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Guiding Question/Grade Lev How can we reuse materials to create artwork for our community? 2" Grade Content Area: Standards: ‘S2P1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about the anual properties of matter and changes that occur in objects. Social Studies $821: Locate and compare major topggraphical features of Georgia and describe how these features define Georgia's Language Arts surface. (Rogions and Rivers) Project I- Visual Arts: Brt Brea: ‘VA2,CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes. a Create works of art to express individual ideas, thoughts, and &D Sculpture feelings from memory, imagination, and observation, b. Create ‘works of art emphasizing multiple elements of art and/or ‘Thematic Art principles of design. VA2,CR4 Understand and apply media, techniques, and ee processes of three-dimensional art, a. Create sculpture using a Color variety of materials and methods (e.g. papier-maché, paper sculpture, assemblage, found objects) Creative Movement/Theater ESGMK.CR 1 improvise melodies, variations, and ne accompaniments. a. Improvise simple body percussion patterns ; ESGMK.CR2 Compose and arrange music within specified guidelines, a. Create sound effects to accompany songs, poems, and stories. ELA Connection DLI ENGLISH: ELAGSE2RLS: Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. Text: "The Perfect Square” by Michael Hall Read aloud, discuss how the main character responded to his square not being perfect anymore. Connect: How can we reuse materials to create artwork for our community? Create: Students will be given a square of paper, as in the story and will be asked to create artwork for our school, Vocabulary: Can you create an image to represent one of the regions of Georgia? What types of lines would ‘you want 1o use? is there a certain color, or hue of color you may want to use? Integrate Social Studies vocabulary as well as art vocabulary. Closing: Share your artwork, how does it represent the region you chose? Can you share your creative thinking with the class? ‘Community Partner: Virtual Field Trip at the Crayola Factory to see how crayons are made. Students will also educate their classmates, parents, and school community on the regions of Georgia as well as their art elements of desian. Focus Artist(s): Eric Carle, Henri Matisse, Clare Youngs, STOMP, Shel SilversteinLesson Components 1, Content Area: Science and Social Studies 2, Art Area: 3-D Collage/Music 3. Technology (if applicable): Smartboard, Chatterpix ‘STEAM Challenge Overview: You are a cartographer hired by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to plan and create a map showing the different surfaces and textures of GA's five geographic regions. You are creating this map to teach your fellow students about the regions and rivers of Georgia and their distinct characteristics. Colors, shapes, and textures should accurately demonstrate the characteristics of the physical properties of matter of each region. ‘Teacher Background: ‘This challenge can be used to help students develop an understanding of how matter can change in our ‘environment on a larger scale. Leading up to this challenge, students will do smaller scale investigations to puild background knowledge about physical properties and physical changes in matter such as: Pop popcom, freeze a liquid into a solid, combine a solid with a liquid, melt a solic into a licuid, etc, Students may take pictures of the their maps and use the Chatterpix app to create auditory descriptions about each region's physical properties of matter. Students should have an opportunity to observe the physical properties of matter in each region based on color, mass, texture, and shape. Students should work in groups of 3 or 4 Ask/Engage © To ongage the students, show time-lapse video httns.// of changes in the physical properties of matter in the environment, Have students discuss how heating, cooling, or weathering can cause land, rocks, and soil matter to crack and change. Cur class has been studying the physical properties of matter in each of the GA regions (such as land texture, color, mass, and shape), Students will create a list of descriptive words that desoribe each, region's properties in order to use this information for their map design. © Next, ask students how can they can create a map of the physical properties of GA's five regions in order to track changes that could occur with matter in our environment. © Share ar by collage artists Eric Carle, Henri Matisse, or Clare Youngs and discuss how they showed different properties of matter in the scenes they created. Imagine/Brainstorm, * Have students brainstorm and decide on the best format for their map. Remind them to take into consideration all of the different surfaces, textures, and sizes of matter in each region. Students will then. decide how they want the to show these characteristics of matter on their maps. * Each student will brainstorm ways to create/construct their map noting how they will show larger mass in the Blue Ridge mountains versus flatter land mass in the Coastal Plains, Give students time to draw their individual plan and color the map with accurate colors. Plan/Design © Each student presents their ideas to their team, Each team will collaborate to come up with final design plan for their map and the construction of it. Students should a draw final design plan and make a list of needed supplies, Create ‘© Students will design and construct a map that shows the physical properties of matter in each region Criteria Constraints: ‘© Use only the materials provided. ‘© Students must work within the perimeters of a map that is to scale of the Ga regions.Evaluate/Improve Students evaluate their design for success, Did it meet the established criteria? Did their final design match their planned design? How would students improve their design? Extension: Students should observe how matter changes in their direct environment (ex. rain can freeze to snow & then melt). Next, students can create other models that explain how heating and cooling can cause reversible and irreversible changes in matter. ‘WILSON/BROWN: Lesson Components 1. Content Area: Science/Social Studies 2. Art Area: Music 3. Technology (if applicable): FLIP ELA Connection ELAGSE2RLA: Describe how words and phrases (e.G,, regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song, ‘TEXT: A Light in the Attic, Where the Sidewalk Ends Lesson Objective: After learning about poems, states of matter, and Georgia regions, students will use what they learned to create their own poem, create the rhythm, and put it to a beat to make a song, After writing their poems, students will be introduced to the body percussion group STOMP by showing a video, TW have § talk about what they see, think, and wonder, After viewing the video, TW have class discussion about previous. TW introduce S to music vocabulary words compose, rhythm, tempo, and pitch. ‘TW model how to use rhythm, tempo, and pitch by composing her own song to a poem that was previously written, SW be sent back to their work stations to work with the group they created their poems with, They will work together to compose their song, adding body percussion, rhythm, tempo, and pitch, After composing their song, they will record it on FLIP to share with their community. z Criteria 3 points | 2 points | 1 point Understanding of Poem Content Effective Use of Rhythm, Tempo, and Pitch Collaboration and Contribution to Group Work Seoring: + 3 points for meeting the criteria exceptionally well + 2 points for meeting the criteria adequately +L point for meeting the criteria partially or some weaknessesBoswell ‘Lesson Component 1, Content Area: Social Studies 2. Art Area: 3-D Collage |Standards: [Geographic Understandings SS2G1 Locate and compare major topographical features of Georgia and Jciescrine how these features define Georgia's surface. VA2.CR.2 Create works of art based on selected themes. a. Create works of art to express individual ideas, ‘thoughts, and feelings from memory, imagination, and observation. b. Create works of art emphasizing multiple elements of art and/or principles of design Leaming Target: I can use my knowledge and skills learned about the Georgia Regions to create and design a 3D collage to feature elements of each region. Mini Lesson: As a whole group, complete KWL chart to state facts leamed about the GA regions Compare/contrast likes and differences. Plan/Design: TSW work in their groups to brainstorm/plan out a design for their assigned region. Create: Each group will use materials to design their GA region to create a 3-D collage. Closing: Each group will piece together their regions to design a large masterpiece map of the Georgia Regions Criteria ‘3 Points 2 Points 1 Point Creativity Exceptionally creative _ | Somewhat creative Not creative ‘se of Materials | Excellent use of materials | Adequate use of materials | Minimal use of materials Presentation | Neat and well-presented | Fairly neat presentation | Messy and disorganized
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