MPES CM Proposal Fee and Services

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Construction Management Fee & Services Proposal

A. Lump Sum Fee

SitelogIQ Construction Management, Inc. proposes to provide agency construction management
services to Neshaminy School District on the New Elementary School Construction (Maple Point
Site) based on the scope of services provided for the Tawanka Elementary School:


B. Breakdown of Lump Sum Fee Proposal

Pre-Construction Phase Services
(June through November 2021 - 6 months)
Position Hours
Project Executive 24
Pre-construction Manager 198
Architectural Estimator 80
Mechanical Estimator 144
Electrical Estimator 140
Project Manager 32
Scheduler 32
Clerical 60 Fee
Total – Pre-Construction Phase Services 710 $87,000

Bidding and Procurement Phase Services

(December 2021 and January 2022 through March 2022 - 4 months)
Position Hours
Project Executive 16
Pre-construction Manager 80
Project Manager 80
Scheduler 16
Clerical 80 Fee
Total – Bidding Phase Services 272 $32,000

Construction Phase Services (Extended or Reduced at a Monthly Rate of $38,000 per Month)
(April 2022 through July 2023 - 16 months)
Position Hours
Project Executive 32
Project Manager 1,056
On-site Construction Manager 2,640
Scheduler 128
Project Coordinator 1,056 Fee
Total – Construction Phase Services 4,912 $608,000

June 7, 2021
Construction Management Fee & Services Proposal

Close-Out Phase Services

(August and September 2023 - 2 months)
Position Hours
Project Executive 8
Project Manager 80
On-site Construction Manager 80
Project Coordinator 80 Fee
Total – Close-Out Phase Services 248 $28,500

Total Fee with All Expenses

Phase Hours Fee
Pre-Construction Phase Services 710 $87,000
Bidding Phase Services 272 $32,000
Construction Phase Services 4,912 $608,000
Close-Out Phase Services 248 $28,500
Total – All Phases & Expenses 6,142 $755,500

C. Hourly Rates (for Additional Services, if Needed)

Position 2021 2022 2023 2024
Project Executive $162.00 $167.00 $172.00 $177.00
Sr. Pre-construction Manager $143.00 $147.00 $151.00 $156.00
MEP Estimators $136.00 $140.00 $144.00 $148.00
Project Manager $133.00 $137.00 $141.00 $145.00
On-site Construction Manager $148.00 $152.00 $157.00 $162.00
Scheduler $119.00 $123.00 $127.00 $131.00
Project Coordinator $77.00 $79.00 $81.00 $83.00
These hourly rates will be used in the agreement for purposes of additional services, if needed.
Hourly rates used for the fee calculation for the lump sum proposal are reduced from the above.

D. Reimbursable Expenses
Our fee proposal does not include any reimbursable expenses. Any reimbursable expenses shall be
requested and authorized by the Owner prior to expense. We anticipate that the Owner, through the
construction contracts, shall provide an office trailer on site and utilities/internet service. Our
proposal contemplates that we will not be reimbursed for the following:
• Accounting • Photocopying
• Telecommunications • Office supplies
• Postage • Miscellaneous supplies
• Transportation/parking/mileage • Equipment

June 7, 2021
Construction Management Fee & Services Proposal

E. Services Provided
SitelogIQ Construction Management, Inc. proposes to provide agency construction management
services to Neshaminy School District on the New Elementary School Construction (Maple Point
Site) based on the scope of services provided for the Tawanka Elementary School. The overview of
those services is provided below. The contracted services will approximate the description provided
(the language below will not be used in the agreement verbatim to describe the tasks).

Pre-construction Phase Services:

Establish and Monitor Design Schedule. Prepare detailed design schedule indicating milestones
for each phase. Monitor and report on progress and problems. Advise the Owner of any delays to
the design schedule and recommend corrective action to be taken.

Establish Phased Bid and Construction Schedule. Recommend the division of work into
separate contracts. Prepare a schedule for the bidding of construction contracts.

Prepare Final Budget. Establish a final budget for all categories of work. This will become the
basis for all financial reporting as the project progresses through its completion.

Identify Value Engineering and Life-cycle Cost Study Areas. Identify areas for value
engineering study as the design progresses. Where energy, maintenance, and operational systems
dictate, perform life-cycle costing studies to evaluate the most cost-effective systems. Advise the
Owner on the outcome of the value engineering studies. Make recommendations as to selection of
various systems.

Estimate Alternate Building Systems. Estimate the cost of alternate building systems in order to
finalize selection prior to preparation of design documents. Conduct multi-disciplinary value
engineering reviews to evaluate alternatives for building systems that are not within budget.

Validate Owner’s Budget. Confirm conceptual project estimates for construction and soft costs.

Provide Cost Estimates. Prepare construction cost estimates for all building and site development
at the schematic, design development and construction document completion levels. This provides
for three (3) estimates.

Conduct Constructability Reviews. Review design documents as they are developed to minimize
construction problems and potential change orders. Advise on contract provisions for controlling
construction schedules. Advise on general and special condition sections of the specifications.
Provide comments to the Owner relative to these constructability reviews. Recommend changes
wherever necessary.
Construction Management Fee & Services Proposal

Attend Regular Design Phase Coordination Meetings. Meet on a monthly basis (or as
determined by the Owner) with the Owner, architect, and consultants to discuss and review all items
pertinent to the design phase such as schedule, progress to date, decisions required, problems, and
any other items important to the design process.

Identify Long-lead Delivery Items for Early Purchasing. Identify materials and equipment
which require long delivery times and are critical to the progress of the work. Develop a strategy for
purchasing these items directly and later assigning them to a contractor.

Recommend Contract Provisions. Prepare contract provisions for inclusion in the specifications.
Require performance by the contractors to support quality, cost, and schedule objectives.

Provide a Bid Schedule for Construction for Use by Bidders. Provide a Construction Bid
Schedule for use by Bidders during the Bid Period. This schedule will use milestones and
appropriate detail for bidding. This will be converted to a detailed Construction Schedule following
award of contracts.

Review Plans and Specifications for Technical Accuracy and Coordination. Review plans and
specifications as they are being developed. Check construction details and coordination of all design
disciplines (architectural, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical).

Establish Bid Packages. Establish the separation of the project for the various categories of work.
As the design progresses, make sure the documents are being coordinated to separate the work
properly, that all requirements have been correctly assigned, and that proper coordination of
documents has been provided. This proposal contemplates four (4) to seven (7) prime contracts.

Bidding and Procurement Phase Services:

Identify Interested Contractors and Suppliers. Identify and investigate contractors and suppliers
interested in bidding the work. Review plans with them and promote their interest in the project.

Establish Final Bid Packages. Divide the project into the various bid packages which best
provide for a competitive, well-defined, and understandable division of work assignment to obtain
the best possible prices for the Owner.

Establish Bidding Procedures. Implement all procedures required for the bidding process
including distribution of bidding documents and addenda, pre-bid conferences, and receipt of bids.
Establish all bidding schedules.

Distribute Bidding Documents. Distribute all bidding documents to contractors. Keep accurate
records of distribution activities.

Conduct Pre-bid Conferences. Organize and direct pre-bid conferences prior to the receipt of
bids. Include all bidding contractors, consultants, and the Owner.
Construction Management Fee & Services Proposal

Receive and Evaluate Bids. Assist the Owner in receipt and evaluation of bids. Make
recommendations on award of contracts.

Prepare Construction Contracts. Prepare contracts and monitor the proper distribution
procedures for all construction contracts.

Provide a 90-Day Interim Construction Schedule. Provide a 90-Day Interim Construction

Schedule for use by Prime Contractors during the first three months of the project. This schedule
will be edited to and ultimately included in the detailed Construction Schedule.

Conduct Pre-construction Conference. Following award of contracts, organize and direct a pre-
construction meeting with the contractors, consultants, and the Owner. Review project organization,
lines of authority and project procedures.

Provide Project Management During Procurement. Prior to having an on-site presence, provide
project management support for the beginning of the construction period (prior to mobilization or
during limited mobilization). This support shall include conducting Job Conferences and providing
construction management for the procurement phase required for the construction. This proposal
contemplates that this activity is anticipated to last two (2) months following award of contracts and can be adjusted as
necessary by mutual agreement of the Owner and Construction Manager, including fee adjustments, if appropriate.

Construction Phase Services:

Maintain On-site Staff. Maintain a field staff to administer the work of the construction
contractors. Inspect the work for conformity with plans and specifications.

Prepare Detailed Construction Schedule. Develop a construction schedule outlining start and
finish dates for the procurement and construction activities with input from each Prime Contractor.
Establish major milestones for each segment of the work. Update monthly.

Monitor Progress of the Work. Review contractor's construction schedules. Observe construction
progress and report deviations from the schedule which will jeopardize job progress. Work with
contractors to develop and implement correction actions.

Construction Quality Assurance. Observe and inspect work in progress and report defects and
deficiencies. Recommend corrective action where required.

Maintain Job Site Records. Maintain a current record of contracts, drawings, and specifications.
Keep a log on shop drawings, submittals, samples, and catalog data. File correspondence, directives,
and meeting minutes.

Process Payment Requests. Develop and implement a procedure for the review and processing of
contractor payment applications. Review contractor's schedule of values for use in processing
Construction Management Fee & Services Proposal

Maintain Project Accounting System. Maintain an accurate up-to-date construction cost

accounting system. Make revisions to incorporate approved changes as they occur.

Conduct Regular Job Meetings. Schedule and conduct regular meetings at the job site. Discuss
job progress, problems, and required decisions. Track and record these meetings.

Prepare Field Reports. Maintain daily job site records. Record weather, number of workmen,
equipment in use, general activities, and special occurrences. Prepare monthly status reports which
record progress of the work and comment on quality, cost, and time issues.

Process Change Orders. Develop and implement a system for review and processing of change
orders. Negotiate change orders with the contractors on behalf of the Owner.

Manage Testing Agencies. Assist in the selection of independent testing agencies. Coordinate
their work, review their reports, and make recommendations regarding their findings.

Recommend Changes in the Work. Make recommendations for changes in the work which are
dictated by field conditions or will save time or money and improve quality.

Arrange for Photographic Record of the Project. Arrange for monthly photographs or, if
required, video coverage of particular activities.

Close-Out Phase Services:

Develop a Close-out Schedule. Produce a detailed schedule of close-out activities. Include punch
lists, equipment testing, start-up procedures, and occupancy.

Assemble Operating Manuals and Warranties. Collect and catalogue all procedures manuals and
instructions for the operation of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment. Collect all
warranties. Provide these items in an organized manner to the Owner.

Coordinate Final Inspections. Schedule and direct inspections to develop punch lists. Assist
Architect in establishing substantial and final completion dates.

Close-out Construction Contracts. Work with each contractor to monitor the completion of
punch list items and to finalize all outstanding changes in their scope of work. Authorize payment of
retainages as work is completed to satisfy release.

Implement Start-up Procedures. Plan and monitor the start-up and adjustment of all building
systems. Assist with any Owner activities during start-up, including organizing training from the
Prime Contractors on equipment and systems.

Coordinate Occupancy. Work with the Owner to schedule the installation of all furniture and
equipment as well as the training of the Owner's staff.

Manage Warranty Work. Work with the Owner and the Architect to ensure that the contractors
honor their responsibilities in a timely manner.

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