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Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

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Nanotechnology as a sustainable approach for combating the

environmental effects of climate change
Neha Chausali a, Jyoti Saxena a, Ram Prasad b, *
Biochemical Engineering Department, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora, 263653, UK, India
Department of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, 845401, Bihar, India


Keywords: Currently, there are a huge number of environmental issues that the world is facing from past few decades.
Climate change However, the climate change is possibly the major environmental threat to deal with. The rise of 1.5–2 ◦ C surface
Global warming temperature has been recorded in last 40–50 years. In next 50–100 years the earth temperature will create harsh
Environmental remediation
conditions for living and consequences would be catastrophic. Global warming is the major cause of climate
Environmental nanotechnology
change. The common reason of global warming is carbon-associated gas emission (greenhouse gases) from
Biofuel burning of fossil fuels in various industries, transportation, electricity production, agriculture and commercial
Nanocatalyst sources. Though, pollution, urbanization, population etc. in similar way also contribute to climate change by
Carbonaceous materials disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. Nanotechnology, because of unique properties of nanomaterials, offers a
wide range of applications in environment, agriculture, food and energy sectors. Not only the environmental
nanotechnology can handle a range of environmental problems but also the nanotechnological products and
processes are considered as the most effective and innovative tools/mode to accomplish sustainability goals.
Nanostructured materials such as nanocomposites, functionalized nanomaterials, metal organic frameworks,
nanocatalysts, carbonaceous materials, nano zeolites, nano silica, nano lubricants and nano coatings etc. have
enormous possibilities in sequestration and reduction of greenhouse gases, biofuel production, wastewater
treatment and environmental remediation using a sustainable approach. The present paper is an attempt to
summarize the nanotechnology-based approaches to combat climate change. It aims to review the long-term
effects of new nanocompounds to environment and promotion of sustainable methods to solve the climate
change related problems.

1. Introduction on earth’s surface has been observed, and the rate was found more than
twice in past 40 years i.e. 0.32 ◦ F (0.18 ◦ C) per decade since 1981.
The worldwide climate change primarily originated by the anthro­ Similarly, global mean temperature found to be reached about 1 ◦ C
pogenic activities which was accelerated in the last 200 years. As a greater than preindustrial levels in 2017 and reported to be rising at
result, increase in global average temperature (global warming) and 0.2◦ C per decade [3]. Also, based on NOAA’s (National Oceanic and
atmospheric CO2 concentration with changing intensity and frequency Atmospheric Administration, US) temperature data, the year 2020 was
of weather conditions have been observed [1,2]. In the present scenario recorded as the second-warmest year just behind 2016 [4]. According to
the world is facing adverse effects of climate change and in future may the world meteorological organization (WMO), United Nations the
face big crisis that will affect all life forms on earth. Global warming, average global temperature recorded in 2021 was 1.11 (±0.13) ◦ C
being the primary cause of climate change, needs to be addressed higher than the pre-industrial (1850–1900) levels. The year 2021 was
immediately and should be taken seriously. Due to global warming the the 7thsuccessive year during 2015–2021, when global temperature has
average temperature of earth surface has been increasing rapidly in past been 1 ◦ C greater than pre-industrial levels.
few decades. Since 1880, 0.14 ◦ F (0.08 ◦ C) temperature rise per decade The greenhouse gases including CO2 are responsible for entrapping

Abbreviations: MWCNT, Multiwalled carbon nanotube); MOFs, Metal organic frameworks; GHGS, Greenhouse gas sequestration; LCA, Life cycle assessment; MB,
Methylene blue.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R. Prasad).
Received 14 January 2023; Received in revised form 21 February 2023; Accepted 23 February 2023
Available online 27 February 2023
2666-1543/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Fig. 1. Climate change induced health effects.


Nanotubes Nanofilms

Nanocomposites Nanopowders

Fig. 2. Different nanomaterials with their important features and potential applications.

heat in the atmosphere which causes global warming. Greenhouse gases utilization of these nanostructures via nanoscale devices for solving a
fall into two groups viz. i) natural greenhouse gases such as CO2, nitrous range of problems in various fields. Nanotechnology encompasses
oxide, methane, ozone, volatile organic compounds, and water vapors; almost all-important sectors such as agriculture, environment, energy,
and ii) industrial greenhouse gases such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), food, medical, catalysis, material science etc [11]. Further, it has opened
sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). Greenhouse up new possibilities in creating sustainable tools having great potential
gases may cause severe damage to the environment by depleting the to replace the conventional tools in respective fields. Nanomaterials
ozone layer, thereby negatively affect life forms and their health in many contain larger surface area per unit volume with respect to their
ways. Besides, the consequences of global warming led to melting of macro-counterpart, which adds an extra advantage of better interaction
glaciers, coastal erosion, floods, droughts, pollutants, infectious diseases with other materials, transporting clean energy and adsorbing green­
and decreased crop growth and productivity [5–7]. house gases [12]. Moreover, medical/health sector has also witnessed a
Nanotechnology deals with the creation of nanosized particles, revolutionary change due to nanotechnology based equipments and
which in turn not only enhance their physical and chemical character­ products for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases as well. In agri­
istics but biological effectiveness also [8–10]. These nanosized particles culture, nanotechnology has offered modern farming tools including
with at least one dimension between 1 and 100 nm may be termed as nanofertilizers, nano-pesticides, precision farming technology etc.
nanomaterials or nanoparticles (NPs). Nanotechnology enables the rendering better productivity and restoring ecosystem balance.

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

also plays an important role in environmental remediation by degrading

dyes and other colourless pollutants in wastewater streams [15]. Since a
range of nanomaterials has been reported to absorb greenhouse gases,
thus may help to reduce global warming. Also, nanostructured materials
have been involved in green architecture by applying nanocomposites,
nanocoatings, nanoglass, carbonic nanotubes, nanosilica, and polymeric
structures in roof, windows, wall coatings, insulation, energy storage,
solar cells and in future may offer refrigerant free cooling for energy
efficient sustainable constructions/buildings [16,17]. However, the
toxicity of nanomaterials for the environment and the health is a matter
of concern. Mercury and tin NPs are found to be more stable and
non-degradable, thereby causing various environmental issues due to
their toxicity [18]. Therefore, the guidelines for the safety should be
followed strictly.
There are a number of reviews available on the subject but
comprehensive information on the role of nanotechnology in alleviating
Fig. 3. Various applications of nanotechnology in combating climate change. or combating the effects of climate change is almost lacking, therefore in
the present paper we have tried to cover all such aspects related to
Nanosensors as a key player provide several benefits in agriculture farms climate change and nanotechnology as one of the potential solutions to
by offering the detection of agro-climatic conditions essential to increase fight against climate change effects with recent trends in this research.
productivity of food crops and supervision of environmental conditions
and other parameters, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers etc. [13]. In 2. Effects of climate change
addition, nanobiosensors have emerged as a new application of nano­
technology in the field of food packaging for the detection of pathogens, Climate change has entirely altered the climatic system of our earth.
contaminants (i.e. drugs, heavy metals etc.) and related toxins [10]. Major changes that are encountered are warmer land and air, warming
Further, food sector is going to be benefited by the applications of bio­ of ocean, changes in ocean currents, ocean acidification, rising sea
based nanopackagings to replace the conventional non-degradable levels, changes in hydrological cycle, melting glaciers and sea ice and
packaging which is a threat to the environment [10,14]. Thus extreme weather conditions. The major sectors which have witnessed
agro-nanotechnology is considered to be an environment friendly or huge impacts of climate change are summarized in subsection 2.1, 2.2
green technology for future. Moreover, nanostructure materials such as and 2.3.
nanocomposites, nanocatalysts, nanocoatings, nanolubricants etc. have
enormous potential’ to replace conventional counterparts in an envi­ 2.1. Environmental impacts
ronment friendly manner. By storing oxygen, nanocatalyst helps in
complete combustion of fuels, thus reduce the greenhouse gas emission. Climate change has always been a big concern because of its negative
In contrast, nanolubricants and nanocoatings help to decrease friction in impacts on the environment. A huge number of effects on environment
engine which significantly reduces CO2 emission [12]. Nanotechnology caused by climate change have been documented. Many natural systems
based products/NPs are mainly engaged in the production and are there which were affected due to global warming and climate
improving the efficiency and use of renewable energies (e.g., biofuels, change. The impacts of these changes in climate system include flooding
solar and hydrogen fuel cells). Thereby, decreasing the dependency on of coastal areas, localised flooding, loss of biodiversity, heat stress,
fossil fuels is one way to decelerate global warming. Nanotechnology damage to marine ecosystem, extreme weather condition due to change

Fig. 4. Water treatment processes to degrade the pollutants by the treatment with a range of nanomaterials.

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Table 1 Table 1 (continued )

Detailed account of nanomaterials as absorbent with the efficacy of absorbed Adsorbent Adsorbed Efficiency References
pollutants. (Nanomaterial) pollutants
Adsorbent Adsorbed Efficiency References Reduced graphene
(Nanomaterial) pollutants oxide/titanate
Multiwalled carbon Amido black 131 mg/g [32] nanotube composites
nanotube (MWCNT) 10B Graphene oxide (GO) Malachite 113.5 mg/g and [50]
carboxylic (GO/AL-AG) green (MG) 91.72%
acid cysteamine GO functionalized by MB 196.8 (GO) and [51]
MWCNTs (carboxyl Alkylbenzene 168 mg/g [33] thiosemicarbazide 596.642 mg/g (GO-
functionalization) sulfonates (TSC), (GO-TSC) TSC)
Amino polyethylene Chemical @PEG-CNTs (99.68%) [34] Hydrogel of GO MB 130.37 mg/g [52]
glycol (a@PEG), oxygen demand > PHB-CNTs (97.89%) decorated with silver
polyhydroxylbutyrate (COD) > P-CNTs (96.34%) nanoparticles (Ag
(PHB), functionalize >a@PEG-PHB-CNTs NPs)
MWCNTs (95.42%). Hydrocomposite (HCP) Congo red (CR) 43.06 mg/g (CR); [53]
Magnetic ammonia- Methylene blue 178.57 mg/g [35] of GO supported by Acid Red 1 41.32 mg/g (AR1);
functionalized (MB) chitosan (GO/CS- (AR1) and 40.03 mg/g (RR2)
MWCNTs HCP) reactive Red 2
MWCNTs Arsenite(III) 60–80% [36] (RR2)
MWCNTs 4-tert- 94% [37]
endocrine in seasonality, increased number of glacial lake and their enlargement,
disruptor warming of rivers, lakes and oceans etc. [19].
MWCNTs from Metronidazole 840.38 and 650.45 [38]
activated carbon and m2/g,
derived from wood levofloxacin
2.2. Agricultural impacts
sawdust, and doped
it with nickel-ferrites Climate change induced variations in weather pattern have nega­
(Ni–Fe) tively affected agriculture productivity. Extreme weather conditions
MWCNTs Tetracycline qm = 4 94.91 mg/g, [39]
have caused serious damage to quantity and quality of crop yield and
Surface oxidized nano- TC and RhB (679.56 mg/g) [40] needs consideration to alleviate the effects of such weather conditions
cobalt magnetic rhodamine B TC (385.60 mg/g) [20–22]. The start and duration of growing seasons [23,24] and the heat
nanomaterial (RhB) and water stress magnitude and duration in agricultural systems greatly
embedded with influenced by the climate change [25]. Moreover, drought and increased
nitrogen-doped CNTs
salinity of soil and water are the other challenging factors to be
Graphene considered. Therefore, sustainable technologies for improving crop
Zinc oxide–graphene Rhodamine 42 mg/g [41] productivity, reducing vulnerability and enhancing resilience of agri­
blue (RB) culture systems are need of the hour.
Graphene oxide Lead(II) 553.6 mg/g [42]
hydrated manganese
oxide 2.3. Other impacts
Graphene oxide Lanthanum 85.67 mg/g (La(III)); [43] Some health related issues such as heat induced mortality (Europe),
oxide(III); 188.60 allergic pollens (Northern Hemisphere), infectious diseases vectors,
Neodymium (Nd(III)); 225.50 (Gd
(III); (III)); 135.70 (Y(III))
cardio-respiratory diseases, poor nutrition, pressures on mental health,
Gadolinium etc. have emerged due to climate change [26]. The conditions of climate
(III); Yttrium change may pose big threat of hunger, displacement and poverty to the
(III) world. Moreover, many species on land and ocean have reached to
Thermally reduced Oil Batch adsorption: [44]
danger of extinction. Forest fires, diseases, unsupportive weather events
graphene (TRG) and 1550 mg/g
graphene nano (TRG); 805 mg/g etc. are common threat of climate change which all species cannot
platelets (GNP) (GNP. overcome and survive. During the year 2010–2019, over 23.1 million
Fixed bed column people/year (on an average) were displaced due to extreme weather
adsorption: conditions and many more are at risk of poverty and death [27]. Also,
1100 mg/g (TRG); 850
mg/g (GNP
the soil microbiome composition was greatly influenced by the climate
Graphene nano Emulsified oil 100 mg/g (GNP); 85 [45] change effects [28]. The soil microbiome community played vital role in
platelets (GNP) and mg/g (GM) soil fertility, bioremediation, regulation of greenhouse gases, Nitrogen
graphene magnetite (N) and Phosphorus (P) composition in soil etc. [29]. Moreover, it was
reported that gut microbes are also affected by climate change which
Functionalized Copper(II) 103.22 mg/g [46]
graphenenano sheets may create health issues such as inflammation of intestine and digestive
(FGNs) problems [28]. Therefore, all those human activities which are respon­
Polyurethane (PU)/ MB and RB 109.88 mg/g (MB); [47] sible for climate change are indirectly responsible for disturbance in the
graphene oxide (GO) 77.15 mg/g (RB) ecosystem.
In the end, it can be concluded that the climate change has negatively
Nitrogen-doped MB 93.00% (By [48] affected every area including health, agriculture, social, tourism, in­
graphene quantum electrophotocatalysis) dustry, and economy and changed the way of life significantly. The
dots (NGQDs) over health effects induced by climate change are shown in Fig. 1.
graphene sheets
MB 95.00–100.00% (By [49]
photocatalysis) 3. Nanomaterials: types and potential

Nanomaterials/nanoparticles/nanostructures, due to their nano size

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Table 2
Examples of nanomaterial applications in removal of pollutants (heavy metals and dyes).
Nanomaterials Example Pollutant adsorbed Adsorption capacity/Removal Reference

Metal NPs –
Zinc-aluminium oxide NPs doped with lead (LD/Zn–AlO/NPs) Methyl orange (MO) 200 mg/g, 99.60% [54]
Bimetallic Ag–Sn hybrid nanocomposite Azo dyes High photocatalytic activity of C/ [55]
C0(0.42, 0.28)
Polymer based NAds Nanoadsorbents of iron–aluminum (Fe–Al) layered dual As 190.84 mg/g (FAH-rGO/SA-4), [56]
hydroxide/reduced GO (rGO) coated with sodium alginate 151.29 mg/g (FAH- rGO-/SA-1),
(SA) (FAH-rGO/SA) 115.39 mg/g, (FAH-rGO)
NAds of poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG), aminated GO (NH2-GO), Ca2+ and Mg2+ 69.8% (Ca2+) and 61.1% (Mg2+) [57]
magnetic Fe3O4 NPs (PEG/Fe3O4/NH2-GO)
Zeoliticimidazolate framework (ZIF) based on polymeric MG 613.2 mg/g, 99.2% [58]
nanocomposite beads of polyether sulfone (PES)/PES-ZIF-8/
Nanocomposite hydrogel of starch-grafted copolymers of 2- Crystal violet (CV) and MB 2500.0 mg/g (CV) and 1428.6 mg/g [59]
acrylamido-2 methyl propane sulfonate and acrylic acid {S-g- (MB)
(AMPS-co-AA)}with cellulose nanocrystals functionalized
with magnetite (M-CNCs)
Bi-functionalized _-cyclodextrin (CD) and polyethyleneimine MO and Pb2+ – [60]
(PEI) magnetic nanoadsorbents (CD/PEI- Fe3O4)
Zeolites Zeolite and zeolite nanocomposite (Zeolite-Fe3O4@NC) MB 2.57 mg/g, 97.5% [61]
NaA zeolite (microporous crystalline aluminosilicate zeolite NH+
4 44.3 mg/g. [62]
composed of Na2O/Al2O30
NaA zeolite NPs (NaA-z@NPs) Total petroleum hydrocarbon 92.3% (batch) and 87.4% [63]
(TPH) (continuous systems)
Manganese oxide NPs coated with NZ adsorbents CEX 89% (CNZ) and 28% (NZ) [64]
Natural zeolite (NZ) coated with Fe3O4 (CNZ) nanoparticles Cephalexin (CEX) 93% (CNZ) and 28% (NZ) [65]
Nanofilters (NF) Submicrometer-thick NF Membrane Vapors, gases and liquids, Exceptionally high impermeability [66]
excluding water
CNT-ceramic composite NF Yeast and heavy metals 98%, 100% [67]
CNTs based NF MS2 virus High removal efficiency [68]
NF membrane on the mesoporous substrate Organic dye Efficient retention [69]
NF in combination with RO thin film composite membrane Salinity Desalination [70]
(TFC) with porous zeolite (NaZ)
Magnetic Nads Polyacrylic acid (PAA) conjugated ferric oxide (Fe3O4) Fe2+, – [71]
NPs (MNPs) functionalized with CR azo dye (PAA-CR/MNPs) Fe3+, Cd2+, Cu2+, and Pb2+
Fe3O4/GO-COOH Ca2+ and Cu2+ 78.4% (Ca2+) and 51% (Cu2+) [72]
Magnetic iron oxide NPs with a hybrid shell consisting of silica Polyaromatic hydrocarbons – [73]
and 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl-octadecyldimethyl-ammonium (PAHCs), aliphatic hydrocarbons
chloride(3-TPODAC) (AHCs), ibuprofen and diclofenac
Magnetite-based nanocomposites Arsenic (III and V), Pb (II) – [74]
Graphene Zirconia/laser-induced graphene MB Degradation percent 80% and 60% [75]
corresponding to dye concentrations
of 5.0 and 10.0 mgL− 1.
Polymer-based Polyaniline (PA) and Polypyrrole supported NiWO4 CV and MB 94% degradation efficiency for both [76]
nanocomposites nanocomposites CV and MB
Heterostructured Heterostructured Bi–Fe–Br–O nanocomposites RB 100% photocatalytic degradation of [77]
nanocomposites RhB in 120 min

(approximately 1–100 nm) exhibit extraordinary physical, chemical and 3.3. Active nanomaterials
biological properties. Nanotechnology deals with the design, produc­
tion, manipulation and application of nano structured materials. The Active nanomaterials consist of sensors, actuators and computers. By
broad categories of advanced nanomaterials (viz. super, smart, active using these components the active nanomaterials can check out its
and swarms nanomaterials) and their potential have been summarized environment, tract a change and respond.
in the following subsections.
3.4. Swarms nanomaterials
3.1. Super nanomaterials
Swarms composed of various nanomachines that work collectively to
Super nanomaterials are also called nano pure i.e. each atom is at its fulfill a specific goal. Swarms come under the category of active
perfect geometry. These materials are very strong and defects free that nanomaterials.
could be further improved using nano engineering. Examples of super There are numerous examples of nanomaterials according to their
nanomaterials are wings of aircraft and diamond bolts. nature and applicability. Some common types of nanomaterial used are
listed in Fig. 2 with their major applications and utilities.
3.2. Smart nanomaterials
4. Applications of nanotechnology in mitigating environmental
Smart materials called smart as they can respond to any signal/ effects of climate change
command. These materials are capable of changing size, shape, color,
density or any physical property. Smart paints are able to change the Environment is getting benefitted by the inventions in the field of
refraction of light by rearranging the atoms and are good example of nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology. Nanotechnology has proposed
smart nanomaterials. various sustainable approaches to a number of environmental problems

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Table 3 Table 3 (continued )

Applications of various nonmaterials in the greenhouse gas sequestration. Nanomaterials Captured Examples Reference
Nanomaterials Captured Examples Reference greenhouse gases
greenhouse gases and adsorption
and adsorption efficiency/
efficiency/ capacity
with graphene oxide
Kerogennanopores CO2 and CH4 - [80] (GO)
Metal organic H2, CO2, and CH4 Cobalt-doped MOF-5 [81] CO2 Reduced graphene [106]
frameworks CO2 and CH4 (220 MOF-177 [82] oxide-MnO2
(MOFs) mg/g) nanocomposite
CO2 and CH4 Zeolite imidazolate [83] Nano zeolites CO2 Nano zeolites [107]
frameworks (ZIFs) CO2 (Adsorption X zeolite nanoparticles [108]
CO2 N-rich zeolite-like [84] increased 28%
metal–organic from 5.067 to
framework 6.536 mmol/g)
CO2 Anionic MOF (SNU-100) [85] CO2 Nano zeolite [109]
CO2 Hollow ZIF-8 [86] CO2 (7.48 mmol/ NZ-EDA [110]
CO2 Surface functionalized [87] g) (Ethylenediamine-
(hydroxylamine group) modified nano zeolite
MOFs CH4 (2.1 mmol Zeolites modified with [111]
CH3SCH3 (8.53%) Metal–organic [88] CH4/g of Al
framework 199/ adsorbent)
activated CO2 (5.7 mmol/g Novel [112]
Carbon of Nano-Z polyethyleneimine
CO2 and CH4 Cu BTC, also known as [89] composite) functionalized MWCNT/
HKUST-1 Cd-nano zeolite
CO2 and CH4 heterobimetallic In(III)/ [90] composites
Pd(II)-based MOF CO2 and CH4 Nano-sized sodalite [113]
CH4 MOF-205 [91] octahydrate zeolites
Nanoporous carbon materials Mesoporous silica CH4 (31% higher Ordered mesoporous [114]
Carbon nanotubes CO2 and CH4 (70% MWCNTs [92] nanoparticles adsorption carbon
and 90%) capacity) 412 mg
CO2 MWCNT with amine [93] CH4/g
Groups CO2 (four times Silica nanofluids [115]
93.3 mg/g Polyethylenimine (PEI, [94] higher)
20 wt%) impregnated CO2, 1.6 mmol/g Amine grafted silica [116]
MWCNTs (52% increase in nanoparticles (SBA-15)
CO2; H2S; SO2; N2 Double-walled carbon [95] adsorption)
2.54 mmol/g nanotubes CO2, flue gases and Silica nanoparticles [117]
(CO2); 0.22 mmol/ natural gas wells
g(H2S); 5.5 mmol/ CO2, 202 mg CO2/ Polyethyleneimine (PEI) [118]
g (SO2); 0.42 g adsorbent supported by silica
mmol/g (N2) nanoparticles
CO2 and CH4 MWCNTs [96] Modified activated SO2 161 mg/g Bituminous coal + [119]
CO2 Transition metal (Fe, Co, [97] carbon coking coal impregnated
0.6–7.4 mmol/g and Ni) Nanocrystals with pyrolusite powder
(NCNT); 1.5–15.4 encapsulated into SO2 203.3 mg/g Bitumenous coal [120]
mmol/g (Fe/ nitrogen-doped CNTs; impregnated with
Fe3C@NCNT); Denoted as NCNT titanium ore (FeTiO3)
1.1–14.0 mmol/g (normal), Fe/Ferrous
(Co@NCNT); carbide@NCNT,
1.0–13.2 mmol/g Co@NCNT, and such as wastewater treatment, greenhouse gas emission, fuel crisis,
(Ni@NCNT) Ni@NCNT remediation of various pollutants etc. that may cause climate change
SO2 and N2 Single-walled carbon [98]
(Fig. 3). Hence, nanotechnology is creating its way in environmental
(17.5–34 mmol/g nanotubes (SWCNT)
(SO2); 0.4–2.3 applications and may become the future technology in mitigating
mmol/g (N2)) climate change.
1.92 mmol/g Polyethylenimine (PEI, [99]
20 wt%) impregnated 4.1. Nanotechnology in environmental remediation/nanobioremediation
CNT–silica composite
CO2 Nano glass flake (NGF) [100]
and MWCNT Pollution is one of the biggest reasons for climatic change. Polluted
Graphene CO2, biogas, and Nanoporous graphene [101] air, water and soil make the environment unfit for living that is why
H2S materials world is suffering from its consequences like various diseases (respira­
CO2 or CH4 Graphene nanomaterials [102]
tory and skin diseases, cancer etc.), global warming, acid rain, ozone
decorated with metal
nanoparticles (e.g., Au, depletion and climate change. Nanotechnology deals with the produc­
Ag, Pt, Ni, and Ru) tion, manipulation and characterization of structures, tools and systems
58.9 wt% (CO2); Pillared graphene [103] by managing the size and shape to nano level dimensions and environ­
22.3 wt% (CH4); frameworks mental nanotechnology (E-nano) based products may be employed for
0.40 wt% (H2)
H2 Tetracyanoethylene [104]
the environmental remediation applications [30]. Nanotechnology
(TCNE)-modified based processes to control pollution (i.e. water pollution) and treat the
graphene pollutants and toxic materials have been discussed in following sections.
CO2 Magnesium oxide [105]
nanoparticles (MONPs)

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Nano-shear hybrid alkaline (NSHA)

Pretreatment technology

Hydrolysis Nanomagnetic nanocatalyst
Immobilized nanocatalyst

Purification Nanofilters

Detection Nanosensors

Fig. 5. Use of different nanomaterials at various stages during bioethenol production.

4.1.1. Bioremediation of heavy metals and other pollutants from Nanotechnology has the capability to transform the technology into
wastewater sustainable, green and clean alternatives to deal with global warming
Water is one of the most essential substances on the earth for living and climate change consequences. Nano-materials have unique char­
beings. But at present scenario availability of clean and potable water acteristics such as increased surface area, higher number of surface
has become a challenge. Due to shortage of clean water, unconventional functional groups, larger pore volume, with excellent electric, me­
resources (e.g., seawater, contaminated fresh water, brackish water, chanical, magnetic and optical properties which are responsible for
stormwater and wastewater) came into picture to meet the demand. But better performance in various techniques used in environmental reme­
the challenge is to treat this water and make it useable. Since treatment diation [10,78]. These nanomaterials with functionalized chemical
of water and waste water treatment by conventional methods have groups (e.g. nanofilms, nanocomposites, nanofibers, metal organic
reached their limit. Therefore, the scientists are now focusing on more frameworks (MOFs), nanomembranes, CNTs, nanozeolites, nanosilica
efficient, modern, and multifunctional methods of nanotechnology with etc.) have great potential to capture greenhouse gases [79]. Various
better performance for water treatment [31]. nanomaterials that have been used in greenhouse gas sequestration are
Adsorption, membrane separation, photocatalysis, disinfection, listed in Table 3.
monitoring and sensing are some examples of nanotechnology enabled
water treatment processes that degrade these pollutants by treating it 4.2. Nano-technological applications in renewable energy generation
with a range of nano-materials given in Fig. 4.
Various nanomaterials and nanotechnology based processes/treat­ Conventional energy resources such as fossil fuels (gasoline, petrol
ment methods for water and waste water have been listed in Table 1 and and diesel) are the major source of energy but have caused environ­
Table 2. mental pollution and global warming due to overwhelming emission of
greenhouse gases. Renewable or non-conventional energy resources
4.1.2. Greenhouse gas sequestration (GHGS) have been the best alternative to meet the energy demand. Biofules such
Greenhouse gases are responsible for global warming by increasing as bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, biohydrogen and other non-
the average global temperature as they adsorb and produce radiations in conventional energy resources such as ocean energy, geothermal en­
thermal infrared range [12]. Greenhouse gases such as carbon di oxide, ergy, solar energy and wind energy termed as green energy, are the
nitrous oxide, ozone, methane, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), valuable resources to combat energy crisis and climate change.
water vapors etc. and industrial greenhouse gases including per­ Nanomaterials are generally used to catalyze the lignocellulosic
fluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), and sulfur hexafluo­ biomass hydrolysis and immobilized enzymes have been used for the
ride (SF6) etc. have been identified to induce global warming. higher efficiency during biofuel production [121]. Enzymes like cellu­
Greenhouse gases create irreversible damage to the ozone layer, health lases, laccases, hemicellulases etc. have been immobilized onto metal
of living beings and the environment. GHGS is helpful in decreasing oxide or magnetic nanoparticle based matrices [122]. These
global warming impact and various strategies employed are listed nanomaterial-enzyme systems called nanocatalyst are recognized for
below. their enhanced efficiency. The various stages in bioethanol production
with nanomaterials involved in each stage have been shown in Fig. 5.
i. Using non conventional energy resources to minimize the fossil Further, other renewable and non-conventional energy resources
fuel usage. (ocean energy, solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen fuel) came into
ii. Carbon management and greenhouse gas sequestration. trend and nanotechnology is being used to improve the efficiency of
iii. Increase efficiency of existing technologies to reduce greenhouse these systems. Thin layer solar cells, polymer solar cells, quantum dots
gas emission. etc. are used in solar cells to increase efficiency of electricity production.
In similar way nanostructure semiconductors have been used in

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Table 4
Type of nanomaterial and its use in the production of biofuel.
Applications Nanomaterial Fuel Reference

Anode catalyst Alloy nanoparticles and bi-metallic nanoparticles Hydrogen fuel [124]
Cu–Pd bimetallic nanoparticles Direct borohydride-hydrogen peroxide [125]
fuel cell
Carbon-silicon nanocomposite Biofuel [126]
Nanogenerator Polymer nanowires Wind Energy and Ocean Energy [127]
Robust thin nanofilms Wind Energy and Ocean Energy [128]
Nanocatalyst Electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibrous membrane Bioethanol [129]
Nano acidic resin like Dowex Bioethanol [130]
50wx 8–100
Nanoscale metal oxide catalyst [Zn–Ca–Fe] Bioethanol [131]
Silica-based nanoparticles (silica-supported perfluorobutylsulfonylimide) Bioethanol [132]
Nanozeolites Biofuel [133]
ZnFe2O4 Biodiesel [134]
CaO/CuFe2O4 Biodiesel (yield 94.52%) [135]
Cerium oxide Biodiesel [136]
6 K2CO3/γ Al2O3 Biodiesel [137]
MoO3/B-ZSM-5 Biodiesel [138]
CaO over Zr- doped MCM-41 Biodiesel [139]
ZnO–x% K2O nanocomposite Methyl ethyl ketone biofuel [140]
Lipase enzyme immobilized magnetic nanocomposite Biodiesel [141]
Functionalized Montmorillonite/Chitosan Nanocomposites Catalytic pyrolysis of waste cooking oil [142]
into highly efficient biojet fuel
Nanomagneticnanocatalyst Fe3O4 nanoparticles Bioethenol [143]
Single-walled nanotubes with magnetic iron oxide nanomaterials Bioethenol [144]
Magnetic nanoparticle with zinc was doped into magnetite Bioethenol (hydrolysis yield of 89%) [145]
Magnetic nanoparticles methyl-functionalized silica and methyl-functionalized Bioethanol recovery of 213.5% [146]
cobalt ferrite– silica (CoFe2O4@SiO2–CH3)
Ultrasonic hyperactivation of cellulase immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles, Bioethanol (3.6 fold increase in the [147]
catalytic activity)
Bio-based magnetic nanocatalyst from immobilization of –OPO3H groups on a Bioethanol [148]
Fe3O4@nanocellulose surface
Nanofiltration Nanofiltration membranes NF270, NF90, and SW30 Bioethanol [149]
Nanofiltraion (NF) and forward osmosis (FO) Bioethanol [150]
Nanosensor (ethanol gas sensor) TiO2/Ag0.35V2O5-branched nanoheterostructures Bioethanol [151]
Nanocoatings Nano-zirconia–titania Geothermal energy [152]
SiO2, SiO2-FPS, and TiO2 Geothermal energy [153]
Immobilization of cellulose for Hematite (Fe2O3) and ferrite (ZnO⋅4Fe2⋅6O4)] nanomaterial Bioethanol [145]
enhancing stability Magnetic (Fe3O4) nanoparticles Biofuel [147,
Pretreatment of lignocellulose Nano-Shear Hybrid Alkaline Technique Bioethenol [155,
biomasses 156]
Pretreatment (Nanocatalyst) Cellulose with bacterial originated nanomaterial bearing hematite Bioethanol [157]
Pretreatment Acid functionalized magnetic nanoparticles(MNPs)-alkylsulfonic acid (Fe3O4- Bioethanol [158]
MNPs@Si@AS) and butylcarboxylic acid (Fe3O4-MNPs@Si@BCOOH)

thermoelectric energy conversion. Also, durable and lighter nano­ sustainable architecture/building engage nanostructure materials or
materials for rotor blades, wear and corrosion resistant nanocoatings nanoparticles that have ability to transform or modernize the conven­
and composites for various equipments like drilling equipment are some tional architecture in a sustainable/green architecture [16]. Therefore,
examples of nanomaterials that have found applications in energy nano smart homes/buildings may solve the purpose of establishing
extraction from geothermal, ocean and tidal energy sources [30]. Fuel green/clean energy homes [160].
cell used hydrogen or methanol to produce electricity in the presence of Further, increased CO2 emission from industries has increased the
an oxidizing agent (e.g. oxygen). Since catalyst used in this electro­ global warming and causing ozone layer depletion. So, every industry
chemical reaction are very expensive (gold, platinum), therefore must shift from unclean energy need to clean energy [161,162]. For this
core-shell and alloy NPs has been used as hydrogen releasing catalyst or purpose solar energy has been promoted to be used in automobiles,
anode catalyst [123,124]. In addition, apart from reducing load on fossil homes, commercial buildings and industries. Table 5 summarizes all the
fuels, bio energy offers a number of benefits of being cheaper, reliable nonmaterials used for various purposes in sustainable or green
and environment friendly clean technology. Some nanomaterials used in architecture.
biofuel production are being compiled in Table 4.

4.4. Environmental monitoring and sensing

4.3. Green and sustainable architecture
A sensor is a device that can detect, record and transmit any specific
Global warming and energy crisis has been the major reasons for analyte/change in its surroundings. It is used to sense/detect and
global communities to shift towards sustainable architecture. Green monitor physical parameters such as concentration, temperature, pres­
tech, clean tech and clean/green energy terms have also been used sure etc. Nanasensor or its components are composed of nanomaterials
alternatively. It is therefore necessary to understand the concept of and gives better sensitivity and performance due to superior surface
smart home/buildings to achieve the sustainability goals. By using the reactivity and improved optical properties [10,163]. In contrast, bio­
principles of nanotechnology materials for constructing buildings can be sensors consist of a biological sensing element or bioreceptor (e.g.
more energy efficient [159]. Eco-friendly coatings, composites, poly­ enzyme, cell, antibody, aptamer etc.) that can sense a biological or a
meric structures, nanoadsorbants, nanolubricants, solar cells etc. in chemical analyte/molecule [164]. Table 6 depicts a detailed description

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Table 5 Nanomaterials can enter the body via skin absorption, inhalation and
Various nanomaterials, their properties and applications in sustainable ingestion but inhalation is the dominant route for entry and respiratory
architecture. system is the main target of these NPs [189,190]. The major risks
Nanomaterial Properties Applications associated with respiratory nanotoxicity are oxidative stress, peribron­
TiO2, ZnO2, Fe2O3, Photocatalytic capacity Air purification
chial inflammation, chronic inflammatory responses, collagen deposi­
CdSe NPs tion, multifocal granulomas and interstitial fibrosis [190]. Further, the
Silica aerogel NPs Lowest thermal conductivity Aerogel based window use of silver NPs are very common in consumer products which cause
(high insulation) harm to aquatic environment by affecting fishes, algae, bacteria and
Silicon solar collector Increased efficiency of solar Electrical energy
other aquatic organisms [191]. NPs have been used extensively in sus­
cells production
Nnaocoating boards Energy efficiency Insulation tainability applications but long term exposure and adverse effects on
Self cleaning, Natural material used Pollution prevention human health and the environment have not been fully recognized yet.
depolluting, Therefore, exposure and hazard assessment through standardized pro­
antimicrobial, UV tocol of testing/monitoring and integrated risk analysis based on the life
protection materials
Pt NPs Increased efficiency of fuel Energy production
cycle of nanomaterials must be done. Moreover, to avoid toxicity of NPs
cells less toxic nanomaterials such as carbon based (e.g. fullerene, CNTs, and
CNTs Increased mechanical Structural materials for graphene) NPs can be used as an alternative [192].
strength, Lighter and building LCA (life cycle assessment) is a good criterion for the evaluation of
effects of materials and products on environment [193]. But in LCA of
Nanosilica Increased compression Structural materials for
strength of cement building, NPs, there is uncertainty and huge data gap in material properties, po­
Nano SiO2 Strengthening material Tile manufecturing tential toxicity, bioavailability, mobility and bioaccumulation [194].
Nano TiO2 and Nano Enhance strength and pore Structural materials for Hence, improvement is required for the better analysis through LCA of
SiO2 structure of concrete building nanomaterials.
Nano copper Coatings Resistance to erosion and
Thin film coatings Bloking of UV rays, sunlight, Window curtains, 6. Regulatory aspects of nanomaterials
(nano scale stainless Cooling insulation
steel) Nanotechnology being a new and emerging technology needs spe­
Nano NiFe2O4 Nano refrigeration oil to Residential air
cific regulations and guidelines for the safe handling and use. The
increase energy efficiency conditioner
Nano TiO2 Repel water and dust, Self cleaning material, department of science and technology (DST) in India has provided
prevent icing due to Protection of building “Guidelines and Best Practices for Safe Handling of Nano-materials in
superhydrophobic/ structure. Air pollution Research Laboratories and Industries”. Also, The Government of India in
hydrophilic surface reduction 2001 launched nano science with DST and Nano Mission and Nano
Polymer fullerene on Nanosolar panels Charging phones,
flexible plastic laptops
Science and Technology Initiative in 2007. Further, The Hazardous
Metallic Increased efficiency LED (light emitting Waste rule 2008 for Management, Handling and Transboundary Move­
nanostructures diodes) ment is also important to handle nanotechnology waste. As India lacks
Nano TiO2 Photocatalytic capacity Water purification any specific law for toxic chemicals like Toxic Substances Control Act in
(oxidation of pollutant into
United States, therefore in order to make India technology favoured
non toxic compounds)
TiO2 NPs Photocatalytic capacity Air purification nation, government must focus on making new laws and policies for
nanomaterial use and commercialization. The Environment Protection
Act, 1986 already offers sufficient power to the central government to
about different nanosensors used for monitoring and sensing environ­ formulate and draft subordinate legislation for controlling chemical
mental pollutants and parameters. materials. Nanotechnology Research Coordination Group, UK and Na­
tional Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, USA has taken
5. Environmental concern of nanomaterials (toxicological initiatives for nanotoxicity testing and reference materials [195]. Also,
aspects) International Alliance for Nano Environment and Human Health and
Safety Harmonization are developing protocols for nanotoxicity testing
Nanostructure materials acquire unique characteristics owing to [196]. Further, high-throuhput screening of nanomaterials by National
their nanosize. It has been reported that NPs have higher surface area, Research Council (NRC) US seemed encouraging.
enhanced physical, chemical and optical properties due to which their Further, a global forum OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-
properties such as reactivity, sensitivity, toughness etc. get enhanced. operation and Development, Paris) Working Party on Manufactured
Therefore, these unique properties offered many commercial and do­ Nanomaterials (WPMN) has been established in 2006 for nano-safety
mestic applications including catalysis, medical applications, imaging, concern and regulatory aspects. The WPMN (secondary body of the
energy-based research, agriculture and various environmental applica­ OECD chemical committee) leads an international programme for health
tions. Besides these applications, toxicity of NPs has been a major and safety aspect of NPs and chemicals [197].
concern for mankind. As far as health is concerned nanomaterials may
be toxic for living beings. If the properties of materials change 7. Conclusion and future perspectives
dramatically in nano scale then finely divided nano size materials may
be more toxic than macro counterpart. As it is well known that physical Impacts of climate change on global communities are alarming due
form of compounds significantly affect its toxicity. For example, asbestos to present global warming and other environmental issues. This is high
is nontoxic in macro/bulk form but can cause lung cancer in its nano time to address the issue of climate change. To avoid the consequences
form [188]. On the other hand, CNTs and graphite may be toxic, of climate change the sustainable technologies in place of conventional
although there is no evidence of severe toxicity of CNTs. methods promoting global warming and pollution should be employed.
The nanostructure materials or NPs surreptitiously go to the sur­ It can be concluded that nanotechnology has emerged as one of the
rounding air, water, and soil. Studies revealed that the heavy metal potential technologies providing sustainable solutions and alternatives
based nanomaterials including lead NPs and tin NPs found so stable, to conventional counterparts. The nanomaterials such as nanosensors,
rigid and non degradable [18]. Also, these NPs can enter into plant, nanocoatings, nanolubricants, nanometals, nanocatalysts, nano­
human and animal organ and tissues and show toxicological effects [18]. packaging, nanocomposites, functionalized nanomaterials, metal

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 12 (2023) 100541

Table 6
A detailed description about different nanosensors used for monitoring and sensing environmental pollutants.
Type of nanosensor Nanomaterials used Application Analyte/parameters tested References

Electrochemical Carbon nanotubes Water quality monitoring Ammonium, CoII, organo-phosphate [165]
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) Biomedical and Glucose, uric acid, DNA, proteins, [166]
environmental heavy metals, pesticides, nitrite etc.
Gas sensor TiO2/Ag0.35V2O5 (nanoheterostructures) Environmental Ethanol [151]
Copper oxide/reduced graphene oxide Environmental Ammonia [167]
nanocomposite monitoring
Optical nanosensor: Surface enhanced Ag nanoparticles Water quality monitoring Pesticides, bacteria, viruses, protozoa [168]
Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
Electrical Gold nanowires Water quality monitoring Halides [169]
Metal oxide semiconductor nanowires Water quality monitoring Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), [170]
Magnetic nanosensor Magnetic beads Water quality monitoring Salmonella enteric and Newcastle [171]
disease virus; E. coli 0157:H7
Magnetite (Fe3O4); maghemite (γ -Fe2O3) Water quality monitoring Mycobacterium bovis; [172]
Influenza A
Luminescent TOP nanosensors Silica-coated polystyrene nanoparticles (PS- Environmental Temperature, oxygen, and pH [173]
NPs) parameters
Flexoelectric nanosensors Nanoactuators, nanosensors, and nano energy Pressure measurement Pressure [174]
Immunochromatographic strip (ICTS) AuNPs Diagnosis devices Bacterial and viral antigen, proteins [175]
nanosensors etc.
DNA-Nanosensor AuNPs Antibiotics detection Streptomycin [176]
Fluorogenic aptasensors based on capped Antibiotics detection Ochratoxin A. [177]
mesoporous silica nanoparticles
Gold nanoparticles/polyaniline composite film- Pesticide detection Organophosphorus pesticides [178]
modified electrodes (AuNPs/PANI/GSPE)
DNA-functionalized gold nanoparticle Pollutant detection Silver ions [179]
Luminescence nanoprobe Pollutant detection Heavy metals [180]
AuNPs Pathogen detection E. coli K88 [181]
Nanosensor Zr-based MOFs Pesticide detection Organophosphorus pesticides [182]
Chronocoulomet-ricaptasensor Nanoporous Au Pollutant detection Pb2+ [183]
Chemical nanosensor Graphene Pollutant detection Nitrotriazolone [184]
Chemiresistive nanosensor In (Indium)-doped ZnO nanoparticles Pollutant detection Trinitrotoluene [185]
Fluorophre ratiometric nano sensor Dual-emission DNA-templated silver Pollutant detection Pb2+ [186]
Fluorescent Nanosensor Lignin derived structural memory carbon Pollutant detection Ag+ [187]
nanodots (CSM-dots)

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