AMS-RSE-Y4 Autumn L1 Families-O4i

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O4(i) - Characteristics of a healthy family,

including spending time together

Year 4
Autumn Term: Lesson 1

Lesson Overview
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family, including spending
time together

Group & Whole Class Activities

Activate Why are families special?
15 minutes

Whole Class & Group Activities

Explain Healthy families
20 minutes

Whole Class, Paired &

Independent Activities
Reflect Difficult situations
15 minutes

Whole Class & Paired Activities

Review Be the best to your family
10 minutes

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family, including spending
time together

Aim To explore the characteristics of a healthy family

Lesson Objectives In this lesson pupils will:

Consider why families are important and special

Identify the characteristics of a healthy family, including giving commitment and time

Explore how our families and those close to us help us when we are in difficult

Learning Outcomes By the end of this lesson pupils will have:

Defined a healthy family

Identified characteristics that make families important and special to them

Recognised the importance of conduct towards families, from an Islamic


Key Vocabulary

characteristic committed loyal affection


Resource sheets Pens / Pencils Post – it notes

A3 Video

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family,
including spending time together
Group & Whole Class Activities Why are families special?

Preparation: Photocopy Resource 1: Diamond nine on A3 paper.

Ask pupils to discuss in groups:

▪ Why families are important and special?
▪ What do our families give us?

Encourage them to think about things which are not merely material/physical (e.g.
money, clothes, toys, gadgets) i.e. emotional support (e.g. love, care, help etc.)

Give each group nine post-it notes.

Instruct them to write down a different thing our families provide for us on each
post-it note.

Give each group Resource 1

Ask pupils to create a ‘Diamond nine’ by

placing what they think the most important
thing is at the top and the least important at
the bottom, with the others in between.

Remind pupils to discuss and agree as a

group before placing post-it notes on the

Upon completion, take feedback by asking

group members to explain their choices.

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family,
including spending time together
Group & Whole Class Activities Why are families special?

Introduce learning objectives and learning outcomes.

Discuss key vocabulary and share definitions.

characteristic feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing

committed to be dedicated to something or someone
loyal giving or showing constant support to a person
affection a feeling of liking someone

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family,
including spending time together
Whole Class & Group Activities Healthy families

Ask pupils: What does a ‘healthy’ family mean to you? (Some pupils may think that
this refers to families who eat healthy foods and exercise, steer the discussion
towards the qualities of a happy family, e.g. they look after each other etc.)

Give pupils 1 minute to think of as many characteristics as they can of a healthy


Record pupil responses on the whiteboard.

Explain to pupils that we will be exploring six

broad characteristics, in particular, by playing a
game of charades.

Place pupils into six groups and give each

group a healthy family characteristic card
(Resource 2) and 5 minutes to discuss
possible ways the characteristic could be acted

Instruct each group to act out the quality on

their given card, without using any speech.
Other groups try to work out the
characteristic acted out.

(Note: props can be provided to support role-


Upon completion ask pupils to reflect upon these questions:

▪ Which of the characteristics described does your family demonstrate really well?
▪ What could you do to help develop any/all of the characteristics described?

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family,
including spending time together
Whole Class, Paired &
Difficult situations
Independent Activities

Ask pupils: Other than Allah, who do you turn to/ask for help when you are faced
with a difficult situation?

Explain that most people turn to their families or others that are close to them
when they need help.

Ask pupils: What types of difficult situations can you think of, that you have
faced, that you’ve had to ask your family for help with?

Record pupil responses on the whiteboard.

Responses could include:
▪ When I felt sick or ill
▪ When I needed help with my homework
▪ When I argued/disagreed with my sibling
▪ When someone made me feel unhappy or hurt me

Ask pupils to discuss in pairs: When these

difficult situations happen (the ones listed
on the whiteboard), how does your family
help you?

Ask pupils to complete Resource 3

independently, by choosing three difficult
situations they have encountered or may
encounter and record how their family
members have helped them or may help

Discuss pupil responses.

Lesson Plan
Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family,
including spending time together
Whole Class & Paired Activities Be the best to your family

Read the hadith:

The Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:

‘The best of you are the best to their families, and I am the best to my family.’


Ask pupils: What do we learn from this hadith?

▪ It is from the sunnah to treat your family well

▪ If you want to be from the best of people, treat your family in the best manner
and try to fulfill the characteristics of a healthy family in your own homes

Review learning by referring to learning objectives and learning outcomes.

Pose questions to check understanding and clarify misconceptions using think, pair,

▪ What are the characteristics of a healthy family?

▪ What does it mean to be committed to each other?
▪ How can your family help you in difficult situations?
▪ Why are families important and special?

Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family, including spending time together

Resource 1

Diamond nine

Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family, including spending time together

Resource 2

Healthy family characteristics

Love Committed

They help and care for each other, They are loyal to each other by
and show each other love and keeping promises and trusting each
affection other

Talk Problem-solvers

They can talk about their feelings They solve problems together and
with each other; if someone is they look for something good from
happy, sad or angry about bad situations
something, they feel comfortable
to open up to their family about it

Beliefs Time

They share their beliefs with each They spend quality time with each
other and support each other in other, which includes having fun
their beliefs by doing acts of together by doing family activities
worship together (e.g. praying and eating meals together
together, reciting Qur’an together)

Lesson 1: Characteristics of a healthy family, including spending time together

Resource 3

How my family can help me in difficult situations

Difficult situation How my family can help me in this situation

Example: I get scared at When I call my mum, she comes to my room and
night when I’m sleeping comforts me, she sits with me until I fall asleep
alone in the dark. again.




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