats'an tr'ahtsih tshuu = water

gwats'an tr'ahtsih = given

bar Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagwidU'e' ahdandaii ts'at dagwidH'e' ahdandaii= lawyers

vadaojlldri' kat ts'at = and
vadaojlldri' kat = judges

barefoot both kaii ehdanh kaii =foot

ehdanh' = without

barefoot Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm kaiidral

barrel both libaazrii

barrel (water) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq libaarzii' tshvv =water

libaazrli' = barrel

basement Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zheh gwit'eh zheh zheh =house

gwit'eh = under
zheh =house

basement Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iiyeezhak zheh iiyeezhak = under

zheh =house

basement Teetl'1t Gw!Ch'm nan zhit zheh nan= land

zhit = m
zheh =house

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

basket (weaved) both t.f'oo tyah t{'oo =grass

tyah = pail

bat Gwrchyah Gwrch'm daatsadh natandit'ee daatsadh = mouse

natandit'ee = flying

bat Teetl'rt Gwrch'm daatsao natindit' ee daatsoo = mouse

natindit'ee = fly

bathtub Teetl'lt Gwrch'm vizhlt dik'eetr'ahtraa vizhlt = in it

dik'eetr'ahtraa = wash one's self

bathtub Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vizhit edik'e'tr'aatraa vizhlt = in it

edik'e'tr'aatraa =wash one's self

beads Teetl'rt Gwrch'm naagaii

beads Gwrchyah Gwrch'm naaga.U

beak (possessed) Gwrchyah Gwrch' m vihdye' its beak

beak (possessed) Teetl'rt Gw1eh'm vihdf' its beak

bear (black) both shah black bear

bear (brown) both shah tsik shah= bear

tsik =brown

bear (brown) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shih tsoo shih =bear

tsoo = light brown/light colored

Bear Creek Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Shoh Diidhifkhaii Tshik shah= bear

diidhi{khaii = killed them
tshik = creek

bear cub both shah gii shah = black bear

gii = young one

bear (grizzly) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm sheh

1 1
Gwich in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich inLanguage Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English. word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bear (grizzly) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shih

bear (polar) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm chehzhii'

bear (polar) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm chehzhyee'

beard both deezhoo'

beaver Gwrchyah Gwtch'm tse' beaver

beaver Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm tsee'

beaver (3 years old) both akwat

beaver (3 years old) both nijaa'il

beaver (big) both tsee' chao tsee' = beaver

chao= big

beaver castor both tseelin'

beaver colony Gw1chyah Gwrch'm leedidind yee

beaver colony Teetl'It Gwrch'm leedidindii kan'

beaver dam Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m tse'ninii'ol tse' = beaver

ninii'ol = dam

beaver dam Teetl'It Gwtch'm tsee nanii'ol tsee' = beaver

nanii'ol = dam

beaver (one year old) both neezhi'

bed Teetl'tt Gwrch'm ichiik'it

bed Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ichttk'it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bedroom Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'iltshuu gwideek'it tr'ihshuu = sleeping

gwideek'it = its place

bee both ineedzit

beetle (water) Teetl'It GwiCh'm chehtsi'

beetle (water) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm chehtse'

beginning Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gakah gwinii'aii gakah = beginning

gwinii'aii = it is put there

beginning Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gikah gwiniidhat gikah =beginning

gwiniidhat = it has begun

behalf (on his/her) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm eevanh on his/her behalf.

behalf (on my) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm sheevanh on my behalf

Bell River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Chii Vee Njik chii = rock/stone

vee= gray
njik =river

bells Gwtchyah Gwtch'm iitsiila,U

bells Teetl'It Gwtch'm ii tsiilaii

belly (my) both shitri l my belly

belongings both gwidal'

belt both thoh

bench Teetl'It Gw1ch'm nijin vadaojlldri' dhidii nijln = where

vadaojl{dri' = the judge
dhidii = s/he sits

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bench Teet!' rt Gwrch' m nijin uudhllch'eii kat nijln = where

guudii uudhllch'eii kat = the jurors
guudii = they sit

bench warrant Teetl'rt Gwrch'm atr'oodahkat nihee geenjit atr'oodahkat = court

dinehtl'eh nlhee = s/he goes
geenjit = for it
dinehtl'eh = paper

berries both jak

berries (boiled) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm jak vir jak =berry

vir= boiled

berries (cooked) both jak tl:oo jak = berries

tloo = thick cooked mixture

best man (groom's man) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm gwitye' ones father

best man (groom's man) Teet!' rt Gwrch' m gwiti' ones father

best man (groom's man) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiti' nilii gwiti' = ones father
nilii = he is

bias tape Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ethitl:'ii tl'yaa' ethit!'ii = cloth

t!'yaa' = its string

bias tape both ethitl'ii vah ethitf' ii = cloth

nitr'igwinahtsi' vah =with it
nitr'igwinahtsl' = make it fancy

bible both dinehtl'eh chao dineht!'eh = paper

chao= big

big dipper Gwrchyah Gwrch'm yuhdyee


big dipper Teetl'rt Gwrch'm yuhdii


Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bill Teetl'tt Gwteh'm H'e' (from dagwidH'e') law

bill (credit account) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm edinehtl-'eh book

binoculars Gwtchya Gwtch'm vizhit yichuuch'in' vizhit = in it

yichuuch'ln' = clear view

binoculars Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vah niizhit gugwideech'in vah = with it

niizhit = far
gugwideech'in = can be seen

binoculars Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yichuuch'in' clear view

binoculars Teetl'tt Gwteh'm niizhit vah yichuhch'in' niizhlt = long distance

vah =with it
yichuhch'ln' = look at it

birch bark Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'ii

Birch Creek People Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Deenduu Gwich'm

bird both dzhii

bird (big) both dzhii chao dzhii =bird

chao= big

bird egg both dzhii ghdo' dzhii = bird

ghdo' = its egg

bird nest both dzhii t'oo dzhii =bird

t'oo =nest

bird (yellow) both dzhii tsoo dzhii =bird

tsoo = yellow

birth certificate both diigoonlii gwi'dinehth:ie' diigoonlii = to be born

gwi'dinehtlee' =its paper

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

G wich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

birthday Both diigoonlii drin diigoonlii = to be born

dr1n =day

bishop Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm giikhii choo giikhii = minister

chao= big

bishop Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm yahtyee choo yahtyee = father

chao= big

bitter (taste) Teet!' It Gw1ch' m tr' aakaii bitter taste

black Gwtchyah Gwtch'm jidii zrq,H jidti = something

zrqH =black

black Teetl'tt Gwtch'm jidii zraii jidii = something

zraii = black

Black Mountain Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Chigwaazraii

Black River People Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Traanjik Gwich'in traanjik = cache river
gwich'in = people

Blackstone River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tth'oh Zraii Njik Tth'oh = broken up rocks
Zraii = black
Njik =river

bladder both Hrh dhoo' hrh =urine

dhoo' = its skin/ cover

blanket both ts'at blanket

blanket (caribou fur) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dazhdo ts'at dazhoo = furry

ts'at = blanket

blanket (caribou fur) Gw1chyah Gwtch' m vadzaih dhoh ts'at vadzaih =caribou
dhoh =skin
ts'at = blanket

blanket (down filled) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tshuh ts'at tshuh = down feathers
ts'at = blanket

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

blanket (down filled) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tsheth ts'at tsheth = down feathers
ts'at = blanket

blanket (rabbit fur) both geh ts'at geh =rabbit

ts'at = blanket

blessed virgin mary Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm meerii dhits'aa meerii = mary

dhits'aa =pure

blessed virgin mary Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm daagllU maarii daagqjj = pure

maarii = mary

blindness Teet!' 1t Gw1ch' m ndee ehdanh ndee = one's eyes

ehdanh = without/there is nothing

blister both chuundal

blood both dah

blood clot both dah naghah dah =blood

naghah = clot

blood poisoning both vida a iizuu vidaa = his/her blood

iizuu = it is bad

blood poisoning Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vidaa iizuu dhidlit vidaa = his/her blood
iizuu = it is bad
dhidlit = it became

bloody nose both diinjik dah diinjik = ones nostril

dah =blood

bloomers Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyehzhak thal gwan iyehzhak = under

that= pants
gwan =short

blouse Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm deeghan ik deeghan = chest

ik =dress/blouse/shirt

Gwich in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

blue both jidii datl'do' jidii = something

datl-'do' =blue

blue fly Teetl'rt Gwrch'm

blue fly Gwrchyah Gwrch'm

BNA act Teetl'rt Gwrch'm dagwidH 'e' gwiintshii dagwldH'e' = law

gwiintshii = large scale

body both diizhin ones body

boil (skin infection) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tr'oh

boiling (point before) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm dinaarah point before boiling

bond (noun) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tseedhdh dqhchii yeenjit tseedhdh = money

uuvUkat dqhchii = so much
yeenjit = for him/her
uuvHkat = s/he paid

bone both tth'an

bone broth both tth'an tshti' tth'an = bone

tshtl' = its broth

bone (foot) both diikai' tth'an diikai' = ones foot

tth'an = bone

bone (fractured) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tth'an altraii tth'an = bone

altraii = broken up

bone (fractured) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tth'an altrctU tth'an = bone

altrqji = broken up

bone grease both tth'an ghai' tth'an = bone

ghai' = its grease

bone (leg) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm edrit

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bone out of joint Gwrchyah Gwrch'm diiminh' tshilkat diinanh' = on one's self
tshilkat = came apart

bone (shin) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shidreechan my shin bone

bone (thigh) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shidohghwaa' my thigh bone

Bonnetplume River Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Tsaih Tl'ak Njik Tsaih = ochre

Tl'ak =bugs (possessed)
Njik = river (possessed)

book Teetl'rt Gwrch'm idinehtl'eh

boss (head boss) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iisrit ts'at chit iisrit = the most important
ts'at =and
chit = leader

bottle Teetl'rt Gwrch'm lee tyah lee = (ts'iidaii word)

tyah = container I pail

bow Gwrchyah Gwrch'm

bow Teetl'lt Gwrch'm altai'

bow-legged Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diitth'an alsraii diitth'an = one's leg

alsraii = it is crooked

bowstring Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ah&t' d'yaa' ah4i' =bow

tl'yaa' =string (possessed)

bowstring Teetl'rt Gwrch'm altai' tl'yaa' altai'= bow

tl'yaa' =string (possessed)

box both ligis

boy both tshyaa boy

boy (small) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tshyaa tsal tshyaa =boy

tsal =small

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language. Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

boy (young) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshyaa k'eejit tshyaa =boy

k'eejit =new

bracelet Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ich'aa' ninuut'aii ich'aa' = one's wrist

ninuut'aii = strung around

braided both niltl'yaa it is braided

brain Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diichiigh<Ut one's brain

brain Teetl'It Gw1ch'm diichiighaii one's brain

branch (spruce) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm thoochan large spruce branch

brant (black) both deech'ytih

breach of trust Teetl'It Gw1ch'm kheenide' jiida'aii kheenlde' jiida'aii = promise

!agwij i lnaii J:-agw1jllnaii = it is broken

bread Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lethch'uh dan' lethch'uh =bannock

dan' = raised

breast (woman's) both rna a'

breastbone (my) both shizhuh chaa'

breath Teetl'It Gw1ch'm diideezhii' one's breath

breath Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diizhi i' one's breath

breath Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ideezhii' breath

breathing both dizhak s/he is breathing

bridesmaid both goohanh' nilii goohanh' = their mother

nil!i = she is

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bridge Teetl'1t GwlCh'm nagwaatsaii it goes between land

bridge Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nagwahts~U it goes between land

bridge both nagwiidii small bridge across a narrow

creek or stream

brightness Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ch'a,hdit

brightness Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm agwa,hdit shining

brightness Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'a'aadrii it is lit

brisket Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm izhuhchyaa' animal brisket

broach Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii niniltsi' iitsii = metal

niniltsi' = fancy

broach Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii diivat dhe'~ii iitsii = metal

diivat = ones chest
dha'~H= it is there I it is put there

broach Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm diivat dha'aii diivat = ones chest

dha'aii = it is there I it is put

broom Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vah giH'jiitan vah = with it/him/her

gili'jiitan = we sweep

broom Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vah gile 'jiitan vah = with it/him/her

gi-1-e'jiitan = we sweep

broth Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shih tshti' shlh =meat

tshu' = its water

broth Gw1chyah Gwtch'm shih tshJ.t' shlh =meat

tsh!J' = its water

brother both shuundee my older brother

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'.in word English ·literal translation

brother Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shitshyaa my younger brother

brother (youngest) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshyaa khaints'an' tshyaa == boy

khaints'an' == youngest

brother-in-law Gw1chya Gw1ch'm silaa my brother-in-law

(man speaker)

brother-in-law Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shaghaii my brother-in-law

(woman speaker)

brother-in-law both shaa my brother-m-law

(man speaker)

brown both jidii tthoo jidii == something

tthoo == brown

bruise both diikak gwijithid'oo diikak ==on one's self

gwijithitl-'oo == it is blue

bubbles both dagaghoh

bubbles (making air Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m khak'wanh' gwijaa khak'wanh' = bubbling

hole) gwijaa = small things coming out

buffalo Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dachan tat gwi'aak'ii dachan = wood

tat= among
gwi'aak'ii =cow (possessed)

bullets both diik'ee chi' diik'ee ==gun

chi' == its heads

bunny Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm geh zhuu geh == rabbit

zhuu == yow1g

bunny Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm geh zheu geh == rabbit

zheu == young

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre .
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

. Gwich'in Language Dictionary

. English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bunny Gwtchyah Gwtch'm geh gii geh = rabbit

gii = its young one

buns Gw1chyah Gwtch'm lethch'uh dan ghoo lethch'uh =bannock

dan= raised
ghoo =round

burial Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nan zhit tr'ahchii nan = land, ground

zhlt = in it
tr'ahchii = to put him/her

burial Gwrchyah Gwtch'm nan zhe'tr'ahchii nan= ground

zhe'tr'ahchii = to put into

butter both aak'ii t'ok ghai' aak'ii =cow

t'ok =suck
ghai' = its grease

butterfly Teetl'It Gw1ch'm nanuht'ee it flies

butterfly Gwtchyah Gwtch'm namiht'yee' it flies

buttocks Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diitl'i' our buttocks

buttocks Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm etl'e' one's buttocks

button Gwtchyah Gwtch' m lavadqq

button Teetl'tt Gwrch'm lavadoo

buttonhole both lavadoo k'it lavadoo = button

k'it =place

bylaw Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm dagwidH 'e' tsal dagwldH'e' = law

tsal =small

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

bylaw officer both niveht'ah'ii tsal naveht'ah'ii = officer, going out

and watching everything
tsal =small

cabin both dachan zheh dachan = wood

zheh =house

cabinet Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at chit Hgiljil nat iisrits'at = most prominent
chit = leader
Hgiljil = meeting/legislative
nat = more than one

cabinet minister Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at chit iisrits'at = most prominent

chit = leader

cache (cabin) both dehdrah cash built high up

on stilts with small
cabin like enclosure

cache (ground) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsiik'it ground cache

cache (platform) both drah a platform built

high up on stilts
with no enclosure

cache (tree) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm njil' small quantity of food

wrapped and tied high
in a tree.

Cadzaw Lake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Chii Daatsik chii = rock/stone

daatsik = reddish

cafe Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ii'im zheh ii'aa = eat

zheh =house

cake Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm luhch'uh dhandaii ruhchuh = bannock

dhandaii = sweet/ tastes good

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'il1 word English literal translation

cake Gw1chyah Gwtch'm lethch'uh dhandaii {ethch'uh = bannock

dhandaii = sweet/ tates good

calendar Teetl'It Gwtch'm srii drin gwi'dineht{'ee' srii =month

drin =day
gwi'dineht{'ee' = book (possessed)

calendar Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sree i'dinehtr'ee' sree '=month

i'dineht{'ee' =book (possessed)

calf Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm egii calf ( can be used for

caribou, moose and sheep)

calf both vitr'do' calf of his/her leg

calf (caribou) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm egii tsoo egii= calf

tsoo = very young/light colored

calm Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm juughal it is calm

camp site Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm niihah k'it nlihah = to camp

k'it =place

camp site Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gqqk'yit empty camp site

campaign Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii daheedi'yaa eenjit dinjii = a person/man

agugwaandak daheedi'yaa = what he will do
eenjit = for that
agugwaandak = he speaks about

Campbell Lake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Tidigeh Van tidigeh = seagull

van= lake

cancer Teetl'lt Gwtch'm ts'ik vagoontrii ts'ik =sickness

vagoontrii = hard (difficult)

cancer Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm ts'ik vagoontree ts'ik = sickness

vagoontree = hard (difficult)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

candidate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii jtiu veenjit uuzri' dinjii = a person/people/man

tr'ooheendal juu = like this
veenj1t = for him/her
uuzrl' = one's name
tr'ooheendal = they will take it

candle (homemade) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm khaii juuk'an' khaii = grease

juuk'c'm' = it is burning

candy Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dhandaii sweet

cane Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm toh

cane Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tath cane

canned goods Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uunjit zhii uunjit = whiteman

zhii =food

canned goods Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm iitsii tyah zhit shih iitsii = metal
tyah = container I pail
zhit = inside
shih =food

canoe both tr'ih tsal tr'ih =boat

tsal =small

canvasback Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm entsihdyen

canyon both dinzhit passage through a rock

captain of the boat Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tr'ih tl'i' ak'<ihndak tr'ih =boat
tfi' = back end
ak'qhndak = helper

captain of the boat Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'ih tl'e' ak'<ihdak tr'ih =boat
tl'e' =back end
ak'<thdak = helper

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

·English .word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

cardboard Teetl'1t Gwtch'm dinehtl'eh lu' dinehtf'eh = paper

lu' = hard (solid)

cardboard Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dinehtl'eh hi' dineht}'eh = paper

14' = hard (solid)

cardboard Gwrchyah Gwrch'm dinehtl'eh visre'dhik'aii dinehtf'eh = paper

visre'dhik'aii = it is square

cardboard box Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dinehtl'eh tyah dinehtl'eh =paper

tyah = pail/ container

Cardinal Teetl'rt GwiCh'm Yahtli Choo yahtli = priest

chao= big

care and custody Teetl'tt Gwrch'm yik'anahtii ts'at yits'at yik'anahtii = s/he takes care of
hearing k'agwaadhat him/her
ts'at =and
yits'at = to him/her
k'agwaadhat = s/he is boss

care (n) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yik' a nah tii s/he takes care of him/her

caribou both vadzaih

Caribou Bar Creek Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Ch'idzee Njik ch'idzee = ear

njik = river (possessed)

caribou (cow) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vadzaih tsal vadzaih = caribou

tsal = small

caribou (cow) both vadzaih tr'ik vadzaih = caribou

tr'ik = female

caribou (cow with no Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vadzaih njdo' vadzaih = caribou

calf) njoo' = older

caribou (cow with Teetl'tt Gwrch'm vadzaih ch'iyaht'ok vadzaih = caribou

nursing calf) ch'iyaht'ok = nursing him/her/it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

caribou (large) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vadzaih nichii vadzaih = caribou

nichii = big and heavy

caribou (large male) both vadzaih chao vadzaih = caribou

chao= big

caribou (lean Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ne'eedi'

November bull)

Caribou River Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm Edigii Njik edigii = calving

njik =river

caribou (running bull in Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm atsanh' it smells (is smelly)


caribou (running bull in Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm atsan' it smells (is smelly)


caribou (september both khaints'an' fall season or the

bull) youngest of the

caribou (spring bull) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vinagwahgwan' it became spring

caribou (young bull ) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm dazhoo tsoo dazhoo = fury

tsoo = yellow I light brown

caribou (young bull ) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dazhadh tsoo dazhadh = fury

tsoo = yellow I light brown

caribou (young female) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khada' aatsan

carpenter both dachan ahtsii dachan = wood

ahtsii = s/he is making it

carrots Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm trih ditsik trih =roots

ditsik = redish

carrots Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm treh ditsik treh =root

ditsik = redish

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

cashier Teetl'rt Gwrch'm guuts'at atr'ookat guuts'at = from them

atr'ookat = they buy

cashier Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vats'at atr'ookat vats'at = from him/her

atr'ookat =buying

cat Teetl'rt Gwrch'm niinjii zhuu niinjii = lynx

zhuu= young

cat Gwrchyah Gwrch' m niinjii zheu niinjii = cat

zheu =young

catalogue both edinehtl'eh vakak ejiich'ii edineht}'eh =book

katr'igUkhii vakak =on it
ejiich'ii = things
katr'igHkhii = ask for

catalogue Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ejiich'ii katr'igUkhii ejiich'ii = things

gwi'dinehd'ee katr'igjjkhii = ask for
gwi'dineht}'ee = book (possessed)

caterpillar Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gyuu zhoo _ gyuu=worm

zhao = furry /hairy

caterpillar Gwrchyah Gwrch'm gyqq zhoo zn:1U gyt}lJ= worm

zhao= hairy
zrqjj = black

catholic brother both diiyuundee one's older brother

cave Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nan t'eh gweedii nan= ground

t'eh =under
gweedii = an opening I a passage

cave both nan zhit gweedii nan= ground

zhlt =in
gweedii = an opening I a passage

cavity (in tooth) both diighd' jat diigho' = one's teeth

jat = rotten

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ceiling both zheh gwiyeedak zheh = house

gwiyeedak = above

ceiling Teetl'rt Gwrch'm uudee gwikhyuu uudee =up there

gwikhyuu = along side

ceremony (marriage) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nihkhatr'igwqhchii geenjit nihkhatr'igwqhchii = marriage

tr'igijiinjii ceremony
geenjit = for it
tr'igijiinjii = they pray

chain both iitsii d'yah iitsii = metal

tl'yah = string

chair Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vakak tr'oodii vakak = on it

tr'oodii =they sit

chair Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vakak tr'oodyee vakak =on it

tr'oodyee = they sit

chalice Teetl'rt Gwrch'm niinjigwidhat tshuu tyaa' niinjigwidhat =communion

tshuu = water
tyaa' = its container

chalice Gwrchyah Gwrch'm limes tshuu tyaa' limes= mass

tshuu = water
tyaa' = its container

challenge for cause Teetl'rt Gwrch'm jaaghat dee why

change (money) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm lazhaa tr'ooniniidhat lazhaa = money

tr'ooniniidhat = left over

change (money) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm lazh&Cl ts'at tr'ooniniidhat !azhqq =money

ts'at = from
tr'ooniniidhat = left over

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich' in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

change of venue Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat ejee atr'oodahkat = court

tr'igwinii' aii ejee tr'igwinii'aii = it was done

chapel both tr'igiikhii zheh gwitsal tr'igiikhii = church service

zheh =house
gwitsal = small

character witness Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm dinjii dainch'uu nilii dinjii - person/man

ya'hdandaii dainch'uu nilii = how s/he behaves
yahdandaii = s/he knows him/her

charge (to take debt) Teetl'1t Gw1ch' m dinehtl'eh tr'oonjii dinehtf'eh = paper
tr'oonjii = take

charge (to take debt) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diiye 'tr'idintl'edh it was written down
for them

charge to the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guuts'an tr'agwahtsii guuts'an = theirs

tr'agwahtsii = they are giving

charter of rights and Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagwidti'e' dinjii tr'oochit dagwldtfe' = law
freedom nat geenjit dinjii = people
tr'oochit = first
nat = more than one
geenjit = for it

cheek (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shanvadh my cheek

cheek (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shanvoh my cheek

chest (my) both shideegha n' my chest

chest (my) both shidriichi' my chest

chickadee both ts'igyak

chicken Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm daih

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich,in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

chicken Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dajh

chief both dinjii khehk<ii' dinjii =man

khehkai' =his/her boss

chief Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dinjii khahkai' dinjii =man

khahkai' =his/her boss

chief hunter Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm nidhizrii chit nidhizrii = he is hunting/hunter

chit = leader

chief hunter Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nidhizrii kat chit nidhizrii = he is hunting/hunter

kat = more than one
chlt = leader

chief hunter Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nidhizree chit nidhizree =he is hunting/hunter

chit = leader

chief (sub) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii khehkai' ts'aii dinjii =man

midhat khehkai' = boss
ts'aii = beside
nadhat = standing

chief (sub) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dinjii khahkai' ts'<iU dinjii =man

dhidyee khahkai' = boss
ts'qjj = beside
dhidyee = he/ she is sitting

child both tr'iinin

chimney both lishuunii

chin (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shihdf' my chin

chin (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shihdye' my chin

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'inLanguage Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson/ NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

chisel (ice) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luu dzcth luu =ice

dzq,h = chisel

chisel (ice) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luu dzah l:uu =ice

dzah = chisel

chisel (snowshoe) both shal

chisel (snowshoe) both ts'iighd'

chose (people) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm dinjii tatr'igw&hjii dinjii = people/men/man

tatr'igwq,hjii = they are choosing

christmas Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tsal drin = day

tsal = small

christmas Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh tr'igHkhii tadh =night

tr'igHkhii = church service

christmas concert Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tsal tsii'inh' tr'ahtsih drin tsal = christmas
tsii'inh' = play
tr'ahtsih = make

christmas concert Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh tr'igHkhii tsee'in' tadh tr'igHkhii = christmas
tsee'in' = play

chronic Teetl'lt Gw1eh'm yah nagugwinii' aii yah = with him/her

nagugwinii'aii = s/he bothers

church both tr'igiikhii zheh tr'igiikhii = church service

zheh =house

circle Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Hhts'ee nuut'aii l:ihts'ee = around

nuut'aii = it is strung or hanging

circle Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nanilghwat rounded (shape)

circled Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vinagoo'ee around the outside

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

circumstantial Teetl'!t Gwtch' m jidii tajtiudhat ihlee jidli tajuudhat = what occurred
evidence tr'igwinah'in kwaa ihlee = a person
tr'igwinah'in = they see
kwaa =not

citizen Teetl'tt Gwtch'm minhkak ts'an nilii minhkak = the world

ts'an =belongs to
nilii = s/he is

citizenship Teetl'tt Gwtch'm minhkak ts'an nilii ml.nhkak = the world

vidagwidii'e' ts'an =belongs to
nilii = s/he is
vidagwldij'e' =law

civil law Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Quebec gwizhit gwizraih only in Quebec

civil servant Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'adagwidaadhat va'altsan k'adagwidaadhat =the government

va'ahsan =his servant

classroom Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ge'tr'oonahtan deek'it ge'tr'oonahtan = teaching

deek'it = place

classroom Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gatr'oonahtan deek'it gatr'oonahtan = to teach

deek'it = place

clay Teetl'tt Gwtch'm luh vee t'at luh= mud

vee= gray
t'at =sticky

clay Gw1chyah Gwtch'm leth vee t'at leth= mud

vee= gray
t'at = sticky

clean (immaculate) both jidii kwan' jidii = something

kwan' = very clean

clear (transparent) both jidii drinh' jidii =something/what

drinh' = clear (transparent)
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic,NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

clerk both uukat zheh gwidinjii' uukat = to buy

zheh =house
gwidinjii' =man (possessed)

clerk both khehkaih tsal khehkaih = manager

tsal =small

clever (fast learner) both khanh' gik'idhinjih khanh' = quickly

gik'idhinjih = slhe learns

closet Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwich'yaa deek'it gwich'yaa = clothes

deek'it = place

closet Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwidal deek'it gwidiU = clothes I belongings I

deek'it = place

cloth both ethitl'ii

clothes pin Teetl'lt Gw1ch' m viligwiitl'at tsal vihgwiit-1-'at = it is held securely

tsal =small

clothing Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwich'yaa torn up

cloudberry both nakal

clouds both k'oh

cloudy day Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwit'eh goo'aih gwit'eh = under

goo'aih = it is there

cloudy day Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'oh t'eh goo'c.=:ih k'oh = clouds

t'eh =under
goo'~jh = it is there

cloudy day Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'oh t'eh goo'aih k'oh = clouds

t'eh= under
goo'aih = it is there

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

club both khah

club (antler) both edzhi' khah edzhl' = antler

khah =club

coal both chii juuk'an' chii = rock/ stone

juuk'an' =it is burning

coals (hot) both kwanchit hot coals

coat Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyehdak ik iyehdak = on top I over

ik = dress I shirt / coat

coat Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iyehdak yik iyehdak = top

yik = dress I shirt I coat

cobweb Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m gudeedrii chihvyaa' gudeedrii = spider

chihvyaa' = net (possessed)

coffee both ligafii

coffee pot Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ligafii tyq.h ligafii = coffee

tyc:th = container

coffee pot Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ligafii tyah ligafii = coffee

tyah = container

coffee shop Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ligafii zheh lagahfii = coffee

zheh =house

coffin Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dachan tyqh dachan = wood

tyc:th = container/box

coffin Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dachan tyah dachan = wood

tyah = container/box

coherent Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwilii t'adeenjaa s/he is being foolish

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

coins Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sheih tseedhoo' sheih = sand I gravel

tseedhoo' = money (possessed)

coins Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii tsal tsoo iitsii = metal

tsal =small
tsoo = yellow I brownish

cold Teetl'tt Gwtch'm niink'dh it (an object) is cold

cold (illness) both koh

cold (outside) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwiniik'oh it is cold

cold sore Teetl'tt Gwtch'm koh tshuundaJ' koh = cold (illness)

tshuundal' = blister (possessed)

colder (it is colder Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gwiiyaa'an gwiniik'adh gwiiyaa'an = more

outside) gwiniik'adh = it is cold

collar Teetl'tt Gwtch'm zhin nanuut'aii zhin =chin

nanuut'aii = wrapped around

collarbone Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ichiidir tth'an'

collarbone (his/her) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vichiidru u'

collection at church Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ataiinjii tr' ahtsih ataiinjii = offering

tr'ahtsih = they are making it

collection at church Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tr'igiikhii zheh tseedhoh tr'igiikhii zheh = churh
latshanh' tr'ijiilih tseedhdh = money
iatshanh' tr'ijiilih = they are
collecting it

colors from sunrise Gwtchya Gwtch'm gii juutsqi'

colors from sm1Set Teetl'tt Gwtch'm zhee jithitsik zhee =sky

jithitsik = it is reddish

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in. word English literal translation

colors from sunset Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khahts'at sree ts'at khahts'at = night, evening
gwijiditsik sree =sun
ts'at= from
gwijiditsik = getting red

colors from sunset Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khahts'at na'Htsai' khahts'at =evening

na'Htsa)' = forecast

colors from sunset Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhee khyuu gwijithitsik zhee =sky
khyuu = along
gwijithitsik = it is getting red

comb both chiiruk

commit for trial Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat gwizhit atr'oodahkat = court

hiindyaa gwizhit = in there
hiindyaa = you will sit

communion Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm niinjigwadhat gwits'an niinjigwidhat = communion

tr'ahtsii gwits'an = to him/her
tr'ahtsii = give

communion Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm niinjigwidhat

community hall Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm !anatr'aadal zheh lanatr'aadal = people gathering

zheh =house

community hall Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tsee'yinh zheh tsee'yinh = playing

zheh =house

community (settlement) both kaiik'it

companions Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nihkhanag~aazheh they are standmg


compassion Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vits'at neesridilch'uu vits'at =towards him/her

neesridilch'uu = I feel pity

compensation for Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guutr'iguukat they are paid


Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

competence Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm viyinji' ch'ijtiu'ee viyinjl' - his/her mind

ch'ijuu'ee = it is clear/straight

computer Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii adantl:' oo iitsii = machine

ganadhandaii adant}'oo = write
ganadhandaii = remember

concurrent sentence Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo ihlat ts'at geenjit tehk'oo =wrong doing
va tr' agwinahshii ihlat =once
ts'at =and
geenjit = for it
vatr'agwinahshii = s/he is punished

coney both sruh

confederation Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm 1867 dai' nan ts'an nilii kat 1867 dai' =in 1867
nan= land
ts'an nilii = belongs to someome kat
= more than one

confession Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khe'ee gwitaazhih khe'ee = to come out

gwitaazhih = s/he is confessing

confession Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khe' gwataazhii khe' =alone (one by one)

gwataazhii = s/he is confessing

confession (making a) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khe'ee tr'igwitaazhih khe'ee = to come out

tr'igwitaazhih = are confessing

confirmation Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diik'oo tr'igiikhii diik'oo = over them

tr'igiikhii = church service

confirmation Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yahtyee choo diikak yahtyee choo = bishop

gUkhii diikak = on them/ us
gHkhii = s/he is speaking

congenital Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gah vagdonlii s/he was born with it

Gwichfin Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

consecutive sentence Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwijaazhii hah gwik'ih gwijaazhii = it continues

tadadhat vatr'agwinahshii hcl.h =with
gwik'lh = behind it
tadadhat = it occurs
vatr'agwinahshii = s/he is punished

consensus Teetl'lt Gw1ch' m sriineetr'igwihee' aa they will solve the problem

consent to a committal Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat gwizhit atr'oodahkat = court

hihlyaa nihthan gwizhlt = in it
hihiyaa = I will be
nihthan = I want it

consequences Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm geh'an nits'do geh'an =because of it

migwiindhat nits'oo = how
nagwiindhat =it happened

conservation officer Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan k'andehnahtii kat nan= land

k'andehnahtii = they are
monitoring it
kat = more than one

conservation officer Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m nan k'andehginahtyeh nan= land

k'imdehginahtyeh = they are
monitoring it

conspiracy Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjiinat Hgiljil gwiizuu dinjiinat = people

geenjit hglljil = they meet
gwlizuu geenjit = for something bad

constituency Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vakaiik'it vakaiik'lt = his/her community

sri it' agwinyaanch'uu srlit'agwinyaanch'uu- a certain
amount of

constitution Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at dagwidH 'e' iisrits'at = the most prominent
dagwidife' =law

constitution act Teetl'It Gwrch'm Canada eenjit dagwidH'e' Canada eenj1t = for Canada
gwiintshii dagwidH'e' =law
gwiintshii = large scale

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

constitutional Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diiyeenjit gHkhii Hgiljil diiyeenjit gHkhii = one's who speak
monarchy convention on behalf of us
hglljil = they are meeting

cook both vaka'ahch'uu s/he is cooking

cookies Teetl'lt Gwtch'm l:uh dhandaii l:uh =flour

dhandaii = sweet

cookies Teetl'tt Gwtch'm hihchuh dhandaii l:uhchuh = bannock

dhandaii = sweet

cookies Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l:ethch'uh dhandaii l:ethch'uh = bannock

dhandaii = sweet

cooking pot Teetl'lt Gwtch'm shih tyah shih =meat

tyah = pail/ pot/ container

cooking pot Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shih tya,h sh!h =food

tyqh = pail/ pot/ container

copper both theetrin'

comer both zheh ts'at zheh =house

ts'at =from

corpse Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ehchi'

corpse Gwtchyah Gwtch'm echV

couch Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vakak datr'oodii Vakak =on it

datr'oodii = sitting

couch Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vakak datr'ijilch'eU vakak =on it

datr'ijilch'eH = they sit

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

couch Teetl'lt Gw1eh'm vakak tr'oodii tshtiu' njuh vakak =on it

tr'oodii = they sit
tshuu' = soft
njuh =long

cough both tr'aakoo someone is coughing

council Teetl'rt Gwrch'm jilch'eiinat ones who sit

councillor Gwrchyah Gwrch'm dahgwich'in eenjit gHkhii dahgwich'in =his/her people

eenjit =for
gHkhii = s/he speaks

councillor Teetl'1t Gwrch'm diiyeenjit jilch'eii diiyeenjit = on behalf of us

jllch' eii = they sit

councillors Teetl'rt Gwrch'm dinjii eenjit nijilzhii kat dinjii =people/man

eenjit =for
nijllzhii = standing (representing)
kat = more than one

count (n) Teetl'1t Gwrch'm tehk'oo t'indizhik eenjit tehk'oo = wrong doing
t'indizhik = you did
eenjit = for it

court both atr'oodahkat questioning

court of appeal Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm chan iisrits'at chan= again

natr'oohadahkat iisrits'at = most prominent
natr'oohadahkat =they will ask

courtroom Teetl'rt Gwrch'm atr'oodahkat zheh atr'oodahkat = court

zheh =house

cow both aak'ii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, Nf Fort McPherson1 ·NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

crackers Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tuh gaii dril tuh =flour

gaii =dry
dril = thin

crackers Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tethch'uh g~jt dridh 'tethch'uh = bannock

gq)i = dry
dridh = thin

crane (sandhill) both jah

Cree people both Daht'in gwich'in

creek both teetshik

creek water Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'iilllU chq' tr'iili1H = running

ch1.j' = water

crime Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo gwiltsaii tehk'oo = wrong doing

gwltsaii = it has been made

criminal charge Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm yichi ldr i' one is judged

criminal charge Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm duuleh tehk'oo t'indizhik duuleh =maybe

nigahnuu tehk'oo = wrong doing
t'indizhik = you have done
nigahnuu = they say about you

criminal code Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm ch'igwijtiu'ee eenjit ch'igwijuu'ee = it is right

edinehtl'ee eenjit = for it
edlnehtt'ee = book

criminal code Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagwidtt'e' edinehtl'ee dagwldji'e' = law

edlnehtt'ee = its' book

cross both niht'iidi'ee crossing over one another

Crossly Lake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Ezhinihdlii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

crown Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiyah'at choo chit eenjit gwiyah'at chao chit = queen
mi dha t eenjit = for
mldhat = one stands

crown Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiyah'at chao chit ts'aii gwiyah'at chao chit= queen
ts'aii = on the side

crown prosecutor Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm niveh t'ah'in ts'aii midhat niveh t'ah'in = the police
ts'aii = on that side
m1dhat = s/he stands

crown's election Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat eenjit atr'oodahkat = court

tatr'igwahaandal eenjit = for
tatr'igwahaandal = they are chosen

cub (grizzly bear) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sheh gu sheh = grizzly bear

gii = one's young one

cub (grizzly bear) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shih gii shih = grizzly bear
gii =one's young one

culture Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yeenoo nits'oo tr'igwiindai' yeenoo =long ago to the present
nits'oo = how
tr'igwiindai' = they /we lived

cup Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu tyah tshuu = water

tyah = container/pail

cup (mug) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq tyah zhqq

cupboard Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ik k'it chik = plate

k'it =place

cupboard Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ch'ek k'it ch'ek = plate

k'it =place

curtains Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm naniivyah something is hanging across

curtains Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm neniivaa something is hanging across

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

customary marriage Teetl'tt Gwtch'm oonoodai' nits'do oonoodai' - long ago

nihkhatr'igwahnj ik nits'oo = how
nihkhatr'igwahnjik = they are

dance hall Teetl'tt Gwtch'm aadzoo zheh aadzoo = dance

zheh =house

darkness Teetl'tt Gw!Ch'm too goo'aii too = dark/night

goo'aii = it is there

darkness Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tadh guu'<lth tadh =night

guu'gjh = it is there

David Lord Creek Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tl'ii Enjik

dawn both yahkeh the sun is beginning

to rise

Dawson People both Han Gwich'in han= river

gwich'in = people

day both drin

day after tomorrow Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihkaa gehndoo nihkaa = tomorrow

gehndoo = after I ahead

day after tomorrow Gwtchyah Gwtch'm nihkaa gehddk nihkaa = tomorrow

gehdok = after I ahead

day before yesterday Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'eedai' gehnoo k'eedai' = yesterday

gehnoo = before

day before yesterday Gwtchyah Gwtch'm k'adai' gehnoo k'adaf = yesterday

gehnoo = before

daylight Teetl'tt Gwtch'm drin goo'aih drin =day

goo'aih = is it there

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

daylight Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drin goo'~ih drin =day

goo'~jh= it is

deaf Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm ejiitth'ak kwaa ejiitth'ak = s/he hears

kwaa = nothing

deaf GwiChyah Gw1ch'm vidzii kwaa vidzii = his /her inner ear
kwaa = nothing

deaf Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vidzii gugwat vidzii = his inner ear

gugwat = something dull

December Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Jideendoo Ts'an

December Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khahzhak = under night

sree' = month/moon possessed

delinquency Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlee tehk'oo t'idi'in k'it ihlee - a person

tehk'oo = wrong doing
t'idi'in = s/he did
k 'lt = the same as

delinquent Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'eejit ihlee tehk'oo t'idi'in k'eej1t =youth

ihlee = a person
tehk'oo =wrong doing
t'idi'in = s/he is doing

delinquent Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'aanduu gii

Delta People Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Ehdyee Tat Gwich'in ehdyee = timber patch
tat= among
gwich'in = people

Delta People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Ehdii Tat Gwich'in ehdii = timber stand
tat= among
gwich'in = people

democracy Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagwiiniindhan gwik'it dagwiiniindhan = what we think

tr 'igwinda ii gwik'lt =the same as
tr'igwindaii = we live

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

den both an

den (grizzly bear) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm shih an shih = grizzly bear

an= den

dentist Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diigho' srinalii diighd'= one's teeth

srinalii = s/he is fixing it

dentist Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diigho' khalii diigho' = one's teeth

khalii = taking them out

dentist Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diigho' hah dha'~H diighd' = one's teeth

hah dha'~H = s/he works with it

denturist Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diigho' ahtsii diigho' =one's teeth

ahtsii = s/he is making it

detention Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vi de'tr'idiniintyin they locked him/her up

detention order Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vide'tr'idineechyaa geenjit vlde'tr'idineechyaa = he/she will be

edinehtl'ee lockedup
geenjit = for
edlnehtl:-'ee = it's paper

deterrent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwididinuu'ee lead away

devil both tr'aanduu

devil Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ekee

dew Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwijilzroo

dew Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gwijilzroh

diabetes Teetl'tt Gwtch'm soogaii gwits'ik soogaii = sugar

gwits'ik = its sickness

diaper both ch'il

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

diaphram Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Hdhiidrah

diarrhea both chigwits'ik sickness in the guts

diesel Gwrchyah Gwrch'm nan ghai' nan = land/ ground

ghiii' = its grease

dipper Gwrchyah Gwrch'm dzhii zrq,U dzhii =bird

zr&H =black

direct evidence Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vindah tehk'oo t'idi'in vindah = infront of him/her
tehk'oo t'idi'in = s/he is doing

dirt both gwijat

dirty Teetl'rt Gwrch'm sraih

disability (full) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm k'adithinjik hard to maneuver

discharge Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vanatr'idiinjik he was released

discharge (absolute) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm H' hah ekhe 'tr'iguunuu H' hah = absolute
ekhe'tr'iguunuu = s/he was left

discrepancy Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ejtik ts'at ganagiinjih ejuk ts'at = a different way
ganagiinjih = they are talking

disease both ts 'i k sickness

dishpan Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iitsii ch'ik iitsii = metal

ch'rk = plate

dishpan Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vizhit ch'ek k'eetr'ahtraa vizhit =in it

ch'ek = plate
k'eetr'ahtraa = wash

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

distemper Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii ts' ik laii =dog

ts'lk = sickness

distemper Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l!lH ts'ik lqJ~ =dog

ts'lk =sickness

docket Teetl' tt Gwtch' m edinehtl'eh zhit edlnehtl'eh =book

nitr'igwihii' aih zhlt nltr'igwlnii'aih = put inside

doctor Gwtchyah Gwtch'm elts'ik hah dha't;:H elts'ik = s/he is sick

hah dha'~H = s/he works with it

doctor Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ehs'ik srinalii elts'ik = s/he is sick

srinalii = s/he is fixing it

dog Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii

dog Gwtchyah Gwtch'm la.U

dog (female) Teetl'tt GwlCh'm laiits'i' female dog

dog (female) Gwtchyah GwlCh'm la.Hts'i' female dog

dog (husky) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ineekaii lik ineekaii = inuit

llk = one's dog

dog (husky) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ineekqH lik ineekqji = inuit

lik = one's dog

dog (lead) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii tshih dhidii laii = dog

tshih = at the front
dhidii = s/he is sitting

dog (lead) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l!lU tshih dhidyee lqii =dog

tshih = at the front
dhidyee = s/he is sitting

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictio11ary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English .literal translation

dog officer Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii uudahk'ee laii = dog

uudahk'ee = s/he is shooting at it

dog officer Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l&H uudahk'ee gwidinjii' l&H =dog

uudahk'ee = s/he is shooting at it
gwidinjii' = man (possessed)

dog officer Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii guk'andehnahtii laii = dog

guk'andehnahtii = s/he is
monitoring it

dog salmon both shii

dog (wheel) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm val ts'aii dhidii val= sled

ts'aii = on that side
dhidii = s/he is sitting

dog (wheel) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l&ii val ts'ctii dhidyee l&H =dog
val= sled
ts'&H = that side
dhidyee = s/he is sitting

dogbite Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii guu'ah laii = dog

guu'ah = it is biting them

dogbite Gwtchyah Gwtch'm htH goo'ah l&H =dog

goo'ah = it is biting them

Dogrib People Teetl'tt Gwtch'm taii Chik Gwich'in laii =dog

chik =rib
gwich'in = people

Dogrib People Gwtchyah Gwtch'm I:.ctit Chik Gwich'in l&H =dog

chik =rib
gwich'in = people

dominion Teet!' 1t Gwtch' m adachoo k'adagwidaadhat adachoo k'adagwidaadhat = the

gwizhit main decision maker
gwizhlt = in it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

door both gihdaniivaa

doorknob Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gihdaniivaa tai' gihdaniivaa = door

ti:ti' = handle

doorknob Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gihdaniivaa t&U' gihdaniivaa = door

tgjj' = handle

dough Gwtchyah Gwtch' m leth viliniljik leth =flour

viHnlljik = kneaded

doughnuts Gwtchyah Gwtch'm lethch'uh vagwiidii lethch'uh =bannock

vagwiidii = it has a hole in it

doughnuts Teetl'tt Gwrch'm hihch'tih nadinildzee hlhch'uh = bannock

nadinlldzee = it is twisted

down's syndrome Teetl'rt Gwrch'm neesrij1{hch'uu ts'at neesrij~hch'uu = s/he is poor

vigd onlii ts'at =and
vigoonlii = s/he was born

downstream Gwrchyah Gwtch'm dye' ts'at niinl&H dye' = downward

ts'at =to
niinlCJJt = it is flowing

downstream Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iidi' niinlaii iidl' = downward

niinlaii = it is flowing

downwind Gwrchyah Gwrch'm doo ahtr'eii doo =down

ahtr'eii = wind

dragonfly Teetl'tt Gwrch'm iitsii ahtr'aa iitsii = metal

ahtr'aa = it is flying

dragonfly Gwtchyah Gwrch'm shitsii ahtr'aa shitsii = my grandfather

ahtr'aa = it is flying

dream both ganaiinlyah s/he dreamt

1 1
Gwich in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal trans.laUon

dreamt Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ganatr'iinlyaa s/he dreamt about it.

dress both ik

dress Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m yik

dress (caribou hide) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm aadzhii ik aadzhii = tanned caribou hide
ik = dress

dress (caribou hide) Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm aadzhii yik aadzhii = tanned caribou hide
yik =dress

drift wood both doo

Driftwood River Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Troo Choo Njik Troo =wood

Chao= big
Njik =river

dripping (it is) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nidaa'il it is dripping.

driver's licence Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ne'hahlak gwi'dinehtl'ee' ne'hahlak = s/he will drive
gwi'dinehtl'ee' =its paper

driver's licence Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii khal ak'&hdak iitsii khal = vehicle
edinehtl'ee' ak'qhdak = s/he helps
edinehtl'ee' =its paper

drizzle Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshin zroo tshin =rain

zroo = wetness

drug and alcohol Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm agdondaii iizuu ts'at agdondaii lizuu = bad medicine
program kwanchtl.' eenjit ts'at kwanchu' =and alcohol
ge 'tr'oonahtan eenjit ge'tr'oonahtan = teach about

drwn both shuh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

dryer (clothes) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vizhit gwich'yaa vizhlt = in it

na tr' idahcheii gwich'yaa = clothing
natr'idahcheii = they dry it

dryer (clothes) Gw1chyah Gwtch'm gwidal nadahcheii gwidat = clothing

nadahcheii = it dries it

dryer (clothes) Teetl'tt GwiCh'm gwich'yaa nadahchii gwich'yaa = clothes

nadahchii = it dries

dryer (hair) both diichiighe' vah diichiighe' = ones hair

natr'idahcheii vah =with
natr'idahcheii = they dry it

duck both dats'an

duck (goldeneye) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm jidik'~U

duck (old squaw) both a'aanlak

duffle both ts'at blanket

dusk Gwtchyah Gwtch'm mihkhah

dye Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ede'ee its color

dye Gw1chyah Gwtch'm adi'eh its color

eagle (bald) both thak

eagle (golden) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tadhaa

eagle (golden) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm ezhin

eagle (golden) Gwtchya Gwtch'm izhin

Eagle River Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm Ezhin Njik ezhin = eagle

njik = river

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in .word English literal translation

ear ache Gwrchyah Gwrch'm diidzii hasrah U'ee diidzii = ones inner ear
hasrah H'ee = a strong pain is there

ear ache both diidzii gwilts'ik diidzii = ones inner ear

gwlhs'ik = it is sick/sore

ear ache Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diidzii gisrah nii'ee diidzii = ones inner ear
gisrah nii'ee = a strong pain is

ear (outer) both diidzee' one's outer ear

ear (outer) both shidzee' my outer ear

ear wax both edzii t'oo' edzii = inner ear

t'do' =plugged

early morning Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vanh' dai' vanh' = morning

dai' = at that time

earrings Teetl'rt Gwrch'm dzee nidiniizhii dzee = outer ear

nidinlizhii = hanging

earrings Gwrchyah Gwrch'm dzee tl'yah dzee = outer ear

tf'yah = string

earth both nan earth, land, ground

earth Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nan kak tthak nan = land, earth, ground
kak =on it
tthak = all of it

Easter Gwrchyah Gwrch' m Nagwidandaih Drin nagwidandaih = s/he comes back to

drin =day

Easter Day Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Nanagwaalii Drin nanagwaalii = s/he rose from the
drin =day

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Easter Monday Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Nanagwaalii Drin Tl'ee nanagwaalii = he rose from the
drin =day
tl:-'ee = after

Easter Monday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Nagwidandaih Drin Tl'ee nagwidandaih =he comes back to
drin =day
t!'ee = after

eastwind Teetl'It Gw1ch'm nii ahtr'aih nii = this way

ahtr'aih = wind

eastwind Gw1chyah GwiCh'm tshqq ahtr'aih tshw = this way

ahtr'aih= wind

eclipse Teetl'It Gw1ch'm srii t'&H'aii srii =sun

t'qjj'aii = went under again

eclipse Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sree niht'&ti'eh sree = sun, moon

niht'ajj'eh = went over one another

eclipse Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm srii t'anaiida'aih srii =sun

t'anaiida'aih = it went under

eddy Teetl'It Gw1ch'm ok

eddy Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'ineedla,.U flowing back

eddy (large) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ok chao ok =eddy

chao= big

eddy (large) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'enehdl&U gwichoo k'enehdlqjj = eddy

gwichoo = big

education Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ge'tr'oonahtan they teach

egg beater Teetl'It Gw1ch'm iitsii vah te 'tr'inghaa iitsii = metal

vah =with it
te'tr'inghaa = mix together

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal tran.slation

eggs both aghoo

eight Teetl'It Gwich'm nihk'ii daan nihk'ii = both sides

daan =four

eight Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nihk'ii d&<! nihk'ii = both sides

dqq =four

Eight Miles Teetl'It Gw1ch'm Nitaiinlaii water flowing out

eighteen Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at nihk'ii ih{ak =one

daankat juutyin =counted
ts'at =and
nihk'ii = both sides
daankat =four

eighteen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihlo gwij u u tyin ts'at nihk'ii ihiogwijuutyin = counted once
da.a. ts'at =and
nihk'ii = both sides
dqq =four

eighty Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihk'ii daan juutyin nihk'ii = both sides

daan =four
juutyin = counted

eighty Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nihk'ii dqq juutyin nihk'ii = both sides

dqq =four
juutyin = counted

elbow both shits'dh my elbow

elder both .'


elected representatives Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uuzri' tr'donjik kat uuzrl' = name

tr'oonjik = was taken
kat = more than one

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwith'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson,· NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect GI/Vich'in word English literal translation

election Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uuzri' tr' d onjii uuzrl' = name

tr'oonjii = they are taking

elections canada Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uuzri' tr'donjii zhit gwitr'it uuzrl' =name
t'agwah'ii nat tr'oonjii = they are taking
zhlt =in it
gwitr'it t'agwah'ii nat = the ones
who work

electricity Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vik'iighe' aadrii vik'iighe' = because of it

aadrii = light

eleven Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at ihlak ihlak =one

juutyin = counted
ts'at =and
ihlak =one

eleven Gw!Chya Gw1ch'm ih!ogwijuutyin ts'at ihlak ihlogwijuutyin =counted once

ts'<lt =and
ihlak =one

empanelling the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'uudhilch'eii geenjit tr'uudhllch'eii = ones who listen
oozri' tr' oonjii geenjit oozrl' tr' oonjii = taking
names for it

empanelling the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'uudhilch'eii geenjit tr'uudhllch'eii = ones who listen
oozri' tatr'igw<thjii geenjit oozrl' tatr'igwqhjii =
choosing names for it

empathy Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwits'at neesrijct.hch'uu gwits'at = towards something

neesrij<lhch'uu = s/he feels pity

empend, to Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm juudin tr'uudhilch'eii juudin tr'uudhllch'eii = one's who

geenjit tatr'igw<thjii listen
geenjit tatr'igwqhjii = they are
choosing for it

eno Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm ago ondaih tadinaadlat ag6ondaih = medicine

tadinaadlat = it is boiling

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

enroll Teetl'tt Gwtch'm oozri' tr'adantl'oo oozrl' = one's name

tr'adant}'oo = they are writing it

entrance Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihdagwiidii openmg

entrance Gwtchyah Gwtch'm nihdagweedii openmg

entrance way Teetl'tt Gwtch'm zheh gwidaii' zheh =house

gwidaii' = at the entrance

entrenched Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vizhit neetr'in!l,hchuh vizhlt = in it

neetr'inqhchuh = it is put

enumerator Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dinjii diiyuuzri' tr'oonjii dinjii = people

oozri' tr' oonjik gwichih diiyuuzrl' =one's name
tr'oonjii = take
oozrl' = name
tr'oonjik gwichih = before it is

equalization Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dinjiinat nihk'it dinjiinat = people

guk'anahtii geenjit nihk'lt = the same way
guk'anahtii = it is preserved
geenjit = for it

equalization payment Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dinjiinat nihk'it dinjiinat = people

guk'anahtii geenjit nihk'lt = the same way
tseedhdh gU tf' agahtshtih guk'anahtii = it is preserved
geenjit = for it
tseedhdh = money
gHtl'agahtshuh = it is given

eroded Teetl'tt Gwtch'm migwitHk it has wasted away

eroding Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tagwitHh it is wasting away

eroding Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tagwintHh it is wasting away

eskimo Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ineekaii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

eskimo Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ineekaU

established fact Teetl'tt Gwtch'm H' hah vik'igwaanjik H' hah = absolute
vik'igwaanjik = they found out about

established fact Teet!' tt Gwtch' m loo hah vik'igwaanjik loo hah = absolute
vik'igwaanjik = they found out about

eternal life both gwilin kwaa gwits'at gwilin kwaa = to no end

gwiteendaih gwits'at = going to
gwiteendaih = all will live

evening both night

evidence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm aii k'iighe' vik'igwaanjik aii k'iighe' =because of that
H' dagwidlii gugwideech'in vik'igwaanjik =they found about
H' dagwidlii = it is true
gugwideech'in = it appears to be

evidence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm aii k'iighe' tehk'oo t'idi'in aii k'iighe' = because of that
ahgwidandaii tehk'oo t'idi'in = s/he did wrong
ahgwidandaii = it is known

ewe Teetl'tt Gwtch'm divii tr'ik divii sheep

tr'ik = female

ewe Gwtchyah Gwtch'm divii tr'ek divii = sheep

tr'ek = female

excrement both trin'

executive Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iisrits'at chit nilii kat iisrits'at = most important
chit = leader
nilii = s/he is
kat = more than one

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

executive council Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm iisrits'at chit Hgiljil nat iisrits'at = most important
chit = leader
Hglljil = they meet
nat = more than one

exhibit Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vina tr' igwidahchik

expert Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lQQ hah digwitr'it IQQ hah = absolutely

ahdandaii digwitr'lt ahdandaii = s/he knows
his/her work

expert witness Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at gahdandaii iisrits'at =most important

gahdandaii = s/he has knowledge

eye doctor Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm diindee srinalii diindee = one's eye

srinalii = s/he is fixing it

eye doctor Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dUndee srinalee diindee = one's eye

srinalee = s/he is fixing it

eye (my) both shindee' my eye

eye (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shindye' my eye

eye witness Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidli gwinah'in eenjit jidli gwinah'in = what s/he has
gwaandak seen
eenjit gwaandak - s/he is talking
about it

eyeball (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shineezra,U my eyeball

eyeball (my) Teetl'lt Gw1ch' m shineezrih my eyeball

eyebrows both shineedohghe' my eyebrows

eyeglasses Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ndeh iizhii ndeh =eyes

iizhii = to wear

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsligehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

eyeglasses Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ndee tr'ilzhii ndee = one's eyes

tr'ilzhii = we wear it

eyelashes both shineedohghe' my eyelashes

face both diinin' one's face

facsimile machine Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii khanh tr'adanH'oo litsii =machine

khanh = quickly
tr'adantl'oo = it writes

facts Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwik'it gdodlit gwik'lt = the same as

goodlit = it happened

faded both daak'aa

failure to appear Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihdaniinzhih kwaa nihdaniinzhih = s/he entered

kwaa =not

falcon (gyr) both gwichiidzhii gwichii = at the tip

dzhii =bird

falcon (peregrine) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm chinii tra nh

fall (previous fall both k'eejit khaiints'an' k'eejit = before

season) khaiints'an' = fall

fall season both khaiints'an'

fasting day Gwtchyah Gwtch'm aditr'idaag&H drin aditr'idaagqH = fasting

drin =day

fat both ik'eh

fat (fat on the lower Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ak'eetthal'

gut of caribou & moose)

fat (inside rump on Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ik'eetthal'

moose & caribou)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fat (inside the rump) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iinehk'eh

fat (on caribou & moose both echeezhti'


fat on lower guts Teetl'tt Gwtch'm an doh

fat on the rump Gwtchyah Gwtch'm et'ye'

father both tya'aa

father (my) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shiti' my father

father (my) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shitye. my father

father-in-law (my) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shiyuughwan my father-in-law

(male speaker)

father-in-law (my) both shitsii my father-in-law (woman speaker)

feather (large) both t'eh chao t'eh = feather

choo =big

feather (wing) both t'eh wing feather

feather (wing) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ats'an t'ee' ats'im =wing

t'ee' = feather (possessed)

feathers (down) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuh down feathers

feathers (down) Gwtchyah Gwtch' m cheth down feathers

feathers (down) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm chidh

February Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Nohjuu Ts'an nohjuu = moving back, less days
ts'an =from

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT ·

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

February Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Sree Vananh Dak Sree = month/sun

Na'eeda'aa Vananh = on it
Dak =up
Na'eeda'aa = sun is starting to rise

federal government Teetl'1t GwiCh'm iisrits'at adachoo nat iisrits'at = most important
adachoo nat = decision makers

felony Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiyeendoo gwiizuu gwiyeendoo = more than

tehk'oo t'idi'in gwlizuu = bad
tehk'oo t'idi'in = s/he is doing

Fetal Alcohol Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vananh yik'do eedini' his/her mother drank when she
Syndrome gwik'iighe' neesrijahch'uu was
ts'at vagdonlii pregnant, because of that s/he was
born pitiful

fever Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ts'ik niidhaa ts'ik = sickness

niidhaa = hot

fifteen Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at ihloo ihlak =one

gwinli' juutyin = counted
ts'at =and
ih}oo = one of it
gwinli' = hand

fifteen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihlogwijuutyin ts'at ihloo ihlogwijuutyin =counted once

gwinle' ts'at = and
ih}oo = one of it
gwinle' = one's hand

fifty Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihloogwinli' juutyin ih}oogwinli' = five

juutyin = counted

fifty Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihladh gwinle' juutyin ih}adh =one

gwinle' = hand
juutyin = counted

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fin (back) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vanan k'ii ghak vanan = its back
k'ii = along the ridge
ghak =fin

fin (tail) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm luk tl'i' ghak luk =fish

tl'i' = back end
ghak = fin

fin (tail) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm luk tl'e' ghak luk =fish

tl'e' =back end
ghak = fin

fine Teetl'tt Gwtch'm guuheekat they will pay it

finger (my little) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm shinleets 'avak my little finger

finger tips (my) both shinleechi' my finger tips

fingernails (my) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shinleegaii' my fingernails

fingernails (my) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shinleega; H' my fingernails

fingers (between my) both shinleegoo between my fingers

fingers (my) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm shinleetth' ak my fingers

fire both kwan' fire I matches

fire extinguisher Teetl'1t Gwtch'm vah kwan' ne'tr'inahtshuu vah = with it

kwan' =fire
ne'tr'inahtshuu = burn it out

fire extinguisher Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vah kwan' natr'inahtthoo vah = with

kwan' =fire
natr'inahtthoo = burn it out

fireman Teetl'tt Gwtch'm kwan' ne'nahtshuu kwan' =fire

ne'nahtshuu = bum it out
gwidinji' = its man

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fireman Gwrchyah Gwrch'm kwan' nanahtthoo gwidinji' kwan' =fire

nanahtthoo =burn it out
gwidinji' = its man

fireman Gwrchyah Gwrch'm kwan' dinjii kwan' =fire

diinjii = man

fireplace both kwan' deek'it kwan' =fire

deek'it = place

first degree murder Teetl'rt Gwrch'm lao hah yidrin eltsaii lao hah = absolute
yidrln = his/her day
ehsaii = s/he made it

first degree murder Teetl'tt Gwrch'm loa hah yidhilkhaii }oo hah = absolute
yidhllkhaii = s/he killed him/her

fish both luk

fish (arctic char) Both dhik'ii

fish (bail of dried) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm uutsik ghaa' uutsik = dried fish
ghaa' = many in a group

fish (boiled) both luk vir }uk =fish

vir= boiled

fish broth Gwrchyah Gwrch'm luk chq' luk =fish

chq' = it's water

fish club Teetl'rt Gwrch'm luk khaa' luk =fish

khaa' = club (possessed)

fish club both ants'at khah ants' at= bridge of nose

khah =club

Fish Creek Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tuk Njik Euk =fish

Njik =creek

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Fish Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Eneelu' Tshik eneelu' = small f1sh

tshik = creek

fish (crooked back) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dalts'an

fish (crooked back) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dalts'in

fish (dried) both uutsik

fish eggs Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'in'

fish eggs both luk k'in luk =fish

k'ln= fish eggs (possessed)

fish fins both luk ghak 1uk =fish

ghak = fins

fish (fried) both luk ch'tih luk =fish

ch'uh =fried I baked

fish gills both luk vihk'dh {uk =fish

vihk'dh = its gills

fish guts both luk ts'ik luk =fish

ts'lk =guts

fish hook Teetl'1t Gwtch'm lyah

fish hook Gwtchyah Gwtch'm lya.h

fish (lake) Gw1chyah Gwtch'm neech'ee luk

fish liver both luk dhat luk =fish

dhat = its liver

fish net both chihvyah

fish (round-head Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm khaltai'


Gwich in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT FortMcPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fish scales Teetl'tt Gwtch'm luk gyuu' luk =fish

gytlu' = scales

fish scales Gwtchyah Gwtch'm luk gyqq luk =fish

g}'lJq = scales

fish (school of) Gwtchyah Gwtch' m elzruh school of fish

fish scoop Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'oo chi' zhit luk k'do = fishtrap
chi' = at its head
zh!t =in
luk =fish

fish slime Gwtehyah Gwtch'm luk tl'qq' luk =fish

tl'ijq' = slime

fish slime Teetl'tt Gwtch'm luk tl'uu' luk =fish

thiu' = slime

fish slime Teetl'tt Gwtch'm etl'uu'

fish (small 3-6") Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tl'evihtr'ii

fish spear Teetl'tt Gwrch'm iizrii

fish spear Gwtchyah Gwtch'm iizre e

fish stomach both its'igoghoo its'ik = guts

goghoo = round

fish toaster, grill both iitsii gwidral iitsii = metal

gwidral = curly

fish wheel Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'il

Fishing Branch Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Ni'iinlii Gwinjik

fishing rod Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uunjit lyaa' uunjit = white man

lyaa' = hook (possessed)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fitness to stand trial Teetl'lt Gwrch'm viyinji' gadhan viyinjl' = his/her judgement
gadhan = it is easy

five Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ihloogwinli' ihloo =one

gwinli' = hand

five Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ihladh gwinle' ihladh =one

gwinle' = hand

flashlight Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ahdrii there is light from it

flashlight Teetl'rt Gwrch'm too vah aadrii natr'aha'ak too= night

vah =with it
aadrii = light
natr'aha'ak = it is carried

flashlight Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm vah aadrii nahaazhik vah =with it

aadrii = light
nahaazhik = it is carried

flat place Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwichyah kak gwichyah = flat place

kak =on it

fleas (animal) both nin tl'ak nin =animal

tl'ak =bugs

fleas (snow) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhoh kak nehjil zhoh= snow

kak =on
nehjil = small objects have fallen

fleas (snow) Gw1chyah Gwrch'm zhoh kak nuhjil' zhoh=snow

nuhjil' = small objects have fallen

flesh (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shitthai' my flesh

flesh (my) Gw1chyah Gwrch'm shitthc( t' my flesh

floaters Gwrchyah Gwrch'm natadalak it floats

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

floaters Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm deelyaa it is floating

flood Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm natanuuhaii

flood (it will) both natanihee it will flood

floor both dachanchyah dachan = wood

chyah = wide I flat

floor tiles Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dachanchyah kak dhidlii dachanchyah = floor

kak = on
dhidlii = they are there

floor tiles both dachanchyah kak dachanchyah = floor

gatr'aht'an kak =on it
gatr'aht'an = they stick

flour Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ltih

flour Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm leth

flower both at'an

flu Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dluh

flycatcher Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm si tr' igij iinj iizhee it sings, "my church" or "my house
of prayer"

foam (on water) both dagdghdh it is bubbling

fog both atr'a{

food both shfh food

(meat in a large quantity)

foot (my) both shika i' my foot

foot (sole) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sole of the foot

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

foot (sole) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm kaiid'ee sole of the foot

foot (top) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shikant'ik the top of my foot

forehead both shints'at my forehead

foreman Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwitr'it geenjit chit gwitr'it = work

geenjit = for it
chit = leader

foreman Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gwitr'it geenjit chit nilii gwitr'it = work

geenjit = for
chit = leader
nilli = s/he is

foreman of the jury Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uudhilch'eii gwichit uudhllch'eii = one's who listen
gwichlt = leader

forensic Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gahdandaii gwizhit gahdandaii = s/he knows

gwinah'in gwizhlt =in
gwinah'in = s/he is looking

forgery Teetl'tt Gwtch'm izhuu uuzri' diniintl'oh izhuu = a diferent person

uuzrl' = name
diniint{'oh = s/he wrote it

fork both iitsiigwal iitsii = metal

gwa{ =poker

fork stick Gwtchyah Gwtch'm jilgqq

forks of river Teet!' tt Gwtch' m Hidlaii water flowing two ways

forks of river Gwtchyah Gwtch'm Hidla.U water flowing two ways

forks of river Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sreh tadhidla. U water coming apart, splitting

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English .literal translation

Fort Good Hope People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Chiidaii Zheh Gwich'in chii = rock/stone
daii =at the opening (outside)
zheh =house
gwich'in = people

Fort McPherson Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm Teetl'it Zheh teetl'it = in the middle

zheh =house

Fort McPherson Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Chii Tsal Dik chii = rock/stone

tsal =small
dik =on top

Fort McPherson People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Teetl'it Gwich'in teetl'it = in the middle
gwich'in = people

Fort Yukon People Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m Neets'ak Gwich'in

Fort Yukon People Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Gwichyaa Gwich'in gwichyaa = flat place
gwich'in = people

four Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm daankat

four Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm

fourteen Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at daankat ihlak = one

juutyin = counted
ts'at =and
daankat = four

fourteen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihlogwijuutyin ts'at d<i& ihlogwijuutyin = counted once

ts'at =and
dqq =four

fourty Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm daankat juutyin daankat = four

juutyin = counted

fourty Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm d<i&kat juutyin dqqkat = four

juutyin = counted

fox Teetl'1t Gwtch'm

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPh~rson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fox Gwrchyah Gwrch'm neegadh

fox (cross) Teetl'!t Gwrch'm ninilzraii

fox (cross) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm cross fox

fox (red) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm neegoo tsoo neegoo =fox

tsoo = light colored

fox (red) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm neegadh tsoo neegadh = fox

tsoo = light colored

fox (silver) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm neegadh zr&H naagadh = fox

zrqjj = black

fox (white) both ech'yah vii

fraud Teetl'rt Gwrch'm veets'it s/he is lying

freedom of speech Teetl'rt Gwrch'm adachoo ch'l' gHkhii eenjit adachoo = decision makers
gadhan dagwidii 'e' ch'l' = away from
gHkhii = s/he speaks
eenjit = for it
gadhan = it is easy ,
dagwldife' = law

freezer Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shih tanh' vizhit tr'oodlee shlh =food

tanh'= frozen
vizhit = in it
tr'oodlee = keeping

freezer Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vizhit gwidatanh' vizhlt = in it

gwidatanh' = it freezes

freezer Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shih tanh' vizhit shlh =food

k'atr'inahtii tanh' = frozen
vizhit = in it
k'atr'inahtii = it is preserved

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

freezing up Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tadidichih it is freezing up outside

Friday Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Drin Ihloo Gwinli' drin =day

ihloo gwinli' = five

Friday Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tuk Tr'a'aa Drin tuk =fish

Tr'a'aa = eating
Drin =day

friend (my) both shijaa my friend

friend (my) both shilak my friend

friend (my best) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shitlih my best friend.

friend (my best) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shit{th my best friend

friendly Teetl'rt Gwrch'm zhtiu ghat'igidich'uu zhuu = for no reason

ghat'igidich'uu = they are friendly

friendly both zhuu ghadidich'uh zhuu = for no reason

ghadidich'uh = they are friendly

fringes both

frog both neeghaii frog

Frog Creek Teetl'rt Gwrch'm N eeghaii Zhao Tshik neeghaii = frog

zhao= hairy
tshik = creek

frost Teetl'rt Gwrch'm sroo

frostbite Teetl'!t Gwrch'm diiminh' gwithitanh' diimlnh' = on one's self

gwithitanh' = it is frozen

frozen both athitan it is frozen

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson/ NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

frozen up Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tadeeditanh' it froze up

fruit (dried) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm jak =berry

chao= big
gqjt =dry

fruit (dried) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm jak chao gaii jak =berry

chao= big
gaii =dry

fruit (dried) Teetl' rt Gwrch' m jak gaii jak = berries

gaii =dry

frying pan both frii ban broken English

frying pan Gwrchya Gwrch'm krii ban broken English

fugitive Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tr'al iinzhii tr'al = bushy area

iinzhii = s/he went in

fugitive Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwich'i' nahadik gwich'l' = away from

nahadik = s/he is walking

funding Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tseedhdh diits'an tr'ahtsii tseedhoh = money

diits'an = theirs
tr'ahtsii = make

fur both nin dhdh nin = animal

dhoh = skin I hide

fur (moccasin fur trim) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm kaiitreh nadhi' ee kaiitreh = shoes
nadhi'ee = it is around the edge

fur (moccasin trim) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm kaiitrih di' nin dhoh kaiitrih = shoes
di' =on top
nin =animal
dhoh =skin

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

fur (parka hood trim) Teetl'lt Gwrch'm needi' nadhi'ee needi' = rim of the hood
nadhi'ee = attatched in a circular

fur (parka hood trim) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm needye' naii'ee needye' = rim of hood
naii'ee = it is there

fur (parka hood trim) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm needi' nanuht'aii needi' = rim of hood
nanuht'aii = it is hanging

furnace both khaii juuk'an' iitsii khaii =oil

juuk'an' = it is burning
iitsii = stove I metal

future Teetl'rt Gwrch'm yeendoo ihlat yeendoo = ahead

ihlat = at that time
sometime in the future

future Teetl'rt Gwrch'm yeendoo ji' yeendoo = ahead

fr' =then

future Gwrchyah Gwrch'm yeendoo H' yeendoo = ahead

j)' =then

gallbladder both atl'oo'

game warden Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nin eenjit k'andehnahtii nin =animal

eenjit =for
k'andehnahtii = monitoring

game warden Gwrchyah Gwrch'm nin k'andehnahtyee dinjii' nin = animal

k'andehnahtyee = monitoring
dinfri' =man (posessed)

garage Gwrchyah Gwrch'm iitsii khal k'atr'inahtyee iitsii khal = vehicle

zheh k'atr'inahtyee = they take care of it
zheh =house

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'inLanguage Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

garbage can both tsijiinch'ii tyah tsijiinch'ii = useless things

tyah = container I pail

garter Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dreechdh

general election Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm adachoo geenjit uuzri' adachoo = decision maker
tr'oonjii geenjit = for them
uuzrl' = name
tr'oonjii = it is being taken

gentlemen usher of the Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii toh zraii nahadichik dinjii = man
black robe toh zraii = black cane
nahadichik = he carries it

geologist Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii nan nits'clo dinjii = man/people

tagwidhat gahdandaih nan= land
nits'oo tagwldhat = what happened
gahdandaih = s/he knows

geology Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan nits'oo tagwidhat nan= land

gahdandaih nits'oo tagwldhat = what happened
gahdandaih = s/he knows

geomorphologist Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii nan ts'at chii hah dinjii = man/people
dha 'aii nan ts'at chii = land and rocks
hah dha'aii = s/he works with it

geomorphology Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan ts'at chii hah dha'aii nan ts'at chii =land and rocks
hah dha'aii = s/he works with it

ghost Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwink'yuu' one's spirit

ghost Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ank'yqq one's spirit

ghost Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ank'yuu one's spirit

girl both nich'it

Gwich'in Social & CulturaUnstitute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

girl Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ts'ehch'in during first menstruation,

entering puberty

girl (adolescent) both nich'it njoo' nich'it = girl

njoo' = older

glacier both gyit

gland (scent) both atthat

glands (neck ) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vihtl'eekoo' his/her neck glands

gloves Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nilee dzhirh nilee = fingers

dzhirh = mitts

gloves Gwrchyah Gwrch'm nlee dzhirh nlee = fingers

dzhirh = mitts

goal Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwits'at gijiint'aih gwits'at = to

gijiint'aih = they are trying

God Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Vit'egwija,hch'uu s/he is depended on

God Teetl'rt Gwrch'm K'egwaadhat the boss

God GwJChyah Gwrch'm Tr'altsa,U it was made

godchild Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gii yaa'ii gii = young one

yaa'ii = s/he is having it as
his/her own

godchild Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gii tr'aa'ii gii = young one

tr'aa'ii = to have as ones own

godchild (my) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shintl'ee tshqq vits'an shintt'ee =palm of my hand
tr'altsa,U tshlJLJ = water
vits'an tr'ahs<tH = given to him/her

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English .literal translation

godchild (my) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm shintl'ee tshuu vits'an shinti'ee = palm of my hand
tr'ahsaih tshuu = water
vits'an tr'altsaih = given to him/her

godparents Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tr'iinin guuntl'ee tshuu tr'iinin = child

ts'an tr'ahtsii kat guuntl'ee = in the palm of their
tshuu = water
ts'an tr'ahtsii = give as one's own
kat = more than one

godparents Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm goontl'ee tshqq vits'an goontl'ee = in the palm of their
tr'ahsE:U hand
tshl.J.JJ = water
vits'an tr'ahs~H = it was given to

gold Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chii daatl'oo chii = rock/stone

daatl'oo = expensive

gold Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm chii daatl'adh chii = rock/stone

daatl'adh = expensive

good day (greeting) both drin gwiinzih drin =day

gwiinzih = it is good

Good Friday Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm Niht'ihdi'ee Drin niht'ihdi'ee =cross (crossed over
one another)
drin =day

Good Friday Gw1chyah Gwtch'm Nihty'ehdi'ee Drin nihty'ehdi'ee =cross (crossed over
one another)
drin =day

goose both kheh canada goose

governer general Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwiyah'at choo chit gwiyah'at chao chit= the queen
vats'anuu chao vats'anuu chao - her prominent

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

government Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k' adagwidaadha t the boss

government Teetl'tt Gwtch'm adachoo decision maker

grandchild Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shicheii my grandchtld

grandfather both shitsii my grandfather

grandmother Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shitsuu my grandmother

grandmother Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm shitsqq my grandmother

grasshopper Teetl'tt Gwtch'm t'adizoo

grassy stump both tl'oo hanshyuh tf'oo =grass

hanshyuh = sprouting out from the

grassy stump Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tl'oo chanshyuh tl' oo = grass

chanshyuh = sprouting out from the

grave both tth'an k'it tth'an = bone

k'it =place

gravel both sheih

grayling both sriijaa

grease both khaii

grease (clear) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm khaii drinh khaii = grease

drinh = clear (transparent)

grebe (horned) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tagwaatsik

grebe (red necked) both tee kaT

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in La11guage Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

grebe (young) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm teek<ii' zhuu teekai' = grebe

zhuu= young

grebe (young) Gwrchyah Gwtch'm teekai' zhqq teekai' = grebe

zhw= young

greedy Gwtchyah Gwtch'm aiintsat'

greedy Teetl'rt Gwtch'm

green both jidii datl'do' jidii = something

dat-1-'oo' =green

green winged teal Teetl'rt Gwrch'm daazraii gahkhaa daazraii = swan

gahkhaa =knock it down

green winged teal Gwtchyah Gwtch'm daazrqH gahkhah daazr~H = swan

gahkhah = knock it down

grey both jidii vee jidii = something

vee= grey

ground both nan ground I land I earth

ground (hard) Teet!' tt Gwrch' m nan tai' nan= ground

t<:li' = solid (hard, tight)

ground hog (low land) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ts'ee

ground hog (mountain) Teetl'rt Gwtch'm vihshuu

ground hog (mountain) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vihshadh

ground (soft) both nan th)k nan= ground

tfok =soft

ground squirrel both tthaa


Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Gwich'in word English literal translation

ground (wet) both nan trah nan=ground

trah =wet

grouse (ruffed) both ahtal

grouse (spruce) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm daih

grub box Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm ch'ik tyah ch'ik = dishes

tyah = container

grub box Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m shih ligis shlh =food

ligis =box

guardian angel Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm zhee kak gwich'in zhee kak gwich'in = angels
diik'anahtii diik'anahtii = takes care of us

guardian angel Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zhee kak gwich'in zhee kak gwich'in = angel
diik 'anahtyee diik'anahtyee = takes care of us

guardian (s) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diik'anuu

guardian (s) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm juudin kat diik'anahtii juudln =who

kat = more than one
diik'anahtii = takes care of us

guily plea Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwik'it ihlii gwik'lt = the same as

ihfii =I am

gull (bonaparte's) both etr'yuu

gull (mew) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm vyuh

gums (my) both shighd' atlok shigho' = my teeth

atlok = its softness

gun both diik'ee

gun case Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm diik'ee dhdh diik' ee = gun

dhoh = cover (skin)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

gunsight (back) Teetl'tt Gw1eh'm diik'ee k'eegoo diik'ee = gun

k'eegoo = at the back

gunsight (back) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diik'ee k'eegqq diik'ee =gun

k'eegqq = at the back

gunsight (front) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diik'ee teenjir diik' ee = gun

teenjir = half way

gunsight (front) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm teenjir dhi' <iU teenjir = half way
dhi''lJI = it is there

gunstock Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diik'ee kehtal diik'ee =gun

kehtaJ = stock I heel

gunstock Teetl'lt Gwtch'm diik'ee kaiital diik'ee =gun

kaiital = stock I heel

guts both ets'ik

gymnasium Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tsii'inh' zheh tsii'inh' = games

zheh =house

hail Teetl'tt Gwtch'm enluh

hail Gwtchyah Gwtch'm anluh

hair both chiighe • head hair

hair (animal) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm eghe' loose animal hair

usually fallen from
the animal.

hair (body) both diighe · one's body hair

hair curler Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vah diitshiighe · tr'ahdral vah =with it

diitshiighe' = one's hair
tr'ahdral = curl it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

hair dresser Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm chiighe' khat'ii chiighe' = hair

khat'ii = s/he cuts

hair (my) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm shichiighe' my hair

hair pin Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm chiighe' t'aii'ee chiighe' = hair

t'aii'ee =hooked onto

hair pin Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diichiighe • t'aii'ee diichiighe' = one's hair

taii'ee = hooked onto

hair pin Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chi' t'aii'ee chl' =one's head

taii'ee = hooked onto

hair (white) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shitshiighe · dagaii shitshiighe' = my hair

dagaii = white

hair (white ) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shichi' dagaii shichi' = my head

dagaii = white

hair (white) Gw1chyah Gwrch'm echidag&: U' echi'= head

dagqH = white

half hour Gw1chyah Gwrch'm sreedrii teenjir sreedrli = hour

teenjir = half

half hour Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm sreedrii ihlak teenjir aha a sreedrii = hour
ihlak =one
teenjir =half way
ahaa = it is going

hand (back) Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm shinleet'ii' back of my hand

hand (back) Gw1chyah Gwrch'm shinchaa t 'yee back of my hand

hand (my) Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm shinli' my hand

hand (my) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shinle' my hand

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchk NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal .translation

handkerchief both k'oont'aii

handkerchief both k'oh naiit'aii k'oh =neck

naiit'aii = it is hanging

happier Gwrchyah Gwrch'm gwiiyah'an shah goonlih gwiiyah'an =very

shah = happiness
goonllh = there is lots

happy (s/he became) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shah dhidlit s/he became happy

happy (s/he is) both shoh nilii shah = happy

nilii = s/he is

happy (s/he was Teetl' rt Gwrch' m shah tr'ihsaih s/he was made happy

happy (very) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiind'oh shah nilii gwiintf'oh = very

shOh =happy
nllii = s/he is

harlequin Teetl'rt Gwrch'm chiitat gwiluk chiitat = among the rocks/stones

gwiluk = their fish

hat both ts'eh

hat brim Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ts'eh di' ts'eh = hat

di' =beak

hat brim Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ts'eh dy~· ts'eh =hat

dy~· =beak

hat (cowboy) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ts'eh tr'uu ts'eh =hat

tr'uu = round brim

hat (cowboy) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ts'eh tr'qq ts'eh =hat

tr'w = round brim

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

hat (fur) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nin dhdh ts'eh nin =animal

dhoh = skin (hide)
ts'eh =hat

hawk (goldeneye) both shedik'eih

hawk (gos) both dzhii chao dzhii =bird

choo =big

hawk (owl) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm echiidir

hawk (pigeon) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ahch'ee

hawk (pigeon) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ahch'ii

hawk (sharp shinned) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm etr'i!ch'it

hawk (sharp shinned) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tshineetra'

hawk (sharp shinned) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dzhii choo dzhii =bird

choo =big

head (bald) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vichi' kal vichl' = his/her head

kal =bald

head (my) both shichi' my head

head (top) both shichiit'ik top of my head

headache (I have) both shichi' ehs'ik shichi' = my head

ehs'ik = s/he/it is sick/sore

headband Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diichi' nanuut'aii diichi' = one's head

nanuut'aii =strung arotmd

headband Teetl'tt Gwtch'm chi' nanuut'aii chi' = one's head

nanuut'aii = strung around

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

healed Gw1chyah Gw1eh' m nagweedi zhe' it grew back

healed Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nagweedi zhih it grew back

health (poor) both srii gwandaih kwaa srii =good

gwand;:Hh = live
kwaa =not

hearing Teetl'lt Gwtch'm ejiitth'ak s/he hears

hearing both gwijiitth'ak s/he hears

hearing Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm tr'uudhilch' eii listening

heart attack both diidrii' chiltth'at diidr1i' = one's heart

chlltth'at = fell over

heart attack Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm idrii chiltth'at idrli = heart

chlltth'at = fell over

heart (my) both shidrii' my heart

Heart River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Edrii Njik edrii = heart

njik =river

heartburn (I have) both shizhit tajiits'ih shizhlt = inside me

tajiits'lh = burning

heat Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwidhah

heaven both zhee kak zhee = high in the sky

kak =on it

heel (my) Gw1chyah Gwtch'm shikaihtal' my heel

heel (of the foot) both ekehtal one's heel of the foot

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

heel (of the foot) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm kahta'l heel

helicopter Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii nahandit'ee ghoo litsii nahandit'ee = flying machine
ghoo =round

hell Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yeezhak way down

hell Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm ekee zheh ekee = devil

zheh =house

helpful Gw1ehya Gw1ch'm gwits'at tr'iinjii nilii gwits'at tr'iinjii = assisting

nilli = s/he is

hem Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm viti'in its hem

hereditary Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm noolidaatth'aa ongoing

heritage Teetl'1t Gwtch'm yeenoo dai' gwats'at yeenoo = to now

ganatr' aandaii dai' = at that time
gwats'at = from
ganatr'aandaii = remember

herring both treeluk

hide (caribou) both vadzaih dhdh vadzaih = caribou

dhdh =skin

hide (caribou) both aadzhii tanned caribou hide.

hide (moose) both dinjik dhoh dinjik = moose

dhoh = hide I skin/ cover

hill both taih

hill (bald) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm bald hill

hill (low treeless) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm sheeveetr'uu' low treeless hill

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

hill (low treeless hill) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwizrt t gho h low treeless hill

hill ridge Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm geek'U

hill side Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm chii hidh chii = rock/stone

hidh = along the side

hill (steep) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vihk'ah khyuu

hill (steep) Teetl'1t Gw!Ch'm driindih downwards slope

hill (steep) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwididlan downwards slope

history (recent) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nyahgwan gwinoo nyahgwan = short

gwinoo = at that time

history (recent) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yeenoo de\ i' yeenoo = to this time
d$J' = at that time

history (recent) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'oodai'

hive (bee) both ineedzit t'oo ineedzit = bee

t'oo =nest

hole (in an object) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gayiich'in' a hole in an object

such as fabric, a pail
or any other object

holiday Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm nagwaazhii drin nagwaazhii = resting

drin =day

holiday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drin chao drin =day

choo =big

holy spirit Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ink'yuu sruudidinuu ink'yliu = spirit

sruudidinuu = holy

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

holy spirit Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nigwihsU vik'yuu taothirii nigwihsH =god

vik'yuu = identical
taothirii = named after

homicide Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yidrin ehsaii yidrln = his/her day

ehsaii = s/he made it

honey Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ineedzit soog~U ineedzit = bee

soog~H = sugar

honey Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ineedzit soogaii ineedzit = bee

soogaii= sugar

honey bucket both chitr'ii 'oo tyah chitr'jj'oo = going out

tyah = container (pail)

hook (gaff) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm srah

hook (gaff) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ja.l

hook (gaff) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sn(h

hooks (set under ice) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyah chitr'il'aih lyah =hook
chitr'il'aih = it is set

hooks (set under ice) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m lya.h chidhidlee lyqh =hook
chidhidlee = they are set

horizon Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yich'uhch'in' clear visibility for a

long distance

horizon Gw1chya Gw1ch'm uuyen

hornet Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vatthalch'uu quills at its rectum

hornet Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vitthalch'oo quills at its rectum

horse Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm laii chao laii =dog

chao= big

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

horse Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l&U chao b~H=dog

choo =big

horsefly (bulldog) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tl'uu

horsefly (bulldog) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm itl'uu

hospital both ehs'ik zheh ehs'ik = s/he is sick

zheh =house

hot water bottle Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuu dhah dhoh tshuu = water
dhah =hot
dhoh = cover I skin

hot water bottle Gwtchyah Gwtch' m tshqq dhah dhdh tshtpJ = water
dhah =hot
dhoh = cover I skin

hotel Teetl'tt Gwtch'm natr'iniidal zheh natr'iniidal = camping overnight

zheh =house

hotel both tr'iniihaa zheh tr'iniihaa = camping overnight

zheh =house

house both zheh

house (dog) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm laii zheh l:aii = dog

zheh = house

house (dog) Gw1chyah Gwtch' m l&H zheh lq.H =dog

zheh =house

house (empty) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm kwEm k'it kwan =fire

k'it =place

house of commons Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vadatr'igwijilcheii kat vadatr'igwijli-cheii kat = those who
eenjit zheh are put in a position
eenjit = for them
zheh =house

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

house of commons Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ginjih gadaaghoo zheh ginjih gadaaghoo = meeting
zheh =house

house (rental) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm zheh diiyatr'igwil-'aih zheh =house

diiyatr'igwi.f'aih = lending it to

house (small) both zheh gwitsal zheh =house

gwitsal = small

house (spruce bark) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm aatr'ii kanh

house (water delivery) Teetl'lt Gw1eh'm tshuu tr'oonjii zheh tshuu = water
tr'oonjii = take
zheh =house

house (water delivery) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq zheh tshl,l.lJ. = water

zheh =house

house (water delivery) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu zheh tshuu = water

zheh =house

hudson bay blanket Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ts'at dagaii ts'at = blanket

dagaii = white

hudson bay blanket Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm hudson bay ts'at

hunchback Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm nan elshuh nim =one's back

elshuh = crooked

hunchback Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm anan zq,U anan =back

zq.H = crooked

hunchback Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan ghoh nim =back

ghoh = rounded

hung jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagiheedi'yaa geenjit dagiheedi'yaa = what they will do
gagidandaii kwaa geenjit = for it
gagidandaii = they know
kwaa =not

Gwich'm Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'm Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Hungry Lake Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Van Chao Van= lake

Choo =big

hunting licence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm natr'aazrii gwi'dinehtl'ee' natr'aazrii = hunting

gwi'dinehtl'ee' = its' paper

hunting licence Gwtchyah Gwtch'm natr' aazree gwi'dinehtl'ee' natr'aazree = hunting

gwi'dinehtl'ee' = its' paper

htmting sling Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vah chii tr'ahdahthak vah = with it

chii = rock/ stone
tr'ahdahthak = they throw

hunting sling Gwtchyah Gwtch'm chii tl'yah chii = rock/stone

tly'ah = string

hunting sling Teetl'tt Gwtch'm chii tl'yaa' chii = rock/stone

tly'aa' = string (posessed)

hurry (they are) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm khagwiltshi' they are in a hurry.

hurry up both khadhaanchi' "hurry up"

(telling 1 person)

husband (my) both shidinjii my man

Husky Lake Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Ineekaii Van ineekaii = inuit

van' = its lake

Husky River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Ineekaii Han ineekaii = inuit

han= river

hybrid offence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nits'clo nidivee gwitee'aa nits'oo- how

gwik'it gihk'ahaandal nidivee = your future
gwitee'aa = it will be put forth
gwik'lt = in that manner
gihk'ahaandal = s/he will learn

ice both luu

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ice (broken) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm luu khadinaanaih luu =ice

khadinaanaih = broken up

ice (broken) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luu khadinaant'j.U luu =ice

khadinaanEJJl =broken up

ice (clear) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm luu drinh' luu =ice

drinh' = clear (transparent)

ice (clear) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luu kwan' luu =ice

kwan' =clear (transparent)

ice (cracked) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tan altntH tan = ice (covering large are)
altr<iH = broken up

ice (crushed in the Gw1chyah GwiCh'm luu khadaneedaddhak luu =ice

spring season) khadaneedaddhak = smashed up

ice (first to form in the Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luu agwijilche:H luu =ice
fall) agwijllch~H = making way

ice fog Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm its 'ik

ice fog Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm its'ik na 'ah'ee its'ik = fog

na'ah'ee = hanging in the air

ice (from rocks on Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm 'luu khaagit luu =ice

mountains) khaagit = dug out

ice (frozen over creek both tan ezhyah tan= ice

bed) ezhyah = empty

ice (glossy) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tantsi'

ice (hard) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm luu dilti' l:uu =ice

dihl' = it is hard (solid)

ice (hard) Gw1chyah GwiCh'm 'luu hf l:uu =ice

11}' = hard (solid)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ice (hearing crack) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tan altraa tan= ice

altraa = making a
cracking sound

ice house (underground) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan zheh nan= land

zheh =house

ice in fall time Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luu tsai'

ice jam Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nUuu niinjik niluu = packed ice

niinjlk = came to a stop

ice jam Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luu nadinithigwat -l:uu =ice

nadinithigwat = jammed shut

ice jam Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gihdaluu niinjik ice is jammed all the way
across the river

ice jam Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm luu niniinjik luu =ice

niniinjik = jammed

ice jam Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luu nijuujik }uu =ice

nijuujik = became jammed

ice (large area) both tan solid ice covering a

a large surface such as
a river or a lake

ice (mountain) both ddhah h.iu' ddhah =mountain

luu' = ice (possessed)

ice (moved) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyuu chtiunjik the ice has moved out

ice (moving) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyuu tijli the ice is moving

ice on river banks Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm d'eedik luu tf'eedik = river bank
ruu =ice

ice (open crack) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luu tilk'lt

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ice pack along shore Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm teevee 1:uu teevee = shore
iuu =ice

ice pack along shore Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iuu vine 'tathitroo

ice (rough) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm fUll ghwaii

ice (rough) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lllll dz&!' mu=ice

dzqj' = rough

ice (running in the fall Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm nizrih hijih nizrih = slush
time) hijih = moving

ice scoop both fUll ch'lk iuu =ice

ch'lk = plate

ice (thick) both lull diti' luu =ice

dit!' = thick

ice (thick) both lull diditii luu =ice

diditii = thick

ice (thin) both luu dril iuu =ice

dril =thin

ice (thin in fall time) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm taiikee hiu'

ice (very thin ice in the Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khaints'an' hiu' khaints'an' = fall season
fall) luu' = ice (posessed)

ice (visible crack in) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m lllu tyil'

icicle Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luu ruh

icicle Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm lull nanah'il iuu =ice

nanah'il = dripping

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

igloo Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tsi:l: kanh' tsU = hardened snow

kanh' = rounded house

igloo Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tsil zheh tsit = hardened snow

zheh =house

ignorant Gwrchyah Gwrch'm gahtr'idinjik a person who is not

educated or who does
not take interest in

ignorant Gwrchyah Gwrch'm vigwizhi' kwaa vigwizhl' = one's wisdom

kwaa = nothing

ignore Gwrchyah Gwrch' m gqqke'te'eih kwaa gqqke'te'eih = paying attention to

kwaa =not

ignore Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gqqke'ta'aih =taking notice of them

kwaa = nothing

ignoring Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ke'ta 'aih kwah ke'ta'aih = taking notice

kwah =not

illness (extreme) both ts'ik niint'aii ts'ik = illness

niint'aii = strong

imagination Teetl'rt Gwrch'm zhuu ii'an niinji'tr'adhat zhuu =for nothing

ii'an = forwards
niinji'tr'adhat = they think

imagination Gwrchyah Gwrch'm zhuu ch'ii'an niinji'adhat zhuu ch'ii'an = for nothing
niinji'adhat = s/he is thinking

imagination Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiinlit ganiinji' tr' adhat gwiinlit = many things
ganiinjl' tr'adhat = theye are

immediate family Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shizheh k'oo shizheh =my house

(my) k'oo = over something or someone

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

immediate family Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shizheh k'ao shizheh = my house

(my) k'ao = over something or someone

immediately both iinch'it ts'at iinch'it = especially

ts'at =to

immediatly (right both juk iinch'ii jUk=now

now) iinch'ii = absolute

impaired Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm idinii s/he is under the influence of


impartial Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihloh ts'aii midhat kwaa ihloh ts'aii = on either side
nadhat = s/he stands
kwaa =not

impartial Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwits'aii nilii kwaa gwits'aii = on that side

nilii = s/he is
kwaa =not

imprisonment Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zheh gwaazraii dhidii zheh gwaazraii = jail

dhidli = s/he is sitting

in camera Teetl' 1t Gw1ch' m nagwinaa'ii ts'at geenjit nagwinaa'ii = one sneaks

tr'igwaandak kwah ts'at =and
geenjit = for it
tr'igwaandak kwah = they don't tell

inadmissable Teetl'1t Gwtch'm atr'uudahkat gwizhit atr'uudahkat gwizhlt = in the court

vat'agwadahch'yaa kwah vat'agwadahch'yaa = it will be used
kwah =not

incarcerate Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm tr'ootan s/he is being detained

incriminate Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwik'it nilii k'it gwik'lt = in the same manner
vigwide e ch' in nilii = s/he is
k'lt vigwideech'in = s/he appears to

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

incriminate Teetl'1t Gwtch'm ihlee tehk'oo t'idi'in ihiee = one person

ahntih tehk'oo t'idi'in = s/he is doing
ahnuh = s/he said about him/her

indictable offense Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwitr'it gwiizuu gwitr'it gwiizuu = bad work
gwidhci,htsaii gwidh~htsaii = you have made

indictable offense Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dindizhik edinehtl'eh kak dindizhik = what you did
gwidinitha tl' oo edlnehti'eh = book
kak gwidinithat{'oo = it is written

information Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dagwiheedi'yaa dagwlheedi'yaa = what will be done

gwidi nehtl' ee gwidlnehti'ee = its paper

injured Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gugwidiinjik two or more people

have been hurt

injured Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vigwidiinjik one person has

been hurt

innocence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm srits'at nilii s/he is in an orderly manner

innocent Teetl'1t Gwtch'm ch'ijtiu'ee straight

innocent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vitr'igwaanduu kwaa vitr'igwaanduu = his/her sins

kwaa = nothing

insane Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vigwindaii kwaa vigwindaii = his/ her mind

kwaa = nothing

intelligent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gugwija,htl'oo they are smart

intelligent Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gugwizhe' goonlii gugwizhe' = their knowledge

goonlii = lots

intent Teetl'1t Gwtch'm akdo dahihsha'yaa nihthan akoo dahihsha'yaa =I will do that
nihthan = I want

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

interdict list Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iheedinjyaa kwaa eenjit iheedinjyaa kwaa = s/he won't
voozri' dinithat!'oo consume alcohol
eenjit = for it
voozrl' = his/her name
dinithatf'oo = it was written

interest Teet!' tt Gwtch' m vink'ytiu tseedhoh dhitsii vink'yllu =from it

tseedhoh = money
dhitsii = it is made

interpreting equipment Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii vah litsii = machine

lehte'tr'ehdeelya a vah =with it
lehte'tr'ehdeelyaa = they will

intimidation Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yinaajat s/he is afraid of him/her

intoxication Teetl'tt Gwtch'm inithinii s/he is intoxicated

Inuvik people Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihtat gwich'in nihtat = among each other, mixed
gwich'in = people

iron Teetl'tt Gwtch'm chii vah gichitr'i'ee chii =rock/stone

vah =with it
gichitr'i'ee = make it smooth

iron (clothes) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vah gichitr'i'ee vah =with

gichitr'i'ee = to make straight or to

ironing board Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dachan kak vah gichitr'i'ee dachan =wood
kak= on
vah = with it
gichitr'i'ee = to make straight or
to flatten

ironing board Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dachan vakak gichitr'i'ee dachan = wood

vakak =on it
gichitr'i'ee = to make straight or to

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

island both njuu

jackfish both eltyin

jaeger (parasitic) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dzeh

jail Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm zheh gwaazraii zheh =house

gwaazraii = it is black

jail Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zheh gwaazreU zheh =house

gwaazreH = it is black

January Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Videetoh Goojiidhat Videetoh = over it

Goojlidhat =

January Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Vitoh Gwichtiudhat vitoh = over it

gwichuudhat = it happened

jaw (my) both shihtth'an' my jaw

jeans Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm thal datl'oo' thal =pants

dat}'oo' =blue

jeans Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsaih dhoh thal tsaih = red ochre

dhoh =skin
tha} =pants

Johnson Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Aadrii Njik aadrii = light

njik =creek

joint ownership Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihkhah goots'an goonlii nihkhah = together

gwizraih goots'an goonlii = it belongs to
gwizraih = only

joint standing Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihkhah ihhlh jiich'eiinat nihkhah = together

committee ihleh = for a short time
jllch'eiinat = they all sit

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

joy both srigd onch'tih a good time.

joy Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shdh goonlih shah = happiness

goonllh = lots of it

judge Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gadaotij a adri. one who judges

judge both uudahkat chit uudahkat = ask

chit = leader

judge Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat gwizhit atr'oodahkat =court

iisrits'at chit gwizhlt = in it
iisrits'at = most prominent
chit = leader

judge (sitting) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat gwizhit atr'oodahkat = court

gadaotijaadri' gwizhlt = in it
gadaotijaadri' = judge

judiciary Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwinii'ee ts'aii gwinii'ee = it is laid out

ts'aii = in that direction

July Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vananh Yidichuu vananh = on it/ during that time
yidichuu = birds moult/lose

July Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Sree Vananh tanatr'aadal sree = month

vananh = on it/during that time
-l:anatr'aadal = annual gathering

June both Vananh Adaghoo vananh = on it/ during that time

adaghoo = it lays eggs

June Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Sree Nanh' Adaghoo sree = month

nanh' = at that time
adaghoo = it lays eggs

jurisdiction Teetl'It Gw1ch'm diidraii go onlii it concerns all

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii ihlak juutyin ts'at dinjii = people

neekaii tr'uudhllch'eii ih}ak juutyin ts'at neekaii = twelve
geenjit tr'uudhllch'eii geenjit = for listening

jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidii srit gwiheezaa geenjit jidli srit gwiheezaa = which is
guudhilch'eii better
geenjit guudhllch'eii = they are
listening for it

justice commitee Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwinii'ee jilch'eiinat gwlnii'ee = it is laid out

jllch'eiinat = the commitee

Justice of Peace Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Gadaotijaadri' Tsal gadaotijaadri' =judge

tsal =small

Justice of the Peace both Uudahkat Tsal uudahkat = questioning

tsal =small

justice of the peace Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nekhwekaiik'it eenjit nekhwekaiik'lt = our commumty
court atr'oodahkat eenjit = on behalf of
atr'oodahkat = court

keep the peace and be Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsinehdanh hiinlyaa ts'at tslnehdanh = peaceful
of good behaviour tehk'oo dahiindi'yaa kwaa hiinlyaa = you will be
ts'at =and
tehk'oo dahiindi'yaa kwaa =you
will not do wrong

kettle both liganar Word borrowed from the


key both lidlii Word borrowed from the


kidnapping Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tseedhoh geenjit ihlee tseedhoh = money

tr'donjik geenjit = for it
ih.J-ee = one person
tr'oonjik = was taken

kidneys (my) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm shitr'oo my kidneys

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

kidneys (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shit'ir my kidneys

kind Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhtiu ghadidich'tih zhuu = for no reason

ghadidich'uh = happy towards

king salmon Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luk chao luk =fish

chao= big

king salmon Gw1chya Gw1ch'm dhik'ii ts'udau word

kingfisher Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chi' itrah chi' = it's head

itrah =wet

kingfisher Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m chi'it'ir ch1' = 1t's head

1t'1r =wet

kitchen both vike'tr'ahch'uu gwideek'it vike'tr'ahch'uu =cooking

gwideek'it = its place

knee cap (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shigwat tth'an' shigwat = my knee

tth'an' = bone

knee cartilage Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diigwat thle diigwat = one's knee

tlee =

knee cartilage (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shitle e'

knee (my) both shigwat my knee

knee tendons Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shigwat ch'at shigwat = my knee

ch'at = tendons (something tough)

knife both srii kmfe

know both gahdandaii he/she knows

laces (moccasin) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm kaiitrih H'yaa' kaiitrih = shoes

tl'yaa' = string (possessed)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

laces (moccasin) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m kaiitreh tl'yaa' kaiitreh =shoes

tf'yaa' = string (possessed)

ladder Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vizhit gwakhah uujuudlih vizhlt = in it

gwakhah = on top each other
uujuudlih = the same space apart

ladder Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vizhit k'adaojuudlii vizhlt =in it

k'adaojuudlii = placed above one

ladder Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vizhit gwikhah uujilzhii vizhit = in it

gwighah = on top each other
uujilzhii = it is stepped on

ladder (for stage Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm drah ts'at dajuu'ee drah = stage cache
cache) ts'at =to
dajuu'ee = stepping on

ladle (dipper) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vizhlt tshuu e'tr'ichii vizhlt = in it

tshuu = water
e'tr'ichii = dipping in

lake both van

lake (edge of) both van vee van= lake

vee = along the edge

lake (edge of) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm van k'eevee van= lake

k'eevee = along the s1de

lake (large) both van choo van =lake

chao = large, b1g

lake (small) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm van tsal van =lake

tsal =small

lamb both divii gii divii = sheep

gii =young one (possessed)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

land both nan

land (barren) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm guzrii in plain view

land claim money Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan eenjit tseedhoh nan= land
eenjit = for it
tseedhoh = money

land (clear location) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwizri' goo'aii gwizri' = in plain view
goo'aii = it is there

land (clear location) both gwa,hsri' clear land place, meadow

land (clear location) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gwizrii in plain view

land (clear location) both gwq,hsri' goo'aii gwqhsri' = clear land place,
goo'aii = it is there

land (clear open place, Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm guugak clear place

small area)

land (large flat area) both gwichyah large flat area

Lapierre House Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Zheh Gwitsal Zheh = Fort (house)

Gwitsal = small

lard both khaii lard (grease)

larynx Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ezhik

larynx (his /her) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vihchyaa'

last sacrament Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm h~Ukoo diikak ne 'tr'iinlii ht:;ijkoo = before an event
diikak = on them
ne'tr'iinlii = putting on

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

laugh Teetl'1t Gwtch'm nihts'at ch'igeedlaa nihts'at = towards each other

ch'igeedlaa = they are laughing

laundry detergent Gwtchyah Gwtch'm daadeh vah ek'eetr'ahtraa daat}eh = soap

vah =with it
ek'eetr'ahtraa = wash

laundry detergent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm daadih vah ek'eetr'ahtraa daatfth =soap

vah =with it
ek'eetr'ahtraa = wash

laundry detergent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm daatlih ddhak daathh = soap

ddhak = powdered (grounded up)

law Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dagwidU'e'

lawyer Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dagwidH'e' gahdandaii dagwidjfe' =law

gahdandaii = he/she knows

lawyer Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ihlee tehk'oo didizhik ihlee = one person

veenjit naa'eh tehk'oo didizhik = wrong doing has
veenjit = for him/her
naa'eh = s/he is standing

leading question Teetl'lt Gwtch'm daheenjaa yuunuu geenjit daheenjaa = what s/he will say
yuudahkat yuunuu = s/he expects of him/her
geenjit = for it
yuudahkat = s/he is asking him/her

leaves Teetl'tt Gwtch'm at' an

left side Teetl'tt Gwtch'm atl'oh ts'aii atl'oh = left

ts'aii = that side

left side Gwtchyah Gwtch' m atl'adh ts'&ii atl'adh = left

ts'qjj = that side

leg (broken) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diitth'an lajilnaii diitth'an =one's leg

lajilnaii = it broke

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

leg (broken) Gwtchyah Gw1eh'm diitth'an lajilnEJ.U diitth'an =one's leg

J:ajilnq.H = it broke

legislative branch Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vuuzri' tr'oonjik kat ts'aii vuuzrl' =his/her name
tr'oonjik = it was taken
kat = more than one
ts'aii = on that side

legislative committee Teetl'lt Gwtch'm vadatr'igwijiJ:cheii kat hit vadatr'igwijHcheii = those who are
Hgiljil put in a positwn
kat = more than one
lclt =some
hglljil = they are meeting

lesser included offence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm jidii dee t'idizhik jidli dee = what is it
giiyahnuu gwi'it t'idizhik = happened
nagi y its aii giiyahnuu = they said about
gwi'lt nagiyltsaii = they lessened it

lesson plan Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nits'do ge 'tr' oohanahchaa nits'oo = how

gwi'dinehtl'ee' ge'tr'oohanahchaa = they will
gwi'dinehth~e· = its book

library both edinehd'eh zheh edinehtJ:'eh =books

zheh =house

lice Teetl'tt Gwtch'm zhi'

lice Gwtchyah Gwtch'm

lid Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tyah diniintyin tyah = pail (container/pot)

diniintyin = cover, closed

lid both didiniintyin it is closed

lie both veets'it s/he lies

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

lieutenant governor Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm gwiyah'at choo chit gwiyah'at choo chit = the Queen
vats'anuu tsal vats'anuu = her helper
tsal =small

light bulb Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vi'ahdrii ghoo vi'ahdrii = its light

ghoo =round

light bulb Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vah aadrii ghoo vah =with it

aadrii = light
ghoo =round

light (early morning) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ge'ta'aii the sun is beginning to rise

light (early morning) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm hagooveedatthaih first light

light (early morning) Gw1chyah Gw!Ch'm hagweedizhirh

light (early morning) both yahkee daylight is beginning

light (weight). Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gwiindzik it is light

lightening Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nehtan kwan' nehtan =thunder

kwan' =fire (posessed)

limping Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ne'tanah'oh s/he is limping

limping Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nehchanh' hichik s/he is limping

liners Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ts'at tah ts'at =duffel (blanket)

tah =socks

liners Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ts'adatah duffel socks

linoleum Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dachanchyah kak dachanchyah = floor

gitr'aht'an kak= on
gitr'aht'an = they stick it on

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

linolium Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm dachanchyah kak dhidlii dachanchyah = floor

gatr'aht'an kak =on
dhidlii = they are put there
gatr'aht'an = they stick it on

lips (my) both shideevaa' my lips

little dipper Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm laii aatl'yaa laii =dogs

(constelation) aatl'yaa = lined up

little dipper Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yuhdyee tsal yuhdyee = tsiidaii word

(constelation) tsal =small

liver (my) both shidhat my liver

living room Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm etr'ijilch'E:U k'it etr'ijilch'E:H = they sit

k'it =place

loan Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm atr'oodlee they are lending something

loan Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diiyatr'igwiljik they loan it to them

loan (money) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tse edhd h gadhidlii tseedhoh = money

gadhidlii = s/he is lending it

lobby group Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diiyeenjit ginjih gadaaghoo diiyeenjit = on behalf of us

kat ginjih gadaaghoo kat= the speakers

loche both chehluk

locked (with padlock) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vide' dindidoo vide' =blocking the way
dindidoo = twisted around it

Lone Mmmtain Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Than' Nadha'aii thim' = alone

nadha'aii = it is there

lone mountain Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ddhah thdk dha'aii ddhah = mountain

thok = by itself
dha'aii = it is there

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

loneliness Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr' iniizhii

loneliness Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr 'iniizhe e

long ago both yi'eenoo dai' yi'eenoo = to the present

dai' = at that time

long ago Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm yi'eenoo dai' yi'eenoo = to the present

dai' = at that time

long fish hook string Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyah tf'yaa njuh {yah= hook
t{'yaa = string, line
njuh= long

long fish hook string Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lyl:lh tl'yaa njuh {yqh =hook
t{'yaa = line, string
njuh= long

long time Teet!'Jt Gw1ch'm niizhuk

long time ago Teet!'Jt Gw1ch'm niizhit dai' gwanoo niizhit = long (far)
dai' = at that time
gwanoo =in that time

long time ago both niizhit dai' niizhit = long (far)

dai = at that time

longer days both drin diinzhit drin =day

diinzhit = longer

longspur (Iapland) Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm tshindzhii rain bird

loon (arctic) both ts'alvit

loon (common) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm daadzaii

loon (common) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm daadza.U

loon (red-throated) both te'itreh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

lotion (hand) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diinle' vah tr'ahtJ:ee diinle' = one's hand
vah =with it
tr'aht}ee = rubbing it on, spreading

Loucheux Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Gwich'in people

loucheux Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dinjii zhuh

love Teetl'It Gw1ch'm ch' et' agwiiniidhan

ltmgs (my) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm shidrihdok

lungs (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shidrehdok

lynx both niinjii

Mackenzie River both Nagwichoonjik Big Country River

maggots both ts'oh

mail carrier, postman both dineht{'eh nataazhik dinehtf'eh = paper

nataazhik = s/he carries it

majority government Teetl'It Gw1ch'm k'adagwidaadhat teenjir k'adagwidaadhat = ones who make
nddo ts'aniliinat decisions
teenjir = half way
ndoo == forward
ts'aniliinat = it is theirs

mallard both neet'aii

man both dinjii

man (bad) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm dinjii iizuu dinjii == man

iizuu ==bad

man (old) both dinya.hch'i'

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

man (young) both dinjii k'eejit dinjii = man

k'eejit =new

March Gw1chyah Gwrch'm Tadhaa Zree' tadhaa = golden eagle

zree' = month

March Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Echee zrii' echee = eagle

zrli' = month (possessed)

marriage Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nihkha gadhidii they live with each other

marriage act Teetl'rt Gw1eh'm nihkhagadhidii geenjit nihkhagadhidii = marriage

dagwidU 'ee geenjit = for it
dagwldifee = law

marrow both izhe e ·

marrow (from the jaw both vihtth'an zhee' vihtth'an = jaw

bone) zhee' =marrow (possessed)

marten both tsuk

marten (black) Gwrchyah Gw1ch'm tsuk zrEtH tsuk = marten

zr&H =black

marten (black) Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm tsuk zraii tsuk = marten

zraii = black

marten (brown) Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm tsuk tsoo tsuk = marten

tsoo = light colored

marten (white) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tsuk dak'aa tsuk = marten

dak'aa = faded, light colored

marten (white) Gw1chyah Gwrch'm tsuk dagqH tsuk = marten

dagqjj = white

Mason Hill Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Va'ald'ii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

mat Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chyah

matches both kwan' fire

mattress both chyah dried caribou skin with

the hair on usually used to
sleep on

May Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Gwilyuu Zrii' gwilyuu = snow crust

zrli' = month

May Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vananh I:.aii Yichii vananh = on it/during that time
}aii =dog
yichii = it barks

May Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m Gwilytiu Zree' gwilyliu = snow crust

zn~e' = month

May Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Sree Vananh' l<lH Yichii sree =month

vananh = on it/during that time
lE!H =dog
yichii = it barks

Mayo People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Dachan Tat Gwich'in dachan = wood

tat= among
gwich'in = people/lives there

mayor Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwichi t the leader

measles both diika'uujil spread all over

on the body

meat (bear) both shah nilii shah= bear

nllli = meat

meat (bear) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shah tthti,t' shah= bear

tth~f= meat/flesh

meat (beaver) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tse' nilii tse' =beaver

nllli = meat

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

meat (beaver) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsee tthai' tsee = beaver

tthai' = meat/flesh

meat (beaver) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tse' tth<U' tse' = beaver

tthCJj' = meat/flesh

meat (caribou) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vadzaih nilii vadzaih = caribou

nllli = meat

meat (dried) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nilii gaii nilii = meat

gaii =dry

meat (dried) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nilii g<\U nilii =meat

g11H =dry

meat (fresh) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nilii lih nilii =meat

lih = fresh/raw

meat (fresh) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nilii leh nilii = meat

leh =fresh/raw

meat (fresh) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shih lih sh1h =meat

lih = fresh

meat (moose) both dinjik nilii dinjik = moose

nllii = meat

meat (moose) both dinjik tthai' dinjik = moose

tthai' = meat/flesh

meat (muskrat) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dzan nilii dzan = muskrat

nllii = meat

meat (muskrat) both dzan tthai' dzan = muskrat

tthai' =meat/flesh

meat (rabbit) both geh tthai' geh =rabbit

tthai' =meat/flesh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

meat (rabbit) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm geh nilii geh = rabbit

nllii = meat

mechanic Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii nahdilak srinalii Iitsii = machine I metal

nahdilak = running
srinalii = one who repairs

mechanic Gwtchyah Gwteh' m iitsii khal srinalee iitsii = iron

kha! =vehicle/wagon
srinalee = one who repairs

medicine both agoondaih

medicine (cough syrup) both koh agoondaii' koh = cough/ cold (illness)
agoondaii' = medicine (possessed)

medicine man both dinjii dazhan dinjii =man

dazhan = one who possesses
spiritual medicine

medicine (spiritual) both shan spiritual medicine

medium ram Teetl'tt Gwtch'm datsok

member of parliament Teetl'lt Gwtch'm vadatr'igwiji!cheii one who is put in a position

menstruation Teetl'tt Gwtch'm srii minh' gwits'ik srii =month

nanh' = at that time/place
gwits'lk = its sickness

menstruation Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ts'ik diits'an nathilit ts'ik = sickness

diits'an = one's own
nathillt = became to be

menstruation (woman's Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tr'iinjoo tr'oochit ts'ik tr'iinjoo = woman

first) vits'an dhidlit tr'oochit = first
ts'ik = sickness
vits'an = hers
dhidlit = became

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

mental illness Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm viyinji' iizuu viyinji' = his/her judgement

iizuu = it is bad

mentally competent Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm viyinji' nizii viyinjl' = his/her judgement

nizii = it is good

mentally competent Teetl'lt Gw1eh'm vigwindaii nizii vigwindaii = his/her mind

nizii = it is good

mentally ill both viyinji' neesrijahch'uh viyinji' =his/her judgement

neesrijahch'uh = it is poor

merganser both trah

meteor Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm san' nadaadhak san'= star

nadaadhak = it falls down

me tis Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm teenjir nilii

midday both drin tl'at drin =day

tl'at =in the middle

midnight Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm too tl'at too= night/dark

tl'at = in the middle

midnight Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh tl'at tadh = night/dark

tl'at = middle

milk (breast) Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm t'ok tshti' t'ok =suck

tshu' = its water /juice

milk (breast) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm at'ok

milk (cow) both aak'ii t'ok aak'ii =cow

t'ok =suck

milk (dry) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm mil= milk

gqH =dry

Gwich'in Social & Culh1ral Instirute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

milk (powdered) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm aak'ii t'ok ddhak aak'ii t'ok =cow milk
ddhak = powdered

Miner River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Ch'eneetsii Njik

minister Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm giikhii s/he is talking

minister Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at chit iisrits'at = most prominent

chit = leader

mink both chihthee

minnow Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ineelu'

minority government Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm k'adagwidaadhat teenjir k'adagwidaadhat = one who makes
gwik'iyee'it gdonlii decisions
ts'aniliinat teenjir = half way
gwik'iyee'it goonlii = the path for
the future
ts'aniliinat = it belongs to them

mirror Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vizhit aditr'inaa'ii vizhit = in it

aditr'inaa'ii = look at ones self

mirror Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vizhit diitr'idinaa 'ii vizhlt = in it

diitr'idinaa·~~ = looking at self

miserable Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhidadinaach 'ih s/he is always angry

miserable Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zhidadanaach' eih s/he is always angry

missionary Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm kwandee giikhii kwandee = near the fire

giikhii = minister

mistake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshih dagwinitha'aii s/he made a mistake

mistake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshih dagwinithisha'aii I made a mistake

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

misty both ne'gwa,h'eh

mitts both dzhirh

mitts (fur) Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm dazhoo dzhirh dazhoo = furry

dzhirh = mitts

mitts (fur) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nin dhdh dzhirh nin = animal

dhOh = skin/hide
dzhirh = mitts

mitts (small size) both dzhirh tsal dzhirh = mitts

tsal =small

moccasin (wrap around) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm kaiichan nadhi'ee kaiichan = around the ankle
nadhi'ee = attached in a
circular shape

moccasins (wrap Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm kaiitreh zheii kaiitreh = shoes

around) zheii = traditional, special,

moccasins (wrap Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm kaiitrih zheii kaiitrih = shoes

around) zheii = traditional, special,

Monday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Drin n·~~ drin =day

tl:-'~~ = after

Monday Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Drin Tl'ee drin =day

t}'ee = after

money both tseedhdh beaver pelt

month both srii minh' srii = month/ sun

nanh' =in that time/place

month Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sree minh' sree = month/sun

nanh' = at that time/place

Gwich/in Social & Cultural Instih1te 1
Gwich in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

moon Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm too oozrii too = night/darkness

oozrii = light

moon Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh oozree tadh = mght/darkness

oozree = light

moon (full) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm too oozrii k'inyaazheii too oozrii = moon
k'inyaazheii = it is complete

moon (full) Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm sree k'inanalzhe:H sree =moon

k'inanalzht;H = it is complete

moonlight Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm aadrih nyuu aadrih = it is lit

nyuu = along side

moonlight Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh aadrih tadh =night/ darkness

aadrih = light

moose both dinjik moose

moose (2 year old bull) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ditsik shek ditsik = calf
shek =old

moose (2-3 year old Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm aneechii


moose (bull) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ezhir'

moose (calf) both ditsik

moose caller (home Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm de'tr'atanh' to sweep


moose (cow) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dizhuu

moose (cow) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dizheu

moose (cow with calf) both nihditsik there are calves on both sides

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

moose (large bull both ezhir chao ezhir = bull moose

moose) chao= big

moose (second largest Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diti' dhoo echyaa diti' = his/her father
bull) dhoo =skin (possessed)
echyaa = it carries it

moose (second largest Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ezhir tsal ezhir = bull moose
bull) tsal =small

moose (young cow ) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dizhao tsal dizhao = cow moose
tsal =small

moose (young cow) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khaiideetsik khaii = wmter

deetsik =cow moose (possessed)

morning both vanh'

mosquito both ch'ii

mosquito bite Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ii diiyuu'aa ch'ii = mosquito

diiyuu'aa = it is biting them

mosquito bite Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ch'ii shdo'ah ch'ii = mosquito

shoo'ah = it bit me

mosquito bite Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ii shuu'aa ch'ii =mosquito

shuu'aa =it is biting me

mosquito net or bar both ch'iiniivyaa ch'ii = mosquito

n!ivyaa = tent

mosquito spray both ch'ii agoondaii' ch'ii = mosquito

ag6ondaii' = medicine

moth Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nanuht'ee vee tsal nanuht'ee = butterfly

vee= gray
tsal = small

moth Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tsedega,q

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

moth (larva) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiik'aa

mother Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm na'a.a. my mother when I'm talkmg to her


mother Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm maamaa

mother Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm na'aa my mother when I'm talking to her


mother (my) both shahanh' my mother

mountain both ddhah

Mountain Creek Teetl'It Gw1ch'm Ddhah Diik'ee Njik Ddhah = mountain

Diik'ee = gtm
Njik =creek

mountain creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ddhah tshik ddhah = mountain

tshik = creek

mountain (foot of the) both ddhah deechan ddhah =mountain

deechan = along the bottom

mmmtain (foot of the Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ddhah t'ee ddhah = mountain

mountain) t'ee = at the bottom

mmmtain people both ddhah tat gwich'in ddhah = mountain

tat= among
gwich'in = people

mountain ridge Teetl'It Gw1ch'm geek'ii

mountain ridge Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ddhah eek'ii ddhah = mountain

eek'ii = ridge

mouse Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm daatsoo

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

mouse Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm daatsadh

mouth Teetl'It Gw1ch'm vizhik his/her mouth

mouth of river Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm han gwid~U han= river

gwid~H =at the opening

mouth of the back both iyeendak guk'it gweedii iyeendak = behind it

channel guk'it = going through
gweedii = passage

mud Teetl'It Gw1ch'm luh

mud Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m leth

mud (dry & cracked) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm leth gqU til' leth =mud
gqij =dry
tll' = cracked

mud (sticky) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm luh ant'at luh= mud

ant'at = sticky

mud (sticky) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm leth ant'at -l:eth=mud

ant'at = sticky

mukluks both kaiichan

mukluks (caribou leg both edreedhoh kaiichan edreedhoh = leg skin of caribou,
skin) moose
kaiichan =mukluks

mukluks (thick skin) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m kaiitreh diditii kaiitreh = shoes

diditii = heavy, thick

municipal government Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm kaiik'it zhit kaiik'lt = commumty

k'adagwidaadhat zhlt =in
k'adagwidaadhat = one who makes

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

muscle (arm) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shige etthaT my arm flesh

muscle (arm) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diigyin ch'at diigyin = one's arm

ch'at = tendon/something tough

muscle (back thigh) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shidivih tl'yaa'

muscle cramp Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diich'at hinjuu diich'at = one's tendons

hinjuu = it is stretching

muscle cramp Gwtchyah Gwtch' m ch'at tanuutroh ch'at = muscle/tendons/something

tanuutroh = tightened

muscle (front thigh) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shitsyuu'

muscle (of the calf) Teetl'It Gwtch'm viddo' his calf muscle

muscle (of the calf) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diitr'do' one's calf muscle

musewn Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm zheh gwizhit egwijiich'uu zheh =house

shik k'atr'inahtii gwizhit = in it
egwijiich'uu = different things
shik =old
k'atr'inahtii = taking care of

museum Teetl'1t Gwtch'm ejiich'ii shik k'anaatii zheh ejiich'ii = things

shik =old
k'anaatii = to take care of
zheh =house

muskox both dachan tat aak'ii dachan = wood

tat= among
aak'ii =cow

muskox Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dachan tat gwi'aak'ii dachan = wood

tat= among
gwi'aak'ii = cow (possessed)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

muskrat both dzan

mutton both divii tthai' divii = sheep

tthai' = meat/flesh

muzzle loader both diik'ee zheii diik'ee =gun

zheii= traditional

nag Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yah ndagwijii'aii yah = with him/her

ndagwijli'aii = bothering

naggillg Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yah nagwii'eih yah= with him/her

nagwii'eih = bothering

nape (his) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vitsi' k'it the nape of his/her neck

native custom Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii zhuh k'yuu dinjii zhuh = native

nausea both kwaih vine'tsahthak kwaih = vomit

vine'tsahthak = it is bothering

naval (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shijohk'it my naval

naval (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shijath my naval

neck both diik'oh one's neck.

neck (my) both shik'oh my neck

necklace Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhin nidiniizhii zhin =neck

nidiniizhii = put around

necklace Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm naagq,H k'oh nidinaazhii naagqH =beads

k'oh =neck
nidinaazhii = put around

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

necklace Teetl'rt Gwrch'm k'oh nidiniizhii k'oh =neck

nid!n!izhii = put around

needle bag both tthah tsal dhdh tthah =awl

tsal =small
dhoh = cover/skin

needle (beading) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm neegaii tthah tsal neegaii = bead (s)
tthah =awl
tsal =small

needle (glover) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm adhdh tthah tsal adhoh = tanned hide
tthah =awl
tsal =small

needle (glover) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tthah tsal visreedhik'aii tthah tsal = needle
visreedhik'aii = there are three
sides to it

needle (leather) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tthah tsal zheii tthah tsal = needle
zheii = traditional

needle (medical term) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tthah tsal gwits'an tr'ahtsii tthah tsal =needle
gwits'an = to him/her
tr'ahtsii = make

needle (round) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tthah tsal vyqh tthah tsal = needle
yY1Jh = round

needle (sewing) both tthah tsal tthah =awl

tsal =small

needle (wool) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm lalen tthah tsal lalen =wool

tthah tsal = needle

nephew (my) both shichaa my nephew (brother's son)

nephew (my) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shao my nephew

nephew (my) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shuu my nephew (sister's son)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

net floaters both adeelaa it floats

net pole (for under ice) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tan zhak chiichii tan= ice
zhak =under/below
chiichii = to stick in the river

net pole (for under ice) both tan t'eh chiichii tan= ice
t'eh = tmder
chiichii = to stick in the river

net rope (top) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm eveedhe et' aii'

net string for under ice both chih d'yah chih = under water
tf'yah = string

net thread Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chihvyah ch'ii' chihvyah = net

ch'li' = its thread

net thread Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm chihvyah ch'ee' chihvyah = net

ch'ee' = its thread

net twine Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm chihvyah ti'yaa' chihvyah = net

tJ-'yaa' = its string

net (willowbark) Teetl'Jt Gwtch'm k'aii neech'uu chihvyaa' k'aii = willow

neech'uu =bark
chihvyaa' =net (possessed)

net (willowbark) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ineech'uu chihvyaa' ineech'uu = bark

chihvyaa' =net (possessed)

net (willowbark) Gw1chyah Gwtch'm ineech'idh chihvyaa' ineech'!dh = bark

chihvyaa' = net

new year Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khaii k'eejit khaii = winter

k'eejit =new

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

New Years Day Teetl'1t Gwtch'm Drin Choo drin = day

chao= big

niece (my) Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm shuu my niece (sister's daughter)

niece (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shijadh my niece

niece (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shao my niece

niece (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shijuu' my niece (brother's g1rl)

night Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm too

night Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh

night gown Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh gwiyik tadh =night

gwiylk = dress (possessed)

night slippers Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khahts 'at gukaiitrii' khahts'at = night

gukaiitrii' = shoes (possessed)

night slippers Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khahts'at gukaiitn~e· khahts'at = night

gukaiitree' = shoes (possessed)

nightgown Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm too ik too= night/ darkness

ik =dress

nine Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm vanchoh nak' oh zhak vanchoh = thumb

dhityin nak'oh = one side
zhak =down
dhityin = it is there

nine Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vanchadh nak'aoh zhak vanchadh = thumb

dhityin nak'aoh = one side
zhak =down
dhityin = it is there

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

nineteen Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ihiak juutyin ts'at vanchoh ihiak =one

nak'oh zhak dhityin juutyin =counted
ts'at =and
vanchoh nak'oh zhak dhityin =

nineteen Gw1ehyah Gwtch'm ihiogwijuutyin ts'at ihiogwijuutyin = counted once

vanchadh nak'aoh zhak ts'at =and
dhityin vanchadh nak'aoh zhak dhityin =

ninety Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vanchoh nak'oh zhak vanchoh nak'oh zhak dhityin =
dhityin juutyin nine
juutyin = it is counted

ninety Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vanchadh nak'aoh zhak vanchadh nak'aoh zhak dhityin =
dhityin juutyin nine
juutyin = it is counted

nipple Teetl'tt Gwtch'm t'cik tshi1' t'ok =suck

tshit' = tip

non-ambulatory Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nahadik kwaa nahadik = s/he walks around

kwaa =not

northern phalarope Gwtchyah Gwrch'm teekee jyt\l.l

northern water trush Teetl'tt Gwrch'm chuu dzhii chuu =water

dzhii =bird

nose cartilage Teetl'tt Gwrch'm anchai

nose cartilage (my) both shanchai my nose cartilage

nose (my) both shintsih my nose

nostril (my) both shinjik my nostril

Gwich'in Social & Culh1ral Instihlte Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

notification Teetl'lt Gw1eh'm dinehtl'eh kak dlnehtfeh = paper

gwidinithatl'oo kak =on it
gwidinithatl:'oo = it is written

November Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Divii Zrii' divii = sheep

zrii' = month/stm

November Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Dachan Khy<th Nitr'iinlii dachan = wood

Zree' khy4h =trap
nitr'iinlii = they are setting
zn~e· = month

now both jtik

now Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm

nun both diiyeejii one's older sister

nurse both eHs'ik k' anahtii ehs'ik = one who is sick

k'anahtii = taking care of

oatmeal Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm mash

oatmeal Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tl'oo le' tl' oo =grass

le' =end

ocean both tshuu chao tshuu = water

chao= big

ocean Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshtpJ chao tsh!J!J = water

chao= big

October Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vadzaih Zrii' vadzaih = caribou

Zrii' = month

October Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m Sree Nanh' Tadiditshii sree =month

nanh' = in that time
tadiditshii = it is starting to freeze

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

offender Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo t'idi'in s/he did something bad

office building both gwitr'it zheh gwitr'it = work

zheh =house

Ogilvie River Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Gwazhal Njik gwazhal = big mountain

njik =creek

oil both nan ghai' nan= ground

ghai' = grease (possessed)

oil (cooking) both khaii

ointment Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dee

ointment Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm agoondaih t'at agoondaih = medicine

t'at = sticky

old age pension both anjoo tseedhoo' anjoo = elder

tseedhoo' =money (possessed)

Old Crow People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Van Tat Gwich'in Van= lake (s)
Tat= among
Gwich'in = people

Old Crow River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Tshyah Njik

Old Fort Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Zheh Gwijat Zheh = Fort (house)

Gwijat = rotten

one both ihlak

one and one half hour Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm sreedrii ihlak ts'at teenjir sreedrii =hour
ihlak =one
ts'at =and
teenjir = half

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

one and one half hour Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sreedrii ihfak ants'at sreedrli = hour
teenjir ihlak =one
ants'cit = and
teenjir half

one dollar Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tse edhd h ihlak tseedhoh = money

ihlak =one

one dollar Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ihlak tseedhdo' ihlak =one

tseedhoo' = money (possessed)

one dollar Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lazhaa ihlak lazhaa = money

ihl:ak =one

one hour both sreedrii ihlak sreedrii = hour

ihJ:ak =one

one hundred Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ihfak juutyin juutyin ihlak =one

juutyin = counted
juutyin = counted

one hundred Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ihfak nilee k'it juutyin ih-!-ak =one
nilee = hand
k'it = the same as
juutyin = counted

one hundred Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ihlogwijuutyin juutyin ih-!-ogwijuutyin = counted once

juutyin = counted

one thousand Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ihlogwijuutyin nilee k'it ih-!-ogwijuutyin = counted once
juutyin juutyin nilee = hand
k'it = the same as
juutyin = counted
juutyin = counted

one week both drin k'ideetak ihlak drin =day

k'ideetak = in the middle
ih-!-ak =one

onion Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tl'oo drik

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

orphan both chiitee orphan/widow /widower

otter both truh

out of joint Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm haakat

outhouse both chitr'U 'oo zheh chit'rH'oo = going out

zheh = house

oven Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm iitsii vizhit iich'uu iitsii = stove

vizhit = in it
iich'uu = we roast I fry

oven Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii vizhit vike'tr'ahch'uu iitsii =stove

vizh!t = in it
vike'tr'ahch'uu = they cook

overcoat Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm gwiyehdak ik gwiyehdak =on top/over

ik =coat

overcoat Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwiyehdak yik gwiyehdak = on top/ over

yik =coat

overflow (fozen) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gyit

overflow (on ice) both tan kak teekee tshli' tan= ice
kak =on
teekee tshu' = flood water

overflow (water over both teekee tshti'


owl (boreal) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm echiidruu

owl (great grey) both nehdoh

owl (great horned) both vi'iidzee

owl (snowy) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vihsaiivee

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

owl (snowy) Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm vihsa.Uvee

oxfords Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm dachan kaiitrih dachan = wood

kaiitrih = shoes

oxfords Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dachan kaiitreh dachan = wood

kaiitreh = shoes

packsack both khah

packsack Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm uhtshu.h bag

paddle Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tee't;U

paddle Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm taa'aih

Paddle Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Taa'aih tanjilnaii Tshik taa'aih = paddle

ianjilnaii = they are broken
tshik = creek

padlock Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lidlii ghoo lidlii = key

ghoo =round

padlock Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii ghoo iitsii = metal

ghoo =round

padlock Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vah gihde. tr'idindoo vah =with it

gihde' = lock/in front of
tr'idindoo = turn it

pail (for carrying Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq tyah tshl}IJ = water

water) tyah = pail/container

pail (oil) Gw1chyah Gw1eh'm khaii tyqh khaii = oil/ grease

tyq.h = container

pail (oil) both khaii tyah khaii = oil/grease

tyah =container

Gwich/in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson/ NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

pain Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gasrah nii'ee it is painful

pain Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diiminh' hasrqh tree diimlnh' = on one's self

hasr&h H'ee = it is painful

pain (chest) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm diideeghan asrah U'ee diideeghan = ones chest
asrah i)'ee = it is painful

pain (chest) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shideeghan' asrah shideeghan =my chest

aantth'at asrah aantth'at = pain happened

pain (sharp chest pain) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shidrihchii hasrah H'ee shidrihchii = my chest
hasrah jj'ee = it is painful!

pain (sharp piercing Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm hashrah H'ee it is painful


palm (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shintl'ee palm of my hand

palm sunday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ah drin chao ah =branch (s)

drin =day
choo =big

palm sunday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ts 'eeviilEl' drin ts'eeviile' = branch

drin =day

pancake (batter) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm -l:uh tloo luh =flour

tloo = cooked

pancakes Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luh tldk luh =flour

tlok =soft

pancakes Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lethch'uh tldk lethch'uh = bannock

tlOk =soft

panties Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyehzhak thal gwan iyehzhak = under

thal =pants
gwan =short

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

pants both thai

pants (caribou fur) both dazhoo thai dazhoo = furry

thal =pants

pants (caribou fur) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ditr'ii thal short hair is left on the
skin (summer pants)

pants (caribou fur) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ditr'uu thal short hair is left on the
skin (summer pants)

pants (caribou hide) both aadzhii thal aadzhii = tanned caribou hide
thaJ: =pants

pants (rain) both tshin thal tshin =rain

thaJ: =pants

pants (rain) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq thal tshl,ll,l = water

thaJ: =pants

paper both dinehtl'eh

paper bag Teetl'1t Gwtch'm dinehtl'eh uhtshuh dinehtf'eh = paper

uhtshuh = bag

paper bag Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm dinehtl'eh uhtshqq dinehtf'eh = paper

uhtshw =bag

paper towel Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dinehtl'eh vah ge'tr'ahjyee dinehtf'eh =paper

vah =with it
ge'tr'ahjyee = to wipe

parka Teetl'Jt Gwtch'm gwakak ik gwakak = on top

ik =parka

parka Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iyehdak ik iyehdak = on top

ik =parka

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

parka (caribou fur) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dazhoo ik dazhoo = hairy

ik =parka

parka (caribou fur) Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm dazhoo yik dazhoo = furry

yik =parka

parka (duffel) Gw1chyah Gw1eh'm ts'at yik ts'at = duffel

yik =parka

parka (mother Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ineekCJ.H yik ineekqH = inuit

hubbard) yik =parka

parka trimming Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl'in nigwiniltsi' tl-'in = around the bottom
nigwiniltsi' = fancy

parka trimming Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vitl'in nigwiniltsi' vitl'in = its hem

nigwiniltsi' = fancy

parliament Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ginjih gadaaghoo zheh ginjih gadaaghoo = the speakers
zheh =house

participate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm giiyah t'igidi'ii they are participating with them

path Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm taii path/trail/road

path Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tr'aataii the path is layed

for a long distance

path Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ta.U path/trail/road

patient Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khagwiltshi' kwaa khagwlltshi' = they are in a hurry

kwaa =not

patient Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ehsik zheh dhidyee eltsik = s/he is sick

zheh =house
dhidyee = s/he is sitting

peaceful both tsinehdanh'

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

peanut butter Teetl'lt Gwtch'm khaii tthoo khaii = grease

tthoo = brown

peanut butter Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dlak zhii dlak = squirrel

zhii =food

pedia tri tion Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'iinin ts'at tr'iinjoo tr'iinin = child
srinalii ts'at =and
tr'iinjoo = woman
srinalii = s/he is fixing it

Peel Canyon Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Tshuu Tr'adaojiich'uu Tshuu = water

Tr'adaojiich'uu = hateful

Peel River Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Teetl'it Gwinjik teetl'it = in the middle

gwinjik = along

pelt (beaver) Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm tse' dhoh tse' = beaver

dhOh = pelt/skin/cover

pelt (beaver ) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm tsee dhoh tsee = beaver

dhoh =pelt/skin/cover

pelt stretcher Teetl'lt Gwtch'm nin dhoh zhit tayii'ee nin =animal
dhdh =pelt/skin/cover
zhit = in it
tayii'ee = shaping

pelt stretcher Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nin dhoh zhii'~H nin = animal

dhdh =pelt/skin/cover
zhii'~H = put into

pelt stretcher Teetl'tt Gwtch'm viz hit ta yii' ee v1zhit = in it

tayii'ee = shape it

pelt stretcher (beaver) Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm tseetr'il'

pelt stretcher (beaver) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'aii nanilghwat k'aii = willow

nanilghwat = circular frame

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

pelt stretcher (beaver) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'aii naonilghwat k'aii = willow

naonilghwat = circular frame

pemmican both itsuh

pemmican both etsuh

penalty Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khainji' vitr'igwidaadhat s/he is made to suffer

penis (child's) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm tr'iinin tsok

penis (his) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vidil his penis

penny Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm lazhaa tthoo tsal lazhaa = money

tthoo = brown
tsal =small

penny both iitsii tsoo tsal iitsii = metal

tsoo =brownish/yellow /light
tsal =small

people Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii nat dinjii =man

nat = more than one

people Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii kat dinjii =man

kat = more than one

people (black) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm dinjii zraii dinjii =man/people

zraii =black

people (my) Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm shah gwlch'in kat shah = with me

gwlch'ln = people
kat = more than one

pepper Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm ligeevir borrowed from the French

pepper both taniditshit ground up

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

peremptory challenge Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'uudhilch'eii geenjit tr'uudhllch'eii = listening

daheedi'yaa kwaa geenjit = for it
daheedi'yaa = what s/he will do
kwaa =not

perfume Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vite'daatsan it smells good

permafrost both nan t'eh gwithatan nan= ground

t'eh = under it
gwithatan = it is frozen

phlem Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm koh phlem/the cold (illness)

picture Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwink'do one's shadow

picture Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwink'yqq one's spirit

pig Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lugohshuu French term

pig Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lugqhshqq French Term

pillow Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuh

pillow Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshiik'at pillow

pillowcase Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuh dhdh tshuh = pillow

dhdh = cover/skin

pillowcase Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshiik'at dhdh tshiik'at =pillow

dhdh = cover I skin

pilot Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii natindit'eh ne'tahJ:ak iitsii = machine

natindit'eh = fly
ne'tah}ak = one is driving

pilot Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ne'tandit'ee ak'E!hdak ne'tandit'ee = it flies

ak'~hdak = helper

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

pilot Teetl'tt Gwteh'm iitsii nahandit'eh natahlak iitsii = machine

nahandit'eh = fly
natah{ak = one is driving

pilot Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii nahandit'eh iitsii = machine/stove/metal

ne 'tahlak nahandit'eh = fly
ne'tahlak = one is driving it

pine grosbeak Teetl'tt Gwtch'm niht'ee ahshrak

pine grosbeak Gwtchyah Gwtch'm niht'yeh iizrak

pingo Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nan ghoo khaak'at nan= land

ghoo =round
khaak'at =something is sticking

pingo Gwtchyah Gwtch'm nan ghoo nan= ground

ghoo =round

pink Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dzih kwan dzih= gum

kwan = clear (transparent)

pink Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sruh dzee'

pintail Gwtchyah Gwtch'm naak'oh jidig~H naak'oh =both sides of the neck
jidigqjj = it is whitened

pintail Teet!' tt Gwtch' m naak'oh jidigaii naak'oh =both sides of the neck
jidigaii = it is whitened

pistol Gwtchyah Gwtch'm nanlat diik'ee nanlat = your hand

diik'ee = gun

pistol both nalat diik'ee' nalat = your hand

diik'ee' =gun

place Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dehk'it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

plan Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gisrii nitr'igwii'aii gisrii = ready

nitr'igwii'aii = putting in place

plate Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ch'ek

plate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ik

plate (birchbark) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'ii ch'ek k'ii = birchbark

ch'ek = plate

plate (birchbark) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'ii ch'ik k'ii = birchbark

ch'ik = plate

playing Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhtiu gwilii t'idi'in s/he is acting silly

plead Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jii tthak dinidizhik jii tthak = all of this
nigahnuu, aii geenjit dinidizhik = you did
gihiinkhyah nigahnuu = they said about you
aii geenjit = for that
gihiinkhyah = you will talk

pleats Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chtik

plebiscite Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm egwijiich'uu geenjit egwijlich'uu = what is relevent

tr'oodahkat geenjit = for it
tr'oodahkat = they are asking

plover (semipalmated) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shini' jaa'aii

plover (semipalmated) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm teekeedzt.l'

pocket both cheet'it

point Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm thidii

point Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm thidyee

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

poison both agoondaii iizuu agoondaii = medicine

iizuu =bad

poison Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ago ondaih iizuu agoondaih = medicine

iizuu =bad

police station Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm niveht'ah'ii zheh niveht'ah'ii = policeman

zheh =house

police station Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vidree oonaatsoo zheh vidree = along his side
oonaatsoo = yellow around the edge
zheh =house

policeman Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm niveh t'ah'ii

policeman Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vidree oonaatsoo vidree = along his side

oonaatsoo = yellow around the edge

political party Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guudatr'igwijilcheii kat ones who are put in a position

poor (plural) both neesrigwijci.hch 'uh they are poor.

poor (singular) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm neesrijc(hch'uu s/he is poor

Pope Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Yahtii Iisrits'at Chit

Pope Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m Labap French term

porch Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm troo k'it zheh troo =wood

k'it =place
zheh =house

porch Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwidaii zheh gwidaii = entrance

zheh =house

porcupine both ts'it

porcupine quills both ch'oo

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Porcupine River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Shiinjik

pork (ham) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm lugohshuu tthai' luguhshuu = pig

tthai' =meat/flesh

portage both theetoh

post office Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dineht!'eh zheh dinehtf'eh = mail/paper

zheh =house

post office Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm dinehtl'eh neetr'aazhik dineht}'eh = paper

deek'it neetr'aazhik =sending it around
deek'it = place

potato chips Teet!' 1t Gw1ch' m gwinzhih gaii gwinzhih = potato/plant (already

gaii =dry

potato chips Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nagwinahshee S<lii nagwinahshee = plant (already

gqjj =dry

potatoes Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan gwinahshii nan= and

gwinahshii = it is growing

potatoes Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nagwinahshee it has grown again

power plant operator Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vik'iighe' aadrii k'anahtii vik'iighe' = because of it
aadrii = light
k'anahtii = s/he looks after it

power plant operator Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vik'iighe' aadrii vik'iighe' = because of it

k'anahtyee aadrii = light
k'anahtyee = s/he looks after it

pray Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khatr'igijiinji i they are praying

pray Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gijiinj ih prayer

Gwich/in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic NT 1 Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

prayer Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'igijiinjii they are praying

prayer (request for) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gijiinjih kagUkhih gijiinjih = praying

kagHkhih = s/he is asking for it

precedent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dagwiiniindhan gwichih dagwiiniindhan =what is wanted

gwichih = beforehand

preliminary hearing Teetl'tt Gwtch'm atr'oodahkat geenjit atr'oodahkat =court

gisri ini 'gigiheel yaa geenjit = for it
gisrlinl'gigiheelyaa = they will be

premier Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nanhkak eenjit iisrits'at nanhkak eenjit = for the land
chit iisrits'at = most prominent
chit = leader

presumed innocent until Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nekhwedizhik kwaa k'it nekhwedizhik kwaa = it didn't
proven guilty t'iinohthan happen
k'lt t'iinohthan = think about it in
that manner

previous record Teetl'tt Gwtch'm adai' deedi'in' adai' deedi'in' = s/he did it already
gwidfnehtl'e e gwidlnehtl:'t~e = its paper

priest Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yahtii

priest Teetl'tt Gwtch'm giikhii minister

priest (father) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm yah tyee

prime minister Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iisrits'at chit Canada iisrits'at = most prominent
geenjit chit = leader
Canada geenjit = for Canada

principal both ga'uunahtan chit ga'uunahtan = teacher

chit = leader

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

prison Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zheh gwaazraii zheh =house

gwaazraii = blackened

prisoner Teetl'!t GwJCh'm zheh gwaazraii dhidii zheh gwaazraii = prison

dhidii = s/he is sitting

prisoner Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zheh gwazrCJ.H dhidyee zheh gwazrqjj = prison

dhidyee = s/he is sitting

private member's bill Teetl'!t Gw1ch' m vidinehtf'ee vidlnehth~e= its paper

gwintf'<l,htshtih gwintf&htshuh = s/he gave it to

probation Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm vik' andehtr'inahtyaa s/he will be monitored

programs Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm nihli'ejuk gwitr'it gwaatsii nihh'ejuk = different ways

gwitr'it = work
gwaatsii = making

prophet Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yeetshih gahdandaii yeetshih = future/years ahead

gahdandaii = s/he knows

prophet Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'adagwida'ak

proud Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khadak t'idich'uu khadak = upwards

t'idich'uu = the ways/he is

proud Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khadak t'idich'uh khadak = upwards

t'idich'uh = s/he is

proud (pride) Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm khasrijil' aii s/he is proud of him/herself

prunes Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm jak chao g&U jak = berries

chao= big
gqH =dry

ptarmigan (rock) both daak'yaa it is faded

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ptarmigan (willow) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm daagoo willow ptarmigan

ptarmigan (willow) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm daagqq willow ptarmigan

puddle both tajihyin

puppy both Hgatsal

purgatory Gwtchyah Gwtch' m diinigwidik 'ii they burn them

purple Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'ijithitsik

pus Teetl'tt Gwtch'm khoh

pus Gwtchyah Gwtch'm khaoh

pyjamas Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tadh gwidal' tadh =night

gwidal' = clothes (possessed)

pyjamas Teetl'tt Gwtch'm too gwich'aa' too = night/darkness

gwich'aa' =clothing (possessed)

queen Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwiyah'at chao chit

queen Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwiyeh'at chao chit eenjit gwiyeh'at chao chit = queen
midhat eenjit = for her
midhat = s/he stands

question period Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'oodahkat neegwidadhat tr'oodahkat = questioning

neegwidadhat = it has begun

quiet person Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vizhik kwaa vizhik = his/her mouth

kwaa = nothing

rabbit both geh

rabbit (brown) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tshii'itr'ir

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

rabbit (caught) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl-'eevi' a rabbit caught in a snare

around the waist or by the leg

rabbit (small) both geh tsal geh =rabbit

tsal =small

rags both gwitHk something ragged

rags Gw!Chyah Gw1ch'm gwich'aa' ragged/ clothes

rmn both tshin

rain forest Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dachan tat tshin juu'aii dachan = wood
tat= among
tshin = rain
juu'aii = it is there

rainbow Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm sreevyaa'

rainbow Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gudeedrii da'ootl'ii gudeedrii = spider

da'oot{'ii = it is weaved

rainbow both gudeedrii chihvyaa' gudeedrii = spider

chihvyaa' = its net

raincoat Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tshin ik tshin = rain

ik =coat

raincoat Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshin yik tshin =rain

yik =coat

raining both ahtshinh' it is raining

raisins Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jak gaii tsal jak = berries

gaii =dried
tsal =small

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

rake both vah nan gwiitr'at vah =with it

nan= land
gwiitr'at = we scratch

rampart Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m nadiinlaii

rape Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm yik'ada'alch'yaa s/he tore it off of him/her

rapids Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tshuu niint'aii tshuu = water

niint'aii = strong

rapids Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gohdatshu udlc\~t strong currents flowing through a

narrow channel

rapids Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwihdatshuudlaii strong currents flowing through a

narrow channel

rash both diika'uujil spread over the body

Rat Indian Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Van Tat Gwich'in Teetshik Van = lake
Tat= among
Gwich'in = people
Teetshik = creek

Rat River (lower) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Sruh Niinlii coney swimming along it

Rat River (upper) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Ddhah Zhit Han ddhah = mountain
zhit =in
han= river

rational Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm viyinji' nizii viyinji' = his/her mind

nizii = it is good

raven both deetrin'

razor Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vah diideezhoo khatr'it'yee vah = with it

diideezhoo = one's whiskers
khatr'it'yee = they cut

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

razor blade Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm deezhoh srii deezhoh = whiskers

srii = knife

realize both gik'yaanjik s/he found out

realize Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm adik'yaanjik s/he found out about

them self

recognizance Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tseedhdh hah gwidii tseedhdh = money

nagwahahtsaa bah= with it
gwidli nagwahahtsaa = will be
made in return

red Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidii ch'ik jidli = something

ch'ik =red

red Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm datsik it is red

red Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dich'ik it is red

red ochre both tsaih

redish both jidii ditsik jidli = something

ditsik = redish

refridgerator Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vizhit shih nHk'adh vizhit = inside

tr'oodlee sh!h =food
njjk'adh= cold
tr' oodlee = it is put there

regional manager both khehkaih njoo' khehkaih = manager

njoo' = older

regret Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guk' at'iiniidhan s/he wants it again

regret Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm guk' anadilih s/he is sorry

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

reindeer Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vadzaih dehgaii vadzaih = caribou

dehgaii = white

reindeer Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vadzaih dehgi:l.H vadzaih = caribou

dahggJj = white

reindeer Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vadzaih daagi:l.H vadzaih = caribou

daagaH = it is white

relatives Teetl'Jt Gw1ch' m shidaazhii' my relatives

remand Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm zheh gwaazraii gwizhi t zheh gwaazraii gwizhlt = in jail
ihlee vik'andehnahtyaa, ihlee = for a while
uundoo ji' geenj1t vik'andehnahtyaa = they will
monitor him/her
uundoo jl' geenj1t = for a later time

remember Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ganatr'aandaii they remember

remember Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gananyaandaih telling one person

to remember

remind me Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm ganashi:(hdaih remind me

remind me Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m ginehshinya,hda ih remind me again

Rengling River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Khainlaii flowing out

rep. by population Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii dl:l,hfeii eenjit midhat dinjii = people
dq.hl:eii = so many
eenjit nadhat = standing for them

report card Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm giik'igaanjii gwidinehd'ee' giik'igaanjii =they learn

gwidinehtl'ee' = its paper

respect Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwichidhq,h'ee hold it in high regard

(speaking to one)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language ,pictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

respect Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm yiinjigwichi l' ee s/he respects

respectful Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yiinjit gwichi!'ee yinjit = for it

gwichi}'ee = held in high regard

respectful Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yinjit tr'igwichi!'ee yinjit = for it

tr'igwichi}'ee = it will be
held in high regard

responsibilities Teetl'tt Gwtch'm jidii guk'andehanahtyah jidii = something

guk'andehanahtyah = s/he will
watch over it

restaurant Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ii'aa zheh ii'aa = eating

zheh =house

restitution Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm nagwitahtsaa s/he will make it up

return to verdict Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uudhilch'eii kat gwik'it uudhllch'eii kat = the jury
nilii goo gwik'it nilii kwaa gwik'lt nilii = it is true
gehdeenjyaa goo= or
gwik'lt nilii kwaa = it is not true
gehdeenjyaa = they will say

returning officer Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm dinjii uuzri' tr'oonjii eenjit dinjii =people
dha' aii uuzrl' tr'oonjii = taking names
eenjit dha'aii = it is there for that

revenue Teetl'lt Gwtch'm tax kak tseedhdh tr' ahtsii tax kak = on tax
tseedhoh = money
tr'ahtsii = they make

rib cage (my) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shideeghan'

ribbon Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm larab<1.a. French term

ribbon Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm lara baa French term

ribs Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm echik

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

ribs (my) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shichik my ribs

rice Teetl'rt Gwrch'm daatsoo trin daatsoo = mouse

trin = its droppings

rice Gw1ehyah Gwrch'm daatsadh trin' daatsadh = mouse

trin' = its droppings

rich person Gwrchyah Gwrch'm chil' ee nilii chil'ee = rich

nil1i = s/he is

rich person both dinjii chil'ee dinjii =man

chil'ee = rich

riding Teetl'rt Gwrch'm dakaiik'it eenjit gUkhii dakaiik'it = one's community

eenjit gHkhii = s/he speaks for it

rifle Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diik'ee chao diik'ee = gun

choo =big

rifle Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ligarben borrowed from the French

rifle both diik'ee gun

right Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwidagwidU 'e' it was made law

right side Gwrchyah Gwrch'm nqhdS:ih ts'1:\U nq.hd~ih = right

ts'q.H = in that direction

right side Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nqhdaii ts'aii nq.hdaii = right

ts'aii = in that direction

right there Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ezhik danh' ezhik = there

danh' = where it is

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

right to retain and Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jtiu yeenjit giteekhyah juu =who
instruct cmmsel veenjit gdo'aii yeenjit = on behalf of him/her
giteekhyah = s/he will speak
veenjit goo'aii = it is there for

ring Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm inleetth' ak

ring both nileetth'ak

ring around the stm Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm srii na'alt'aih srii =sun
na'alt'aih = strung around

river both han

river bank Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl'eedik

river bank (steep) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vihsraii

river bottom both chee

river channel Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm han gwinii'ee han = river

gwinii'ee = it is laid out

river channel (back) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyeendak behind it

river clear of ice in Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m luu ehdeh

spring time

river frozen over Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm han tadeedatanh' han= river

tadeedatanh' = it is frozen over

river frozen over Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tadeedatan

river (shallow) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm han te'jahgwanh' han= river

te'jahgwanh' = shallow

riverbank (steep) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m vihsra.U

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

road Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ta.H road/path/trail

road Teetl'tt Gwtch'm taii road/path/trail

Road River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Vihtl-'oo Tshik Vihtl-'oo = flints

Tshik = mouth of creek

roasting pan Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vizhit ech'uu vizhlt = in it

ech'uu =roasting/frying

robin both srtih

robin Gwtchyah Gwtch'm srytih

rock both chii rock/stone

Rock River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Chii Deetak chii = rock/stone

deetak = in the middle

roles Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihjeh nits'oo gwitr'it nihjeh = over one another
t'igwiheedya'aa nits'oo = how
gwitr'it =work
t'igwiheedya'aa = will be done

roof both gwichiit'ik on the top of the tip

rope both tl'oo chao tl'oo =grass

chao= big

rope both tl'yah rope/string

rosary Gwtchyah Gwtch'm naaga.U beads

Rotten Eye both Vindee Gwq,hjat Vindee = his eye

Gwqhjat = it rotted

royal assent Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dagwldU'e' gwahsaii dagwldH'e' = law

gwahsaii = it was made

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

mbberboots Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tshuu kaiitrih tshuu = water

kaiitrih = shoes

mbberboots Gw1chyah Gwtch'm tshq q kaiitreh tshl}l} = water

kaiitreh = shoes

ruby-crowned kinglet Teetl'!t Gwtch'm kaats'oo lak

rug both dichanchyah kak elchuu dichanchyah = floor

elchuu = something laying

rug shampoo Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dachanchyah kak elchuh dachanchyah = floor

gwidaath:lh kak =on
elchuh = something laying
gwidaath~h = its' soap

ruined Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ta gwi diniindha t it has gone bad/spoiled

rules Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwik'it tr'iheelyaa gwik'it = the same

tr'iheelyaa = will be

rump both an chan'

rusty blackbird Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tsilch'ti'

rusty blackbird Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tsilch'do'

sad (s/he is) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vizhit tr'idagoojiich'uu vizhlt = in him/her

tr'idagoojiich'uu = not good

sadness Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tr'oove'

sadness both tr'igwidii

safety pin Teetl'1t Gwtch'm livaazrak

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

G wich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

saint Teetl'rt Gwrch'm sruudidinuu holy

saint Gwrchyah Gwrch'm daaga. i i pure/it is white

saliva both srik

salt both lisel French term

salt (mineral) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm dohghwai'

sand both sheih

sandbar Teetl'rt Gwrch'm luh tr'uu

sandbar Gwrchyah Gwrch'm leth t'ir'

sandfly both adajal

sandpiper Teetl'rt Gwrch'm teekheets'il

sandpiper (pectoral) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tsildzih

sandpiper (spotted) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tr' azrak

saturday Teetl'rt Gwrch'm drin yeet'ii drin = day

yeet'ii = before

saturday Gwrchyah Gwrch'm drin yeet'yee drin =day

yeet'yee = before

scab Teetl'rt Gwrch'm lit

scab Gwrchyah Gwrch'm let

scales Teetl'rt Gwrch'm egyti'

scales Gwrchyah Gwrch'm

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

scalp (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shichi' dhdh shichi' = my head

dhoh =skin

scar both shat

scarf both zhin nayiit'aii zhin =neck

nayiit'aii = wrapped around

scarf Teetl'1t GwJCh'm zhin naiit'aii zhin =neck

naiit'aii = wrapped around

scaup Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nitsihdin

scaup Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nitsihdyen

school Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ge'tr'oonahtan zheh ge'tr'oonahtan = teacher

zheh = house

scissors both iitsii da'al iitsii = metal

da'al =it eats/chomps

scolding both yiginjih dinahtrak s/he spoke angrily at him/her

seater (surf) both deetre e' a a

seater (white winged) both njaa

Scow Mmmtain Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm Dachan Ch'ik dachan = wood

ch'!k = plate

scrape Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm shidhoh khandhach'ah shidhoh =my skin

khandhach'ah = it tore

scrape Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'igo odho h scraping

scrape Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'adhoh scraping

screaming both zral s/he is screaming

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

screaming Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zral s/he is screaming

screaming Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm naiidazral s/he is screaming

scrotum (his) both vaghoodhoh

seagull Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tidhigeh any type of gull: generic, glaucous,

herring, mew

seagull Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tidigeh glaucous and herring

seal both needzak

search and seizure Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nitr'intii ts'at tr'tiunjik nitr'intii = searching
ts'at =and
tr'uunjik = it was taken

search warrent Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nitr'ineetyaa nitr'ineetyaa = they will search

gwidinehth)e gwidlnehth~e = its paper

secret Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nitr'igwinah'ii to hide something

secret Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nagwinah'ii someone is hidmg something from


security Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guk'andehnahtii kat guk'andehnahtii = s/he monitors it

kat = more than one

seizure Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm diiyah too gwichithitthaih diiyah = with them

too= dark
gwichithitthaih = it happened

seizure Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diiyah an gwidadaadhak diiyah =with them

an= away
gwidadaadhak = it is happening

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

seizure Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guunanh gwihinjuh guunanh = on them

gwihinjuh = tightening

self centered Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm adanh' zr~ih kheenjit adanh' =him/her

niiji'adhat zrE;th= only
kheenjit = for him/herself
niiji'adhat = s/he is thinking

self esteem Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nits'oo khaniinji'dadhat nits'oo = how

khaniinji'dadhat = s/he thinks of

selfish Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm adats'at niinji'adhat adats'at =towards one's self

niinji'adhat = s/he is thinking

selfish Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khaniinji'dadhat s/he thinks of him/herself

semi-ambulatory Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vits'at tr'idijii hah nahadik vits'at = to him/her

tr'idijii = help
hah =with
nahadik = s/he walks around

senate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm anjdo Hgijil anjoo = elder

hgljil = they meet

senility Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shinh yadhahkhaii shinh = old age

yadhahkhaii = is fighting with

sentencing Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gwiizuu t'indizhik eenjit gwiizuu t'indizhik = you did wroung
vanagwahahtsaa eenjit = for it
vanagwahahtsaa = you will make it

September Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vananh' Di'iilii Vananh' = in that time

Di'iilii = it loses the fur on its

September Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vananh' Ne'nidijaa Vananh' = in that time

Ne'nidijaa = birds fly away.

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

September Gwrchyah Gwrch'm Sree Nanh Ne'tandijaa sree nanh' = month

ne'tandijaa = birds fly back

sequester Teetl'rt Gwrch'm uudhilch'eii azhik khehlat uudhllch'eii = one's who listen
t'igiheech'yaa azhlk = there
khehlat = in one place
t'igiheech'yaa = they will stay

sergeant at arms Teetl'rt Gwrch'm dachan gugwidee'in dachan = wood

nahdichik gugwidee'in = sign
nahdichik = s/he carries it

seven Teetl'lt Gwrch'm ets'ideech'ii neekaii

seven Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ets'ideech'ii neek'lii

seventeen Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ililak juutyin ts'at inrak =one

ets'ideech'ii neekaii juutyin = counted
ts'at =and
ets'iteech'ii neekaii = seven

seventeen Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ihlogwijuutyin ts'at ihlogwijuutyin = counted once

ets'ideech'ii neekf:\ii ts'at =and
ets'ideech'ii neekqjj = seven

seventy Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ets 'ideech'ii neekaii ets'ideechii neekaii = seven

juutyin juutyin = cotmted

seventy Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ets'ideech'ii neekf:\H ets'ideech'ii neekqjj = seven

gwijuutyin gwijuutyin = it is counted

sewage Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwinduu' one's waste

sewing (I sewed) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm k'e 'danalkai' I sewed

sewing machine Gwrchyah Gwrch'm iitsii k'eejahkai' iitsii = machine

k'eejahkai'= it sews

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

sewing machine Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii k'e'jahkai' iitsii = machine

k'e'jahkai' = it is sewing

sexual assault Teetl'lt Gwtch'm gwiizuu yits'at gwitr'it gwlizuu = bad

t'agwah'in yits'at =towards him/her
gwitr'it = work
t'agwah'in = s/he did

shack (old) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm zheh gwishik zheh =house

gwishik = old

Shaeffer Mountain Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Chii Cheechii

shale both tth'oh

shame Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uuzhii nilii uuzhii =shy

nilii = s/he is

Shampoo Gwtchyah Gwtch'm chiighe' daatleh chiighe' = headhair

daatleh = soap

Shampoo Teetl'lt Gwtch'm chiighe • daatlih chiighe' = headhair

daatHh = soap

shaving cream Gwtchyah Gwtch'm deezhoo eenjit daath~e· deezhoo = whiskers

eenjit = for it
daatlee' =soap (possessed)

shavings both aazrik wood shavings

shawl both lashel French term

sheep both divii

Sheep Creek Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Divii Daaghoo Njik divii = sheep

daaghoo = bleating
njik =creek

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Sheep Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Divii Daonjik slang for "Divii Daaghoo Njik"

sheep (large male ) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shohzhin'

shell bag both diik'ee chi' dhoh diik'ee chi' = bullets

dhoh = cover I skin

shelter (lean to) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ts'iivii shah ts'iivii = tree

shah = shelter

shelter (lean to) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ts'eevii shah ts'eevii = tree

shah = shelter

shelves Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihk'ehdak vizhit gwiltsaii nihk'ehdak = one over the other
vizhit = in it
gwiltsaii = it is made

shelves Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nihk'ehdak vakak nik'ehdak =one over the other
dagoodlee vakak =on it
dagoodlee = they are piled up

shelves Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihk'yehdak vikak nihk'yehdak = one over the other
dagohdlii vikak =on it
dagohdlii = they are put there

shiltee island Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshildii njuu tshil-dii = shock

njuu = island

shiltee rock Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Tshildii shock

shock Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshilghdh he got scared

shoes Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm kaiitrih

shoes Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm kaiitreh

shore both teevee water's edge

shore Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm teeghee water's edge

Gwich in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich/in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

shorter days Teetl'tt Gwtch'm drin dahgwan drin = day

dahgwan = shorter

shorter days Gwtchyah Gwtch'm drin dahgwadh drin =day

dahgwadh = shorter

shorts Teetl'tt Gwtch'm thai gwan thai= pants

gwan =short

shorts Gwtchyah Gwtch'm thai gwadh thal =pants

gwadh = shorts

shot Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diik'ee tsal diik'ee = gtm

tsal =small

shotgun (double barrel) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diik'ee jiigoo

shotgun (double barrel) Gwtchyah Gwtch' m diik'ee jiigQQ

shots (muzzle loader) both diik'ee chi' ghoo diik'ee chi' = bullets
ghoo =round

shoulder blade both egeechan

shoulder (my) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shaghohk'at my shoulder

shoulder (my) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shighohk'et my shoulder

shouting Teetl'tt Gwtch'm zral s/he is shouting

shoveller Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dehdrik

shoveller Gwtchyah Gwtch'm t'oovii

shrew both dloo daatthaa

shy Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uuzhii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

sickness both ts'ik

sign of the cross Gwtchyah Gwtch'm uutadaandaii

sin Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tr'igwaanduu it is very bad

sin Gwtchyah Gwtch' m tr'igwaandyidh it is very bad

sinew Teetl'1t Gwtch'm khaniidoo I am twisting it

sinew Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ch'eh thread

sinew Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ch'ih thread

single barrel shotgun both diik'ee ts'ik diik'ee =gun

ts'ik =slim

single person Gwtchyah Gwtch'm than' nadhat thC:tn' = alone

(unmarried) nadhat = s/he stands

single person Teetl'lt Gwtch'm gadhidii kwaa gadhidii = married

(unmarried) kwaa =not

sinkers both cheh chii cheh = under water/river bottom

chii =stone

sinning Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'igwaanduu t'igwidi'in tr'igwaanduu = it is very bad

t'igwidi'in = doing

sister (my) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shijyidh my younger sister

sister (older ) both sheejii my older sister

sister (younger) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm shijuu' my younger sister

sister (younger) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shijyidh khaints'an' shijyidh = my sister

khaints'an' = younger

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

sister-in-law (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shiyah'at (younger brother's wife)

sister-in-law (my) both shaghaii (man's side)

Sitidgi Lake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Sitr'ijee Van

six Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm nihk'ii tik nihk'ii =both sides

tik = three

six Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nihk'ii tyik nihk'ii = both sides

tyik =three

sixteen Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at nihk'ii ihlak =one

tik juutyin = counted
ts'at =and
nihk'ii = both sides
tik =three

sixteen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihlogwijuutyin ts'at nihk'ii ihlogwijuutyin =counted once

tyik ts'at = and
nihk'ii = both sides
tyik =three

sixty Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihk'ii tik juutyin nihk'ii = both sides

tik =three
juutyin = counted

sixty Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m nihk'ii tyik juutyin nihk'ii = both sides

tyik =three
juutyin = counted

skin (my) both shidho h

skirt Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tl'eethoh ik tl'eethoh = waist

ik =dress

skirt Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yik skirt/dress

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

skull (his/her) both vichii tth'an vichii = his/her head

tth'an = bone

sky Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhee hyuu zhee =sky

hyuu = along the Side

sky Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zhee

sky Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm zhee hyidh zhee =sky

hyidh = along the side

sky (blue) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwijiditl'dh it is all blue

Slavey people both aachin Slavey People/stranger

sleeve support Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gyin nidiniizhii gyin =arm

nidiniizhii = wrapped around

sleeve support Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diigyin nidiniizhii diigyln =one's arm

nidiniizhii =wrapped around

sleeve support Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gyin ninuht'aii gyin =arm

ninuht'aii = wrapped around

slip Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyehzhak ik iyehzhak = under

ik =dress

slip, t-shirt Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iyehzhak yik iyehzhak = underneath

yik =dress

slow learner both khanh' gik'idhinjih kwaa khanh' = quickly

gik'idhinjih = s/he learns
kwaa =not

slow learner Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khe'ts'at gik'idhinjih khe'ts'at =slowly

gik'idhinjih = s /he learns

slush Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nireh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

smart Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm duuleh nilH duuleh = smart

= s/he is

smashed Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm altra.U broken to small pieces

smoke both 1:at

smoke hole both tshik

smokehouse Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm uutsik zheh uutsik = dried fish

zheh =house

snake Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gyqq chao g144= worm

chao= big

Snake River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Gyuu Dizhoo Njik gyuu=worm

dizhoo = hairy
njik =river

snare both gya.h

snare (jump) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm thak jump snare

sneak Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nagwinaa' ii s/he is hiding something

snipe (common) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yeezhah

snow both zhoh

snow blindness both neezhinh

snow bunting Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gugeh zhuu gugeh = snowgoose


snow btmting Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gugeh zheu gugeh = snow goose


snow crust both gwilyuu' its ice

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

snow (deep) both zhoh diniinchih zhoh =snow

diniinchih = big and heavy

snow (drifting soft Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhoh nanadhidoh zhoh = snow

snow) ninadhidoh = blowing in all

snow (drifting soft Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m zhoh tsal hah tazruu zhoh =snow
snow) tsal =small
hah =with
tazruu = it has drifted

snow goose both gugeh

snow (melting) both zhoh nagwaaghaii zhoh= snow

nagwaaghaii = melting

snow (melting) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhoh nadhaghaih zhoh =snow

nadhaghaih = it is melting

snow (melting) Teetl'1t Gw!Ch'm taoj iilit it is melting

snow (melting) both nagwaaghaii it is melting

snow patch on trees both dehzhdo'

snow (powdery) both zhoh tshuh zhoh =snow

tshuh = soft and light

snow (soft) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zhoh tshadh zhoh=snow

tshadh = soft and light

snow (soft) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhoh tshuu' zhoh =snow

tshuu' = soft and light

snowstorm Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhoh minadhiddh zhoh =snow

nanadhiddh = blowing in all

Gwich'in Social & Culhual Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

snow underneath crust both tsaih zhyaa

snow (wet) both zhoh trah zhoh= snow

trah =wet

snowbird (white) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ddhah dzhii' ddhah = mountain

dzhli' =bird (possessed)

snowbird (white) Gw1chyah Gw!Ch'm gugeh zheu dagC!Ji gugeh = snow bird
dagqjj = white

snowdrift both tsil

snowflakes Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gehts'oh ch'aa' gehts'oh = pieces of rabbit fur

ch'aa' = all torn up

snowing Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ahshih it is snowing

snowing Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ahsheh it is snowing

snowshoes Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm aih

snowshoes Gw1chyah Gw1eh'm eih

snowslide Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsil gwihdajik tsil = snowdrift

gwihdajik = it slid down

snowslide Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zhoh njik zhoh =snow

njik = it slid down

snowslide Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwijih

snowstorm both zhoh hah ahtr'aih zhoh =snow

hah =with it
ahtr'aih =wind

soap Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm daat!ih

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

soap Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm daatl-eh

soap (dish) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ik daatlih ch'[k = plate

daatl:-th = soap

soap (dish) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ch'ek daath~e· ch'ek = plate

daatlee' =soap

social worker Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm datthak gwits'at tr'iinjii datthak = everyone

gwits'at = towards
tr'iinjii = s/he helps

social worker Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm neesrij<thch'uu kat ts'at neesrij4hch'uu = s/he is poor
tr'iinj ii kat = more than one
ts'at = towards
tr'iinjii = s/he helps

socks Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tah

socks (thick ) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tah diti' tah =socks

ditl' = thick

socks (thick) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tah ditye' stoogin = socks

ditye' = thick

soldier Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm niveht'ah'ii s/he is going out, watching


soldier Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm niveht'ah'in

sometimes both geetak

sometimes Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tr'ihts'at gwa'an now and then

song (prophetic) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'adagwida'ak elik k'adagwida'ak =messenger

elik =song

song (prophetic) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shan elik shan = spiritual medicine

elik =song

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

songs (drum) both shuh elik shuh =drum

elik =song

songs (drum dance) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shtih k'yuu atr'aadzoo shuh =drum
gwi'elik k'yuu = its way
atr'aadzoo = they are dancing
gwi'elik = song (possessed)

soot both ch'tih

soot both lits'ih

sore arm Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diigyin elts'ik diigy1n = one's arm

elts'ik = it is sore

sore arm Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shigyin ehs'ik shigyln = my arm

elts'ik = it is sore

soul (my) Gw1chyah Gw1eh'm shizhin my soul

soup bowl Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ik ghoo ch'1k = plate

ghoo =round

southern native Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yi'eenji' gwidinjii zhuu' yi'eenji' =way out
gwidinjii zhUu'= their native

space station Teetl'lt Gw1ch' m zheetii dhityin gwizheh zheetii = sky

dhityin = it is put there
gwizheh = their house

spacecraft Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhee khyuu nahdalak zhee =sky

khyuu = along the side
nahdalak =it is running

sparrow (white Gw1chyah Gw1eh'm khatr'igijiinjiizhe e'


speaker of the house Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gUkhii s/he is speaking

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

speaker of the senate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm anjdo kat ligiljil gwichit anjoo kat = elders
-l:iglljil =they met
gwichlt = their leader

speaking (in anger to Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ats'at t'iiyahnuu ats'at = towards him/her
one) t'iiyahnuu = s/he is telling him/her

special needs Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shu' gik'idhinjii shu' = difficult

gik'idhinjii = s/he learns

special or select Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at jilch'eiinat iisrits'at = most prominent

committee jllch'eiinat = one's who sit

speech from the throne Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm nagwinii'aii geenjit nagwlnii'aii = put into place
gwaandak geenjit gwaandak = s/he is talking
about it

speech impairment Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'idagoohik ginjih repeating of words is difficult


spider both gudeedrii

spider web Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gudeedrii chihvyaa' gudeedrii = spider

chihvyaa' = net

spider web Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gudeedrii da'ootl'ii gudeedrii = spider

da'oot{'ii = it is weaved

spina bifida Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diimin tthoh agweedii

spine (my) both shamin tth'an' shanan = my back

tth'an' = bone (possessed)

spirit Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ank'yqq' one's spirit

spirit (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shink'yuu' my spirit

spirit (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shink'yirq' my spirit

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

spokesperson both diiyeenjit giikhii diiyeenjit = for someone

gi}khii = s/he is speaking

spoon both span

spoon Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ch'ik tsal ch'1k = plate

tsal = small

sprain Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ihnuuch'ah it is torn

sprain Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gwichciuch'ah it tore

sprain Teetl'tt Gwtch'm itinuuch'aa it is torn

spring Teetl'tt Gwtch'm sreendit

spring (came early) both khanh' gwi-l:gwan' khanh' = quickly

gwlfgwan' = it melted

spring (came early) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm d<~,U khanh' gwi-l:gwan' dqj! =spring
khanh' = fast
gwi-!:gwan'= it melted

spring (current) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm juk d1:1Ji jUk =now

dq}j =spring

spring (current) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm juga ctqH juga' =now

dqjj = spring

spring (early) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm khanh' gwahahgwan' khanh' = quickly

gwahahgwan' =it will melt

spring (fast melting) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm daii khanh' gwUgwan' daii = spring
khanh' = fast
gwi-!:gwan' = melting

spring (late, after Teetl'tt Gwtch'm daii

break up)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

spring (melting snow) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm gwahgwan' it is melting

spring (season) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm da.U late spring/early summer

spring (season) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sreendyit

spring water Teetl'tt Gwtch'm kha tanahaii water is appearing

spruce bough Teetl'lt Gwtch'm thoo'ah

spruce cone both dineedzil

spruce gum (chewable) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dzih kwan dz1h ==gum

kwan = clear (transparent)

spruce gum Guice) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm dzih ant'at tshu' dzih =gum
ant'at == sticky
tshu' = its water

spruce gum Guice) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dzeh tsh4' dzeh=gum

tshl)' =juice (possessed)

spruce gum (soft) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dzih ant'at dzih= gum

ant'at = sticky

spruce gum (soft) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dzeh ant'at dzeh=gum

ant'at = sticky

squirrel both dlak

stage (fish) Gwt~hyah Gwtch'm luk drqh luk = ftsh

drqh == stage

stage (for drying fish) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm uutsik drl:l,h uutsik = dried fish
drqh =stage

stairs both vakak danatr'adadal vakak =on it

danatr'adadal = walks up

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

stand aside Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ihleh zhtiu eenjit izhits'aii ihieh = for a while
na.a. 'ee zhuu eenjit = for no reason
izhlts'aii = on that side
nq.q.'ee = you, stand

standing committee - Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ihhlh jilch'eiinat ihieh = for a while

statute jilch'eiinat = committee

star both san'

star (evening) both san' choo san'= star

chao= big

stare decisis Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iisrits'at hit gwijiintshii iisrits'at = most important
aii tr'uuhadhahch'yaa lat = some of it
gwijlintshii = large scale
tr'uuhadhahch'yaa = it will be
listened to

startled Gwrchyah Gwrch'm chilghoh s/he was startled

startled Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vighashih chuujil

statutory marriage Teetl'rt Gwrch'm too hah lao hah = absolutely

nihkha tr' igwa. hchih nihkhatr'igwq.hchih = they were

stay of proceedings Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ihhlh jtiu nitr'inqhchuh ihleh = for a short time
juu nitr'lnq.hchuh = it was put aside

steal Teetl'rt Gwrch'm in'ii s/he is stealing

steal Gwrchyah Gwrch'm en'th s/he is stealing

steam (from a hole in Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tadhah zraa'

the ice)

steam (from hole in the both teedhah zraa'


Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

steam (from kettle) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm teezrah

steam (from kettle) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm teedhah znia'

steam (from open both teezhirh


stepbrother (my eldest) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shuundee chit dhidlit shuundee = my older brother
chit = oldest
dhidlit = he became

stepbrother (my older) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shuundee nathilit shuundee = my older brother
nathilit = he became

stepfather Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ti' nathilit ti' = father

nathilit= he became

stepfather (my) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shitye' nathilit shitye' = my father

nathilit = he became

stepmother Teetl'rt Gwrch'm hcinh' nayidilii hanh' = mother

nayidilii = she became

stepmother Teetl'rt Gwrch'm hanh' nayaa'ii hanh' =mother

nayaa'ii = having for his/her own

stepmother (my) both shahanh' nathilit shahanh' =my mother

nathilit = she became

stepsister (my) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shijyidh nathilit shijyidh = my sister

nathilit = she became

stepsister (my younger) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shijuu nathilit shijuu = my younger sister
nathilit = she became

stepsister (my Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shijyidh khaints'an' shijyidh = my sister

youngest) nathilit khaints'an = younger
nathilit = she became

stick fish Gw1chyah Gwrch'm h

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

stick fish Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atsah

stick (for making stick Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ahts<\h gal' ahtsc}h = stick fish
fish) gal' = stick (possessed)

stick for setting net both dehzrak

stick (fork stick for both shak

setting net tmder ice)

sting (bee) Teetl'lt Gw1ch' m ineedzit inuuk'ak ineedzit = bee

inuuk'ak = poke with a sharp

stockings Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tah dril ninjuu tah =socks

dril =thin
ninjuu = long

stomach ache Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shizrak elts'ik shizrak = my stomach

elts'lk = it is sore/sick

stomach ache Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shitril elts'lk shitrll = my belly

elts'lk = it is sore/sick

stomach (coney) both sruh zhik sruh =coney

zhlk =guts

stomach contents both itrik stomach contents

(caribou & moose)

stomach (inner) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diichit one's inner stomach

refers to human

stomach (inner) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm i tshi t

stomach (inner) both shivat my inner stomach

stomach (my) both shizrak my belly (whole belly area)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

stomach (trout) both dhik'ii zrak dhik'ii = trout

zrak =belly

stone both chii

stone age people Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ts'iidaii

stone age people Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ts'iidt::ii

Stony Creek Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Gwatoh Taii Tshik gwatoh = over

taii = trail
tshik = creek

storage pits (under Gw1chyah Gwrch'm nan tseek'it nan= ground

ground) tseek'it = storage place

storage pits Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan tsiik'it nan= ground

(underground) tsiik'it = storage place

store both uukat zheh uukat =buy

zheh =house

store manager Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm khehkaih chit khehkaih = manager

chit = leader

store manager both khehkaih

stove (oil) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iitsii vizhit khaii juuk'an' iitsii = stove
vizhit = in it
khaii = oil
juuk'an' = it is burning

stove (oil) both khaii juuk'an' iitsii khaii = oil

juuk'an' = it is burning
iitsii = stove

stove pipe both iitsii gwizhah iitsii = stove/metal

gwizhah = it is hollow /it is empty

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

stove pipe elbow Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii alsraii iitsii = stove/ metal
alsraii = it is bent

stove pipe elbow Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii alsrq,U iitsii = stove I metal
a}srqH = it is bent

stove (wood) both iitsii stove/metal

straight Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ch'igwijuu'ee something that is straight

strainer Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vinjit tr'injaa vinjit = through it

tr'ihinjaa = spill

strainer Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vinjit tr'itanjaa vinjit = through

tr'itanjaa = pouring

strange Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsin gwaa'ii acting silly or strange,

abnormal acts

stranger both aachin

stretcher Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vizhidhii' e e I put it in

sty Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm shindee khagweedizhaa shindee = my eye

khagweedizhaa = it is coming out

submission Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dadizhik yeenjit gUkhii dadizhik = what happened to

yeenjit = for him/her
gHkhii = s/he is speaking

subpoena Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'oodahkat nihiinhaa tr'oodahkat nihiinhaa = you will go

eenjit edinehtl'ee to court
eenjit edlneht}'ee = its paper

sucker both daats'at

suddenly Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm khanh'ts'at

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

suffering both khaiinji'dadhat s /he is suffering

sugar Teetl'rt Gwrch'm soogaii

sugar Gwrchyah Gwrch'm

sugar bowl Teetl'rt Gwrch'm soogaii tyah soogaii = sugar

tyah = pail/ container

sugar bowl Gwrchyah Gwrch'm suuga.U ty&h suug~H = sugar

tyqh = container

sugar cubes Teetl'rt Gwrch'm soogaii hi' soogaii = sugar

lu' = hard (solid)

sugar cubes Gwrchyah Gwrch'm suug<\U hi' suug~H = sugar

lu' = hard (solid)

summary offense Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiiyaa'an ts'at gwiizuu gwiiyaa'an = more than
kwaa ts'at =and
gwlizuu kwaa = it is not bad

summer both shin

summer (came early) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm khanh' shin goodlet khanh' = quickly
shin = summer
goodlet = it happened suddenly

summer (will come both khanh' shin gwiteelah khanh' = quickly

early) shin = summer
gwiteelah = it will happen

Summit Lake Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Daadzaii Van' daadzaii = loon

vim' = lake (possessed)

summons Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tr'oodahkat nihiinhaa tr'oodahkat nihiinhaa = you will go

eenjit edinehth:le to court
edlnehtl'ee = its paper

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sree

sun Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm srii

stm (ring armmd) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm srii ne'nilt'aih srii =sun

ne'nllt'aih = strung around

stm (ring around) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m sree ne'nilt'aih sree =sun

ne'nllt'aih = strung around

Sunday both drin zhit drin =day

zh!t = inside

sunny day Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm sriinii'aii it is sunny

sunrise Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ge'ta'aii

sunrise Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ge'chuu't;:ih

sunset Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm na'a'aih

sunset Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm na'ii'eih took it down

sunshine Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm srii nii'aii the sun is shining

sunshine Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm sree nii't;:H the sun is shining

supreme court Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm iisrits'at atr'oodahkat iisrits'at = most prominent

Canada gwizhit atr'oodahkat = questioning
Canada gwizhlt =in Canada

supreme court of canada Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Canada datthak gwizhit Canada datthak = all of Canada
iisrits'at atr'oodahkat gwizhlt = in it
gwiintshii iisrits'at = most prominent
atr'oodahkat =court
gwiintshii = large scale

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

supreme court of the Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nakhweminkat gwizhit nakhweminkat = our land
NWT iisrits'at atr'oodahkat gwizhlt = in it
gwiintshii iisrits'at = most prominent
atr'oodahkat= court
gwiintshii = large scale

surgery Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diitr'it'ii someone is cutting them

surgery Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diitr'it'yee someone is cutting them

surprised Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shichaa gwijilm\th I was surprised

surprised Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vichaa gwidijalnqth s/he was surprised

suspended sentence Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm ihh~h jtiu nitr'igwinii'aii ihh~h =for a short while
juu nltr'lgwlnii'aii = it was put aside

suspenders both ghoh toh niit'aii ghoh = shoulder

toh =over
niit'aii = hanging

swallow Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shehtsoo

swallow (bank,tree) Teetl'1t Gw1ch:m sheihtsoo vee

swallow (cliff) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm sheihtsoo

swallow (tree, Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm chehtsadh neet'aa


swampy place both gweelah wet ground with lots of water

swan Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm daazraii

swan Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm daazra.U

Swan Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Daazraii Tshik daazraii = swan

tshik = creek

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Swan Lake Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Daazraii Van' daazraii = swan

van' = lake (possessed)

swear Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiizuu tr'igiikhii gwiizuu = bad

tr'igiikhii = they speak

swear Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'igwaanyadh gUkhii tr'igwaandyadh = very bad

gHkhii = s/he is speaking

swear Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiizuu giikhii gwiizuu = bad

giikhii = s/he is speaking

sweater Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm warsdit ik warsdlt = yarn

ik = shirt/ dress

sweater Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lalen yik lalen =yarn

yik = shirt/dress

swing Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl'a'aaval

swing Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tl'aa'iival

swing Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl'ee'aaval k'it tl'ee'aaval = swinging

k'it =place

swollen Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gwilzhal a swollen place

swollen Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm alzhal it is swollen

swollen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm alzhal it is swollen

swollen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwilzhal

sympathetic Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm guuveenjit guuveenjit = for them

nehsritr'ij 8,hch'ti h nehsritr'ij4hch'uh = they are poor

sympathetic Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vits'at neesritr'ij~hch'uu vits'at = towards him/her

neesritr'ij4hch'uu = they are poor

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

syrup, sap Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'ii tshti' k'ii =birch

tshu' = its water

syrup, sap Gwtchyah Gwtch'm k'ii tshlj' k'ii =birch

tshtj' = its water

t-shirt Gwtchyah Gwtch'm azhak yik azhak = under

yik = shirt

table both vakak ii'aa vakak =on it

ii'aa = we eat

table cloth both vakak ii'aa dhoh vakak ii'aa = table

dhoh = cover I skin

table cloth Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vakak ii'aa kak dalchuu vakak ii'aa = table
kak =on it
daJchuu = it is laid

table (small) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vakak ii' a a tsal vakak ii'aa =table
tsal =small

tackle box Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ly&h gwidal ligis lyqh =hook

gwidal = things
ligis =box

tackle box Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lyah gwidal tyah lyah =hook

gwidal = things
tyah = container/pail

take out Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'itahchyah to take someone to another place.

tallow Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ik'eh ghai' ik'eh = fat

ghai' = its grease

tam Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ts'eh ghoo ts'eh = hat

ghoo =round

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

tax refund Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tseedhdh gwats'an tseedhdh = money

natr'ahtsik gwats'an = to someone
natr'ahtsik = it is returned

tea both lidii

tea towel Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ch'ek dqhsrqq' ch'ek = plate

dqhsrqq' =towel

tea towel Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ik dohsrdo ch'lk = plate

dohsrdo = towel

teacher both ga'uunahtan s/he is teaching

teacher Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gaonahtan s/he is teaching

teacher assistant Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ga'uunahtan ts'anuu ga'uunahtan = s/he teaches

ts'anuu = helper

teacher assistant Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gaonahtan ts'anuh gaonahtan = s/he teaches

ts'anuh = helper

teacher assistant Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ga'uunahtan ts'at tr'iinjii ga'uunahtan = teacher

ts'at =to
tr'iinjii = help

teapot both lidii tyah lidii = tea

tyah = pail/ container

tears both tree tshti' tree = crying

tshu' = water (possessed)

teepee both zheh gwich'ok zheh =house

gwich'ok = it has a sharp point

teeth (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shighd' my teeth

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

telephone both d'yah vizhit tr'igUkhii t!'yah = line

vizhit = in it
tr'igHkhii = talking

temper (quick Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khanh' vatsin khanh' = quickly

tempered) gwahdaadhak vatsin gwahdaadhak = s/he gets
angry quickly

temper (quick Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vatsin gwahdaadhak s/he gets angry

tempered) often.

ten Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ihlak =one

juutyin =counted

ten Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m ihlogwijuutyin counted once

tendons both ch'at

tent Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zheh gwidhdh zheh =house

gwidhoh = its cover

tent both niivyaa

termite Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dachan ahkhoo dachan = wood

ahkhoo =chewing away

termite Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dachan gyq' dachan = wood

gyl]' =its worm

territorial court Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nakhweminkat eenjit nakhwenankat = our land

atr'oodahkat eenjit = on behalf of
atr'oodahkat = court

territorial government Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii kat eenjit dinjii = people

k' adagwidaadha t kat = more than one
eenjit = on behalf of
k'adagwidaadhat = the head boss

testicles Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diighdo' one's eggs

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

thank you both mahsf'

thank you very much both mahsi' choo mahsl' =thank you
chao= big

thankful both htl,i' nilii hiif = thank you

nilli = s/he is

Thanksgiving Day Teetl'1t Gwtch'm Hai' Gwantl'agwida'aii hai' =thank you

Dr in gwantl'agwida'aii = they are
drin =day

the beginning Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gtikah gwiniidhat gukah = beginning

gwiniidhat = the time has come

the next day Teetl'tt Gwtch'm drin gehndoo drin = day

gehndoo = after

the next day Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gehndoo drin gehndoo = after

drin =day

thermometer (body) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ts'ik niidhaa vah ts'ik = sickness

k'atr'aandaii niidhaa = hot
vah =with it
k'atr'aandaii = measure

thermos bottle Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tshqq dhah ty&h tshijij = water

dhah =hot
tyqh = container I pail

thermos bottle Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuu dhah tyaa' tshuu = water

dhah =hot
tyaa' = container (possessed)

thermos bottle Teetl'tt Gwtch'm lidii dhah tyaa' lidii = tea

dhah =hot
tyaa' =container (possessed)

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich1 in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

thimble Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm edzii gwichoo edzii = ears

gwichoo = big

thirteen Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at tik ih{ak =one

juutyin = cmmted
ts'at =and
tik =three

thirteen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ih:l:ogwijuutyin ts'at tyik ih{ogwijuutyin = counted once

ts'at =and
tyik =three

thirty Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tik juutyin tik =three

juutyin = counted

thirty Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tyek juutyin tyek =three

juutyin = counted

this evening both juk khahts'at jllk=now

khclhtsat = evening

this evening Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwit:l:'ee khahts'at gwiti'ee = after

khclhts'at = evening

this morning Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm juk vanh' jllk= now

vanh' = morning

this morning Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'eejit vanh' k'eejit =before

vRnh' = morning

thread Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ch'eh

thread Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ch'ih

thread (embroidery both laswee French term


three Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tik

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

three Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tyek

Three Cabin Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Tr'ineedlaii

three days ago Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tik gwanoo drin = day
tik = three
gwanoo = to this time

three days ago Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drin tyik gwinoo drin =day
tyik =three
gwinoo = to this time

three days from now Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tik gwindoo' drin =day
tik = three
gwindoo' = after

throat (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shihda ii' my throat

throat (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shihdS:U' my throat

throat (sore) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shihdaii gwilts'ik shihdaii = my throat

gwihs'ik = it is sore

throat (sore) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shihd~H gwilts'ik shihdctH = my throat

gwihs'ik = it is sore

thumb (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shanchoh my thumb

thumb (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shinchath my thumb

thunder both nehtan

Thunder River both Vihtr'ii Tshik Vihtr'ii = flint

Tshik = creek

Thursday Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Drin Daankat drin =day

daankat =four

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Thursday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Drin Ts'at Drin drin =day

ts'at =from
drin =day
d;;t;;t =four

timber stand Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ehdii

timber stand Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ehdyee

tin can both iitsii tyah iitsii = metal

tyah =container/pail

toaster (for bread) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii vizhit leth ch'uh df.m iitsii = machine
tr'ahk'an vizh!t = in it
leth ch'uh = bannock
dC:m =raised
tr'ahk'an = they burn it

today both jtik drin jllk=now

drin =day

today Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm jugadrin juga' =now

drin =day

toenail (my) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shikaiiga ii · my toenail

toenails Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm kaiigaii'

toes (between) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm akaiigoo between the toes

toes (my) both shikaiits 'at my toes

toilet paper Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm dinehtl'eh vah tr'iditsit dineht}'eh = paper

vah =with it
tr'iditsit = to wipe

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

toilet paper Gwrchyah Gwrch'm edinehtl'eh vah tr'iditsit edineht}'eh = paper

vah =with it
tr'iditsit = to wipe

tomorrow both nihkaa'

tongue (my) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shichaa' my tongue

tonight Gwrchyah Gwrch'm jtik tadh juk =now

tadh =night

tonight Gwrchyah Gwrch'm gwit!'ee tadh gwiti'ee = later/after

tadh =night

too late Teetl'rt Gwrch'm at'at gwizhit tr'igwiniidhat at'at =already

gwizhit = in it
tr'igwiniidhat = it happened

tooth ache (my) both shigho' ehs'ik shighO' = my teeth

efts'ik = it is sore

tooth filling Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diigho' zhit nagwahtsii diigho' = one's teeth
zhit = in it
nagwahtsii = making it again

toothbrush Gwrchyah Gwrch'm diigho' vah ek'ee'tr'ahtraa diigho' =one's teeth

t<d' vah = with it
ek'ee'tr'ahtraa = wash
t4i' =handle

toothbrush Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vah diigho' k'eetr'ahtraa vah =with it

diigho' = one's teeth
k'eetr'ahtraa = wash

toothpaste Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diigho' vah k'eetr'ahtraa diigho' =one's teeth

vah = with it
k'eetr'ahtraa = wash

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

toothpaste Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diighd' vah ek'ee'tr'ahtraa diigho' =one's teeth

vah =with it
ek'ee'tr'ahtraa = wash

toque Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lalen ts'ah lalen =yarn

ts'ah =hat

tort (a wicked act) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo wrong doing

tourist Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm khehtak nahdadal kat khehtak = long trip

nahdadal = traveller
kat = more than one

tourist Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nan kak natadik nan= land

kak= on
natadik = s/he walks

tourists Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nan kak natadidal kat nan= land

kak= on
natadidal = they are walking
kat = more than one

towards evening both khahts'at gwits'at khahts'at = night

gweedhah gw!ts'at = towards
gweedhah = the time is going

towel Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dohsrqq

towel Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dohsroo

tower Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zheh yeet'qU'ee zheh =house

yeet'&H'ee = high up above
everything else/stretching up

trader Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii uukat ahtsii dinjii =man

uukat = s/he buys
ahtsii = make

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

trader both uukat ahtsii uukat = s/he is buying

ahtsii = s/he is making it

tradition Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ndoo dagwideeda'aii ndoo = forward I ahead

dagwideeda'aii =to plan I to put

tradition Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ndoo tr'igwee'aa ndoo = forward I ahead

tr'igwee'aa = to put forth I to pass

trail Gwtchyah Gwtch'm trail/road/path

trail Teetl'tt Gwtch'm taii trail/road/path

Trail Creek Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tr'atr'aataii Tshik Tr'atr'aataii = the path is laid out
Tshik = creek

trained Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gahdandaii nilii gahdandaii = s/he knows

nilii = s/he is

trained Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ga'uuniltyin s/he has been taught

trained Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gaonihyin s/he is taught

transfer payment Teetl'tt Gwtch'm izhuu ts'at tseedhdh izhuu ts'at = to a different person
gwintl'atr'ahtshuh tseedhdh = money
gwint{'atr'ahtshuh = giving

trap Gwtchyah Gwtch'm khya.h

trap Teetl'tt Gwtch'm khyah

trap (deadfall) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dachan khycih dachan = wood

khy~h =trap

trap (deadfall) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dachan khyah dachan = wood

khyah =trap

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

trap (fish) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'oo fish trap

trap (fish) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'adh fish trap

trap (steel) both iitsii khy~ h iitsii = steel

khy~h =trap

Travaillant Lake Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Khaii Lugu' khaii = winter

lugu' (cl:uk) = fish

Travaillant Lake Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Khaii Luk Van khaii : winter

luk = fish (possessed)
van= lake

Travaillant River Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Teela,t'

treaty Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm iagwiinaadhan we (two parties) want it

treaty Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tseedhdh gwatat tr'ilii tseedhoh = money

gwatat = among
tr'illi = is being given out to many

treaty Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lazhCJ,'l. la tr' ahdaii

treaty day Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tseedhdh gwatat tr'ilii drin tseedhdh = money
gwatat = among
tr'ilii = is being given out to many
drin =day

treaty money Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lazhCJ,CJ. tseedhcih lazh&& = money

tseedhoh = money

Tree River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Dachan Chao Gehnjik dachan = wood

choo =big
gehnjik = up a distance from there

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Tree River Gw1chyah Gw1eh'm Dachan Chao Gehnjigaa Dachan = wood

Chao= big
Gehnjigaa = a distance back from

tree (spruce) both ts'iivii

trembling both daatrat s/he is trembling

trifling Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiintl'clh yidiinjik kwaa gwiintf'oh = more in scale

yidiinj)k = s/he was hurt
kwaa =not

trigger both diik'ee kaiidral' diik' ee = gun

kaiidral' = toes

trout both vit

trout (mountain) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsivii zhuu

truck driver Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii khal ne'tahlak iitsii = machine/metal

kha-l- = vehicle/wagon
ne'tahlak = s/he is driving

truck driver Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii khal ak'qhdak iitsii = machine I metal
khal = vehicle/wagon
ak'qhdak = s/he steers

try Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gijiint'aii try - speaking to one person

trying Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm guk' agwandaih s/he is trying

tub (laundry) both vizhit ek'eetr'ahtraa vizhlt = in it

ek'eetr'ahtraa = washing it

Tuesday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Drin Ts' at Drin N eekaii drin =day

ts'at =from
drin =day
neekaii = two

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Tuesday Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Dr in Neekaii drin =day

neekaii = two

Tuesday Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm Dr in Tl'ee Gehndoo Dr in Drin =day

T-f'ee =after
Gehndoo = after that
Drin =day

twmel Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m nan t'eh gweedii nan=ground

t'eh = tmder
gweedii =an opening/a passage

turkey Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm d&th chao dqth = chicken

chao= big

turkey both daih chao daih =chicken/spruce grouse

chao= big

turnip Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vich'ii tr'aajaa vich'ii = from it

tr'aajaa = eating quickly

turnip Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vich'eih tr'aajaa

twelve Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihlak juutyin ts'at neekaii ihiak =one

juutyin = counted
ts'at =and
neekaii = two

twelve Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihlogwijuutyin ts'at ihlogwijuutyin = counted once

neekaU ts'at =and
neekajj = two

twenty Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm neekaii juutyin neekaii = two

juutyin = counted

twenty Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm neekogwijuutyin counted twice

two both neekaii

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

two winters ago both khaii neekat gwinoo khaii = winter

neekat = two of them
gwmoo =ago

umbilical cord Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'iinin chyaa' tr'iinin = child

chyaa' = placentum

umbilical cord Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'iinin tl'yaa' tr'iinin = child

tf'yaa' = string (possessed)

umbilical cord Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm echyaa tl'yaa' echyaa = placentum

tl'yaa' = its string

unborn animals Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ichidhidii

1.mborn animals both igii

uncle (my) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm shoo'ii my uncle

(mother's brother)

uncle (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shitii

uncle (my) both shuu'ii (mother's brother)

under shirt Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ezhyaa ik ezhyaa =underneath

ik = shirt/ dress

undertaking Teetl'1t Gwtch'm kheenide' gwijida'aii a warning was sent

underwear Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyehzhak thal iyehzhak =underneath

tha{ =pants

underwear Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiyehzhak gwich'aa' gwiyehzhak = under

gwich'aa' = clothes

underwear Gw1chya Gw1ch'm gwiyehzhak gwidal' gwiyehzhak = under

gwidal' = clothes

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

unemployment cheque Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwitr'it t'agwah'ii kwaa gwitr'it = work

tse edho h t'agwah'ii = s/he is doing
kwita = nothing
tseedhoh = money

unfit to stand trial Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat niheehaa atr'oodahkat niheehaa = s/he will
geenjit gadhan kwaa go to court
geenjit = for it
gadhan kwaa = it is not easy

unfriendly Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhliu ghadidich'uh kwah zhuu = for nothing

ghadidich'uh = friendly
kwah =not

unhappy both shah nilii kwaa shah= happy

nilli = s/he is
kwaa =not

unhappy both shah mlih kwah shbh =happy

nilli = s/he is
kwah =not

untie Teetl'It Gw1ch'm dinii'at I untied it

uppers both kant'ik top of the foot, beaded uppers

upstairs Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iyehdak zheh iyehdak =above/upper

zheh =house

upstairs Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ayeedak zheh ayeedak = upper

zheh =house

urine both lirh

uvula both vinaii ts' ai'

uvula (my) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shivyaa'

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

vacant Teetl'1t Gwtch'm zhtiu gdo'aii zhuu = for nothing

goo'aii = it is there

vacate bench warrant Teetl'1t Gwtch'm ganinaandaii izhik ganinaandaii = remember

nigiheehaa kwaa geenjit izhlk nigiheehaa kwaa = they won't
go there
geenjit = fort it

vacuum cleaner Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gwajat nahtsii gwajat = dirt

nahtsii = it picks it up

vacuum cleaner Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm iitsii gwijat nahtsii iitsii = machine/metal

gwijat = dirt
nahtsii = it picks it up

vagina both vatsan' her vagina

Valentines Day Teetl'1t Gwtch'm Edrii Drin edrii = heart

drin =day

vehicle both iitsii khal iitsii = machine/metal

khal =vehicle/wagon

veins (my) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm shich'uu' my veins

veins (my) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm shich'u;q' my veins

venereal disease Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ts'ik nizih kwaa ts'ik =sick

nizih =good

verbatim Teetl'lt Gwtch'm gin jih tthak kit te' gHkhii ginjih tthak = all that was said
klt te'gHkhii = they are repeating it

versus Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihch'uu niniinzhii s/he is going against another

vertigo Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diiyah shih dakhak with us things are spinning

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

vest Teetl'1t Gw!Ch'm ideeghan ik ideeghan = chest

ik = dress I shirt

vest Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dinjii viyik vivit kwaa dinjii =man

viyik = his/her shirt/ dress
vivit = his/her sleeves
kwaa =none

vestment Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm giikhii gwich'aa' giikhii = minister

gwich'aa' =clothes (possessed)

vestment Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm limes gwidal' limes= mass

gwidal' = clothes (possessed)

vicks Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm koh tlee' koh = the cold

tlee' = cream

visibility (poor) both gwiinzii gweech'in' kwaa gwiinzii = good

gweech'in' = visibility

visibility (poor) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ne'gwa,.h'eh

visions Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ants'at gwinah'ii ants'at = beyond

gwinah'ii = s/he sees

Vittrekwa Creek Teetl'1t Gw!Ch'm Vitreekwaa Viteetshik Vitreekwaa = no tears

Viteetshik = his/her creek

voir dire Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidii danuu duuhlh jidli danuu = what s/he is saying
vat'adahch'yaa duuleh = maybe
vat'adahch'yaa = it will be useful

vomit both kwaih

vomiting Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nadakwaih s/he is vomiting.

vote Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uuzri' tr'oonjii uuzrl' = name

tr'oonjii = taking

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic NT 1 Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

vows (marriage) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vit'egwijtl,hch'uu ts'at vit'egwijqhch'uu = God

kheenide' gwijida' aii ts'at =to
ch'ijuu'ee kheenide' gwijida'aii =make a
ch'ijuu'ee = honest/straight

waders Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm tshuu kaiitrih njuh tshuu = water

kaiitrih = shoes
njuh =long

waders Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq kaiitreh njuh tshl,ll.J. = water

kaiitreh = shoes
njuh =long

waist Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diidhdo k'it

wall Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm zheh gwikhyuu zheh = house

gwikhyuu= along the side

wall Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zheh gwikhyidh zheh = house

gwikhyidh = along the side

wallet GwJChyah Gw1ch'm lazhqq dhoh lazhqq = money

dhoh = cover/skin

wallet Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tseedhdh dhdh tseedhoh = money

dhoh = cover I skin

wallet Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lazhaa dhoh lazhaa = money

dhoh = cover I skin

warble flies on caribou both anan gyu' anan =back

gyli' = its' worm

ward Teet!'Jt Gw1ch'm vakaiik'it gwizhlt nan Iat vakaiik'lt gwizhlt = in his/her
nan lat = some of it

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

warehouse Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwidal k'atr'inahtii zheh gwidal = belogings

k'atr'inahtii = they look after it
zheh =house

wart Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shuh

wash basin Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm edi 'tr'inaajii ch'ik edi'tr'inaajii = washes one's face
ch'lk = plate

wash basin Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm daatleh ch'ek daat{eh = soap

ch'ek = plate

wash board both vakak ik'eetr'ahtraa vakak =on it

ik'eetr'ahtraa = they wash

wash board Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vik'do ik'eetr'ahtraa vik'do = over it

ik'eetr'ahtraa = they wash

washing machine both iitsii ek'ee'ahtnia iitsii = machine/metal

ek'eeahtraa = it washes

wasp Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ineedzit ts'ik ineedzit = bee

ts'ik = skinny

wasp both ineedzit

water Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu

water Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshq q

water (calm) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm juugh<il it is calm

water (clear) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu drinh' tshuu = water

drinh' = dear/transparent

water (clear) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq kwan' tsh!Jlf = water

kwan' = clear/transparent

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

water (cold) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu k'oh tshuu == water

koh ==cold

water (deep) both H~'ja',hshit deep water

water (dripping) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tshuu daa'il tshuu == water

daa'il = dripping

water (dripping) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq daa'if tshvv = water

daa'i} == dripping

water filter Teetl'1t Gwtch'm iitsii gwinjit chuu tr'iinjaa litsii == machine/metal
gwinjit = through it
chuu tr'iinjaa = water is spilled

water (fresh) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuu ch'ih tshuu = water

ch'ih = fresh/cold

water (holy) Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm tshuu sruudidinuu tshuu = water

sruudidinuu = held in high regard

water (holy) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tshqq daagqU tsh!J!J = water

daag<!H = holy /white

water (hot) Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm tshuu dhah tshuu = water

dhah =hot

water (in the late Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dqij =spring (season)

spring season) ch4 '=water

water is receding Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm chuu zhak t'idi'in chuu =water

zhcik t'idi'in = is receding

water is rising Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chuu dak t'idi'in chuu =water

dak t'idi'in = is rising

water (muddy) both tshuu vee tshuu = water

vee= grey

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

water (muddy) Gwtchyah Gwtch' m tshqq vee tshqq = water

vee =grey

water (open) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm teezri'

water pump Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iitsii vik'iighe' chuu litsii = machine/metal

niinlaii vik'lighe' = because of it
chuu niinlaii = water flows

water (swift) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tshqq niint'aii tshqlJ = water

niint'aii = strong

water (swift) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuu niint'aii tshuu = water

niint'aii = strong

water thrush Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuu dzhi' tshuu = water

dzhi' =bird

water (under) Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm tshuu t'eh tshuu = water

t'eh =under

water (under) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tshqq t'eh tshlJlJ = water

t'eh =under

water under snow over Gwtchyah Gwtch' m tekeetsh-q-q


water (warm) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tshqq gwan' tshlJlJ = water

gwan' =warm

water (warm) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tshuu nUgyin' tshuu = water

nHgyln' = warm (refers to food &

watercourse along base Teetl'tt Gwtch'm teek'it

of mountain

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

watercourse along base Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ddhah teek'it niinlaii ddhah = mountain
of mountain teek'it = deep creek between
niinlaii = it is flowing

waterfall Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nitaiinlaii water flowing from a high place

waterfall Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nadiindla,U water flowing from a high place

waterfall Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nadiinlaii water flowmg from a high place

waves Teet!' 1t Gw1ch' m tit

waves Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tyit

waves (big) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tyit choo tyit =waves

chao= big

waves (big) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tit chao tit= waves

chao= big

waves (small) both tit tsal tit= waves

tsal =small

waves (small) Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm tit vii tit= waves

vii = small (ts'iidaii word)

weapon Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vidhiizhin'

weasel both dhivii

weather (bad) Gwtchyah Gw1ch'm drija.htsC\t' bad weather

weather (bad) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiizuu nagwii'eh gwiizuu = bad

nagwii'eh =how it is

weather (getting Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nagweedhah


Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

weather ( it is warmer) both gwiiyaa'an gwiniidhah gwiiyaa'an = more

gwin1idhah =warm

weather (it is warming Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nadrida.hshah the start of warmer weather

weather (it will get Gw1chyah GwlCh'm gwitaneek'adh the weather will get colder

weather (it's nice Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chiitaii gwiinzii chiitaii = outside

outside) gwiinzii = it's good

weather (sudden cold) Teet!' it Gw1ch'm tr'akhaii jaatil tr'akhaii = being winter
jaati{ = it happened all of a

weather thermometer Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ak'adh k'adhandaii ak'adh = cold

k'adhandaii =measures

weather thermometer Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vah ak'oh k'agwaandaii vah =with it

ak'oh =cold
k'agwaandaii =measure

weather (warm) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gwiniidhaa it is warm

Wednesday Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Dr in Tik drin =day

tik = three

Wednesday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Dr in Ts'at Drin Tyik drin =day

ts'at =from
drin =day
tyik = three

weigh scale Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vah guk'e'tr'igwc\hdii vah =with it

guk'e'tr'igw4hdii = weigh

weigh scale Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vah guk'e'tr'ahdyee vah =with it

guk'e'tr'ahdyee = weigh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

Weldon Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Teetshik Gwichoo teetshik = creek

gwichoo = big

welfare check both neesrijci.hch'uu tseedhoo' neesrij;:!hch'uu =the poor

tseedhoo' =money (possessed)

whale both kaleeluk Inuvaluit term

whale Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ehvyek

whiskey jack Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ediigwit'an

whiskey jack Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm edyengwit'an

white both jidii dagaii jidii = something

dagaii = white

white man both uunjit

whitecaps Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tyit ghb' tyit =waves

ghO' =teeth (possessed)

whitecaps Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tit ghoo tit= waves

ghoo = its teeth

whitefish both luk zheii luk =fish

zheii = fresh

whitefish Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm luk dagaii luk =fish

dagaii = white

whitefish Gw1chya Gw1ch'm luk zheii chao luk =fish

zheii = fresh/traditional
chao =big

whitefish Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luk dagCJ.U luk =fish

dag&H white

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

whitefish (from Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm chii chaa 1uk chii =rock/stone

the Yukon) chaa = flat
luk = fish (possessed)

Whitestone River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Chii Naagaii Njik chii = rock/stone

naagaii = beads
njik = river

wicked man Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii tr'aanduu dinjii = man

tr'aanduu = wicked/ devil

wicked man Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dinjii tr'aandyidh dinjii =man

tr'aandyidh == wicked/ devil

widow both chiitee widow/widower/ orphan

widower both chiitee widow/widower/ orphan

wife both shitr'iinjoo' my wife

wife Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm sha'at my wife

wind Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm ahtr'aii wind/it is windy

wind Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ahtr'eii wind/it is windy

wind (chinook) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwidhah ahtr'aii' gwidhah = heat

ahtr'aii' = wind

wind (chinook) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ddhah ts'E:H ahtr'aii' ddhah = mountain

ts'~H = to that direction
ahtr'aii' ==wind (possessed)

wind (cross) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Hjuutr'aih

wind (cross) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drak ts'at ahtr'aii drak ts'at = across it
ahtr'aii = it is windy

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

wind (cross) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Hh ts'at tr'ak -Hh ts'at = across it

tr'ak = it is blowing

wind (north) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dii ahtr' aii dii = from the north
ahtr'aii = wind

wind (north) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm dyee ahtr'eii' dyee =north

ahtr'eii' =wind

Wind River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tr'iniintr'aii Njik Tr'iniintr'aii = it is blowing into it

Njik =creek

wind (south) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm nuu ahtr'aih nuu = south

ahtr'aih = it is blowing

wind (south) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nyuu ahtr'aih nyuu = south/across this way
ahtr'aih = it is blowing

wind (west) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ee ahtr'aii ee = west/this way

ahtr'aii' = wind

wind (west) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ddhah ts'~ii ahtr'aii' ddhah = mountain

ts'~H = in that direction
ahtr'aii' =wind (posessed)

wind (whirl) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ahtr'aih vii ahtr'aih = wind

vii= small

wind (whirl) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ahtr'eii vii ahtr'eii =wind

vii= small

window Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vinjit aa'aa vinjit = through it

aa'aa = watching

window Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vinji'aa'yaa we look through it

windpipe both shizhah my windpipe

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Gwich'in Language Dictionary

English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

windstorm Teetl'tt Gwtch'm ahtr'aih niint'aii ahtr'aih = wind

niint'aii = strong

windstorm Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ahtr'eii niint'aih ahtr'eii =wind

niint'aih = it is strong

wine Teetl'lt Gwtch'm jak choo tshu' jak = berries

choo =big
tshu' = its water

wine Gwtchyah Gwtch'm jak tshq' jak = berries

tsh4' = it's water

wing (bird) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dzhii ts'an' dzhii = bird

ts'an' = its wing

winter both khaii

winter (middle of) both khaii tl.-'at khaii = winter

tl:-'at = in the middle

wisdom Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwizhii

witness Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vindah dagwidizhik vindah = in front of him/her

gagUkhih dagwidizhik = what happened
gagHkhih = s/he is talking about

witness Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vindah t'igwidizhik vindah = in front of him/her

t'igwidizhik = it happened

witness Teetl'tt Gwtch'm H' hah ahdandaii eenjit fi' hah = absolutely
gwaandak ahdandaii = what s/he knows
eenjit gwaandak = s/he is talking
about it

wives (their) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm gootr'iinjoo' their women

wolf both zhoh

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

wolverine both nehtrtih

Wolverine River Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm N ehtruh Niinlaii nehtruh = wolverine

niinlaii = water flowing

woman both tr'iinjdo

woman (old) both shinaghan

woman (unmarried) Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm tr'iinjdo vatr'oodii kwaa tr'iinjoo = woman

vatr'oodii = married
kwaa = not/none

woman (young) Teetl'1t Gw1ch' m tr'iinjdo k'eejit tr'iinjoo = woman

k'eejit =new

womb (her) both vats'at her womb

wood box both troo tyah troo = fire wood

tyah = container

wood chips both luhchil'

wood (fire) both troo fire wood

woodpecker both dachan chyaa dachan = wood

chyaa = cut/chop

world both minh' kak tthak minh' =land

kak =on
tthak =all

worm Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m gyqq

worm Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gyuu

worms from caribou Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm anchaJ: gyti' ancha{ = nose cartilage
nose gyli' =worms

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

worms from caribou Gwtchyah Gwtch'm anchal tee gyu' anchal = nose cartilage
nose tee gyU' =its worms

worried Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tinji'dadhat s/he is thinking

worship Gwtchyah Gwtch'm yiinjit chihlh

wotmd (gunshot) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diik'ee hah vigwidiinjik diik'ee = gtm

hah =with it
vigwidiinjik = s/he got hurt

wonnd (gtmshot) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm diik' ee tshi' hah nehkaii diik'ee tshl' = bullets
dhidlit hah =with it
nehkaii = wounded
dhidlit = s/he became

Wounded Bear Lake Gwtchyah Gwtch'm Sheh Naakai' sheh = grizzly bear
naakai' = wonnded

W onnded Bear Lake Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Shoh Nehkaii Van Shoh =bear
Nehkaii =wounded
Van= lake

wringer (manual) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vah ne'tr'oonahgoo vah =with it

ne'tr'oonahgoo = wring out/twist

wringer (manual) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vah natr'igadh vah = with

natr'igadh = wring

wrist (my) both shich'yaa' my wrist

yarn Teetl'tt Gwtch'm warsdit

yarn Gwtchyah Gwtch'm lalen

yarn, wool Gwtchyah Gwtch'm naatl'yaa strung out in a line/braided

Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT

Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation

yeast Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vah luh dinyaatyuh vah =with it

luh =flour
dinyaatyuh = rise

yellow both jidii tsoo jidii = something

tsoo = yellow /light colored

yellow Gw1chyah Gwtch'm didii tsoo didii = something

tsoo = yellow /light colored

yellow berry both nakal

yesterday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm k'aadai'

yesterday Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'eedai'

youngest Teetl'tt Gwtch'm khaiin ts' an' youngest of the family

youth Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm k'eejit kat young people

youth Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm k'eejit nat young people

youth worker Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'eejit kat eenjit gwitr'it k'eejit kat = young people
t'agwah'in nilii eenjit = for them
gwitr'it t'agwah'in nilii = s/he is a

Yukon Natives Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Dagoo Gwich'in

Yukon Natives Gw1chyah Gwtch'm Dagadh Gwich'in

Section VI

Gwichyah Gwich' in
Kinship Terms


my brotnertsr son(s)

my my brother(s)'

mys mys

shao s
(my father-in-law)

shitsii shitsuu shiyughwan

my nusoana· s 's
shighaii shighaii · s
.. .
my son my son


shitshi' shiyeetsT
my son's
(my daughter-in-law)

my my

'chikaii sheedeenu'
my grandson my my granddaughter

shit'chii shit'chee shit'chH 'chee

my mother's
son(s) (cousins) (cousins)

shuundee sheej shuundee sheejii

(older than me) (older than me) (older
shit'chaa shijidh shit'chaa
(younger than me) (younger than me) (younger me)

s s1ster(s) my my

shit' sheek'aii s
(my grandmother)

shitsii shitsuu s
my parents


shit'yee sha'han sheghan

(tya'aa I baba I ba) (na'aa mama I
younger younger
brother sister

shuundee sheej shit'chaa

Section VII

Teetl'it Gwich'in
Kinship Terms



my my


n my

(my father-in-law)

shitsuu/shuutr'ih shiyughwan/shitii


my son
(my daughter-in-law)

my my
(my son-in-law)

shich' ikai 'I shitshee sheedeenuh

my grandson my gran my granddaughter

s shitshee shichii shitshee

father's brother(s) son(s) my father's sister(s) daughter(s) my mother's brother(s) s sister(s)
(my cousins) (cousins) son( s) (cousins) (cousins)

shoondee sheejii shoondee

(older than me) (older than me) (older than me)
shichyaa shijuu shichyaa
(younger than me) (younger than me) (younger than me) (younger

father's brother( s) my father's sister(s) my mother's brother(s) s sister(s)

shitii shuutr'ih s sheek'

father's father my father's mother my mother's father
grandfather) (my grandmother) (my grandfather)

shitsiiljidzii shitsuuljijuu shitsii/j ijuu

my parents

shiyughwan kat

shit'yee sha'han I
(tya'aa I baba I ba) (na'aa I mama I
older older younger younger
brother sister brother sister

shoondee sheej shichyaa s uu

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