5 Physical and Sexual Self
5 Physical and Sexual Self
5 Physical and Sexual Self
1. tattooing
2. scarcification
3. piercing
4. body painting
Relihiyon at ang Pagtago ng Katawan
Religion & De-emphasizing the Body
Part 2:
According to Marieb, E.N. (2001) gonads (reproductive glands)
begin to form until the 8th week of embryonic development. During
the early stages of human development, the reproductive structures
of male and females are alike and are said to be in indifferent stage.
When primary reproductive structures are formed
development of accessory structures and external genetalia begins.
• The formation of male or female structures depends on
the presence of testosterone. Usually once formed, the
embryonic testes release testosterone, and the formation
of the duct system and external genitalia follows.
▪ Pisikal
▪ Emosyonal
▪ Psychological
▪ Spiritual