P19 Inplant Training Manual Final Even 22 23

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Name of Student:……………………………………………………………….

Enrolment No.:………………………, Programme:…………………………

Semester/Year: …………………, Academic Year:……………………..
Name and Address of Company:…………………………………………….

(ME19 313)


(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)
49, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Kherwadi, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 51
Website: www.gpmumbai.ac.in
Vision of Government Polytechnic Mumbai

Transform knowledge into work

Mission of Government Polytechnic Mumbai

We are committed for:

 Quality education for lifelong learning.

 Need based educational programmes through different
 Outcome based curriculum implementation.
 Development and up gradation of standard laboratory
 Promoting entrepreneurial programmes.

We believe in ethical, safety, environmental friendly practices and

teaching learning innovations.
Vision of Mechanical Engineering Department

Promoting Sustainable Development of Students

Mission of Mechanical Engineering Department

Department of Mechanical engineering is committed to:

 M1: Need based curriculum revision.
 M2: Provide opportunity for lifelong learning through
continuing education.
 M3: Blend the latest technology with conventional
practices through experiential learning.
 M4: Enhance industry institute interaction.
 M5: Promote entrepreneurial capabilities.

We believe in high ethical and moral values, safety and

environmental friendly practices
Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s)
PEO 1. Provide solutions to mechanical engineering problems adapting professional ethics in
considerations with environmental and societal concerns.

PEO 2. Adopt state-of -the-art technologies to work in multidisciplinary environment through

self-learning for enhancing technical & entrepreneurial abilities.

PEO 3. Pursue sustainable development through life-long learning, upgrade professional skills to
work individually as well as be an effective team member.

Program Outcomes (PO’s)

1. Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science
and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified
standard methods.
3. Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and
assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
4. Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
5. Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
6. Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team
member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined
engineering activities.
7. Life-long learning: Ability to analyze individual needs and engage in updating in the
context of technological changes.

Program Specific Outcome (PSO’s)

PSO1: To model, analyse, design, and realize physical systems, components or processes in the
field of mechanical engineering.
PSO 2: Use and maintain mechanical systems / processes in the world of work.

 Student’s Full Name:___________________________________

 Programm:__________________
 Class :______________ Enrollment No.:_______________ Recent
 Blood Group:___________ Date of Birth:_________________
 Contact No.:________________________
 Emergency Contact No.:_________________________________
 Residential Address :__________________________________________________
 Permanent Address :__________________________________________________
 Parent Details:
1. Father’s Name:_______________________________________________________
Occupation:_______________________________ Contact No.:____________
Email Id:___________________________________
Office Address with Contact No.:_______________________________________
2. Mother’s Name:______________________________________________________
Occupation:___________________________________ Contact No.:__________
Email Id:____________________________________
Office Address with Contact No.:_______________________________________

Name & Sign of the student Name & Sign of Father / Mother of student
Page No.
4.1 Planning for In-plant training 08
4.2 Placement procedure 08
4.3 In-plant Training program 10
4.4 Monitoring of In-plant training 11
4.5 Daily and weekly diaries 11
4.6 Attendance Certification 12
5.1 Role of Department 13
5.2 Role of Industry 14
5.3 Guidelines for students 15
5.3.1 Learning through placement 15
5.3.2 Discipline 17
5.3.3 Punctuality 18
5.3.4 Safety 18
5.3.5 Access to information 19
5.3.6 Changeover To other company 19
5.3.7 Clarification of training semester 19
6.1 Mechanical Engineering areas 20
7.1 Curriculum of Mechanical Engineering 23
7.2 Term work Evaluation 29

7.3 Term End external oral examination 29
7.4 Suggested work load 32
7.5 In-plant Training Report Format 32
7.5.1 Page Specifications 32
7.5.2 Outline of Report 33
In-plant Training selection letter 37
Student’s consent letter 38
Parent/guardian consent letter 40
Joining Letter 42
Joining Report 43
Weekly Report of In-plant Training 44
Daily Report of In-plant Training 57
Industrial training completion certificate 58

No objection Certificate 59
Feedback form 61



Sr. No. Name of the Document Remark

1. Student’s Consent Letter, To be submitted before start of

Parent/Guardian Consent Letter, Joining In-plant training
Letter, and Joining Report
2. Weekly Report of In-plant Training, To be maintained updated
Daily Report of In-plant Training during In-plant training
3. Industrial Training Completion To be submitted/completed
Certificate, Term Work & Viva Marks by after completion of In-
Industry supervisor in Sealed Packet, No plant training
Objection Certificate, and Feedback Form
4. In-plant Training Diary, Daily Diary, and To be submitted in department
In-plant Training Report with Seal / at the time of In-plant Training
Signature of concerned officers. Viva / presentation


Government Polytechnic Mumbai (GPM), established in 1960, is a leading institute

in Mumbai region, and has been conferred with an academically autonomous status

by the Government of Maharashtra. GPM has always remained at forefront to

impart high quality technical education to the society, and continuously updated its

curricula as per the technological changes with respect to time, to cater the needs of

industries. Considering this mandate Government Polytechnic, Mumbai has set its

vision statement as ‘Transform Knowledge into Work’ and catering industrial needs

successfully from few decades. Taking a step ahead, Government Polytechnic,

Mumbai has uniquely introduced in-plant training in the curricula of all programs to

realize its vision statement. In-plant training will not only help the fresh pass outs to

gain professional knowhow but also benefit to industries on fresh perspectives, and

even discovering future business leaders. The main aim of In-plant training is to

increase the employability skills of the students of Mechanical engineering. For

getting real time exposure of industrial environment, six- month in-plant training is

incorporated in the curriculum. ‘Promoting Sustainable Development of Students’ is the

vision of Mechanical Engineering Department. The outcomes of the training will

definitely be a step ahead in making students employment-ready and will augment

various attributes in student for his/her sustainable development.

To implement the course of in-plant training effectively, this training manual has

been developed. The in-plant training manual details the guidelines for students,

faculty members, departments of the institute, industry persons at different levels,

and other persons involved from academic organization as well as industries for

effective implementation of the in-plant training during last term of the program. It

provides practical advice about developing links with industry and setting up

appropriate placement opportunities for students. The manual highlights

procedure/guidelines related to placement of the students to in-plant training,

selection of various training areas, documentation, guidelines for students, daily and

weekly diary formats, student and parent consent forms, monitoring and evaluation,

report preparation and certification etc., essential for the successful completion of the

in-plant training.


Indian industrial sector is passing through highly competitive phase due to

globalization. Cut throat competition is predominant and quality is one of the

decisive factors for sustainability. Quality has become a decisive factor in attracting

students and faculty to an institution. The institutions which offer quality education

will survive in present scenario. Industrial training is one of the essential curriculum

requirements of every technical institute. In this context Government Polytechnic,

Mumbai (Academically Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra) has

taken initiative and included in-plant training for all the programs. The intention

of including the in-plant training is to provide the exposure of actual industrial

environment, industrial practices etc. to the students, and enrich their theoretical

concepts, as well as practical skills to make them more employable. Industrial

Training helps in increasing the knowledge and skill of a person for doing a

particular job. Training enables acquisition of latest skills, and thus increases the

versatility of the person for boosting his/her career. Appropriate training teaches

proper operation, proper handling of equipment’s and develops working confidence

with whatever students have learnt. After completion of training, the students will

feel much more confident about the field in which they have specialized. If some

concepts remain unclear to the students during theoretical learning then at the time

of interview, examinations or in professional life, students may have to face many

problems. Professional people always expect specific and accurate solution to every

problem. Hence, in-plant training will be very much useful to the students to clear

some concepts, acquire different skills, get new ideas, and mainly to get introduced

to the latest technological developments in various fields. Ultimately in-plant

training will be useful to enhance the professional life of the students in terms of

various skills achieved, intelligence, sharpness, and mainly confidence.


Industry training has been established to provide students with an overview of

industries and to expose them to different aspects of a business, all under the

guidance of skilled and experienced persons within the organization. This exposure

should include all or most of the following aspects of business such as: management-

and personnel policies, financial, marketing and purchasing functions, legal and

social aspects, operations and technical activities. These goals can be achieved

through the following forms of interaction:

• Introduction to the organizational policy and culture

• Organisation of the structure and hierarchy of ranks within the organization

• Liaison with employees at different levels.

• Liaison and cooperation with other engineering disciplines.

• Meaningful work programs or projects done from planning to completion and



An ultimate objective of an Industrial Training is to make students ready for the

employment in the specific discipline at the conclusion of the diploma course in

specific branch of engineering. The program wise knowledge will be enhanced by

this opportunity, to relate academic and professional aspects of engineering

disciplines. Various objectives of industrial training can be listed as:

• To gain hands-on experience of working as an engineering professional,

including the technical application of engineering principles and methods.

• To work with other engineering professionals.

• To experience the work discipline in a professional organization.

• To develop technical, interpersonal and communication skills, both oral and


• To observe interactions of engineers with other professional groups.

• To study the structure of an organization and observe its functioning.

• To get the exposure of management programms and systems, effective

administration methods.

• To understand the process, drawings, techniques, methods etc., and compile

it in documentation form.


The successful implementation of in-plant training involves precise planning. The

steps to be followed for its effective implementation are discussed below.

4.1 Planning for In-plant Training

 This step includes the collection of data from various sources such as BOAT,

Confederation of Indian industry (CII), websites, of the prospective

industries/offices for student’s placement etc. The data includes the name of

industry, addresses, contact persons, phone nos. and mail id of contact

persons, type of business and product etc.

 These prospective industries are to be visited by TPO, HoD, and departmental

faculties, etc. to collect the necessary information. This is continuous activity

and data is updated regularly.

 Submission of an introductory letter/mail to industrial undertakings.

 Obtaining placements for the students,

 Issue of letters and completion of procedures,

 Assigning industries to departmental faculties for monitoring the in-plant


 Orientation program for students two weeks before reporting for in-plant


 Monitoring in-plant training (at least once in two weeks for each industry).

 Implementation and evaluation of in-plant training

4.2 Placement Procedure

 Training can be done in one or more areas, such as production, processing,

maintenance service, construction, engineering and development, etc.

Relevant information about different firms participating in training scheme

can be obtained from the following sources:

i. Training and Placement Officer and

ii. Websites, Apps etc.

 Eligible students can seek guidance from Head of Department, Faculty

Members, and Training and Placement Officer for selection of firms.

 Students should give choice of firms in order of preference, to the Training

and Placement Officer through concerned Head of Department (keeping in

view facilities available and individual's interests).

 A student can also be placed in a new establishment, which has adequate

training facilities if specific request for approval is made prior to the start of

placement activities.

 Some companies conduct interview and select the candidates. The interviews

may be conducted in industry premises or in our institute. Students will be

given chance to appear for interview if they satisfy the minimum

requirements laid down by the particular establishment. Once selected, no

student will be allowed to appear for subsequent interviews with other


 Students will be placed at other available establishment depending upon the

availability of seats, choice and merit. Students are required to be in touch

with their department and finalize their placement.

 Once placed into a particular establishment, students are not allowed to

change that establishment on any account. Factors like closeness to residence,

stipend paid, etc. will have to be taken into account only at the beginning of

training in the larger interest of the polytechnic.

 Approval/consent from the parent/ guardian, and student is required in

prescribed form before the students are placed for In-plant Training. Students

should collect all forms, letters for the company after submitting the approval.

 Report to the Personnel Manager/Officer or Training Manager/Officer or to

the Officer who is in-charge of apprentices/training. In a small firm, this

officer may be one of the Directors himself.

Students are required to:

 Fill in the Joining Report in duplicate and get it endorsed by the concerned

Officials. Fill in the Joining Report, if any, of the organization also.

 Request the concerned officer to explain to you the rules, regulations and

procedures of the organization and to take you around the plant so as to get

an overview of the company's facilities, products, processes and organization.

 Get introduced to all the concerned persons of the organization. Request for a

plan of "Training Program" for the students, if not prepared. The industry and

Polytechnic Supervisors may jointly plan for training program.

 Submit all forms duly filled in to the Polytechnic Supervisor.

4.3 In-plant Training Program:

 Organizing a rigid and identical training program for each student in a

discipline may not be practically possible. The training program has to be

around facilities available in an individual unit and must fit in the philosophy

and thinking of the training organization. Generally, medium and large scale

industries have organized training departments. These industries are

interested in absorbing the students later in their expansion programm,

industries having one-off, batch and mass production activities, industries

having a few processes and also industries which have sophistication.

 Some industries believe in ‘on-the-job training’, some take all six months to

give the students understanding of products and processes in their complex,

multi-plant organization, some give assignments, while others give

meaningful projects and responsible tasks.

 Very important aspect is an understanding for meaningful training which fits

in the framework of both our curriculum and organization’s philosophy.

Training programs have to be structured around the student, the curriculum,

facilities and the thinking about how to train. Every task provides an

opportunity to learn through observations, doing, reading and discussion

around the task/assignment/problem or project.

Students who are modest and inquisitive, who take initiative, keep their eyes, ears

open and demonstrate better attitudes for learning gain most. one realizes what is

right and what should be done. Exact repetition of tasks like copying or memorizing

does not provide learning of skills or knowledge.

4.4 Monitoring of In-plant training

 Department has organized and well-planned system for supervision of the

students while they are in training. A faculty member is assigned to a group

of students and firms.

 He / She visit each student once a fortnight on the average and maintains

close liaison with his/her counterpart in the organization.

 In case of any problem or difficulty, students have to contact their Polytechnic

supervisor and communicate the issue.

 All reports, records and project work are to be submitted through this

polytechnic supervisor. Respective Heads of Department of concerned

disciplines are in charge for satisfactory implementation of the scheme

including placement, supervision, evaluation and related issues. Overall co-

ordination of the program is affected by Principal's Office and Training and

Placement Officer.

 In case of strike/lockout or urgency, students should contact section in-charge

of industry in which they are working¸ polytechnic supervisor, concerned

Head of Department and Training and Placement Officer.

4.5 Daily and Weekly Diaries

Students are required to maintain the record of day-to-day work done in industry.

Such records are called 'Daily Diaries'. The main purpose of writing daily and

weekly diary is to nurture the habit of documenting and to encourage the students

to search for details. It also cultivates the students’ own thought process and

reasoning abilities. The students should record day to day account of the

observations, processes, impressions and information gathered etc. in the daily

training diary. It should contain the sketches, calculations, planning, rough works, &

drawings etc. related to the observations made by the students. The diaries are to be

written regularly and records are to be maintained updated in diaries. The weekly

diary has also to be maintained and it should contain the salient work performed in

the particular week. All days for the week should be accounted for clearly giving

attendance, absenteeism, leave, etc. The daily and weekly training diaries should be

signed after every week from the supervisor/ in-charge of the section in which the

student has been working. The diary should also be produced to the polytechnic

supervisor visiting the industry from time to time and get signed on the day of his


4.6 Attendance Certification

Every week, students have to get their attendance certified by the training

supervisor of the industry in the weekly diary. Regularity in attendance and

submission/completion of reports will be duly considered while giving the term-

work marks. The students may be allowed to take leaves as per rule of the

industry/Government Polytechnic Mumbai. If, at any stage, the leaves are exceeded

beyond the limit, the employer may take action such as stopping the payment of

stipend or Principal may extend the training period in marginal cases. If the students

remain absent for the considerable period, he/she may be detained for the term as

per the rules, ultimately training may be cancelled. In such cases, final decision taken

by respective head of department and the Principal will be the final.


It is mandatory for all the students of Mechanical Engineering to complete in-plant

training at an approved organization, during final year. The duration of training will

be of minimum 20 weeks or 800 hours (considering 5 days/week x 8 hrs shift x 20

weeks) of training or number of weeks of training as per the norms of the respective


Important aspects of in-plant training can be highlighted as:

5.1 Role of Department

• Department have to send training request letter to various industries well in

advance before commencement of training.

• After getting sufficient number of seats from the industries, students will be

placed in different industries for in-plant training.

• Students will have to fill up training form.

• Department will issue an order letter to industry for the said training

mentioning the name and registration number of students.

• All above activities have to be carried out in advance of previous term as plan

out of placement in consultation with students. The students would normally

be placed as per their choices, in case of more demand for a particular

industry/service centre students would be allocated place based on their

relative merit (based on declared last term result)

• During the training period, the departmental supervisor in consultation with

head of department will maintain a schedule for monitoring of industrial

training and according to it he/she will monitor training of students in various


• Visit industry/ follow up the students at training place at least once in every

two weeks for evaluating student’s activity and their progress.

• The institutional guide during the visit to industry will check the progress of

the student in the training, his/ her attendance, discipline, presentation if any,

and in-plant training report preparation etc.

• Evaluate the daily diary, weekly diary, training reports etc. as a part of the

term work assessment.

• Evaluate the students through presentation, viva at the end of the term as a

part of term end assessment.

5.2 Role of Industry:

• Industry will give effective training to the students for improving their

practical/professional skills.

• Industry is expected to assign group of the students under training to

some middle management level person as on job industrial guide for

supervision and guidance (industrial guide).

• Industrial supervisor has to assign the daily work to the students and

monitor the students on daily basis. Industrial supervisor has also to

sign the daily and weekly diaries also.

• Industry supervisor may allot some projects, assignments, tasks to an

individuals or group of students under training. Those students who

have been allotted such assignments, projects, etc. has to include a

dedicated chapter about the task, problem solution methodology etc. in

industrial training report.

• Industry supervisor should see that, the students are performing the

given task under his/her supervision only.

• Industrial supervisor has to guide students for preparing the industrial

training report. This report should not contain any confidential document

/drawing/formula/specifications etc. of the industry. He should verify/certify

training report from rules and regulation of industry related to

confidentiality of the content.

• Industry is expected to maintain attendance of the students undergoing

training and report any irregularity of the students to the concerned

polytechnic supervisor, Head of Department, or Training and placement


• Industry is also expected to issue a certificate of attending training on

their letter head with comments if any for student’s record and


5.3 Guidelines for Students

• Students would interact with the identified faculty of the department to

suggest his/her choices for suitable industry/service center.

• Students have to fill the forms, duly sealed and signed by authorities along

with training order letter and submit it to training officer in the industry on

the first day of training.

• Students must carry his/her Identity card issued by institute during training


• He/she will have to get the entire necessary information from the training

officer regarding schedule of the training, rules and regulations of the

industry. Student is expected to follow these rules, regulations, procedures etc


• During the training period students has to keep record of all the useful

information in note book (daily diary) and maintain the daily, and weekly


• Prepare an industrial training report finally about the whole training for

submitting to the department at the time of final presentation and viva.

5.3.1 Learning through placement

Industrial training provides an opportunity for students to develop new skills and

attributes, to apply theoretical concepts they have learnt within their programm and

to contextualize what they have learnt. Work-based learning is very different to

traditional class-based learning in a number of ways:

 First, work-based learning is centered around reflection on work practices; it

is not merely a question of acquiring knowledge and a set of technical skills

[although these are important], but a case of reviewing and learning from


 Secondly, work-based learning views learning as arising from action and

problem-solving within a working environment, and this is centered on live

projects and challenges to individuals and organizations. Work-based

learning also sees the creation of knowledge as a shared and collective

activity, one in which people discuss ideas and share problems and solutions.

 Finally, work-based learning requires not only the acquisition of new

knowledge but the acquisition of meta-competence – learning to learn.

The student should also focus on additional areas during In-plant Training

 Location and Description of industrial facility

 Company Profile

 Complete set of Technical datasheets covering the full range of products

and/or services Proper specifications and technical procedures for

performing all contracted and/or commissioned work

 Types of raw materials used, including unit prices, storage & procurement


 Role of various departments in industries.

 Procedures used in manufacturing products and related equipment's.

 Learn and employ any software packages and/or tools which are

employed in industries.

 Grievance handling procedures.

 Identify proper procedures for requesting and performing all types of


 Identify any discrepancies between design and analysis methods covered

in theory and practical considerations and procedures that might be

employed in practice.

 Learn & practice industrial detailing procedures.

 Review all necessary steps for approval of design documents and/or


 Review and practice necessary procedures for approving completed


 Identify proper procedures for creating bill of quantities.

 Review industrial safety procedures and whether these are properly


 Review quality assurance regulations and procedures which are

implemented in the facility.

 Material handling systems

 Preventive and breakdown maintenance procedure

5.3.2 Discipline:

Students are required to follow the rules and regulation of the organization. Their

attitude and discipline should be exemplary. Students should remember that they

are an ambassador of our institute when they are working as a trainee. Training of

the students in future will depend upon the image created by the trainees. Hence,

trainees must maintain good relations with the company authorities.

Students behavior may create positive or negative response and subsequent batches

of students will be affected by the same. The following acts are highly undesirable

by any of the students undergoing training and may result in severe punishment

and cancellation of the term. Such instants have been observed and properly dealt

with in the past. Students were punished for the same after proper investigation:

 Offending behavior with the supervisors, colleagues and workers.

 Refusal to work if a job / problem is given.

 Mixing with the workers and involving in labor union activities

 Threatening staff of the company and also instigating worker against staff and


 Not remaining on the job assigned.

 Grouping with other trainees and passing away time.

 Loitering outside, sitting in the canteen during working hours.

 Asking someone else to sign for him on the muster or punch his card.

5.3.3 Punctuality:

Students should be regular and punctual during complete training period. Students

must avoid the following:

 Late going to or coming early from the organization without permission or

proper reason

 Taking leave without prior sanction from concerned person/s

 Habitual absenteeism

 Taking leave in excess of what is allowed.

If it becomes essential to take leave for the considerable period, due to unavoidable

circumstances, contact with reasons to industrial supervisor, training supervisor

from institute and Head of Department, prior going to leave.

5.3.4 Safety:

If you are safe, then only the question of further training comes. Students should not

operate any machine without permission. He/she must familiarize with the job

requirements/method/sequence of operation and safe practices. Students may be

injured or may cause injuries to others or damage to the property. The following are

some of the examples.

 Finger cut on press operation

 Grinding wheel gave away while working

 Simultaneous operation by operator and trainee on Boring machine resulting

in jamming and damage to machine.

 A machine was under erection and its limit switch was not adjusted. The

trainee pressed the button resulting in damage to machine.

 Falling from false roof/ceiling while doing maintenance work.

 Palm crushed on injection moulding machine.

These are mentioned here so that students should be careful and avoid any type of


5.3.5 Access to Information

Companies need to maintain secrecy regarding their design/ product/process.

Student should co-operate with the company in maintaining this secrecy. Student

should not present any information/sketches/calculations, etc., of company without

prior permission of the officials. Student should attach therefore 'No Objection

Certificate' from the company in industrial training report. No company would like

such information to go to their competitors or any others. Proper identity regarding

student/guardian background should be revealed to the company before start of the

training so that later on problems do not arise.

5.3.6 Changeover to Other Company

Once placed in a company, no change is allowed during the training period.

Students should not change the companies amongst their self. Similarly, he/she

should not join any company on his/her own. Students have to join the company

where they are placed by the Polytechnic.

If students wish to take training in any company not on departmental list, he/she

may apply to Training and placement officer / Head of department and get a request

letter. Specific approval of company has to be obtained well in advance. Training

supervisor/ department head/TPO from the institute may then visit the company, or

discuss with the company persons. If they are satisfied that adequate training

facilities and staff are available, then only student will be placed in that factory.

Once the students are placed, change of the company will not be allowed on any

account, and students are required to adopt to work situations. If students change

the company by his/her own and does not inform to the Head of department or

Polytechnic supervisor, training may not be approved, in such case students may

have to repeat the term.

5.3.7 Clarification of Training Term

Students will surely gain when they will try to correlate theoretical concepts with

practice. Every student must ensure that he/she has acquired some skills, gained

experience, observed practices, visualized work situation, and thus learnt something.

Students may have some doubts or queries about product process etc.

 Every student will see that all progress or work diaries are written,

countersigned, and submitted to the polytechnic supervisor time to time.

 Student shall also ensure that in-plant training report is completed, duly

cleared by the company and duly signed by concerned supervisors.


The students may be the part of the project, small tasks, observe the procedures or

collect the information pertaining to the following broad areas:

6.1 Mechanical Engineering Areas

Mechanical Engineering students study various courses that enable them to work

in number of fields related to mechanical engineering namely and not limited to:

design, thermal engineering, management and industrial engineering,

mechatronics, production processes, materials engineering, power engineering,

fluid mechanics, etc. Mechanical engineering students may undertake project or

collect the information pertaining to the following areas:

1. Production systems and processes

 Product development , process planning and selection of equipment

 Design and installation of quality engineering and analytical systems
 Investigations regarding mechanization, automation and robotics etc.
 Computer-supported production systems etc.
2. Work study

 Method study, activity sampling and determination of time standards and

Labour/machine costs
 Development of wage incentive schemes, work performance,
 Measures and task/process evaluation systems, determination of human
resource requirements, occupational safety and health, Productivity
3. Quality assurance

 Quality assurance techniques, e.g. application of statistical process control

techniques, control charts,
 Inspection methods, measurement techniques, sampling for quality
control and metrology ,

 Implementation of quality management systems, standards like ISO 9000.
 Creation of a quality culture and total quality management .
4. Production planning and control

 Stock and purchasing management

 Design and implementation of production planning- and control systems
 Distribution planning, Capacity planning
 Material requirements planning, production scheduling
 Development and implementation of maintenance planning systems
5. Project management

 Project planning, -organizing and -control

 Scheduling and network planning
 Resource allocation , work division
 Design and implementation of management information systems and data
warehousing and processing systems
6. Thermal Engineering

 Refrigeration, Air-conditioning, HVAC

 IC engines, power engineering
7. Automobile Engineering

 Design of Automobiles
 Design and fabrication of automobile components
8. Hydraulics and Pneumatics

9. Tool Room, CAD/CAM/CAE and Automation etc.

10. Purchase

 Purchase procedures, vendor finalization, costing and estimating, etc.

11. Marketing

 Marketing activities such as advertising by various tools, market

research, future product marketing strategies, etc.
12. Maintenance Engineering

 Maintenance procedures of various machines, check list, types of

maintenance, TPM activities
 Installation of new machines
 Defining safety procedures of machines, safety trainings, etc.


Government Polytechnic Mumbai has been awarded an academic status by

Government of Maharashtra vide government resolution, Higher and Technical

Education, and Employment Department No. WBP-1093/(2640)(69)/VE-5, dated

30th May, 1994 to fulfill the demands of the industry as per the technological

changes taking place in various fields of application. In this context, to monitor

the overall functioning of the institute, various committees namely Governing

Body, Board of Studies, Planning Committee, Evaluation Committee, Examination

Committee, Appeal and Grievances Committee, and Purchase Committee were

constituted under the autonomous institute by Government of Maharashtra vide

Government Resolution, Higher and Technical Education, and Employment

Department No. WBP-1093/(2640)(69)/VE-5, dated 31st May, 1994. As per the

above referred resolution, Governing body is empowered to approve

modifications in the present curriculum in order to meet the changed demands of

the industry, society from time to time (Governing body- Function 7). In tune

with the same, Board of Studies committee, is also empowered to prepare the

syllabi of various courses, and develop curriculum, keeping in view the objectives

of institute and the national requirement, provided syllabi shall be equivalent to

the syllabi of Board of Technical Education (Board of Studies-function 1).

Curriculum. is developed by department under P19 Scheme, and approved by

Head of the Department, Academic co-ordinator, Principal, and Program wise

Board of Studies (PBOS). The proposed schemes also have MSBTE equivalence

for the academic year 2015-18 vide letter no.: MSBTE/D-52/Auto-Poly/Eqv. (2015-

2018)/2018/1056, Dated: 14 Feb. 2018. As per the scheme, in-plant training is

mandatory for all the students of the programs. The student must complete in-

plant training at an approved organization, during even term of the final year.

The duration of training will be of minimum 20 weeks of training or 800 hours

(considering 5 days/week x 8 hrs shift x 20 weeks) of training or number of weeks

of training as per the norms of the respective industries.

7.1 In-plant Training Curriculum of Mechanical Engineering Department

P19 Scheme: At a Glance

Sr Semester I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Semester V Semester VI

Basic Engineering Manufacturing Optional Course I Optional Course II In-plant
Mathematics Physics Processes 1) Automobile 1) Tool Training
(SC19109) (SC19102) (ME19203) Engineering Engineering (ME19313)
(4/100) (5/150) (6/150) (ME19402) (ME19405) (20/200)
2) Mathematics For
Mechanical 2) Industrial
1 Maintenance
(ME19403) (ME19406)
3) Non Conventional 3) Inventory
Energy Resources Control
(ME19404) (ME19407)
(5/125) (5/125)
Communication Engineering Strength Of Power Engineering Metrology & Quality
Skills Mathematics Mechanical Materials And Refrigeration & Control
2 (HU19101) (SC19110) (ME19210) Air Conditioning (ME19310)
(4/150) (4/100) (5/125) (ME19304) (5/150)
Engineering Fundamentals Of Basic Advanced Cnc Machines &
Chemistry Electrical & Thermodynamics Manufacturing Automation
(SC19107) Electronics (ME19205) Processes (ME19305)
(5/150) Engineering (4/125) (ME19306) (5/125)
(ME19209) (5/150)
Engineering Engineering Theory Of Machines Production And Industrial Hydraulics
Drawing – I Mechanics (ME19206) Industrial Engineering And Pneumatics
(ME19201) (AM19201) (5/125) (ME19307) (ME19302)
(6/100) (5/150) (5/125) (5/125)
Workshop Engineering Machine Drawing & Basics Of Design Of Machine
Practice Drawing-II Computer Aided Mechatronics Elements
5 (WS19201) (ME19202) Drafting (ME19312) (ME19311)
(4/50) (6/150) (ME19301) (5/125) (5/125)
Safety Practices C Programming Fluid Mechanics And English Solid Modelling
(ME19204) (Spoken Tutorial) Machinery (ME19101) (ME19303)
(3/50) (ME19401) (ME19207) (5/0) (4/50)
(3/0) (4/125)
Libre Office - Environmental Studies - Project
Suite (ME19103) (ME19308)
(Spoken (2/0) (4/100)
- - - - Entrepreneurship
Development &
8 Management
(30/600) (30/700) (30/700) (35/800) (35/800) (20/200)
Total Credits 180 Total Marks 3800

Government Polytechnic Mumbai Department of Mechanical Engineering

Programme : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Sandwich Pattern)

Course Code:ME19313 Course Title: IN-PLANT TRAINING

Compulsory / Optional: Compulsory

Teaching Scheme and Credits Examination Scheme

L P TU Total (2 Hrs PR OR TW Total
(1 Hr) (1Hr)
-- 40 -- 20 -- -- -- -- 100* 100* 200
Abbreviations: L- Theory Lecture, P-Practical, TU-Tutorial, TH- Theory Paper TS1 & TS2- Term Tests, PR-
Practical, OR-Oral, TW: Term Work (progressive assessment) , * Indicates assessment by External Examiner
else internal practical skill test , # indicates Self, on- line learning Mode, @ indicates on line examination
Note: For Minimum passing marks under various heads, refer, examination rule AR26. Two practical skill
tests are to be conducted. First skill test at mid-term and second skill test at the end of the term.
There will always be the need of talented, innovative, and skilled manpower for industries to
sustain in competitive market. Industries adopt different policies to get the employable manpower
as per the demand. In-plant training, internship, apprenticeship etc. are some of the useful strategies
for generating future talent pool for the industry. These programs not only helps fresh pass outs in
gaining professional knowhow but also benefits, industries on fresh perspectives on business issues
and even discovering future business leaders. Students passing out from technical institutions lack
the experience, skills and confidence required by industries. In present scenario competition for job
is rising exponentially and securing entry-level jobs is getting very difficult. Hence organizations
like AICTE, BOAT, NATS, MEMS, State Boards of Technical education etc. are promoting
industrial internship/industrial training at different level in technical institutes.
The main aim of In-plant training is to increase the employability skills of the students passing out
from institute. For getting real time exposure of industrial environment six- month in-plant training
is incorporated in the curriculum of Mechanical Engineering Department. The outcomes of the
training will definitely a step ahead in making students employment-ready and will augment
various attributes in students.

Course Outcomes: Student should be able to

CO1 Realize administrative, operational and social functioning of industrial organizations.

Follow industrial working practices, industrial safety practices, and industrial
CO3 Correlate the theory with industrial applications relevant to the courses studied.

Select various materials, processes, tools, products etc. with their relevant aspects of
manufacturing, quality control, etc.
Recognize responsibilities, ethical values, required interpersonal skills, problem
CO5 solving skills, self-management and job management skills required while working as
first line manager.
Effectively communicate through technical reports/projects report writing,
presentation skills.

In-plant Training (ME19313) (Approved Copy) (P19 Scheme)

Government Polytechnic Mumbai Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Content Details:

Topics / Sub-topics
Mechanical Engineering students study various courses that enable them to work in number
of fields related to mechanical engineering namely but not limited to design, thermal
engineering, management and industrial engineering, mechatronics, production processes,
materials engineering, power engineering, fluid mechanics, etc. Student will be placed as a
trainee in different industries, organizations etc. for inplant training. During inplant training,
students may work as supporting member of project team, assist in production work, small
tasks, observe the procedures, collect the information etc. at supervisory level pertaining to
the following broad areas:
1. Production systems and processes
 Product development, process planning and selection of equipment
 Design and installation of quality engineering and analytical systems
 Investigations regarding mechanization, automation and robotics etc.
 Computer-supported production systems etc.
2. Industrial Engineering
 Work study, Method study, Time study activities sampling and
determination of time standards and labour/machine costs
 Development of wage incentive schemes, work performance,
 Measures and task/process evaluation systems, determination of human
 resource requirements, occupational safety and health, Productivity
 Design of plant layout, space saving in shop floor area, installation of new
1 machines, work and material flow, importance of visuals for operations,
mock drills for safety, process improvements by kaizen and other
techniques, etc.
3. Quality assurance
 Quality assurance techniques, e.g. application of statistical process control
techniques, control charts,
 Inspection methods, measurement techniques, identification of sampling
plans for quality control and metrology
 Implementation of quality management systems, standards like ISO 9000,
TS16949, OHSAS, etc
 Creation of a quality culture and total quality management .
 Inspection of incoming and outgoing material of factory including in-
process and post-process inspection
4. Production planning and control
 Stock and purchasing management
 Design and implementation of production planning- and control systems
 Distribution planning, Capacity planning
 Material requirements planning, production scheduling
 Development and implementation of maintenance planning systems
5. Project management

 Project planning, -organizing and -control


 Scheduling and network planning

In-plant Training (ME19313) (Approved Copy) (P19 Scheme)

Government Polytechnic Mumbai Department of Mechanical Engineering

 Resource allocation , work division

 Design and implementation of management information systems and data
warehousing and processing systems
6. Thermal Engineering
 Refrigeration, Air-conditioning, HVAC
 IC engines, power engineering
 Automobile Engineering
 Design of Automobiles
 Design and fabrication of automobile components
8. Hydraulics and Pneumatics
9. Tool Room, CAD/CAM/CAE and Automation etc.
10. Purchase
 Purchase procedures, vendor finalization, costing and estimating, etc.
11. Marketing
 Marketing activities such as advertising by various tools, market research,
future product marketing strategies, etc.
12. Maintenance Engineering
 Maintenance procedures of various machines, check list, types of
maintenance, TPM activities
 Installation of new machines
 Defining safety procedures of machines, safety trainings, etc.


 Students will be placed in different industries for in-plant training. Student has to
complete minimum 20 weeks of training or 800 hours (considering 5 days/week x 8
hrs per shift x 20 weeks) of training or number of weeks of training as per the norms
of the respective industries.
 During In-plant training, student will be assigned to a polytechnic supervisor and
industry supervisor. Polytechnic supervisor will visit the industry during training,
guide the students, and resolve the issues of students if any. Industry supervisor will
be the officer/shop in-charge/work manager etc., under whom student is working in
industry daily.
 Student has to maintain in-plant training diary & in-plant training manual regularly.
 Student has to prepare the In-plant training report at the end of training under the
supervision of polytechnic supervisor and industry supervisor.
 TW will consist of updated and signed/certified copies of daily in-plant training diary,
weekly diary/in-plant training manual, and In-plant training report.
 Participating/completing specific project, mini project, special assignment etc. and

including it in in-plant training report will be an added advantage for the students.

In-plant Training (ME19313) (Approved Copy) (P19 Scheme)

Government Polytechnic Mumbai Department of Mechanical Engineering

 During In-plant training, students have to follow the rules and regulations of
respective industries. Student should not share any information/sketches/calculations/
formulae etc. of company / department to anyone.
 Students i.e. in-plant trainees must take oral/written prior permission for any type
leave from respective industry supervisors. Without permission students should not
remain absent.
 Every student will be jointly assessed by polytechnic supervisor, and industry
supervisor through mode of Oral examination as well as Term work, after successful
completion of training.
 No students will be allowed to change the industry on his/her own.
 Each student has to abide safety rules of allocated industry. They have to follow safety
procedures of industry.
Course Outcome:CO1 to CO6 Total Hours: Min. 20 weeks/800 Hrs

Documents/Activities to be completed during In-plant Training :

Sr. Unit CO Title of Activities Remark

No. Mapping Mappin
1 - CO1- Daily Diary :
CO6 Students will regularly maintain the daily diary
noting daily activities completed during training,
get it certified from concerned supervisors time to
Inplant Training Manual:
Students will carefully read the guidelines of
Inplant training manual, follow the instruction
Trainees will regularly maintain inplant training
manual updated noting activities completed weekly
during training, get it certified from concerned
supervisors time to time.
Inplant Training Report:
At the end of the training, trainee will prepare
inplant training report, detailing introduction of
industry, products, activities performed/observed,
assignments /projects participated/ completed,
Skills achieved, and conclusions.
Total Hrs 20 weeks

References/ Books: In-plant Training manual


In-plant Training (ME19313) (Approved Copy) (P19 Scheme)

Government Polytechnic Mumbai Department of Mechanical Engineering

CO Vs PO and CO Vs PSO Mapping


CO1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
CO6 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3

Industry Consultation Committee:

Sr. Name Designation Institute/Organisation

1 Mrs. Pooja Acharekar Manager, HR L&T, Powai
2 Mr. Mangesh Nagle, Managing Director Pragati Switchgears, Vasai
3 Mr.G.J. Badwe Lecturer in Mech. Engg, Training SBM Polytechnic, Mumbai
Placement Officer.
4 Dr.Ketan Jagtap Lecturer in Mech. Engg, I/c TPO, Govt. Polytechnic
5 U.A. Agnihotri Lecturer in Mechanical Govt. Polytechnic Mumbai
6 Dr. V. U. Rathod Lecturer in Mechanical Govt. Polytechnic Mumbai

Coordinator, Head of Department

Curriculum Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering

I/C, Curriculum Development Cell Principal


In-plant Training (ME19313) (Approved Copy) (P19 Scheme)

7.2 Term Work Evaluation

Regular monitoring of the students will be done by the polytechnic supervisors.

Progress of the students will be monitored jointly by the supervisor from institute

and industry. Polytechnic supervisors will take review of daily and weekly diary

during every visit.

 Term work of the students will be evaluated jointly by the industry

supervisor and polytechnic supervisors, based upon the performance of the

students, work done by the student during the training.

 As a part of term work, industry supervisor will evaluate out of 50 marks,

considering the following points

i) Punctuality , ii) Discipline, iii) Learning initiatives, iv) Daily and

weekly diary maintenance, and v) knowledge gained /skills achieved.

Polytechnic supervisor will evaluate the students out of 50 marks considering

the following points i) Punctuality , ii) Daily and weekly diary maintenance,

iii) Learning initiatives, iv) In-plant training report writing, and v)

knowledge gained /skills achieved.

 Total TW marks given by industry supervisor and polytechnic supervisor will

be the total term work marks obtained by students during in-plant training

(out of 50+50=100). Respective polytechnic supervisor/ department shall

maintain the record of the same.

7.3 Term End External Oral Examination

Evaluation of end term external oral examination for 100 marks will be done jointly
by the internal examiner from the respective department and external examiner,
preferably from industries. Students should be evaluated based on presentation,
knowledge gained and viva exam. The basic/core practical skills out of the total
skills which students are supposed to have learnt during their industrial training
should be examined. Various documents such as training report, daily and weekly
diaries, special task work, projects, assignments etc. can be reviewed for the same.

 Term work evaluation criteria for In-plant Training is as given below:
Term work evaluation for In-plant Training
Name of Trainee Mr/Ms……………………………………………………………

Enrolment No. ………………………
Period of Training From __ / __ / 20 To __ / __ / 20
Industry Name ……………………………………………………………………

Term work evaluation by Industry supervisor

Learning Daily and In- Knowledge Total
Punctuality/ initiatives/ weekly diary plant gained marks
Discipline Attitude maintenance, training /skills
report achieved
Max. 10 10 10 10 10 50

Name and signature, and seal of Industry supervisor

Term work evaluation by Polytechnic Supervisor

Daily and Learning In- Knowledge Total
Punctuality weekly diary initiatives plant gained and marks
maintenance, taken, training or skills
report achieved
Max, 10 10 10 10 10 50

Name, signature , and seal of Polytechnic supervisor

 Viva (Oral exam.) evaluation criteria for In-plant Training is as given below:
Viva (Oral exam.) evaluation for In-plant Training
Name of Trainee Mr/Ms……………………………………………………………

Enrolment No. ………………………
Period of Training From __ / __ / 20 To __ / __ / 20
Industry Name ……………………………………………………………………

Viva (Oral exam.) evaluation by Industry supervisor

Ability to Leadership Interpersonal Inculcation Presentatio Total
apply qualities skills of safety n& marks
knowledge attitude learning
in practice outcomes
Max. 10 10 10 10 10 50

Name and signature, and seal of Industry supervisor

Viva (Oral exam.) evaluation by Polytechnic Supervisor

Review of Team Industrial Correlation Presentation Total

industrial skills safety of theory and & learning marks
assignments/ awareness industrial outcomes
work done practices
Max, 10 10 10 10 10 50

Name, signature , and seal of Polytechnic supervisor

7.4 Suggested Work Load

Faculty members of the concerned department must visit periodically to the

concerned industries to take follow up of the students during training for

evaluating student’s activity and their progress. The teaching load of 4 hrs per

week may be considered for polytechnic supervisor for guiding and monitoring

industrial trainees. Department has to prepare time table for the faculty members

in such a way that the concerned teachers remain free for one complete day (may

be different days for different teachers) in each week for industrial visits.

7.5 In-plant Training Report Format

It is essential to document the knowledge gained, skills achieved, activities

performed, processes observed, and assignments completed during training period,

etc. along with the brief information of section, department, and industry etc. in the

form of industrial training report at the end of the training. The report is an

important document for the reader who may be a technical or non-technical person,

an expert and a third person not concerned with the training. The report should

consist of major headings, results, conclusions and comments. Brief information of

an industry, process performed, details of equipment's used, procedure followed,

observations, calculations etc. must be included in this report. Statistical & data

tables necessary but not essential can be placed in the appendix. The report should

be written in such a way that a student should be able to refer the same in future.

The report must reflect everything new the student has come across in the industry

thus enlarging his horizon. Students may visit websites as their learning tool during

industrial training. Such sources of learning like videos, animations are required for

preparation of PPT, as well as literature for project report during the training period.

7.5.1 Page Specifications

The training report should be prepared with the following specification

Paper size : A4

Left Margin : 3.5 cm

Right Margin : 3.0 cm
Top Margin : 2.54 cm / 1 inch
Bottom Margin : 2.54 cm / 1 inch
Heading – Font Size: 14, Bold, Times New Roman.
Normally Body Text – Font Size: 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 Spacing, Paragraph
Section Heading and Subsection Heading – Font Size: 12, Bold, Times New
Page numbers – All text pages as well as program source code listings should be

numbered using numerals at the bottom centre of the pages.

7.5.2 Outline of Report

• Training report must have a formal title page.

• Report should include various certificates namely training completion

certificate, No objection certificate etc. signed by the concerned authorities.

• Report must have preface at the beginning, stating the purpose of the report,

sources of the information and the authority under which the work is


• The acknowledgement page follows the preface. The trainee has to express

their gratitude where they underwent training, sponsor of the programme,

industrial persons, polytechnic supervisor, Head of department, TPO,

Principal, and other concerned.

• Table of contents or index.

• List of tables and list of figures

• Abstract- an abstract should summarize the outcomes of an in-plant training

such as knowledge gained, skills achieved, special task performed if any, etc.

during the complete training period, in one or two paragraphs.

Report should be divided into chapters or sections, major headings depending on

the area and the size of operations. Each chapter may include organizational details

of the particular industry, section wise report, learning experiences etc.

Chapter I Introduction of the Industry, Location, Turn over, Man power,
Technical, non-technical Skilled personnel, products and marketing
strategies etc.

Chapter II Organizational structure – hierarchy, administration chart,

communication system and Categories of communication between
personnel and department etc.

Chapter III Department/Section wise report: Description of the department/

Section/Shop, the processes and procedures followed in it.
Equipment's in the department, special attachment, indigenously
adopted tools, learning experience, work culture, materials, safety,
drawings, sketches, specification of equipment, should be given
wherever essential. Incentives for production, quality control and
problem solving strategies. Roll of the engineers, personnel & any
other human resource features should be highlighted.

Chapter IV Industry based learning materials collected : - photographs, charts,

diagrams, pictures, Specifications, research papers, technical etc

Chapter V Detail report on the specialised work, task, project, assignments, etc.,
undertaken during in-plant training.

Chapter VI Conclusions should include overall learning outcome in form of gain

in the area of technical knowledge, behaviour changes, personal gains
etc. from in-plant training.

Chapter VII Industrial authority based Suggestions for curriculum Modification: if

perceived, changes in the curriculum could be Suggested which may
include new technology, new techniques, obsolete techniques etc.
With proper justification best on observation/ experience during
training and in consultation with the higher authority from
industries. The student should perceive the curriculum Modification
with the higher authority from industries with the copy of institute

Bibliography Bibliography includes the references which are referred for

completion of in-plant training report. The references includes the
books, magazines, websites, video, research papers published etc.

Appendix: This section could contain essential charts, diagram, tables,
photographs, drawings, etc. necessary but not essential in the main
frame of the report but must be referred to in the main report. Plant
lay out and descriptions of the apparatus may be supported with well
labelled diagrams rather than descriptions.
Except for the suggestions & recommendations report must be
written in past tense and first person.


This section includes various letters, formats, and certificates required to be filled,
signed, and certified by the concerned authorities for the successful competition of
the In-plant Training. Below table highlights the various documents (Performa’s
/Formats) to be submitted/completed at various stages of in-plant training.

Sr. Name of the Document Remark

1. Student’s Consent Letter, Parent/Guardian To be submitted before start of
Consent Letter, Joining Letter, and Joining In-plant training
2. Weekly Report of In-plant Training, Daily To be maintained updated
Report of In-plant Training during In-plant training
3. Industrial Training Completion Certificate, To be submitted/Completed
Term Work & Viva Marks by Industry after completion of In-
supervisor in Sealed Packet (Page no. 31 & 33), plant training
No Objection Certificate, and Feedback Form
4. In-plant Training Diary, Daily Diary, and In- To be submitted in department
plant Training Report with Seal / Signature of at the time of In-plant Training
concerned officers. Viva / presentation

` Date:






As a part of prescribed curriculum of Mech. Engg., your son/daughter/ward

…………………………………………………………………………………, Enrolment no.
…………………………, has to undergo 20 to 24 weeks of In-plant training in industry
during even term of the final year. He/she is being placed at
…………………..…..(name and address of company, for in-plant training from date
……………… to …………….

In this regard, I wish you to be acquainted with certain rules/regulations/aspects of in-plant

training as detailed in students/parents consent letter attached herewith.

You are requested to go through the parents consent letter carefully and return to me duly

Thanking you

Mechanical Engineering Department


Date: / /

The Principal,
Government Polytechnic, Mumbai
Kherwadi, Bandra (E),
Mumbai - 400 051.

Sub. : In-plant Training Consent

I undersigned Kumar/Ms…………………………………………………… Enrollment

Number ...………………., presently studying in Third year Mech. Engg. I am aware that
during this term myself is being placed in
…………………………………………………………………………….(name of the
company) for in-plant training as part of the Diploma programme in Mech. Engineering.

I am also aware that:

1. I will submit a joining report in the prescribed form, duly countersigned by the Officer
of the Organization where I will be working as in-plant trainee.
2. If credits earned by me, upto fifth semester are not as prescribed by the department, my
training may be discontinued at any stage of inplant traing.
3. I will entirely under the disciplinary control of the organization where I will be placed,
and will abide by the rules and regulations in force of the said organization.
4. I will make aware of the safety rules, and regulations of the concerned industry in a first
week of the training itself. I will not start/operate any machine, process, operations,
work, etc. which may cause injury to me, others, an accident, or property loss etc.
without permission and under the observations of the concerned supervisors
5. I will always work under the supervision of the industry supervisor allotted to me. In
case, I do not follow the safety rules and regulations of the organization where I am
placed for in-plant training, and some injury/accident takes place to me or others,
myself will be responsible for it. In such cases, Government polytechnic Mumbai or
concerned industry will not be responsible for it.
6. I am also aware that I will maintain the confidentiality of the industrial documents,
formulas, processes, sequences, drawings, methods etc. If knowingly or unknowingly I

am disclosing such documents, and industry suffers financial loss or any other kind of
loss/defame, I will be responsible for it. No other persons like polytechnic supervisor or
industry supervisor will be responsible for it.
7. I am also aware that if any property loss, injury occurs to me or others, because of my
negligence, concerned organization as well as Government Polytechnic, Mumbai will
not be responsible for it.
8. During training period, I will be entitled to the leave as per the rules laid down by the
Polytechnic as well as concerned organization in this behalf. In case I need leave in
unavoidable circumstances, I will get the leave sanctioned by the organization and my
training supervisors.
9. I will maintain the prescribed daily diary, weekly diary etc. regularly and also get it
countersigned by the concerned officer of the organization as well as training
supervisor of the Polytechnic.
10. In-plant Training will be granted only if myself attends industry on all working days,
completes minimum 20 weeks, maintains good progress, and undergoes the training to
the satisfaction of the authorities of the Polytechnic and the Industry,
11. During the tenure of in-plant training period, myself may or may not get the stipend.
Also the expenses such as travelling expenses, food charge etc. will be done by me.
12. Once myself joins the specific organization for in-plant training, I will not
change/interchange the organization in any circumstance by my/our own, without
informing the concerned authorities
13. After start of the in-plant training, I will follow the stipulated training programme. If
I do not complete the in-plant training of minimum period, academic term of in-plant
training i.e. last term may not be considered. In such a case I will have to complete the
minimum period or repeat the complete term as decided by the concerned head of the

Yours faithfully,

Name and Sign of student with Enrl. No

* Note: This copy should be submitted to the concerned Department


Date: / /


The Principal,
Government Polytechnic, Mumbai
Kherwadi, Bandra (E),
Mumbai - 400 051.

Sub. : In-plant Training Consent

I undersigned Mr./Mrs…………………………………………………… aware that my son

/daughter/ward Master/Ms. ………………………………………………………………,
Enrolment Number ...………………. is studying in Third year Mechanical Engineering in
your Polytechnic. During this term he/she is being placed in
(name of the company) for in-plant training as part of the Diploma programme in
Mechanical Engineering.

I am also aware that:

1. My son/daughter/ward will submit a joining report in the prescribed form, duly
countersigned by the Officer of the Organization where he/she will be working.
2. My son/daughter/ward will be entirely under the disciplinary control of the
organization where he / she will be placed, and he/she will abide by the rules and
regulations in force of the said organization.
3. My son/daughter/ward will make aware of the various safety rules and regulations of
the industry in the first week of the training.
4. My son/daughter/ward will always work under the supervision of the industry
supervisor allotted to him/her. I am also aware that he/she will maintain the
confidentiality of the industrial documents, formulas, processes, sequences, drawings,
methods etc. If knowingly or unknowingly he/she is disclosing such documents, and
industry suffers financial loss or any other kind of loss he/she will be responsible for
it. No other persons like polytechnic supervisor or industry supervisor will be
responsible for it.
5. I am also aware that during entire training period, if my son/daughter/ward is not
following the safety rules, and regulations laid by the concerned organization, and if
any injury /accident occur to him/her, only he/she will be responsible. Organization as
well as Government Polytechnic Mumbai will not be responsible for such causes.
6. I am also aware that if any property loss, injury to him/her or others, an accident etc.
occurs during the training period because of the negligence of my son/daughter/ward,

concerned organization as well as Government Polytechnic, Mumbai will not be
responsible for it.
7. During training period, my son/daughter/ward is entitled to the leave as per the rules
laid down by the Polytechnic as well as concerned organization in this behalf. In case
he/she needs leave in unavoidable circumstances, he/she should get the leave
sanctioned by the organization and his/her Training Supervisor.
8. My son/daughter/ward will maintain the prescribed daily diary, weekly diary etc.
regularly and also get it countersigned by the concerned officer of the organization as
well as training supervisor of the Polytechnic.
9. In-plant Training will be granted to my son/daughter/ward only if he/she attends
his/her organization on all working days, completes minimum 20 weeks, maintains
good progress, and undergoes the training to the satisfaction of the authorities of the
Polytechnic and the organization of his/her in-plant training.
10. During the tenure of in-plant training period, my son/daughter/ward may or may not
get the stipend. Also the expenses such as travelling expenses, food charge etc. will be
done by him/her.
11. Once my son/daughter/ward joins the specific organization for in-plant training,
he/she will not change/interchange the organization in any circumstance by his/her
own, without informing the concerned authorities
12. Once my son/daughter/ ward starts his/her in-plant training, he/she will follow the
stipulated training programme. If he/she do not complete the in-plant training of
minimum period, his /her academic term of in-plant training may not be considered.
In such a case he/she has to complete the minimum period or repeat the complete term
as decided by the concerned head of the department.
13. I have explained all above contents to my son/daughter/ward, who has promised to
adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of the industry as well as Government
polytechnic Mumbai.

Yours faithfully,


Name and Sign of father/mother/ guardian

* Note: This copy should be submitted to the concerned Department.


Date:… / … /20….



Subject: Permission for joining the In-plant training at your organization

Reference: …………………………………………………………………………..

Respected Sir,

With reference to above subject, myself Mr./Ms ………..…………

…………………………………………………, student of Government Polytechnic Mumbai,
Final year Mechanical Engineering , Enrolment number…………………., reporting for
joining the In-plant Training at your organization on …………………… (date).
I assure that, during complete training period, I will follow the rules and regulation of
your organization.
You are kindly requested to permit me to join the In-plant training.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently

(Signature of Student)

Date:… / … /20….


The Principal,
Government Polytechinc, Mumbai,
Kherwadi, Bandra (E),
Mumbai 400 051.

Subject: Joining report for the In-plant training

Reference: ……………………………………………………………

Respected Madam / Sir,

With reference to above subject, myself Mr./Ms ………..…………
…………………………………………………, student of Government Polytechnic Mumbai,
Third /second year Mechanical Engineering, Enrolment number…………………., joined for
the In-plant Training at ………………………………………………………………… (name
of organization) on …………………… (date).
I assure that, during complete training period, I will follow the rules and regulation of
the said organization.

Thanking you.

Yours obediently

(Signature of Student)

Signature of the Officer (Industry)

Seal of the Organization

* This copy should be submitted to the concerned Head of Department

49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
1 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

2 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Programme:._______________ Department/Plant/Section:_________________________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
3 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

4 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:
Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic

49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
5 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

6 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
7 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

8 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
9 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

10 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
11 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

12 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
13 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

14 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
15 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

16 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
17 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

18 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
19 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

20 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
21 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

22 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
23 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

24 Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Weekly Report of In-plant Training

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Date Brief weekly report of the work Attendance

No. From To done/observation made No. of days
Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Present =
Absent =
Leave =

Students Signature:

Dated Signature of Industry Supervisor Dated Signature of Polytechnic


49, Kherwadi, Ali Yawar Jung Marg, Bandra (E), Mumbai-51

Daily Report of In-plant Training *

Name of the Student __________________________________ Enrollment No:___________
Company name & address______________________________________________________

Week Day and Date Brief report of the work done/observation made etc. in a day

Sign of the student

(* This is the format of daily report maintained by the student during training period.
Students shall make separate 200 pages notebook as a daily diary, and maintain the
records/observations / work/report etc. done on a particular day as per the above format.
Student shall carry this diary with them regularly during training period, and maintain the
records in it. Also get this diary signed by the industry supervisor as well as polytechnic
supervisor periodically. The information from this diary may be useful while writing the
weekly diary, and in-plant training report, examinations etc.)


This is to certify that the below student has successfully completed the In-plant Training of
…… weeks at our organization …………………………………… …………………
…………………………………………………………… (name and address of organization).
Name of the student: ……………………………………………
Programme and Year : Third Year ME
Enrolment No. : ………………………………
Training start date: ……………………………
Training completion date: ……………………..

During the complete training period, the his/her performance and conduct was good.

Name and Sign.

Section/ Industry Supervisor

Name and Sign.

Date: Head of Section/ Plant/ Officer (Industry)
Seal of the Organization




This is to certify that Mr./Ms………………………………………………………………….,

Enrolment No.…………………..,Third/Second year student of Mechanical Engineering
from Government Polytechnic, Mumbai has successfully completed the In-plant Training of
……weeks at our organization ……………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………(name and address
of organization).

Training start Date: ……………………………

Training completion date: ……………………..

The performance and conduct of the above student was good during the complete training

Name and Sign.

Section/ Industry Supervisor

Name and Sign.

Date: Head of Section/ Plant/ Officer (Industry)
Seal of the Organization

*Note: Two copies of this certificate are to be printed on the letterhead of the industry. One copy will be
included in the industrial training report, and one copy will retained with the student.



This is to certify that Mr./Ms………………………………………………………………….,

Enrolment No.…………………..,Third/Second year student of Mechanical Engineering,
from Government Polytechnic, Mumbai has successfully completed the In-plant Training of
…… weeks at our organization ……………………………………
………………………………………………………………………………(name and address
of organization) from …………………… (start date of training) to …………………………
(completion date of training).

This report does not contain any confidential document of the company such as design,
drawing, formula, specifications, documents, procedures, etc., which may cause any type of
loss to this company.

Name and Sign.

Section/ Industry Supervisor

Name and Sign.

Date: Head of Section/ Plant/ Officer (Industry)
Seal of the Organization

*Note: Student should take the printout of this certificate on the letterhead of the industry, and include in
the industrial training report.


A. Feedback about the student

(Name of student……………………………………………………………..
Enrolment No.:……………………)
During complete training period,
i. Student performance and conduct was … Good/Average/poor
ii. Student was found to be good at ………………….
iii. Improvement of the student is desired in ………………….
iv. Students willingness to learn new things…….. … Good/Average/poor
v. Any other points…………………………………………………………………

B. Overall Feedback
i. Subjects/topics which you fill to be included in the new curriculum
ii. Areas that needs further improvement
iii. Suggestion for the modification of existing curriculum
iv. Any other points

Name and Sign.

Date: Industry Supervisor/ Section / Plant/ Officer (Industry)


CO1 Realize administrative, operational and social functioning of industrial


CO2 Follow industrial working practices, industrial safety practices, and

industrial discipline.

CO3 Correlate the theory with industrial applications relevant to the courses

CO4 Select various materials, processes, tools, products etc. with their
relevant aspects of manufacturing, quality control, etc.

CO5 Recognize responsibilities, ethical values, required interpersonal skills,

problem solving skills, self-management and job management skills
required while working as first line manager.

CO6 Effectively communicate through technical reports/projects report

writing, presentation skills.


T - To be in Time
R - Remain attentive all the time
A - Actively participate
I - Interact for clarity
N - Note the important points
I - Improve listening habits
N - Never neglect the safety
G - Gain as much as you can



-120 -120


- 60 FIRST SHIFT - 60 (Intake)
SECOND SHIFT - 60 (Intake)


- 120 FIRST SHIFT - 60

FIRST SHIFT - 60 - 30




- 30


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