NEW DELHI-110058
II Professional Ayurvedacharya
Lecture hours(LH)-Theory
150 150(LH)
Paper I 60
Paper II 90
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Roganidan Evum Vikriti Vigyan is a subject that gives emphasis on Ayurveda and contemporary Diagnostics
and Pathology. It is a key subject that trains the students to apply knowledge of fundamental principles of
Ayurveda to practice by understanding diseases, patient interaction, drawing diagnosis, and prognosis. This is
a strong base to frame an appropriate treatment protocol.
The curriculum is framed with a vision for developing the diagnostic knowledge and skills of a student abiding
by a patient-centric education. Activty-based training has been inculcated throughout the curriculum to
improve the dexterity of a student in handling real-life scenarios in the journey of reaching a diagnosis. The
anatomy and physiology learned in an apparently healthy individual from the first professional year is
continued in the second professional year with knowledge regarding morbid reflections in the mind and body
through this subject.
The sequence of knitting the points in theory and practical are carefully executed to maintain rationality and
continuity in learning from a clinical perspective. The basic principles of Vikriti vigyan and their application in
Roga nidana, Vyadhi vigyana and clinical diagnostics supported by contemporary diagnostics are the core
areas of the curriculum. The essential areas from contemporary pathology and diagnostics are included with
the objective to receive interdisciplinary integrated teaching. Some of the topics are defined for horizontal &
vertical integration for better understanding.
Innovative teaching learning and assessment methods are introduced. These will develop an interest in
students, making the curriculum student and patient-centric and will help to develop competencies, skills,
attitudes, and communication as these are indispensable components of the learning process in Health care/
In addition to classroom teaching-learning, the dedicated time has been allotted to clinical activities, self-
directed learning, group learning, survey to identify specific illnesses, CBL, and PBL, which are aligned with
traditional and innovative formative assessments and scientific writings; ultimately expecting the improved
performance of the students in summative assessments and as a successful practitioner in future by
implementing Competency-Based Medical Education. The subject will be definitely helpful to the students to
create a justifiable diagnosis for future treatment plans which is the basic need for successful practice.
SR1 A1 B1
CO Course learning Outcomes (CO) AyUG-RN Course learning
No At the end of the course AyUG-RN, the students should be able to- Outcomes matched
with program
learning outcomes.
CO1 Identify the morbidities in accordance with principles of Ayurveda pathology PO1
(vikriti vigyan siddhanta)
CO2 Describe the basic, general, and systemic pathological process thereby PO2,PO3
applying it in reaching a diagnosis
CO3 Perform appropriate clinical examination (pareeksha) utilizing Ayurveda and PO2,PO3,PO4
contemporary principles (samakalina siddhanta)
CO4 Order and interpret various diagnostic laboratory investigations and imaging PO2,PO3
CO5 Diagnose and present the case with clinical reasoning (naidanika tarka) PO5
CO6 Follow and advise advancements in diagnosis (vyadhi vinischaya) and PO7
prognosis (sadhya asadhyata) in clinical practice (naidanika adhyayana)
CO7 Communicate effectively with the patient (rugna), relatives (bandhujan) and PO8
other stakeholders (anya hita dhaaraka)
CO8 Demonstrate ethics (sadvritta), compassion (karuna) and possess qualities of PO6,PO9
a clinician (vaidya guna)
Sr. A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
No List of Topics Term Marks Lecture Non-
hours Lecture
1 1. Roga nidana – Pathophysiology and clinical diagnosis 1 43 1 0
2 2. Pareeksha 1 1 0
Roga and Rogi Pareeksha
5 5. Upashaya/ Anupashaya 1 1 0
6 6. Dosha Vikriti 1 3 2
A. Nidana (Vyadhi janaka hetu) B. Agni bheda and
Vikriti C. Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Dushta Karma,
Ashyapakarsha, Avarana, Samsargaja, Sannipataja. D.
Dosha swabhava - Nityasamshleshita (Leena) dosha and
Paricchedita dosha E. Paridhavamana dosha
8 8. Srotodushti 1 1 0
Samanya sroto dusti nidana and lakshana
9 9. Concept of Ama 1 2 0
A. Samanya nidana, and Samanya lakshana B. Bheda (Anna
rasa. Mala sanchaya (Dhatwagni mandya janit). Dosha
13 13. Samprapti 1 1 0
A. Samprapti bheda B. Vyadhi janma and Vyadhi janya
15 15. Vyadhinamakarana 1 1 1
16 16. Vyadhi 1 4 0
A. Definition, B. Classification – Dwividha/ Trividha/
Chaturvidha/ Saptavidha (Adibala/ Sahaja - Genetic,
Janmabala/ Garbhaja - Congenital, Dosha bala/ Jataja -
Acquired, Sanghatabala/ Peedaja - Traumatic, Daivabala/
Prabhavaja - Iatrogenic, Kalabala/ Kalaja – Environmental
and Geriatric, Swabhava balapravrutta), etc.
20 20. Vyadhikshamatva 1 2 0
A. Vikaravighata Bhava & Abhava, SatmyaB. Ojus - Bheda
– Two types and Four types C. Dosha Paka D. ImmunityE.
24 24. Upadrava 2 1 0
25 25. Arishta 2 1 0
Sr. A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
No List of Topics Term Marks Lecture Non-
hours Lecture
29 1. Agnimandya – Ajeerna, Anaha, Adhmana, Atopa 2 43 1 0
30 2. Chhardi 2 1 0
31 3. Amlapitta 2 2 0
32 4. Shoola 2 1 0
Parinama Shoola, Annadrava Shoola
34 6. Grahani 2 2 1
37 9. Mutrakrichhra 2 2 1
38 10. Mutraghata 2 3 1
40 12. Hikka 2 1 0
41 13. Shwasa 2 2 1
42 14. Kasa 2 2 0
45 17. Jwara 2 4 1
Jwarabheda - Doshaja and Agantuja (Abhishanga jwara),
Vishama Jwara, Punaravartaka Jwara, Jwara avastha - Ama,
Pachyamana and Nirama Jwara
47 19. Fever 2 1 6
A. General mechanism of Fever. B. Introduction to Eruptive
fevers - Measles, Chicken pox, Rubella, Hand foot mouth
disease, Herpes zoster C. Parasitic fevers – Filariasis,
Malaria, D. Detailed description of Common infective
fevers – Typhoid, Dengue, Influenza, Chikungunya, E.
Common regional disorders presenting with fever
48 20. Pandu 2 2 0
49 21. Raktapitta 2 25 1 1
51 23. Hridroga 2 1 1
52 24. Shotha 2 2 0
54 26. Kamala 2 2 0
58 30. Sheetapitta 3 1 0
59 31. Shwitra 3 1 0
60 32. Visarpa 3 2 0
62 34. Galaganda 3 1 0
65 37. Obesity 3 1 1
66 38. Prameha 3 2 1
68 40. Vatavyadhi 3 1 0
Samanya nidana, Samanya purvarupa, Samanya lakshana
73 45. Amavata 3 2 0
74 46. Vatarakta 3 2 1
79 51. Vishada 3 1 0
84 56. Krimiroga 3 1 0
87 59. Shleepada 3 1 0
88 60. Tuberculosis 3
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3 J3
Course Learning Objective (At the end of the session, the students Doma Must to know Level T-L Assessment Form Term Integr
outcome should be able to) in/sub / desirable to Does/ meth ative/ ation
know / Nice Show od (Refer summ
to know s abbreviations) ative
Topic 1 1. Roga nidana – Pathophysiology and clinical diagnosis (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Explain the concept of Roganidana CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Explain the concept of pathophysiology and clinical diagnosis CC MK KH L&PP O-QZ F&S I
CO1 Differentiate between rogi pareeksha and roga pareeksha CC MK KH L&G T-OBT,M- F&S I
CO1,CO3 Describe the importance, clinical interpretation and methods of CAN MK KH L&G COM F&S I
eliciting Nadi Pareeksha D,D_
CO1 Describe the importance and clinical interpretation of Mutra CC MK KH L&G COM F&S I
Pareeksha D
CO1 Describe the methods of performing Tailabindu Pareeksha CC MK KH L_VC WP,COM F&S I
CO1,CO3 Describe the importance & clinical interpretation of Mala CAN MK KH L&G COM F&S I
Pareeksha, Jihwa Pareeksha, Shabda Pareeksha, Sparsha D,SD
Pareeksha, Druk Pareeksha, Akriti Pareeksha L,D_
CO5 Describe scope of developing screening, triage, confirmation, CC DK KH L&PP INT F&S I
monitoring and prognostic tools in Ayurveda for Emerging T,IBL
diseases along with recent advancements
CO1 Define Anupashaya and enlist synonyms of Anupashaya CK MK K L&PP INT,TT- F&S I
T Theory
CO1 Enumerate and explain the eighteen types of Upashaya with CC MK KH L&PP WP,INT F&S I
relevant examples T
CO1 Enumerate and enlist classification of Nidana (Vyadhi janaka and CK MK K L&PP M-CHT F&S I
Vyadhi bodhaka) T
CO1 Enumerate and describe types of Vyadhi Janaka Hetu CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO1,CO5 Correlate Vyadhi Janaka Hetu with contemporary examples CE MK KH CBL, CL-PR F&S I
CO1 Enumerate and explain the types and features of Agnidushti CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Correlate the Nidana of Agnidushti with contemporary examples CE MK KH L&G P-SUR F&S I
CO1 Recite etiologies of Vata, Pitta and Kapha dushta karma CK MK K REC P-REC F&S I
CO1,CO5 Apply the knowledge of aetiologies of Vata, Pitta and Kapha CAP MK KH L&G P-SUR F&S I
dushta karma in correlating with contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Recite dushta karma, kshaya and vriddhi lakshana of Vata, Pitta CK MK K REC P-REC F&S I
and Kapha Dosha
CO1 Explain Ashayapakarsha of Dosha with suitable examples CC MK KH L&G INT F&S I
CO1 Describe Sama Sannipata and Vishama Sannipata dosha CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Enlist the different stages of Paridhavamana Dosha CK MK K L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Explain Paridhavamana dosha with types and examples CC MK KH L&PP COM F&S I
CO1 Explain Nityasamshleshita (Leena) dosha and Paricchedita dosha CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
with examples T
CO1 Describe Urdhwa gati, Adho gati, Tiryaga gati, Vriddhi, Kshaya, CC MK KH L&G COM F&S I
Sthana, Koshta, Shakha, Sandhi asthi marma with illustrations D
and examples
CO1 Describe Koshta to Shakhagati of dosha and Shakha to CC MK KH L&G COM F&S I
Koshtagati of dosha with illustration D
CO1 Enumerate and describe Rogamarga and its utility in prognosis CC MK KH L&G O-QZ F&S I
with relevant examples D
CO1 Describe the common aetiology for Sroto dushti CC MK KH L&G INT F&S I
CO1 Explain features of Samanya Srotodushti with examples CC MK KH L&PP CL-PR F&S I
CO1 Correlate the different types of Ama with the current science CE MK KH BS,IB COM F&S I
CO1 Explain the concept of Ama with reference to Anna rasa, Mala CC MK KH L&PP T-OBT,COM F&S I
sanchaya and Dosha dushti T
CO1 Describe specific features of Sama and Nirama Dosha and CC MK KH L&PP O-GAME F&S I
Pureesha T
CO5 Identify specific features of Sama dosha, Sama pureesha, Nirama PSY- MK SH L,D_ P-PRF F&S I
Topic 11 11. Sthana samshraya – Poorvaroopa (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Define Sthansamshraya CK MK K L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Describe specific features of Dhatu and Mala Vriddhi and CC MK KH DIS T-OBT F&S I
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Pranavaha Sroto dushti and CS MK SH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,RE
CO1 Describe features of Pranavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&PP P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa T,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Udakavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-SUR F&S I
CO1 Describe features of Udakavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
Kopa T
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Annavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,RE
CO1 Describe features of Annavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Rasavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Rasavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&PP P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa T,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Raktavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Raktavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Mamsavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Mamsavaha Sroto Dusti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Medovaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Medovaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Asthivaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,P-SUR F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Asthivaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Majjavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Majjavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Shukravaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Shukravaha Sroto Dushti in relation to CC MK KH L&PP P-REC,INT F&S I
Dosha Kopa T,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Mutravaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,P-SUR F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Mutravaha Sroto Dushti in relation to Dosha CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Pureeshavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,P-SUR F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Pureeshavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Dosha Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Swedavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,P-SUR F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Swedavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to CC MK KH L&G P-REC,INT F&S I
Dosha Kopa D,RE
CO1 Describe the specific etiologies of Artavavaha Sroto dushti and CC MK KH L&G P-REC,P-SUR F&S I
identify contemporary etiologies D,PrB
CO1 Describe features of Artavavaha Sroto Dushti in relation to CC MK KH L&PP P-REC,INT F&S I
Dosha Kopa T,RE
CO1 Describe features of Upadhatu dushti, Mala dushti, Indriya CC MK KH L&G INT F&S I
dushti, and Manas dushti D
CO1 Describe features of Avayava dusti with relevant examples CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO5 Identify and interpret the specific Sroto Dushti in the patients PSY- MK SH SDL T-CS F&S I
CO1 Enlist and describe types of Samprapti with examples CK MK K L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Describe Vyadhi Janma and Vyadhi Janya Samprapti with CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
examples T
CO1 Define Pratyatma Lakshana with suitable examples CK MK K L&PP INT F&S I
CO6 Describe the importance of ICD, DSM and NAMASTE (National CC DK KH L&G INT F&S I
AYUSH Morbidity and Standardized Terminologies Electronic D,D
Portal) portal classification and terminology of diseases
CO6 Operate NAMASTE (National AYUSH Morbidity and PSY- DK SH D P-PRF F&S I
Standardized Terminologies Electronic Portal) portal GUD
CO1,CO2 Explain Adibala/ Sahaja and Hereditary disorders, Janmabala/ CC MK KH L&PP CL-PR F&S I
Garbhaja and Congenital disorders, Dosha bala/ Jataja and T
Acquired disorders, Sanghatabala/ Peedaja and Traumatic
disorders, Daivabala/ Prabhavaja and Iatrogenic disorders,
Kalabala/ Kalaja and Environmental and Geriatric disorders,
Swabhava bhava vyadhi with suitable examples
Topic 17 17. Ashtanindita (Endocrine disorders) (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Enlist and explain the Ashtanindita CC DK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO1,CO2 Correlate and describe the features of Hormonal/ Endocrinal CE DK KH L&G COM F&S I V-BL
Topic 18 18. Janapadodhwamsa vikara (Pandemic disorders) (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Describe sadharana and asadharana hetu for Janapadodhwamsa CC DK KH L&G DEB F&S I V-KC
Vikara and correlate with contemporary etiologies D ,H-
Topic 19 19. Nidanarthakara Vyadhi, Vyadhisankara (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Define and enlist types of Nidanarthakara Vyadhi with examples CC DK KH L&G INT F&S I
along with its concept D
CO1 Explain the concept of Vyadhi Sankara with specific Nidana and CC DK KH L&PP INT F&S I
relevant examples T
CO1 Describe Trividha bala and relate to Balavruddhikara Bhava and CC MK K L&PP M-CHT F&S I
Shareeravruddhikara Bhava T
CO1 Describe Vikara Vighata Bhava and Abhava along with its CC MK KH DIS INT F&S I
relation to Vyadhikshamatva
CO1 Analyze Satmya in relation with health and disease CAN MK KH L&G INT F&S I
CO1 Define and explain Dwividha and Chaturvidha Ojas CK MK K L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Describe Dosha Paka features with examples CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO1 Define Satmya and explain its types CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO2 Define Immunity and describe classification of Immunity CC MK KH SDL CL-PR F&S I
Topic 21 21. Rogi bala Pareeksha (Lecture :2 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO1 Describe the importance of Rogi bala Pareeksha CC MK KH L&G DEB F&S I
CO1,CO8 Describe the parameters of Rogi bala Pareeksha - Prakruti, Sara, CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
Samhanana, Pramana, Satmya, Satwa, Aahara shakti, Vyayama T
shakti, Vaya and other factors such as Aushadha kshama dehatva,
Yuvajatva, Pumjatvam, Vishayanasakta indriyajatva,
Padasampad bhavatvam, and Anukoola grahatva, etc.
Topic 22 22. Dhatu Paka (Lecture :12 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO1 Describe Dhatupaka features with examples CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S I
CO2 Describe four types of Hypersensitivity with suitable examples CC MK KH L_VC CL-PR F&S I
CO2 Describe mechanism and classification of Autoimmunity with CC MK KH L_VC CL-PR F&S I
suitable examples
CO2 Describe causes and mechanism of Reversible and Irreversible CC MK KH L_VC CL-PR F&S I
Cell Injury with microscopic and macroscopic features.
CO2 Describe types and mechanisms of Cellular Adaptations with CC MK KH L_VC CL-PR F&S I
suitable examples.
CO2 Describe and discuss types of Cell Death (including apoptosis) CC MK KH L_VC CL-PR F&S I
and the mechanism with suitable examples.
CO2 Define, classify and describe mechanism of Inflammation, CC MK KH L_VC CL-PR F&S I
Septicaemia, Oedema, Shock, Haemorrhage, Thrombosis,
Embolism, Ischemia and Infarction
Topic 23 23. Infection and Nutritional disorders (Lecture :4 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO2 Define and classify Viruses, Bacteria, and Fungi CC DK KH L&PP COM F&S I
CO2 Describe components of Nutrition, and classify nutritional CC DK KH PER QZ F&S I H-SW
CO2 Describe Macro nutritional disorders, Water soluble vitamins CC DK KH PER QZ F&S I V-KC
deficiency disorders and Fat soluble vitamins deficiency ,H-
disorders SW
CO2 Describe Protein Energy Malnutrition in adults and differentiate CC DK KH PER QZ F&S I V-KC
Kwashiorkor and Marasmus ,V-BL
CO1 Enumerate and describe types of Arishta with its importance CC NK KH L&G DEB F&S II
CO1 Describe the parameters to be assessed for Vyadhi bala - CC DK KH L&G DEB F&S II
Exposure to Nidana, Samprapti, Poorvaroopa, Roopa, Upadrava, D
Tulya dosha - dushyatvam, Atulya ritu, Number of dosha
involved, Number of Rogamarga involved, Kala, Desha,
Prakruti, Involvement of Marma and other factors
CO1 Analyse the components of Vyadhi from Sadhyasadhyatva CAN MK KH L&G INT F&S II
Topic 28 28. Digital health and Artificial intelligence in the context of Roganidana (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO6 Define and describe the scope of Digital health and Artificial CC NK KH BL COM F&S II
intelligence in Ayurveda Diagnosis and Prognosis
CO6 Explain need of Instrumentation and Biosensors for diagnosis CC NK KH BL INT F&S II
and prognosis in Ayurveda.
CO6 Justify scope of Diagnostic tool development in Ayurveda and CE NK KH BL INT F&S II
their implementation.
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3 F3 G3 H3 I3 J3
Course Learning Objective (At the end of the session, the students Doma Must to know Level T-L Assessment Form Term Integr
CO1 Describe purvaroopa, samanya lakshana, vishishta lakshana, CC DK KH L&PP INT F&S II
upadrava and sadhya asadhyata of Chhardi T
CO1 Describe purvaroopa, samanya lakshana, vishishta lakshana, and CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
sadhya asadhyata of Amlapitta T
CO1,CO5 Describe and differentiate Parinama shoola and Annadrava CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
shoola T
CO1 Describe nivrutta Atisara lakshana or vigata Atisara lakshana CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
CO1 Describe samanya and vishishta lakshana of Pravahika CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
CO1 Explain Bhayaja atisara, Shokaja atisara and Raktaja atisara CC MK KH L&G CL-PR F&S II
lakshana D,PB
CO1 Describe purvaroopa, and samanya lakshana of Grahani CC MK KH L&PP T-CS,INT F&S II
CO1 Explain Sangraha grahani and Ghati yantra grahani CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
CO1 Differentiate Grahani dosha and Grahani roga CC MK KH L&G T-CS,CL-PR F&S II
CO1 Describe lakshana, upadrava, and sadhyasadhyata of Visuchika , CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Ulcerative dyspepsia PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S II
and Non-ulcerative dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and GUD
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Ulcerative CAP DK SH L&G T-CS F&S II
dyspepsia and Non-ulcerative dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel D,LRI
Syndrome, and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases ,D_L
Topic 11 11. Common Urinary diseases (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 6 hours)
CO2 Describe the clinical features of Urinary Tract Infection, CC DK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
Prostatomegaly, Nephrotic syndrome, Nephritic syndrome, Acute D,RP
Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Urinary Tract Infection, PSY- DK SH L_VC T-CS F&S II
Prostatomegaly, Nephrotic syndrome, Nephritic syndrome, Acute GUD
Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Urinary Tract CAP DK SH L&G T-CS F&S II
Infection, Prostatomegaly, Nephrotic syndrome, Nephritic D,LRI
syndrome, Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease
CO1 Describe hetu and samanya samprapti of Shwasa CC MK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
CO1 Describe purvaroopa, and sadhya asadhyata of Shwasa CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
CO1 Describe vishishta lakshana of Tamaka shwasa with its avastha CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
bheda T
CO1 Identify cardinal features of Pancha shwasa and correlate with CAN MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
the current science T
CO1 Describe purvaroopa and sadhya asadhyata of Kasa CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
CO1 Describe the differential diagnosis of Kasa based on kapha CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
CO1 Describe the differential diagnosis of Kshayaja kasa and CC MK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
Rajayakshma D
CO1 Describe the differential diagnosis of Kshataja kasa and kshata CC MK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
ksheena D
Topic 15 15. Rajayakshma & Shosha (Lecture :3 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Describe Rajayakshma vyadhi swabhava CC DK KH L&PP INT F&S II
CO1 Explain tri roopa, shad roopa, ekadasha roopa, and CC DK KH L&PP INT F&S II
sadhyasadhyata of Rajayakshma T
Topic 16 16. Common lung disorders (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 4 hours)
CO2 Describe the clinical features of Pneumonia, Chronic Obstructive CC DK KH L_VC INT F&S II
Pulmonary Disease, Pleural effusion, and Bronchiectasis ,RP,D
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Pneumonia, Chronic PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S II
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Pleural effusion, and GUD
CO1 Describe nidana, samprapti, samanya poorvaroopa, vishishta CC MK KH L&G PUZ,INT F&S II
poorvaroopa, pratyatma lakshana and samprapti of Doshaja jwara D
CO1 Describe Doshaja jwara along with sannipataja jwara according CC MK KH L&G PUZ,INT F&S II
to Charaka D
CO1 Describe Abhishanga jwara, Vishama jwara, and Punaravartaka CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
jwara T
CO1 Explain Antarvega, Bhahirvega jwara, Vata balasaka and CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
Pralepaka jwara T
CO1 Differentiate Ama, Pachyamana and Nirama jwara lakshana CC MK KH L&G CL-PR F&S II
CO1 Analyze Agantu and Doshaja jawara with reference to Jwara CAN MK KH DIS INT F&S II
CO2 Describe the clinical features of Measles, Chicken pox and CC DK KH L_VC T-CS F&S II
Herpes zoster, Hand foot mouth disease, Rubella, Malaria, ,RP
Filariasis, Influenza, Dengue, Leptospirosis, Chikungunya, and
CO2 Describe the common regional disorders presenting with fever CC DK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
CO2 Describe the complications of Measles, Chicken pox and Herpes CC DK KH TUT INT F&S II
zoster, Hand foot mouth disease, Rubella, Malaria, Filariasis,
Influenza, Dengue, Leptospirosis, Chikungunya, Typhoid, and
other common regional disorders presenting with fever
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations related to Measles, CAP DK SH LRI T-CS F&S II
Chicken pox and Herpes zoster, Hand foot mouth disease,
Rubella, Malaria, Filariasis, Influenza, Dengue, Leptospirosis,
Chikungunya, Typhoid, and other common regional disorders
presenting with fever
CO1 Describe nidana, samprapti, purvaroopa, vishishta lakshana of CC MK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
Raktapitta D
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of anaemia, nutritional CAP DK KH L&G T-CS F&S II
anaemia, thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, leukaemia, and D,LRI
CO2 Describe the differential diagnosis of anaemia, nutritional CC DK KH L&G PRN F&S II
anaemia, thalassemia, sickle cell anaemia, leukaemia, and D,PB
thrombocytopenia L
CO1 Describe purvaroopa, vishishta lakshana, samprapti and sadhya CC MK KH L&G INT F&S II
asadhyata of Nija shotha D
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Coronary Artery CAP DK KH L&G O-QZ F&S II
Disease (Ischemic Heart Disease, and Myocardial Infarction) and D,LRI
Congestive cardiac failure
CO1 Classify Kamala on the basis of vidhi samprapti of Kamala CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S II
CO1 Differentiate Koshta shakhashrita and Shakhashrita Kamala CC MK KH DIS PRN F&S II
CO1,CO5 Describe purvaroopa, samanya lakshana and sadhya asadhyata of CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S II
Udara T
CO1,CO5 Explain Vishishta lakshana of Baddha gudodara, Pleehodara, CC MK KH L&PP M-CHT F&S II
Jalodara and Chidrodara T
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Liver cirrhosis, PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S II
Alcoholic and Non - Alcoholic Liver Disease, Hepatitis, Jaundice GUD ,D_B
and Ascites ED
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Liver cirrhosis, CAP DK SH L&G PRN F&S II
Alcoholic and Non - Alcoholic Liver Disease, Hepatitis, Jaundice D,LRI
and Ascites
CO2,CO5 Describe the differential diagnosis of Liver cirrhosis, Alcoholic CC DK KH L&G M-CHT F&S II
and Non - Alcoholic Liver Disease, Hepatitis, Jaundice and D,PB
Ascites L
Topic 29 29. Kushtha - Maha Kushtha & Kshudra Kushtha (According to Charaka) (Lecture :3 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO1 Define Kushtha CK MK K L&PP O-QZ F&S III
CO1 Enlist bheda of Maha Kushtha & Kshudra Kushtha CK MK K L&PP O-QZ F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe vishishta lakshana of Maha Kushtha & Kshudra CC MK KH L&PP O-GAME F&S III
Kushtha T,CD
CO1,CO5 Describe dosha anusara Kushtha lakshana CC MK KH L&G M-POS F&S III
CO1 Describe sadhya asadhyata of Maha Kushtha & Kshudra CC MK KH L&PP O-QZ F&S III
Kushtha T
CO1,CO5 Differentiate Maha kushtha & Kshudra kushtha CC MK KH DIS CL-PR F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe lakshana and sadhya asadhyata of Shwitra CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S III
CO1 Describe hetu and samprapti of Visarpa CC MK KH L&G M-CHT F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe purvaroopa of visarpa, features of Bahya and CC MK KH L&PP PRN F&S III
Abhyantara visarpa and sadhya asadhyata of Visarpa T
CO1,CO5 Explain Agni, Kardama and Granthi visarpa CC MK KH L&PP T-CS F&S III
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Allergic disorders - PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
Eczema, Urticaria; Squamous lesions - Psoriasis, Lichen planus; GUD ,D_B
Bullous lesion – Pemphigus and Pemphigoid; Mycotic skin ED
diseases; Leprosy; Vitiligo; Cellulitis
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Hypothyroidism and PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
hyperthyroidism GUD ,D_B
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Hypothyroidism CAP DK SH L&G SP F&S III
and hyperthyroidism D,LRI
CO1,CO5 Describe samanya and vishista lakshana of Sthoulya CC MK KH L&PP QZ F&S III
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Obesity PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Obesity CAP DK SH PBL, INT F&S III
CO2,CO5 Describe the differential diagnosis of Obesity CC DK KH L&G INT F&S III
CO1 Describe hetu and samprapti of Prameha CC MK KH L&G M-CHT F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe purvaroopa, vishishta lakshana, upadrava and sadhya CC MK KH L&PP PRN F&S III
asadhyata of Prameha T
Topic 39 39. Diabetes Mellitus and Pancreatitis (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO2 Describe the complications of Diabetes Mellitus and Pancreatitis CC DK KH L_VC T-CS F&S III
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Diabetes Mellitus and PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
Pancreatitis GUD ,D_B
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Diabetes CAP DK SH L&G SP F&S III
Mellitus and Pancreatitis D,LRI
CO2,CO5 Describe Pancreatitis induced Diabetes mellitus (Fibrocalculous CC DK KH L&G INT F&S III
pancreatic Diabetes) D
CO1,CO5 Describe Dandapatanaka, Antarayama and Bahirayama CC MK KH L&PP C-VC F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe Ardita, samprapti of Ardita and lakshana of Ardita CC MK KH L_VC INT, C-VC F&S III
CO1 Compare Ardita according to Charaka and Sushruta CC MK KH DIS C-VC F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe Pakshaghata samprapti, and Pakshaghata lakshana CC MK KH L&G C-VC F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe Gridhrasi and Vishwachi with its lakshana CC MK KH CBL T-CS F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe differential diagnosis of Gridhrasi and Viswachi CC MK KH L&G INT F&S III
Topic 42 42. Common neurologic and spine disorders (Lecture :2 hours, Non lecture: 4 hours)
CO2,CO5 Describe the clinical features of Common neurologic diseases: CC DK KH L_VC C-VC F&S III
Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Bell’s Palsy, Motor Neuron ,RP
Disease, Transverse myelitis, Epilepsy (Organic) and Common
Spine disorders: Lumbago- Sciatica syndrome, Brachial
neuralgia, Cervical and Lumber Spondylosis
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Common neurologic PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
diseases: Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Bell’s Palsy, Motor GUD ,D_B
Neuron Disease, Transverse myelitis, Epilepsy (Organic) and ED
Common Spine disorders: Lumbago- Sciatica syndrome,
Brachial neuralgia, Cervical and Lumber Spondylosis
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Common CAP DK SH L&G INT F&S III
neurologic diseases: Parkinson’s disease, Stroke, Bell’s Palsy, D,LRI
Motor Neuron Disease, Transverse myelitis, Epilepsy (Organic)
and Common Spine disorders: Lumbago- Sciatica syndrome,
Brachial neuralgia, Cervical and Lumber Spondylosis
Topic 43 43. Sandhigatavata and Asthi majja gata vata (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1,CO5 Describe Sandhigatavata CC MK KH L_VC C-VC F&S III
Topic 44 44. Diseases of bone, joints, and muscles (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 2 hours)
CO2,CO5 Describe the clinical features of Diseases of bone and Joints - CC DK KH L_VC C-VC F&S III
Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Frozen Shoulder, Calcaneal spur/
Plantar fasciitis, Tennis elbow, Carpel tunnel syndrome;
Muscular diseases - Muscular Dystrophy
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Diseases of bone and PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
Joints - Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis. Frozen Shoulder, Calcaneal GUD ,D_B
spur/ Plantar fasciitis, Tennis elbow, Carpel tunnel syndrome; ED
Muscular diseases - Muscular Dystrophy
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Diseases of bone CAP DK SH L&G INT F&S III
and Joints - Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis. Frozen Shoulder, D,XR
Calcaneal spur/ Plantar fasciitis, Tennis elbow, Carpel tunnel ay,LR
syndrome; Muscular diseases - Muscular Dystrophy I
CO1,CO5 Describe samanya lakshana, vishishta lakshana, upadrava and CC MK KH L_VC C-VC F&S III
sadhya asadhyata of Amavata
CO1 Describe hetu and samprapti of Vatarakta CC MK KH L&G M-CHT F&S III
CO1,CO5 Enlist and explain vidhi samprapti of Vatarakta CC MK KH L&G INT F&S III
CO1,CO5 Enlist and explain bheda of doshaja Vatarakta CC MK KH L&G T-CS F&S III
CO1,CO5 Describe purvaroopa, upadrava, and sadhya asadhyata of CC MK KH L&PP INT F&S III
Vatarakta T
CO1,CO5 Describe the differential diagnosis of Sandhigata vata, Amavata CC MK KH L&G T-CS,INT F&S III
and Vata rakta D
Topic 47 47. Immunological & Metabolic disorders (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 2 hours)
CO2,CO5 Describe the clinical features of Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid CC DK KH L_VC C-VC F&S III
arthritis, SLE, Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout ,RP
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Rheumatic fever, PSY- DK SH L_VC OSCE F&S III
Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout GUD ,D_B
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Rheumatic fever, CAP DK SH L&G T-CS F&S III
Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout D,LRI
CO2,CO5 Describe the differential diagnosis of Arthritis CC DK KH L&G T-CS F&S III
Topic 49 49. Sexual dysfunction and Infertility (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO2 Order and interpret relevant investigations of Sexual dysfunction CAP NK SH L&G T-CS F&S III
and Infertility D,LRI
CO2 Describe differential diagnosis of Sexual dysfunction and CC NK KH L&G INT F&S III V-SP
Infertility D
Topic 50 50. Unmada & Apasmara (Lecture :3 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Explain nirukti of Unmada and Apasmara CC NK KH L&PP O-QZ F&S III
CO1 Explain pratyatmalakshana of Unmada and Apasmara CC NK KH L&PP PUZ F&S III
CO1 Describe hetu and samprapti of Unmada and Apasmara CC NK KH L&G M-CHT F&S III
CO1 Describe samanya lakshana of Unmada and Apasmara CC NK KH L&G QZ , C-VC F&S III
Topic 52 52. Murchha, and Sanyasa (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Describe the Utpadaka hetu of Murchha, and Sanyasa CC NK KH L&PP INT F&S III
CO1 Describe samprapti of Murchha, and Sanyasa CC NK KH L&G M-CHT F&S III
Topic 53 53. Common Psychiatric diseases (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO2,CO5 Describe clinical manifestation of Depression, Anxiety CC NK KH L&PP QZ F&S III
neurosis and Epilepsy (Non-organic) T
CO2,CO5 Differentiate Depression, Anxiety neurosis, and Epilepsy (Non- CC NK KH L&G CL-PR F&S III
organic) D
CO3 Perform mental status examination for Depression, Anxiety PSY- NK SH L_VC INT F&S III
neurosis, and Epilepsy (Non-organic) GUD ,D_B
Topic 54 54. Phiranga and Upadamsha (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Describe nidana of Phiranga and Upadamsha CC NK KH L&PP QZ F&S III
Topic 55 55. Syphilis & Gonorrhoea (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 1 hours)
CO2 Describe differential diagnosis of Syphilis and Gonorrhoea CC NK KH FC T-CS F&S III
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigation of Syphilis and CAP NK SH L&G INT F&S III
Gonorrhoea D,LRI
Topic 57 57. Clinical presentation of common parasitic disorders (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 2 hours)
CO2,CO5 Describe the clinical presentation of Hook worm, Round worm, CC DK KH L_VC C-VC F&S III
Thread worm, and Pin worm
CO3 Perform relevant examination of clinical presentation of Hook PSY- DK SH L&PP INT F&S III
worm, Round worm, Thread worm, and Pin worm GUD T
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of clinical CAP DK SH L&G T-CS F&S III
presentation of Hook worm, Round worm, Thread worm, and Pin D,LRI
Topic 58 58. Khalitya & Palitya (Lecture :1 hours, Non lecture: 0 hours)
CO1 Describe Khalitya and Palitya CC NK KH L&PP O-QZ F&S III
CO3 Perform relevant clinical examination of Tuberculosis PSY- DK SH L&PP INT F&S III
CO4 Order and interpret relevant investigations of clinical CAP DK SH L&G INT F&S III
presentation of Tuberculosis D,LRI
PRACTICALS (Marks-100)
7 7. Case presentation 2 40
A4 B4 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 H4 I4 K4
Course Learning Objective (At the end of the session, the students Doma Must to know Level T-L Assessment Form Term Integr
outcome should be able to) in/sub / desirable to Does/ meth ative/ ation
know / Nice Show od (Refer summ
to know s ative
Topic 1 1. Aptopadesha Pareeksha/Prashna Pareeksha
CO3,CO5 Perform Aptopadesha pareeksha, Prashna pareeksha or History PSY- MK KH D_BE CHK,RK F&S I
taking mentioned in Ayurveda and contemporary medical GUD D
literature for drawing clinical diagnosis and prognosis
CO7,CO8 Adopt and reflect ward ethics and communiction skills while AFT- MK SH SIM SP,RK F&S I
engaging in the process of examination RES
CO5 Perform Ghranendriya, & infer Rasanendriyataha pareeksha CAN MK KH SIM P-CASE,RK F&S I
mentioned in Ayurveda and contemporary medical literature for
drawing clinical diagnosis and prognosis
CO5,CO7 Report the findings of patient through structured case sheet CC MK KH CD P-CASE,RK F&S I
CO3,CO5 Perform Nadi pareeksha as per Ayurveda classics for identifying PSY- MK SH D_BE P-PRF F&S I
predominance of dosha. GUD D
CO2,CO5 Investigate the causes and mechanism of manifestation of Pain AFT- DK SH IBL,P INT F&S II
abdomen, Edema, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dehydration and RES BL
Constipation, Hiccough, Breathlessness, Cough, Vomiting, Joint
pain with or without swelling, Neck and Low back pain radiating
to corresponding limb, Hematuria, Stroke in various case
CO5 Apply hypothetic-deductive model of clinical reasoning, Pattern CAP DK SH SIM, INT,SP F&S II
recognition model, dual process diagnostic reasoning model, CD
pathway for clinical reasoning model, integrative model of
clinical reasoning model, model of diagnostic reasoning
strategies in primary care for clinical diagnosis
CO5 Apply intuitive and analytical approach in clinical decision CAP DK SH PBL,S SP F&S II
making IM,C
CO5 Perform clinical diagnosis using these clinical reasoning models PSY- DK SH SIM, SP F&S II
CO3 Suggest patient's preparation for Diagnostic procedures - AFT- MK SH L&PP SP F&S II
Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Urine, and Stool RES T
CO3 Perform sample collection for Diagnostic procedures - PSY- MK SH SIM SP,RK F&S II
Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Urine, and Stool GUD
CO3 Suggest patient's preparation for Electro Cardio Gram (ECG) and AFT- DK SH L&PP INT,SP F&S II
different imaging techniques RES T
CO3 Perform Hb, RBC Count, WBC count, Haematocrit, Platelet PSY- MK SH PT P-PRF F&S III
count, Differential count, RBC indices procedure through - GUD
Haematology Analyser or Cell counter through Flow cytometry
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Urine physical examination (Appearance, CAP MK SH LRI INT F&S III
6 colour, odour)
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Urine Microscopic Examination (Epithelial CAP MK SH CBL, INT F&S III
6 cells, RBCs, Leukocytes, Casts, Crystals) - Light microscopy on LRI
centrifuged sediment
CO3 Perform Urine Microscopic Examination (Epithelial cells, RBCs, PSY- MK SH PRA P-PRF F&S III
Leukocytes, Casts, Crystals by Light microscopy on centrifuged GUD
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Liver Function Test (LFT) (Total Bilirubin, CAP NK SH CBL, INT F&S III
6 Direct – indirect bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, ALK Phosphates, T LRI
Protein, Albumin, Globulin, A/G Ratio) -Semi-automated/ fully
automated biochemical analyser through Photometry
CO2 Describe Liver Function Test (LFT) (Total Bilirubin, Direct – CC DK KH D_L INT F&S III
indirect bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT, ALK Phosphates, T Protein,
Albumin, Globulin, A/G Ratio) procedure through demonstration
CO2 Explain the principle and mechanism of functioning of CC DK KH D_L QZ F&S III
biochemical analyzer
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Renal Function Test (RFT) (Urea, Creatinine, CAP MK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Uric acid) - Semi-automated/ fully automated biochemical LRI
analyser through Photometry
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Diabetic profile (Blood Glucose-FBS, PPBS, CAP MK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 RBS. HbA1C, Insulin, C-peptide) - Semi-automated/ fully LRI
automated biochemistry analyser/ ELISA reader through
Photometry/ immunoturbidometry/ELISA Technique
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Thyroid profile (TSH, T3, T4, F T3, F T4) - CAP MK KH CBL, INT F&S III
6 ELISA Reader/ CLIA through ELISA/ CLIA Technique LRI
CO2 Describe Thyroid profile (TSH, T3, T4, F T3, F T4) procedure CAP DK KH D_L QZ F&S III
through demonstration - ELISA Reader/ CLIA through ELISA/
CLIA Technique
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Lipid profile (Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, TG) - CAP MK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Semi-automated/ fully automated biochemical analyser through LRI
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Peripheral smear (Malaria, Microfilaria) - CAP MK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Microscopy through Leishmans staining LRI
CO2 Describe Peripheral smear (Malaria, Microfilaria) procedure CC DK KH D_L QZ F&S III
through demonstration - Microscopy through Leishmans staining
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret RA factor (qualitative), WIDAL (qualitative), CAP MK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 VDRL (qualitative), ASO (qualitative) and CRP (qualitative) - LRI
Microscopy (if required) through Latex agglutination/
CO3 Perform RA factor (qualitative), WIDAL (qualitative), VDRL PSY- MK SH PRA P-PRF F&S III
(qualitative), ASO (qualitative) and CRP (qualitative) - GUD
Microscopy (if required) through Latex agglutination/
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Stool examination (Colour, Consistency) - CAP NK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Visual method LRI
CO2 Describe Stool examination (Colour, Consistency) - Visual CC DK KH D_L INT F&S III
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Stool examination (Ova , Cyst, Pus cells) - CAP NK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Microscopy through Wet smear (saline and iodine) LRI
CO2 Describe Stool examination (Ova , Cyst, Pus cells) - Microscopy CC DK KH D_L INT F&S III
through Wet smear (saline and iodine)
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Semen examination (Colour, Liquefaction, CAP DK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Viscosity) - Visual method LRI
CO2 Describe Semen examination (Colour, Liquefaction, Viscosity) CC DK KH D_L INT F&S III
procedure through demonstration - Visual method
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret Semen examination (Sperm count, Motility, CAP DK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
6 Morphology) - Microscopy through Cytometry/ Wet smear/ LRI
stained smear
CO2 Describe Semen examination (Sperm count, Motility, CC DK KH D_L INT,COM F&S III
Morphology) procedure through demonstration - Microscopy
through Cytometry/ Wet smear/ stained smear
CO4,CO5,CO Order and interpret BT, CT, Prothrombin Time - Coagulometer CAP MK SH CBL, INT,RK F&S III
Total Hr 210
Minimum - 5 cases
Respiratory disorders:
Pneumonia, Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease, Pleural effusion
and Bronchiectasis.
Hepatobiliary diseases -
Liver cirrhosis, Alcoholic
and Non - Alcoholic Liver
Diseases, Hepatitis,
Jaundice, and Ascites.
Hypothyroidism and
Common neurologic
diseases: Parkinson’s
disease, Stroke, Bell’s
Palsy, Motor Neuron
Disease, Transverse
myelitis, Epilepsy
Muscular diseases -
Muscular Dystrophy.
Rheumatic fever,
Rheumatoid arthritis,
SLE, Ankylosing
spondylitis, Gout.
Common parasitic
infestations: Hookworm,
Threadworm, and
Pneumonia, Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease, Pleural effusion,
and Bronchiectasis.
Anaemia, Nutritional
anaemia, Thalassemia,
Sickle cell anaemia,
Leukaemia, and
Allergic disorders -
Eczema, Urticaria;
Squamous lesions -
Psoriasis, Lichen planus;
Bullous lesion –
Pemphigus and
Pemphigoid. Mycotic skin
diseases. Leprosy.
Vitiligo. Cellulitis.
Hypothyroidism and
Obesity. Diabetes
Mellitus and Pancreatitis.
Common neurologic
diseases: Parkinson’s
disease, Stroke, Bell’s
Palsy, Motor Neuron
Disease, Transverse
myelitis, Epilepsy
Rheumatic fever,
Rheumatoid arthritis,
SLE, Ankylosing
spondylitis, Gout.
Parasitic infestations:
Hookworm, Roundworm,
Threadworm, and
Differentiate Atisara and At the end of the session, the groups will present
Grahani Roga. in class.
Describe differential
diagnosis of Sexual
dysfunction and
Describe differential
diagnosis of Syphilis and
Describe the clinical Further, the groups are asked to interact with the
features of Urinary Tract performing student to understand more about a
Infection, Prostatomegaly, condition and use their clinical acumen to
Nephrotic syndrome, diagnose the condition moderated by an
Nephritic syndrome, instructor.
Acute Kidney Injury, and
Chronic Kidney Disease.
CO4,CO6,CO8 11. Field visits: Visit: Students are instructed to visit at least one 10
pathology laboratory and one imaging center;
Visit to Pathology observe the procedures followed.Record the
laboratory and Diagnostic observations and submit the report to the
imaging center. instructor.
1 Lecture 2
5 Discussions 16
6 Brainstorming 3
7 Inquiry-Based Learning 4
8 PBL 14
9 CBL 9
10 Project-Based Learning 16
12 Flipped classroom 4
13 Blended Learning 3
14 Edutainment 2
15 Simulation 1
16 Role plays 10
17 Self-directed learning 6
19 Recitation 31
20 Tutorial 3
21 Presentations 3
22 X ray identification 2
23 Case diagnosis 3
25 Demonstration 2
26 Demonstration bedside 15
27 Demonstration Lab 1
These are overall teaching learning methods listed in Table 3 and 4. Teachers can select the best possible method
amongst the given methods as per objective, available time etc.
S. No Evaluation Methods
1 Activities Indicated in Table 3 - Column G3 as per Indicated I, II or III term in column I3
Sr. A B C
No List of Topics Term Marks MCQ (1 SAQ (5 LAQ
Mark) Marks) (10
1 1. Roga nidana – Pathophysiology and clinical 1 43 No Yes No
Sr. A B C
No List of Topics Term Marks MCQ (1 SAQ (5 LAQ
Mark) Marks) (10
29 1. Agnimandya – Ajeerna, Anaha, Adhmana, 2 43 Yes Yes Yes
88 60. Tuberculosis 3
Paper No:1
Question No Type of Question Question Paper Format
Q1 1. 2. Pareeksha
2. 5. Upashaya/ Anupashaya
Multiple choice Questions 3. 7. Doshagati and Rogamarga
20 Questions 4. 6. Dosha Vikriti
1 mark each 5. 8. Srotodushti
All compulsory 6. 9. Concept of Ama
7. 12. Dushya dushti
Must know part - 15 MCQ
8. 15. Vyadhinamakarana
Desirable to know - 3 MCQ
9. 16. Vyadhi
Nice to know part - 2 MCQ
10. 17. Ashtanindita (Endocrine disorders)
11. 18. Janapadodhwamsa vikara (Pandemic
12. 19. Nidanarthakara Vyadhi, Vyadhisankara
13. 20. Vyadhikshamatva
14. 21. Rogi bala Pareeksha
15. 22. Dhatu Paka
16. 23. Infection and Nutritional disorders
17. 27. Sadhyasadhyatva – Prognosis / 24.
18. 25. Arishta
19. 26. Vyadhi bala pareeksha
20. 28. Digital health and Artificial intelligence in
the context of Roganidana
Paper No:2
Question No Type of Question Question Paper Format
Q1 1. 1. Agnimandya – Ajeerna, Anaha, Adhmana,
Atopa / 2. Chhardi
Multiple choice Questions 2. 3. Amlapitta / 4. Shoola / 7. Visuchika,
20 Questions Alasaka, Vilambika
1 mark each 3. 5. Atisara, and Pravahika / 8. Common GIT
All compulsory diseases
4. 13. Shwasa / 15. Rajayakshma & Shosha / 12.
Must know part - 15 MCQ
Hikka / 14. Kasa
Desirable to know - 3 MCQ
5. 16. Common lung disorders
Nice to know part - 2 MCQ
6. 11. Common Urinary diseases
7. 17. Jwara / 19. Fever / 18. Masurika –
8. 25. Cardiovascular disorders / 22.
Hematopoietic diseases
9. 28. Hepatobiliary diseases
10. 33. Skin diseases
11. 35. Thyroid disorders / 34. Galaganda
12. 37. Obesity
13. 39. Diabetes Mellitus and Pancreatitis
14. 42. Common neurologic and spine disorders
15. 44. Diseases of bone, joints, and muscles / 47.
Immunological & Metabolic disorders
16. 48. Klaibya & Vandhyatva / 49. Sexual
dysfunction and Infertility
17. 51. Vishada / 50. Unmada & Apasmara
18. 57. Clinical presentation of common parasitic
disorders / 52. Murchha, and Sanyasa
19. 54. Phiranga and Upadamsha / 55. Syphilis &
20. 57. Clinical presentation of common parasitic
disorders / 59. Shleepada / 56. Krimiroga / 60.
The student will be given a specific case or a scenario (other than the case
given for long case taking) and asked to perform the examination of a
particular system as a whole or a part of the examination such as inspection
or palpation or percussion or auscultation or any specific tests or group of
tests or elicit any particular sign for any of the following system (Only steps
of examination to be written with observation and interpretation after
4 70
Basic instructions:
Number of questions: There must be a total minimum of 10 questions and a
maximum of 15 questions from both examiners.
2. Breadth and depth: The questions should cover a wide range of topics
related to both the papers as well as activity and practical with equal
importance, ensuring that they have a comprehensive understanding, critical
thinking, and analysis.
10. No questions will be asked from Nice to know category. However, 70%
of the questions are to be asked from Must Know category and 30% from the
Desirable to Know category by the examiner.
5 Internal assessments 30
7 7. Roganidan evum vikruti vigyan Prof. Ajay Kumar Sharma; Chaukhambha Bharati Academy
9 9. Textbook of Pathology with 2018; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; Harsh Mohan
Pathology Quick Review and MCQs
10 10. A guide to pathology Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; Eigth edition (2005); K
11 11. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic 10th Edition - May 11, 2020; Kumar, Abbas, Aster; Elsevier
Basis of Disease publishers
12 12. Davidson's Principles and 24th Edition 2022 by Ian Penman (Editor), Stuart H. Ralston
Practice of Medicine (Editor), Mark Strachan (Editor), Richard Hobson (Editor);
Elsevier publishers
13 13. A textbook of pathology N.C Dey & T. K Dey; NCBA publisher 2009
14 14. Boyds Textbook of Pathology 10th Edition by J R Bhardwaj, Prabal Deb (Author),
Wolters Kluwer India (Publisher)
15 15. Kundu’s Bedside Clinics in 2020; KSP Udyog Publisher; Arup Kumar Kundu
16 16. P. J. Mehta's Practical Medicine 21st Edition – 2021; The National Book Depot; Nihar P
Mehta, SP Mehta, SR Joshi
17 17. Macleod's Clinical Examination 13th Edition, 2013 by J. Alastair Innes, Anna R. Dover,
Karen Fairhurst
18 18. Clinical Methods in Medicine : 2015; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; S. N. Chugh,
Clinical Skills and Practices Eshan Gupta
20 20. Hutchison's Clinical Methods: An 2012; Elsevier publishers Michael Glynn, William M.
Integrated Approach to Clinical Drake
21 21. Bates' Guide to Physical Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2016 by M.D. Bickley,
Examination and History Taking Lynn S. (Author), M.D. Szilagyi, Peter G. (Author), M.D.
Hoffman, Richard M. (Editor)
22 22. French's Index of Differential 2016; CRC Press; by Mark T. Kinirons (Editor)
Diagnosis An A-Z 1
23 23. Savills System Of Clinical 14th Edition 2005; CBS Publishers; by E C Warner (Author)
25 25. Clinical Methods In Ayurveda 2013; Chaukhamba Orientalia; by Prof. K.R. Srikantha
Murthy (Author)
27 27. Medical Laboratory Technology 2009; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; by Ramnik Sood
30 30. Essential of clinical pathology 2010; First edition; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; by
Shirish M Kawthalkar (Author)
32 32. Clinical Pathology & Clinical Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 9th Edition; 2000 by
Bacteriology (For Medical Students Sachdev (Author)
and Practitioners)
34 34. Text book on clinical Naveen Chandra, Anmol Publisher ; First edition, 2015
biochemistry and hematology
36 36. Diagnosis and Treatment of 2016; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; by Virendra N
Common Skin Diseases Sehgal (Author)
37 37. Ananthanarayan and Paniker's Eleventh Edition; 2020; Universities Press (India) Pvt. Ltd;
Textbook of Microbiology by R Ananthanarayan and CK Jayaram Paniker (Author),
Reba Kanungo (Editor)
38 38. Learning Radiology: Recognizing 2015; Saunders publishers; by William Herring MD FACR
the Basics (Author)
40 40. Clark's Positioning in 13th Edition; 2015; CRC Press; by A. Stewart Whitley
Radiography (Author), Gail Jefferson (Author), Ken Holmes (Author),
Charles Sloane (Author), Craig Anderson (Author), Graham
Hoadley (Author)
43 43. Nidana chikitsa hastamalaka 2016; Baidyanath Ayurved publication; by Vaidya Ranjit
Rai Desai
45 45. Taber's Cyclopedic Medical 23rd Edition; 2017; F.A. Davis Company; by Venes (Author)
50 50. Dermatological Diseases A 3rd Edition – 2023; TreeLife Media (A division of Kothari
Practical Approach Medical); by - (Author), Venkataram Mysore, K H
Satyanarayana Rao, Sacchidanand S, M Deepthi, (Editor)
53 53. Ayurvedic Nadi Pariksha Vijnana Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan; 2015; by Dr. Govind
Prasad Upadhyay
10 PRN Presentation
20 QZ Quiz
21 PUZ Puzzles
23 DEB Debate
24 WP Word puzzle
31 INT Interactions
35 SP Simulated patients
37 CHK Checklists
40 Mini-CEX Mini-CEX
43 RS Rating scales
44 RK Record keeping
45 COM Compilations
46 Portfolios Portfolios
48 TR Trainers report
49 SA Self-assessment
50 PA Peer assessment
52 TT-Theory Theory
53 PP-Practical Practical
54 VV-Viva Viva
1 CK Cognitive/Knowledge
2 CC Cognitive/Comprehension
3 CAP Cognitive/Application
4 CAN Cognitive/Analysis
5 CS Cognitive/Synthesis
6 CE Cognitive/Evaluation
7 PSY-SET Psychomotor/Set
8 PSY-GUD Psychomotor/Guided response
9 PSY-MEC Psychomotor/Mechanism
10 PSY-ADT Psychomotor Adaptation
11 PSY-ORG Psychomotor/Origination
12 AFT-REC Affective/ Receiving
13 AFT-RES Affective/Responding
14 AFT-VAL Affective/Valuing
15 AFT-SET Affective/Organization
16 AFT-CHR Affective/ characterization
1 L Lecture
2 L&PPT Lecture with Power point presentation
3 L&GD Lecture & Group Discussion
4 L_VC Lecture with Video clips
5 DIS Discussions
6 BS Brainstorming
7 IBL Inquiry-Based Learning
10 PrBL Project-Based Learning
12 TPW Team project work
13 FC Flipped classroom
14 BL Blended Learning
15 EDU Edutainment
16 ML Mobile learning
18 SIM Simulation
19 RP Role plays
20 SDL Self-directed learning
21 PSM Problem solving method
22 KL Kinesthetic Learning
23 W Workshops
24 GBL Game-Based Learning
25 D-M Demo on Model