Care should be taken that the
material is covered so that no
water enters.
The condition of the vehicle shall
be checked and approved before
Fatal physical
Persons doing the transport of units
(head, foot, hand)
Material damage work. The duct material shall be firmly
AC Technicians placed in the truck.
The duct shall be tightly secured
using Nylon ropes.
A vehicle with suitable platform &
foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of
All Personnel equipment Shall be
worn by workmen.
Gloves should be used and skin
Fall of men from Falling from height
should not be exposed to the
Ladder/scaffold. Those near physical injuries
insulation material.
Allergy due to ducting outlet Head and foot
Installation Use of safety helmets, Shoes,
10 the material in case Persons doing the Injuries due to 2 4 H 1 3 L
Of Insulation Safety belts, and other relevant
of rock wool. work. falling of objects
PPEs ensured for all workers.
Dust, debris and AC Technicians Skin allergy & rash
Tools and materials shall not be
Splinters. Asthma
scattered around the workplace
and shall be neatly stacked in a
convenient location.
Conduct PEP talk before
Those near loading/unloading.
health issues
A traffic collision, fall ducting outlet Care should be taken that the
Transport of Fatal physical
11 of material and Persons doing the material is covered so that no 2 1 L
Insulation (head, foot, hand) 2 4 H
Material damage work water enters.
AC Technicians The condition of the vehicle shall
be checked and approved before
Page 5 of 8 HSE Documents-HSE-RA-Split AC Units Installation
Risk Assessment Page 6 of 8
Split AC Units Installation
Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision
transport of units
The duct material shall be firmly
placed in the truck.
The duct shall be tightly secured
using Nylon ropes.
A vehicle with a suitable platform
& foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of
A pre-use check conducted by
All electrical equipment brought
Operatives and on to the site must have been
others risk electrically tested.
potentially fatal Ensure that workers know how to
Those near injuries if they use the electrical equipment
Use of ducting outlet receive a shock safely.
Electrical shock,
12 electrical Persons doing the from faulty 2 4 M Ensure there are no trailing cables 2 1 L
Burns and fire
equipment work electrical that can cause people to trip or
AC Technicians equipment or while fall.
working with live Stop using the equipment
electrical sources. immediately if it appears faulty –
have it checked by a competent
Consider using a residual current
Careful location
Power leads present Sufficient outlets to support the
Those near
a tripping hazards range of equipment normally
Use of ducting outlet Electrical shock,
(Cuts / abrasions, used. Use extension leads and
13 extension Persons doing the Burns and fire, 2 4 M
muscular-skeletal adaptors only where necessary.
leads work death
and other physical Leads length and rated high
AC Technicians
injuries) enough for the job.
Use of cable covers where cables
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Risk Assessment Page 7 of 8
Split AC Units Installation
Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/Almost Certain
5 10 15 20 25
15 - 25 Extreme Risk Activity or Industry Should Not Proceed in Current Form
Activity or Industry should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject
8 - 12 High Risk
to detailed OSH Assessment
4-6 Moderate Risk Activity or industry can operate subject to management & Modification