IPT Manual
IPT Manual
IPT Manual
1 Important dates 1
2 Objectives 2
12 Certificate format 15
1.Students are exposed to Industrial environment, which cannot be simulated in the Institute.
3. Students will be able to understand the psychology of the workers, their habits, attitudes and
approach to problems along with the practices followed either at factory or at site.
4. Students get familiarized with various Design, Manufacturing, Analysis, Automation and
Purchase, 5S, Six Sigma, Materials, Machines, Processes, Products and their applications along
with relevant aspects of Industry management.
6. Students get opportunity to apply their knowledge in problem solving and in Project
assignment by using Techniques.
7.Students are able to understand relevant application oriented subjects better in subsequent
8. Students understand various constraints of time and cost within which goods are produced and
services rendered in specified quantum.
9. Students appreciate need for co-ordinate effort of various persons at different levels in
different departments in achieving set goals and targets.
10.Students understand the scope, functions and job responsibility-ties in various departments of
an organization. This is a very good opportunity to learn under a different environment, but
students gain is dependent on positive attitudes and approach to training, keenness and attitude of
enquiry to learn.
Your attitude and discipline should be exemplary. Maintain good relations with the company
1.Maintain excellent relations with all and particularly with your Supervisor(s).
3.Write your diary daily and show it to your supervisors whenever they demand
4.Permit for your physical check by the security men of the organization, if required.
8.Do not disturb the workers in their work and do not enter into any discussion with them.
9.Do not record any information or copy out any drawing or part thereof without prior and
proper permission.
10.Do not operate any instrument / machine / apparatus without specific instruction of your
Supervisor and without his supervision.
12.Students who are found to be irregular, misbehaving in any way or indulging in any mischief
will have to face disciplinary action.
During the In Plant Training period, the student should try to learn different aspects of
professional industry. Following aspects whichever are applicable should be included in your
1. Introduction.
2. Total Employment:
3. Activities.
Project information
4. Budgets/Project planning/scheduling
5. Material Used
9. Technologies Used
Built up area
Type of construction
Quality Policy.
Quality measures.
What do you think could be done in the particular areas you are working?
To improve communication?
To motivate workers?
In addition to work diary (A-4 size register), you are required to submit an In plant Training
Report along with details of organization / factory, where you have received training. You have
to submit a detailed report of training in the industry incorporating study of plant / product /
process along with intensive in-depth study on any one of the topics such as (1) Processes (2)
Methods (3) Tooling (4) Equipment etc., highlighting aspects of quality, productivity and
system. Student should take notes throughout his training period and prepare a framework in
consultation with factory. The report shall be presented in the following manner.
4.Introduction (Report)
The Head of the Department,
Department of Civil Engineering,
M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering,
Respected Sir,
I have to undergo IPT from -------------to -----------. During IPT I undertake to follow
rules and regulations stated below:
1. I will submit a joining report in the prescribed form, duly countersigned by the Officer of the
Organization where I am assigned to undergo IPT.
2. I will be entirely under the disciplinary control of the organization where I am placed and will
abide by the rules and regulations of the said organization.
3. I will be entitled for leave during training period as per rules laid down by the organization /
apprentice act. Before proceeding on leave I will take prior permission from the authorities.
4. I will submit timely all the reports duly filled in and countersigned by the Officer of the
Organization to the institute as mentioned in the instruction manual.
5.I will follow the stipulated term of training programmed.
6. I hereby undertake that, the institute will not be responsible for any mishap / accident during the
training period and also for my any act contrary to law.
7.If, I will be eligible for stipend as per the policies of the organization where I am undergoing IPT.
8. I will obey and follow all the instructions and guidelines mentioned in In-Plant Training
Instruction Manual provided by IPT Coordinator.
Yours faithfully,
Roll No:
Respected Sir,
As per your instructions I have reported myself for the In-plant Training in
On Date at __________________AM / PM
Yours obediently,
Signature of student
Signature of the Officer Name:
Of the Organization and Roll No:
Seal of the Organization
* The student should write the name of the organization where he/she is placed for the In Plant
•Every student should submit this form to the Head of the Department, M.Kumarasamy College
of Engineering; else his / her term will not be accepted.
Conduct /
Criteria Attendance Progress Motivation Cooperation
(The form is designed to bridge the gap for academic evaluation and improvement of skills of
2 Commitment
3 Willingness to learn
4 Hardworking
6 Positive Attitude
7 Obedience
8 Sincerity
9 Team Spirit
10 Leadership
Name: Name:
1.The In-Plant Training Report shall be typed on A-4 size white bond paper.
2.Typing shall be with spacing of 1.5 or 2.0 using black ribbon or carbon on one side of the paper.
3.Margins :(i) Left 37.5 mm. (ii) Right, top and bottom 25 mm.
6.The third page will be certificate issued by the industry regarding the completion of training.
7.The fourth page would be for acknowledgement, which would be followed by index page (Fifth
8. Sketches should be drawn on separate sheet (minimum A4 size) and be inserted at proper
10.The mathematical symbol should be typed or neatly written so as to match darkness of the text.
12.Students who have undergone In-Plant Training in more than one industry can bind the report as
a single copy and will attach certificate of each industry in chronological order.
13.The contents of the seminar can be decided by the internal guide / department and student.
14. The number of copies to external guide will be proportionate to the number of industries where
Submitted by
and submitted the In-Plant Training Report as per the requirement of the
academic Year 20 - 20
Submitted by