Gsci Gsci GLC 2003 Gwichin Language Dictionary 4th
Gsci Gsci GLC 2003 Gwichin Language Dictionary 4th
Gsci Gsci GLC 2003 Gwichin Language Dictionary 4th
§wicfi'in Language
'Fourth :Edition
Preyared Gy:
'March 2003
Pourtfi :Edition
This Gwich'in Noun Dictionary the result of combined
work between the Gwich'in Language Centre and the Gwich'in
Social and Cultural Institute. This fourth version,
following three previous Gwich'in Noun Dictionaries
beginning in 1997, is the result of continued involvement
of members of the Teetl' Gwich'in community of Fort
McPherson and the Gwichyah Gwich'in community of
Tsiigehtchic. We would like to ensure the publ that these
are a continuation of the previous works of Mr. John
Ritter's Gwich'in Athabaskan Noun Dictionary (circa. 1976)
and Mr. William George Firth's Gwich'in Ginjik Dinehtl'ee'
(circa. 1991). Both of these men have continued their work
in other such fields of language retention and
You will notice that we have only used two dialects in this
Noun Dictionary. This was not to avoid utilizing other
dialects as it was predetermined that we would only
concentrate on two dialects of the Mackenzie Delta rather
than involving other dialects that have minimal speakers on
the east side of the Yukon/Northwest Territories border.
In closing, we invite comments and sugges for
future and we can be reached at the following
addresses listed below.
dzh dzhii bird Similar to gee with the g more drawn out.
dzhirh mittens
as English
ja{ fish hook
t' nivee t' ah'ii soldier Similar to English t with a sharp, abrupt
vint'ii behind her/him stop or a sharp breath.
tl' ti'yah
ti'oo grass
ts' ts'aivit arctic loon Similar tots with a sharp, abrupt stop.
ts'iivii spruce tree
y yahkeh as
yeelil is dragging it
All other vowels with the hook placed under the vowel as in the following: L ~. q_, Q, lJ,
Ii. ~~. q_q_, QQ, lJlJ, gives the vowel a nasal or 'n' sound.
Vowel Combinations:
ai' vataf it's handle Pronounced a with short English ee, with a
sharp, abrupt
Low Tone Marks:
If the tone mark appears over certain words, then it would change the meaning as in
the following:
With words that are possessed, the tone mark would appear over the first vowel in
after the second set of consonants as in the following:
*Any recopying of this or any material from the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute
must have the full written permission of the Executive Director of GSCI.
Section III
Gwich'in Grammar
(1) a. Nintl'eltshuh.
b. I gave it to you.
Both of these sentences convey roughly the same information; both identify a first
person subject (I), a third person direct object (it), and a second person indirect object
(you), and both sentences relate these entities together through the action of 'giving'.
However, though the informational content of these two sentences is the same, each
expresses this information differently. The English sentence is composed of an ordered
set of separate words, whereas the Gwich'in sentence is composed of an ordered set of
small word-parts grouped together into a single word. Let's look at the Gwich'in
sentence in a little more detail.
Gwich'in verbs are composed of a stem preceded by a number of smaller units
called prefixes. The stem is usually the last syllable of the verb and contains the core
meaning conveyed by the verb. In the sentence above, the stem is -tshUh, which
expresses the meaning of "transfer a flat, flexible object," something like the English
word gave (although, more specific than the English word). Immediately preceding the
stem are a number of prefixes, each adding a small piece of information to the overall
meaning of the verb. Moving from right to left, the first prefix is -1-, which indicates
that the subject is first person, or 'T. Next comes the prefix -nt!'e-, which roughly
means "to", preceded by ni- which means "you". Putting all of these pieces together,
we end up with a complete Gwich'in verb.
The Gwich'in verb is actually much more complex than what has been indicated thus
far. Along with information about subjects and objects, verb prefixes have a wide
variety of functions and express many different types of information. example,
as tense (the in that an event or
(whether an action or event is viewed as completed or ongoing),
number (the number of people or things partidpating in an event), and adverbial
extensions of the stem's meaning (such as 'again', 'back-and-forth, 'above', 'below'). A
complete description of all of these prefixes is far beyond the scope of this short
introduction; such a description would easily fill an entire book. However, because it
is useful for those wishing to understand the basic structure of Gwich'in verbs, we will
examine a few of the most common prefixes below.
1. The Verb
The first thing to notice about the different parts of a Gwich'in verb is that they
are all strictly ordered with respect to one another. Scholars studying languages
related to Gwich'in have found it useful to divide fully formed verbs into a series of
'prefix positions', each position representing a particular function within the verb.
These positions also capture the relative order in which prefixes must occur. The
resulting sequence of prefix positions is often called a 'template'. Below is an example
of a template for Gwich'in, with different positions numbered and labeled. Although
this template is greatly simplified (a complete grammatical description of Gwich'in
would require a much more articulated template), our purpose is simply to overview
the basic structure of the verb, so it will suffice.
This template divides the Gwich'in verb into 6 different 'slots': the stem plus five prefix
positions. Below we will look briefly at each of these template positions.
i. Stem: -lih "sing"
a. Ijihlih 1 "I am singing."
b. Ijiinlih "You are singing."
c. Ijiidliih "We are singing."
In all of these examples, the stem remains the same regardless of the exact
meaning of the verb. There are many verbs, however, where different stems are used
to indicate slight differences in meaning. A few of the most common types of stem
changes are summarized below.
i. Tense
Differences in tense are often marked by changes in the verb stem, along with
different prefixes. It is very common in Gwich'in to use slightly different stems for
present, past, and future tense verbs. Below is one example.
For the verb "to speak," Gwich'in uses three different verb stems. The stem -khli is
used in present tense constructions, -he' is used for past tense, and -khyah is used for
future tense.
ti. Number
Some Gwich'in verbs require different stems depending on the number of
people or things participating in the action or state denoted by the verb. Below is an
example of the verb meaning "believe it."
The change from -lih to -lih in this word reflects a regular sound change that occurs between the stem
and the prefixes in Gwich'in. Many stem-initial sounds (fricatives) become voiceless when preceded by
[h). In this case, voiced [I] becomes voicless [a] due to the first person subject prefix [h-] preceding it.
Gwik'injihshit. "I believe it."
Gwik'injinizhi t. "You believe it.~
Gwik'injizhi t. "He I She believes it."
Gwik'injildizhi t. "We (two) believe it."
Gwik'injuhshit. "You people (two) believe it."
Gwik'injigizhit. "They (two) believe it."
In this example, the choice of verb stem depends on how many people the speaker is
talking about. The stem -zhit is used when one or two people are referred to while -jli
is used when three or more people are referred to.
Unlike nouns in English, most Gwich'in nouns do not have plural forms. A
noun such as aih "snowshoe" may refer to one, two, or many snowshoes. Often it is
only by looking at the particular form that the verb stem takes that Gwich'in speakers
are able to determine the number of objects spoken about. For example, in the
sentences below, the number of snowshoes referred to is indicated by the particular
stem used.
Put another way, Gwich'in uses different verbs when different numbers of entities are
involved in the action or state denoted by the verb. In the above example, we might
translate the stem -ali as "placing one thing" and the stem - lil as "placing several
number is fairly distinguishing simply singular,
However, Gwich'in has a very complex classification system for some
verbs, where the verb stem chosen depends on the shape or condition of the thing
being described. This system is particularly common with the verbs that refer to the
handling of objects. Several examples for the verb "give" are given on the next page.
Pay attention to the different stems used (in boldface again) and the different objects
referred to.
a. Ts'at vintl'a'ahshuh. "I gave him a blanket."
blanket I-gave-it-to-him
-tshUh Flat, flexible, cloth-like blanket, paper I
-tyin Long, skinny, rigid gun, stick
-'am Chunky, box-like bucket, water in a
objects, or objects in cup (or in a bucket).
-lih Plural objects AND rope,
string or rope-like any plural object
objects regardless of shape.
As can be seen, the subject prefixes come in a wide variety of forms. To add to the
difficulties in sorting out the subject prefixes, the forms given here are simply the most
basic form these prefixes take; other factors will further affect the prefixes, changing
their pronunciation in various ways. However, the subject prefix of any word should
be recognizable from the chart in (10). Paradigms for each classifier-type verb are
given below. Observe the subject prefixes in each verb and compare it to the chart
Geh hadiniht'ih. "I am cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadiniint'ih. "You are cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadint'ih. "He/She is cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadiniidit'ih. "We are cutting up a rabbit."
Geh hadinoht'ih. "You people are cutting up a rabbit."
h-classifier Verbs:
Stem: -hlili "beat (drumr
ShUh alhah. "I am beating a drum."
shUh&hah "You are beating a drum."
ShUh ahah. "He/She is beating a drum."
shUh aahah. "We are beating a drum."
ShUh ohah. "You people are beating a drum.''
d-classifier Verbs:
Stem: -vik "swim"
k'ashivik. "I am swimming."
k'andivik. "You are swimming."
k'adivik. "He/She is swimming."
k'aiidivik. "We are swimming."
k'aavik. "You people are swimming."
i. Past tense
Past tense verbs are marked in a variety of ways, sometimes with prefixes and
a stem change, sometimes just with a prefix, and sometimes with only a stem change.
There are several prefixes that may occur to mark past tense; sometimes two or more
of these prefixes will be present at the same time. The past tense prefix system is
highly complex and poorly understood at the present time. For now, we will simply
some common to get an of that occur
this position.
The most common past tense prefix is -lin- or one of its many variations (for
example, sometimes it appears as -1-, sometimes just as nasalization on an adjacent
prefix). Most importantly for us, this prefix often affects the subject prefixes which
follow it, especially the first person a-classifier subject prefix (-ih-) and the third
person prefixes. Below are two examples which show the effects of this prefix.
First, notice that the stem changes from -dlah to its past tense form -dla '. In addition
to this stem change, the subject prefixes also change form. This is the effect of the past
tense prefix which immediately precedes the subject prefix position.
1.4 ects
The plural subject position holds a further set of subject markers which are
separated from the subject position 1 by the tense prefixes in position 2. Plural subject
prefixes include the impersonal subject -tr'- "some people, people" and the plural third
person subject marker -gi- "they". This prefix also commonly appears as -ga-,
depending on the sounds that surround this prefix.
Recall that there is position 1 subject prefix corresponding to "they"; the only
third person subject marked in position 1 is the third person singular "he/she/it". In
order to make a third person subject of a verb plural, Gwich'in adds the plural subject
marker to position 3. Below are a few examples of this prefix.
The other plural subject prefix is -tr'-, the impersonal subject marker. This
prefix is used when the subject of a verb is not referring to any specific people,
something like the English word one in the sentence One must always think before
one acts. Below is one example.
1.5 4: ect
The position directly preceding the plural subject prefixes is used to mark
direct objects. These prefixes are listed below.
Note two things about this chart; first, the third person singular object is marked with
a 0 (zero). This is because third person objects are marked by the absence of a prefix
in the direct object position of the template. Transitive verbs (verbs that refer to
activities that necessarily involve at least two participants - subject and object) that
occur without any direct object prefixes are interpreted with a third person singular
object. We will see below, however, that there is in fact a third person direct object
prefix that may occur in the direct object position of the template (-yi-), but it behaves
quite differently than the others, so we will ignore it for the moment. Second, notice
that the first person plural and second person plural direct object prefixes are the
same. In other words, -nokhwa- can mean either "us" or "you people." Below are some
examples of the direct object prefixes listed in the chart above, marked in boldface.
As mentioned above, there is a third person prefix that occurs in the direct
object position. This prefix has the form -yi-. It has parallels in other closely related
languages and is referred to by a variety of names; a simple name for it is 'alternate
third person object.' Usually, third person direct objects are marked by the absence
a with a
two verbs below.
Notice that in the first verb (18a) the third person object is marked by the absence of a
direct object prefix; this is the normal state of affairs when the subject is not third
person (it is second person in this example). However, when the subject is also third
person, the third person object is marked by -yi-, as can be seen in example (18b).
Another fact of the alternate third person is that when an independent noun
occurs in the sentence as the object, the -yi- prefix does not appear, even if the subject
is also third person. In other words, the prefix -yi- is only used when the direct object
is not expressed by a noun. The examples below illustrate this pattern.
Notice that in the first example, (19a), where the alternate third person prefix does not
occur, the word bei:bii must refer to the object of the sentence. When this word is used
to express the subject however, like in example (19b), the alternate third person prefix
must be used, since the subject (beebii) is third person. Finally, the last example (19c)
is ambiguous about who is doing the kissing and who is being kissed. We can
summarize these facts by saying that the alternate third person object prefix -yi- is
only used when i) the subject is third person, and ti) the object is not expressed as a
separate noun. Note that the word naats'uh used alone, perhaps to mean "He is
kissing him" is not a grammatical verb in Gwich'in. This verb form can only be used if
the object is specified by an independent noun, such as in (19a).
There are a few other direct object prefixes that are worth mentioning,
although we will not be discussing them in any length here. These are -adl- the
'reflexive' prefix, and -nih(l)- the 'reciprocal' prefix. The reflexive basically means
(20) a. Yik' ee' aatrah. "He is washing him."
Adik'ee'ahtrah. "He is washing himself."
c. Nihk'eetr'aatrah. "We are washmg each other."
There are a relatively large number of adverbial prefixes like this in Gwich'in.
Another type of prefix that occupies position 5 are the incorporated post-
positions. These are called postpositions because they are much like English
prepositions such as to, from, away, under except that their objects precede them
instead of follow them (hence the term postpositions). At the beginning of this
outline, we saw an example of a postposition prefix occupying position 5 of the
template. It is repeated here.
a. Nint{'ee you"
b. Nintf'ettshUh. "I gave it to
There are many more different prefixes with fascinating and complex properties that
precede the direct object prefixes of position 4. Unfortunately, an adequate discussion
of all of them would lead us too far a field.
2. The term simple tense has been used instead of present tense. The
reason for this is that what we have been calling present tense in
Gwich'in actually may refer to past events. For example, the verb Tree
may mean "He is crying" (and often does), but it may also mean "He
was crying." In actual fact, there is no distinction in Gwich'in between
present and past tense. Instead, the true distinction is between
imperfective and perfective aspect. Imperfective verbs are those that
refer to an action as ongoing without paying attention to whether the
action was completed or not. Examples in English are I was reading, He
is eating, They are laughing. Perfective verbs are those that refer to an
action as completed, such as i have read the book, He ate, They have
laughed. In Gwich'in, what we have been calling present tense verbs
are actually imperfective aspect verbs and may actually take place in
past time, while what we have been calling past tense verbs are actually
perfective verbs. We retain the label past tense simply because most
perfective verbs are most easily construed as occurring in past time.
3. Many Gwich'in verbs are transitive, meaning they take a direct object
prefix (much like English transitive verbs which must occur with a
1 "i
noun). In the paradigms, these have marked
with an 0 . For example, the word for "I am frying"
appears as:
0 aech'Uh.
Section IV
Gwich'in Grammar
Verb Paradigms
-zhit I -dhat I -dhat [singular/dual]
-jii I -jik I -jik [plural]
Classifier: 0
gwik'injihthat I believed it.
gwik'iniindhat You believed it.
gwik'injiindhat S/he believed it.
gwik'injlididhat We (two) believed it.
gwik'injuudhat You (two) believed it.
gwik'injigiindhat They (two) believed it.
gwik'injiidijik We (three+) believed it.
gwik'injuujik You (three+) believed it.
gwik 'injigiinjik They (three+) believed it.
gwik 'injihihthat I will believe it.
gwik'injihiindhat You will believe it.
gwik'injiheedhat S/he will believe it.
gwik'injihiididhat We (two) will believe it.
gwik'injihuhthat You (two) will believe it.
gwik'injigiheedhat They (two) will believe it.
gwik'injihiidijik We (three+) will believe it.
gwik'injihuhjik You (three+) will believe it.
gwik'injigiheejik They (three+) will believe it.
Root: -tl:'aa I -tl:'aa I -ti'aa
Classifier: h
o niltt'yah I am braiding
0 nqhtl'yah You are braiding
0 nahtl'yah Slhe is braiding 0.
0 naatl'yah We are braiding
o nohtl'yah You (p) are braiding
o giinahtf'yah They are braiding 0.
o nidhiltt'yah I have braided 0.
o nidh~htt'yah You have braided 0.
o niltl'yah Slhe has braided 0.
o nidha.att'yah We have braided 0.
0 nadhootl'yah You (p) have braided 0.
0 giniltl'yah They have braided 0.
o haniltl'yah I will braid 0.
0 hanqhtl'yah You will braid
0 hanahtf'yah S/he will braid 0.
o hanaatf'yah We will braid 0.
o hanohtl'yah Yau (p) will braid
o gihanahtl'yah They will braid 0.
-vir I -vir I -vir
Classifier: h
Oiivir I am boiling
0 nqhvir You are boiling
0 ahvir Slhe is boiling
o aavir We are boiling
0 ohvir You (p) are boiling
0 gahvir They are boiling
Odhifvir I boiled
0 dhqhvir You boiled
0 Uvir S/he boiled 0.
o dhaavir We boiled 0.
0 dhohvir You (p) boiled 0.
0 gifvir They have boiled 0.
0 hihiir I will boil 0.
0 hqhvir You will boil 0.
0 hahvir Slhe will boil 0.
o haavir We will boil 0.
0 hohvir You (p) will boil 0.
0 gahahvir They will boil
a )
-droo I 1
Classifier: h
o a.fdroo I caught
o qhdroo You caught
0 ahdroo S!he caught
0 aadroo We caught
o ohdroo You (p) caught
0 gahdroo They caught
0 eha.fdroo I will catch
0 ehqhdroo You will catch 0.
o ehahdroo Slhe will catch 0.
o ehaadroo We will catch 0.
0 ehohdroo You (p) will catch 0.
0 geehahdroo They will catch 0.
-tree 1 -tre' 1
Classifier: 0
ihtree I am crying.
nitree You are crying.
tree S/he is crying.
iiditree We are crying.
ohtree You (p) are crying.
gitree They are crying.
titre' I cried.
iintre' You cried.
iintre' Slhe cried.
liditre' We cried.
ootre' You (p) cried.
giintre' They cried.
hihtree I will cry.
hiintree You will cry.
heetree Slhe will cry.
hliditree We will cry.
hohtree You (p) will cry.
geeheetree They will cry.
-t'ih I t'uh
Classifier: 0
0 hadiniht'ih I am cutting up
0 hadiniint'ih You are cutting up
0 hadint'ih S/he is cutting up
0 hadinlidit'ih We are cutting up
0 hadinoht'ih You (p) are cutting up
0 hagidint'ih They are cutting up
0 hadiniit'Uh I have cut up 0.
0 hadiniint'Uh You have cut up 0.
0 hadiniint'Uh S/he has cut up
0 hadiniidit'Uh We have cut up 0.
o hadinoot'uh You (p) have cut up 0.
0 hagidiniint'Uh They have cut up 0.
I I -dzoo
Classifier: l
aldzoo I am dancing.
andzoo You are dancing.
aadzoo Slhe is dancing.
aadzoo We are dancing.
oodzoo You (p) are dancing.
agaadzoo They are dancing.
aldzo' I danced.
andzo' You danced.
aadzo' Slhe danced.
aadzo' We danced.
oodzo' You (p) danced.
agaadzo' They danced.
ahaldzoo (TG) I ataldzoo (GG) I will dance.
ahaandzoo (TG) I ataandzoo (GG) You will dance.
ahaadzoo (TG) I ataadzoo (GG) Slhe will dance.
ahaadzoo (TG) I ataadzoo (GG) We will dance.
ahoodzoo (TG) I atoodzoo (GG) You (p) will dance.
agahaadzoo (TG) I agataadzoo (GG) They will dance.
-gyit I -gyit I -gyit
Classifier: 0
khagwiigyit I dug (a hole).
khagwiingyit You dug (a hole).
khagwiingyit Slhe dug (a hole).
khagwtidigyit We dug (a hole).
khagoogyit You (p) dug (a hole).
khagogwiingyit They dug (a hole).
khagihihgyit I will dig (a hole).
khagwihiingyit You will dig (a hole).
khagwiheegyit Slhe will dig (a hole).
khagwihlidigyit We will dig (a hole).
khagwohohgyit You (p) will dig (a hole).
khagugwiingyit They will dig (a hole).
-gan 1 -gan 1 -gall
Classifier: h
0 argaih I am drying
0 nahgaih You are drying
o ahgaih Slhe is drying
0 aagaih We are drying
0 ohgaih You (p) are drying
o gahgaih They are drying
o dhUgaih I dried 0.
o dh~hgaih You dried 0.
0 clgaih S/he dried
o dhaagaih We dried
o dhoogaih You (p) dried 0.
o gargaih They dried 0.
o hargaih I will dry 0.
0 h~hgaih You will dry 0.
o hahgaih Slhe will dry 0.
o haagruh We will dry 0.
o hohgaih you (p) will dry
o gahahgaih They will dry 0.
-ill 1 -lik 1 -lyaa
Classifier: 0
0 sranaihlih I am fixing
0 srananllh You are fixing
0 sranalih Slhe is fixing
0 sranhlidilih We are fixing
0 sranohlih Yau (p) are fixing
0 sraganalih They are fixing
0 sranaihlik I fixed 0
0 sranaiinlik You fixed
0 sranaiinlik Slhe fixed
0 sranhlidillk We fixed 0.
0 sranohlik You (p) fixed 0.
0 sreegiinlik They fixed 0.
0 sranahihlyah I will fix 0.
0 sranahiinlyah You will fix 0.
0 sreeheelyah Slhe will fix 0.
0 sranahiidilyah We will fix 0.
0 sranohohlyah Yau (p) will fix
0 sreegiheelyah They will fix 0.
-'aa I I-
Classifier: 0
ih'ah I am eating.
tin'ah You are eating.
a'ah Slhe is eating.
lida'ah We are eating.
uh'ah You (p) are eating.
aga'ah They are eating.
ii'hl I ate.
tin'hl You ate.
tin'hl Slhe ate.
llda'al We ate.
uu'al You (p) ate.
agiin'hl They ate.
ehih'aa I will eat.
ehtin'aa You will eat.
ehee'aa Slhe will eat.
ehllda'aa We will eat.
ehuh'aa You (p) will eat.
egahee'aa They will eat.
-ch'Uh 1 -ch'uh 1 -ch'uh
Classifier: h
o akh'uh I am frying
0 nqhch'Uh You are frying
0 ahch'Uh Slhe is frying
o aach'Uh We are frying
0 ohch'Uh You (p) are frying
0 gahch'Uh They are frying
0 dhakh'Uh I fried
0 dhq.hch'Uh You fried 0.
o al-ch'uh Slhe fried 0.
o dhaach'uh We fried 0.
0 dhohch'Uh You (p) fried 0.
0 gal-ch'Uh They fried 0.
o hal-ch'uh I will fry 0.
0 hq.hch'Uh You will fry 0.
0 hahch'Uh Slhe will fry 0.
o haach'uh We will fry 0.
0 hohch'Uh You (p) will fry 0.
0 gahahch'Uh They will fry 0.
-njli I -njik I -ndhl
Classifier: 0
vits ·atr'inihnjik I helped him/her.
vits 'atr'iniinjik You helped him/her.
yits 'atr'iniinjik S/he helped him/her.
vits' atr'indinjik We helped him/her.
vitsatr'inoonjik You (p) helped him/her.
giits ·atr'iinjik They helped him/her.
vits'atr'ihihndal I will help him/her.
vits'atr'ihiindhl You will help him/her.
yits'atr'iheendal S/he will help him/her.
vits 'atr'ihiidandhl We will help him/her.
vits' atr'ihohndal You (p) will help him/her.
giits 'atr'iheendal They will help him/her.
( )
-dati I -dill' I -dati
Classifier: d
gahiishandhl' I knew it.
gahiindandai · You knew it.
gaheedandhl' Slhe knew it.
gahiidandai' We knew it.
gahkhwondai' You (p) knew it
gahgeedandhl' They knew it.
gatihshandhlh I will know it.
gahtiindandaih You will know it.
gahteedandaih Slhe will know it.
gahtiidandaih We will know it.
gahtookhwandaih You (p) will know it.
gahgiteedandaih They will know it.
I -dla · 1-dlaa
Classifier: 0
ihdlaa I am laughing.
iindlaa You are laughing.
adlaa Slhe is lauging.
lidadlaa We are laughing.
ohdlaa You (p) are laughing.
geedlaa They are laughing.
iidla' I laughed.
iindla' You laughed.
iindla' Slhe laughed.
lidadla' We laughed.
oodla' You (p) laughed.
giindla' They laughed.
hihdlaa I will laugh.
hiindlaa You will laugh.
heedlaa Slhe will laugh.
hlidadlaa We will laugh.
hohdlaa You (p) will laugh.
giheedlaa They will laugh.
1 '1
-t'ali I I -t'ali
Classifier: h
ch'ilt'hl' I lay down.
ch'qht'ai' You lay down.
ch'aht'ai' S!he lay down.
ch'aat'ai' We lay down.
ch'oot'ai' You (p) lay down.
ch'igaht' ai' They lay down.
ch'ihilt'aih I will lay down.
ch'ihqht'aih You will lay down.
ch'ihaht'aih Slhe will lay down.
ch'ihaat'aih We will lay down.
ch'ihoot'aih You (p) will lay down.
ch'igahaht'aih They will lay down.
-k'li I -k'in I -kyaa
Classifier: h
gwijidhUk'in I made fire.
gwijidhlnk'in You made fire.
gwiji{k'in Slhe made fire.
gwijidhaak'in We made fire.
gwijidhohk'in You (p) made fire.
gugwijiik'in They made fire.
gwata!k'yaa I will make fire.
gwatqhk'yaa You will make fire.
gwatahk'yaa Slhe will make fire.
gwataak'yaa We will make fire.
gwatohk'yaa You (p) will make fire.
gugwatahk'yaa They will make fire.
-tsii I -tsai' I -tsaa
Classifier: h
0 ehsih I am making
0 nqhtsih You are making
0 ahtsih Slhe is making
0 aatsih We are making
0 ohtsih You (p) are making
0 gahtsih They are making 0.
o dhihsaih I made
o dhqhtsaih You made 0.
o ahsaih S/he made 0.
o dhaatsaih We made
o dhootsaih You (p) made 0.
o gahsaih They made 0.
0 hahsaa I will make 0.
0 hqhtsaa You will make 0.
0 hahtsaa Slhe will make 0.
0 haatsaa We will make 0.
0 hohtsaa You (p) will make
0 gahahtsaa They will make
-jii I I -jaa
Classifier: 0
gidinihjii I am praying.
gidiniinjii You are praying.
gijiinjii Slhe is praying.
gidiniidljii We are praying.
gidinohjii You (p) are praying.
gigijiinjii They are praying.
gidiidi' I prayed.
gidiindi' You prayed.
gideedi' Slhe prayed.
gidiidl' We prayed.
gidoodi' You (p) prayed.
gigideedi' They prayed.
gihidihjaa I will pray.
gihidiinjaa You will pray.
gihideejaa S!he will pray.
gihidiidijaa We will pray.
gihidohjaa You (p) will pray.
gigihedeejaa They will pray.
-gal I -gik I -gal
Classifier: l
algal I am running.
aanghl You are running.
aagal Slhe is running.
aagal We are running.
uugal You (p) are running.
gaagal They are running.
k'algik I ran.
k'~~ngik You ran.
k'aagik S/he ran.
k'aagik We ran.
k'aogik You (p) ran.
k'agaagik They ran.
halgal I will run.
haangal You will run.
haaghl Slhe will run.
haaghl We will run.
huugal You (p) will run.
gahaagal They will run.
-'iiI -'in I -'yaa
Classifier: h
0 nil'ih I see
0 nah'ih You see
0 nah'ih Slhe sees
0 naa'ih We see
0 noo'ih You (p) see
0 ginah'ih They see
0 nil'in I saw
0 nqh'in You saw
0 nah'in Slhe saw 0.
0 naa'in We saw
0 noh'in You (p) saw 0.
0 ginah'in They saw 0.
o hanU'yah I will see 0.
0 hanqh'yah You will see 0.
0 hanah'yah S!he will see 0.
o hanaa'yah We will see 0.
0 hanoh'yah You (p) will see
0 gihanah'yah They will see 0.
-kaii I -k.Sd I -kaa
Classifier: h
0 k'e'danalkaii I am sewing
0 k'e'danqhkaii You are sewing
o k'e'jahkaii Slhe is sewing
0 k'e'danaakaii We are sewing
0 k'e'danohkaii You (p) are sewing
0 k'e'gijahkaii They are sewing
0 k'e'jadhalkhl' I sewed
o k'e'jadhqhkai' You sewed
o k'e'jalkai' S/he sewed 0.
o k'e'jadhaakal' WesewedO.
0 k'e'jadhookai' You (p) sewed 0.
0 k'e'gijalkai' They sewed 0.
0 k'eehadalkaa I will sew 0.
0 k'eehadqhkaa You will sew 0.
0 k'eehadahkaa Slhe will sew 0.
0 k' eehadaakaa We will sew 0.
0 k'eehadohkaa You (p) will sew
0 k'eegahadahkaa They will sew
a )
-k'ee I -k'ee I -k'ee
Classifier: h
o uudUk'ee I am shooting at
0 uujqhk'ee You are shooting at
0 uudahk'ee Slhe is shooting at 0.
o uujaak'ee We are shooting at
0 uudohk'ee You (p) are shooting at
0 guudahk'ee They are shooting at
0 uunUk'ee I shot at
0 uunyqhk'ee You shot at
0 uunahk'ee Slhe shot at 0.
0 uunaak'ee We shot at 0.
0 uudohk'ee You (p) shot at 0.
o guunahk'ee They shot at 0.
0 uuhalk'ee I will shoot at 0.
0 uuhqhk'ee You will shoot at 0.
0 uuhahk'ee Slhe will shoot at 0.
o uuhaak'ee We will shoot at 0.
0 uuhohk'ee You (p) will shoot at 0.
o guuhahk'ee They will shoot at
-dii I -dl' I -dyaa (TG)
-dyeh 1 -dye' 1 -dyaa (GG)
Classifier: 0
iidi' (TG) I iidye' (GG) I sat.
iindi' (TG) I iindye' (GG) You sat.
iindi' (TG) I iindye' (GG) Slhe sat.
iididi' (TG) I iididye' (GG) We sat.
oodi' (TG) I oodye' (GG) You (p) sat.
giindi' (TG) I giindye' (GG) They sat.
hihdyaa I will sit.
hiindyaa You will sit.
heedyaa Slhe will sit.
hiididyaa We will sit.
hohdyaa You (p) will sit.
geeheedyaa They will sit.
-tshii I -tshi' I -tshaa [singular I dual]
-tshuu I -tshuu I -tshuu [plural]
Classifier: 0
dhiitshih I am sleeping.
dhiintshih You are sleeping.
dhitshih Slhe is sleeping.
dhiiditshih We (two) are sleeping.
dhootshih You (two) are sleeping.
gidhitshih They (two) are sleeping.
dhEmtshUh We (three+) are sleeping.
dhootshUh You (three+) are sleeping.
gahtshUh They (three+) are sleeping.
iitshi' I slept.
iintshi' You slept.
iintshi' Slhe slept.
iiditshi' We (two) slept.
ootshi' You (two) slept.
giintshi' They (two) slept.
aatshUh We (three +) slept.
ohtshUh You (three+) slept.
giltshUh They (three+) slept.
hihtshaa I will sleep.
hiintshaa You will sleep.
heetshaa Slhe will sleep.
hiiditshaa We (two) will sleep.
hohtshaa You (two) will sleep.
geheetshaa They (two) will sleep.
haatshuh We (three +) will sleep.
hohtshUh You (three+) will sleep.
gahahtshUh They (three+) will sleep.
-lok 1 -lai' 1 -lok
Classifier: 0
o ihlok I am snaring
o iinlok You are snaring 0
o eelok Slhe is snaring 0.
o iidalok We are snaring
o ohlok You (p) are snaring
0 geelok They are snaring
o dhillru' I snared
o dhiinlai' You snared 0.
o ehlai' Slhe snared 0.
o dhiidalai' We snared 0.
o dhoolai' You (p) snared 0.
o gehlru' They snared 0.
o ehihlok I will snare 0.
o ehiinlok You will snare 0.
0 eheelok Slhe will snare 0.
0 ehiidalok We will snare 0.
o ehohlok You (p) will snare 0.
0 geheelok They will snare
-njli I -ndak I -ndaa
Classifier: d
chihshinju I am tired.
chlindinju You are tired.
cheedinju Slhe is tired.
chlidinjn We are tired.
chuukhwinju You (p) are tired.
chigeedinjH They are tired.
chihshindak I was tired.
chlindindak You were tired.
cheedindak Slhe was tired.
chlidindak We were tired.
chuukhwindak You (p) were tired.
chigeedindak They were tired.
chihlishindaa f will be tired.
chihlindindaa You will be tired.
chiheedindaa Slhe will be tired.
chihiindindaa We will be tired.
chihuukhwindaa You (p) will be tired.
chigiheedindaa They will be tired.
-dhan 1 -dhan 1 -zhaa
Classifier: 0
o nihthan I want
o niindhan You want
o niindhan Slhe wants
o niidadhan We want
0 nohthan You (p) want
o giiniindhan They want
o niidhan I wanted
o niindhan You wanted 0.
o niindhan S/he wanted 0.
o nlidadhan WewantedO.
0 nohthan You (p) wanted 0.
o giiniindhan They wanted 0.
0 hinihshah I will want 0.
o hiniinzhah You will want 0.
0 hineezhah S/he will want 0.
0 hinlidizhah We will want 0.
0 hanohshah You (p) will want 0.
0 geheneezhah They will want 0
I I -traa
Classifier: h
0 k'ee'ah:raa I am washing
o k'ee'qhtraa You are washing
0 k'ee'ahtraa Slhe is washing 0.
o k'ee'aatraa We are washing
0 k'ee'ohtraa You (p) are washing
0 k'eegahtraa They are washing
0 k'ee'ah:ra' I washed
o k'ee'qhtra' You washed 0.
o k'ee'ahtra' Slhe washed 0.
o k'ee'aatra' WewashedO.
0 k'ee'ohtra' You (p) washed 0.
0 k'eegahtra' They washed 0.
0 k'eehahraa I will wash 0.
0 k'eehqhtraa You will wash 0.
0 k'eehahtraa Slhe will wash 0.
0 k'eehaatraa We will wash 0.
0 k'eehohtraa You (p) will wash 0.
0 k'eegahahtraa They will wash
I -'in'/-
Classifier: h
gwitr'it t'agwil'in' I worked.
gwitr'it t'agwqh'in' You worked.
gwitr'it t'agwah'in' S!he worked.
gwitr'it t'agwaa'in' We worked.
gwitr'it t'agoh'in' You (p) worked.
gwitr'it t'agugwah'in' They worked.
gwitr'it t'agwahae'yah I will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahah'yah You will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahah'yah S/he will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahaa'yah We will work.
gwitr'it t'agwahoh'yah You (p) will work.
gwitr'it t'agugwahah'yah They will work.
Section V
aboriginal language Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khehlok nilii nat ginjik khehlok = all together
nilii nat = they are
ginjik = language
aboriginal person Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khehlok nilii ihlee khehrok = all together
nilii = he/she is
ihree = one of them
aboriginal rights Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm khehlok gidilii guuts'an khehrok = all together
gdonlii gidilii = they are
guuts'an goonlii = it is theirs
abscond Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lachti uzhii s/he left and can't be found
absolute jurisdiction Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhat kaiik'it gwizraih zhat kaiik'lt =this community
gwizraih = only
access Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm akdo dagidi'in ntih akdo dagidi'in = that's what they do
nuh = s/he says
accessory after the fact Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo t'idi'in guuzhik tehk'oo = wrongdoing
yits'at tr'iinjii t'idi'in = s/he is doing
guuzhik = meanwhile
yits'at = to him/her
tr'iinjii = assisting
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Tsiigehtduc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
accessory after the fact Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vat'agwU'ee guuzhik vat'agwtree = s/he is blamed
yits'at tr'iinjii guuzhlk = meanwhile
yits'at = to him/her
tr'iinjli = assisting
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
address the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uudhilch'eii nat ts'at uudhllch'eii nat = the jury
tr'igHkhii ts'cl.t tr'igHkhii = talking to them
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adoption (child) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'iinin diintl' atr' 1i,hchih tr'iinin = a child
diintl'atr'4hchih = was given to us
after three days Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drin tyik gwindoo drin =day
tyik = three
gwindoo = after
after three days Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tik tl'ee drin =day
tik =three
tl'ee = after
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alcohol in blood Teetl'1t Gwtch'm diidaa tat kwantshtl' t'injik diidaa- our blood
tat= among
kwantshu' = alcohol
t'injik = it is mixed
all saints day (Nov Gwtchyah Gwtch'm luundee drin choo luundee =saints
1st) drin =day
chao= big
allegation Teetl'1t Gwtch'm akoo deedi'in giiyahntih akoo deedi'in = he/she did that
giiyahnuh = they said about him
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
alternative measures Teetl'tt Gwrch'm ejtik ts'aii veenjit ejuk ts'aii = different way
natr'igwitahtsaa veenjit = for him/her
natr'igwitahtsaa - it will be changed
american widgeon Teetl'1t Gwtch'm teevee dits'an teevee = along the river shore
dits'an = duck
amnesia Teetl'tt Gwrch'm juudin nilii ganaandaii s/he doesn't remember who
kwaa s/he is.
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
ancient times Gwrchyah Gwrch'm ts'iid<\H gwinoo d<H' ts'iidqji = early people
gwinoo = then
dai' = at that time
anglican minister Gwrchya Gwrch'm chii zhit gwich'in giikhii chii = rock/stone
zhlt =in
gwich'in = people
giikhii = minister
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arch-angel Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm zhee kak gwich'in chit zhee kak gwich'in = angel
chit = leader
archaeology Teetl'It Gw1ch'm oonoodai' gwid<U hah oonoodai' = a long time ago
dha'aii gwidal = things
bah dha'aii = works with it
Arctic Village People Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm Neets'aii Gwich'in neets'aii = on the side of the
gwich'in = people
arguing (they are) Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm ats'at t'inihHgaadinuu atsat = towards him/her
t'inihhgaadinuu = they tell each
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assizes Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nijin ji' natr'oohadahkat nijln jl' = at what time
natr'oohadahkat = they will ask
August Teetl'1t Gwtch'm Vananh Gwijidhitsik vananh = on it/ during that time
gwijidhitsik = something reddish
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ban on publication Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwandak ahtsii kat duuyeh gwandak = news/stories
geenjit gigUkhii ahtsii = he/she makes
kat = more than one
duuyeh = never
geenjit = for it
gigHkhii = they talk
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1 1
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best man (groom's man) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiti' nilii gwiti' = ones father
nilii = he is
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Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Black River People Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Traanjik Gwich'in traanjik = cache river
gwich'in = people
Blackstone River Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tth'oh Zraii Njik Tth'oh = broken up rocks
Zraii = black
Njik =river
blanket (caribou fur) Gw1chyah Gwtch' m vadzaih dhoh ts'at vadzaih =caribou
dhoh =skin
ts'at = blanket
blanket (down filled) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm tshuh ts'at tshuh = down feathers
ts'at = blanket
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
blanket (down filled) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tsheth ts'at tsheth = down feathers
ts'at = blanket
blood poisoning Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vidaa iizuu dhidlit vidaa = his/her blood
iizuu = it is bad
dhidlit = it became
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
bone out of joint Gwrchyah Gwrch'm diiminh' tshilkat diinanh' = on one's self
tshilkat = came apart
boss (head boss) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iisrit ts'at chit iisrit = the most important
ts'at =and
chit = leader
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language. Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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cabinet Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at chit Hgiljil nat iisrits'at = most prominent
chit = leader
Hgiljil = meeting/legislative
nat = more than one
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Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
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canned goods Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm iitsii tyah zhit shih iitsii = metal
tyah = container I pail
zhit = inside
shih =food
captain of the boat Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm tr'ih tl'i' ak'<ihndak tr'ih =boat
tfi' = back end
ak'qhndak = helper
captain of the boat Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tr'ih tl'e' ak'<ihdak tr'ih =boat
tl'e' =back end
ak'<thdak = helper
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
care and custody Teetl'tt Gwrch'm yik'anahtii ts'at yits'at yik'anahtii = s/he takes care of
hearing k'agwaadhat him/her
ts'at =and
yits'at = to him/her
k'agwaadhat = s/he is boss
care (n) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm yik' a nah tii s/he takes care of him/her
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charge (to take debt) Teetl'1t Gw1ch' m dinehtl'eh tr'oonjii dinehtf'eh = paper
tr'oonjii = take
charge (to take debt) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diiye 'tr'idintl'edh it was written down
for them
charter of rights and Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagwidti'e' dinjii tr'oochit dagwldtfe' = law
freedom nat geenjit dinjii = people
tr'oochit = first
nat = more than one
geenjit = for it
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christmas concert Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tsal tsii'inh' tr'ahtsih drin tsal = christmas
tsii'inh' = play
tr'ahtsih = make
christmas concert Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tadh tr'igHkhii tsee'in' tadh tr'igHkhii = christmas
tsee'in' = play
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
circumstantial Teetl'!t Gwtch' m jidii tajtiudhat ihlee jidli tajuudhat = what occurred
evidence tr'igwinah'in kwaa ihlee = a person
tr'igwinah'in = they see
kwaa =not
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Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
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collection at church Gwtchyah Gwtch'm tr'igiikhii zheh tseedhoh tr'igiikhii zheh = churh
latshanh' tr'ijiilih tseedhdh = money
iatshanh' tr'ijiilih = they are
collecting it
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
colors from sunset Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khahts'at sree ts'at khahts'at = night, evening
gwijiditsik sree =sun
ts'at= from
gwijiditsik = getting red
colors from sunset Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm zhee khyuu gwijithitsik zhee =sky
khyuu = along
gwijithitsik = it is getting red
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
concurrent sentence Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tehk'oo ihlat ts'at geenjit tehk'oo =wrong doing
va tr' agwinahshii ihlat =once
ts'at =and
geenjit = for it
vatr'agwinahshii = s/he is punished
confederation Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm 1867 dai' nan ts'an nilii kat 1867 dai' =in 1867
nan= land
ts'an nilii = belongs to someome kat
= more than one
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
constitution Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iisrits'at dagwidH 'e' iisrits'at = the most prominent
dagwidife' =law
constitution act Teetl'It Gwrch'm Canada eenjit dagwidH'e' Canada eenj1t = for Canada
gwiintshii dagwidH'e' =law
gwiintshii = large scale
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constitutional Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diiyeenjit gHkhii Hgiljil diiyeenjit gHkhii = one's who speak
monarchy convention on behalf of us
hglljil = they are meeting
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
count (n) Teetl'1t Gwrch'm tehk'oo t'indizhik eenjit tehk'oo = wrong doing
t'indizhik = you did
eenjit = for it
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crown Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiyah'at choo chit eenjit gwiyah'at chao chit = queen
mi dha t eenjit = for
mldhat = one stands
crown Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwiyah'at chao chit ts'aii gwiyah'at chao chit= queen
ts'aii = on the side
crown prosecutor Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm niveh t'ah'in ts'aii midhat niveh t'ah'in = the police
ts'aii = on that side
m1dhat = s/he stands
cub (grizzly bear) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm shih gii shih = grizzly bear
gii =one's young one
culture Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm yeenoo nits'oo tr'igwiindai' yeenoo =long ago to the present
nits'oo = how
tr'igwiindai' = they /we lived
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
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Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
deaf GwiChyah Gw1ch'm vidzii kwaa vidzii = his /her inner ear
kwaa = nothing
Delta People Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Ehdyee Tat Gwich'in ehdyee = timber patch
tat= among
gwich'in = people
Delta People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Ehdii Tat Gwich'in ehdii = timber stand
tat= among
gwich'in = people
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den both an
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direct evidence Teetl'rt Gwrch'm vindah tehk'oo t'idi'in vindah = infront of him/her
tehk'oo t'idi'in = s/he is doing
discharge (absolute) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm H' hah ekhe 'tr'iguunuu H' hah = absolute
ekhe'tr'iguunuu = s/he was left
discrepancy Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ejtik ts'at ganagiinjih ejuk ts'at = a different way
ganagiinjih = they are talking
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Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
dog (wheel) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm l&ii val ts'ctii dhidyee l&H =dog
val= sled
ts'&H = that side
dhidyee = s/he is sitting
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
1 1
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Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT
dress both ik
dress (caribou hide) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm aadzhii ik aadzhii = tanned caribou hide
ik = dress
dress (caribou hide) Gw1ehyah Gw1ch'm aadzhii yik aadzhii = tanned caribou hide
yik =dress
driver's licence Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ne'hahlak gwi'dinehtl'ee' ne'hahlak = s/he will drive
gwi'dinehtl'ee' =its paper
driver's licence Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii khal ak'&hdak iitsii khal = vehicle
edinehtl'ee' ak'qhdak = s/he helps
edinehtl'ee' =its paper
drug and alcohol Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm agdondaii iizuu ts'at agdondaii lizuu = bad medicine
program kwanchtl.' eenjit ts'at kwanchu' =and alcohol
ge 'tr'oonahtan eenjit ge'tr'oonahtan = teach about
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
ear ache Gwrchyah Gwrch'm diidzii hasrah U'ee diidzii = ones inner ear
hasrah H'ee = a strong pain is there
ear ache Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diidzii gisrah nii'ee diidzii = ones inner ear
gisrah nii'ee = a strong pain is
earth Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nan kak tthak nan = land, earth, ground
kak =on it
tthak = all of it
Easter Day Teetl'rt Gwrch'm Nanagwaalii Drin nanagwaalii = s/he rose from the
drin =day
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Easter Monday Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Nanagwaalii Drin Tl'ee nanagwaalii = he rose from the
drin =day
tl:-'ee = after
Easter Monday Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm Nagwidandaih Drin Tl'ee nagwidandaih =he comes back to
drin =day
t!'ee = after
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
eighteen Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ihlo gwij u u tyin ts'at nihk'ii ihiogwijuutyin = counted once
da.a. ts'at =and
nihk'ii = both sides
dqq =four
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson,· NT
elections canada Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm uuzri' tr'donjii zhit gwitr'it uuzrl' =name
t'agwah'ii nat tr'oonjii = they are taking
zhlt =in it
gwitr'it t'agwah'ii nat = the ones
who work
empanelling the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'uudhilch'eii geenjit tr'uudhllch'eii = ones who listen
oozri' tr' oonjii geenjit oozrl' tr' oonjii = taking
names for it
empanelling the jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tr'uudhilch'eii geenjit tr'uudhllch'eii = ones who listen
oozri' tatr'igw<thjii geenjit oozrl' tatr'igwqhjii =
choosing names for it
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
established fact Teetl'tt Gwtch'm H' hah vik'igwaanjik H' hah = absolute
vik'igwaanjik = they found out about
established fact Teet!' tt Gwtch' m loo hah vik'igwaanjik loo hah = absolute
vik'igwaanjik = they found out about
evidence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm aii k'iighe' vik'igwaanjik aii k'iighe' =because of that
H' dagwidlii gugwideech'in vik'igwaanjik =they found about
H' dagwidlii = it is true
gugwideech'in = it appears to be
evidence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm aii k'iighe' tehk'oo t'idi'in aii k'iighe' = because of that
ahgwidandaii tehk'oo t'idi'in = s/he did wrong
ahgwidandaii = it is known
executive Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iisrits'at chit nilii kat iisrits'at = most important
chit = leader
nilii = s/he is
kat = more than one
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Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
executive council Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm iisrits'at chit Hgiljil nat iisrits'at = most important
chit = leader
Hglljil = they meet
nat = more than one
eye witness Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidli gwinah'in eenjit jidli gwinah'in = what s/he has
gwaandak seen
eenjit gwaandak - s/he is talking
about it
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Tsligehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
February Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Nohjuu Ts'an nohjuu = moving back, less days
ts'an =from
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT ·
federal government Teetl'1t GwiCh'm iisrits'at adachoo nat iisrits'at = most important
adachoo nat = decision makers
Fetal Alcohol Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vananh yik'do eedini' his/her mother drank when she
Syndrome gwik'iighe' neesrijahch'uu was
ts'at vagdonlii pregnant, because of that s/he was
born pitiful
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
fin (back) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vanan k'ii ghak vanan = its back
k'ii = along the ridge
ghak =fin
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
first degree murder Teetl'rt Gwrch'm lao hah yidrin eltsaii lao hah = absolute
yidrln = his/her day
ehsaii = s/he made it
first degree murder Teetl'tt Gwrch'm loa hah yidhilkhaii }oo hah = absolute
yidhllkhaii = s/he killed him/her
fish (bail of dried) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm uutsik ghaa' uutsik = dried fish
ghaa' = many in a group
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT FortMcPherson, NT
fish scoop Teetl'tt Gwtch'm k'oo chi' zhit luk k'do = fishtrap
chi' = at its head
zh!t =in
luk =fish
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
fitness to stand trial Teetl'lt Gwrch'm viyinji' gadhan viyinjl' = his/her judgement
gadhan = it is easy
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
flycatcher Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm si tr' igij iinj iizhee it sings, "my church" or "my house
of prayer"
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
foreman of the jury Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uudhilch'eii gwichit uudhllch'eii = one's who listen
gwichlt = leader
forks of river Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sreh tadhidla. U water coming apart, splitting
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Fort Good Hope People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Chiidaii Zheh Gwich'in chii = rock/stone
daii =at the opening (outside)
zheh =house
gwich'in = people
Fort McPherson People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Teetl'it Gwich'in teetl'it = in the middle
gwich'in = people
Fort Yukon People Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Gwichyaa Gwich'in gwichyaa = flat place
gwich'in = people
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPh~rson, NT
freedom of speech Teetl'rt Gwrch'm adachoo ch'l' gHkhii eenjit adachoo = decision makers
gadhan dagwidii 'e' ch'l' = away from
gHkhii = s/he speaks
eenjit = for it
gadhan = it is easy ,
dagwldife' = law
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
fringes both
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Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson/ NT
fur (moccasin fur trim) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm kaiitreh nadhi' ee kaiitreh = shoes
nadhi'ee = it is around the edge
fur (moccasin trim) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm kaiitrih di' nin dhoh kaiitrih = shoes
di' =on top
nin =animal
dhoh =skin
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
fur (parka hood trim) Teetl'lt Gwrch'm needi' nadhi'ee needi' = rim of the hood
nadhi'ee = attatched in a circular
fur (parka hood trim) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm needye' naii'ee needye' = rim of hood
naii'ee = it is there
fur (parka hood trim) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm needi' nanuht'aii needi' = rim of hood
nanuht'aii = it is hanging
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'inLanguage Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
general election Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm adachoo geenjit uuzri' adachoo = decision maker
tr'oonjii geenjit = for them
uuzrl' = name
tr'oonjii = it is being taken
gentlemen usher of the Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii toh zraii nahadichik dinjii = man
black robe toh zraii = black cane
nahadichik = he carries it
geomorphologist Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii nan ts'at chii hah dinjii = man/people
dha 'aii nan ts'at chii = land and rocks
hah dha'aii = s/he works with it
geomorphology Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan ts'at chii hah dha'aii nan ts'at chii =land and rocks
hah dha'aii = s/he works with it
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Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
godchild (my) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shintl'ee tshqq vits'an shintt'ee =palm of my hand
tr'altsa,U tshlJLJ = water
vits'an tr'ahs<tH = given to him/her
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
godchild (my) Teetl'It Gw1ch'm shintl'ee tshuu vits'an shinti'ee = palm of my hand
tr'ahsaih tshuu = water
vits'an tr'altsaih = given to him/her
godparents Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm goontl'ee tshqq vits'an goontl'ee = in the palm of their
tr'ahsE:U hand
tshl.J.JJ = water
vits'an tr'ahs~H = it was given to
Good Friday Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm Niht'ihdi'ee Drin niht'ihdi'ee =cross (crossed over
one another)
drin =day
Good Friday Gw1chyah Gwtch'm Nihty'ehdi'ee Drin nihty'ehdi'ee =cross (crossed over
one another)
drin =day
governer general Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwiyah'at choo chit gwiyah'at chao chit= the queen
vats'anuu chao vats'anuu chao - her prominent
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
guardian angel Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm zhee kak gwich'in zhee kak gwich'in = angels
diik'anahtii diik'anahtii = takes care of us
guardian angel Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm zhee kak gwich'in zhee kak gwich'in = angel
diik 'anahtyee diik'anahtyee = takes care of us
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
gunsight (front) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm teenjir dhi' <iU teenjir = half way
dhi''lJI = it is there
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
half hour Teetl'rt Gw1ch'm sreedrii ihlak teenjir aha a sreedrii = hour
ihlak =one
teenjir =half way
ahaa = it is going
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchk NT Fort McPherson, NT
happy (s/he became) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm shah dhidlit s/he became happy
happy (s/he was Teetl' rt Gwrch' m shah tr'ihsaih s/he was made happy
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
heel (of the foot) both ekehtal one's heel of the foot
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
helicopter Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii nahandit'ee ghoo litsii nahandit'ee = flying machine
ghoo =round
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
hill (low treeless hill) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gwizrt t gho h low treeless hill
history (recent) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yeenoo de\ i' yeenoo = to this time
d$J' = at that time
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
hooks (set under ice) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyah chitr'il'aih lyah =hook
chitr'il'aih = it is set
hooks (set under ice) Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m lya.h chidhidlee lyqh =hook
chidhidlee = they are set
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
hot water bottle Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tshuu dhah dhoh tshuu = water
dhah =hot
dhoh = cover I skin
hot water bottle Gwtchyah Gwtch' m tshqq dhah dhdh tshtpJ = water
dhah =hot
dhoh = cover I skin
house of commons Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vadatr'igwijilcheii kat vadatr'igwijli-cheii kat = those who
eenjit zheh are put in a position
eenjit = for them
zheh =house
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
house of commons Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ginjih gadaaghoo zheh ginjih gadaaghoo = meeting
zheh =house
house (water delivery) Teetl'lt Gw1eh'm tshuu tr'oonjii zheh tshuu = water
tr'oonjii = take
zheh =house
hung jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dagiheedi'yaa geenjit dagiheedi'yaa = what they will do
gagidandaii kwaa geenjit = for it
gagidandaii = they know
kwaa =not
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
ice (cracked) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm tan altntH tan = ice (covering large are)
altr<iH = broken up
ice (first to form in the Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm luu agwijilche:H luu =ice
fall) agwijllch~H = making way
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
ice jam Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm gihdaluu niinjik ice is jammed all the way
across the river
ice (moved) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyuu chtiunjik the ice has moved out
ice on river banks Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm d'eedik luu tf'eedik = river bank
ruu =ice
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
ice pack along shore Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm teevee 1:uu teevee = shore
iuu =ice
ice (running in the fall Teetl'Jt Gw1ch'm nizrih hijih nizrih = slush
time) hijih = moving
ice (very thin ice in the Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm khaints'an' hiu' khaints'an' = fall season
fall) luu' = ice (posessed)
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
imagination Gwrchyah Gwrch'm zhuu ch'ii'an niinji'adhat zhuu ch'ii'an = for nothing
niinji'adhat = s/he is thinking
imagination Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiinlit ganiinji' tr' adhat gwiinlit = many things
ganiinjl' tr'adhat = theye are
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
impartial Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ihloh ts'aii midhat kwaa ihloh ts'aii = on either side
nadhat = s/he stands
kwaa =not
incriminate Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwik'it nilii k'it gwik'lt = in the same manner
vigwide e ch' in nilii = s/he is
k'lt vigwideech'in = s/he appears to
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
indictable offense Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwitr'it gwiizuu gwitr'it gwiizuu = bad work
gwidhci,htsaii gwidh~htsaii = you have made
indictable offense Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dindizhik edinehtl'eh kak dindizhik = what you did
gwidinitha tl' oo edlnehti'eh = book
kak gwidinithat{'oo = it is written
intent Teetl'1t Gwtch'm akdo dahihsha'yaa nihthan akoo dahihsha'yaa =I will do that
nihthan = I want
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
interdict list Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iheedinjyaa kwaa eenjit iheedinjyaa kwaa = s/he won't
voozri' dinithat!'oo consume alcohol
eenjit = for it
voozrl' = his/her name
dinithatf'oo = it was written
Inuvik people Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihtat gwich'in nihtat = among each other, mixed
gwich'in = people
ironing board Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dachan kak vah gichitr'i'ee dachan =wood
kak= on
vah = with it
gichitr'i'ee = to make straight or
to flatten
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
July Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vananh Yidichuu vananh = on it/ during that time
yidichuu = birds moult/lose
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
jury Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidii srit gwiheezaa geenjit jidli srit gwiheezaa = which is
guudhilch'eii better
geenjit guudhllch'eii = they are
listening for it
justice of the peace Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nekhwekaiik'it eenjit nekhwekaiik'lt = our commumty
court atr'oodahkat eenjit = on behalf of
atr'oodahkat = court
keep the peace and be Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tsinehdanh hiinlyaa ts'at tslnehdanh = peaceful
of good behaviour tehk'oo dahiindi'yaa kwaa hiinlyaa = you will be
ts'at =and
tehk'oo dahiindi'yaa kwaa =you
will not do wrong
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
ladder (for stage Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm drah ts'at dajuu'ee drah = stage cache
cache) ts'at =to
dajuu'ee = stepping on
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
land claim money Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nan eenjit tseedhoh nan= land
eenjit = for it
tseedhoh = money
land (clear location) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm gwizri' goo'aii gwizri' = in plain view
goo'aii = it is there
land (clear location) both gwq,hsri' goo'aii gwqhsri' = clear land place,
goo'aii = it is there
last sacrament Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm h~Ukoo diikak ne 'tr'iinlii ht:;ijkoo = before an event
diikak = on them
ne'tr'iinlii = putting on
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leading question Teetl'lt Gwtch'm daheenjaa yuunuu geenjit daheenjaa = what s/he will say
yuudahkat yuunuu = s/he expects of him/her
geenjit = for it
yuudahkat = s/he is asking him/her
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
legislative branch Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vuuzri' tr'oonjik kat ts'aii vuuzrl' =his/her name
tr'oonjik = it was taken
kat = more than one
ts'aii = on that side
legislative committee Teetl'lt Gwtch'm vadatr'igwijiJ:cheii kat hit vadatr'igwijHcheii = those who are
Hgiljil put in a positwn
kat = more than one
lclt =some
hglljil = they are meeting
lesser included offence Teetl'tt Gwtch'm jidii dee t'idizhik jidli dee = what is it
giiyahnuu gwi'it t'idizhik = happened
nagi y its aii giiyahnuu = they said about
gwi'lt nagiyltsaii = they lessened it
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lieutenant governor Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm gwiyah'at choo chit gwiyah'at choo chit = the Queen
vats'anuu tsal vats'anuu = her helper
tsal =small
light (early morning) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ge'ta'aii the sun is beginning to rise
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Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
locked (with padlock) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm vide' dindidoo vide' =blocking the way
dindidoo = twisted around it
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
long fish hook string Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm lyah tf'yaa njuh {yah= hook
t{'yaa = string, line
njuh= long
long fish hook string Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm lyl:lh tl'yaa njuh {yqh =hook
t{'yaa = line, string
njuh= long
long time ago Teet!'Jt Gw1ch'm niizhit dai' gwanoo niizhit = long (far)
dai' = at that time
gwanoo =in that time
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
lotion (hand) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm diinle' vah tr'ahtJ:ee diinle' = one's hand
vah =with it
tr'aht}ee = rubbing it on, spreading
majority government Teetl'It Gw1ch'm k'adagwidaadhat teenjir k'adagwidaadhat = ones who make
nddo ts'aniliinat decisions
teenjir = half way
ndoo == forward
ts'aniliinat = it is theirs
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marriage Teetl'rt Gwrch'm nihkha gadhidii they live with each other
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Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
May Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Vananh I:.aii Yichii vananh = on it/during that time
}aii =dog
yichii = it barks
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medicine (cough syrup) both koh agoondaii' koh = cough/ cold (illness)
agoondaii' = medicine (possessed)
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milk (powdered) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm aak'ii t'ok ddhak aak'ii t'ok =cow milk
ddhak = powdered
minority government Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm k'adagwidaadhat teenjir k'adagwidaadhat = one who makes
gwik'iyee'it gdonlii decisions
ts'aniliinat teenjir = half way
gwik'iyee'it goonlii = the path for
the future
ts'aniliinat = it belongs to them
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
moccasin (wrap around) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm kaiichan nadhi'ee kaiichan = around the ankle
nadhi'ee = attached in a
circular shape
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moon (full) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm too oozrii k'inyaazheii too oozrii = moon
k'inyaazheii = it is complete
moose (2 year old bull) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ditsik shek ditsik = calf
shek =old
moose (cow with calf) both nihditsik there are calves on both sides
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
moose (second largest Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm diti' dhoo echyaa diti' = his/her father
bull) dhoo =skin (possessed)
echyaa = it carries it
moose (second largest Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ezhir tsal ezhir = bull moose
bull) tsal =small
moose (young cow ) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm dizhao tsal dizhao = cow moose
tsal =small
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
mud (dry & cracked) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm leth gqU til' leth =mud
gqij =dry
tll' = cracked
mukluks (caribou leg both edreedhoh kaiichan edreedhoh = leg skin of caribou,
skin) moose
kaiichan =mukluks
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Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
muscle (of the calf) Teetl'It Gwtch'm viddo' his calf muscle
muscle (of the calf) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm diitr'do' one's calf muscle
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
nape (his) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vitsi' k'it the nape of his/her neck
native custom Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii zhuh k'yuu dinjii zhuh = native
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
needle (beading) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm neegaii tthah tsal neegaii = bead (s)
tthah =awl
tsal =small
needle (glover) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm adhdh tthah tsal adhoh = tanned hide
tthah =awl
tsal =small
needle (glover) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tthah tsal visreedhik'aii tthah tsal = needle
visreedhik'aii = there are three
sides to it
needle (leather) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tthah tsal zheii tthah tsal = needle
zheii = traditional
needle (medical term) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm tthah tsal gwits'an tr'ahtsii tthah tsal =needle
gwits'an = to him/her
tr'ahtsii = make
needle (round) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm tthah tsal vyqh tthah tsal = needle
yY1Jh = round
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
net pole (for under ice) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tan zhak chiichii tan= ice
zhak =under/below
chiichii = to stick in the river
net pole (for under ice) both tan t'eh chiichii tan= ice
t'eh = tmder
chiichii = to stick in the river
net string for under ice both chih d'yah chih = under water
tf'yah = string
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
ninety Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vanchoh nak'oh zhak vanchoh nak'oh zhak dhityin =
dhityin juutyin nine
juutyin = it is counted
ninety Gwtchyah Gwtch'm vanchadh nak'aoh zhak vanchadh nak'aoh zhak dhityin =
dhityin juutyin nine
juutyin = it is counted
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Old Crow People Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Van Tat Gwich'in Van= lake (s)
Tat= among
Gwich'in = people
one and one half hour Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm sreedrii ihlak ts'at teenjir sreedrii =hour
ihlak =one
ts'at =and
teenjir = half
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
one and one half hour Gwtchyah Gwtch'm sreedrii ihfak ants'at sreedrli = hour
teenjir ihlak =one
ants'cit = and
teenjir half
one hundred Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ihfak nilee k'it juutyin ih-!-ak =one
nilee = hand
k'it = the same as
juutyin = counted
one thousand Gwtchyah Gwtch'm ihlogwijuutyin nilee k'it ih-!-ogwijuutyin = counted once
juutyin juutyin nilee = hand
k'it = the same as
juutyin = counted
juutyin = counted
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
overflow (on ice) both tan kak teekee tshli' tan= ice
kak =on
teekee tshu' = flood water
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich/in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson/ NT
pain (chest) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm diideeghan asrah U'ee diideeghan = ones chest
asrah i)'ee = it is painful
pain (sharp chest pain) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shidrihchii hasrah H'ee shidrihchii = my chest
hasrah jj'ee = it is painful!
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
pants (caribou fur) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ditr'ii thal short hair is left on the
skin (summer pants)
pants (caribou fur) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ditr'uu thal short hair is left on the
skin (summer pants)
pants (caribou hide) both aadzhii thal aadzhii = tanned caribou hide
thaJ: =pants
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
parka trimming Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tl'in nigwiniltsi' tl-'in = around the bottom
nigwiniltsi' = fancy
parliament Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ginjih gadaaghoo zheh ginjih gadaaghoo = the speakers
zheh =house
participate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm giiyah t'igidi'ii they are participating with them
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
pedia tri tion Teetl'tt Gwtch'm tr'iinin ts'at tr'iinjoo tr'iinin = child
srinalii ts'at =and
tr'iinjoo = woman
srinalii = s/he is fixing it
pelt stretcher Teetl'lt Gwtch'm nin dhoh zhit tayii'ee nin =animal
dhdh =pelt/skin/cover
zhit = in it
tayii'ee = shaping
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
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Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT
pintail Gwtchyah Gwtch'm naak'oh jidig~H naak'oh =both sides of the neck
jidigqjj = it is whitened
pintail Teet!' tt Gwtch' m naak'oh jidigaii naak'oh =both sides of the neck
jidigaii = it is whitened
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
plead Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jii tthak dinidizhik jii tthak = all of this
nigahnuu, aii geenjit dinidizhik = you did
gihiinkhyah nigahnuu = they said about you
aii geenjit = for that
gihiinkhyah = you will talk
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
police station Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm vidree oonaatsoo zheh vidree = along his side
oonaatsoo = yellow around the edge
zheh =house
political party Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm guudatr'igwijilcheii kat ones who are put in a position
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
power plant operator Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm vik'iighe' aadrii k'anahtii vik'iighe' = because of it
aadrii = light
k'anahtii = s/he looks after it
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Tsiigehtchic NT 1 Fort McPherson, NT
premier Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nanhkak eenjit iisrits'at nanhkak eenjit = for the land
chit iisrits'at = most prominent
chit = leader
presumed innocent until Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nekhwedizhik kwaa k'it nekhwedizhik kwaa = it didn't
proven guilty t'iinohthan happen
k'lt t'iinohthan = think about it in
that manner
previous record Teetl'tt Gwtch'm adai' deedi'in' adai' deedi'in' = s/he did it already
gwidfnehtl'e e gwidlnehtl:'t~e = its paper
prime minister Teetl'tt Gwtch'm iisrits'at chit Canada iisrits'at = most prominent
geenjit chit = leader
Canada geenjit = for Canada
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
queen Teetl'tt Gwtch'm gwiyeh'at chao chit eenjit gwiyeh'at chao chit = queen
midhat eenjit = for her
midhat = s/he stands
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
rain forest Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dachan tat tshin juu'aii dachan = wood
tat= among
tshin = rain
juu'aii = it is there
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
Rat Indian Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Van Tat Gwich'in Teetshik Van = lake
Tat= among
Gwich'in = people
Teetshik = creek
Rat River (lower) Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Sruh Niinlii coney swimming along it
Rat River (upper) Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm Ddhah Zhit Han ddhah = mountain
zhit =in
han= river
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Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
remand Teetl'!t Gw1ch'm zheh gwaazraii gwizhi t zheh gwaazraii gwizhlt = in jail
ihlee vik'andehnahtyaa, ihlee = for a while
uundoo ji' geenj1t vik'andehnahtyaa = they will
monitor him/her
uundoo jl' geenj1t = for a later time
rep. by population Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm dinjii dl:l,hfeii eenjit midhat dinjii = people
dq.hl:eii = so many
eenjit nadhat = standing for them
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
return to verdict Teetl'tt Gwtch'm uudhilch'eii kat gwik'it uudhllch'eii kat = the jury
nilii goo gwik'it nilii kwaa gwik'lt nilii = it is true
gehdeenjyaa goo= or
gwik'lt nilii kwaa = it is not true
gehdeenjyaa = they will say
returning officer Teetl'tt Gw1ch'm dinjii uuzri' tr'oonjii eenjit dinjii =people
dha' aii uuzrl' tr'oonjii = taking names
eenjit dha'aii = it is there for that
revenue Teetl'lt Gwtch'm tax kak tseedhdh tr' ahtsii tax kak = on tax
tseedhoh = money
tr'ahtsii = they make
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
right to retain and Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jtiu yeenjit giteekhyah juu =who
instruct cmmsel veenjit gdo'aii yeenjit = on behalf of him/her
giteekhyah = s/he will speak
veenjit goo'aii = it is there for
ring around the stm Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm srii na'alt'aih srii =sun
na'alt'aih = strung around
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
roles Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nihjeh nits'oo gwitr'it nihjeh = over one another
t'igwiheedya'aa nits'oo = how
gwitr'it =work
t'igwiheedya'aa = will be done
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
search and seizure Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nitr'intii ts'at tr'tiunjik nitr'intii = searching
ts'at =and
tr'uunjik = it was taken
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
sentencing Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm gwiizuu t'indizhik eenjit gwiizuu t'indizhik = you did wroung
vanagwahahtsaa eenjit = for it
vanagwahahtsaa = you will make it
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
sequester Teetl'rt Gwrch'm uudhilch'eii azhik khehlat uudhllch'eii = one's who listen
t'igiheech'yaa azhlk = there
khehlat = in one place
t'igiheech'yaa = they will stay
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Sheep Creek Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Divii Daonjik slang for "Divii Daaghoo Njik"
shelves Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihk'ehdak vizhit gwiltsaii nihk'ehdak = one over the other
vizhit = in it
gwiltsaii = it is made
shelves Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nihk'ehdak vakak nik'ehdak =one over the other
dagoodlee vakak =on it
dagoodlee = they are piled up
shelves Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nihk'yehdak vikak nihk'yehdak = one over the other
dagohdlii vikak =on it
dagohdlii = they are put there
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Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
shots (muzzle loader) both diik'ee chi' ghoo diik'ee chi' = bullets
ghoo =round
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English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
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snow (drifting soft Gw1chyah Gw1ch' m zhoh tsal hah tazruu zhoh =snow
snow) tsal =small
hah =with
tazruu = it has drifted
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
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English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
snowbird (white) Gw1chyah Gw!Ch'm gugeh zheu dagC!Ji gugeh = snow bird
dagqjj = white
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
social worker Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm neesrij<thch'uu kat ts'at neesrij4hch'uu = s/he is poor
tr'iinj ii kat = more than one
ts'at = towards
tr'iinjii = s/he helps
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
songs (drum dance) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shtih k'yuu atr'aadzoo shuh =drum
gwi'elik k'yuu = its way
atr'aadzoo = they are dancing
gwi'elik = song (possessed)
southern native Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm yi'eenji' gwidinjii zhuu' yi'eenji' =way out
gwidinjii zhUu'= their native
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
speaker of the senate Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm anjdo kat ligiljil gwichit anjoo kat = elders
-l:iglljil =they met
gwichlt = their leader
speaking (in anger to Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ats'at t'iiyahnuu ats'at = towards him/her
one) t'iiyahnuu = s/he is telling him/her
speech from the throne Teetl'lt Gw1ch'm nagwinii'aii geenjit nagwlnii'aii = put into place
gwaandak geenjit gwaandak = s/he is talking
about it
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
spring (came early) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm d<~,U khanh' gwi-l:gwan' dqj! =spring
khanh' = fast
gwi-!:gwan'= it melted
spring (fast melting) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm daii khanh' gwUgwan' daii = spring
khanh' = fast
gwi-!:gwan' = melting
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
spruce gum Guice) Teetl'1t Gwtch'm dzih ant'at tshu' dzih =gum
ant'at == sticky
tshu' = its water
stage (for drying fish) Gwtchyah Gwtch'm uutsik drl:l,h uutsik = dried fish
drqh =stage
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
stand aside Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ihleh zhtiu eenjit izhits'aii ihieh = for a while
na.a. 'ee zhuu eenjit = for no reason
izhlts'aii = on that side
nq.q.'ee = you, stand
stare decisis Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iisrits'at hit gwijiintshii iisrits'at = most important
aii tr'uuhadhahch'yaa lat = some of it
gwijlintshii = large scale
tr'uuhadhahch'yaa = it will be
listened to
stay of proceedings Teetl'rt Gwrch'm ihhlh jtiu nitr'inqhchuh ihleh = for a short time
juu nitr'lnq.hchuh = it was put aside
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchlc, NT Fort McPherson, NT
stepbrother (my eldest) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shuundee chit dhidlit shuundee = my older brother
chit = oldest
dhidlit = he became
stepbrother (my older) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm shuundee nathilit shuundee = my older brother
nathilit = he became
stepsister (my younger) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm shijuu nathilit shijuu = my younger sister
nathilit = she became
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
stick (for making stick Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm ahts<\h gal' ahtsc}h = stick fish
fish) gal' = stick (possessed)
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT
stove (oil) Teetl'rt Gwrch'm iitsii vizhit khaii juuk'an' iitsii = stove
vizhit = in it
khaii = oil
juuk'an' = it is burning
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
stove pipe elbow Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm iitsii alsraii iitsii = stove/ metal
alsraii = it is bent
stove pipe elbow Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii alsrq,U iitsii = stove I metal
a}srqH = it is bent
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
summary offense Teetl'rt Gwrch'm gwiiyaa'an ts'at gwiizuu gwiiyaa'an = more than
kwaa ts'at =and
gwlizuu kwaa = it is not bad
summer (came early) Gwrchyah Gwrch'm khanh' shin goodlet khanh' = quickly
shin = summer
goodlet = it happened suddenly
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
supreme court of canada Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm Canada datthak gwizhit Canada datthak = all of Canada
iisrits'at atr'oodahkat gwizhlt = in it
gwiintshii iisrits'at = most prominent
atr'oodahkat =court
gwiintshii = large scale
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
supreme court of the Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm nakhweminkat gwizhit nakhweminkat = our land
NWT iisrits'at atr'oodahkat gwizhlt = in it
gwiintshii iisrits'at = most prominent
atr'oodahkat= court
gwiintshii = large scale
suspended sentence Teetl'1t Gw1eh'm ihh~h jtiu nitr'igwinii'aii ihh~h =for a short while
juu nltr'lgwlnii'aii = it was put aside
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
table cloth Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vakak ii'aa kak dalchuu vakak ii'aa = table
kak =on it
daJchuu = it is laid
table (small) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm vakak ii' a a tsal vakak ii'aa =table
tsal =small
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
thank you very much both mahsi' choo mahsl' =thank you
chao= big
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Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
three days ago Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tik gwanoo drin = day
tik = three
gwanoo = to this time
three days ago Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drin tyik gwinoo drin =day
tyik =three
gwinoo = to this time
three days from now Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm drin tik gwindoo' drin =day
tik = three
gwindoo' = after
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
toaster (for bread) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii vizhit leth ch'uh df.m iitsii = machine
tr'ahk'an vizh!t = in it
leth ch'uh = bannock
dC:m =raised
tr'ahk'an = they burn it
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
tooth filling Teetl'rt Gwrch'm diigho' zhit nagwahtsii diigho' = one's teeth
zhit = in it
nagwahtsii = making it again
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Trail Creek Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Tr'atr'aataii Tshik Tr'atr'aataii = the path is laid out
Tshik = creek
transfer payment Teetl'tt Gwtch'm izhuu ts'at tseedhdh izhuu ts'at = to a different person
gwintl'atr'ahtshuh tseedhdh = money
gwint{'atr'ahtshuh = giving
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
treaty day Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm tseedhdh gwatat tr'ilii drin tseedhdh = money
gwatat = among
tr'ilii = is being given out to many
drin =day
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
truck driver Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm iitsii khal ak'qhdak iitsii = machine I metal
khal = vehicle/wagon
ak'qhdak = s/he steers
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
unfit to stand trial Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm atr'oodahkat niheehaa atr'oodahkat niheehaa = s/he will
geenjit gadhan kwaa go to court
geenjit = for it
gadhan kwaa = it is not easy
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson1 NT
verbatim Teetl'lt Gwtch'm gin jih tthak kit te' gHkhii ginjih tthak = all that was said
klt te'gHkhii = they are repeating it
vertigo Teetl'tt Gwtch'm diiyah shih dakhak with us things are spinning
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
voir dire Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm jidii danuu duuhlh jidli danuu = what s/he is saying
vat'adahch'yaa duuleh = maybe
vat'adahch'yaa = it will be useful
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic NT 1 Fort McPherson, NT
ward Teet!'Jt Gw1ch'm vakaiik'it gwizhlt nan Iat vakaiik'lt gwizhlt = in his/her
nan lat = some of it
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
wash basin Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm edi 'tr'inaajii ch'ik edi'tr'inaajii = washes one's face
ch'lk = plate
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
water filter Teetl'1t Gwtch'm iitsii gwinjit chuu tr'iinjaa litsii == machine/metal
gwinjit = through it
chuu tr'iinjaa = water is spilled
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
watercourse along base Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm ddhah teek'it niinlaii ddhah = mountain
of mountain teek'it = deep creek between
niinlaii = it is flowing
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
weather (it is warming Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm nadrida.hshah the start of warmer weather
weather (it will get Gw1chyah GwlCh'm gwitaneek'adh the weather will get colder
weather (sudden cold) Teet!' it Gw1ch'm tr'akhaii jaatil tr'akhaii = being winter
jaati{ = it happened all of a
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
wind (cross) Gw1chyah Gw1ch'm drak ts'at ahtr'aii drak ts'at = across it
ahtr'aii = it is windy
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic1 NT Fort McPherson1 NT
wind (north) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm dii ahtr' aii dii = from the north
ahtr'aii = wind
wind (south) Teetl'tt Gwtch'm nyuu ahtr'aih nyuu = south/across this way
ahtr'aih = it is blowing
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
witness Teetl'tt Gwtch'm H' hah ahdandaii eenjit fi' hah = absolutely
gwaandak ahdandaii = what s/he knows
eenjit gwaandak = s/he is talking
about it
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Instih1te Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
worms from caribou Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm anchaJ: gyti' ancha{ = nose cartilage
nose gyli' =worms
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
worms from caribou Gwtchyah Gwtch'm anchal tee gyu' anchal = nose cartilage
nose tee gyU' =its worms
wonnd (gtmshot) Teetl'lt Gwtch'm diik' ee tshi' hah nehkaii diik'ee tshl' = bullets
dhidlit hah =with it
nehkaii = wounded
dhidlit = s/he became
Wounded Bear Lake Gwtchyah Gwtch'm Sheh Naakai' sheh = grizzly bear
naakai' = wonnded
W onnded Bear Lake Teetl'tt Gwtch'm Shoh Nehkaii Van Shoh =bear
Nehkaii =wounded
Van= lake
Gwich'in Social & Cultural Institute Gwich'in Language Centre
Tsiigehtchic, NT Fort McPherson, NT
Language Dictionary
English word Dialect Gwich'in word English literal translation
youth worker Teetl'1t Gw1ch'm k'eejit kat eenjit gwitr'it k'eejit kat = young people
t'agwah'in nilii eenjit = for them
gwitr'it t'agwah'in nilii = s/he is a
Section VI
Gwichyah Gwich' in
Kinship Terms
my brotnertsr son(s)
my my brother(s)'
mys mys
shao s
(my father-in-law)
shitshi' shiyeetsT
my son's
(my daughter-in-law)
my my
'chikaii sheedeenu'
my grandson my my granddaughter
my mother's
son(s) (cousins) (cousins)
s s1ster(s) my my
shit' sheek'aii s
(my grandmother)
shitsii shitsuu s
my parents
Teetl'it Gwich'in
Kinship Terms
my my
n my
(my father-in-law)
shitsuu/shuutr'ih shiyughwan/shitii
my son
(my daughter-in-law)
my my
(my son-in-law)
father's brother(s) son(s) my father's sister(s) daughter(s) my mother's brother(s) s sister(s)
(my cousins) (cousins) son( s) (cousins) (cousins)
shiyughwan kat
shit'yee sha'han I
(tya'aa I baba I ba) (na'aa I mama I
older older younger younger
brother sister brother sister