Scorpio 2022

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Scorpio 2022: Maya. Esoteric Diwali. Hilma af Klint.

Rishi Sunak. King Charles. Jimmy Savile. Musk &
Twitter. Crowd Crushes. Kennedy, Fauci, Gates.

Scorpio Keynote
“Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
(Full Moon: Nov.8, 2022. 11:02 UT.)

“Scorpio is under the influence or inflowing energy of Sirius. This is the great star of initiation because our Hierarchy
(an expression of the second aspect of divinity) is under the supervision or spiritual magnetic control of the Hierarchy
of Sirius.

These are the major controlling influences whereby the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar
system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. It is esoterically called the “brilliant star of

Scorpio New Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse (Oct.25)

The Trials and Tests of Scorpio
Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – Not!
The Esoteric Origin of Diwali
Venus in Scorpio: Spiritual Intuition or Pure Reason
Hilma af Klint: Visionary Artist
Britannia is Sinking: Rishi Sunak PM
___King Charles III: Scorpio Sun, Earth in Taurus
___The Dark Shadow of Scorpio Jimmy Savile
Cuban Missile Crisis: 60-Year Cycle of Saturn-Jupiter
Elon Musk Seals the Twitter Deal
___Twitter Under Musk Horoscope
Crowd Crushes and Mass Consciousness
Scorpio Synastries: Kennedy, Fauci and Gates
Scorpio Webinar

Scorpio New Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse (Oct.25)

This recent new moon had a close conjunction of Venus, Sun and Moon in the
3rd degree of Scorpio. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “​A house raising
party in a small village enlists the neighbour’s cooperation.” (Rudhyar)
Commentary on this degree:

“Utilizing the power of the collective energy to bring an idea into form. Working
together, sharing ideas, learning and teaching new skills, knowledge and wisdom.
Greater achievement though unity.

The best of humanity comes out from efforts of working together in

cooperation with one another. The importance of human connections, the
building of networks for the betterment of all.” (Rochelle Beaty)

A very Libra-Aquarius interpretation! Given that the main eclipse path starts in southern India, passes through Africa
and the Middle East, then through Western Europe – let us hope these beneficent forces of cooperation prevail!

Mercury’s position in the eclipse chart, dominates the midheaven from Libra, complimenting the themes of diplomacy,
right relations and communication.

The Trials and Tests of Scorpio

A few excellent passages to ponder regarding some of the main
themes of Scorpio – with author’s commentary:

1. “In Scorpio comes a point of transition, of change and of re-

orientation. That which has been hitherto hidden appears and is
brought to the surface by means of the experience, the tests, the
trials and the “sting of life.”2

The “change and reorientation” pertains to Scorpio, similar to Libra

as one of the signs that rules the “reversal of the wheel”, when
there is an awakening and a consequent pledge to tread the Path

The phrase “brought to the surface” refers to the purging power of Pluto, co-ruler of Scorpio. “Tests and trials” refers
to “running the gauntlet” of initiation, a major theme of Scorpio. And of course, the “sting” is the tail of the scorpion.

2. “The power of the mind, having been developed, tested and found
true in the sign Scorpio, begins to wane in its activity and the intuition
begins to take its place. This is essential before the sign Capricorn is
entered by the disciple and preparation for initiation begins.”3

Scorpio is a water sign that has a direct connection to the astral body,
the watery “desire body”. Once purged and purified, it becomes an
accurate reflector of the intuition or “buddhi”, represented by the
hierarchical ruler of this sign – Mercury. Mercury rules the buddhic plane
and 4th ray of harmony through conflict – the only ray to pass through

“The influence of Mercury as it relates Scorpio and Gemini is to inaugurate

that final stage of consciousness which will place the soul within the form
surely in the place of power, swinging the earlier achieved balance and
control definitely into the realm of the soul.

It is this which, in the Scorpio experience, produces the terrific experience

of the disciple and which, at this time, is one of the predisposing causes of
the present world conflict.”4

3. “The keywords of this sign [Scorpio] are significant and illuminating.

Deception and triumph—control by Maya and control by the soul—conflict
and peace—such are the hidden secrets of this sign and these are summed up for all disciples in the two keywords.”5

4. “Scorpio carries the test right down into the physical plane life, and then, when it is faced and handled there, the
life of the [wo]man is carried up into heaven, and the problem which the test involved is solved by the use of the
reasoning mind.”6

Let Maya Flourish and Deception Rule – Not!

Scorpio’s keynote on the “ordinary wheel” is, “Let maya flourish and deception rule” – which has been the norm during
the past few years’ barrage of propaganda within the spheres of medico-pharmo health and global politics.

But now, the weight of lies, deception, emotional blackmail and

corruption is breaking through the dam – releasing a tsunami of
TRUTH. Much of this, thanks to independent media warriors like Del
Bigtree – who have been combatting the mass media that helped
create a global hypnosis, even infecting a majority of the so-called
“spiritual community”.

(Other independent, in-depth journalists/activists include Robert F.

Kennedy Jr., Whitney Webb, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Patrick
Henningsen, Eva Bartlett and many more.)

The keynote for Scorpio on the “reversed wheel” is, “Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.” Now
what is needed, is for all of those who have realised that they were duped, to swallow their pride and join the “Army
of the Voice” – that is, to speak up, make yourselves heard, inform others and “shout the truth from the rooftops”.

There will be of course, a hard core group of individuals who will point blank
refuse to look at the overwhelming evidence, connect the dots and be
rightly informed.

Why this call to ”shout the truth”? Not only because of the emerging truth
that trumps the lies of the past few years, but because the Forces of
Materialism will not let up in their ruthless and vicious onslaught upon
Humanity – through their now well known minions who have essentially
“outed” themselves in recent years.

The house of cards is falling apart, and because of that, these forces are
scrambling to hold onto power and control, taking desperate, even ludicrous
measures that further highlight their deceptions and contradictory

Their main ploy now is to limit even further the expression of alternative views and perspectives. This must not be
allowed to happen, question everything, make the theme of free speech a priority – it is the bedrock of freedom and

Click here to watch video: In Plain Sight: How the Highwire Got it Right

The Esoteric Origin of Diwali

(See also the author’s, Hindu New Moon Festival of Diwali)

This Hindu festival that is held annually around the Scorpio new moon
symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil
and knowledge over ignorance.

Originally, Diwali was a celebration of the day Rama returned to his

kingdom in Ayodhya with his wife Sita, after defeating the demon giant
Ravana in Sri Lanka and serving 14 years of exile.

According to esoteric chronology, as detailed in Unveiling Genesis: Mysteries of the Rootraces and Cycles, The
Ramayana took place over a million years ago. This was during the overlap of the last subraces of Atlantis and the
early subraces of the Fifth Rootrace. India is the first subrace (5.1) – the foundation of all the Western subraces that
followed until present day. Quoting H.P. Blavatsky from this book:

“The whole History of that period is allegorized in the Ramayana, which is the
mystic narrative in epic form of the struggle between Rama—the first king of the
divine dynasty of the early Aryans [Fifth Rootrace kings and Manus] —and Ravana,
the symbolical personation of the Atlantean (Lanka) race.

The former were the incarnations of the Solar Gods; the latter, of the lunar Devas.
This was the great battle between Good and Evil, between white and black magic,
for the supremacy of the divine forces, or of the lower terrestrial, or cosmic
powers. Rama was a “physically perfect man” and Hanuman’s tongue was “untied,”

“The monkey endowed with speech … May it not be that Hanoum [the “monkey
god”] is the representative of that link of beings half-man, half-monkeys …
arrested in their development, and fell, so to say, into a retrogressive
evolution? Who knows what shape vehicled the Ego in remote … races … May not
man’s type have been that of the Simiadæ [family of primates] in its variety?

Might not the monkey-kingdom of Ramayana fame rest on some far-off tradition
relating to a period when that was the common lot, or rather aspect, of man?”

Indeed, it is entirely possible that this story is not “mythical” or “symbolic,” that the
monkey army of Rama and Hanuman was deliberately bred by the “magic and sorcery”
of Atlantean giants for military purposes.

Elsewhere HPB discusses how the original “sin of the mindless” in Lemurian days – where
humans bred with animals, creating the first ancestors of modern apes – was repeated
much later in the Atlantean era, but with more developed consciousness.

Hence, the great victory of Rama in stamping out this distortion of the Planetary Plan. In
our modern era, we might be seeing a recapitulation of this ancient theme, with AI and
projected armies of cyborgs!

The mystery of the apes gives the reader much to reflect upon – what a different world
it might be – if the doctrine of humans evolving from apes was reconsidered from the
esoteric angle, a promising prospect during the age of Aquarius!

Venus in Scorpio: Spiritual Intuition or Pure Reason (Oct.23 to Nov.16)

Venus passes through this sign annually and will be present in Scorpio at the full moon. Hence, if you
wish to jog your memory about its esoteric meaning, click on the heading link to take you to the article
for 2021.

Hilma af Klint: Visionary Artist (1862-1944)

It is certainly “divine timing” to discuss this artist because the recent new moon eclipse
on Oct.25 fell on her Sun in Scorpio – in other words, the day before the anniversary of
her birthday. Klint was,

“… a Swedish artist and mystic whose paintings are considered among the first abstract
works known in Western art history. A considerable body of her work predates the first
purely abstract compositions by Kandinsky and Mondrian.

She belonged to a group called “The Five”, comprising a circle of women inspired by
Theosophy, who shared a belief in the importance of trying to contact the so-called
“High Masters”—often by way of séances. Her paintings, which sometimes resemble
diagrams, were a visual representation of complex spiritual ideas.”7

This statement suggests that Klint opened herself to intuitive impressions from other-worldly sources, given her deep
interest in automatic drawing, séances and spiritualism. From Theosophy she derived her understanding of the Masters
of Wisdom – and Madame Blavatsky, who was famous for the séances she conducted in NYC..

Born close to the start of the 7th ray subcycle of 1860, this pre-eminent ray of
sacred geometry was undoubtedly in Klint’s ray makeup somewhere – aided by
three planets in Libra, esoterically ruled by Uranus, the ruler of the 7th ray. Libra
is also the soul of Scandinavia and the 7th ray of organisation is very prominent
in Sweden.

“Hilma af Klint was assigned by the High Masters to create the paintings for the
“Temple” – however she never understood what this “Temple” referred to … Klint
felt she was being directed by a force that would literally guide her hand. She
wrote in her notebook:

The pictures were painted directly through me, without any preliminary drawings,
and with great force. I had no idea what the paintings were supposed to depict;
nevertheless I worked swiftly and surely, without changing a single brush

This description certainly evokes the idea of a higher intelligence working through Klint, perhaps one of the Masters of
Wisdom whom she aspired to contact. Master Hilarion, the chohan of the 5th ray of Science or Knowledge, might have
been involved:

“[Hilarion] … works with those who are developing the intuition, and controls and
transmutes the great movements that tend to strip the veil from the unseen. His is
the energy which, through His disciples, is stimulating the Psychical Research
groups everywhere, and He it was Who initiated, through various pupils of His, the
Spiritualistic movement.

He has under observation all those who are psychics of the higher order, and
assists in developing their powers for the good of the group, and in connection with
certain of the devas of the astral plane He works to open up to the seekers after
truth that subjective world which lies behind the grossly material.”9

What was Klint’s Rising Sign?

Given these facts about Klint, she was undoubtedly a “psychic of a higher order”.
As her birth time is unknown and hence also the rising sign, it is not unreasonable
to speculate that she may have been either Cancer or Pisces rising.

Klint explored spiritualism – that was very popular in her day, befitting
Neptune’s discovery a few decades earlier, the planet which esoterically rules
Cancer and exoterically rules Pisces:

“… spiritualism and the work of the spiritualistic movement are under the
influence of Pisces with Cancer rising, or in some stages with the reverse—
Cancer with Pisces rising.”10

Neptune is the visionary, psychic, imagineer and intuition. The eyes in her
photo have a far-away dreamer gaze, as if peering into the subtle worlds.
Intuitively, the author feels that Cancer may have been her rising sign, her
soul purpose.

Cancer rising is corroborated somewhat by the fact that her early landscape
paintings were derived from a deep association with natural forms – the realm
of Cancer or Mother Nature; the aforementioned 7th ray also passes through
this sign.

Also, child prodigy artist and poet Akiane, who received a similar kind of inspiration – is Cancer rising. (See latest
update on her from a recent newsletter here.)

Hilma af Klimt

Pisces rising is the author’s second choice, although in the Cancer rising chart, she has Chiron in Pisces conjunct the
midheaven in Aquarius. Part of the reasoning for Pisces rising has to do with synastry. Significant people in a person’s
life often have their sun signs conjunct the rising sign of the other. Such a person was Pisces sun, Rudolph Steiner
whom Klint met twice; he had fallen out with H.P. Blavatsky and started his Anthroposophy movement:

“Her experiments in spiritual investigation started in 1879. [Aged 17.] She became
interested in the Theosophy of Madame Blavatsky and the philosophy of Christian
Rosencreutz [Rosicruciansim]. In 1908 she met Rudolf Steiner, the founder of the
Anthroposophical Society, who was visiting Stockholm.”11

Steiner was also mediumistic like Klint, and considering possible synastries for Pisces
rising, with the degree close to Steiner’s sun. This is one technique that can assist in
chart rectification. A mid-Pisces rising horoscope also puts her visionary Sagittarius
moon tantalisingly upon the midheaven.

But for this analysis, the Cancer rising horoscope will be used. Another reason for
using Cancer rising and its particular degree is that in, “1906, after 20 years of
artistic works, and at the age of 44, Hilma af Klint painted her first series of abstract

The transits for that year reveal Neptune and Jupiter in conjunction in Cancer, passing over the hypothetical rising
sign degree of Cancer – creating a kind of awakening.

The fourth ray of art and beauty was also obviously present in Klint, and Mercury-
Sun in 4th ray Scorpio would have enhanced its expression. Scorpio is of course
another water sign that is most sensitive to astral influences, hence its brooding
quality that is often privy to the secrets of the astral plane – from the depths of
the human-created, astral quagmire or “hell realms” – to the higher “heavenly
bliss” subplanes. As mentioned earlier in the newsletter,

“Scorpio is a water sign that has a direct connection to the astral body, the
watery “desire body”. Once purged and purified, it becomes an accurate reflector
of the intuition or “buddhi”, represented by the hierarchical ruler of this sign,
Mercury. Mercury rules the buddhic plane and 4th ray of harmony through conflict
– the only ray to pass through Scorpio.”

Mercury in Scorpio is also in harmonious trine aspect to Chiron in Pisces on the

midheaven, both of them forming a grand trine with the hypothetical Cancer
ascendant. When considering the rulers of soul purpose Cancer, the Moon and Mercury in Scorpio
Neptune, even further intuitive factors are revealed:

1. The Moon in Sagittarius represents a strong aspiration to reach a spiritual

understanding, to find that which resides in the mind of the Divine. The moon is
exactly opposite Uranus in Gemini, giving the assurance that the moon most
definitely “veils” this planet, when considering the other two “veiled” candidates –
Vulcan and Neptune.

Uranus is the ruler of the 7th ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic, also known as the
ray of sacred geometry that was prominent in many of Klint’s paintings. The Moon
in Sagittarius itself is a highly intuitive position as well. Uranus rules the Aquarius
midheaven and is placed in the 12th house, alluding to the ability to draw upon
past occult knowledge.

2. Neptune, the other main planetary significator of buddhi/intuition, is in Aries,

the pioneer and trailblazer – opposite Saturn in Libra. Saturn is exalted in Libra and
is a “mental” planet (ruling throat centre) – in a mental sign.

Saturn is exalted in Libra because of Saturn’s skill to organise thoughts into forms, i.e. geometrical thoughtforms.
Saturn taps into the esoteric ruler of Libra – Uranus, and its 7th ray organisational skills; hence the practicality noted
with Libra.

Libra is of course one of the main signs related to the expression

of art, beauty and aesthetics, through its exoteric ruler Venus –
which also happens to be in Libra with Jupiter! Hence, the idealism,
vision and imagination of Neptune finds its materialised expression
through Saturn in Libra.

Klint’s paintings were first brought to California in Nov. 1986 when

appropriately, transiting Uranus (7th ray ruler) was exactly
conjunct her Moon in Sagittarius. Then in again, appropriately on
Oct.12, 2018 – a major exhibition began at the Guggenheim in
NYC, attracting hordes of visitors since then.

At this date, her Scorpio sun was transited by Mercury, whilst her
progressed MC in Leo was conjunct transiting north node, squaring her Sun in Scorpio, whilst transiting Uranus was
opposite the sun. The annual transit of the Sun also passed most appropriately over her Venus in Libra.

Britannia is Sinking: Rishi Sunak PM

British politics is in total disarray, as yet another Tory leader
(whatsername, oh yes – Truss), fell on her sword and resigned as PM,
replaced by another unelected politician – Rishi Sunak, one of the top
officers of the WEF army.

If anyone thought that Boris Johnson was a shocking alternative in his

threatened but failed comeback, Sunak might be infinitely worse – in
terms of pushing through the WEF agenda.

Britain’s horoscope for 1801 reflects what is going on. Progressed Sun
is in Leo (the soul sign of London), besieged by a strong opposition from transiting Saturn in Aquarius – and cornered
by an exact square from transiting Uranus – creating a formidable grand cross – when natal Neptune is included in the

Britain’s transits and progressions, 21 Oct. 2022.

This is the last gasp of the long-running square dance between Saturn-Uranus – and Britain is the proverbial meat in
the sandwich. Uranus forcing change, reform even revolution – Saturn trying to conserve the status quo and business
as usual. There is an opposition from transiting Jupiter in Aries to natal Uranus in Libra (London’s personality sign),
encouraging radical and wide-ranging change.

Also prominent is Britain’s progressed midheaven (public/career) in Aquarius near

transiting Saturn, conjunct natal Venus and opposite progressed Sun in Leo. With so
much going on, there is bound to be some high drama in these ensuing weeks and

Another aspect coming into exactitude in the next two months – is that of
progressed Moon in Virgo opposite Pluto in Pisces. Pluto rules Britain’s 2nd house of
money, hence this aspect may bring profound changes financially – in a nation where
millions are already being strangled economically.

Enter PM Rishi Sunak once more – former Chancellor of the Exchequer and Goldman
Sachs investment banker; he is in the same league as another WEF cohort, France’s
Emmanuel Macron, who cut his teeth in Rothschild’s bank. Bankers rule the world?
Britain’s first Asian/Hindu
Big Money is rumoured to be planning a major financial crash that forces the PM.
population off cash onto digital, wrapped in a surveillance capitalism bundle, tied up
with a frilly bow of carbon/social credits system. This is NOT “conspiracy theory” – it has been openly stated by many
prominent figures, financial experts, the WEF and various governments for years – in fact is already up and running in
some banks. China of course, has been running this scheme for the past several years.

Rishi Sunak. (Time uncertain, unverified.)

This chart has an unverified time – derived from an Indian astrology website, so it might be accurate, giving Leo rising
in the last degree – the same as Donald Trump! Aries moon and Taurus sun, a major sign associated with money,
recalling the horoscope of finance people like Bernie Madoff with da billions, and Mark Zuckerberg, whose Taurus sun is
not far from Sunak’s.

Good synastry for a working partnership – but not unfortunately for those
who are fighting for freedom of speech. The British government has already
clamped down considerably in the past few years, with even greater
restraints planned.

Facebook’s censorship is steadily getting worse – as this author will attest

after three recent suspensions for posting “misinformation” – which in fact,
were all undeniable facts. There is certainly much leadership potential for
Sunak if he has Leo rising and an Aries moon, but lead? … in what direction?

“Former British finance minister Rishi Sunak – a frontrunner to become Britain’s next Prime Minister – has family ties to
a technology partner of the World Economic Forum that has advocated for a Chinese Communist Party-style economy
complete with trackable, digital identities and currency.

Sunak … is widely considered the “neoliberal” or “globalist” candidate.

The father of Sunak’s wife Akshata Murthy is the founder of Infosys, an
Indian information technology company that provides services to a host
of Fortune 500 companies and banks.

One of the company’s leading services is Finacle, a digital banking

platform. Murthy remains a foreign citizen with “non dom” i.e. non UK
tax-paying status despite her husband’s work as Britain’s most senior
finance chief, and expectation of becoming Prime Minister.

Infosys is listed as an official partner of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which has been accused of seeking to
develop the technological infrastructure to implement a global “social credit score” system.

Social credit scores have been used by authoritarian regimes to deny rights and restrict the movements of individuals
who fail to comply with diktats. For the World Economic Forum, social credit priorities would likely focus on left-wing
social issues like climate change, diversity, and equity.

Far from being a silent partner, InfoSys has earned praise from the WEF, being
dubbed a “global leader in next-generation digital services and consulting.”

“With three decades of experience in managing the systems and workings of

global enterprises, it steers clients through their digital journey by enabling
them with an artificial intelligence-powered core that helps prioritize the
execution of change.” – WEF on the Sunak-linked InfoSys.”12
Digital protection and security
A general election in Britain would have
restored some semblance of democracy,
especially in light of the fact that it has in the
past couple of years come to resemble a fascist state – obsessed by money, in slavery
to corporate groups such as described in the Libra 2022 newsletter – Big Oil, Pharma

This is where the newly crowned King Charles III could have stepped in and exercised some of his authority to
encourage an election – after five Tory leaders in six years, five of them unelected by the public.

But that did not happen and the Tory party are now telling Charles not to attend one of
his favourite WEF meetings – COP27: Parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change.

As Labour have very high ratings at the moment, they would have won if an election had
been called. Not that they would have any real impact, as Labour has failed miserably as
a party, a shadow of its former self, stacked with boring and unimaginative people, the
best of their bunch vilified or expelled.

With the most extreme Thatcherite theology driving the Tories, this period might also
signal their death knell too – by 2024 or even sooner, given the recent high casualty
The ghost of Margaret rate of prime ministers!
Thatcher (the “iron
lady”) still lingers …. This is an universal situation – there is no real definition between left and right in many
countries, they are only slightly left or right of centre; they embrace similar bland
values, carrying weak leaders – with the exception of a minority whose voices for truth are ignored or dismissed.

King Charles III: Scorpio Sun, Earth in Taurus

Whilst on the British theme, Charles III was also touched upon in the
Libra 2022 newsletter – a Scorpio sun with Leo rising and the Moon in
Taurus. The Earth is also in Taurus, an important consideration when
esoterically interpreting soul purpose through the rising sign – and
personality expression through the Sun sign.

Let us take a short detour to explore the opposite sign, from an

unpublished and unfinished manuscript (A 24-page booklet, freely
available on the author’s website – Zodiacal Meditations by The

“… these meditation formulas are based upon the planned fusion – by invocation – of three basic energies: those of
the Rising Sign, those of the Sun Sign and those of the sign that is opposite to that of the Sun Sign …[Earth]

… These three potencies – covered by the symbol, fused in the seed

thought and precipitated by recognition of the esoteric planet that
governs the Rising Sign – become effective in the expression of the
disciple in the three worlds, through the medium of service to
humanity. We have, therefore, the following technical invocation,
evocation and demonstration of force:

1. Dynamic opposite sign [Earth] will produce the evocation of his will
upon the mental plane.

2. Magnetic Rising Sign [Leo] will produce effective changes in his

group life and work, which work is an expression of a correct appreciation of love and will demonstrate primarily upon
the astral plane.

3. Active Sun Sign [Scorpio] will condition his service on the physical plane.”13

King Charles III.

Like Cancer, Taurus is a sign that pertains to the Earth and the environment, hence Charles’ long-running involvement
with this theme, incorporated more recently with the fanatical climate change brigade. Like many others, Charles
allowed his idealism on the environment to be hijacked by Schwab and the WEF. Taurus is also the personality
expression (very crystallised) of Britain.

It is on this latter theme, that Charles made some very forceful and blunt statements, when exhorting people with the
WEF mantra, “build back better” – during the insidious Covid-19 debacle. In the following excellent documentary
(downloadable) – The Plan, Charles makes his rather illogical, scare-mongering statement, between 1.50 and 2.31.

The Plan provides an excellent, irrefutable and incontrovertible overview of what has happened over the
past few years, a veritable hijacking of Humanity – that has partially worked, so far.

But “they” are not finished their pursuit of ruthless goals, meeting ever-increasing resistance because millions have
woken up to the almost inconceivable fact that these various groups have perpetrated an outlandish crime for the
motive of money, power and control.

Just as British politics is crumbling, so is the monarchy. It is rumoured that

Charles may not last long on the throne or may abdicate, due to his “sausage
fingers”, swelling due to an hypothesised heart condition. There is also a
simmering resentment toward Charles by the British people – in the way he
was perceived to treat Lady Diana.

And also speculated, that fifth in succession Prince Harry, instead of Prince
William, will take the throne. What about Andy? (LOL) Well, all this is in the
realm of speculation, allegedly backed up by some Nostradamus predictions.

Now that two of the WEF’s top lieutenants have taken power in Britain, Rishi Sunak as PM and Charles III as king – what
could possibly go wrong? The close synastry between these two leaders is extraordinary, opening up a clear path for
them to help materialise globalist plans.
Charles and Sunak synastry.

1. Their Scorpio-Taurus suns are directly opposite one another,

making a T-square to Sunak’s north node/rising in Leo. Both parties
are Leo rising leaders/kings. There is some tension here, not always
seeing eye to eye, in fact could express itself as some major
ideological power struggles – but they seem to be both on the same
page in that respect.

2. Charles’ highly idealistic Jupiter in Sagittarius (which falls precisely

on WEF’s moon in Sagittarius), opposite his Uranus in Gemini – is
opposite/conjunct Sunak’s Venus in Gemini; excellent potential for a
“bromance” but also has some inherent conflict, due to the
Sunak becomes new PM.
opposition itself, plus radical ideas from Charles.

Sunak’s late Aries moon might be inclined to be impatient and push through his agenda, whereas Charles’ early Taurus
moon which is conjunct Sunak’s moon, might be inclined to be slow and stubborn! So here are just a few points that
will be interesting to observe as matters unfold.

The Dark Shadow of Scorpio Jimmy Savile

King Charles III also had a long and close friendship with fellow Scorpio – Jimmy Savile, a most
unfortunate association that still hangs around Charles and the royal family like a bad smell.

Unlike Charles, who is possibly a disciple of some merit (despite his personality traits or
offbeat philosophies), Savile is a shocking example of the worst traits of Scorpio – and then

“English DJ, television presenter, media personality and charity fundraiser. He hosted the BBC
television show Jim’ll Fix It, was the first and last presenter of the long-running BBC music
chart show Top of the Pops, and raised an estimated £40 million for charities.

After his death, hundreds of allegations of child sex abuse and rape became public, leading the police to believe that
Savile was a predatory sex offender, and may have been one of Britain’s most prolific rapers.”14

Jimmy Savile. (Time uncertain, hence rising sign in doubt.)

Scorpio is of course, one of the most notorious signs related to sex – its abuse or misuse, and Savile was a leading
exponent – by acts committed but also his powers of deception and intimidation toward victims – or the authorities.
His sickening behaviour knew no bounds and many of the grosser acts attributed to him were left out of the Netflix
documentary, Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story:

“One former Broadmoor nurse claimed that Savile had said that he engaged in
necrophiliac acts with corpses in the Leeds General Infirmary mortuary; Savile
was said to be friends with the chief mortician, who gave him near-unrestricted
access …

… In October 2020, the BBC announced a mini-series with the working title The
Reckoning, which will recount Savile’s rise to fame and the sexual abuse scandal
that emerged after his death. It is expected to be broadcast in 2022.”15

Savile’s lower Scorpio keynote, “let maya flourish and deception rule”, was
complemented by a proposed Gemini ascendant – in its lower devious
expression of the con-man, the fast talker, the ability to connect with people
Savile in his heyday as host of Top
from all walks of life – yet with selfish motive. of the Pops.

The ascendant degree (if correct), straddles the aforementioned Venus in

Gemini-Jupiter in Sagittarius axis of Charles. Hence, Savile’s easy access to Charles, in fact the whole of Buckingham
Palace and his association with the other royals – he conned and ingratiated himself to them all. Here is the dark
shadow of Savile that must have contributed significantly to the corruption of the House of Windsor.

“Savile was also in contact with other members of the royal household and
received telegrams from Diana, Princess of Wales, and Prince Philip, as well as a
handwritten letter from Princess Alexandra’s husband Sir Angus Ogilvy and a
homemade card from Sarah, Duchess of York.

Savile acted as an unofficial adviser to Prince Charles, who sought his advice on a
number of occasions on how the royal family ought to interact with the public and
media. In 1989, Savile hand-wrote an unofficial set of guidelines to Charles on how
members of the royal family and staff may respond to disasters. [!] Charles
showed the dossier to his father, Prince Philip, who passed the contents on to the
Prince of Wales and Sir Jimmy

…Former royal family press secretary Dickie Arbiter said Savile’s behaviour had
raised “concern and suspicion” when Savile acted as an informal marriage counsellor between Prince Charles and
Princess Diana in the late 1980s, although no reports had been made.

Arbiter added that during his regular visits to Charles’s office at St James’s
Palace, Savile would “do the rounds of the young ladies taking their hands
and rubbing his lips all the way up their arms”.”16

Sleazy … would be an understatement!

“Savile did refer to Diana as “his girl” and even advised Charles as his
marriage to Diana fell apart later on. He was also known to behave
inappropriately in Diana’s quarters, with non-consensual touching and other
sexual impropriety toward Diana and toward her staff [including licking her
Lady Diana talks to Savile at one of
hand and arm]. Diana later described Savile’s behavior as “very creepy”.17 his fundraisers.

Savile had Gemini esoteric ruler Venus, placed in Scorpio conjunct his Sun,
which added to his charm and charisma. He also had Saturn in Scorpio conjunct Mercury in early Sagittarius, the latter
often a position of serial rapists/killers in their quest for “the hunt”. Mercury’s square to Neptune in Leo, added to his
powers of deception and subterfuge.

Savile had ”lucky” Jupiter on the midheaven in Aquarius and this was
his prominent public “generous persona” that raised millions of pounds
for charitable causes, but was ultimately used by Savile as a cover for
his other nefarious activities.

Savile had the moon in Virgo, adding to his Mercurial talents, especially
carefully detailed planning for his various escapades. He also must have
looked after his health, as an avid sportsman:

“He became a semi-professional sportsman, competing in the 1951

Tour of Britain cycle race and working as a professional wrestler. He
The 1985 London Marathon, England, said: If you look at the athletics of it, I’ve done over 300 professional
Radio Disc Jockey Jimmy Savile.
bike races, 212 marathons and 107 pro fights.

[He proudly announces that he lost all of his first 35 fights.] No wrestler wanted to go back home and say a long-
haired disc jockey had put him down. So from start to finish I got a good hiding. I’ve broken every bone in my body. I
loved it.”18

Sports is typically the theme of Sagittarius – where Mercury is placed, so

Savile might have been Sagittarius rising, the opposite sign to the
proposed Gemini ascendant.

Whether Savile had undue influence over Prince Andrew, who was caught
up in sexual allegations with another paedophile – Jeffrey Epstein, is
unknown. Andrew has his Neptune conjunct Savile’s Scorpio sun so could
have been led astray.

Andrew also has his Moon in later degrees of Scorpio, conjunct Charles’ sun. So perhaps it was possible, given Savile’s
continual easy access to Buckingham Palace. The late Jimmy Savile, his next incarnation will be challenging!

See also these videos: Louis Theroux: Jimmy Savile Revisited.

Top 10 Most Chilling Jimmy Saville TV Appearances


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Cuban Missile Crisis: 60-Year Cycle of Saturn-Jupiter

Recently in Oct. 2022 – exactly 60 years after the 1962 Cuban
Missile Crisis, US President Biden talked exaggeratedly of an imminent
armageddon, referring to the possibility of nuclear weapons being
used in Ukraine. That statement was strategically issued on Russian
president Putin’s birthday, Oct.7.

Mostly likely it was another attempt to sow more “fear porn” in order
to keep the public on edge and under control, to justify the “pain at
the pump” – with high fuel prices continually blamed on Russia and its
“unprovoked attack” on Ukraine. The following horoscope is based
upon the following statement:

“On October 15, the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center reviewed the U-2 photographs and identified
objects that they interpreted as medium range ballistic missiles … That evening, the CIA notified the Department of
State and at 8:30 pm EDT, Bundy chose to wait until the next morning to tell the President [JFK].”19

Cuban Missile Crisis

Nevertheless, it is an interesting exercise to consider this 60-year cycle as one related to three 20-year Jupiter-Saturn
conjunctions. Before 1962, the 20-year conjunction of these two planets occurred in Feb.1961, falling on NATO’s
Jupiter. At that time, then President Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex – specifically citing the rise
of a health bureaucracy that would be a threat to democracy. That prophecy has now come true, given the current
state of affairs on the planet. By the time the Cuba crisis rolled around in Oct.1962, both planets had moved on to
Aquarius (Saturn) and Pisces (Jupiter).

The chart above is timed for when US intelligence received the

first verified reports about medium range ballistic missiles in
Cuba. It was on Oct.16 the next day that JFK and the rest of
the military were briefed, entering into an uncertain period that
lasted another 13 days to Oct.29. Let us examine some of the
features of this horoscope.

Gemini rising is the “soul purpose” – right communications and

relationships. Gemini ruler Mercury the messenger and mediator
– was in Libra, another sign of relationships, diplomacy and

Gemini a scendant ruler Mercury was in a grand trine formation JFK visits a missile base.
with Saturn in Aquarius – in the 9th house of foreign affairs.
There were many furious communications and negotiations during that tense two week period – as detailed in this
Wikipedia account.

Saturn in Aquarius at its most elevated status in the horoscope, also

reflects the fact that both Russia and the USA are Aquarian souls. In the
Cuban Missile Crisis (CMC) chart, the moon is in Taurus, which is the soul
sign of Moscow and Khruschev’s sun sign; the moon exactly squared his
Leo ascendant, perhaps the cause of his emboldened move on Cuba.

Fidel Castro was also a Leo Sun, and it was the Leo north node return in
USA’s chart. Mars was also in Leo moving across USA’s north node during
this period – hence a lot of Leonine power posturing going on!

Castro and Khruschev.

The CMC Moon in Taurus was exactly opposite Venus in Scorpio, the
planet of relationships in a Mars-ruled sign of strife and conflict.
Exoterically, Venus in Scorpio gives a tendency to subtly dominate and control relationships, to be secretive, ruthless,
cold, indifferent – or fond of drama!

All of those traits were in play during the crisis period, where at the
beginning Venus was stationary in Scorpio about to go retrograde –
which it did during the two week crisis period, only straying one
degree from its position and occupying mainly the 27th degree of

The Sabian Symbol for that degree is appropriately, “A military band

marches on noisily through the city streets.” Sabian symbol author
Lynda Hill elaborates:

“… the need for occasionally making a show for society to remind

ourselves of our successes and achievements, whether they are collective or personal achievements. The “Military
Band” can make an enormous amount of noise as it “Marches Noisily”, but sometimes we need to be woken or
reminded of the cohesion that a military band can show.

Likewise, this can show someone that likes to bang their own drum or to make a big noise about themselves or for the
establishment. As long as the audience is ok with this display, one can contain the reaction from others. Sometimes,
though, people get annoyed by people banging their drums a little too loudly.

Noisy announcements. Making music to rouse people from complacency.

Demanding attention. Trumpeting one’s agenda. Marching in time. The
blast of the media. Drums [of war]. A lot of volume that’s too pompous.
The message getting lost in the noise and fanfare. Demanding to be
heard. Propaganda. Threats to peace. Banging on.”20

The Moon in Taurus-Venus in Scorpio opposition creates a wide-ish grand

cross to the the exoteric/esoteric rulers of Aquarius – Uranus in Virgo
and Jupiter in Pisces. Uranus rules uranium, the raw material for atomic
Members of Fidel Castro’s militia gather
in Cuba’s Escambry Mountains during the On the Scorpio full moon of 2022, Venus is back in Scorpio – as per usual
ill-fated 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion. on its annual passage at about this time. On the exact full moon time,
the sun is directly opposite Uranus, which of course is closely conjunct
the Moon in Taurus – an interesting echo of the 1962 relation of planets.

Venus moves back to the 27th degree of Scorpio by Nov.13, 2022, with
Mercury in Scorpio following a day later – perhaps stirring up the ghosts of
1962, but hopefully bringing to an end any speculation about a nuclear

As stated in other missives, The Hierarchy have stated that it will not allow
the use of nuclear weapons (““No Nuclear War Allowed”). So if any leader
sets off and approves the launch codes (the process of arming the actual
warhead is much more complex), there will be a launch failure – the
proverbial “damp squid”!

Hence, talk of nuclear exchanges is far more likely to be a propaganda

beat-up, as described earlier – “someone that likes to bang their own drum
or to make a big noise about themselves”. Even in relation to a so-called
“Now I am become Death, the
“dirty bomb”, false flag operation for which both sides are accusing the
destroyer of worlds.” (Quote from the
other. Bhagavad-Gita by J. Robert
The warring brothers of Russia
and Ukraine must make peace, but
that will only come about when the warring brothers of Russia and the USA,
the two Aquarian souls – make their peace.

The onus is really upon the USA to cease its blatantly provocative proxy war
upon Russia, via Ukraine – and to allow peace negotiations which it has
constantly refused.

For group meditators, there is a simple visualisation of seeing vitalised

energy flowing harmoniously between the points of a triangle: USA, Britain
and Russia – the three nations that are predicted to usher in the Aquarian Age .

Rather than visualising leaders per se, symbols at each point of the triangle could be the Statue of Liberty, London’s
Big Ben and St. Basils cathedral in the Kremlin. (Perhaps some reader might like to create a triangle graphic that
incorporates these symbols?)

Elon Musk Seals the Twitter Deal

“Chief Twit”, Elon Musk has finally completed his purchase of Twitter and
wasted no time in firing some of its top CEO’s. Musk claims that his motives
to buy Twitter were because, “it is important that the future of civilisation
have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be
debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence.”

A fine sounding motive, let us hope that it is true – time will tell. Musk is a
clever operator, and also has many other projects such as the controversial
SpaceX program: The planned deployment of 42,000 Starlink satellites, with
a goal of establishing a global 5G network – requiring an infrastructure of
Elon Musk speaks at TED2017.
one million on-the-ground antennas to connect its satellites with the ground

Then there is his Neuralink program with AI (artificial intelligence), linking the human brain to a computer or phone
interface. All of the above programs are straight from the WEF playbook ideology – their projected tech vision for the
future. Musk is one of the WEF’s Young Global Leader graduates – which does not necessarily mean that he will
ultimately play ball with them.

Elon Musk

Currently, Musk has many very interesting transits and progressions in his horoscope that could go either way in terms
of choices that he will be presented in the next few years. Will he be one of the main movers and shakers who will help
WEF and other globalists manifest their plan for mass digital control in the realms of health, money and politics – or
will he be the unpredictable Uranian, the planetary ruler of his Aquarius soul purpose?

Elon Musk: Transits and Progressions.

1. Progressed midheaven opposite Cancer Sun. The progressed MC (the career thus far unfolded), has just made an
exact opposition to his Cancer sun, a sign related to the masses or mass consciousness. Prog. MC also made a
conjunction to the Earth in Capricorn – as it is always exactly opposite the Sun. Capricorn, the sign of the practical and
often magical manifestation of ideas.

2. Progressed Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Scorpio. Prog. Sun has been in Leo for about 25 years – hence Musk’s high
profile as a leader in his field. The progressed Sun is now moving into a square with Jupiter in Scorpio, the most
elevated planet in his horoscope, conjunct the midheaven.

Expansive Jupiter’s position here is reflective of Musk’s broad

ranging and in-depth ideas. Jupiter is also the esoteric ruler of his
Aquarian ascendant soul purpose, the main sign of technology
through its exoteric ruler Uranus.

The square of progressed Sun in Leo to Jupiter in Scorpio will be

exact in the next two years, but is well in orb of influence now. The
danger with such a square is that through an overflowing exuberance
of visionary ideas, one bites off more than one can chew, promises
more than can be delivered, accompanied by soaring ego inflation!

Yet Jupiter and the Sun are the two rulers of the 2nd ray of Love-Wisdom, inherently carrying a high degree of
goodwill that supports Musk’s altruistic statement, “where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy

3. Transiting Saturn conjunct Aquarius ascendant. Saturn has been moving back and forth across Musk’s ascendant
since Feb.2022, perhaps accounting for some fluctuations in his approach to buying Twitter.

Whenever Saturn on its 30-year journey conjoins the rising sign, there
is a deepening of soul purpose revealed. Aquarius is the sign of the
World Server, the water-bearer who pours forth for thirsting humanity –
the philanthropist or humanitarian with genuinely altruistic motives.

All these traits above refer to Jupiter’s soul rulership of Aquarius, whilst
the mundane rulership of Uranus concerns all of Musk’s tech projects –
Tesla cars, rockets, AI, the Boring Company etc.

Saturn, the Lord of Karma, makes its last pass over the rising sign in
the next four weeks (by Dec.2), consolidating Musk’s expansion in the
tech communications field via Twitter, but also (hopefully) Jupiter’s esoteric rulership relating to world service. The
awareness of Jupiter’s influence is of course amplified by the aforementioned square from the prog. Sun in Leo to
natal Jupiter.

4. Saturn conjunct Mars in Aquarius. As natal Mars sits on the ascendant, this transit occurs soon after the previous
transit, exact by Dec.16. The author has coined the term “Da Vinci” for Mars in Aquarius, due to its presence in
Leonardo Da Vinci’s horoscope – the genius of innovation and invention.

Mars is the ruler of Musk’s Scorpio midheaven, hence Saturn’s transit over Mars (on and off since March 2022) – will
solidify and consolidate Musk’s success. Saturn has a natural affinity with the midheaven (achievement).

Pluto trine Pluto

Pluto is the co-ruler of the Scorpio midheaven – and transiting Pluto in Capricorn
will be making an harmonious trine to natal Pluto in Virgo for the next two
years, bringing much personal empowerment to Musk’s activities, with of course
some of the challenges of using power responsibly!

5. Transiting Uranus opposite midheaven, square ascendant. Uranus has been

opposing the Scorpio midheaven since June 2022, making its last aspect in
mid-April 2023. Uranus, the exoteric ruler of the Aquarius rising soul purpose, is
an extraordinary influence.

This Uranus transit no doubt has contributed to Musk’s fluctuating approach to Twitter negotiations, as well as
midheaven themes – people in positions of authority, such as the fired CEO’s.

Shortly after the last hit in April 2023, transiting Uranus will move in to square the Aquarius ascendant proper, as it
did briefly (but not exactly) in Aug.2022. Transiting Uranus will make exact squares to Musk’s Aquarian ascendant and
Mars in May-June 2023, Nov-Dec. 2023 and Jan.-April 2024 – the last hit will be where transiting Jupiter in Taurus will
meet with Uranus on a relatively rare conjunction!

This transit will certainly consolidate Musk’s existing technologies, but may also bring something very new and quite
revolutionary. During this period, the aforementioned prog. Sun in Leo will have moved into its exact square with
Aquarius esoteric ruler Jupiter.

10 Most Outstanding Elon Musk Inventions (2021)


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With both rulers of the Aquarian soul purpose so powerfully activated (Uranus and Jupiter), Musk has the opportunity
to create great goodwill that serves the public with “unselfish” technology – in contradistinction to the many
manipulative and selfish uses of technology the world has witnessed in the past few years – in media and medical

The reader will note that “in the mix” of this Uranus transit opposing the midheaven, is solar arc Pluto in Scorpio that
will make an exact conjunction to Musk’s midheaven in a little over a year. It is well within orb of contact now and is a
further empowerment theme.

6. Transiting Neptune in Pisces trine Jupiter in Scorpio. This transit will begin
as a station from May-Aug. 2023 through to March 2024 and with a final
station from Nov.2024 to Feb.2025.

The extraordinary extra stimulation of natal Jupiter (as esoteric ruler of soul
purpose Aquarius), may bring Musk much inspiration, intuitive and perhaps
even mystical experiences, and/or some kind of awakening.

With beneficent Jupiter being activated so powerfully, the world’s richest

man has the capacity to embark upon a program of generous philanthropy
(without strings), giving away his billions to charitable groups or setting up
social programs. (That might certainly be better than wasting billions trying to colonise Mars!)

7. Between Nov. 5-10, 2022 – Venus, Sun and Mercury will all pass over
Musk’s natal midheaven, right on the Scorpio full moon period and during US
mid-term elections – putting him squarely in the public spotlight. This may
involve his controversial overhaul of Twitter and the reinstatement of
people like Donald Trump’s account – at a time when Trump may be making
moves to run for US president again.

All in all, an extraordinary combination of progressions and transits

unfolding in Musk’s horoscope – that will catapult him to even greater fame
or notoriety. Aquarians march to the beat of a different drum – with
rebellious Uranus ruling, expect the unexpected from Musk!

Finally, thanks to a reader’s contribution, this excellent

profile on Elon Musk from The Corbett Report, may round
out some of the various perspectives on Musk.

Bear with Corbett’s humour for the first few minutes,

before he gets down to tin tacks. (Click on this
screenshot below to view on Rumble.)

Other articles on Elon Musk:

Elon Musk: Progressed Sun in Leo
Elon Musk: Reincarnation of Thomas Edison?

Twitter Under Musk

This new Twitter horoscope was generated for the date that Musk concluded
the legalities for the purchase of the company. Time is unknown, so the rising
sign is in doubt, though it could be Sagittarius rising as displayed here.

Sagittarius the sign of truth-telling and is also the position of the Moon. The
Moon is in harmonious trine to Sagittarius ruler Jupiter – in the first degree of
Aries, indicating a grand new beginning.

Jupiter is retrograde, before dipping back into Pisces momentarily, hence may
indicate a few initial operational hiccups – until it goes direct and passes back
over its natal position by the end of Dec.2022.

The Sun and Venus are in Scorpio, whilst Mercury is in Libra (“fair and
balanced”), prominently placed on the midheaven, the most elevated planet in the chart. Mercury – messenger and
mediator, in the sign of mediation and diplomacy – a good position for the new company.

Twitter Under Musk

Mercury also closely trines Mars in Mercury-ruled Gemini, backing up Musk’s claim to create a fair platform that has
“robust” conversations and dialogues – as opposed to uncontrolled hate speech that many anticipate. A forum is
being set up to control misbehaviour, but unfortunately already,

“Twitter has been hit by a coordinated trolling campaign in the

wake of Elon Musk’s takeover, with more than 50,000 tweets from
300 accounts bombarding the platform with hateful content.”21

Mars in Gemini can be terribly argumentative, often resorting to

name calling and ad hominem remarks. Mars in Gemini is the
“journalist” because of its tenacity to get to the truth and dig up
the story.

But conversely and somewhat perversely, Mars in Gemini can be a

manipulator of untruths and a shocking liar, e.g. former Aussie PM
Scott Morrison, “the liar from the shire”.

Mars is opposite this Sagittarius ascendant, which it rules

hierarchically – in terms of mass consciousness, as described in the
following article on crowd crushes. This horoscope also contains
the last square between the long running dance of Uranus in
Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius, the tension between the past and
future. Saturn in Aquarius falls on Musk’s ascendant, as described earlier.

In the original Twitter horoscope for 2006, the Moon is also in

Sagittarius, conjunct Pluto in the same sign. Pluto in that chart falls Twitter could split into strands allowing users
on the proposed ascendant of this chart. There is much synastry to stage rows!
between the two horoscopes and the deal occurred 14 years or two
Saturn cycles after Twitter’s inception, in other words, the Saturn
opposition of Jan.2021 . Perhaps then the writing was on the wall for a Twitter takeover – or overhaul.

When Musk entered the scene, transiting Saturn in Aquarius had moved up to conjoin original Twitter’s Neptune –
which sits right on Musk’s ascendant, the angle described earlier with so many transits to it. The tri-wheel chart below
shows the many dynamics that exist between all three entities – to list a few:

1. New Twitter Sun-Venus square to old Twitter Saturn in Leo (fixed and stubborn), not an easy aspect!
2. Musk moon in Virgo square to old Twitter Mars in Gemini. Old and new Twitters have Mars in Gemini.
3. New Twitter Jupiter conjunct old Twitter Sun in Aries – a good connection in common that contributes to the
4. New Twitter moon in Sagittarius activating Musk’s Neptune-Saturn opposition, his knack for materialising the vision.
5. New Twitter Saturn in Aquarius conjunct old Twitter Neptune, Musk’s ascendant and Mars.
Triwheel inner to outer: Musk, Twitter, Twitter Under Musk.

Crowd Crushes and Mass Consciousness

Two tragic events have occurred recently:

1. Oct.1 at a football stadium in Indonesia when hundreds were killed or

injured after fans rushed the pitch and were met with tear gas from

2. Oct.29 at a large public Halloween celebration in Seoul, South Korea

– hundreds also killed or injured.

These two disturbing events have similar astrological signatures that

Police officers walk the scene where many
relate to mass consciousness or “mob mentality” where a wave of panic
died and were injured in a stampede
takes over, creating a stampede. during a Halloween festival in Seoul.

The author remembers witnessing this in India in the early 90’s, near
the Ramakrishna ashram (of all places!), when a local protest over the demolition of a house turned violent. The surge
of the mob mind was visceral, prompting escape up onto a high wall!

There are planets and signs that relate to mass consciousness and
instinctual awareness, primarily Cancer with its exoteric/esoteric
rulers the Moon and Neptune. Another factor is Mars, that along
with Neptune, is co-ruler of the astral or emotional body.

Mars is the hierarchical ruler of Sagittarius and has mass influence

as an, “individual responds to mass vibration … where Mars
appears as ruling the sixth Creative Hierarchy, the lunar lords of
the form nature who must eventually be sacrificed to the higher
spiritual aspect and brought under the control of the solar Angel
Football stadium Oct.1 in Malang, Indonesia.
The effect of Mars is, therefore, largely mass effect and group
results, producing great struggles but leading finally to great

L: Halloween – South Korea. R: Indonesia stampede. Timing for the Seoul tragedy has been given 22′ later than this
horoscope, which means that the moon moves from late Sagittarius into early Capricorn. Nevertheless, the activity
leading up to the stampede occurred whilst the moon was in Sagittarius, culminating in early Capricorn.

Seoul: at least 153 dead after crowd crush at Halloween celebrations


Watch on

In the horoscopes for both events – the Moon, Mars and Neptune are prominent. Mars is of course the lower and
higher ruler of Scorpio (where Sun and Venus are now), having particular relevance to Halloween – a grim irony that
this festival is dedicated to remembering the dead.

In the Indonesia event chart, transiting Moon is in Sagittarius

almost exactly opposite Mars in Gemini – and square to Neptune in
Pisces, Mercury in Virgo – creating a tension-filled mutable grand

Sagittarius is a sign that rules sports, celebrations or partying –

like the carousing Centaurs of ancient times. Transiting Mars and
Neptune have been in a square dance with one another for several
weeks and that pattern is present in both events.

The Moon was also in Sagittarius in the South Korea event,

opposing Mars in Gemini, squaring Neptune in Pisces. But
magnifying the event considerably, the Moon was void-of-course in
the last degree of Sagittarius, exactly squaring Jupiter in the last Centaurs by Michelangelo.
degree of Pisces, prominently placed on the midheaven.

Both events happened around 10 pm at night, the Indonesian event had Gemini rising, whilst the South Korea tragedy
had Cancer rising – the sign of the masses, ruled by Moon-Neptune.

Scorpio Synastries: Kennedy, Fauci and Gates

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote the recent best-selling book – The Real
Anthony Fauci, since releasing a two part documentary by the same
name. Both book and documentary expose deceptive practices of the
pharmaceutical industries, reaching back decades.

The particular emphasis upon Anthony Fauci as chief of the NIH –

National Institute for Health, was for holding that position for several
decades, with extraordinary influence, hence his appellation as the “J.
Edgar Hoover of healthcare” or even a “mafia don”.

Fauci’s exposed lies, certainly qualify him as another candidate for the lower Scorpio expression, “Let maya flourish
and deception rule” – having the Ascendant, Mars and Moon in this sign.

Likewise, Fauci stablemate Bill Gates – chief promoter of vaccine ideology and major
obfuscator of the truth reaching the public, with his characteristic arms-a-flailing and
double-speak. Gates has Sun, Venus and Saturn in Scorpio. Both men – highly
intelligent, well informed – one of whom in the top five global billionaires, both cunning
as foxes!

RFK has taken both these men to task over the last couple of decades, has been a
steady and persistent advocate of cutting through their lies and exposing the truth.
Here is the difference between RFK, an undoubted world disciple, and the other two
materialistically oriented men who are so steeped in the art of lying, it is second

RFK has Saturn and warrior Mars in Scorpio (same as Fauci) but obviously uses it in a different way. The object of this
exercise is to show this trio’s relationship of Scorpio planets.

Inner to outer: Gates, Fauci, Kennedy.

The two bracketed areas show the main divisions of Scorpio planets in common with the trio. The earlier degrees of
Scorpio show Fauci’s moon and Gates’ sun conjunct – a marriage made in hell? Jupiter is exactly opposite Gates’
Scorpio sun – another attractive factor for one another.

Kennedy’s Saturn (the law, lord of karma) is conjunct those positions,

holding them both to account. Fauci and Kennedy have their Saturn’s
exactly opposite one another from Taurus to Scorpio – there is their
loggerhead, each adamant in defence of their respective authority and

Kennedy’s Saturn is also empowered by the fact that he has Sun, Mercury,
Venus, node, Chiron and the midheaven all in Saturn-ruled Capricorn.

Similarly in the red-bracketed section, Gates’ Venus-Saturn sits directly on

Fauci’s Mars-Ascendant, allowing them to see eye to eye, to be “two peas in the same pod”. Within orb of those
positions is Kennedy’s Mars – the indefatigable fighter who has been on both their cases for many years.

Mark Zuckerberg’s horoscope could be added to the diabolical synastry of

Gates and Fauci. Zuckerberg has Pluto, Saturn, Moon, Mars and Earth all in
Scorpio (Sun in Taurus), with a particularly close cluster Moon-Mars in
Scorpio, to Fauci and Gates.

Zuckerberg is noted here because along with Google, Twitter, YouTube

etc, his Facebook-Meta company has been supporting the lies and
deceptions of the Fauci-Gates alliance.

Zuckerberg questions Fauci online about

Through Facebook “fact-checkers”, an army of censors and mis-
informationists police Facebook – with ever-increasing restrictions and
outrageous contradictions to factual truths.

It is hoped that the comparison of these Scorpio planets above illustrates the difference between Scorpio expressed in
its lower and higher aspects. It is the author’s view that, with the exception of Kennedy, these characters are deeply
immersed (and mired) in the world of matter; they have advanced intellectual capacities, but unalloyed with developed
compassion or wisdom.

On the other hand, Kennedy stands out like a dazzling comet streaking across the sky (even though his own
Democrats ignore him), doggedly holding those wayward souls to moral account. May we all join the rising, rousing
chorus that further exposes their exploitation of Humanity.

Some previous articles:

Robert F. Kennedy Jnr.
Gates, Fauci, WEF, WHO
Scorpions – Gates, Fauci & Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg 2019: Allowing Maya to Flourish?
Rockefeller, WHO, Gates, WEF
Bill Gates: Cancer Rising Soul Purpose (2020)
Bill Gates’ Transits and Progressions (2020)
Bill Gates, Coronavirus, Vaccines and WHO
Bill Gates and Eugenics (2020)

This documentary has been removed from YouTube (of course!) and can be found on the link below.
The Real Anthony Fauci (Movie) – Highly recommended!


Aquarian Wisdom Centre Retreat in Portugal

Note our new look website, now also phone and tablet compatible.

Zoom meditation/webinar for Scorpio 2022

2022: Monday, November 7 at 19.00 UT.

Access Webinar at the Aquarian Wisdom Centre website.

Phillip Lindsay © 2022.

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Books by Phillip Lindsay

The Shamballa Impacts Masters of the Seven Los Maestros De Los Soul Cycles Seven Rays Soul Cycles Seven Rays
Rays Siete Rayos I II

Soul Cycles Seven Rays Soul Cycles Seven Rays Soul Cycles Seven Rays Destiny Races & Destiny Races &
III IV V Nations I Nations II

Destiny Races & Destiny Races & Destiny Races & Hidden History of Initiations of
Nations III Nations IV Nations V Humanity I Krishnamurti

Songs to Varuna Unveiling Genesis


Esoteric Astrology Hidden History of Humanity

1. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.197. [ ]

2. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.318. [ ]
3. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.192. [ ]
4. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.360. [ ]
5. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.225. [ ]
6. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.204. [ ]
7. Wikipedia [ ]
8. Wikipedia [ ]
9. Initiation, Human and Solar, Alice A. Bailey. p.59. [ ]
10. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.125. [ ]
11. Wikipedia [ ]
12. [ ]
13. The Tibetan – Zodiacal Meditations [ ]
14. Astrodatabank [ ]
15. Wikipedia [ ]
16. Wikipedia [ ]
17. [ ]
18. Wikipedia [ ]
19. Wikipedia [ ]
20. [ ]
21. The Guardian [ ]
22. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.210. [ ]


5 Responses to Scorpio 2022: Maya. Esoteric Diwali. Hilma af Klint. Rishi Sunak. King Charles.
Jimmy Savile. Musk & Twitter. Crowd Crushes. Kennedy, Fauci, Gates.

Aquarius says:
October 31, 2022 at 10:06 am

Elon Musk is already spreading information that would be classed as misinformation. He is also going to charge for Twitter blue. No one
is sure yet what side he is on. Perhaps he is on no one’s side, but he is spreading misinformation that one side likes. What he is
spreading, there is no proof that it is true. Perhaps he needs to keep out of that.


P says:
November 1, 2022 at 4:08 am

Remember when idealistic Esotericists called Bill Gates a Disciple of the Heirarchy a World Server and Saviour ?? Well… it seems Elon is
the NEW World Saviour ? !! OR not …The brilliant James Corbett has done a deep investigation into Elon Musk in
Episode 429 –
‘Meet Elon Musk, Technocractic Huckster’
by Corbett Oct 18, 2022

Here’s the link

“Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He’s going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He’s
going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He’s going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of
Tesla’s Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to
absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is
being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you’ll
find that it’s even worse than that . . “


Phillip Lindsay says:

November 1, 2022 at 6:17 am

thanks Rebecca, yes I remember what esotericists said about Gates, I mentioned this in some of my recent profiles of him.
refugees/#bilg) Corbett did a brilliant doco exposing Gates so I look forward to this one on Musk.


P says:
November 2, 2022 at 4:42 am

For anyone interested in a sober and meticulous investigation of Bill Gates . Here’s that doco Phillip speaks of in the comment above

There can be no doubt that Bill Gates has worn many hats on his remarkable journey from his early life as the privileged son of a
Seattle-area power couple to his current status as one of the richest and most influential people on the planet. But, as we have seen
in our exploration of Gates’ rise as unelected global health czar and population control advocate, the question of who Bill Gates
really is is no mere philosophical pursuit. Today we will attempt to answer that question as we examine the motives, the ideology,
and the connections of this man who has been so instrumental in shaping the post-coronavirus world.


david says:
November 1, 2022 at 10:24 pm

Hi Phillip, excellent work!

For my part, I will make two reflections, one on “the expression of freedom” and the other on “the horoscopes of the sad events that
occurred in Korea and Indonesia”.
– the expression of freedom:
The main ploy of Forces of Materialism now is to limit even further the expression of alternative views and perspectives. This must not
be allowed to happen, question everything, make the theme of free speech a priority – it is the bedrock of freedom and democracy
If we stick to astrology in 2025 there will be a great opportunity for freedom to expand, perhaps for the moment it will only be a
subjective freedom, reflected in free minds, but as we know, “energy follows thought”.
Astrologically, in 2025 an unusual event will occur, the 3 transpersonal planets, which due to their slowness (the Soul is never in a
hurry) better calibrate the collective unconscious, will enter a new sign.
Pluto, transformative power will enter the sign of Aquarius, freedom through group responsibility…, will this mean a transformed
society? Freer and at the same time more united?
Neptune, the heart of the Sun, the great ideals of humanity, will enter Aries, the sign of the beginnings…, will this mean the emergence
of new and more inclusive ideals?
And Uranus, the mind that reveals the cosmic secrets (purposes) will enter Gemini, the bearer of the 2nd Ray of Love and Wisdom…,
will this mean that we will see human attitudes or wills, (unknown until now), wiser and more generous?
The truth is that I don’t know how the new molds will be imposed and the old ones will be destroyed, but the opportunity is written.
– The recent tragic events in Korea and Indonesia.
“In the horoscopes for both events, the Moon, Mars, and Neptune are prominent”
You are absolutely right Phillip, very good perception, this triangle is the ruler of what happened.
From my experience as an astrologer and observing the low evolutionary level of the event, I interpret that in both horoscopes Mars is
in House 1 and the Moon in House 7.
We can say that it is an event where the participating forms attack themselves. Astrologically, it is a conflicting relationship, not
integrated, between the power to kill suggested by Mars in the 1st house in opposition to a weak lunar form, very confused by the
square that Neptune exerts on it.
And Neptune in the 10th house, the house where “the king” governs the action. Neptune is the ruler of the psychic or emotional
aspect that invokes people. That is to say, he is the ideal of “the magic of Halloween” or of “the soccer passion” that motivated the
meeting, and that through Mars promoted the convulsion and (self) aggression to the participating forms or Moon.
In these situations the moon, being the densest or most material aspect, is always the one that obeys, the one that suffers, the last
step, the form that leaves, the faint, lifeless bodies.
Thanks for sharing!


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