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HG-Q1-M2 Orig

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Ariana Bodollo Bobis 12 ABM - Aguinaldo

Quarter 1 - Module 2

Accepting the Individuality of Others

Let’s Try This

Observation of Other’s Uniqueness


Persons Lively or Nurturing or Conservative or Thinker or doer? Planner or easy-

Reserved? disciplinarian? liberated? go-lucky?

Taylor Swift Lively Nurturing Liberated Thinker Planner

Elon Musk Reserved Disciplinarian Liberated Thinker Planner

Malala Yousafzal Reserved Nurturing Liberated Thinker Planner

Processing Question:

1. Were you able to fill out all related descriptions for each person? Which of the descriptions is the
most observable?

Yes, I was able to fill out all the descriptions. The most observable description among them is likely
the “Thinker or Doer” characteristic, as it often reflects in their actions and decisions.

2. What is the most difficult description to observe? Explain.

The most difficult description to observe might be “Nurturing or Disciplinarian.” This is because
nurturing and disciplinarian traits are often displayed in specific contexts, such as in personal
relationships or leadership roles, which might not be immediately visible.

3. What can you say about the differences that you observed among these three persons?

The differences observed among the three persons highlight their unique personalities and
approaches to life. For example, one might be more reserved and a thinker, while another could be
lively and a doer. These differences show that each person has their own strengths and ways of
interacting with the world.

Let’s Explore This

Showing Support for Others

Situation Physically Emotionally Socially Spiritually

1. A new classmate Help them navigate Offer words of Introduce them to Pray for their
with a physical the school, carry encouragement your friends strength and well-
disability their belongings being

2. A friend who lost Assist with daily Be a listening ear, Spend time with Pray for their peace
his parents due to tasks or chores offer comfort them, include them and healing
accident in social activities

3. A neighbor who Offer to help with Encourage them to Connect them with Pray for their
chose to job applications or pursue their dreams community guidance and
stopschooling for resumes resources success

4. A sibling who Set up a schedule Discuss the Encourage them to Pray for their
spends most of for physical importance of join group activities discipline and focus
his/her time playing activities balance
online games

5. A friend who plans Help them find a Offer emotional Connect them with Pray for their safety
to leave their house safe place to stay support and trusted adults or and resolution of
because of a family understanding counselors their issues

6. A new group Assist with group Offer words of Include them in Pray for their
member who loses tasks to lighten encouragement and group discussions strength and
hope because of their load support and activities perseverance
many problems

7. A cousin from an Help them with Be a supportive Introduce them to Pray for their
ethnic group who is schoolwork or friend, listen to their your friends and smooth adjustment
still adjusting to her navigating the concerns social circles and acceptance
new school school

8. A relative who is Offer to accompany Be a non- Support their social Pray for their clarity
confused with his them to support judgmental listener interactions and and self-acceptance
gender preference groups or acceptance

9. A classmate who Offer to study Encourage them Include them in Pray for their
experiences social together or tutor and boost their group activities academic
discrimination due to them confidence improvement and
hispoor academic self-esteem

10. An older sibling Help them create a Encourage them to Support their social Pray for their
who needs help on schedule or plan stay organized and commitments productivity and
time management focused success
Processing Questions:

1. What do you notice with your answers?

I notice that the support provided covers various aspects of well-being, including physical,
emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Each type of support is tailored to the specific situation and
individual needs.

2. Which of the situations is the most difficult to handle or manage? Explain.

The situation involving a friend who lost his parents due to an accident might be the most difficult
to handle emotionally. This is because the loss of parents is a profound and life-changing event,
requiring deep emotional support and understanding.

3. What type of support or help is the easiest to provide? Explain.

Physical support, such as helping with tasks or navigating the school, might be the easiest to provide.
This type of support involves clear, actionable steps that can be immediately implemented.

4. What have you realized after doing this activity?

This activity highlights the importance of being empathetic and supportive in various ways. It shows
that support can come in many forms and that being there for others can make a significant difference
in their lives.

You Can Do It

“I Care” Policies


Listen actively to family Respect teachers and Participate in Be mindful of language and tone
members’ opinions. school staff. community events in online communications
and activities.

Share household chores Participate in school clubs Volunteer for Engage in positive and
equally. and organizations. community service constructive discussions

Celebrate cultural and Help classmates who are Support local Respect others’ privacy and
religious diversity within struggling with their businesses and personal information.
the family. studies. artisans.

Support each other’s Include everyone in group Respect different Avoid posting or sharing
personal goals and activities. cultural practices offensive content
interests and traditions

Practice patience and Respect classmates’ Promote Report and discourage

understanding during opinions during environmental cyberbullying
disagreements discussions. sustainability.
Processing Questions:

1. How do you practice such ways to respect individual differences?

At home, I make sure to listen actively and share responsibilities equally. Online, I avoid sharing
offensive content and respect others’ privacy.

2. Given the current situation, how do you intend to practice them?

I will continue to support my family members’ goals and celebrate our diversity. Online, I will
engage in positive discussions and report any harmful behavior.

3. What made you compare your answers in each column?

Comparing my answers helps me see the similarities and differences in how I respect individual
differences in various environments. It also highlights areas where I can improve my behavior both at
home and online.

What I have Learned

How should we celebrate our individual differences?

The global population is becoming more diverse, which means that individuals of different races,
ethnicities, genders, sexes, faiths, and disabilities. Uniquely human diversity is rich; nevertheless, it
results in prejudice, discriminative conduct, and war when people and cultures do not accept one

First, we should accept the fact that there is no two similar people in the world. It means that everybody
has a different psychological profile as concerns their life experiences, values and beliefs. Actually, the
fact that we are so diverse only makes the human experience so much richer and so much more
exciting. What is a way is to stop perceiving individual differences as a cause of conflict and tension. It is
unchristian and utterly evil to judge or exclude others based on what sets them apart from you only
fosters hatred and destruction.

Second, we can enjoy the existence of diversity by taking efforts to ensure that those in different groups
develop understanding with each other. It begins with honest but constructive discussion to make
everyone know more about each other’s history and perception. In other words, we have to delete our
set mental prejudiced perceptions; compute for postulates that are convenient for both parties and
embark for the common factor which is the positive results. The understanding of the similarities and
differences increases the chances of mutual understanding within societies.

Therefore, the need of passing the spirit of unity and tolerance in the society should also be provincial in
the next generation. Children tend to embrace what they learn in their environment, and hence parents,
teachers, community leaders and even media need to be paragons of virtues. This is why we can teach
cultural sensitivity for young people next to boosting up their self-identity. Promoting diversity from
childhood will guarantee future generations value it, instead of being destructive by bringing others
down for it.

Only where our spirits are open and we embrace the uniqueness of everyone let our schools, our
workplaces, and our communities, and the world be renewed. Sanctity of each individual’s personhood
makes everyone feel appreciated as other people receive their contributions to the larger community.
When differences are not viewed as threats to an individual’s identity or existence, that which makes up
differences ceases to be dimesive.

Share Your Thoughts and Feelings

not to
the person
as the

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