Taurus 2015

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From: Phillip Lindsay phillip@esotericastrologer.

Subject: Taurus-Wesak 2015: Inner Group Work. Sound. Music. Art. Kathmandu Earthquake. Darjeeling.
Date: 27 April 2015 5:34 am
To: paul parzival@bigpond.com

Taurus 2015

Artist’s Impression of the Annual Gathering in the Wesak Valley.

Full Moon: May 4, 2015. 4.42 am. GMT.

Taurus Keynote
“I see and when the Eye is opened, all is light.”

“Do you really believe, and can you stand practically by that belief, that the Buddha on
that day [Wesak], in cooperation with the Christ, and with the Hierarchy of Illumined
Minds, plus the proffered aid of some of the Thrones, Principalities and Powers of Light,
Who are the higher correspondence of the powers of darkness - stand waiting to carry out
God's plans, when given the right and the permission of men?”[1]

Taurus-Wesak: Highlight of the Spiritual Year

Inner Group Work at Wesak
Building upon the Seed Planted in Aries
Taurus, Sound and The Great Invocation
Taurus, Music and Art
Shamballa, Taurus and Destruction
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025
Earthquake in Nepal and Mt. Everest Avalanche
Shamballa: Darjeeling, Kathmandu and Shigatse

Taurus-Wesak: Highlight of the Spiritual Year

Every year there is an emphasis upon the importance of the first three spiritual festivals: Aries, Taurus and Gemini - because of the extraordinary opportunity that is
afforded to all those who are conscious servers of The Plan. The opportunity at any full moon festival is to link and work subjectively in meditation with other co-
workers and groups around the planet. This can take place over five days - 2.5 days before/after the exact full moon time, but for most participants, the 24-hour period
before the exact time is the most potent period to make a contribution.

Taurus-Wesak is truly the highlight of the year because of the alignment that takes place between our most exalted planetary guides and humanity. The triangle of
Buddha, Christ and Sanat Kumara (in the etheric or upon the physical plane), linked in sacred ritual to the assembled Masters of Wisdom - in turn, aligned with their
respective ray ashrams of human aspirants, disciples and initiates - all poised and ready to anchor and disseminate the new impulse issued in the previous month of
Aries. The deva or angelic evolution is also deeply involved in the entire event. Hence, four major planetary centres are engaged in this process:

Planetary Centre Chakra

Shamballa: Sanat Kumara

(In triangle with Buddha and Christ at Wesak.)
Hierarchy: Christ, Masters, Initiates & Disciples of the Seven Ray Ashrams. Heart
New Group of World Servers: Awakened servers of humanity. Aspirants,
Disciples, Initiates.
Humanity: The intelligentsia, the planetary mental body. The men and
women of goodwill.

Inner Group Work at Wesak

Those students who have had the privilege of being exposed to esoteric knowledge, have a responsibility to apply it practically for the betterment of human evolution,
otherwise opportunity is squandered and the planet is poorer for it, especially in this critical world period. The object of the exercise at Wesak is for all members of the
New Group of World Servers (NGWS) to stimulate and illumine the existing channel, the funnel of light (antahkarana), extending from the highest, exalted Beings to
the most humble of humanity.

The NGWS constitute, “… the men and women of goodwill who are working actively for real understanding, who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of
humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to the men of all races, nationalities and religions.”[2] On the day of the Wesak Festival,
“… we simply regard ourselves as the recipients or custodians of as much inflowing spiritual force as we can possibly hold. As channels, we must be prepared to
forget ourselves in the service of touching, containing and holding force for the rest of humanity. We must regard the Festival itself as a day of silence (an inner peace
or silent solemnity preserved unbroken), a day of service carried forward entirely on esoteric levels, and of complete self-forgetfulness in the remembrance of
humanity and its need.

During that period, two thoughts only will hold our constant attention,—the need of our fellow humanity and the necessity of providing a group channel - whereby the
spiritual forces can be poured through the body of humanity under the expert guidance of the chosen members of the Hierarchy.”[3]

Building upon the Seed Planted in Aries

As noted last month in Aries, “Vulcan is active in the first two signs of the spiritual new year, Aries and Taurus. Vulcan is connected to the initial emanation through
Aries but really gets to work in earthy Taurus “hammering out the divine plan”, “knocking it into shape”, the initial impulse that finds its way to the physical plane.”[4]

What does this phrase mean, “hammering out the divine plan”? The smithy working at his forge is an allegory for the mind ruling the astral body, “the body of desire”,
equated with Taurus, the bull of desire. Venus as the exoteric ruler of Taurus expresses here in its lower octave – for instance, desire for sex and money. Yet Venus in
its higher octave is the higher mind, the seat of the soul. At this level Venus partners with her husband of ancient mythology, Vulcan - the esoteric ruler of Taurus,

“Such is the test of Vulcan, ruling Taurus, of the soul, ruling desire, of the Son of God, fashioning His instrument of expression in the depths, grasping the divine
purpose and so bending the will of the little self to that of the greater Self.”[5]

L: Venus At Vulcan's Forge (Frans Floris De Vriendt) R: Vulcan and Venus (Bartholomaeus Spranger)

“Just as certain human beings have, through meditation, discipline and service, most definitely made a contact with their own souls, and can therefore
become channels for soul expression, and mediums for the distribution into the world of soul energy, so these same men and women, in their
aggregate, form a group of souls, en rapport with the source of spiritual supply.

They have, as a group, and from the angle of the Hierarchy, established a contact and are "in touch" with the world of spiritual realities. Just as the
individual disciple stabilises this contact and learns to make a rapid alignment and then, only then, can come into touch with the Master of his group
and intelligently respond to the Plan, so does this group of aligned souls come into contact with certain greater Lives and Forces of Light, such
as the Christ and the Buddha.”[6]

Likewise, at a group level, the “hammering” by Vulcan proceeds – “knocking into shape” the idea that issued from Aries, coaxing-out its most subtle, almost un-grasp-
able essence into a more tangible form. Taurus as an earth sign assists this grounding process, whilst Venus brings into form by shaping with the mind. Meanwhile,
Vulcan hammers and bends, grinds and smooths-out the rough edges.

Essentially, the groups of meditators at Wesak are shaping and building with light, strengthening and expanding the existing channel, linking with like-minded
individuals and groups around the planet, energising a great matrix of light, that has only been relatively recently established in the past 100 years. This is one of the
primary roles of the New Group of World Servers, to be a bridge between Hierarchy and Humanity, so that the Planetary Plan may be better sensed and acted upon.

Taurus has the apt title of “Mother of Illumination”, referring to the Moon’s exaltation in this sign, reflecting the light of the Sun. (Note that in the previous sign Aries, the
Sun is exalted.) The Moon’s exaltation in Taurus concerns the building of the form, whether it is new spring growth during the “darling buds of May”, the creation of an
illuminated thought-form or the ongoing building of the planetary light matrix – where the existing etheric grid composed of squares (form), will eventually transform to
triangles (soul). The acceleration of this process can occur through the Triangles Meditation work, linking with two other like minded souls on a regular basis - with the
use of the Great Invocation. (More information.)

The Transformation of the Earth’s Etheric Body from Squares into Triangles.

Taurus, Sound and The Great Invocation

Taurus rules the organs of speech and the ears, hence it is related to the creation of sound and its reception through hearing. The worlds are created by sound and
destroyed by sound. Indeed, Vulcan’s blows upon the anvil strike out a rhythmic mantram, blending and fusing the heated metals into other amalgams - the divine
alchemy of the soul.

The Great Invocation is an intricately constructed magical mantram, that when sounded by groups, especially at the full moon festivals, has tremendous effect for
inviting in spiritual forces over the entire Earth. One of the most powerful opportunities when it can be used is at the Wesak Festival in Taurus. When sounded with
inviting in spiritual forces over the entire Earth. One of the most powerful opportunities when it can be used is at the Wesak Festival in Taurus. When sounded with
right aspiration and heart-felt thought-direction by united groups, it has the power to further break down the impasse created by the Materialistic Forces that are
currently wrestling for control of the planet.

Taurus rules the neck and the thyroid gland, the endocrine gland associated with the throat chakra, seat of the mental body. Hence, again one finds an association
between Taurus and the building of lighted thought-forms. Yet, because Taurus also rules the organs of speech, that which enunciates thought,

“The Taurean upon the way of liberation would do well to employ the method of directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and explanatory nature in order to
transform himself from one who goes wilfully on his personality way into a wise co-operator with the Plan … as man translates his ideals into words and acts, he
brings about transformation, transmutation and eventually translation upon the mountain top of Initiation.”[7]

The phrase “directed and motivated speech of an outgoing and

explanatory nature” says a lot about Taurus the Teacher – for
instance, The Buddha. As a highly acquisitive zodiac sign, Taurus
can accumulate many things, from gold, money and possessions to
spiritual knowledge. The French philosopher, Jesuit priest and
scientist, Teilhard de Chardin (undoubtedly an initiate), had eight
planets in Taurus![8]

Taurus, Music and Art

Taureans also profit from singing – in the shower, in a choir – or sound-toning. Singing liberates the astral body and the sounding of correct notes has not only a
reificatory effect, but the capacity to bring about alignment with the soul. Many singers have Taurus prominent in their horoscopes - the beauty (Ray 4) and harmony
(Venus) they express enriches the world. Enya, Dame Nellie Melba, Barbara Streisand and Roy Orbison are/were Taurus Suns; Dionne Warwick and Diana Ross have
Taurus Moons.

Reflect upon the relationship between that which perceives the inner sound (ears) and then expresses it (throat, mouth, tongue) - both ruled by Taurus. The science of
sound will be one of the major sciences emerging in the coming Aquarian Age. The physical throat is employed to bring about fundamental changes through ‘directed
and motivated’ speech. The throat centre is the vehicle through which the mental body creates.

The organs of speech employ language to ‘clothe thought’ and the ‘word is made flesh’ - thought is brought into form. Hence the sacredness of language and right
speech for the world aspirant - the aspiring Taurean on the upward way. One of Taurean Buddha’s precepts of the eight-fold noble path is “right speech”.
Consider Wagner with Taurus rising, Venus and Mercury also placed there. The divine music (called Nada Brahma by the Hindus) that emanated from his inner
being allowed him to penetrate into the realm of Buddha; beauty is born or borne by the Divine Hermaphrodite (Mercury-Venus). Brahms, David Helot and Peter
Scunthorpe are other musicians and composers who have Taurus Suns.

There is a profound analogy here to do with one’s achieved alignment through ‘listening’ which invokes
the higher Will - and the corresponding evocation, reception and translation - via speech, sound, singing
or music.

“The middle ear is a narrow, air-filled cavity in the temporal bone. It is spanned by a chain of three tiny
bones—the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup), collectively called the auditory icicles.
This acicular chain conducts sound from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear, which has been
known since the time of Galen (2nd century AD) as the labyrinth.”

Note Vulcan’s hammer and anvil at work

within the auditory processes (which
Taurus rules) and also the presence of
the ‘labyrinth’ wherein King Minos hides
the ‘labyrinth’ wherein King Minos hides
his bull. Taurus the Bull is ‘Nandi’, the
‘varan’ or vehicle of Siva. Siva is the deity
of Will and Power and hence an
expression of the first ray.
Siva is synonymous with Vulcan, soul ruler of Taurus, bearing a profound relationship to Sanat Kumara,
the Lord of the World. Sanat Kumara is “enthroned” at the centre of Shamballa, personified by Siva
sitting in meditation upon Mount Kailash at the Wesak Valley, directing the precipitation of The Plan and
world karma.
The Wesak full moon in Taurus celebrates the birth and teachings of the Buddha who it is said, returns
every year and links up in a triangle of power with Sanat Kumara and The Christ. The assembled
Hierarchy of Masters gather to focus and distribute the forces from this triangle over the full moon
period, chanting mantras in sacred ceremonial - “pacing and interweaving the assembled crowd into the formation of geometrical figures”. These forces are stepped
down to their disciples who work within the ranks of Humanity throughout the world.

“The right use of the organs of speech gives the clue to the processes whereby the disciple must bring about certain basic changes … This is essentially the region
whence must emanate the creative activity of the man who is upon the Path. The throat [centre] is a point to which the energy of the sacral centre must be lifted so
that creation through love and by the will, eventually will prove the sublimatory effect of the transference to higher use of the sex energy.

In Scorpio, the man who has mastered his lessons in Taurus must demonstrate that creativity which will work under the inspiration of aspiration and vision and
constructively attempt to express the beauty which all forms intrinsically veil, thus bringing to all revelation of that underlying purpose which motivates all events and

The previous passage illustrates the importance of understanding the pairs of

opposites of all zodiac signs, in this case Taurus-Scorpio. A good example when
considering the phrase, “constructively attempt to express the beauty which all
forms intrinsically veil”, is the artist Pablo Picasso – a Scorpio Sun with five planets
in Taurus!

The year 1937 was one of his most prolific (including the production of his famous
Guernica) - transiting Uranus was conjunct his Saturn in Taurus. The only ray that
passes through Taurus is the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict and the
bombing of the town of Guernica came to symbolise not just the Spanish Civil War,
but the approach of World War II. The fourth ray is also called the Ray of Beauty
and Art, indicating that Picasso may well have had his soul upon this ray.

Shamballa, Taurus and Destruction

Taurus is related to destruction, “the bull in the china shop”, the “hammer aspect” of Vulcan that destroys and creates. Some infamous dictators
have had Taurus prominent in their horoscopes. Hitler was a Taurus Sun and Stalin (a double Capricorn), had four planets in Taurus, including
Pluto the destroyer. Hence, the two rulers of the first ray, Vulcan and Pluto, are rulers of the Taurus-Scorpio polarity. The forces of destruction
can be used constructively or not, depending upon the motive of those who wield power. On this theme of ‘constructive’ destruction, the Moon’s
exaltation in Taurus can be reviewed again,

“Through desire translated into terms of spiritual will, the form is esoterically "exalted" and of this fact the exaltation of the Moon in Taurus is a
symbol. To this, the ordinary astrological symbol of the Bull's horns testifies. This is the crescent Moon and also the symbol of the destructive
nature of the form life of the Bull. Forget not that in this connection, the destruction or death of the form and the ending of form influence thereby
is the goal of the process which changes desire into aspiration.”[11]

The energy of Shamballa represents the purest and most powerful form of the Divine. In the esoteric history of the planet, the Shamballa force has always manifested
in destruction – breaking down outmoded, crystallised civilisations and rootraces. The so-called “Shamballa impacts”[12] contributed to the destruction of the previous
two rootraces of Lemuria and Atlantis.

The third impact coincided with the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan in 1945 - and is the seed of the destruction of the Fifth Rootrace over the vast remainder
of the Kali Yuga cycle. It’s destruction will pave the way for the coming Sixth Rootrace in the next 3,000 to 25,000 years. Up until the nineteenth century, this
Shamballa force has been “filtered” by the Hierarchy, the planetary heart centre:

“Shamballa, as I have told you, can now reach Humanity, the third major centre, directly, and therefore has two points of planetary contact:
the first, via the Hierarchy, as has been for long the case, and secondly, in a straight line, carrying energy direct to Humanity, without any
transmission and consequent modifying of impact, as has also been the case hitherto. When this direct line of spiritual, dynamic, electrical
energy made its first impact on earth (after the Great Council held in 1825), it first of all awakened men's thinking in a new and
comprehensive way, producing the great ideologies; it aroused their massed desire, and registered obstruction on the physical plane. It found
its course impeded and discovered it was faced with barriers.

This energy from Shamballa, being an aspect of the ray of the destroyer, proceeded to "burn up" in the fires of destruction, all such
hindrances upon the planes in the three worlds. This was the deeply esoteric and unrecognised cause of the war [WWII]—the beneficent
bringing to an end of the impediments to the free flow of spiritual energy down into the third centre [Humanity]; this was the factor which called
"evil from its hidden place" and brought the opposing forces to the surface of existence, prior to their "sealing".
Mount Kailash in the distance. (Albie Falzon)

To the extent that this was so, mankind in the World War (1914-1945) was the unhappy victim of spiritual circumstance; however, from the angle of man's historical
past, humanity was the engineer of its own fate; but it took both the esoteric activity of Shamballa and the exoteric activity of humanity over a millennia of years to
precipitate the conditions which made this new alignment possible and brought about the sealing (still being carried slowly forward), and plunged mankind into the
vortex of war. This impelling downpouring energy from the highest centre penetrated not only to the heart of humanity, but into the very depths of the mineral kingdom,
implicating also the animal and the vegetable expressions of divine life.”[13]

Short Video: Journey To The Wesak Valley In Tibet

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy in 2025

All of the aforementioned is a prelude to the reappearance of the Hierarchy, planned from 2025 onward. Reflect for a moment upon this stunning development in world
history, only ten years away. The magnitude of an event like this has not occurred since ancient Atlantean times when the Masters of Wisdom had to withdraw from
human contact, due to the Atlantean war and ensuing cataclysms, the second major Shamballa impact in world history. Their presence as guides and inspirers of the
race was relegated to a role behind the scenes, where after thousands of years they are now, preparing for their re-emergence.

The most recent presence of the Hierarchy were those connected with the life of Jesus and his eventual overshadowing by The Christ in Palestine 2,000 years ago. It
is a great irony to note the plight of the Palestinians today versus the Israeli Zionists, and also the drastic situation of the Syrians. Master Jesus is currently stated to
be in a Syrian body and based “in a certain part of the Holy Land.”[14] Imagine the difficulty and great sacrifice these beings will make by appearing again amongst
Humanity – it is almost beyond imagination:

“… the Members of the Hierarchy are fitting Themselves for the objective work of public expression. This entails far more difficulty than
you might imagine … because it entails the development of that form of "resistance to the pull of the lower vibration" … for that lower
vibration is a necessary aspect of your normal expression—little as you may like to realise this … there is nothing in the Masters or higher
initiates which can respond to any vibration of this nature … it can cause Them the acutest discomfort and pain; that is the reason why the
Son of God was called in The Old Testament a "man of sorrows and acquainted with grief".

… The Hierarchy is therefore … preparing Itself for the experience of physical manifestation; It is also endeavouring to "create" the
needed responsive apparatus which will be of such a nature that Members of the Hierarchy may function with the minimum of difficulty on
earth and will experience the least possible measure of handicap; They will thus be enabled to give full time and attention to the work to
be done by Them in physical manifestation.”[15]

Earthquake in Nepal and Mt. Everest Avalanche

Finding out about the Nepalese earthquake was too much of a coincidence to ignore. Having
just finished the passage above and taking a break, watching an excerpt from the Little
Buddha movie scenes set in Kathmandu, then minutes later finding the first article at the top of
the Facebook list about the Nepalese quake, gave much pause for thought. A co-worker sums
it up well,

“The Himalayas and the Andes represent the spiritual axes of our earth - the Andes anchoring
the Divine Feminine pole and the Himalayas anchoring the Divine Masculine pole. The
eruption over the past few days of the Calbuco Volcano in the Andes of Chile, and the strong
earthquake today centered in Nepal, Himalayas deliver yet another urgent message to
humanity. The Great Mother is shaking at Her core and seeking to restore equilibrium at Her
poles. Each one of us may assist by re-establishing balance of within our beings. We are Her

There are many groups to send funds to assist the Nepalese - Global Giving is one.

Indeed, these mountain chains are like the backbone of the planet and an ‘urgent message’ is
issuing from the Himalayas, the retreat of many past sages and saints – and, the seat of the Trans-
Himalayan wisdom teachings. Kathmandu and Everest are only a few hundred miles from the
Shigatse area in Tibet (now China) – the home of some of the most senior members of the
Hierarchy: The Christ, the Masters Morya, Koot Hoomi and Djwhal Khul - all dwell close to this
region. It is from here that many other members of the Planetary Hierarchy come and go, and from
where certain Masters, including The Christ himself, will soon move outward into the world for the
great Externalisation.

“He [Christ] can be found by those who know the way, dwelling in the Himalayas, and working in
close co-operation with His two great Brothers, the Manu and the Mahachohan … the Masters and
those Members of the Hierarchy (initiates and accepted disciples) Who function in physical bodies …
work as I do (DK) from my retreat in the Himalayas …”[17]

Could these stirrings and

rumblings be a signal that
The Hierarchy are on their way? And also a warning to ambitious humanity, East and West?
The quake was a result of the clash of the Indian and Eurasian plates, symbolising the
gradual synthesis of Eastern and Western cultures, with its ongoing conflicts.
Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama was born in Nepal, an interesting
coincidence, given the approaching Wesak Festival. Perhaps there is a premonition of sorts
here, regarding the power and potency of this Taurus full moon period with the Sun in
Taurus, Moon in Scorpio – both making a T-square to Jupiter in Leo?

“The Festival of Wesak or Vaisakha. This is the festival of the Buddha, that great spiritual
Intermediary between the centre where the will of God is known and the spiritual Hierarchy.
The Buddha is the expression of the will of God, the embodiment of Light and the indicator
of the divine purpose.

Men everywhere will evoke wisdom and understanding and the inflow of light into the minds
of men everywhere. This Festival is determined in relation to the Full Moon of Taurus. It is
the great Eastern festival and is already meeting with Western recognition; thousands of
Christians today keep the festival of the Buddha.”[18]
Kathmandu has a rich spiritual history, but became far more Western influenced and popularised since the hippie sixties and the increasing number of trekkers and
mountain climbers headed toward Everest. Hence, besides the local Nepalese, the earthquake has had a devastating effect upon many westerners killed or injured in
Kathmandu and the Everest base camp - wiped out by a quake-created avalanche. When Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Everest in 1953 with Tenzing Norgay, it was

“The attempt today to climb Mount Everest is amazingly symbolic, and it is being watched with much interest by the Hierarchy, for in this effort we see the attempt of
humanity to achieve the top of the mountain whose height has hitherto defeated all efforts. But—and this is the matter of moment and of interest—when humanity
emerges into the light and relative glory of the new civilisation, they will at the same time conquer this last remaining summit. That which is of the densest materiality
and which is the consummation of earthly grandeur will remain—but it will be beneath the feet of humanity.”[19]

This passage is from the section in Esoteric Astrology on Capricorn and Hillary was Capricorn rising. Yet, has the conquering of this summit been replaced by lower
Capricorn ego-fed ambitions and commercial interests, where thousands of climbers every year attempt the summit at a cost from $11,000 to $25,000 per person?
And, in the past few years, increasingly at the cost of many lives, Sherpa’s and visitors alike. The fragile mountain environment has long been subject to great stress,
plus the issues of garbage and human waste disposal.

Shigatse, Kathmandu and Darjeeling with Everest toward the centre.

(The Great Ones are based at a secret location in the Shigatse area, not the city!)

Shamballa: Darjeeling, Kathmandu and Shigatse

There exists an interesting relationship between these points on the map, creating a triangle between Kathmandu, Shigatse and Darjeeling. Darjeeling is one of the
five major planetary centres where spiritual forces pour through the planet at the time of the full moon festivals. These centres are ruled by astrological and ray
energies and play a particular role as a planetary chakra. In Darjeeling’s case it has been speculated by the author to be the planetary head centre, given its proximity
to Shamballa and for the fact that the first ray of will-power is pouring through this centre at the moment.[20]

Nevertheless, the soul ray of Darjeeling is the second ray of love-wisdom, corresponding to the Hierarchy, whilst the personality ray is the fifth ray of science,
corresponding to the Fifth Rootrace for which India is the foundation. Hence Darjeeling plays a dual role in bring through the forces of Shamballa and Hierarchy.
“Darjeeling is … occultly "vibrating" … in response to the relative nearness and propinquity of the Himalayan Brotherhood.”[21]

It is ironic that among the five planetary centres of London, New York, Geneva and Tokyo, that Darjeeling is a small town – belying its great potency, no doubt
established aeons ago in the ancient history of Bharat (India). (For more on these five centres, here.)
Shamballa (top right, in Gobi Desert), Shigatse, Everest, Kathmandu.

Darjeeling is also ruled by Scorpio, whose energy will be invoked by the position of the Moon in Scorpio at this Taurus full moon period. Altogether, the five planetary
centres constitute a five-pointed star:

“These five form a five-pointed star of interlocking energies, symbolic of the major divisions of our modern civilisation ... At each one of these five centres one of the
Masters will be found present, with His Ashram, and a vortex of spiritual forces will there be organised to hasten and materialise the plans of the Christ for the new and
coming world cycle.”[22]

Phillip Lindsay © 2015.



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Other newsletters for Taurus

2014: Wesak. Structure of Shamballa. World Servers. A New 9-Year Cycle.Israel
2013: Wesak. Divine Feminine. Sex. Mother of Illumination
2012: Venus. Alcyone. NGWS. Mayan Eclipse. Vulcan & Shiva
2011: The Way to Shamballa
2010: A Buddha or a Hitler
2010: Volcanoes, Vulcan and Mercury Retrograde
Taurus, Buddha and the Wesak Festival
Taurus the Bull: Sex, Sound and Shamballa
Taurus and the New Group of World Servers: Vehicle of the Aquarian Christ
Taurus: Shamballa, Kalachakra, Matter and Light
Taurus: Buddhist Kalachakra Teaching of Shamballa
Taurus: DK and Kalachakra

[1] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.691.

[2] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.690.
[3] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.687.
[4] Aries Newsletter 2015.
[5] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.393.
[6] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.112.
[7] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.398.
[8] See Michael Robbins’ excellent analysis here.
[9] Esoteric Psychology II, Alice A. Bailey. p.693.
[10] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.398.
[11] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.400.
[12] See author’s book, The Shamballa Impacts.
[13] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.536.
[14] Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.179.
[15] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey. p.530-1.
[16] Deborah Van Dyke. http://www.soundcurrent.net/
[17] Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.44.
[18] Problems of Humanity, Alice A. Bailey. p.163.
[19] Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.158.
[20] The Destiny of the Nations, Alice A. Bailey.p.93.
[21] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey.p.678.
[22] The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Alice A. Bailey.p.675.
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