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- Happens when a microorganism invades the body, multiplies, and causes injury or disease.

Two Types of Infection:

1. COMMUNICABLE INFECTIONS – can spread from person to person
2. NOSOCOMIAL AND HEALTHCARE-ASSOCIATED INFECTIONS (HAIS) – are usually caused by infected personnel,
patients, visitors, food, drug, or equipment while a patient is in the hospital or other healthcare facilities.

- is a disease-causing microbe; can be classified as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, or virus.


I Infectious (Causative) Agent Pathogenic microbe such as virus, bacteria, fungus, protozoa, and rickettsia
R Reservoir Source of the agent of infection or place where the microbe could grow, survive,
and multiply, which could be in humans, animals, food, water, soil, or equipment
E Exit pathway A way or manner wherein an infectious agent can leave the reservoir host, which
could be through secretions and exudates, tissue specimens, blood, feces, or
M Means of Transmission Airborne, direct (touching or kissing) or indirect contact (contaminated objects),
droplets(coughing or sneezing), vector (insect, anthropod, or animal), and vehicle
(food, water, or drugs)
E Entry pathway The way an infectious agent enters a host, which includes body orifices, mucous
membranes, and breaks in the skin.
S Susceptible host Someone who is prone to infection, especially the elderly, newborn babies,
patients who are immune-suppressed or unvaccinated, and those suffering from
acute or chronic illness


A healthcare institution should have a set of procedures to break the chain of infection.
These measures include:
 effective hand hygiene procedure,
 good nutrition,
 immunization against common pathogens,
 insect and pest control,
 isolation and decontamination procedures,
 use of proper safety devices,
 wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) when needed, and
 proper disposal of sharp objects and other waste materials.


Protect patients, employees, and visitors from infection
Screen employees for infectious diseases & require immunization when needed
Provide evaluation and treatment to health workers who have been exposed to infections while performing
their duty
Monitor employees and patients at risk of infection and collect data from patients and employees exposed.


Infection control methods or procedures must be followed at all times.
These include:
 ensuring that proper hand hygiene is practiced consistently using alcohol-based antiseptic hand cleaners
 the personal protective equipment (PPE) is clean and properly donned and removed.
HAND HYGIENE (HANDWASHING) – prevent infection that can be transmitted from patient and healthcare personnel
during the procedure

Two Methods for Hand Hygiene:

1. Routine Hand washing
- uses plain soap and water
- when hands are visibly dirty
- after known exposure to Clostridium difficile, Bacillus anthracis, and infectious diarrhea during norovirus
- before eating
- after using the restroom
2. Hand Antisepsis
- an antimicrobial soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer to remove transient microorganisms
- alcohol-based hand sanitizer is preferred when hands are not visible dirty
- put the sanitizer on hands, rub the hands together for about 20 seconds until in feels dry
Steps In Performing The Routine Hand Washing
1. Stand a few inches from the sink to avoid
2. Turn on the faucet and place hands under the running
3. Use soap and work up lather to ensure that hand
surfaces are reached.
4. Scrub for at least 15 seconds. Make sure to scrub all
surfaces especially between the fingers and knuckles.
5. Apply a little friction ad rub hands together for at
least 15 seconds.
6. Rinse the hands from the wrist to fingertips using a
downward motion.
7. Dry hands using a clean paper towel
8. Use the paper towel to close the faucet, except when
the latter is foot or motion-activated.


The personal protective equipment (PPE) includes the:
1. Gloves
- worn by phlebotomists during blood collection and handling specimen
- worn to prevent contamination of the hands and reduce chances of transmission of microorganisms from
personnel to patients, should be worn over the cuffs of lab gowns to ensure protection
Proper Removal of Gloves
2. Head cap
1. The wrist part of one glove is grasped by
3. Goggles
the opposite hand.
4. Facemask
2. The glove is pulled inside out and off hand.
5. Laboratory gown
3. The recently removed glove must be placed
in the gloved hand. The fingers of the non-
gloved hand are slipped under the wrist of
the remaining glove but make sure not to
touch the exterior surface.
4. The second glove is pulled inside out.
5. The gloves must be dropped in the proper
The PPE is kept clean and is worn to protect the healthcare worker from splashes of blood and specimen during
the patient –care activities. It includes the laboratory gown or coat, face mask, and gloves. These items are removed at
the anteroom or before leaving the room of the patient in an aseptic, sterile, and pathogen-free way to avoid
contamination. Nowadays, disposable PPE is also available in the market.

Donning of PPE Doffing of PPE

1. Gowns should be put on first. Make sure that 1. Gloves are removed first. The contaminated areas should not be
it is fastened, and the belt is tied. touched with ungloved hands.
2. Mask should cover both the nose and mouth 2. Gown should be pulled from the shoulders towards the hands so
3. Gloves should be pulled over the gown cuff it is turned inside out
3. Mask should be removed by only touching the string.
Gown > Facemask > Goggles > Gloves Gloves > Gown > Goggles > Facemask

Gown > Facemask > Goggles > Gloves

*Additional Information
When the colored part of the mask is exposed, you are protecting yourself from infection. However, if the white
portion is the one exposed then that means that you are protecting others from being infected because you might be a
carrier of a disease.

Exposure Control Plan
>> Exposure can occur when:
a) A contaminated needle or sharp object pierces the skin of the health worker
b) Body fluid or blood splashes in the eyes, nose, or mouth of the health worker
c) Cut, scratch, or abrasion of the health worker has made contact with blood or body fluid of an
infected patient
d) Human bite cuts the skin of the health worker
>> During exposure, this procedure should be followed:

A. Exposure caused by Needle-prick or any sharp object

- Carefully remove the sharp or foreign object
- Wash the site thoroughly with soap and water for at least 30 minutes

B. Exposure through Mucous membrane

- Flush with water or saline for at least 10 minutes
- Eyewash station, remove contact lenses
- Report incident to immediate supervisor

FOR SURFACE DECONTAMINATION – use 1:10 bleach solution or other disinfectants for the specimen collection and
processing areas.
*always wear gloves and absorbent materials when cleaning to avoid spreading spills over a wider area.
*all non-reusable items contaminated by blood or other body fluids should be placed in biohazard waste containers for
proper disposal.


- refers any material that could be harmful to one’s health
- used to prevent and protect clinical laboratory from harmful incidents caused by laboratory specimen that are
potential biohazards.


1. Airborne – from splashes and aerosols during centrifuge and aliquot; patient with airborne disease.
a. Observe proper handling practices.
b. Wear PPE properly
c. Use safety shield and guards
2. Ingestion – hands are not sanitized before handling food.
a. Wash hands frequently Biohazard
b. Avoid hand-to-mouth activities Symbol
c. Avoid placing items in the mouth
3. Non-intact skin – contamination through breaks or cuts in the skin
a. Cover skin breaks or cuts with non-permeable to bandages
4. Percutaneous – exposure through the skin due to injuries from needlesticks and other sharp objects
a. Use needle safety devices
b. Wear heavy-duty utility gloves when cleaning broken glass
c. Never handle broken glass with bare hands
5. Permucosal – infection through mucous membranes of the mouth and nose and the conjunctiva of the eyes
a. Observe proper handling to avoid aerosols and splashes
b. Avoid rubbing and touching the eyes, nose, and mouth

Actions that should be taken if electric shock occurs:
1) Remove source of electricity using a non-conductive objectives of simply turn off the source of electricity
2) Ask for medical assistance
3) Start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if necessary.
4) Keep the victim warm
- is a condition where there is not enough blood that circulates back to the heart, which results in inadequate supply of
oxygen in the body. It may be caused hemorrhage, heart attack, trauma, and drug reactions.
Symptoms of shock
 Pale, cold and clammy skin
 Rapid and weak pulse
 Increased and shallow breathing, and
 Expressionless face with a blank stare
First-aid treatment
1. Keep air way open
2. Call for medical assistance
3. Keep the patient lying down
4. Control any bleeding or other cause of shock
5. Keep the patient warm

- Regular fire drills should be conducted so employees know what to do in case of fire
- Be familiar with the location of emergency exits and evacuation plans or routes
- Locations of or extinguishers and heavy blankets should be posted, and the staff should know how to use them.


CLASS Fire is caused by … Requires …
A ordinary combustible materials such as wood or paper water or water-based solutions to
B flammable liquids and vapors such as paint, oil, grease, and gasoline blocking oxygen to snuff out
C live electrical equipment the use of non-conducting agents to
D combustible and reactive metals such as sodium, potassium, powder agents or sand to put out
magnesium, and lithium
E cooking oil, grease, or fats with high temperature wh agents that prevent splashing, cooling,
and smothering the fire.


- is a procedure done on a person who is suffering from cardiac arrest. Being able to perform CPR on a patient
increases his/her chance of survival.

Performing CPR Properly

1) While the patient is lying on his/her back on a steady surface, kneel
beside the patient and place your hands in the middle of the patient’s
2) Cover the first hand with the heel of other hand, interlocking the
fingers. The fingers should be raised so they do not touch the ribcage.
3) Lean forward (shoulders directly over the patient’s chest) and press
down on the chest for about two inches. Release the pressure to allow
30 compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute.
4) Tilt the patient’s head and lift the chin to open the airway allowing
the mouth to fall open slightly.
5) Using your hands, pinch the nostrils and support the chin with the other hand. Take a normal breath, place your
mouth over the patient’s, and blow until you see the chest rise.
6) Remove your mouth and watch the chest fall. Repeat steps five and six once.
7) Replicate the cycle of 30 chest compressions to be followed by two rescue breaths. Repeat this cycle until the
patient becomes stable and/ or a medical professional has arrived to help.
-begins with personal hygiene, which includes:
 Bathing regularly,
 Using deodorant, brushing one’s teeth after eating,
 Keeping one’s hair neat and clean,
 Trimming and cleaning one’s fingernails, and
 Avoiding the use of heavy lotions and colognes
- One should have proper nutrition and have a balanced diet consisting of vegetables,
fruits, and legumes. Getting enough sleep and saying fit by having a regular exercise routine
are also necessary
- It is important to maintain proper posture and to keep one’s back safe from any injury by using proper techniques
and equipment when lifting heavy objects. One must achieve and maintain work-life balance by finding time to relax and
to relieve oneself of stress from work.

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