Determinants of Health
Determinants of Health
Determinants of Health
➢ Health is multidimensional
➢ Determinants of health
➢ Interaction with humans
➢ Effects on human health
➢ Conclusion
Determinants of Health
➢ health is multifactorial.
➢ health is affected by both internal and external factors.
➢ internal are inside the body genetic/ biological.
➢ external is outside the body means surrounding/society of an
➢ other factors are also included in health determinants:
➢ behavioral and socio-cultural and economic conditions,
environment and others.
➢ All these factors interacts with each other.
➢ They are responsible for promoting or deleterious of health.
➢ All or any of these can affect the health and leads his
susceptibility to illness.
Biological determinants
➢ (3) political system: health is closely related to country’s political
➢ Often the main obstacles of implementation of health technologies
are not technical, but rather political.
➢ Decisions concerning resource allocation, manpower policy, choice
of technology and degrees are examples of manner in which the
political system can shape community health services.
➢ WHO has set the target of at least 5% expenditure of each
country’s GNP on health care system.
Health services
➢ Health services cover a wide spectrum of personal and community
services for treatment of disease, prevention of illness and
promotion of health.
➢ The purpose of health services is to improve the health status of
➢ For example the immunization of children can influence the
prevalence of particular disease.
➢ Health services are seen as essential for social and economic
➢ The most we can expect from health services is, good care.
Ageing of the population
➢ By the year 2020, the world will have more than one billion people aged and
60 over.
➢ more than two-thirds of them living in developing countries.
➢ A major concern of rapid population ageing is the increased prevalence of
chronic diseases and disabilities.
➢ Both being conditions that tend to accompany the ageing process and
deserve special attention.
➢ Health is multifactorial.
➢ Many factors are involved in causing health problems.
➢ There are factors which actually promotes health.
➢ The factors are usually both genetic and environmental;
combination of many genes form both parents, in addition to
unknown environmental factors, produces health problems.
➢ Other factors like, gender social status, education, employment,
political system also effects the health.
Park’s book of preventive and social medicine
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