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Risk Assessment Page 1 of 8

Split AC Units Installation

Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

Company Name XYZ Prepared by

Functional Area Split AC Units Installation Approved by

Impact Initial Risk Residual Risk

S/N Activities Hazard / Hazardous Who Might be What would be the Control Measures Action by
Situation at Risk? result of this risk?
 Persons not required to be in the
vicinity of the duct outlets will be
kept out of the area
 Exposure to  Dust masks, gloves and eye
dust/debris protection to be worn by those in
 Unintended falls of Cuts, abrasions, eye the vicinity of duct outlets during
Those near
material/tools/debris injuries and commissioning
ducting outlet
Commissioning  Muscular skeletal breathing  Ducting system cleaned regularly
1 Persons doing the 3 3 M 1 3 L
System injuries difficulties during installation and
 Cuts/abrasions Death or serious immediately before
AC Technicians
 Poor handling injury commissioning
technique Sharp or  Warning signs to be placed around
jagged edges duct outlets during system
 Refer to risk assessment for
specific lifting equipment used

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Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

 Conduct PEP talk before

 Only inspected vehicles found fit
shall be engaged.
 The condition of the vehicle shall
Those near
Cuts be checked and approved before
ducting outlet
Transport of Traffic collision fall Manual handling transport of units
2 Persons doing the 3 3 M 1 3 L
units of material Foot injuries  The units shall be firmly placed in
the truck.
AC Technicians
 Units shall be tightly secured using
Nylon ropes.
 A vehicle with suitable platform &
foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of

 All Personnel equipment Shall be

 Fall of men from
worn by workmen.
 Sufficient workmen / Rigger shall
 Fall of material Those near
be engaged for unloading of Units.
from Height. ducting outlet Physical injuries
Installation  Use of safety helmets, Shoes,
3  Injury from using Persons doing the (head, foot hand) 4 2 H 2 1 L
of Units Florescent
a hack saw cutter work Asthma
 Jacket and other relevant PPEs
etc. AC Technicians
ensured for all workers.
 Dust, debris and
 Tools and material shall not be
4 Transport of A traffic collision, fall Those near Fatal physical 4 2 H  Conduct PEP talk before 3 1 L
Ducting of material ducting outlet injures due to lifting loading/unloading.
Persons doing the or moving  Only inspected vehicles found fit
work machinery/vehicles, shall be engaged.
AC Technicians Head & foot
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Split AC Units Installation
Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

 The condition of the vehicle shall b

checked and approved before
transport of units
 The duct material shall be firmly
injuries due to placed in the truck.
falling of object  The duct shall be tightly secured
using Nylon ropes.
 A vehicle with suitable platform &
foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of
 All Personnel equipment Shall be
 Fall of men from worn by workmen.
ladder/scaffold.  Sufficient workmen / Rigger shall
 Fall of material be engaged for unloading of
Fatal physical
from Height. Those near ducting.
(head, foot, hand)
 Injury from using ducting outlet  Use of safety helmets, Shoes,
Installation injuries
5 hack saw, cutter, Persons doing the 3 3 H fluorescent Jackets, and other 2 1 L
of Ducting Cut injuries
drilling machine etc. work relevant PPEs ensured for all
 Dust, debris and AC Technicians workers.
Splinters.  Tools and materials shall not be
 Contact with scattered around the workplace
sealants and shall be neatly stacked in a
convenient location.
 Conduct PEP talk before
Manual handling loading/unloading.
injuries.  Only inspected vehicles found fit
Those near
Ergonomically shall be engaged.
Transport of ducting outlet
A traffic collision, fall health issues  The condition of the vehicle shall
6 Piping Persons doing the 2 5 H 2 1 L
of material Fatal physical be checked and approved before
material work
(head, foot, hand) transport of units
AC Technicians
injuries  The piping material shall be firmly
 placed in the truck.
 Piping material shall be tightly
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Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

secured using Nylon ropes.

 A vehicle with suitable platform &
 foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of
 All Personnel equipment Shall be
worn by workmen.
 Fall of men from Manual handling  Ladders used to drill anchor
Ladder/scaffold. injuries. fasteners should be in good
Those near
 Fall of material Ergonomically condition. 3. Use of safety
Piping ducting outlet
from Height. health issues helmets, shoes, safety belts, safety
7 support Persons doing the 4 2 H 2 1 L
 Injury from using Fatal physical goggles and other relevant
work work
drilling machine etc. (head, foot, hand)  PPEs ensured for all workers.
AC Technicians
 Dust, debris and injuries  Tools and materials shall not be
Splinters. scattered around the workplace
and shall be neatly stacked in a
convenient location.
 All Personnel equipment Shall be
worn by workmen.
 Ladders used to erect pipes should
 Fall of men from
be in good condition.
Ladder/scaffold. Manual handling
 Use grinding machines, gas cutting
 Fall of material Those near issues.
sets or flaring tools for pipe cutting
from Height. ducting outlet Ergonomically
Piping  Injury from using Persons doing the health issues 3 3 H  Use of safety helmets, shoes, 2 1 L
Erection drilling machine, work Fatal physical
(head, foot, hand) safety belts, safety goggles and
pipe cutting tools
AC Technicians injuries other relevant PPEs ensured for all
 Dust, debris and
 Tools and materials shall not be
 Splinters.
scattered around the workplace
and shall be neatly stacked in a
convenient location.
9 Transport of A traffic collision, fall Those near Ergonomically 2 4 H  Conduct PEP talk before 2 1 L
Insulation of material and ducting outlet health issues
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Split AC Units Installation
Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

 Care should be taken that the
material is covered so that no
water enters.
 The condition of the vehicle shall
be checked and approved before
Fatal physical
Persons doing the transport of units
(head, foot, hand)
Material damage work.  The duct material shall be firmly
AC Technicians placed in the truck.
 The duct shall be tightly secured
using Nylon ropes.
 A vehicle with suitable platform &
foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of
 All Personnel equipment Shall be
worn by workmen.
 Gloves should be used and skin
 Fall of men from Falling from height
should not be exposed to the
 Ladder/scaffold. Those near physical injuries
insulation material.
 Allergy due to ducting outlet Head and foot
Installation  Use of safety helmets, Shoes,
10 the material in case Persons doing the Injuries due to 2 4 H 1 3 L
Of Insulation Safety belts, and other relevant
of rock wool. work. falling of objects
PPEs ensured for all workers.
 Dust, debris and AC Technicians Skin allergy & rash
 Tools and materials shall not be
 Splinters. Asthma
scattered around the workplace
and shall be neatly stacked in a
convenient location.
 Conduct PEP talk before
Those near loading/unloading.
health issues
A traffic collision, fall ducting outlet  Care should be taken that the
Transport of Fatal physical
11 of material and Persons doing the material is covered so that no 2 1 L
Insulation (head, foot, hand) 2 4 H
Material damage work water enters.
AC Technicians  The condition of the vehicle shall
be checked and approved before
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Split AC Units Installation
Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

transport of units
 The duct material shall be firmly
placed in the truck.
 The duct shall be tightly secured
using Nylon ropes.
 A vehicle with a suitable platform
& foldable side gates shall be
engaged to prevent the fall of
 A pre-use check conducted by
 All electrical equipment brought
Operatives and on to the site must have been
others risk electrically tested.
potentially fatal  Ensure that workers know how to
Those near injuries if they use the electrical equipment
Use of ducting outlet receive a shock safely.
Electrical shock,
12 electrical Persons doing the from faulty 2 4 M  Ensure there are no trailing cables 2 1 L
Burns and fire
equipment work electrical that can cause people to trip or
AC Technicians equipment or while fall.
working with live  Stop using the equipment
electrical sources. immediately if it appears faulty –
have it checked by a competent
 Consider using a residual current
 Careful location
Power leads present  Sufficient outlets to support the
Those near
a tripping hazards range of equipment normally
Use of ducting outlet Electrical shock,
(Cuts / abrasions, used. Use extension leads and
13 extension Persons doing the Burns and fire, 2 4 M
muscular-skeletal adaptors only where necessary.
leads work death
and other physical  Leads length and rated high
AC Technicians
injuries) enough for the job.
 Use of cable covers where cables
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Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

are a trip hazard.

 Use one adaptor per socket only,
adaptors should not be plugged
into adaptors
 Any unsafe electrical items
Operatives and
removed from use to secure
others risk
location until properly
potentially fatal
Those near repaired/disposed of Visual
injuries if they
ducting outlet inspections of electrical
Defective Electrical shock, receive a shock
14 Persons doing the 2 4 M equipment before use. 2 1 L
equipment Burns and fire from faulty
work  No one must be permitted to bring
AC Technicians their electrical equipment onto
equipment or while
the premises unless that
working with live
equipment has been electrically
electrical sources
 Check that the machine is
complete, with all safeguards
fitted, and free from defects. The
Operatives and term safeguarding includes
others risk guards, interlocks, two-hand
potentially fatal controls, light guards, etc.,
Those near
injuries if they  Check that the supplier provides
Before ducting outlet
Electrical shock, receive a shock the right safeguards.
15 Starting a Persons doing the 2 4 M 2 1 L
Burns and fire from faulty  Ensure every static machine has
Machine work
electrical been installed properly and is
AC Technicians
equipment or while stable.
working with live  Make sure the machine is properly
electrical sources switched off, isolated or locked-off
before taking any action to
remove blockages, clean or adjust
the machine.

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Split AC Units Installation
Department Document Ref. No. Issue Date Revision

OSH Risk Matrix

Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5

Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10

Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15

Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/Almost Certain
5 10 15 20 25
15 - 25 Extreme Risk Activity or Industry Should Not Proceed in Current Form

Activity or Industry should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject
8 - 12 High Risk
to detailed OSH Assessment

4-6 Moderate Risk Activity or industry can operate subject to management & Modification

1-3 Low Risk No Action Required Unless Escalation of Risk is Possible

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