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Welcome Speech of Vice Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya

2021 3rd International Conference On Research and Academic Community Services


Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Salam Sejahtera
Om Swasti Astu
Namo Budaya
Salam Kebajikan
Good morning from Indonesia
The honorable keynote speakers,
The honorable Vice-Rector I. Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
The honorable IEEE Indonesia Section chair,
The honorable head of research and community services Board Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
The honorable the head of AIPI Center, Universitas Negeri Surabaya,
The honorable organizing committee of ICRACOS 2021,
And distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the 2021 3rd International Conference on
Research and community services. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the keynote
speakers who have come from such long distances to share their knowledge and experience
in a variety of expertise. I believe that your keynote speech will give a significant contribution
to all the audience of the conference.
In this special occasion, I would like to welcome the distinguished speakers,
Prof. Auzuir R. De Alexandria, Ph.D
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará, Brasil
Prof. Koh Koon Teck, Ph. D
PESS-NIE Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Prof. Takeshi Fukusako, Ph. D.
Kumamoto University,Japan
Prof. Dr. Subir Kumar Sarkar.
adavpur University, Kolkata, India
Dr.-Ing. Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom
IEEE Indonesia Section chair

Ladies and gentlemen,

As the ministry of research, technology, and higher education of the Republic of
Indonesia encourages all universities to increase publication and internationally reputable
publishers, our university, under the coordination of the vice-rector of the academic affair has

made plenty of efforts. This conference is clear evidence that UNESA has a strong
commitment to contribute positively to the development of human resources and education
in Indonesia with its jargon “Satu Langkah di Depan” or “One Step Ahead.
We invite academics, researchers, and practitioners to submit case studies of practice,
theoretical papers, empirical studies, and other papers within broad areas that support
research and community service program. On this occasion, our conference’s theme is “
Sustainable Innovation in Research and Community Services for Better Quality of Life
towards Society 5”. It is a part of our concern on the contribution of education and science
for enhancing nation research and innovation in Indonesia.
The 2021 3rd International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services
(ICRACOS 2021) aims to bring academic scientists, research scholars, and practitioners to
exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects. It also provides a
premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, educators, students, and practitioners to
present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, as well as practical
challenges, encountered and solutions adopted in Research and Academic Community
Services in the field of engineering, science, STEM education, and Social and Humanitarian
Hopefully, we all can significantly give more contributions to the nation's advancement
in the not-too-distance future. To all of our distinguished guests and participants, AIPI Center,
Advisory Board, Organizing Committee, International Scientific Committee, institutions, thank
you for being here, welcome, and enjoy the conference.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Prof Dr. Bambang Yulianto., M.Pd

V i c e Re c to r A c a de m i c a f f a i rs

Welcome speech from the General Chair 2021 3rd International
Conference On Research and Academic Community Services

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

The honourable Vice Rectors of Universitas Negeri Surabaya

The honourable Chair of IEEE Indonesian Section

The honourable Keynote speakers

The distinguished guests and participants

It gives me great pleasure to all of the ICRACOS participants, welcome

to you to the 2021 3 rd International Conference On Research and Academic Community
Services (ICRACOS). D u e t o t h e C OV ID -1 9 ICRACOS conference which is organized
by t h e I n s t i t u t i o n o f R e s e a r c h a n d C o m m u n i t y S e r vi c e s , Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia hold the conference in the virtual event.. This conference is sponsorship by
IEEE MTT/AP chapter Indonesia section and Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The theme of our
conference is “ Sustainable Innovation in Research and Community Services for Better
Quality of Life towards Society 5”.

The ICRACOS article comes from some university domestics and international such as Brazil,
Philippines, Japan, Iraq, Srilanka, India, Taiwan, and Australia. We would like to appreciate all of
the keynote speakers, reviewers, committees, and participants for support and participation. We
would like to give gratitude to the Universitas Negeri Surabaya as the organizer and IEEE MTT/AP
chapter Indonesian Section as a sponsorship.

Finally, I wish all participants a successful and enjoyable conference. I hope you will find this
program interesting, useful, and stimulating.

Dr. Nurhayati.,ST.,MT

General Chair


Prof. Auzuir Ripardo de Alexandria


Federal Institute of Ceará – Rectory, Campus Fortaleza. , Av. Treze de Maio, 2081, Benfica,
60040-531 – Fortaleza, CE – Brazil, Telephone: (85) 33073684, Fax: (85) 8533073711

Academic Background

1993 B. Electrical Engineering Federal University of Campina Grande

1994 B. Computer Science Federal University of Campina Grande
2005 Master’s degree Federal University of Ceará
2011 Doctorate Federal University of Ceará


Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará: Fortaleza, CE, Brazil


Auzuir R. Alexandria has a degree in Electrical Engineering (1993) and a Bachelor’s Degree
in Computer Science (1994) from the Federal University of Campina Grande, a master’s degree
(2005), and a doctorate (2011) in Teleinformatics Engineering from the Federal University of
Ceará. He is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Ceará
– IFCE, Fortaleza campus, Industry department, since 2003. As a researcher, he works in the
fields of Computer Vision, Mobile Robotics, Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Neural
Networks, and Industrial Automation, coordinating and guiding several projects. He is the
leader of the Computer Simulation research group at IFCE.

Areas of Expertise

Major Area: Engineering / Area: Electrical Engineering.

Major Area: Engineering / Area: Electrical Engineering / Subarea: Industrial Electronics,
Electronic Systems and Controls / Specialty: Electronic Automation of Electrical and Industrial
Major Area: Engineering / Area: Electrical Engineering / Subarea: Computer Vision.
Major Area: Engineering / Area: Electrical Engineering / Subarea: Industrial Electronics,
Electronic Systems and Controls / Specialty: Electronic Process Control, Feedback.
Major Area: Engineering / Area: Electrical Engineering / Subarea: Embedded Automation

Professional Carrier

2016 – Current federal University of Ceara

2005 – Present Federal Institute of Ceará – Rectory
2005 – 2005 Greater Fortaleza Integrated Faculty
2003 – 2005 Federal Institute of Ceará – Rectory


Prof. KOH Koon Teck


Physical Education & Sports Science (PESS), NIE5-03-12, 67903690 Email


Academic Background

PhD (University of Queensland, Australia)

MEd (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
PGDE in Physical Education (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
BA (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
DDM (National Institute of Education, Singapore)


Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Koon Teck has been a Physical Education (PE) teacher since 1993. He had taught PE at Pre-
University and Secondary School levels for 10 years. He was Head of Department (PE/CCA)
for 6 years before he joined Co-Curricular Activities Branch, Education Programmes Division
as advisor and consultant for sports in 2004. He was the advisor for the North Zone Primary
Schools Sports Council and South Zone Schools Sports Council. Also, he was the games
advisor for basketball, table tennis, and softball, overseeing the management and organization
of the games at all levels for different age groups of students.

Koon Teck is actively involved in Basketball as both a competitive athlete and coach at various
levels. His keen research areas are in coaching and teaching in PE and Sport, in particular,

understanding and developing coaches and PE teachers to promote good practices. He has
worked with the Singapore senior basketball team as a team manager and sport scientist to
achieve a historical medal at the South East Asia Games in 2013 after 34 years where the last
medal was won and maintained the same result at the same competition in 2015.

Koon Teck has also developed a keen interest in using sport and PE as a platform to teach
values and character explicitly to athletes and students, guided by experiential learning theory.
To this end, a structured instructional programme has been developed to assist coaches and PE
teachers to achieve this goal. The programme has influenced many coaches/educators and
students/athletes beyond Singapore.

Recently, his research interest has extended to the use of Information Communication and
Technologies (ICT) to enhance the teaching and learning in PE. To address the lack of specific
resources in the teaching and learning of basketball for differentiated learners in the context of
pre-service student teachers, he has created image-rich, easy to understand instructional videos
with student teachers to promote inquiry learning and post questions during and after lessons.

Since 2002, Koon Teck has involved in Coach Education Programmes. He lectures the theory
and technical courses in the National Coaching Accreditation Programme (NCAP) managed
by SSC and BAS. Notably, he initiated an integrated NCAP Level 1 Coaching Course for BAS
in 2007. It was the first among the NSAs in Singapore, which combined Theory and Technical
courses to promote context-specific learning experience for basketball coaches. He has shared
the model with local and international practitioners and researchers.

Koon Teck is currently holding a few key appointments at the international and local levels,
namely: Executive Board Member, World Association of Basketball Coaches; Chair, FIBA
Asia Coaches Committee; FIBA Instructor; Vice President, ASEAN Council of PE and Sport;
Executive Board Member, Asia Association of Coaching Science; President, Singapore
Physical Education Association; Steering Committee Member, East Zone Centre of Excellence
(Sports). He is also the editorial board member for the International Sport Coaching Journal.

Research Interests

Basketball, Coach Education & Development, Coaching, Evaluation of Coaches’ Work,

Information Communication & Technologies, Pedagogy, Values and Character Development


Prof. Takeshi Fukusako


Department of Computer Science & Electrical Engineering , Graduate School of Science &
Technology, Kumamoto University
E-mail : fukusako_At_cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp

Academic Background

1992 B. Eng. Kyoto Inst. of Tech.

1994 M. Eng. Kyoto Inst. of Tech.
1997 Ph.D in Eng. Kyoto Inst of Tech.

Professional Carrier

1994 – 1997 Part-time Lecturer, Osaka Inst. of Tech.

1997 – 2003 Research Associate, Kumamoto University
2003 – 2015 Associate Professor, Kumamoto University
2016 – Present Professor, Kumamoto University


Kumamoto University,Dept. of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering


Takeshi Fukusako (Senior Member, IEEE) received the B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees in
Engineering from Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto, Japan, in 1992, 1994, and 1997,
respectively. In 1997, he joined the Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, as a Research
Associate. He is currently working with the Department of Computer Science and Electrical
Engineering, Kumamoto University, as a Professor since 2016. From 2005 to 2006, he was a
Visiting Researcher at the University of Manitoba, MN, Canada. Furthermore, he was a

Visiting Associate Professor of the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China,
in 2015. His current research interests are mainly design techniques of broadband antennas,
circularly polarized antennas, and electrically small antennas and their applications. For the
studies, he has accepted many international students and researchers from various countries
from such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Mongolia, and so on. In academic services,
he served IEICE Transactions on Communications as an Associate Editor from 2012 to 2016.
He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Antennas Propagation since 2015.
In 2014, he served as one of the TPC co-chairs at the 2014 IEEE International Workshop on
Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM2014). In 2017,
he served as one of the general chairs of the IEEE International Conference on Computational
Electromagnetics (ICCEM2017). In addition to these conferences, he worked as TPC members
in many international conferences. He is also an Administrative Committee (AdCom) Member
of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) from 2019 to 2021. Related to his activities,
he received the Distinguished Service Award from IEICE Communications Society in 2016,
Outstanding Associate Editor from IEEE AP-S in 2017, and the Director-General Award of
Kyushu Telecommunication Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
of Japan in 2016, etc. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and also a Senior Member of IEIC

Publication Topics

antenna radiation patterns,electromagnetic wave polarisation,microstrip antennas,broadband

antennas,UHF antennas,channel capacity,5G mobile communication,HF antennas,HF radio
propagation,MIMO communication,SISO communication,angular momentum,antenna
feeds,antennas,coaxial cables,diversity reception,light polarisation,linear antenna
arrays,matrix algebra,metamaterial antennas,microstrip couplers,microwave antennas,negative
impedance convertors,nondestructive testing,operational amplifiers


Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar


Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University,

Kolkata, India
E-mail: su_sircir@yahoo.co.in , su_sarkar@hotmail.com , sksarkar@etce.jdvu.ac.in
Academic Background
Post Doctoral Work ( devices) : Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. (Tech)) : Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics,University
of Calcutta., 1999.
Master of Technology (M. Tech.) : University of Calcutta
Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) : University of Calcutta
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University

Prof. Subir Kumar Sarkar has completed his B. Tech, M. Tech and PhD (Tech) from Institute
of Radiophysics and Electronics, University of Calcutta and Post Doctoral from Virginia
Commonwealth University (VCU), USA. He is an eminent Professor, a meticulous guide and
an influential researcher with equally balanced administrative responsibilities and associated
with academic bodies of thirteen institutes. He was a student of Ramkrishna Mission,
Narendrapur, West Bengal.

He has worked around 10 years in industry like Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) as
Executive Engineer, 29 years in Universities (8 Years in IIEST and 21 Years in Jadavpur
University) in different capacities. He was the Head of the Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University during 2011-2013, coordinator of the
Evening course of M. Tech in “VLSI Design and Microelectronics Technology” 2009 – 2013
& 2016- till date and Co-ordinator of IC Design & Fabrication Centre , Jadavpur University
from 2016 to till date.

He has authored 6 Engineering text books published by CRC Press USA, Artech House USA,
PAN STANFOPRD USA, S.Chand& Company Pvt. Ltd., India. He has already guided 56 PhD
scholars ( 6 more registered and currently working), 21 R&D projects sponsored by different
Govt. of India funding agencies have been completed/ongoing, published 711technical
research papers (Journals: 266, Conferences: 445) in archived International/ National journals
and peer reviewed conferences. His research Areas include Nanodevices and Low power VLSI
circuits, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), RFID and
its Applications, Digital Watermarking and Data security, MEMs, NEMs and Gas sensors.

He has 14 foreign trips in several countries like Australia, USA, France, the United Kingdom,
Switzerland, Japan, Thailand and Bangladesh as Keynote speaker, Special Guest of Honour
and Invited speaker for training, presenting papers and visiting sophisticated laboratories as a
part of his collaborative research activities. He has delivered around 118 Plenary/Keynote/
Invited talks, 19 IEEE Distinguished Lectures, and chaired 45 technical sessions in various
academic programs in India and Abroad.

He is a Senior Member of IEEE, IEEE Electron Device Society Distinguished Lecturer, Life
fellow of The Institution of Engineers(India) and Life fellow of Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers, Life member of ISTE and Life member of Indian Association
for the Cultivation of Science (IACS).

He has received honours and awards: The IEEE Distinguished Lecturer certificate has been
awarded to him in recognition to his services & contribution as IEEE EDS Distinguished
Lecturer in 2019. He is honoured with Distinguished Scientist Award in 11th International
Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine from VDGOOD Professional
Association. He is also honoured with the prestigious IETE – Brig M L Anand Award-2019
for notable expertise in Network domain as evident from his 183 research papers, 20 PG and
18 PhD thesis guidance and publication of two books (CRC Press and Arctech House) whose
review came in IEEE communication magazine and has been cited 642 times. He is also
recipient of Prof. S K Mitra Memorial Award-2019 for one of his research work as the best
research oriented paper among all the papers published in IETE Technical Review Journal in
the year 2018-2019. He won several School Day prizes for standing amongst the top three ranks
of the class, Awarded National Scholarship, Recipient of Deboprasad Ghosal Silver medal,
Certificate of Merit at Institution of Engineers, 2005 and 5 best research paper awards.

He has successfully organized two IEEE sponsored International Conferences as Convener

(2004) and as General Chair (2012). He also organized another IEEE sponsored International
seminar cum Research Colloquium on “MEMS based Sensors and Smart Nanostructured
Devices (MSSND-2019)”on 27th &28th December 2019 as General Chair.

Publication Topics

Nanodevices and Low power VLSI circuits

Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
RFID and its Applications
Digital Watermarking and Data security
MEMs, NEMs and Gas sensors


Cover…………………………………………………………………………………….. i
Welcome Speech of Vice Rector of Universitas Negeri Surabaya……………………… ii
Message from the General Chair………………………………………………………… iv
Keynote Speakers………………………………………………………………………... v
Time Table………………………………………………………………………………. 1
Article that Will be submitted to IEEE………………………………………………….. 26
Article that Will be submittes to AP…………………………………………………….. 74

2021 3rd International Conference On Research and Academic
Community Services (ICRACOS)
9th – 10th October 2021
Time Activity
07.15 – 08.00 Online Registration

08.00 – 08.05 Opening and Rule Guidance

08.05– 08.10 Listening Indonesia National Anthem

Listening Mars of Universitas Negeri Surabaya

08.10-08.20 Welcoming session from ICRACOS chair

Dr. Nurhayati.,ST..,MT
08.20-08.30 Welcoming session from IEEE IS chair
Dr.-Ing. Wahyudi Hasbi, S.Si, M.Kom

08.30– 08.35 Welcome Speech from Rector of UniversitasNegeri Surabaya

08.35– 08.40 Photo session


08.45 – 09.30 Keynote speaker 1

Prof. Auzuir R. De Alexandria, Ph.D
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará, Brasil
09.30 –10.15 Keynote speaker 2
Prof. Koh Koon Teck, Ph. D
PESS-NIE Nanyang Technological University Singapore

10.15 – 11.00 Keynote speaker 3

Prof. Takeshi Fukusako, Ph. D.
Kumamoto University,Japan
11.00 – 11.30 Keynote speaker 4
Prof. Dr. Subir Kumar Sarkar
Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700 032, India.
11.30 – 12.15 Live Question and Answer for keynote speakers

12.15 – 12.45 Break

12.45 – 13.00 Breakout room

13.00 - 16.30 PARALLEL SESSION

(12 breakout room) Room 1-12

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Room 1 (IEEE)
Moderator : Dr. Hapsari Peni Tjahjaningtyas., M.Si
Assistant : Supri
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)
(Lukman Medriavin Silalahi ,Setiyo
1 696 Integration Of Lifting Pump Monitoring 13.15-13.30
System Using ESP32 And Hostinger
With Internet Of Things Based
(Mesita Evi Ramadani, Brian Raafi'u
Mahirul Mursid, Rizaldy Hakim Ash-
Shiddieqy, Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain
Ahmad Fauzan ‘Adziimaa)
2 634 Design and Development Of 13.30-13.45
Monitoring System On Carp
Farming Ponds As IoT- Based Water
Quality Control
(Setiyo Budiyanto ,Lukman Medriavin
Development Of Internet Of Things
3 697 Based Fertigation System For 13.45- 14.00
Improving Productivity Of Patchouli
(Rini Puji Astutik,Hendra Ari,Winarno,
Eliyani,Risma Wahyuni)
4 584 Wireless Nurse Call System Using 14.00-14.15
IoT Implementation
(Lukman Medriavin Silalahi ,Setiyo
5 694 Design a Temporary Package 14.15-14.30
Storage System Using Arduino
Mega 2560-Based Password
(Erick O. Juan, Leo D. Bentoso, Deborah G.
Brosas, Jessie R. Paragas, Lyra K. Nuevas,
Ma. Windie C. Velarde)
6 677 Web-Based Solution for Flood 14.30-14.45
Warning Decision Support in the
Province of Leyte, Philippines
BREAK 14.45-15.15
{Agung Prijo Budijono, Djoko Suwito,
Muh.Syariffuddien Zuhrie, Wahyu Dwi
7 592 Kurniawan, Rachmad Syarifudin .H, Bidya 15.15-15.30
Nur Habib)
Paramedic Assistant Robot :

Feature Review from Generation
1.0 to 3.0

(Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, Agung Prijo

Budijono, Rachmad Syarifudin
Hidayatullahc, Purbodjati)
8 581 Design And Build of Energy 15.30-15.45
Proportional Electric Folding Bike
According to Rider Needs
(Murry Raditya, Purwardi Agus Darwito,
Anton S.R Ansori, Bintang Kalahari, Pandu
Galih Saputro, Hasna Mufidah)
9 572 Design of Monitoring System for 15.45-16.00
Temperature, PH, and Turbidity
Based on LoRa to Improve The
Quality of Milkfish Harvest
Sulis tiyadi
Analysis of Communication
10 700 Network Reliability Improvement 16.00-16.15
SCADA Based for Pumping Wells

Room 2 IEEE
Dr. Lilik Anifah, ST.,MT

No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)

(Auzuir Ripardo de Alexandria, Matheus Cruz
Ferreira, Elene Firmeza Ohata, Tarique da
Silveira Cavalcante, Francisco Alan Xavier da
Mota, Ingrid Correia Nogueira, Victor Hugo
Costa Albuquerque, Victor José Timbó
1 753 Gondim, Edson Cavalcanti Neto) 13.15-13.30
Automated clasification of dynamic
renal scintigraphy exams to
determine the stage of chronic
kidney disease, an investigation.
(Ilham A.E. Zaeni, Ahsan Walad, Arizal
Ismoyo Wijanarko, Dessy Rif’a Anzani, Anik
N. Handayani)
2 593 Applying Decision Tree for Utility 13.30-13.45

Control System on Patient Room

using Eye Activity Command
(Mark Julius P. Tiozon + Jessie R. Paragas +
Neil M. Pascual
3 669 Implementation of Traditional 13.45- 14.00
Transposition Cipher with Salting
(Jonabell Y. Bacaoco, Jay Gabriel E. Mencias,
Ritchell S. Villafuerte, Jessie R. Paragas,
4 666 Deborah G. Brosas, Diane B. Remot) 14.00-14.15
SARS-COV-2: Symptoms Severity
Assessment using Data Mining
(Lilik Anifah, Haryanto)
Decision Support System
Erythemato-Squamous Diseases
5 708 14.15-14.30
Classification Diagnosis using Linear
Vector Quantization Based Clinical
(Lilik Anifah, Muhamad Syariffuddien Zuhrie,
6 733 Sensor Positioning Effectiveness 14.30-14.45
Analysis of Smart Pirates on Pencak
Silat Sport

BREAK 14.45-15.15

(Setya Chendra Wibawa, Mashudi, Subuh

Isnur Haryudo, Fendi Achmad, Dewa Gede
7 667 15.15-15.30
Hendra Divayana, Ramadhani Rani Relifian,
Edy Sulistiyo, Anderson Ngelambong)

The Media Application using
Markerless Augmented Reality to
Learn The Technique of Angle of
(Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung, Rahyul Amri,
Syafitri, Edy Ervianto, Nurhalim)
8 622 Application of Single Moving 15.30-15.45
Average Method for Population
Growth Forecasting
(Erlangga, Yaya Wihardi, Eki Nugraha)
User Experience Evaluation by Using
9 574 a User Experience Questionnaire 15.45-16.00
(UEQ) Based on an Artificial Neural
Network Approach
(Sugianto Eko Cahyono,Nabila Zoraidha
Damayanti,Alldino Syaman,Dina Fitria
Murad,Nora Fitriawati)
10 698 The Smart Application Approval 16.00-16.15
Feasibility Of Potential Customers
Based On Decision Support System
(Jessie Retorca Paragas, Ellen Joyce B.
Nartia, Neil M. Pascual)
Detection of Students' Mental
11 644 16.15-16.30
Health Status: A Decision Support

Room 3 (IEEE)
Moderator Dr. Nurhayati., ST.,MT
Assistant Endah
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)
(Haruki Ohira, Takeshi Fukusako, Ryuji Kuse)
1 628 Single Feed Waveguide Antenna with 13.15-13.30
Orbital Angular Momentum Mode.
(Russul Khalid Abdulsattar, Taha A. Elwi, Zaid A.
Abdul Hassain)
2 611 Microwave Resonator based a Fractal 13.30-13.45
Moore Structure for Modern Wireless
Reconfigurable Systems
(Zainab Salam Muqdad , Taha Ahmed Elwi , Zaid
Asaad Abdul hassain )
3 613 Novel Reconfigurable Fractal Antenna 13.45- 14.00
Design based Metasurface Layer for
Modern Wireless Systems
(Annisa Ayu Avrillia,Riri R. Siregar,Shalahuddin M.
Nur,Dina Fitria Murad,Lena)

4 699 The Use of Satellites for Analysis of 14.00-14.15

Plantation Locations, Minimize Land Fires,
and Improve Fertilization
(Yusnita Rahayu and J.R.M Simanihuruk)
5 636 Design of 4x4 Butler Matrix for Beamforming 14.15-14.30
5G Antenna
(Nurhayati Nurhayati, Eko Setijadi, Alexandre M. De
Oliveira , Takeshi Fukusako, Bagus E. Sukoco, Fitri
6 711 Adi Iskandarianto) 14.30-14.45
Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna with Koch
Fractal Lens for L and S-band application
BREAK 14.45-15.15
(Raimundo Eider Figueredo; Alexandre Maniçoba
de Oliveira; Nurhayati; Alexandre Jean Rene Serres;
Antonio Rebouças de França Filho; João F. Justos;
7 725 Marcelo B. Perotoni; Arnaldo de Carvalho Jr.) 15.15-15.30
An Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Using
Radiant Side Slot Edge Based on the Star
Trek Dominion Insignia
(Nurhayati Nurhayati, Tri Rijanto, Puput R Wanarti,
Ahmad Abimanyu, S. Prasad Jones Christydass)
8 734 UWB Antenna with Bandwidth 15.30-15.45
Enhancement for Wireless Applications
(S.Prasad Jones Christydass, Nurhayati Nurhayati)
Multiband THz Rectangular Microstrip
9 692 Patch antenna with Hexagonal 15.45-16.00
Complementry Split Ring Resonator

(Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung , Ficky Galang Prasetya)
The Making of PWCPS Building Video of
10 620 16.00-16.15
Riau Province Based on Three
Dimensional Animation

Room 4 IEEE
Moderator Ayusta Lukita Wardani S.ST.,MT
Assistant Tri W
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)
(Dany Iman Santoso, I Wayan Susila,
Dewanto, Yunus, Akhmad Hafizh Ainur
Rasyid, Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah)
1 569 Investigation of the droplet 13.15-13.30
properties along their trajectory in
the cooling tower
(Lukman Medriavin Silalahi ,Setiyo
Optimizing The Performance Of The
2 695 Power Station Generator Space 13.30-13.45
Lighting System Performance Based
On Internet Of Things Using ESP32
(Aris Ansori , Denny Widhiyanuriyawan)
Increased output power of a
3 705 triboelectric nanogenerator with a 13.45- 14.00
starch biopolymer composite
interface layer
(Daeng Rahmatullah, Iradiratu Diah PK, Belly
Yan Dewantara, Fendi Achmad)
Design and Build of 3 Phase Induction
4 720 14.00-14.15
Motor Speed Regulation on
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Using PID Control Method
(Machrus Ali, Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal,
Saiful Arfaah, Muhlasin, Muhammad
Fakhrurozi, Ruslan Hidayat)
5 721 Application of Energy Storage-PID 14.15-14.30
For Load Frequency Control In Micro
Hydro Using Flower Pollination
(Murry Raditya, Purwadi Agus Darwito,
Zakiah Nurul Fahmi, Arviandi Cikadiarta,
Andreas Pratama Putra, Sulthon Sidiq
6 693 Wicaksana) 14.30-14.45
Multiple Linear Guide Actuator
(LGA) Controller Based on ModBus
BREAK 14.45-15.15

(Asnun Parwanti, Slamet Imam Wahyudi,

Moh Faiqun Ni'am, Machrus Ali, Iswinarti,
7 616 Muhammad Agil Haikal) 15.15-15.30
Modified Firefly Algorithm for

Optimization of the Water Level in
the Tank
(Ery Safrianti, Linna Oktaviana Sari, Nur
Aprilia Sari)
8 618 Real-Time Network Device Monitoring 15.30-15.45
System with Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) Model
(Rifqi Firmansyah, Rudi Irmawanto
Comparison Study of PI Controller)
9 610 Tuning Method to Regulate the DC 15.45-16.00
Motor Speed
(Saiful Anwar, Made Arsana, Ika Nurjannah,
Handini Novitasari)
10 577 The Effect Of Hydraulic Diameter 16.00-16.15
Variations and Distance of Rods Square
Profile in The Four Channel

Room 5 IEEE
Moderator I Made Suartana, S.Kom., M.Kom
Assistant Keisha
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)
(Widi Aribowo, Reza Rahmadian, Mahendra
Widyartono, Ayusta Lukita Wardani, Aditya
Chandra Hermawan, Unit Three Kartini)
1 573 13.15-13.30
Implementation Of The Arithmetic
Optimization Algorithm For
Economic Load Dispatch
(Mochamad Arif Irfa'i, Andita N. F Ganda, I
Made Arsana, Retno Eka Pramitasari dan
2 609 Analysis of Tensile Strength and 13.30-13.45
Hardness of Al-Si alloy Using Sand
Casting and Centrifugal Casting
(I Made Arsana, Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan,
Kukuh Uzia Bramantyo)
Performance Analysis of Electric
3 612 Coolers Tec1-12706 And Tec1-12715 13.45- 14.00
With Heatsinks at Semi-Conductor
Cooler Boxes
(Firman Yasa Utama, Zulfa Ludfi Diana Sari)
Development of Automatic Fuel
4 701 14.00-14.15
Meter Trainer Control System Using
(Testa Adi Nugraha, Achmad Widodo,
Awang Firmansyah, Muhammad Dzul Fikri,
Syaifathul Jannah, Mokhammad Riyad)
5 594 Implementation Of Monitoring 14.15-14.30
Load Exercise in Finswimming to
Preparation for Porprov 2022
(Indarti; Jihan Alya Salsabilla; Li Hsun Peng)
Computerized Embroidery: Utilizing
6 617 14.30-14.45
Technology in Making Decorative
designs for Muslim Wedding Dress
BREAK 14.45-15.15
(Yeni Kustiyahningsih, Eza Rahmanita, Devie
Rosa Anamisa, Jaka Purnama)
7 690 Selection SMEs of Batik Bangkalan 15.15-15.30
Using Fuzzy Interval Type-2 Method
based on Group Support System
(Wahyu Nur Hidayat)
8 732 Gamified Mobile Learning For 15.30-15.45
Digital Business Model Course

(Francisco de Assis Souza Alexandre,
Marcello Carvalho dos Reis, Maria Elisa
Marciano Martinez, Auzuir Ripardo de
9 621 15.45-16.00
A look at the city of Fortaleza from
the perspective of the social
indicators of NBR ISO 37120:2017
(Mohammad Syahidul Haq, Nur Aini Dwi
10 715 Development of Codeigniter-Based 16.00-16.15
E-Office Applications
BasicHomeschooling: The Parents Role
11 745 For Optimizing Early Age Children 16.15-16.30

Room 6 IEEE
Moderator Roswina Dianawati., S.Pd. M.Ed
Assistant Rofik
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)
(Glenn Gumba, Jessie R. Paragas,Deborah G.
1 691 Student Information and Accounting 13.15-13.30
System (SIAS) Software Quality
(Handini Novita Sari, I Made Arsana, Ika
Implementation of Problem Based
Learning to Improve Students Motivation
2 575 And Learning Outcomes As a Solution For 13.30-13.45
Distance Learning (PJJ) During The Covid
19 Pandemic Case Study on Heat And
Mass Transfer Subjects
(Usman Mulbar, Nasrullah Pemu)
3 580 e-Portfolio as OLEA to Identify Higher 13.45- 14.00
Ability for Students in Higher Education
(G H B A De Silva, T C Sandanayake, M F M
4 582 An investigation of visually impaired 14.00-14.15
learners marginalized in an online
classroom environment
(Bambang Bagus Harianto, Yuyun)
Evaluation of Multiple Choice Items in the
5 588 14.15-14.30
Telecommunication and Navigation
Engineering Department with Validation
(fendi achmad Supari Muslim Daeng Rahmatullah
Setya Cendrah Wibawa Edy Sulistiyo)
An Influence of Problem Based Learning
6 605 Models Assisted by Media Trainer 14.30-14.45
Programmable Logic Control and
Achievement Motivation on Skills
BREAK 14.45-15.15
(Farid Baskoro and Bambang Suprianto)
7 595 Teaching Factory Management in the 15.15-15.30
Edutel Sector at SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya
632 {Kisyani Laksono, Endah Budi Rahaju, Ari
8 Kurniawan, Zulaikhah Abdullah, Raras 15.30-15.45
Tyasnurita, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo)
(Miftahur Rohman, Nur Kholis, Farid Baskoro)
9 674 Development Of Employability Of Fresh 15.45-16.00
Graduate Alumni Through Tracer Study By

Evaluating The Likert Scale Method

(Oce Wiriawan , Siswantoyo, Donny Ardy Kusuma,

Awang Firmansyah, Azmawati Binti Mohamad Nor,
Afif Rusdiawan)
10 713 The Difference Between Level of Physical 16.00-16.15
Activity, Nutritional Status, Sedentary
Lifestyle in Students in Mountain and
Coastal Areas
(Ratna Suhartini , Luthfiyah Nurlaela)
Training Development of Teaching Factory
11 607 16.15-16.30
Based on Local Wisdom in Vocational High

Room 7 AP

Moderator Dr. Dony Ardi Kusuma, M.Kes

Assistant Yayuk
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)

(Isnawati, Lisa Lisdiana, Mahanani Tri Asri, Guntur

Trimulyono, Rony Afif Hidayat)

Diversity of Cellulolytic Fungi

1 689 Isolated in Fermetodege: 13.15-13.30
Fermented Feed Mixed Water
Hyacinth, Rice Bran, And Corn
(Sari Edi Cahyaningrum; Titik Taufikurohmah; Dina
Kartika Maharani;Jonathan Angelo
Ranamanggala;Achmad Fitriadi Akbar and Fitriari
2 703 Izzatunnisa Muhaimin) 13.30-13.45
Synthesis and Characterization of
Nanosilver Fluoride Hydroxyapatite as
an Anti Cariogenic Agent
704 Nutritional Analysis Of Non-Dairy Milk
3 13.45- 14.00
Almond-Tempeh As A Multivitamin
Supplement For The Elderly

Antioxidant Activity from The Combination
4 Ethanol Extract Secang Wood (Caesalpinia 14.00-14.15
sappan L.) And Red Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber
officinale Roxb.)
(Silmi Kaaffah Nurul Hasana, Dwi Kristiastuti, Niken
Purwidiani, Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni, Ila Huda
Puspitasari, Any Sutiadiningsih)
5 730 Innovation of Milk Fish Sausage with The 14.15-14.30
Addition of Moringa Leaf Puree As a
Healthy Food
(Ni Ketut Alit Armini, Rahayu Dwi Pangestuti,
Lingga Curnia Dewi)
6 586 Dietary Pattern, Sedentary Lifestyle and 14.30-14.45
Awareness on Breast Cancer among
BREAK 14.45-15.15

(Any Sutiadiningsih, Agung Prijo Budijono, Wahyu Dwi
Kurniawan, Yunus)

7 633 Effectiveness of Brem Production Process 15.15-15.30

Through The Application of Brem Press
Machine At Madiun Brem Smes

(Asrul Bahar, Samik, Maria Monica Sianita

Basukiwardojo, Nita Kusumawati, Supari Muslim,
AR. Sella Auliya)
8 625 Effect of Milk on Physico-Chemical, 15.30-15.45
Functional and Contamination of Herbal
Jelly Drink
(Sri Dwiyanti, soto Sulandjari, Titik Winanti,IGP
Asto, Lilik Anifah)
9 640 Cypirus Rotundus L : Formulation And 15.45-16.00
Evaluation Antiseptic Soap
(Nining W Kusnanik, Fransisca JM Wijaya, Fifit Y
Wulandari, Stephen P Bird)
10 657 Isokinetic Strength and Power of Female 16.00-16.15
Field Hockey Players
(Dwi Cahyo Kartiko)
Android-Based Application (Body Fat
11 xxx 16.15-16.30
Calculate) As Information Media for
Obesity Prevention

Room 8
Moderator Tri Edliani Lestari, S.S., M.Hum
Assistant Basram
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)

(Eni Wuryani, Susi Handayani, Mariana)

1 660 The Effect of Financial Performance And Bank 13.15-13.30
Size On Banking Bank Stock Price
(Cindy Veronica, Nina Nur Alfi Aulia, Dinda Suci Al Aluf,
Amar Khan Ijtihad Mudhaffar, Arik Susanti)
2 Building Creative Industries by Bringing Local 13.30-13.45
Potential to Grow Village Community
Economic Independence

(Vira Oktaviani Rezqy, A'rasy Fahrullah)

3 646 A Prototype of Digital Sharia Business 13.45- 14.00
Incubator To Develop Rural Economy
(Jun Surjanti, Rahayu Dewi Soeyono, Tony Seno Aji)

4 614 Pre-Posttest: Diagnosis of the Achievement 14.00-14.15

Level on Sustainable Business

(Sjafiatul Mardliyah, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi,

Awang Dharmawan, Agus Prasetyawan, Yuni Lestari)
5 717
Building family resilience through 14.15-14.30
philanthropy and populist policies to cope
the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Ari Khusumadewi
Identification of Student (Santri) Problems
6 702 14.30-14.45
On Islamic Boarding School (Pondok

BREAK 14.45-15.15
(Sarmini, Sukma Perdana Prasetya, Nuansa Bayu
Segara, Faridatul Lailiyah)
7 727 Ethno-pedagogy of Parents in Enforcement of 15.15-15.30
Health Protocols to Change Students' Social
(Yuni Lestari, Agus Prastyawan, Prasetyo Isbandono)
8 706 15.30-15.45
Women's Leadership Based on Local Wisdom

Ali Imron, S.Sos., M.A. dan Siti Maizul Habibah, S.Pd.,
9 651 The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out 15.45-16.00
By Ex-Lepers

(Rr Nanik Setyowati1, R.N. Bayu Aji, Sarmini, Ali Imron,

Nasihatul Mahmudah)
10 601 Street Children Survival Strategy Against 16.00-16.15
Violence: Case Study on the Surabaya
Ketintang Railway
Ketut Prasetyo
The Effect of A Gender-Residential Location
And Education Level In Response To
11 683 Regulation Of Corona Virus Disease-19 16.15-16.30
Distribution And Prevention In Social Studies

Room 9
Moderator Imami Arum Tr
Assistant Alfi
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)

(Gitud Sudarto, Minnar Titis Santoso, Nusriningyati)

Development of the Omronf CP1E PLC to
1 729 13.15-13.30
support PLC practicum activities in the
Control System Engineering laboratory

Mauren Gita Miranti, Didit Yantony, Setya Chendra

Wibawa, Rima Melyana Anjelita, Nia Lestari

Yuli Sutoto Nugroho, Windy Dwi Oktavia, Setya Candra

Wibawa, Farid Baskoro

3 673 Application Development Little Cakes Based 13.45- 14.00

on Android as Lunch Box Cake Salesa and
Learning Media

571 (Yunus, I Made Arsana, Erlinda Ningsih, dan Novi

Sukma Drastiawati)
Designing and Fabrication of Integrated
Soybean Machine (3 In 1 Process) to 14.00-14.15
Optimize of Tempe Producers
687 (Suprapto, Alfania Lailatul Rizky, Setya Chendra)
Application of Android-Based Mobile E-
5 14.15-14.30
Commerce Applications In Ornamental
(Niken Purwidiani , Dwi Kristiastuti, Sri Handajani,
ta Fatkhur Romadhoni, Choirul Anna Nur Afifah,
6 635 Any Sutiadiningsih) 14.30-14.45
Making Instant Spiced Coffee Drink to
Prevent Covid-19
BREAK 14.45-15.15

7 680 Development of Android Buket Snack Olshop 15.15-15.30


(Novi Sukma Drastiawati, Lutfiyyah Nur Rasyidah and

Setya Candra Wibawa)
8 679 15.30-15.45
Utilization of The BUKAOLSHOP Application As

Niken Purwidiani
Nutritional Content Of Dried Choux As
9 633 15.45-16.00
Tourist Souvenirs

Ferly Isnomo Abdi

10 678 Development of Android-Based Tote Bag 16.00-16.15
Business Application

Room 10 AP
Moderator Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dewi
Assistant ILO
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)
(Anitiyo Soelistiyono, Chen Feijuan)
A Literature Revie of Labor Market Profile
1 585 13.15-13.30
of Vocational High School Graduates In
(Mutimmatul Faidah)

2 714 Pilgrims Spiritual Practices at The Tomb of 13.30-13.45

Sunan Giri During The Covid Pandemic

Made Pramono

3 596 The Challenges And Opportunities Of The 13.45- 14.00

Industrial Revolution 4.0 And Society 5.0

Dindy Megasari, Arita Puspitorini, Dewi Lutfiati

Employability Tracer Study of Cosmetology
4 623 Education Graduates at the Universitas 14.00-14.15
Negeri Surabaya

Ratna Suhartini
5 629 The Partnership Model for The Diploma of 14.15-14.30
Fashion Designer and The Fashion Industry
Wahyu Dwi Mulyono, Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana,
Heri Suryaman
The effect of teaching materials,
6 599 14.30-14.45
implementation, evaluation, and problems on
student motivation in online learning during
the COVID-19 Pandemic

BREAK 14.45-15.15
Ika Nurjannah
7 576
Development of OBE-Based Learning 15.15-15.30
Evaluation Model in Mechanical Engineering
Education Program
Ani Sutiadiningsih
8 633 Composite Flour of Glutinous And Sticky Rice 15.30-15.45
Dreg Against The Character

Edi Sulistyo

9 681 Utilizing E-Commerce To Create Giftcare App 15.45-16.00

For Unique Gift Sales

Made Arsana
Utilizing Social Media And Applications To Stay
10 688 16.00-16.15
Productive For Photographers In Pandemic

11 16.15-16.30

Room 11 AP
Moderator Kunjung Ashadi S.Pd., M.Fis.
Assistant Isbin
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)

Vita Mahardhika
1 An Electronic Court In The Perspective 13.15-13.30
Criminal Law Reform
(Kisyani Laksono, Endah Budi Rahaju, Pratiwi
Retnaningdyah, Agusniar Dian Savitri, Zulaikhah
Abdullah, Ahmad Bayu Prastyo)
2 624 13.30-13.45
The Favorite Vocabulary In Elementary School
Student Writing Of 750 Words

(Pudji Astuti, Anam Miftakhul, Rr. Nanik Setyowati)

Opportunities And Challenges Of
3 602 Universitas Negeri Surabaya In Fulfillment 13.45- 14.00
Of The Rights Of Education For People
With Mentally Retardation
Darni, Yuni Lestari
4 710 Literacy Gender in Elementary School 14.00-14.15

(Susanti, Renny Dwijayanti, Han Tantri Hardini, Moh.

Danang Bahtiar)

5 709 Financial Literature Versus Digital Literature 14.15-14.30

As A Predictor Of Student Entrepreneurs
Behavior In The Era of The Covid 19 Pandemic

(Arik Susanti, Sarah Lailiyah)

6 653 Improving Efl Students Higher Order Thinking 14.30-14.45

Skills Using Reading Strategies

BREAK 14.45-15.15
(Agung Listiadi, Rochmawati)

7 726 self-efication in interpreting as a teacher in 15.15-15.30


Wahyu Sukartiningsih
Short Story Materials through
8 722 Explanation, Space, Time of Writing 15.30-15.45
Techniques in Elementary School

Dody Arwin

9 645 Infographics As A Media To Develop Student's 15.45-16.00

Digital Literature Capabilities

Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah

10 603 The Management of Inclusive Schools 16.00-16.15

Curriculum in Indonesia

11 16.15-16.30

Room 12 AP
Moderator Ajeng Dianing Kartika
Assistant Amiruddin
No Paper ID Paper Title Time (GMT +7)

(Ajeng Dianing Kartika, Arif Hidajad, Ririe Rengganis,

Bambang Dibyo Wiyono, Cindy Asli Pravesti)
Upgrading Conselor’s Critial Thinking Skills
1 626 13.15-13.30
for High School Counselors in Surabaya to
Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness
during The Pandemic

(Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro, Harpang

Yudha Karyawanto, Heri Murbiyantoro, Autar Abdillah,
2 668 13.30-13.45
Music Scoring Training in the Pare String
Ensemble Music Community in Kediri

(Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Rr. Dyah Woroharsi P, Lutfi

Saksono, Suwarno Imam Samsul)
3 719 13.45- 14.00
Utilization of QuizWhizzer Educational Game
Applications as Learning Evaluation Media

(Rr. Dyah Woroharsi P, Fahmi Wahyuningsih, Lutfi

HÖrbuch: Maerchen on Youtube as a
4 728 14.00-14.15
additional material for listening skills for
students of the German literature study

(Oktaviani Tri Saprika, Lukman Hadi Wibowo, Adinda

Nur Qomariyah, Dinda Ayu Febrika Widayustira,
Nugraheni Nur Awalia Pratiwi, Prima Vidya Asteria)
5 731 Marginal Community Empowerment in 14.15-14.30
Kampung 1001 Malam by Using Hydroponic
Interactive Video

Jody Suryanto
6 754 Influence of Work Motivation In Archival 14.30-14.45
Management On Performance With Variable

Intervening Commitment Lppm Unesa

BREAK 14.45-15.15
Tri Rijanto, Joko, Irma Russanti
Validation of Developed Hazmat Suit as
7 664 15.15-15.30
Personal Protective Equipment for Medical

(Lutfi Saksono, Rojil Nugroho Bayu Aji, Muamar Zainul

8 735 15.30-15.45
Performance of Community Services in
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
(Nurhayati, Sari Edy Cahyaningrum, Warju, Zulaikhah
Abdullah, Supriadi, Alfi Qonitatin Wafiyah)
Development of Research and Community
9 656 Service Information Systems (SIRIP) with 15.45-16.00
Synchronizing Data from SIMLPPM and
Performance Requirement of SIMLITABMAS

Muh Ariffudin Islam, Anam Miftakhul Huda, Vinda

Maya Setianingrum, Puspita Sari Sukardani, Gilang
10 600 16.00-16.15
Gusti Aji
Branding Development of Rumah Kinasih
by Diffable Community


#ID 696

Integration Of Lifting Pump Monitoring System Using ESP32 And

Hostinger With Internet Of Things Based
Setiyo Budiyanto Lukman Medriavin Silalahi Freddy Artadima Silaban
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Mercu Buana Engineering Universitas Mercu Buana
Jakarta, Indonesia Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia
lukman.medriavin@mercubuana.ac.id Jakarta, Indonesia freddy.artadima@mercubuana.ac.id

Imelda Uli Vistalina Simanjuntak Agus Dendi Rochendi Ucuk Darusalam

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Oceanographic Department of Informatic Engineering
Universitas Mercu Buana Physics Universitas Nasional
Jakarta, Indonesia Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Jakarta, Indonesia
imelda.simanjuntak@mercubuana.ac.id Indonesia ucuk.darusalam@gmail.com
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract— Lifting pump is a system used to distribute dirty water to landfills or water treatment sites. The need
for integrated information through a pump flow and voltage monitoring system is a problem finding in this study,
because the lifting pump monitoring system previously had to be visited on site twice a day. So the suggestion in
this research is to get real time information. The work process of this prototype is: when the pump is active then
the sensor reads the current and voltage, so that the sensor readings are received and processed by the ESP32 until
the output from the ESP32 is sent to the Hostinger web so that the data results can be displayed on Android. The
results of this design obtained a monitoring system of pump currents and voltages in real time because it can be
seen through web hostinger and android. The comparison between the current and voltage on the prototype with
the measured current and voltage shows a difference of less than 5%.

Keywords— Monitoring, Current, Voltage, ESP32, Hostinger

#ID 634

Design and Development Of Monitoring System On Carp Farming Ponds As

IoT- Based Water Quality Control

Mesita Evi Ramadani Brian Raafi’u Mahirul Mursid

Instrumentation Engineering Instrumentation Engineering Industrial Mechanical Engineering
Department Department Department
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Nopember Surabaya Surabaya
Surabaya brianvani1@gmail.com

Rizaldy Hakim Ash-Shiddieqy Alex Taufiqurrohman Zain Ahmad Fauzan ‘Adziimaa

Industrial Mechanical Engineering Automotive Engineering Department Instrumentation Engineering
Department Politeknik Negeri Jember Department
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Jember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Nopember Surabaya

Abstract— Monitoring water quality in freshwater pond fish farming is an important thing to do because the
quality of the fish depends on the conditions of the aquatic environment in which it lives. Terrible water conditions
can interfere with fish activities and can cause mass mortality that will reduce the productivity of freshwater fish
farming farmers. Temperature, pH level, and turbidity of fish pond water are measured parameters that represent
optimal water quality. This research contributes to developing water quality monitoring instruments that can
produce continuous and real-time quality data. The monitoring system of fish pond water quality was designed
by installing a temperature sensor, pH sensor, and turbidity sensor. The value obtained from the sensor
measurement is then processed using a microcontroller. The system design uses the ESP32 wireless module. It
makes an application on Android so that the measurement results from the sensors are used to display integrated
monitoring results online as an implementation of the Internet of Things. Then the system can be accessed through
an application on a smartphone to show notifications and replace water automatically. And the result of a validity
test with calibrators obtained each uncertainty result from the turbidity sensor, temperature sensor, and also the
pH sensor is of 1.24; 0.136; 0.31 (acid pH); 0.2 (alkaline pH). From the result of validation testing show a small
uncertainty, that can also understand as to how close the measurement result is to the actual value.

Keywords—monitoring, water quality, Internet of Things

#ID 697
Development Of Internet Of Things Based Fertigation System For
Improving Productivity Of Patchouli Plantation

Setiyo Budiyanto Lukman Medriavin Silalahi Andi Adriansyah

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Mercu Buana Engineering Universitas Mercu Buana
Jakarta, Indonesia Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia
lukman.medriavin@mercubuana.ac.id Jakarta, Indonesia andi@mercubuana.ac.id

Ucuk Darusalam Septi Andryana Agus Dendi Rochendi

Department of Informatic Engineering Department of Informatic Department of Oceanographic Physics
Universitas Nasional Engineering Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Indonesia
ucuk.darusalam@gmail.com Jakarta, Indonesia agus.dendi.rochendi@lipi.go.id

Abstract— The problem faced by patchouli farmers, besides being rivaled by the production of lemongrass, was
found to be relatively low productivity of patchouli plants by about 2 kg per tree. While the results of trials
conducted by the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) obtained productivity of up to 5-6 kg per tree. In addition to
problems on the side of high competition and low production and productivity, patchouli still has advantages that
its competitors do not have. If ordinary perfume, the scent only lasts 2-3 hours, then perfume that uses patchouli,
the scent can last 12 to 72 hours according to its concentration. That is why the world perfume industry is very
interested in Aceh's patchouli. Patchouli grows and produces well in fertile, loose, and contains a lot of organic
matter. Good soil types are regosol, latosol, and alluvial. The texture of the clay is sandy clay or dusty clay and
has good absorption capacity and is not flooded during the rainy season. Patchouli leaves to produce high oil
content requires full sun. The height of the place suitable for patchouli cultivation starts from the lowlands to an
altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level (asl), and is optimum at 100-400 m asl. In the lowlands, the oil content is
higher than in the highlands, on the contrary the alcohol content of patchouli is lower. Rainfall is needed for the
growth of patchouli plants ranging from 2300 - 3000 mm / year with equitable distribution throughout the year.
Humidity, temperature, and pH suitable for patchouli growth are 70-90%, 24-28 ° C, and 5.5-7, respectively.

Keywords— Arduino, Temperature Sensor, Soil Moisture Sensor, pH Sensor, Internet Of Things

#ID 584
Wireless Nurse Call System Using IoT Implementation

Astutik, Rini Puji Winarno, Hendra Ari Eliyani

Department Electrical Engineering, Department Electrical Engineering, Department Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Muhammadiyah University of Muhammadiyah University of Gresik, Muhammadiyah University of
Gresik, Gresik, Indonesia Gresik,
Gresik, Indonesia hendra.ari.winarno@umg.ac.id Gresik, Indonesia
astutik_rpa@umg.ac.id eliyani@umg

Wahyuni, Risma
Department Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Muhammadiyah University of Gresik,
Gresik, Indonesia

Abstract—A spreading of updating technology recently encourages many scientists to explore implementing it as
a daily activity. The important part of implementation technology is in the health field. One of them is the Nurse
Call system which is very important in every hospital. Many hospitals use a wired Nurse Call system which needs
many cables to connect to the monitor room. With a lot of cables, there will be much effort needed for finding the
broken or loose cables, if any, so that the connection can be maintained. This research proposed to solve this issue
by using IoT implementation on wireless nurse call system. The proposed prototype contains raspberry pie as the
collecting data from each node and placed it at the monitor room, router as communication between raspberry pie
and each node and the node itself by using node MCU that is placed at the patient room. The simulation shows
that the system of this proposed prototype can be managed to communicate successfully between each node and
monitor the room. To exam the performance, it uses three scenarios for testing, and those scenarios can be
executed appropriately to the system.

Keywords— IoT, Nurse Call System, Raspberry Pi, Wireless, Node, Patient

ID #694
Design a Temporary Package Storage System Using Arduino Mega 2560-
Based Password

Lukman Medriavin Silalahi Setiyo Budiyanto Freddy Artadima Silaban

Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Department of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universitas Mercu Buana Universitas Mercu Buana Universitas Mercu Buana
Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
lukman.medriavin@mercubuana.ac. sbudiyanto@mercubuana.ac.id freddy.artadima@mercubuana.ac.
id id

Imelda Uli Vistalina Simanjuntak Agus Dendi Rochendi Gunawan Osman

Department of Electrical Department of Oceanographic Department of Electromedic
Engineering Physics Engineering
Universitas Mercu Buana Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Universitas Mohammad Husni
Jakarta, Indonesia Indonesia Thamrin
imelda.simanjuntak@mercubuana.a Jakarta, Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
c.id agus.dendi.rochendi@lipi.go.id gunawan@thamrin.ac.id

Abstract— Online shopping is an activity that is carried out between buyers and sellers online and then sent using
courier services. So, at the time of delivery the package requires a clear address, correct and the delivery time can
already be estimated. A courier can complete the delivery of the package perfectly if the buyer / booker receives
the package in place directly. The problem is that if the buyer /booker does not receive the package, then the
courier will delay the delivery until the package is received. This paper aims to build a secure, privacy and
confidential package storage system consisting of a keypad for password input, a servo motor for opening and
closing doors, ultrasonic sensors for detecting incoming goods, SIM800L V2 for SMS message notification and
Arduino Mega 2560 as the main control of the system. Based on the results of tests and analysis that have been
done, the keypad has a delay of 100 seconds in filling in every 1 digit of the input password. Setting the minimum
limit value as far as 10 cm, then get the visibility of the HC-SR04 sensor that can be read as far as 10 cm to 12
cm. Package materials coated with iron, plastic, wood, paper, glass, and fabric are capable of detection by hc-
SR04 proximity sensors.

Keywords— SMS, Arduino Mega 2560, SIM800Lv2, Sensor HC-SR04, Keypad

ID #677
Web-Based Solution for Flood Warning Decision Support in the
Province of Leyte, Philippines

Leo D. Bentoso Deborah G. Brosas Lyra K. Nuevas

leo.bentoso@evsu.edu.ph deborah.brosas@evsu.edu.ph lyra.nuevas@evsu.edu.ph
Erick O. Juan Jessie R. Paragas Ma. Windie C. Velarde
erick.juan@evsu.edu.ph jessie.paragas@evsu. edu.ph mawindie.velarde@evsu.edu.ph
Student of Information Faculty of Information Faculty of Information Technology
Technology Department Technology Department Department
Eastern Visayas State Eastern Visayas State University Eastern Visayas State University
University Tacloban City, Philippines Tacloban City, Philippines
Tacloban City, Philippines

Abstract— Floods are one of the most damaging disaster events in the province of Leyte; their occurrence and
strength are increasing in the last decade. The most common reasons for flooding in Leyte are unpredictable and
heavy monsoon rainfalls, resulting in massive live losses, a large amount of internally displace persons (IDPs),
damages of agricultural land and crops, and live stocks. The proposed Automated Flood Warning System for the
Province of Leyte is an online-based system that tends to help the communities. It measures rain and water level
by positioning the reading device with measuring sensors to the strategic location and generating real-time
readings. The data will be transmitted to the web system and convert to readable, easy-to-understand reports. As
shown in the results and discussion, the system successfully monitors the flooding situation through the system's
graphical representation. The authorities also received alert messages to warn them of the alert level measured
by the system. It also assists the management in planning flood control using decision support, monitoring a local
flood-prone area, and identifying early warning disturbances.

Keywords—IoT Based Solution, Flood Warning, Decision Support, Province of Leyte, Early Warning, Real-Time

ID #592
Paramedic Assistant Robot : Feature Review from Generation 1.0 to 3.0

line 1: 1st Agung Prijo Budijono line 1: 2nd Djoko Suwito line 1: 3rd Muh.Syariffuddien Zuhrie
line 2: Department of Mechanical line 2: Department of Mechanical line 2: Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Engineering line 3: State University of Surabaya line 3: State University of Surabaya
line 3: State University of Surabaya line 4: Surabaya, Indonesia line 4: Surabaya, Indonesia
line 4: Surabaya, Indonesia line 5: djokosuwito@unesa.ac.id line 5: zuhrie@unesa.ac.id
line 5: agungbudijono@unesa.ac.id

line 1: 4th Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan line 1: 5th Rachmad Syarifudin .H line 1: 6th Bidya Nur Habib
line 2: Department of Mechanical line 2: Department of Mechanical line 2: Mechanical Design CAD
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Engineering, Faculty of Engineering line 3: CV.Cahaya Berkah Gusti
line 3: State University of Surabaya line 3: State University of Surabaya line 4: Surabaya, Indonesia
line 4: Surabaya, Indonesia line 4: Surabaya, Indonesialine line 5: bidyaft@gmail.com
line 5: line5:
wahyukurniawan@unesa.ac.id rachmadhidayutullah@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—The increasing number of Covid-19 patients in the Surabaya, East Java area has affected the
performance of the medical personnel who treat them. The medical personnel tire easily as the patient increases
over time. The concrete action of this condition is Paramedic Assistant Robot. The method used in designing this
paramedic assistant robot is as follows: 1) Formulating problems and the value of the robot's function, 2)
Designing the robot's electrical unit, 3) designing the robot's communication unit and network, 4) designing the
robot's mechanical unit, 5) the overall manufacturing process unit, 5) assembly process, 6) trial phase. The
development resulf of feature each generation from 1.0 to 3.0 increase significantly. For the maneuver, from
remote control and joystick become autonomous system. It means that the artifial intellegent also improved. For
generation 3.0 robot diveded into two robots, namely robot for service and robot for monitoring. Robot generation
1.0 has no measurement instruments, while robot generation 2.0 and 3.0 has measurement instruments wheather
integrated with the robot or seperated.

Keywords—paramedic, robot, assistant, covid-19

ID# 581
Design And Build of Energy Proportional Electric Folding Bike According
to Rider Needs

Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan, Agung Prijo Budijono, Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah c, Purbodjati
Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesian

Abstract—The use of fuel-powered vehicles is not recommended because fossil fuels are running low, and these
vehicles pose a major threat to the safety of many people. Foldable electric bicycles can be a solution to this
problem. The purpose of this research is to design and build an energy-proportional electric folding bicycle
according to the needs of the rider. The method of implementing this research is designing, manufacturing,
assembly, function test, performance test and evaluation stage. Based on the research that has been carried out
until this progress report has been prepared, it can be concluded as follows: (1) The mechanical system and control
system for electric folding bicycles can function properly according to the design; (2) The average accuracy
percentage of the pedal assist sensor is 98.25% (very good); (3) The electric folding bicycle has 6 speed grades
which are set according to the needs; (4) The electric folding bicycle uses a 48V 350W Planetary Gear BLDC
Motor and a 48V 10AH Lithium battery which can travel 80 km per full charge.

Keywords: electric folding bike, energy proportional, sports, healthy, easy to use

Schematics Monitoring System Temperature, Ph and Turbidity Based on
Lora (Long Range) to Improve theQuality Of The Harvest

Murry Raditya Purwardi Agus Darwito Department nton S.R Ansori Department
Department InstrumentationEngineering InstrumentationEngineering ComputerEngineering
Sepuluh Nopember InstituteTechnology Sepuluh Nopember Institute Telkom Univeristy Bandung
Surabaya Technology Surabaya raharjotelu@gmail.com
murry.raditya@gmail.com padarwito@gmail.com

Bintang Kalahari Department Pandu Galih Saputro Department Hasna Mufidah

InstrumentationEngineering InstrumentationEngineering Department
Sepuluh Nopember InstituteTechnology Sepuluh Nopember Institute Instrumentation
Surabaya Technology Surabaya Engineering
bintangkalahari07@gmail.com pandugalihspgs@gmail.com Sepuluh Nopember Institute

Abstract—Water quality in milkfish cultivation is an important role. The optimal temperature for milkfish is 28˚C-
32˚C and a pH of 7.5-8.5. In this study, a water quality monitoring system was made in the milkfish ponds which
included temperature, pH, and turbidity based on LoRa (Long Range) communication. Testing of this tool uses
an NTC temperature sensor and pH 4502-C is read and gets a value, if the value is in accordance with the standard
value of the milkfish water quality, it will make a decision that the water condition is in good condition and if it
does not match the standard standard value then the water condition is not doing well. And for turbidity using the
DFRobot turbidity sensor The results of the test can be displayed on thinkspeak.
Keywords—Sensor NTC, sensor pH 4502-C, turbidity sensorDFRobot, LoRa

ID #753

Implementation Of The Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm For Economic

Load Dispatch
Widi Aribowo Reza Rahmadian Mahendra Widyartono
Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
widiaribowo@unesa.ac.id rezarahmadian @unesa.ac.id mahendrawidyartono @unesa.ac.id

Aditya Chandra Hermawan Ayusta Lukita Wardani Unit Three Kartini

Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
adityahermawan@unesa.ac.id ayustawardani@unesa.ac.id unitthree @unesa.ac.id

Abstract— This paper presents the completion of the economic load dispatch on the power system using the latest
metaheuristic named Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA). This algorithm uses the classification conduct
of the major math operators such as addition (A), subtraction (S), multiplication (M), and division (D). The
optimization process in various search spaces is modeled and applied AOA mathematically. To get the
performance of the proposed method, this study uses mathematical methods as a comparison, namely Differential
Evolution (DE), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Sine Tree-Seed Algorithm (STSA). This study uses 2
experimental tests. From the research, it was found that the AOA method is better than the math and PSO methods.
The generation cost of the AOA method is better than the PSO method by 0.016264%.

Keywords—Economic Load Dispatch, Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm, Metaheuristic, Power system,

Artificial Intelligence.

ID #753

Implementation Of The Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm For Economic

Load Dispatch
Widi Aribowo Reza Rahmadian Mahendra Widyartono
Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
widiaribowo@unesa.ac.id rezarahmadian @unesa.ac.id mahendrawidyartono @unesa.ac.id

Aditya Chandra Hermawan Ayusta Lukita Wardani Unit Three Kartini

Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
adityahermawan@unesa.ac.id ayustawardani@unesa.ac.id unitthree @unesa.ac.id

Abstract— This paper presents the completion of the economic load dispatch on the power system using the latest
metaheuristic named Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA). This algorithm uses the classification conduct
of the major math operators such as addition (A), subtraction (S), multiplication (M), and division (D). The
optimization process in various search spaces is modeled and applied AOA mathematically. To get the
performance of the proposed method, this study uses mathematical methods as a comparison, namely Differential
Evolution (DE), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Sine Tree-Seed Algorithm (STSA). This study uses 2
experimental tests. From the research, it was found that the AOA method is better than the math and PSO methods.
The generation cost of the AOA method is better than the PSO method by 0.016264%.

Keywords—Economic Load Dispatch, Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm, Metaheuristic, Power system,

Artificial Intelligence.

ID #593
Applying Decision Tree for Utility Control System on Patient Room using
Eye Activity Command
Ilham A.E. Zaeni Ahsan Walad Arizal Ismoyo Wijanarko
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Malang Universitas Negeri Malang Universitas Negeri Malang
Malang, Indonesia Malang, Indonesia Malang, Indonesia
ilham.ari.ft@um.ac.id sanwwalad@gmail.com kagerorijal@gmail.com

Dessy Rif’a Anzani Anik N. Handayani

Dept. of Psychology Dept. of Electrical Engineering
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Universitas Negeri Malang
Malang, Indonesia Malang, Indonesia
dr.anzani90@gmail.com anik.nur.ft@um.ac.id

Abstract— Some quadriplegics are unable to move their limbs from hand to foot. They require an assistive gadget
to help them to have a better life. An assistive device to control some apparatus in the patient’s room was created
using eye activity signals. This study aims to implement a decision tree for a utility control system in the patient
room by using the eye activity command. Based on the user eye movement command, the decision tree is proposed
to be implemented on the patient's room equipment control system. The eye movement electrode, data acquisition,
noise removal and signal pre-processing, and the decision model are involved to develop the system. In this study,
four instructions are used, including the switch to the next option, switch to the previous option, activate an option,
and start the systems command. These commands are represented by gaze to the left, gaze to the right, wink, and
double wink. The holdout was utilized to validate the model by dividing data into 70 percent training and 30
percent testing sets. The decision model's accuracy is greater than 95%, according to the test results. This is an
excellent outcome, and the model may be used in the system.

Keywords— Decision tree, patient’s room equipment, control system, eye blink, eye movement.

ID #669
Implementation of Traditional Transposition Cipher with Salting Principle

Mark Julius P. Tiozon Jessie R. Paragas Neil M. Pascual

Information Technology Graduate School Information Technology
Department Eastern Visayas State Department
Commission on Elections University Eastern Visayas State
Region 8 Tacloban City, Philippines University
Tacloban City, Philippines jessie.paragas@evsu.edu.ph Tacloban City,
markjulius.tiozon@evsu.edu.ph Philippines

Abstract— Transposition Cipher was the most often used conventional cipher in the early days because it was
resistant to frequency analysis. The purpose of this study is to provide another way of encrypting information
through transposition and substitution cipher with salting – which is a common method to hashing. The aim behind
this cipher is to keep all the original letters while mixing them and keeping the total number of characters intact.
Through series of simulations, the new algorithm is proven to eliminate the repetitive appearance of letters as
compared to the existing ones. In addition, this strategy will be more secure when paired with another algorithm
to make a hybrid technique.

Keywords— transposition cipher; salting; hashing; cryptography; hybrid;

ID #666
SARS-COV-2: Symptoms Severity Assessment using Data Mining
Jonabell Y. Bacaoco Jay Gabriel E. Mencias Ritchell S. Villafuerte
Eastern Visayas State University Eastern Visayas State University Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban City Tacloban City Tacloban City
jonabell.bacaoco@evsu.edu.ph jaygabriel.mencias@evsu.edu.ph ritchell.villafuerte@evsu.edu.ph

Jessie R. Paragas Deborah G. Brosas Diane B. Remot

Eastern Visayas State University Eastern Visayas State University Eastern Visayas State University
Tacloban City Tacloban City Tacloban City
jessie.paragas@evsu.edu.ph deborah.brosas@evsu.edu.ph diane.remot@evsu.edu.ph

Abstract— COVID-19 spreads from person to person in communities (local transmission). Symptoms experienced
vary from one person to another. Some may be asymptomatic, while others can experience mild to severe
respiratory illness. Adults with existing medical problems are said to have more severe respiratory symptoms. As
SARS-Cov-2 cases continually increase in the Philippines, hospitals and quarantine facilities can no longer
accommodate new patients. People exposed to the virus are considered Person Under Investigation (PUI). And
those experiencing COVID-like symptoms are Person Under Monitoring (PUM). Patients assessed as PUI/PUM
are no longer admitted to the hospitals but observe their condition at home. In this study, the researchers developed
a System that will closely monitor the symptoms of the probable SARS-COV-2 patients. It aims to assist
healthcare professionals, including Barangay health workers, in tracking the patient's condition and informing
them once the System evaluates the severity of the patient's symptoms. A clinical symptom dataset was used in
this analysis to identify the COVID-like symptoms using the Decision Tree algorithm. The result shows that the
System could determine if the patient's symptoms are severe or not.

Keywords— SARS-CoV-2, data mining, assessment, decision tree, COVID-19

ID # 708
Decision Support System Erythemato-Squamous Diseases Classification
Diagnosis using Linear Vector Quantization Based Clinical Atributes
Lilik Anifah Haryanto
Department of Electrical Department of Electrical
Engineering Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
Surabaya, Indonesia Bangkalan, Indonesia

Abstract— Telemedicine technology is currently a necessity in society. This study aims to design and build a
decision support system to classify Erythemato-Squamous disease using Linear Vector Quantization, which is
later expected to contribute to strengthening the decision support system regarding Erythemato-Squamous disease
used in telemedicine. Erythemato-squamous is a group of skin diseases. This skin disease is categorized into 6
groups, including psoriasis, seboreic dermatitis, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea, chronic dermatitis and pityriasis
rubra pilaris. Each group has its own characteristics and signs. The decision support system built in this research
is based on clinical attribute data. The data used in this study is data from the UCI Repository which consists of
180 data, consisting of 60 learning data and 120 testing data. The results of this study indicate that learning based
on clinical attribute data is psoriasis cluster, seboreic dermatitis, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea, and chronic
dermatitis not enough based on clinical attribute data/atributes, or it can be said that other data/attributes are still
needed that characterize these clusters. Meanwhile, to detect the sixth cluster (pityriasis rubra pilaris) using
data/clinical attributes, the system has been able to identify it well.
Keywords— Erythemato-Squamous, DSS, Linear

ID #729

Sensor Positioning Effectiveness Analysis of Smart Pirates on Pencak Silat


Lilik Anifah Muhamad Syariffuddien Muhammad

Department of Electrical Zuhrie Department of Sport
Engineering Department of Electrical
Coaching Education
Universitas Negeri Engineering
Surabaya Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya Surabaya
lilikanifah@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract—Pencak silat is an original sport from the legacy of Indonesian ancestors. This sport needs to be
preserved to avoid extinction. The use of technology in this sport is still very limited. This technology is needed
especially in the development of match pirates for athletes. The existing pirates still function as body protectors,
even though the pirates function can be developed for several purposes that are used in matches. One of them is
as a decision support system in determining match scores. This study aims to analyze the sensor placement on
pirates so that the best accuracy is obtained in assisting referees in determining the score of a pencak silat match.
This research is still limited to positioning sensors. If the sensor placement is not right, it will have an impact on
the score in the match. This study proposes 5 pirates which use 10 sensors, 15 sensors, 20 sensors, 25 sensors, and
30 sensors. Testing process is done by doing 20 punch on each pirates. The tests carried out are the analysis of the
accuracy of the punch area and the power of the blow. The results show that the best result is the 5th pirates. This
is because it has been able to accommodate the hit area as much as 100%, while the sensor's reach to hit is 50.4%.

Keywords— Pencak silat, pirates, power, punch, accuration, body protection

ID #667
The Media Application using Markerless Augmented Reality to Learn The
Technique of Angle of Photography

Setya Chendra Wibawa Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana Mashudi

Informatics Department Department of IT Education Institut Agama Islam Negeri
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jember,
Surabaya, Indonesia Bali, Indonesia Jember, Indonesia
setyachendra@unesa.ac.id hendra.divayana@undiksha.ac.id mashudi@iain-jember.ac.id
Ramadhani Rani Relifian Subuh Isnur Haryudo Edy Sulistiyo
S1 Information Technology Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
relifian@gmail.com subuhisnur@unesa.ac.id edysulistiyo@unesa.ac.id

Fendi Achmad Anderson Ngelambong

Electrical Engineering Faculty of Hotel and Tourism
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Management
Surabaya, Indonesia Universiti Teknologi MARA
fendiachmad@unesa.ac.id Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Abstract— Educational facility are an essential component in supporting the process of the implementation of
vocational education. However, there are vocational schools that have limited educational facilities. This
limitation will hinder the process of learning, especially in vocational schools, which have a productive time
allocation of subjects more than the normative subjects. The purpose of this study is to produce products such as
Augmented Reality-based learning media for angle of taking picture subjects that are expected to support the
creation of a learning process. Research procedures using Research and Development ADDIE models. This study
is limited to four stages, namely: (1) the stage of analysis, (2) the design stage, (3) develop phase, (4) the stage of
the implement. Application features a random object placement on the condition that can trace a flat, tracking
without using the marker (Markerless), a screenshot of the object, as well as creative content taking a picture
angle. Limitations of application are the absence of a sensor to show how the decision-angle image. Media
validation results showed a value of 87.62% and the results of a student's response amounted to 79.05%. As well
as the results of data inquiry using the t-test 14.02> 2.04. It concluded that a valid instructional media developed
is used in the learning process, get a good response from students and utilize the corners of the image retrieval
application augmented reality can improve decision-angle picture material
Keywords— augmented reality, markerless, simulation, angle-view of picture, photography.


User Experience Evaluation by Using a User Experience Questionnaire

(UEQ) Based on an Artificial Neural Network Approach
Erlangga Yaya Wihardi Eki Nugraha
Departemen of Computer Departemen of Computer Science Departemen of Computer Science
Science Education Education Education
Universitas Pendidikan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia yayawihardi@upi.edu ekinugraha@upi.edu

Abstract — User Experience describes the experience that users receive after using an application. Focusing on
users’ needs and emotions after using a product is a key to the success of an application. The Mobile Learning
Cloud Computing System is an application that provides Video Learning Resources Materials, making it easier
for users to get learning videos based on their needs. User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) determines the aspects
of User Experience after using the application. This study aims to estimate the relationship between aspects of
User Experience and its determinants without restricting general statistical procedures such as linearity, symmetry,
and normality. Based on the aims, Artificial Neural Networks are used and trained based on the data from the
survey results to determine the aspects of user experience. The measurement attributes were derived from the User
Experience Questionnaire (UEQ). The analysis shows that the application attributes have different effects on the
aspects of User Experience. On the other hand, the asymmetry and nonlinear features were found in the
connection. The study concludes that the use of Artificial Neural Networks can estimate valuable information on
the aspects of User Experience especially usability aspects (attractiveness, efficiency, dependability).

Keywords—User Experience, User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ), Experience Assessment, Artificial

Neural Network

ID #698
The Smart Application Approval Feasibility Of Potential Customers Based
On Decision Support System
Sugianto Eko Cahyono Nabila Zoraidha Damayanti Alldino Syaman
Information Systems Information Systems Information Systems Department,
Department, BINUS Department, BINUS Online BINUS Online Learning
Online Learning Learning Bina Nusantara University
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Dina Fitria Murad Nora Fitriawati

Information Systems Department, BINUS Information Systems Department, BINUS Online
Online Learning Learning
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Abstract—The application is required by various companies, and companies in the gas sector are no exception.
Applications within the gas company can be used to assist companies in carrying out activities, one of which is
an approval of the submission of new prospective customers. The purpose of this study is to discuss the existing
problems and support of the feasibility of potential customers following the needs of the company. This research
uses a Structured System Development Approach (Traditional Approach). The analysis starts with starting the
problem at PT. Perusahaan Gas Negara issues communications between the regional office and the head office
where prospective customer data sent via email or courier which takes a long time. The solution to this debate is
by introducing application development consisting of input data for customers, evaluation of eligibility, and
monitoring of approval results. The results of this study prove that this application offers superior communication
between regional and central offices because it has several advantages according to company needs. It can be
concluded as the development of this application will help companies in providing information, progress, and
approval of prospective customers between the area and the center.

Keywords— approval system, evaluation of eligibility, decision

ID # 628

Single Feed Waveguide Antenna with Orbital Angular Momentum Mode

Haruki Ohira Takeshi Fukusako Ryuji Kuse
Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Science and Graduate School of Science and
and Technology Technology Technology
Kumamoto University Kumamoto University Kumamoto University
Kumamoto, Japan Kumamoto, Japan Kumamoto, Japan
ohira@st.cs.kumamoto- fukusako@cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp kuse@cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp

Abstract— Spatial multiplex transmission with orbital angular momentum (OAM) is being studied as a method
for increasing wireless communication capacity. In this paper, we propose a one-point feeding waveguide
structure consisting of a circular waveguide and a branch probe that propagates in the TE21 mode to generate the
OAM +1 mode. A simulation is performed on the proposed structure, and its characteristics and operating
principle are examined and reported.
Keywords— Channel capacity, Spatial multiplexing, Orbital angular momentum, Circular waveguide

ID # 611

Microwave Resonator based a Fractal Moore Structure for Modern

Wireless Reconfigurable Systems

Russul Khalid Abdulsattar Taha A. Elwi Zaid A. Abdul Hassain

Electrical Engineering Communication Engineering Electrical Engineering Department
Department Department Mustansiriyah University
Mustansiriyah University Al-Mammon University College Baghdad, Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq Baghdad, Iraq zaidasaad_79@yahoo.com
ru8kh7@gmail.com taelwi82@gmail.com

Abstract—In this work, a design of a microwave resonator based on reconfigurable technology is proposed for
different modern wireless communication systems. In the proposed design, Moore geometry is invoked based on
the 4th order that is fetched to a T-resonator. The resulting combination is attached to a transmission line with two
air gaps to realize a frequency resonance about 0.8 GHz. The purpose of this study is to apply such technology to
characterize liquids. The proposed sensor is mounted on an FR4 substrate of 1.6 mm with an area of 50×50 mm2.
The resulting design dimensions are optimized using a commercial software package of CST MWS formulations.
The proposed resonator performance in terms of S11 and S21 are evaluated based on the numerical calculations.
Later, for reconfiguration purposes, two varactor diodes with two photoresistors are introduced in order to control
the frequency band and the S-parameters with the frequency band of interest. Therefore, the photoresistor is
suggested to reconfigure the frequency band by controlling the current motion along the fractal trace and varactor
diodes are considered to sweep the frequency resonance at the desired band. The resonant frequency sweeping
after introducing the varactor diodes is found to vary from 0.6 GHz up to 0.9 GHz. However, a significant change
is found to be occurring in the resonance band when the LDR value changes relative to the light of incidence.
Such technology is found to be an excellent candidate for many modern wireless technologies that may invoke
optical based interface systems.

Keywords—photoresistor, Moore shaped, microwave resonator

ID # 613

Novel Reconfigurable Fractal Antenna Design based Metasurface Layer

for Modern Wireless Systems
Zainab S. Muqdad Taha A. Elwi Zaid A. Abdul hassain
Dept. of Electrical Dept. of Communication Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Engineering Engineering Mustansiriyah University
Mustansiriyah University Al-Mammon University Baghdad, Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq Baghdad, Iraq zaidasaad@uomustansiriyah.edu.iq
zsalam370@gmail.com taelwi82@gmail.com

Abstract— A novel wideband–pattern reconfigurable metasurface antenna base on H-tree fractal slots is presented
in this work. the H-tree fractal slots patch illuminates a metasurface layer of 5×5 unit cells array. Four PIN diodes
are embedded in the patch, in the H-tree slots, to switch the radiating slots and control the antenna radiations. The
individual unit cell dimensions are 33×33mm2. The overall antenna size is 173×173×56.6mm3. Switching the
antenna by PIN diodes, the antenna main lobe can be steered toward different nine directions. The antenna
provides a gain in the front lobe direction of 8.99dBi at 1.268GHz without significant change degradation in the
gain during the beam steering process. Nevertheless, the antenna shows a wide operating frequency bandwidth of
55.5 % from 0.978-1.73 GHz around the frequency resonance of interest. The proposed design shows a novelty
in controlling the main lobe direction by switching four PIN diodes to be steered from -10o to 10o. The diode
switching process shows no significant effects on the antenna bandwidth. The proposed antenna is designed with
aid of a software package based on the finite integration technique of the CST MWS formulations

Keywords— Pattern reconfiguration, H-tree fractal slots, metasurface, wideband antenna.

ID # 699

The Use of Satellites for Analysis of Plantation Locations, Minimize Land

Fires, and Improve Fertilization
Annisa Ayu Avrillia
Riri R. Siregar Shalahuddin M. Nur
Information Systems
Information Systems Department, Information Systems Department,
Department, BINUS Online
BINUS Online Learning BINUS Online Learning
Bina Nusantara University Bina Nusantara University
Bina Nusantara University
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480 Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Dina Fitria Murad Information Systems Department,
Information Systems Department, BINUS Online Learning
BINUS Online Learning Bina Nusantara University
Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480
Jakarta, Indonesia, 11480

Abstract—This study aims to help monitor a land prone to forest fires and detect soil fertility by designing a
centralized monitoring information system using satellites for plantation companies. The analysis was carried out
using data from companies such as plantation conditions, weather humidity levels and temperatures as well as soil
conditions which were then outlined in the form of role models and used as the basis for developing an information
system for monitoring plantation land. Dashboards are used to display visualizations of important information that
are consolidated and organized in one screen so that information can be digested with one view and easy to
navigate. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is used to indicate plantation conditions based on the
color spectrum index. NDVI is also used to indicate the health condition of the plant. In addition, rainfall data
obtained from satellites is used to forecast the weather for the next few days. The results of this study prove that
the satellites used can identify and analyze plantation locations to minimize losses due to fires on plantation land
and provide benefits related to a better fertilization process.
Keywords— satellites, plantation land, dashboard monitoring system, NDVI.

ID # 636

Design of 4x4 Butler Matrix for Beamforming 5G Antenna

J. R. M. Simanihuruk
Yusnita Rahayu, SMIEEE
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Riau
Universitas Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Abstract— Butler matrix is one of the most frequently used beamforming techniques for 5G antenna development.
In this paper, a 4x4 butler matrix integrated with a 5G antenna is designed. The array antenna works at 38 GHz.
The antenna has the ability to transmit signals in various directions. The simulated results of the butler matrix
show the phase difference of P1 and P4 in -45° with a phase unbalanced of 15°, and P2 and P3 have a phase
unbalanced of 48°. The main beams directions of the antenna are 8°, -26°, 26°, and -8° respectively. The
beamforming antenna works well with the butler matrix.
Keywords—Antenna 5G, Butler Matrix, Branch-line coupler, Beamforming Network

ID # 711
Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna with Koch Fractal Lens for L and S-band

Nurhayati Nurhayati Eko Setijadi Alexandre M. De Oliveira

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Laboratorio Maxwell de Micro-
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Engineering ondas e Electromagnetismo
Surabaya, Indonesia Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Aplicado IFSP,
nurhayati@unesa.ac.id Nopember Susano, Brazil
Surabaya, Indonesia amanicoba@labmax.org

Bagus E. Sukoco Fitri Adi Iskandarianto

Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Science and
Takeshi Fukusako and Technology Technology
Graduate School of Science and Kumamoto University Kumamoto University
Technology Kumamoto, Japan Kumamoto, Japan
Kumamoto University fukusako@cs.kumamoto- fukusako@cs.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Kumamoto, Japan u.ac.jp

Abstract—Vivaldi Antenna is a planar antenna that has a superiority of wide bandwidth, high gain, and directional
radiation pattern. In this study, we compared the return loss and radiation pattern performance of four Coplanar
Vivaldi Antenna that operated in the frequency L and S-band (0.5-6 GHz). Those antennas are Regular Coplanar
Vivaldi Antenna (RCVA), Exponential Slot Edge Coplanar-Vivaldi Antenna (ESECVA), Exponential Slot Edge
Coplanar-Vivaldi Antenna with Regular Lens (ESECVA-RL), and Exponential Slot Edge Coplanar-Vivaldi
Antenna with Koch Fractal. Lens (ESECVA-KFL). From the simulation result, the directivity performance from
the lowest to the highest was obtained of 6.37 dBi, 9.19 dBi, 9.74 dBi, and 11.48 dBi by RCVA, ESECVA,
ESECVA-RL, and ESECVA-KFL respectively at a frequency of 2.5 GHz. The provision of corrugated and lens
structures can increase the radiation pattern performance of the antenna. It is found that ESECVA-KFL obtains
the best side lobe level (SLL) performance at a frequency 1.5GHz of -15 dB. However the SLL for ESECVA,
ESECVA-RL, and RCVA are -12.95 dB, -11.99dB, and -4.97dB respectively. It can be concluded that the
ESECVA-KFL structure can improve the performance of the Vivaldi antenna radiation pattern.

Keywords— Vivaldi antenna, corrugated antenna, Radiation pattern. Fractal, Lens antenna

ID # 725
An Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Using Radiant Side Slot Edge Based on the
Star Trek Dominion Insignia

Raimundo Eider Figueredo Alexandre M. de Oliveira Alexandre J. R. Serres

Nurhayati Nurhayati
Maxwell Laboratory of Maxwell Laboratory of Maxwell Laboratory of
Department of Electrical
Microwaves and Applied Microwaves and Applied Microwaves and Applied
Engineering, Universitas
Electromagnetism, Federal Electromagnetism, Federal Electromagnetism, Federal
Negeri Surabaya
Institute of São Paulo Institute of São Paulo Institute of São Paulo
Surubaya, Indonesia
Cubatão, Brazil Cubatão, Brazil Cubatão, Brazil
raimundo@labmax.org amanicoba@labmax.org alexandreserres@labmax.org
João F. Justos Arnaldo de Carvalho Jr.
Department of Electronic Maxwell Laboratory of
Antonio Rebouças de F. Filho Marcelo B. Perotoni
Systems Engineering at the Microwaves and Applied
Meta Globaltech ABC Federal University,
Polytechnic School of the Electromagnetism, Federal
São Paulo, Brazil Santo André, Brazil
University of São Paulo, Institute of São Paulo
reboucas@metabrasil.net.br marcelo.perotoni@labmax.org
São Paulo, Brazil Cubatão, Brazil
jjusto@labmax.org adecarvalhojr@labmax.org

Abstract— This paper presents the Vivaldi Antipodal Antenna (AVA) development using radiant side slot edges
based on the Dominion breed insignia from the Star Trek TV series. The intention is that the proposed antenna,
with radiant cavities called Gamma-AVA, improves the gain, decreases the Side Lobe Level (SLL), and eliminates
squint, where the peak gain in the radiation pattern at a given frequency is at 0 degrees. After performing the
simulation, using Ansys HFSS 2021 R1, and measuring parameter S11, with NanoVNA V2 of conventional AVA
and Gamma-AVA, the goal was achieved by the proposed antenna resulting in a gain of 9.53 dB, with SLL of -
9.99 dB and 0.00º squint, having, therefore, a performance superior to that of the AVA.
Keywords—Ultra Wide-Band (UWB), Planar Antennas, Gain, Squint, Directivity.

ID # 734

Bandwidth Enhancement of Monopole Antenna with Triangle Slot in the

Ground plane and Modified Patch for UWB applications
Nurhayati Nurhayati Tri Rijanto Puput Wanarti Rusimamto
Dept. of Electrical Engineering Dept. of Electrical Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
nurhayati@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia puputwanarti@unesa.ac.id

Ahmad Abimanyu S. Prasad Jones christydass Alexandra Paleologoudias

Dept. of Electrical Engineering Department of Electronics and Dept. RMIT School of Global
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Communication Engineering Royal Melbourne Institute of
Surabaya, Indonesia K. Ramakrishnan College of Technology
ahmadabimanyu@mhs.unesa.ac.id Technology, Samayapuram, Melbourne, Australia
India s3812872@student.rmit.edu.au

Abstract—This article discusses a planar monopole antenna with high impedance bandwidth for Ultra-Wideband
(UWB) Applications. The three monopole antenna i.e: Monopole A, B, and C are designed on 5 x 5 x 1.6 FR4
Substrate has return loss below -10dB from 2 to more than 20 GHz. There is an improvement of impedance
bandwidth and directivity by adding a triangle slot in the ground plane and a slot in the patch for the Monopole C
antenna. From 2.5 GHz to 8.29 GHz antenna has a return loss of less than -20 dB. It also shows that from 2.35
GHz to 10.9 GHz antenna has a return loss below -15 dB. In the frequency, 8 GHz antenna monopole A has a
directivity of 5.98 dBi and antenna monopole C reaches a directivity of 7.01 dBi. The improvement of the sidelobe
level of 3.1 dB is reached for Monopole C at 8 GHz. It indicated that Monopole antenna suitable use for UWB

Keywords—Antenna, Monopole, Ultra-Wideband, bandwidth

ID # 692

Multiband THz Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with Hexagonal

Complementary Split Ring Resonator

S.Prasad Jones Christydass Nurhayati Nurhayati

Assistant Professor, Electronics and Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Negeri
Communication Engineering, K.Ramakrishnan Surabaya
College of Technology, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India Surubaya, Indonesia
prasadjoness.ece@krct.ac.in nurhayati@unesa.ac.id

Abstract–A multiband antenna for THz application is presented in this article. The proposed antenna has a
rectangular patch with a hexagonal Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) etched on it. The antenna has
a pentaband resonance at 2.1, 2.6, 4.6,5.1, and 6.1 THz. The antenna is designed on an FR4 structure with CST
studio. The simulated antenna parameters such as s11, VSWR, gain, E plane, H plane, directivity, and surface
current distribution is presented to validate the performance of the proposed THz antenna. The antenna has 4.02
dB as its maximum gain and 6.89 dB as maximum directivity at 2.6 Thz. Characterization of materials, diagnosis
and security are some of the applications of the proposed antenna.
Keywords: CSRR, SRR, Metamaterial, rectangular radiating element, THz

ID # 620

The Making of PWCPS Building Video of Riau Province Based on Three

Dimensional Animation

Noveri Lysbetti Marpaung*) Ficky Galang Prasetya

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
University of Riau University of Riau
Pekanbaru, Indonesia Pekanbaru, Indonesia
noveri.marpaung@gmail.com ficky.galang4667@student.unri.ac.id.

Abstract—Video profile is an important thing in a company, because video profile can simplify introduce the
functions and duties of that agency to public. Research aims to produce a video of Public Work and Compartment
Planning Service(PWCPS) building based 3D-Animation as a part of PWCPS profile videos that is tested by USE
Questionnaire to obtain the qualification of video based on Likert Scale. This research can be used as a reference
for making 3D-Animation Video. Three Dimensional Animation video is created by making a concept to
determine anything to be included in video. Then, creating a video design by making storyboards and collecting
data for video purposes. Next, making animation and video editing. All components of Usability Testing namely
Usefulness, Satisfaction, Ease-of-Learning, Ease-of-Use are used in testing the result. The research produces a
video profile in 20-minutes that shows Outside and Inside of Riau Province PWCPS Building based on 3D-
Animation that is followed voice over in every scene and Malay music is added into the opening scene. Viewpoints
of Riau Province PWCPS Building with 0, 200 and 500 Frames in the timeline show that objects of video can be
seen as a whole unit from many viewpoints, even without a drone. The qualification of system is Very Good due
to various values from USE’s components started 90.6%-100%. In general, average value of Usability Testing for
Video of Riau Province PWCPS Building reaches 96%. Based on Likert-Scale, it is categorized Very Satisfied
Keywords— IoT, Nurse Call System, Raspberry Pi, Wireless, Node, Patient

ID # 569

Dany Iman Santoso I Wayan Susila Dewanto

Dept. Of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Mechanical Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
danysantoso@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia dewanto@unesa.ac.id

Akhmad Hafizh Ainur Rasyid Rachmad Syarifudin Hidayatullah

Yunus Dept. of Mechanical Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia rachmadhidayatullah@unesa.ac.id
yunus@unesa.ac.id akhmadrasyid@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—Water capacity is the most crucial thing in the evaporation process in the cooling tower. Therefore, at
the initial setting, the manufacturer limited the load or the point of equilibrium so that no drifting or mass transfer
occurs during the process. Mass transfer means that the cooling tower was experiencing a water deficit. This
experiment used a mechanical draft wet cooling tower (MDWCT) with varying water capacities between 0.5 – 18
litters per minute (Lpm). This study changed air capacity also through variations in fan rotation between 300 –
1500 rpm. In the previous calculation, the value of 6 Lpm was obtained as the equilibrium capacity. Mathematical
modelling based on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) was applied to simulate the interactions. It
presented heat and mass transfer by mass and temperature charts, respectively, and their reductions. For low
capacity (0.5 Lpm), water undergoes mass transfer, as proven by the mass flow reduction graph value of 10 –8
kg/(m.s). Meanwhile, for high capacity (18 Lpm), water experiences heat transfer as evidenced by the temperature
difference graph value of 11°C.
Keywords—water capacity, evaporation process, point of equilibrium, drifting process, heat and mass transfer.

ID # 616
Modified Firefly Algorithm for Optimization of the Water Level in the

Moh Faiqun Ni'am

Asnun Parwanti Slamet Imam Wahyudi Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas
Department of Civil Department of Civil Engineering, Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang, Indonesia
Engineering Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, faiqun@unissula.ac.id
Universitas Darul Ulum Semarang, Indonesia
Jombang, Indonesia wahyudi@unissula.ac.id

Machrus Ali Iswinarti Muhammad Agil Haikal

Department of Electrical Department of Civil Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Engineering Universitas Darul Ulum Universitas Darul Ulum
Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang, Indonesia Jombang, Indonesia
Jombang, Indonesia iswinarti59@gmail.com agil.haikal86@gmail.com

Abstract— Accuracy of water level measurement has been required by controlling the flow of water in tanks in
industrial processes. The accuracy of the water level must be determined to control the flow and volume of water
used in the storage tank. It is necessary to design a good tank-based water flow control model. This system uses
a flow sensor to detect the speed of water flow in an actuator. The actuator stabilizes the water output rate per
minute at a certain point. So we need an automatic and accurate control method design. This study focuses on the
Modified Firefly Algorithm (MFA) artificial intelligence method which is designed for water level. As a
comparison, the design method is used without control, conventional PID (PID), PID-Auto tune using Matlab
(PID-Auto), PID-Firefly Algorithm (PID-FA) method, and Modified Firefly Algorithm (PID-MFA) method. The
simulation results show that the smallest overshot value in the PID-MFA model is 0.421 pu, the smallest undershot
value in the PID-MFA is 0.496 pu. Output Current The smallest overshot value for the PID-MFA model is 1.264
pu, the smallest undershot value for the PID-MFA model is 0.219 pu. The output Flow result obtained the smallest
overshot value in the PID-MFA model = 1.532 pu, the smallest undershot in the model PID-MFA = 0.201 pu.
Thus it can be concluded that the best controller model is PID-MFA. Future research will be compared with other
artificial intelligence methods.
Keywords—Firefly Algorithm, Modified Firefly Algorithm, PID controller, Water Level

ID # 693
Multiple Linear Guide Actuator (LGA) Controller Based on ModBus RTU

Murry Raditya Purwadi Agus Darwito Zakiah Nurul Fahmi

Department Instrumentation Department Physics Department Instrumentation
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Sepuluh Nopember Institute Sepuluh Nopember Institute Sepuluh Nopember Institute
Technology Technology Technology
Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya
murry.raditya@gmail.com padarwito@gmail.com zakiahfahmi97@gmail.com

Andreas Pratama Putra Sulthon Sidiq Wicaksana

Arviandi Cikadiarta Department Instrumentation Department Instrumentation
Department Instrumentation Engineering Engineering
Engineering Sepuluh Nopember Institute Sepuluh Nopember Institute
Sepuluh Nopember Institute Technology Technology
Technology Surabaya Surabaya
Surabaya andreaspratama475@gmail.com sulthonsidiqwicaksana@gmail.com

Abstract— The number of various kinds of products installed in plants in the industry makes some equipment require various
communication protocols for data transmission on different lines. In this study, a device that can communicate with other
devices has been created using an industry-standard communication protocol, namely the Modbus RTU protocol. Modbus is
an open-source and legal communication protocol. In the design of this controller module device using the Atmega 2560
microcontroller chip, the optoisolator safety circuit for the Linear Guide Actuator. and the GP 2Y0A02K0F sensor are used to
monitor the movement position of the two Linear Guide Actuators. The control system used is based on a mathematical
algorithm, namely Bresenham and the Modbus protocol. From the research, it is found that the address of the write holding
register (sending instructions from the server to the client) and the read holding register of commands that are read on the
controller module (client) where every 1000 micro steps movement is equivalent to a shift of 1.5 cm and is taken in an average
time of 1.2 seconds. The movement has been validated using a ruler and the GP 2Y020YK0F sensor. The result is that both
Linear Guide Actuators can move correctly according to the parameters used, namely the input steps value on the server in the
form of PC Modbus software.
Keywords— Modbus RTU, Linear Guide Actuator, Microcontroller

ID # 721
Application of Energy Storage-PID For Load Frequency Control In Micro
Hydro Using Flower Pollination Algorithm

Machrus Ali Muhammad Ruswandi Saiful Arfaah

Department of Electrical Djalal Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering Department of Mechanical Universitas Darul Ulum
Universitas Darul Ulum Engineering Jombang, Indonesia
Jombang, Indonesia State Polytechnic of Ujung saiful.arfaah@gmail.com
machrus7@gmail.com Pandang
Makassar, Indonesia
Muhlasin Muhammad Fakhrurozi Ruslan Hidayat
Department of Electrical Department of Mechanical Department of Civil Engineering
Engineering Engineering Universitas Darul Ulum
Universitas Darul Ulum Universitas Darul Ulum Jombang, Indonesia
Jombang, Indonesia Jombang, Indonesia Ruslanh.1964@gmail.com
doktormuhlasin@gmail.com rozilibra65@gmail.com

Abstract—To get optimal SMES and CES performance, optimal parameter tuning is needed. This research uses
artificial intelligence method based on Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) for optimization of SMES and CES
parameters. The FPA algorithm performs computations based on objective functions, namely optimizing Integral
Time Absolute Error (ITAE). To test the reliability of micro hydro, a disturbance is given in the form of load
changes, then analyzed the governor response and micro hydro frequency. In addition, in this study, a combination
of SMES and CES control system scenarios with conventional PID controllers was used. From the results of the
correct tuning of the SMES and CES parameters, the optimal micro hydro performance was obtained. This is
shown by the overshoot governor response and the minimum frequency and faster settling time using the methods
proposed by SMES and CES.
Keywords: Micro-Hydro, Superconducting Magnetic-Capacitive Energy Storage, Flower Pollination
Algorithm, Overshoot

ID # 573
Implementation Of The Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm For Economic
Load Dispatch
Widi Aribowo Reza Rahmadian Mahendra Widyartono
Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Engineering Departement Of Electrical Engineering
Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia rezarahmadian @unesa.ac.id mahendrawidyartono @unesa.ac.id

Aditya Chandra Hermawan Ayusta Lukita Wardani Unit Three Kartini

Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Departement Of Electrical Engineering
Engineering Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia unitthree @unesa.ac.id
adityahermawan@unesa.ac.id ayustawardani@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— This paper presents the completion of the economic load dispatch on the power system using the
latest metaheuristic named Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm (AOA). This algorithm uses the classification
conduct of the major math operators such as addition (A), subtraction (S), multiplication (M), and division (D).
The optimization process in various search spaces is modeled and applied AOA mathematically. To get the
performance of the proposed method, this study uses mathematical methods as a comparison, namely
Differential Evolution (DE), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Sine Tree-Seed Algorithm (STSA). This
study uses 2 experimental tests. From the research, it was found that the AOA method is better than the math
and PSO methods. The generation cost of the AOA method is better than the PSO method by 0.016264%.

Keywords—Economic Load Dispatch, Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm, Metaheuristic, Power system,

Artificial Intelligence.

ID #609
Analysis of Tensile Strength and Hardness of Al-Si alloy Using Sand
Casting and Centrifugal Casting Methods

Mochamad Arif Irfa’i Department of Andita N. F Ganda Department of I Made Arsana

Mechanical Engineering Universitas Mechanical Engineering Universitas Department of
Negeri Surabaya Negeri Surabaya Mechanical Engineering
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri
arifirfai@unesa.ac.id anditaganda@unesa.ac.id Surabaya
Surabaya,Indon sia
Retno Eka Pramitasari Department of
Dzulkiflih Department of
Mechanical Engineering Universitas
Physics Universitas Negeri
Hasyim Asy’ari
Surabaya Surabaya,
Jombang, Indonesia Indonesia

Abstract— Casting using the sand casting and centrifugal casting methods each has advantages and
disadvantages. The advantages of the sand casting method are low cost, simple process but the disadvantages is
prone to defects. Centrifugal casting has the advantages of being able to make uniform work pieces but the
disadvantages equipment and maintenance costs are expensive. The aims of this study was to compare the
tensile strength and hardness of the sand casting and centrifugal casting methods. The material used ini this study
is Al-Si alloy. The sand used in casting comes from Kelud Mount, while the
centrifugal casting uses a horizontal mold. Tensile test procedure using ASTM-
E8 standard and hardness test procedure using ASTM-E92. The results showed that the
highest tensile strength and hardness in the sand casting
method are 151.25 MPa and 126.1 HV respectively. Meanwhile, in centrifugal casting, the highest tensile
strength and hardness are 162.86 MPa and 132.74 HV respectively.
Keywords—sand casting, centrifugal casting, tensile strength and hardness

ID # 612
Performance Analysis of Electric Coolers Tec1-12706 And Tec1-12715 With
Heatsinks at Semi-Conductor Cooler Boxes

I Made Arsana, Wahyu Dwi

Kurniawan, Kukuh Uzia
Mechanical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesian

Abstract— This cooler box is designed to assist humans in getting cold drinks when traveling long distances by
car. Semi-conductor cooler box components consist of TEC1-12706 and TEC1-12715, styrofoam box with a size
of 53x31x43 cm, copper and aluminum processor heatsinks, fans with 12V and 1A voltage, acrylic, and retaining
bolts. The lowest temperature that can be achieved by TEC1-12706 and TEC1-12715 is 23.7˚C which is reached
in 60 minutes. The efficiency possessed by TEC with a heatsink is very low at 0.012%. This is because the calorific
value released and the heat removed by TEC do not have a significant difference, so that the performance results
are not effective enough due to the possibility of interference with air flow in the cooler box design. Maintenance
for the semi-conductor cooler box is very easy by not using a voltage that exceeds 12 volts and it is not expected
to disassemble the cooling component circuit consisting of the heatsink and TEC.

Keywords: TEC, Coooler Box, Semi conduktor

ID # 701
Development of Automatic Fuel Meter Trainer Control System Using

Firman Yasa Utama Zulfa Ludfi Diana Sari

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
State University of Surabaya State University of Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
firmanutama@unesa.ac.id zulfa.17050524060@mhs.unesa.ac.id

Abstract— The actual fuel consumption measurement tool already exists, but the work system in calculating fuel
consumption from this is done by using visual sensing parameters, namely conditioning the motor rpm at a certain
position and calculating how much fuel volume is reduced in units of time using a stopwatch. This method causes
the reading process to be inaccurate and still depends on the human accuracy itself which is influenced by factors
of concentration, fatigue, reading response and others. Therefore, an Automatic Fuel Meter is designed to be the
solution to this problem. The purpose of this research is to design and create an automatic control system that can
calculate fuel consumption on the trainer using a microcontroller with available mechanical trainers. The results
of this study are Automatic Fuel Meter using Arduino Nano controller as a controller, infrared sensor is used as a
timer or timer for fuel consumption. The work algorithm carried out in calculating fuel consumption has 3 stages,
namely the filling stage, the reading stage, and the data calculation stage. The Auto Fuel Gauge can calculate fuel
consumption with a sought precision value of a known standard deviation of 0.194366778. So that the percentage
value of the coefficient of variation is 1.7057198596% ~ 1.7%. Response time from the infrared sensor takes
0,202083 seconds on the test on pertalite fuel and 0,200521 seconds on Pertamax fuel.
Keywords:Automatic Fuel Meter, Fuel Consumption Test, Microcontroller, Infrared Sensor.

ID # 617
Computerized Embroidery: Utilizing Technology in Making Decorative
designs for Muslim Wedding Dress
Indarti1*, Jihan Alya Salsabilla1, Li Hsun Peng2
1Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
2National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan


Abstract-The purpose of this study was to describe the process of making and the finished product of the
Palembang songket decorative stylization on Muslim wedding dresses using computer embroidery. This study
used the Double Diamond method which consists of 4 stages: discover, define, develop, deliver. In the discover
stage, we started the research by determining the source of the idea from the folklore of the Legend of Kemaro
Island from the city of Palembang, Indonesia. In the define stage, we determine the Muslim wedding dress design
that will be realized and determine the design criteria using the FEA (Function, Aesthetic, Expressive) model. The
next stage was making a decoration prototype, and applying the stylized decoration of Palembang songket motifs
with computer embroidery techniques. The results of making stylized Muslim bridal clothing were analyzed using
the FEA model. The function of the clothing created is bridal clothing for Muslim women who will get married.
The design chosen consisted of a long dress and a long outer with lace sleeves. The function of outerwear is to
disguise the body shape according to Islamic requirements while at the same time beautify the appearance. For
aesthetic value, the application of geometric ornaments is applied to the collar, while the floral decoration is
applied to the seams and front edges of the outer garment. For expressive considerations, the finished wedding
dress is the result of acculturation and the influence of Chinese, Palembang (part of Indonesian) and Islamic
Keywords: computerized embroidery, songket Palembang, Muslim wedding dress, double diamond
model, FEA model

ID # 690
Selection SMEs of Batik Bangkalan Using Fuzzy Interval Type-2 Method
based on Group Support System

1 st Yeni Kustiyahningsih Faculty of 2 st Eza Rahmanita Faculty of 3 st Devie Rosa Anamisa Faculty of
Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Engineering, University of Trunojoyo Engineering, University of Trunojoyo
Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia. Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia. Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia.
ykustiyahningsih@trunojoyo.ac.id eza.rahmanita@trunojoyo.ac.id Devros_gress@trunojoyo.ac.id

4 st Jaka Purnama Faculty of Engineering,

University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya,
Indonesia jakapurnama

Abstract— The Covid-19 pandemic has caused the domestic and global economic sectors to experience turmoil.
The impact of pandemic has been most pronounced in Small Medium enterprise (SMEs) sector. Most SMEs
experienced a decline in sales turnover, difficulties in obtaining financing / credit, problems in distribution of
goods, and difficulties in obtaining raw materials. The purpose of this research is to determine selection of
Decision Support System (DSS) SMEs Batik Madura Indonesian, in the face of Covid-19 pandemic based
on influential indicators. The method used is interval value fuzzy type-2 Technique for Others Reference by
Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) based on Group Decision Support System (GDSS). The method for
processing expert data is interval value fuzzy type-2 Geometric Mean Aggregation (GMA). The research
findings are the most influential indicator weights in selection are variety of batik motifs and online market
places. The contribution of the research is to develop the fuzzy interval type-2 method to support SMEs
selection decisions by modifying the midpoint on triangular Fuzzy Number interval based on GRUP (GDSS).
Based on expert data, the comparison of accuracy between fuzzy type-2 with one point, and two points, the
highest accuracy result is using fuzzy type-2 with two points.
Keywords— SMEs Batik, fuzzy type-2 TOPSIS, MCGDM, Decision Support System, Selection

ID # 732
Gamified Mobile Learning For Digital Business Model Course

Sry Mulyani Tosepu

Wahyu Nur Hidayat Syaad Patmanthara Department of Electrical
Department of Electrical Department of Electrical Engineering
Engineering Engineering Universitas Negeri Malang,
Universitas Negeri Malang Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Malang, Indonesia Malang, Indonesia sry.mulyani.1905356@students.um.ac.id
wahyu.nur.ft@um.ac.id syaad.ft@um.ac.id

Tri Atmadji Sutikno Rokhimatul Wakhidah

Department of Electrical Department of Information
Engineering Technology
Universitas Negeri Malang Politeknik Negeri Malang,
Malang, Indonesia Malang, Indonesia
tri.atmadji.ft@um.ac.id wakhidah@polinema.ac.id

Abstract — COVID-19 pandemic brings changes that have an impact on all fields, including the field of education. This
change is due to Indonesia implementing online education conducted at the homes of each student as a precaution against the
spread of COVID-19. Changes in online education have had an impact such as confusing students, students becoming passive,
less creative and productive, students facing stress, and reducing student learning motivation. The focus of this research is how
to develop gamified mobile learning applications for digital business model course. Gamification application in mobile is
expected to make it easier for students to understand the material, increase students' competitive spirit, and motivate students
to learn. This research uses ADDIE method which is an acronym for Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate.
Data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis. The development of mobile learning apps is expected to be a source of
Business Digital Model learning materials and can be used anytime and anywhere by students, especially during the COVID-
19 pandemic. Based on the results of the functional test, Gamified Mobile Learning has been well developed and
runs as expected. The result of usability testing obtained score 80,67 from media expert which can be concluded that the
aspects contained in the usability test such as Potential Effectiveness, Usability and, Satisfaction have given results that are
quite appropriate and have been covered well.
Keywords: Mobile Learning, Gamification, Digital Business Model

ID # 691
Assessment of SIAS Application Using Software Quality Model
Graduate Studies Graduate Studies Graduate Studies
Eastern Visayas State Eastern Visayas State University Eastern Visayas State
University Tacloban City Philippines, 6500 University
Tacloban City Philippines, deborah.brosas@evsu.edu.ph Tacloban City Philippines,
6500 6500
Biliran Province State jessie.paragas@evsu.edu.ph
Naval, Biliran, 6560

Abstract— Managing a software project is a difficult process to do since it necessitates careful planning in order
to find the best alternatives for a certain project. Software quality assessment is the technique of assessing software
to ensure that the end result fulfills the customer's needs. It is a systematic examination of the software capability
to meet the specified quality requirements. On the other hand, Student Information and Accounting System (SIAS)
is a comprehensive and well-designed application with student information and accounting system for the
educational institutions. The SIAS has an integrated learning management system for flexible learning due to the
existence of the COVID-19 virus. This software has been used by 89 academic institutions all over the Philippines
including the Biliran Province State University, Naval, Biliran. Thus, this paper analyzes if the SIAS meets the
software quality standards or ISO/IEC 25010 that includes the eight quality characteristics by conducting an online
survey based on the ISO software quality standards questionnaire. It was discovered that the application complied
with ISO/IEC 25010.
Keywords—Software quality, Assessment, Quality Standard, Project Management, Student Information and
Accounting System (SIAS), ISO/IEC 25010

ID # 575
Implementation of Problem Based Learning to Improve Students
Motivation And Learning Outcomes As a Solution For Distance Learning
During The Covid 19 Pandemic: Case Study on Heat And Mass Transfer
1st Handini Novita Sari 2nd I Made Arsana 3nd Ika Nurjannah universitas negeri
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya mechanical Enngginering
Mechanical Engginering Mechanical Engginering Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya,Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia ikajannah@unesa.ac.id
handinisari@unesa.ac.id madearsana@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— Distance learning is one of the educational policies during the COVID-19 emergency. This is done as
an effort to maintain the educational process so that it does not stop even in a pandemic atmosphere. However,
distance learning that has been going on for quite a while has also created problems. The saturation of students in
following the learning process will have an impact on decreasing learning outcomes, so innovative learning
methods are needed to minimize this. one of them by applying problem-based learning. This study will analyze
how to apply problem-based learning by considering student learning outcomes and motivation. This research
design uses classroom action using the Kemmis and McTaggart model which consists of three steps, namely: plan,
act and observe, reflect which is carried out in two cycles. The research data was then analyzed quantitatively
based on predetermined indicators. Based on this research study, it was found that the application of distance
learning with problem based learning methods can improve student learning outcomes during the COVID-19
pandemic and minimize student boredom which causes low student motivation. Learning outcomes data increased
by 36% from cycle I to cycle II. The results of student learning motivation in the first cycle are 27.3% of students
who have a high learning cycle, 63.7% have a medium learning cycle and 9.9%. In the second cycle, students'
learning motivation increased from high, medium and low by 45%, 52%, and 3% respectively.

Keywords— distance learning, problem based, covid-19, learning outcomes, motivation.

ID # 580

E-Portfolio as OLEA to Identify Higher Ability for Students in Higher


1st Usman Mulbar 2nd Nasrullah Pemu

Mathematics Department Mathematics Department
Universitas Negeri Makassar Universitas Negeri Makassar
Makassar, Indonesia Makassar, Indonesia
u_mulbar@umm.ac.id nasrullah@unm.ac.id

Abstract— The importance of high ability (HA) for students in higher education so that they show ability as a
resource who is ready to face the challenges in today's competitive era. This research was conducted to identify
HA by utilizing Online Learning Environment Activities (OLEA). OLEA is applied in the form of online lecture
activities combined with the e-portfolio approach. This activity involved 32 people who came from students
majoring in mathematics class C 2019. By using a questionnaire distributed via Google Form, the results were
analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results show that 1) the HA identification method with OLEA is good
for motivating students to recognize their abilities, 2) OLEA needs to be designed in such a way as to initiate the
development of students' HA, 3) the e-Portfolio approach is a good alternative to support OLEA.

Keywords— e-Portfolio, OLEA, Higher Ability

ID # 582

An investigation of visually impaired learners marginalized in an online

classroom environment
G H B A De Silva T C Sandanayake M F M Firdhous
Dept. of Human Resources Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies Dept. of Information Technology
Management Faculty of Information Technology Faculty of Information Technology
Faculty of Commerce & Management University of Moratuwa University of Moratuwa
Studies Katubedda, Sri Lanka Katubedda, Sri Lanka
University of Kelaniya thanujas@uom.lk firdhous@uom.lk
Dalugama, Sri Lanka

Abstract Despite their abilities or skills, all students had to attend to online classes in universities last two years.
Visually Impaired Learners (VIL) had unexplored problems associated with existing learning technologies,
pedagogy, students per se, and facilitators in online classrooms. The objective of this study is to identify these
problems and causes and to propose a theoretical model as a solution. The study identified 10 main problems
causing dissatisfaction with VIL in online classrooms: the accessible devices and connectivity problems, the
teaching-learning platform problems, lack of adequate training for teaching staff, pedagogical approach problems,
lack of individual attention, inadequate time (extra) for learning and assessment, limitations of individual
(reserved) space, limitations of assessment methods and platform, unavailability of the peer support, and
unavailability of bilingual communication. The proposed theoretical model suggests consolidating learning
technology with pedagogy, students, facilitators, and an extended learning environment to enhance the online
class experience for VIL.

Keywords— Visually Impaired Learners, Learning technology, Learner satisfaction, E-Learning, online
classroom, extended learning environment

ID # 588

Evaluation of Multiple Choice Items in the Telecommunication and

Navigation Engineering Department with Validation
B.B Harianto Yuyun Suprapto
Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
bambangfarzardy@gmail.com yuyunsuprapto@poltekbangsby.ac.id

Suhanto Edwardo Subagyo

Politeknik Penerbangan Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
suhanto@poltekbangsby.ac.id Edcraft08@gmail.com

Abstract— Improved multiple-choice questions (MCQs) item analysis is fundamental to be used for further tests.
Besides increasing item analysis can also be used to removes items that are trapped in a test. This journal focuses
on the quality of the questions on the test. It explores the relationship between the difficulty index (p-value) and
the discrimination index (DI) and the efficiency of the distractor (DE). The research will be conducted by 49 6th
semester students currently studying Diploma, especially in air navigation engineering in education at Aviation
Polytechnic of Surabaya. Fifty multiple-choice questions will be given while a final exam for the transmission
media and antenna courses. The value of validity using the Pearson correlation with a significance level of 5%
and reliability using Cronbach's Alpha. We find that the difficulty index (p) is 59% with an SD value of 10%,
while the DI value is 30 % with an SD value 10% and DE with a value of 25% (SD 22%) has item items with
average difficulty and discriminatory power related to functional impairments that must be integrated into the test
later to improve the quality evaluation.

Keywords— MCQs, discrimination index, difficulty index, distractor efficiency

ID # 605

An Influence Of Problem-Based Learning Models Assisted by Media

Trainer Programmable Logic Control and Achievement Motivation on
Skills Competence
Fendi Achmad Supari Muslim Daeng Rahmatullah
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Hang Tuah
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
fendiachmad@unesa.ac.id suparimuslim@unesa.ac.id daengrahmatullah@gmail.com

Abstract - This study aims to obtain information: (1) differences in the competence of students who are taught
using a problem-based learning model assisted by PLC trainer media and assisted by conventional media; (2)
differences in the competence of students with high achievement motivation, compared to students with low
achievement motivation. The research design is a quasi-experimental design: the non-equivalent control group
design. In this design, the experimental group and the control group were not chosen randomly. As a measuring
tool for competency achievement in this study, learning outcomes tools and instruments were made, which
functioned as instruments to assess the competence of students during the learning process. The experimental
treatment used a problem-based learning model assisted by the Programmable Logic Control media trainer and
for the control class assisted by conventional media. The study found: (1) the competence skills for students who
were taught using a problem-based learning model assisted by the Programmable Logic Control trainer learning
media, were significantly higher than those assisted by conventional media; and (2) skill competence for students
with high achievement motivation is significantly higher than those with low achievement motivation.

Keywords - Problem-based learning model, Achievement Motivation, Skill competence

ID # 595
Teaching Factory Management in the Edutel Sector at SMK Negeri 1

1st Farid Baskoro miftahurrohman@unesa.ac.id 2nd lilikanifah@unesa.ac.id 3rd Yuli

Fakultas Teknik Bambang Suprianto Sutoto Nugroho
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Fakultas Teknik Fakultas Teknik
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
faridbaskoro@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
bambangsuprianto@unesa.ac.id yulinugroho@unesa.ac.id
4th Miftahur Rohman
Fakultas Teknik 5th Lilik Anifah 6th Supari Muslim
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Fakultas Teknik Fakultas Teknik
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
lilikanifah@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
lilikanifah@unesa.ac.id supari@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—The purpose of this study was to determine the teaching factory management in terms of planning,
organizing, implementing, and evaluating. The Regional Public Service Agency in structuring the TeFa began to
be implemented at SMKN 1 Surabaya since 2018. Since BLUD was implemented at SMKN 1 Surabaya, that
school received financial assistance for the development of TeFa, one of the example is construction of Edutel in
the hospitality department. This study used a survey method with data collection techniques like questionnaires,
documentation and interviews, data analysis using descriptive statistical techniques with 26 respondents, there are
teachers and students. The results showed (a) planning has been done well, such as administering time, tools and
division of tasks; (b) organizing a well-structured teaching factory, start from the head of expertise competency,
school principal, subject teacher, pptk; (c) the implementation has been done well with 83.3% of respondents
stated that Edutel has been well socialized in the school and community environment, designed and implemented
based on actual work procedures and standards. 84% of respondents stated that the learning process in the field
of Edutel is learning by doing, improving students' soft skills, developing and implementing business-based
learning patterns in a sustainable manner. 77% of respondents stated that the implementation of TeFa in Edutel
carry out big data literacy, teaches critical, creative, communicative thinking skills, improves skills in market
research. 69.5% of respondents stated that Edutel activities are supported by the industrial world. The standard
error value less than 0.15, it indicates that the total average value of the respondents is close to the true value. It
has a standard deviation less than 0.8 which is indicates a low standard deviation value, so the data approaches
the average value. Has an average sample variant less than 0.6; (d) Evaluation of the Teaching Factory in Surabaya
has been carried out by involving all member of Teaching Factory learning, the principal, the head of expertise
competency, teachers and employees.
Keywords—Edutel, Evaluation, Planning, Organizing, Implementing, TeFa

ID # 674

Development of Employability of Fresh Graduate Alumni Through Tracer

Study by Evaluating The Likert Scale Method
Miftahur Rohman Nur Kholis Farid baskoro electrical
Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering engineering state university of
State University of Surabaya State University of Surabaya surabaya surabaya , indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia faridbaskoro@unesa.ac.id
miftahurrohman@unesa.ac.id nurkholis@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— The number of electrical engineering graduates produced every year. The suitability of the required
competencies with those of alumni is very necessary. In this research, a tracer study of electrical engineering
graduates was conducted. Tracer study research is very important to find out the competency profile of graduates
and alumni's work ability in relation to user needs. The target of tracer study is graduates of new graduates in
2019 and 2020. Research is very important to assess and improve the relationship between alumni characteristics
and the field of work of graduates of study programs. The research used a descriptive approach design. The
population is UNESA Electrical Engineering undergraduate graduates in 2019 and 2020 who have successfully
filled out the online tracer study form. The number of samples as many as 139 respondents. The survey media
uses university website links and google platform surveys which are distributed to each alumni within a period of
6 months. Data analysis used descriptive analysis method likert scale. Before the questionnaire was distributed to
respondents, the validity of the questionnaire will be tested with Pearson correlation. The results of the tracer
study with a Likert scale of 5 instrument questions by paying attention to the largest percentage. The results of
the tracer study instrument for knowledge obtained by alumni from lectures have a major contribution to the world
of work with a percentage of 73%. Internships have a big role in increasing world knowledge with a percentage
of 63%, Practicum contributes a lot to the ability to work with a percentage of 67%, English has a share of 41%
of language skills obtained during college, and communication skills obtained from lectures with a percentage of
70% which obtained during lectures, as well as the ability of alumni to solve problems in the world of work which
is the largest percentage of 69%

Keywords—Ttracer Study, Likert Scale, Employability

ID # 713

The Difference Between Level of Physical Activity, Nutritional Status,

Sedentary Lifestyle in Students in Mountain and Coastal Areas

1st Oce Wiriawan 2nd Siswantoyo 3rd Donny Ardy Kusuma

Department of Sport Coaching Department of Sport Department of Sport
Education Coaching Education Coaching Education
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia Yogyakarta Surabaya
ocewiriawan@unesa.ac.id Yogyakarta, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
siswantoyo@uny.ac.id donnykusuma@unesa.ac.id

4th Awang Firmansyah 5th Azmawati Binti 6th Afif Rusdiawan

Mohamad Nor Department of Health
Department of Health
Department of Education Education and Recreation
Education and Recreation Psychology and Universitas Negeri
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Counselling Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Universiti Malaya Surabaya, Indonesia
awangfirmansyah@unesa.ac.id Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia rusdiawan.a@gmail.com

Abstract—The purpose of this study was to determine differences in nutritional status, sedentary lifestyle and
physical activity of junior high school students in mountainous and coastal areas. This study used a cross-sectional
design with 97 junior high school students as research subjects were living in coastal areas (CoA) and mountainous
areas (MoA). Anthropometric measurements of subjects were performed to determine nutritional status based on
BMI. Filling out the questionnaire regarding the physical activity carried out was obtained directly from the IPAQ
short form and Sedentary lifestyle instruments using the ASAQ instrument. Data were analyzed by descriptive
test and Mann Whitney test. The results showed a normal BMI category with a mean MoA (19.35±2.78) and CoA
(20.25±4.00). For PA also showed moderate results with a mean MoA (1970 ± 2633.16) and CoA (1388.12 ±
2290.20). while SL showed low mean results, namely MoA (187.85 ± 217.62) and CoA (121.12 ± 87.85). The
results of the Mann Whitney test stated that the P value> 0.05 in BMI, PA and SL. The conclusion is that there is
no significant difference level in nutritional status, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle between students who
live in mountainous areas and coastal areas.

Keywords—Physical activity, sedentary, nutritional status, students, geographic


ID #689

Diversity of Cellulolytic Fungi Isolated in Fermetodege: Fermented Feed

Mixed Water Hyacinth,
Rice Bran, and Corn Cob

Isnawati Lisa Lisdiana Mahanani Tri Asri

Department of Biology Department of Biology Department of Biology
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Guntur Trimulyono Rony Afif Hidayat

Department of Biology Department of Biology
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Fermetodege is an innovation of fermented feed with a mixture of water hyacinth, corn cobs, and rice
bran which was developed in the manufacture of ruminant feed by utilizing the role of microbes. Fungal
communities in the feed fermentation process have a role as microbes that can degrade materials containing
cellulose to increase the palatability of feed. This study aims to determine the diversity of cellulolytic fungi
isolated from fermetodege, namely ruminant fermented feed mixed of water hyacinth, rice bran, and corn cobs
that influence during the fermentation process of feed ingredients. Fungi isolation was carried out using potato
dextrose agar (PDA) media and screened by growing on carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). Fungi isolates was
analyzed base on Shannon- Wiener to get the diversity and evenness index, and the Simpson dominance index.
There were nine cellulolytic fungi isolates with the Shannon-Wiener diversity index value in medium category
1.3423-1.8814 (1<H'<3), the evenness index 0.8340-0.9668 and the Simpson dominance index in the
low category (close to 0) namely 0.1608-0.3105. The results showed that the community structure of cellulolytic
fungi in the fermetodege had moderate diversity with an even distribution without the dominance of certain species
of cellulolytic fungi during fermentation. The diversity of fungi in fermetodege: fermented feed mixture of water
hyacinth, rice bran, and corn cobs has a diversity of fungi that have the potential to be used in the fermentation
Keywords— Cellulolytic Fungi, Fermetodege, Diversity

ID #703

Synthesis And Characterization Of Nanosilver Fluoride Hydroxyapatite As

An Anti Cariogenic Agent
Sari Edi Cahyaningrum Titik Taufikurohmah Dina Kartika Maharani
Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
Jonathan Angelo Ranamanggala Achmad Fitriadi Akbar Fitriari Izzatunnisa Muhaimin
Department of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Department of Biology
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— This research aimed to study the characterization of Nanosilver fluoride added with hydroxyapatite
solution. This material was developed as an antibacterial agent and remineralizing agen in teeth, by using the
properties of nanosilver, fluoride, and hydroxyapatite to overcome problems that commonly occur in the mouth
and teeth, namely dental caries caused by bacteria s. mutans. The role of each component, namely, silver
nanoparticles act as an antibacterial agent, fluoride ions are used to inhibit tooth demineralization and inhibit
bacterial activity, and hydroxyapatite solution acts as the main source of calcium and phosphate ions to assist the
remineralization process in teeth. The material was synthesized using three different concentration of AgNO 3
solution 3, 15, and 30 mM. The result is the FT-IR characterization of all samples, the O–H and N–H functional
groups appeared only with slight differences in each wavenumber. While PSA indicates the greater the
concentration of AgNO 3 used in NSF synthesis, the smaller the average particle size, with the results are NSF (3
mM) + hydroxyapatite had average particle size of 39.636 nm, NSF (15 mM) + hydroxyapatite has average
particle size of 34.974 nm, and NSF 30 ppm + HAp with average particle size of 34.75 nm.
Keywords— Nanosilver, fluoride, hydroxyapatite solution, characterization, particle size.

ID #704

Nutritional Analysis Of Non-Dairy Milk Almond-Tempeh As A

Multivitamin Supplement For The Elderly
Tukiran* Mauren Gita Miranti
Chemistry Depertement Home Economic Departement
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
tukiran@unesa.ac.id maurenmiranti@unesa.ac.id
Idah Dianah Wati Fauzia Indah Sabila
Chemistry Depertement Chemistry Depertement
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
idahdianahwati@unesa.ac.id fauziasabila06@gmail.com

Abstract—Increasing age in the elderly causes a decrease in physiological function and body resistance due to
the degenerative process (aging). The elderly are susceptible to various diseases, both non-communicable diseases
and infectious diseases. Intake of highly nutritious food and beverages is needed to strengthen the immune system
of the elderly can be through the consumption of milk. Generally milk comes from cows called dairy milk. There
is also milk derived from plants known as non- diary milk, such as almond milk and tempeh milk. This research
wasa quantitative descriptive study to analyzed the content of macro and micro nutritional values in almond-tempe
milk products on the presentation of the daily nutritional adequacy rate for the elderly. Almond-tempe milk
product is formulated from substitution of 25% almond milk and 75% tempeh milk with the addition of Moringa
leaf extract, beetroot and broccoli as well as the addition of dates as a sugar substitute sweetener. The results of
the nutritional value of almond-tempe milk per serving to the percentage of RDA for the elderly showed
the energy content of almond-tempe milk had a percentage of 14.86-17.84 % per day for the elderly. The
percentage of carbohydrate for the elderly was 13.05-15.62 % per day. The percentage of fat for the elderly
was 23.45-26.06 % per day. The percentage of protein for the elderly was 7.15-7.89 % per day. The percentage
of crude fiber for the elderly was 16.5- 18.75 % per day. The content of vitamin E was 0 ,65 mg had been able to
meet the needs of vitamin E based on the percentage of RDA for the elderly per day. The content of folic acid
(vitamin B9) was able to provided 95,25 % of folic acid percentage of RDA for the elderly per day.
Keywords—Almond, elderly, non-dairy milk, nutrition, recommended dietary allowance (RDA), and

ID #718

Antioxidant Activity from The Combination Ethanol Extract Secang Wood

(Caesalpinia sappan L.)
and Red Ginger Rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.)

Dinda Koeswantika Putri Tukiran* Suyatno

Chemistry Depertement Chemistry Depertement Chemistry Depertement
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
dindakoeswantika2@gmail.com tukiran@unesa.ac.id suyatno@unesa.ac.id

Titik Mardiyanti Sofyah Fauzia Indah Sabila *Corresponding author:

Chemistry Depertement Chemistry Depertement tukiran@unesa.ac.id
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
titikmardiyanti456@gmail.com fauziasabila06@gmail.com

Abstract— The antioxidant activity test combination of the ethanol extract secang wood (Caesalpinia sappan L)
and red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) was carried out using the DPPH method. Where the principle
of the DPPH method is adecrease in the intensity of the absorbance value of the DPPH solution which is directly
proportional to the increase in the concentration of antioxidant compounds called IC 50 or Concentration
Inhibition 50. The results have shown that the value of the IC 50 or Inhibition Concentration 50 of the ethanol
extract of Secang wood is 54,53 which is a strong antioxidant, the IC 50 or Inhibition Concentration 50 value
from the ethanol extract of red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) is 197,74 which is a weak antioxidant,
and the IC 50 or Inhibition Concentration 50 value combination of the ethanol extract Secang wood (Caesalpinia
sappan L) and red ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale Roxb.) for F1 with a ratio of 1:1 is 109,72 which is a
moderate antioxidant, F2 with a ratio of 1:2 is 140,96 which is a moderate antioxidant and F3 with a ratio of 2:1
is 90,14 which is a strong antioxidant.
Keywords— antioxidant, DPPH, ethanol extract of secang wood, ethanol extract of red ginger rhizome

ID #586

Dietary Pattern, Sedentary Lifestyle and Alertness on Breast Cancer

among Adolescents

Ni Ketut Alit Armini Rahayu Dwi Pangestuti Lingga Curnia Dewi

Maternity and Pediactric Nursing Nursing Profession Program Medical Surgical Nursing
Faculty of Nursing Faculty of Nursing Faculty of Nursing
Airlangga University Airlangga University Airlangga University
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
nk.alita@fkp.unair.ac.id rahayu.dewi.pangestuti- lingga.curnia@fkp.unair.ac.id

Abstract— Breast cancer alertness among female adolescents was poor. The aim of this study was to analyze the
relationship between dietary pattern sedentary lifestyle, dietary and breast cancer alertness among female
adolescents. A cross-sectional approach with stratified random sampling was used. The sample population
included 206 female adolescents aged 15-18 from the Vocational High School in Surabaya. The data collected
using a validated self-administered questionnaire to measure breast cancer alertness, a Food Frequency
Questionnaire (FFQ), and an Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionnaire (ASAQ). The data analyzed using Chi-
square, and Spearman's Rho tests. Breast cancer alertness among female adolescents was high (67,5%).
Dietary patterns were shown to be significantly associated with breast cancer Alertness in female adolescents
(OR=0,230; 95% CI: 0,081-0,651; p=0,007). However, no significant relationship between a sedentary lifestyle
and breast cancer Alertness.The respondents were aware about breast cancer. Nevertheless, they had insufficient
knowledge of its risk factors, signs, and symptoms. Lack of knowledge regarding its risk factors might be a reason
forthis sedentary lifestyle. These findings suggest that further research is necessary investigate over a time series.
Keywords— breast cancer, dietary pattern, sedentary lifestyle, adolescence.

ID #633

Effectiveness of Brem Production Process through the Application

of Brem Press Machine at Madiun Brem Smes
1st Any Sutiadiningsih 2nd Yunus 3rd Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan
Department of Family Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering
Welfare Education State University of Surabaya State University of Surabaya
State University of Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia wahyukurniawan@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— Brem is one of the typical souvenirs of Madiun, made from fermented sticky rice essence and then
molded into rectangular pieces. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by the team
proposing this activity with partner SMEs groups, data was obtained that the problem that needed to be resolved
in the implementation of this activity was the pressing process. This is because the process of pressing the raw
material for brem (glutinous rice) to extract the juice is done manually by using simple tools such as square
wooden placemats and levers made of bamboo. This causes the process of squeezing the raw material for brem
(sticky rice) which is less hygienic and takes a relatively long time (30 minutes/5 kg). So far, this group of SMEs
often has difficulty meeting market needs due to the limitations of inadequate production equipment. The methods
used to achieve these objectives are by designing, manufacturing, assembly, function testing, handover, machine
operation/maintenance training, mentoring and monitoring. Based on the application of the machine in partner
SMEs, the result is that the process of pressing the raw material for Brem is faster. It takes 30 minutes to press 5
kg of original Brem raw material to 5 minutes. In addition, the quality of the pressing results becomes lmore
hygienic because it uses foodgrade material (stainless steel). With this activity, it indirectly participates in the
success of government programs in supporting the existence of SMEs in supporting the national economy.
Keywords— the effectiveness of the production process; pressing machine; brem.

ID # 625

Effect of Milk on Physico-Chemical and Functional of Herbal Jelly Drink

Asrul Bahar Samik Maria Monica Sianita

Department of Family Welfare Department of Chemistry Basukiwardojo
Education Universitas Negeri Surabaya Department of Chemistry
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia samik@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia
asrulbahar@unesa.ac.id mariamonica@unesa.ac.id

Nita Kusumawati Supari Muslim AR. Sella Auliya

Department of Chemistry Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Chemistry
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Airlangga
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
nitakusumawati@unesa.ac.id supari@unesa.ac.id ar.sella.auliya-

Abstract—The COVID-19 outbreak has been declared a pandemic, a number of modern medical drugs of excellent
quality, especially immunostimulants, are being and continue to be developed from secondary metabolites of
herbal commodities. World Health Organization (W.H.O.) reports the dependence of 80% of the world's
population on traditional therapies, some of them are ginger and temulawak. The effect of milk on the physico-
chemical, functional properties and contamination of herbal jelly drink products based on ginger and temulawak
has been studied. In general, the addition of milk in making ginger jelly drink has reduced water content, ash
content, total sugar and pH. Conversely, the addition of milk has had an increased effect on protein, fat and
syneresis. The addition of milk has also had an effect on decreasing levels of phenolic and flavonoids, decreasing
antioxidant, antimicrobial Salmonella Typhimurium activity ginger jelly drink products and antimicrobial
Eschericia Coli activity ginger jelly drink products. The addition of milk in the manufacture of temulawak jelly
drink products resulted in a number of the same impacts, such as decreased water content, ash content and
increased protein, fat, syneresis, decreased phenolic content, flavonoids, antioxidant, antimicrobial Salmonella
Typhimurium activity temulawak jelly drink products and antimicrobial Eschericia Coli activity ginger jelly drink
products, a number of differences in physico-chemical and functional properties, namely the increase in total
sugar, and pH.
Keywords— herbal, jelly, drink, ginger, temulawak

ID # 640

Cypirus Rotundus L: Formulation And Evaluation Antiseptic Soap

1st Sri Dwiyanti 2nd Siti Sulandjari 3rd Titik Winanti

Home economic Home Economic Vocational education
Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri
Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia sitisulandjari@unesa.ac.id surabaya, Indonesia

4th IGP Astho 5th Lilik Anifah

Vocational Education Vocational Education
Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia lilikanifah@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— Soap is a product that is one of the people's needs, used as a body cleansing agent, which is available in
many forms and parfume that can be selected according to your needs. Natural soap products are rarely used in the
market. Today’s soap products use a lot of artificial or synthetic ingredients as their active ingredients, which have
side effects on human skin, because they have the potential to cause irritation to users with sensitive skin.This study
aims to describe the antiseptic soap formula and evaluate the antiseptic soap from C. rotundus. This research is an
experimental research with quantitative descriptive research method. : 1) Determining and making an antiseptic
soap formula with active ingredients of C. rotundus formulas X1, X2, X3, 2) Evaluating the antiseptic soap product
of C. rotundus. The results of the study were 1) product evaluation based on the response descriptively X2 is the
most superior in terms of color and texture, and X3 is superior in aroma, but the results of statistical analysis, X1,
X2, and X3 have similarities in color and aroma. The only difference is the texture, namely X2 is superior 2)
evaluation of laboratory test results on bacterial killing power, froth power and product pH stated that the three
formulas of tuber-based soap nuts which are neither (X1) nor those that use olive oil (X2) or lime leaf powder (X3)
are included in the category of antiseptic soap which has good bacteria killing power
Keywords— antiseptic soap, C.Rotundus, bar soap

ID # 660

The Effect of Financial Performance And Bank Size on Banking Bank

Stock Prices
Eni Wuryani, Susi Handayani,
Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi
dan Bisnis
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract-Banking as the main sector in the economy with an intermediary function. This study aims to determine
the effect of financial performance and bank size on the stock price of banking banks in 2019-2020. The financial
performance to be studied includes the profitability variable, liquidity variable and capital adequacy variable. The
dependent variable is stock price. Research data in the form of secondary data, data of 86 data, obtained from 43
financial statements of banks in Indonesia for 2 years. Measurement of independent variables using ROA, LDR,
CAR and bank size. The research method used is a quantitative approach. This study uses regression analysis.
The results showed that the variables of capital adequacy and bank size had an effect on banking stock prices.
While the profitability and liquidity variables have no effect on stock prices.
Keyword: Profitability, Liquidity, Capital Adequacy, Bank Size, Stock Price

ID # 659
Building Creative Industries by Bringing Local Potential to Develop
Village Community of Economic Independence

Cindy Veronica1*, Nina Nur Alfi Aulia2*,

Dinda Suci Al Aluf3*, Amar Ijtihad
Mudhaffar4*, Arik Susanti5

Faculty of Language and Art, State

University of Surabaya

Kampus Lidah Wetan, Surabaya,


Absract-Currently, rural communities need economic independence. By having economic independence, rural
communities can improve their standard of living in order to create a prosperous society. With the potential of
natural resources as a catfish center village that has not been maximized, the creative industry is an alternative
that can help increase the income of the people of Tawangrejo Village, Turi District, Lamongan Regency.
Therefore, creative industry training is held in order to help improve people's living standards. The methodology
is qualitative. In this activity, the village community was given training on three ways of processing catfish into
processed catfish floss, catfish sticks and catfish crackers. In addition, village communities were also given
training on marketing strategies through digital media and product branding training. Through these trainings, the
production and marketing of processed catfish products is expected to be carried out in a sustainable manner and
can penetrate the international market share so that the potential of Tawangrejo Village, Turi District, Lamongan
Regency as a catfish center village can be optimized and the welfare and standard of living of the community can
increase significantly.
Keywords: creative industry, catfish, village development.

ID # 646
A Prototype Of Digital Sharia Business Incubator to Develop Rural

Vira Oktaviani Rezqy A’rasy Fahrullah

economics department economics department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya
vira.17081194042@mhs.unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— There are a number of studies which state that the development of Micro, Small, and Medium
Enterprises (MSMEs) in rural areas can reduce poverty. The existence of MSME development can provide access
to the poor in rural areas so that they can be involved in productive business activities and promote
entrepreneurship, especially in disadvantaged areas. Baiul Maal wattamwiil (BMT) as a microfinance institution
has the potential to develop small industry in the village, but BMT only focuses on financing distribution, so there
are still many small industry business actors who lack knowledge about marketing. For this reason, Ryad.id's role
is needed as a sharia business incubation platform that can provide business consulting services, marketing
training, and monitoring BMT customers who have businesses.
Keywords— sharia business incubator, medium and small enterprises, baitulmaal wattamwiil

ID # 614
Pre-Posttest: Diagnosis of the Achievement Level on Sustainable Business

Jun Surjanti Rahayu Dewi Soeyono Tony Seno Aji

Faculty of Economics Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Economics and
and Business Universitas Negeri Business
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia rahayudewi@unesa.ac.id tonyseno@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—There are various ways to measure an achievement level on the activity to develop a sustainable
business. This study is used to serve as a reference in designing appropriate developmental programs for small
business actors. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the pre-posttest technique in diagnosing the
achievement level of the workshop on sustainable culinary business. The population was 15 culinary SMEs in
Surabaya who participated in a sustainable business workshop. The pre-posttest was evaluated using 10 indicators
(by selecting correct/B and incorrect/S) to measure the participants’ understanding. Data were analyzed using the
t-test technique. Results show that the pre-posttest technique was unable to measure the achievement level of the
workshop on the sustainable culinary business. Thus, the pre-posttest technique will not appropriately be used to
measure the achievement level of other similar activities/programs to develop a sustainable business.
Keywords—pre-posttest, sustainable business, achievement level, SMEs culinary

ID # 717
Building family resilience through phylantrophy and populist policies to
cope the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

Mardliyah, Sjafiatul Dewi, Putri Aisyiyah Rachma Dharmawan, Awang

Education Science Department Communication Science Communication Science Department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Department Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
sjafiatulmardliyah@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia awangdharmawan@unesa.ac.id

Prasetyawan, Agus Lestari, Yuni

public administration of vocational public administration of
programme vocational programme
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
agusprasetyawan@unesa.ac.id yunilestari@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— Family resilience is an essential factor to cope with the Covid-19 pandemi. The aim of this study is to
identify various efforts, from the state to the family, as the smallest unit in society, to build their strength during
the crisis. This research were carried out through two methods, survey and discourse anlysis. The results explain
that building family resilience during the pandemic can be realized only when relationship as social capital
developed by the society and the state in the cultural and structural dimensions. The cultural dimension is
characterized by the emergence instituonalized social philantropyh. People perceived that positive acts can be
more meaningful when it becomes formal and institutional, furthermore it creates a mutually beneficial exchange
in social environment, This perspective is reflected by religious and social philanthropy, as well as personal and
communal philanthropy. Meanwhile, the structural dimension is reflected by populist policies were issued by
local, provincial, and central government policies.
Keywords—philanthropy, populist policies, social capital, family resilience, covid-19

ID # 702

Identification Of Student (Santri) Problems On Islamic Boarding School

(Pondok Pesantren)

Ari Khusumadewi
Guidance and Counseling
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract—This research is motivated by the various problems experienced by students on Pondok Pesantren.
With the number of students reaching thousands with an unbalanced number of caregivers, the problem is not
handled optimally. The policy of the Islamic boarding school regarding the curriculum used makes each Islamic
boarding school different. Pesantren as an educational institution has one characteristic that distinguishes it from
other educational institutions. The values of Islamic boarding schools that frame the life of social interaction
between kiai, ustadz and santri are the distinguishing characteristics in question. So the problems experienced by
students will be different. This study aims to identify the problems experienced by students both in personal,
learning, social, and career problems so that it is hoped that they will be able to help plan solutions to the problems
faced. This study uses a literature study method that analyzes various reference sources. The data analysis
technique used is content analysis, which is a technique used to analyze and understand the text. The results of
this study are to explain the various problems faced by students in Islamic boarding schools, their characteristics.

Keywords—Student Problems, Islamic Boarding School

ID # 727

Ethno-pedagogy of Parents in Enforcement of Health Protocols to Change

Students' Social Behavior
Sarmini* Sukma Perdana Prasetya Nuansa Bayu Segara
Department of Pancasila and Department of Social Department of Social Studies
Citizenship Education Education
Studies Education
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia
sarmini@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia nuansasegara@unesa.ac.id

Faridatul Lailiyah Sukma Perdana Prasetya

Department of Social Studies Education Department of Social Studies
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Education
Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Faridatul.19011@mhs.unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Implementation of various laws and regulations regarding enforcement of the protocols of health to
be important dimensions. Enforcement protocol health contains a number of values that are internalized into the
binding value of social behavior. The substance of this research is how the parents of the status of civil servants
constructing protocols of health in building the social behavior of the child. The goal is to determine the urgency
and the source of value ethno-pedagogy parents do. The design used was a case study. Subjects were parents of
students in SMPN 6 Surabaya, who work as civil servants. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires.
The technique of data analysis using the technique of percentage. The results of this study show, First ethno-
pedagogy enforcement protocol health is influenced by: (1) knowledge, in this case the internalization of a variety
of rules of government policies that should be implemented; (2) experience, is obtained from the exposed person;
(3) the value of the religious, socio-cultural, especially related to the value of discipline, away from the crowd and
reduce the mobility of the; and (4) environment, a space where enforcement was done at home and office. Second,
the legislation on the enforcement of the protocol of the health and value norms, including religious values, as a
source of value ethno-pedagogy. This study provides recommendations that the internalization of the value of the
various laws and regulations enforcement protocol health needs space, media and educational strategies new
habits through education in the family.

Keywords- Health Protocol, Parents, Social Behavior Ethno-pedagogy

ID # 706

Women Leadership Based on Local Wisdom

Yuni Lestari Agus Prastyawan Prasetyo Isbandono

Public Administration of Public Administration of Public Administration of
Vocational Program Vocational Program Vocational Program
Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia agusprastyawan@unesa.ac.id prasetyoisbandono@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— The struggle of women to occupy the position of women is not as easy as men. The totality of domestic
and public roles that are carried out simultaneously by women leads to a dual role that must be played. The
perpetuation of the wrong perception of the division of roles between men and women further exacerbates the
situation. The patriarchal culture is also a measure of the inappropriateness of women to occupy leadership
positions. This misunderstanding does not only come from men and society, even many women are not aware of
the roles they carry out. In writing and analyzing this article, the author uses a literature review approach. The
author tries to analyze the critique of the role of women leaders in utilizing local wisdom.
The study of gender and women is still a study that is quite controversial in some circles. Likewise, the study of
women leaders in villages has become a topic of pro and contra in many researches. Village leaders as the front
line of government in establishing direct relationships with the people, so the leaders should learn and master
every culture as a source of local wisdom. Local culture, values, and norms become a social capital for women
leaders in determining the good leadership style so the leadership success can be realized.

Keywords—local wisdom, indigenous leadership, women leader, leadership

ID # 651
The Practice of Identity Politics Carried Out
By Ex-Lepers

Ali imron Siti Maizul Habibah Putri Indatus

Social Science Education Mojokerto, Indonesia
University State of Surabaya Pancasila and Civic putriindatus@gmail.com
Surabaya, Indonesia
University State of
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract—Negative stigma on ex-lepers appears along with the constructed stigma in a society that considers
leprosy is contagious, incurable, hereditary disease, curse of God, unclean, and cause disability. This constructed
stigma affects to ex-lepers to gain access to public services, such as health, education, and employment. Low
accessibility to public services makes the ex-lepers as subaltern groups in the social structure. Subaltern groups
characterized by oppression and discrimination to be the marginalized. Subaltern closely related to power of
relations and politics, where the minority would be marginalized from the strong influence of society. These
conditions affect them to have a turning point to fight in order to seek their obsession to be recognized and
equalized through identity politics. Identity politics has a tendency to put the interests of the members of the group
in the front because they have the same identity or characteristics. Various forms of identity politics practice is
realized through morality resistance and radical resistance. Subaltern utilizes speaking foras a representative and
liaison for the group aspirations. The practice of identity politics is carried out by ex-lepers in Sumberglagah
hamlet as tangible evidence in order to create equality of social representation.

Keywords—identity politics, subaltern, speaking for, resistance, equality

ID # 601
Street Children Survival Strategy Against Violence: Case Study on the
Surabaya Ketintang Railway

Rr Nanik Setyowati1,* R.N.

Bayu Aji 2, Sarmini3 , Ali
Imron4, Nasihatul

*Corresponding author.

Abstract-Development in the economic sector as well as science and technology in Surabaya resulted in very
rapid progress. However, development also has an adverse impact on the community, including the emergence of
social inequality, both at the national and regional levels. This social gap often raises social problems, including
street children and violence. This study aims to determine the forms of violence experienced by street children
who do not occupy a shelter in the city of Surabaya, and the survival strategy of street children who do not occupy
a shelter against violence in the city of Surabaya. This study uses a qualitative approach and takes the location of
the gathering of street girls along the railroad tracks in the Ketintang area, Surabaya. According to E. Lawson,
there are four forms of violence (abuse) against children and it occurs in the Ketintang railroad area, namely
emotional abuse (emotional abuse), verbal abuse (verbal abuse), physical abuse (physical abuse), and violence
(sexual abuse).
Keywords : Survival strategy, Children Street, Violence

ID # 571
Designing and Fabrication of IntegratedSoybean Machine (3 In 1 Process)
to Optimize
of Tempe Producers Productivity

Yunus1 Made Arasana2 Mechanical Erlinda Ningsih3

Mechanical Engineering Engineering Department Adi Tama Institute of
DepartmentUniversitas Universitas Negeri TechnologySurabaya,
Negeri Surabaya SurabayaSurabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Indonesia erlindaningsih84@itats.ac
yunus@unesa.ac.id madearsana@unesa.ac.id .id

Novi Sukma Drastiawati4

Mechanical Engineering
DepartmentUniversitas Negeri

Abstract—The aim to this study is to optimize the productivity of tempe producers. Optimization is carried
out throughengineering research of the soybean machine 3 IN 1 process production capacity of 250 kg / hour
to solve the problem oflow productivity of stripping, solving and separating the soybean husk. To guarantee
the product's hygiene, the machine is made from food grade material, namely stainless steel 304, to guarantee
the effectiveness of production, the machine is designed with a production capacity of 250 kg / hr, to improve
efficiency, the machine is designed using a low power electric mechanical motor by 350 watt and a
transmission system using a V-belt. Engineering methods are carried out through the stages of design,
manufacturing, assembly, function testing, analysis, discussion and conclusions. Soybean machines designed
are engine dimensions (850 x 700 x 1200) mm and 350 watt electric motor. The results shows production
capacity of 250 kg / hour, hopper inlet power holds 5 kg., accuracy of breaking soybean shells ± 95% of the
total capacity of the engine, and all engine components that come in contact with soy are made from food
grade materials. This 3 in 1 Soybean Machine can increase production capacity 10 times compared to peeling,
crushing and separating the soybean husk separately. Machine production capacity can be increased by
increasing the size of the machine dimensions.
Keywords: soybean machine, food grade, hygienic

ID # 633

Effectiveness of Brem Production Process Through the Application Of

Brem Press Machine at Madiun Brem Smes
1st Any Sutiadiningsih 2nd Yunus 3rd Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan
Department of Family Welfare Department of Department of Mechanical
Education Mechanical Engineering Engineering
State University of Surabaya State University of State University of
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya Surabaya
anysutiadiningsih@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Brem is one of the typical souvenirs of Madiun, made from fermented sticky rice essence and then
molded into rectangular pieces. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by the team
proposing this activity with partner SMEs groups, data was obtained that the problem that needed to be resolved
in the implementation of this activity was the pressing process. This is because the process of pressing the raw
material for brem (glutinous rice) to extract the juice is done manually by using simple tools such as square
wooden placemats and levers made of bamboo. This causes the process of squeezing the raw material for brem
(sticky rice) which is less hygienic and takes a relatively long time (30 minutes/5 kg). So far, this group of SMEs
often has difficulty meeting market needs due to the limitations of inadequate production equipment. The methods
used to achieve these objectives are by designing, manufacturing, assembly, function testing, handover, machine
operation/maintenance training, mentoring and monitoring. Based on the application of the machine in partner
SMEs, the result is that the process of pressing the raw material for Brem is faster. It takes 30 minutes to press 5
kg of original Brem raw material to 5 minutes. In addition, the quality of the pressing results becomes lmore
hygienic because it uses foodgrade material (stainless steel). With this activity, it indirectly participates in the
success of government programs in supporting the existence of SMEs in supporting the national economy.

Keywords— the effectiveness of the production process; pressing machine; brem

ID # 635
Making Instant Spiced Coffee Drink to Prevent Covid-19

Niken Purwidiani Dwi Kristiastuti Sri Handajani

Culinary Department Culinary Department Culinary Department
Vocational Program Vocational Program Home Economics Universitas
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
nikenpurwidiani@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia srihandajani@unesa.ac.id

Ita Fatkhur Romadhoni Choirul Anna Nur Afifah Any Sutiadiningsih

Culinary Department Nutrition Department Culinary Department
Vocational Program Home Economics Vocational Program
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
itflavordhoni@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia anysutiadiningsih@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— Spicy drinks are derived from types of spices such as turmeric, ginger, kunci, kencur, temulawak,
galangal, and so on have been widely known by the Indonesian people as herbs and fresh drinks. However, there
are still many who do not like this type of drink because of the distinctive and sharp flavor and taste of the spices.
In order to make variations of spiced drinks so that they can be more accepted by the public, practical, and have
a higher selling value, innovations can be made by adding ingredients that can improve the taste, namely coffee
and creamer so that the processed product is called "Instant Spiced Coffee". The purpose of this research is to find
out: 1) the level of preference of the panelists towards the finished instant spiced coffee which includes texture,
color, flavor, and taste; and 2) nutritional content of instant spiced coffee per 100 grams. The type of research is
experimental, data collection using observation and preference testing techniques. The analysis technique for
organoleptic test results is quantitative descriptive to determine nutritional content based on laboratory tests which
include Energy, Carbohydrates, Fat, Calcium, Protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Antioxidants, as well as to
calculate the selling price using the standard cost method. The results showed: 1) the panelists' preference for
color was 93.335 likes, 93.33% likes flavour, 93.33% likes taste, 86.67% viscosity, and 93.33% solubility; and 2)
the nutritional content per 100 grams is Energy: 208.50 kcal, Carbohydrates 44.80%, Fat 2.15%, Calcium 89.50
mg, Protein 1.38%, Vitamin A 42.50 grams, Vitamin C 38, 10 grams, and Antioxidants 198.20 mek.

Keywords— Instant Drinks, Spices, Coffee, Creamer, Covid-19

ID # 673
Development of Little Cakes Application Based on Android as Lunch Box
Cake Sales
Yuli Sutoto Nugroho Setya Candra Wibawa
Electrical Engineering Informatics
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya
yulinugroho@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia

Windy Dwi Oktavia Farid Baskoro

Managament Electrical Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya
Windydwi.20085@mhs.unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Information technology and the internet today, which continues to develop, have a consederable
influence on the sales of a product. It also affects the sales of cakes, including the Lunch Box Cake. Cake sellers
are now starting to switch to marketing their products through online media to increase sales. This study aims to
develop an android-based application that provides information about products, product prices, and product details
to help increase sales of Lunch Box Cake. The method used in application development is a waterfall which
consists of (1) Analysis, (2) System design, (3) Coding, (4) Testing. This research will produce an android-based
application as a sales medium for Lunch Box Cake that is easily accessible by a smartphone and can make it easier
for customers to find information about products, product prices, and product details.

Keywords— Cake Sales, Android, Sales App, Waterfall.

ID # 679
Utilization of The “BUKAOLSHOP” Application As A Sales Media

Novi Sukma Drastiawati1 Lutfiyyah Nur Rasyidah2 Setya Candra Wibawa3
Mechanical Engineering Management Study Program, Faculty Informatics Department
Department of Economics and Business Universitas Negeri
Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya
Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia luthfiyyahnur.20102@mhs.unesa.ac.id setyachendra@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—At this time the role of technology is very important as a supporter of activities in various fields, one
of which is in the industrial sector, especially in buying and selling activities. MochIcecream is a home-based
business that requires advanced technology at this time. Therefore, MochIcecream utilizes the BukaOlshop
application to assist in selling its products. The purpose of this study is to identify features in the BukaOlshop
application that can support buying and selling activities for MochIcecream products. The method used in this
study is the waterfall method, including needs analysis, system design, system implementation, system testing,
and system maintenance. This research produces features in the BukaOlshop application that can be used to
support buying and selling activities for MochIcecream products. So it can be concluded that the BukaOlshop
application can help in selling products from MochIcecream

Keywords—applications, BukaOlshop, waterfall method

ID # 687
Application of Android-Based Mobile E-Commerce Applications In

Ornamental Plants
Suprapto Alfania Lailatul Rizky
Civil Engineering Department of Economics and Business,
Department, Faculty of Faculty of Engineering
Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia alfanialailatul.20122@mhs.unesa.ac.id

Wahyu Dwi Mulyono Setya Chendra Wibawa

Civil Engineering Informatics Department, Faculty of
Department, Faculty of Engineering
Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Indonesia setyachendra@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— During the pandemic, various cities in Indonesia experienced an increasing trend of growing
ornamental plants in various circles and not a few were using ornamental plants to increase their income, but
difficulties in reaching market segmentation caused the ornamental plant business to develop a little slower. E-
Commerce is one of the business media to expand marketing reach and innovate in the business world using
adequate technology. The aims of this study are (1) to utilize an Android-based E-Commerce mobile application
as a medium to expand the marketing of ornamental plant businesses, and (2) to determine the effect of e-
commerce on products and consumer trust. The method of developing an Android-based E-Commerce mobile
application using ADDIE, consists of (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Implementation, (5)
Evaluation. This research produces an Android-based E-Commerce mobile application (AdmireYou) which
contains various kinds of ornamental plants, and ornamental plant shelves and a survey of the effectiveness of the
Android-based E-Commerce mobile application. E-Commerce media is very useful for the founders of ornamental
plant businesses who make the business grow more rapidly.

Keywords— E-Commerce, AdmireYou, ADDIE.

ID # 729

Development of the Omron CP1E PLC to Support PLC Practicum

Activities in the Control System Engineering Laboratory

Gitut Sudarto Minnar Titis Santoso Nusriningyati

Electrical Engineering Family Welfare Family Welfare Education
Department Education Department Department
Surabaya State Surabaya State Surabaya State University
University University

Abstract— Programmable Logic Control (PLC) is a microprocessor used for automation in industrial processes
such as control and supervision. For this reason, PLC courses are important to be given to students as a preparation
for entering the industrial world. PLC subject must be supported by a trainer who can represent the original form
of PLC equipment in the Industry. The Department of Electrical Engineering (TE) at the State University of
Surabaya (UNESA) has a PLC subject as one of the mandatory subject that must be taken. However, Department
of Electrical Engineering UNESA still uses the Omron C28H PLC as a media trainer. To increase the effectiveness
of learning in the classroom, it is necessary to optimize the Omron CP1E PLC instead of C28H.This article will
describe the results of the development of the Omron CP1E PLC at the Control Engineering Laboratory of the
UNESA TE Department. The results showed that the development of the Omron CP1E PLC trainer needs to be
done because it is more efficient than the C28H PLC.

Keywords— PLC Omron C28H, PLC Omron CP1E, Practicum Quality

ID # 585
A Literature Review of Labor Market Profile
of Vocational High School Graduates
In Indonesia
Anitiyo Soelistiyono1* Chen Feijuan2
National Yunlin University of Science National Yunlin University of Science and
and Technology, Taiwan Technology, Taiwan
Department of Technological and Department of Technological and
Vocational Education Vocational Education
Yunlin, Taiwan Yunlin, Taiwan

Abstract - Employment is an essential issue in business and economic activities in Indonesia. A labour force,
working population, and unemployment rate, which are the capital for the driving wheel of development. With
have the knowledge and skills, vocational high school (VHS) graduates to enter the workforce after completing
their education immediately. However, in reality, the open unemployment rate of vocational high school graduates
still shows the highest number compared to other education levels. This literature review discusses employment
in Indonesia, especially for vocational high school graduates, utilizing an employee survey conducted by the
Central Bureau of Statistics. This research aims to describe and evaluate Indonesia's employment, especially in
the population who have completed vocational high school. The contribution of study to the parties involved in
making recommendations in formulating policies to improve the quality of vocational high school graduates. The
result of research, by gender, the number of unemployed male graduates is almost twice as high as that of women.
Employment opportunities which are still limited and unable to accommodate all graduates, are also thought to
be one indicator of the cause of the high rate of graduate unemployment. Based on education level, workers with
low education do not choose jobs and tend to accept available jobs. In the informal sector, the percentage of
vocational high school graduates who work is much smaller. Male workers tend to receive higher salaries than
the wages received by female workers.
Keywords - central bureau of statistics, employment, vocational high school

ID # 714
Pilgrims’ Spiritual Practices at the Tomb of
Sunan Giri During The Covid Pandemic
Mutimmatul Faidah
Home Economic Department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Sunan Giri is one of Walisongo in Java who was buried in the hills of Giri. Walisongo is the name of
nine ulama' who spread Islam in Indonesia in the 7th century AD. Walisongo is believed to have spiritual virtues
so that it becomes an attraction for spiritual pilgrimages for Indonesian Muslims to receive blessings from God.
This study aimed to describe the characteristics of the tomb of Sunan Giri and describe the pilgrims’ spiritual
practices at the tomb. This study used qualitative research with historical and phenomenological approaches. Data
were collected by using observation and documentation. The results showed that the tomb of Sunan Giri was at
the top of the hill as a symbol of the high position of Wali in front of Allah. The shape of the tomb and its
ornaments were a combination of Hindu-Islamic elements. Another finding showed that there were three types of
pilgrims namely individual, individual-lelaku (spiritual behavior), and congregational. The activities carried out
were generally reading tawassul, S. Yasin, tahil, and prayer. The purpose of the pilgrims was to pray closer to
God, get blessings, and get wasilah/intermediary so that their prayers and wishes were granted by God. Pilgrimage
was a medium for fulfilling needs, both material and spiritual. The findings of this study were the continuity of
Hindu-Islamic traditions in the form of Wali's tomb and the presence of material and spiritual dimensions in the
pilgrimage tradition.
Keywords: tomb, spiritual, pilgrimage, blessing

ID # 623
Employability Tracer Study of Cosmetology Education Graduates at the
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Dindy Megasari¹ ,*, Arita
Puspitorini², Dewi Lutfiati³
Department of Home Economics
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Email:

Abstract - This research aiims to define the employability of cosmetology education graduates at the Universitas
Negeri Surabaya. The researchers used the survey method. A total of 87.37% or 173 of the 198 graduates in the
cosmetology education study program from 2018-2020 participated in this research. The instrument that used by
the researcher for data collection is the tracer instrument for the study of faculties and study programs. The
findings reveal that 139 out of 173 or 80.34% of the respondents are already working. In addition, 121 out of 139
or 80.67% felt that the first job was related and in line tioi the progiraim the respondent toiok in colliege. It toiok
1 yeiar to less than 2 yeiars for 20.12% of respondents to get their first job. Iit took 1-6 monthis for 26.62% of
respondeints to find thieir first job. And wheni they were askied, whether thie curriculum used by the university
was relevant or not to their first job ?, most of respondents 79.14% stated that the curriculium of the study program
held at the university was relevant. Recommendations to improve the employability of the graduates produced by
universities include periodical reviewi of the curricuilum by acadeimic administrators, alumni and represenitatives
of industry to confirm thiat graduates have capability with the necessairy knowledge and ski lls requireid in the
Keywords: Cosmetology education, Employaibility tracer study, Graduiates, Universitas Negeri Surabaya.

ID # 629

The Partnership Model for The Diploma of Fashion Designer and The
Fashion Industry
1nd Ratna Suhartini* 2rd Ekohariadi 3rd Urip Wahyuningsih
Postgraduate School. Informatics Engineering Postgraduate School.
Vocational Progam Department Faculty of Vocational Progam
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Engineering Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
ratnasuhartini@unesa.ac.id Surabaya uripwahyuningsih@unesa.ac.id
Surabaya, Indonesia

4th Yulistiana 5th Yuhri Inang Prihatina 6th Ismet Basuki

Postgraduate School. Postgraduate School. Electrical Engineering
Vocational Progam Vocational Progam Department,, Faculty of
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Engineering
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
yulistiana@unesa.ac.id Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
yuhriinang@unesa.ac.id ismetbasuki@unesa.ac.is

Abstract: This study aims to describe the partnership model for diploma of fashion design and fashion industry,
which has already been implemented and describe the partnership model needed. Data is collected by interview,
observation and documentation. The results show that the partnership between the diploma of fashion design and
the fashion industry is mutually beneficial in terms of providing labour for the fashion industry and real work
practices for the fashion design diploma. The partnership model that needed is persuading to practice of fashion
design and clothing production carried out in the industry, with the lecture model carried out in the one-month
study program and in the one-month industry, learning outcomes are assessed by the industry. Internships for
lecturers are held every year for one month. Field work practices include design, clothing production, pattern
maker, and business management. Student self-development ahead of graduation, following fashion activities in
the fashion community.
Keywords - central bureau of statistics, employment, vocational high school

ID # 599
The effect of teaching materials,
implementation, evaluation, and problems on student
motivation in online learning during the COVID-19
Wahyu Dwi Mulyono Gde Agus Yudha Prawira Adistana
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty Department of Civil Engineering,
of Engineering Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia 60231 Surabaya, Indonesia 60231
wahyumulyono@unesa.ac.id gdeadistana@unesa.ac.id

Heri Suryaman
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted from classroom and face-to-face experiences to online learning.
Online learning poses challenges for students and the root of the problem lies in their internal motivation. To
analyze students' learning motivation during online learning, this study examines the effect of teaching materials,
implementation, evaluation, and constraints on student motivation. This research is an ex post facto study where
multiple regression is used to analyze the data. There are 63 respondents involved in this research, and they are
students of the undergraduate program of building construction education. Data collection using a questionnare.
The results of this study are as follows. (1) There is a simultaneous influence between teaching materials,
implementation, evaluation, and constraints on student learning motivation during online learning during the
COVID-19 Pandemic, (2) Partially each variable that has a significant effect on learning motivation is teaching
materials and implementation of learning, while evaluation and constraints have no significant effect

Keywords— Online learning, Learning motivation, COVID-19

ID # 576

Development of OBE-Based Learning Evaluation Model in Mechanical

Engineering Education Program

1st Ika Nurjannah 2nd Mochamad Cholik 3rd Muhaji

State University of Surabaya State University of Surabaya State University of Surabaya
Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Department Department Department
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
ikajannah@unesa.ac.id mochamadcholikm12@gmail muhaji61@unesa.ac.id

4th Theodorus Wiyanto 5th Diastian Vinaya 6th I Made Arsana

State University of Surabaya Wijanarko State University of Surabaya
Mechanical Engineering State University of Surabaya Mechanical Engineering
Department Mechanical Engineering Department
Surabaya, Indonesia Department Surabaya, Indonesia
theodoruswiyanto@unesa.ac.i Surabaya, Indonesia madearsana@unesa.ac.id
d diastianwijanarko@unesa.ac.i

Abstract—This study aims to determine the appropriate OBE-based learning evaluation model to be applied to
Mechanical Engineering Education undergraduate at State University of Surabaya (S1 PTM Unesa) The research
was carried out qualitatively using a development model based on a 4D model consisting of Define, Design,
Development and Dissemination developed by Thiagarajan, with a limit of 3 stages, namely the Define, Design
and Development stages. This experiment make FGD data collection method. the results of this study obtained
from learning evaluation document sheets that have been made by researchers, this results based on the analysis
of the learning outcomes of the Program Learning Outcome (PLO) for the subject. OBE-based learning evaluation
research is known to be able to improve the quality of learning, improve the curriculum, which leads to improving
the quality of graduates who are qualified and competent in the field of mechanical engineering.

Keywords— learning evaluation model, OBE, 4D Model, FGD

ID # 633

Effectiveness of Brem Production Process Through the Application Of

Brem Press Machine At Madiun Brem Smes

1st Any Sutiadiningsih 2nd Yunus 3rd Wahyu Dwi Kurniawan

Department of Family Department of Department of Mechanical
Welfare Education Mechanical Engineering Engineering
State University of State University of State University of Surabaya
Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia wahyukurniawan@unesa.ac.
anysutiadiningsih@un id

Abstract— Brem is one of the typical souvenirs of Madiun, made from fermented sticky rice essence and then
molded into rectangular pieces. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by the team
proposing this activity with partner SMEs groups, data was obtained that the problem that needed to be resolved
in the implementation of this activity was the pressing process. This is because the process of pressing the raw
material for brem (glutinous rice) to extract the juice is done manually by using simple tools such as square
wooden placemats and levers made of bamboo. This causes the process of squeezing the raw material for brem
(sticky rice) which is less hygienic and takes a relatively long time (30 minutes/5 kg). So far, this group of SMEs
often has difficulty meeting market needs due to the limitations of inadequate production equipment. The methods
used to achieve these objectives are by designing, manufacturing, assembly, function testing, handover, machine
operation/maintenance training, mentoring and monitoring. Based on the application of the machine in partner
SMEs, the result is that the process of pressing the raw material for Brem is faster. It takes 30 minutes to press 5
kg of original Brem raw material to 5 minutes. In addition, the quality of the pressing results becomes lmore
hygienic because it uses foodgrade material (stainless steel). With this activity, it indirectly participates in the
success of government programs in supporting the existence of SMEs in supporting the national economy.

Keywords— the effectiveness of the production process; pressing machine; brem.

ID # 578

An Electronic Court In The Perspective Criminal Law Reform

Vita Mahardhika
Faculty of Social Sciences and
Law, Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract- The Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) pandemic that hit Indonesia and the world demands changes
in behavior and habits in life. The education, economic, social, and even legal sectors are affected to immediately
implement new patterns in carrying out their activities. Including in the court process which was originally
conducted face to face or presenting all parties in the same room, efforts must be made to implement a new pattern
in order to minimize the spread of Covid-19. Electronic court has emerged as a new concept in the examination
of criminal cases. With the pattern of examinations carried out in separate rooms that are connected through the
media with information technology facilities, whose implementation mechanism is regulated by taking into
account the principles of criminal procedural law, it is hoped that it can fulfill a sense of justice for litigants. In
this study, we will examine how an electronic court can create a modern criminal justice system in accordance
with the concept of reforming the national criminal law. This research is a normative legal research using a
conceptual approach and legislation. From this research, it can be seen that the electronic court is not appropriate
if it is said to be a momentary reaction due to the pandemic but is a challenge of globalization for the future of
Indonesian criminal law where criminal law reform must always be responsive to the development of science and
technology in order to increase the effectiveness of its functions in society, namely law enforcement.
Keywords- Covid-19, Electonic Court, Criminal Law Reform.

ID # 624

The Favorite Vocabulary in Elementary School Student Writing of 750


Kisyani Laksono1 Endah Budi Retnaningdyah3

Agusniar Dian Zulaikah Ahmad Bayu
Savitri4 Abdullah5 Prastyo6

Abstract—Writing is one manifestation of literacy competencies. The frequently used vocabulary in

writing/reading is called favorite vocabulary. This research aims to produce (1) identification of favorite
vocabulary of elementary-school students, (2) comparison of vocabulary between early grade elementary-school
and the advanced. Documentation and comparison method are used for writings by 305 elementary school
students, consisting of 75 early grade classes and 230 advanced classes. A collection of these writings was
collected in a book entitled "My Book and My World." with the theme: Me and Books, (2) Books,
Grandma/Grandfather, and my family, (3) Books, and COVID-19. Participants came from various regions in
Indonesia. All participants used 750 words as the basis for writing length. To determine the favorite vocabulary,
we used the descriptive-quantitative method. The results showed that the favorite vocabularies of early and
advanced grade students were the same, namely in Bahasa "covid, mama, corona masker, house, papa, pandemi".
From the comparison of early grade and advanced, it appeared that there was an increase of 1,093 entries from
the initial class to the advanced class. On the other hand, "mama" vocabulary is used more than "papa." It shows
that "mama" is closer in the world of children than "papa." This article is expected to be useful for learning in
elementary school.

Keywords— favorite vocabulary, writing, elementary school, 750 words.

ID # 602

An Electronic Court In The Perspective Criminal Law Reform

Vita Mahardhika
Faculty of Social Sciences and
Law, Universitas Negeri
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract- The Corona Virus Disease-2019 (Covid-19) pandemic that hit Indonesia and the world demands changes
in behavior and habits in life. The education, economic, social, and even legal sectors are affected to immediately
implement new patterns in carrying out their activities. Including in the court process which was originally
conducted face to face or presenting all parties in the same room, efforts must be made to implement a new pattern
in order to minimize the spread of Covid-19. Electronic court has emerged as a new concept in the examination
of criminal cases. With the pattern of examinations carried out in separate rooms that are connected through the
media with information technology facilities, whose implementation mechanism is regulated by taking into
account the principles of criminal procedural law, it is hoped that it can fulfill a sense of justice for litigants. In
this study, we will examine how an electronic court can create a modern criminal justice system in accordance
with the concept of reforming the national criminal law. This research is a normative legal research using a
conceptual approach and legislation. From this research, it can be seen that the electronic court is not appropriate
if it is said to be a momentary reaction due to the pandemic but is a challenge of globalization for the future of
Indonesian criminal law where criminal law reform must always be responsive to the development of science and
technology in order to increase the effectiveness of its functions in society, namely law enforcement.
Keywords- Covid-19, Electonic Court, Criminal Law Reform.

ID # 710
Literacy Gender in Elementary School Education

Darni Yuni Lestari Putri Aisiyah Rachma Dewi

Deparment of Regional Public Administration Department of
Language and of Vocational Program Communication Science
Literature Universitas Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Negeri Surabaya Surabaya Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Indonesia putridewi@unesa.ac.id
darni@unesa.ac.id yunilestari@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—There is a lot of research on gender understanding in schools which shows that there are still teachers
who show discriminatory values, attitudes, and behaviors towards their students. The teacher's lack of awareness
and understanding of the correct gender concept is one of the causes of this bias condition. This is exacerbated
when the teachers do not realize that the behaviors that are shown are gender biased. The teachers assume that
the patterns of attitudes and behavior that are usually carried out so far are part of the community's culture which
is considered correct. The paper is written using the literature review method and a comparative study approach.
This paper describes the literacy of gender and gender-based education in Indonesia-Malaysia. In Indonesia and
Malaysia, the dominance of women in the public area, especially in the field of education, does not seem to have
had a significant impact on women's dominance in decision-making and leadership. Both countries are still
dominated by a patriarchal culture which considers that the role of leaders and decision makers is an area of the
men’s role.

Keywords—gender mainstreaming, gender literacy, educators’ gender perspective, comparative study


ID # 709
Financial Literacy Versus Digital Literacy As A Predictor Of Student
Entrepreneurs Behavior in the Era Of The Covid 19 Pandemic

1st Susanti 2st Renny 3st Han

Dwijayanti Tantri Hardini
Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Economics
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Business, Universitas Negeri and Business,
Indonesia Surabaya, Surabaya, Universitas Negeri
susanti@unesa.ac.id Indonesia Surabaya, Surabaya,
rennydwijayanti@unesa.ac.id Indonesia
4stMoh. Danang Bahtiar

Faculty of Economics and Business,

Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya,

Abstract- This study aims to analyze the entrepreneurial behavior of students who are influenced by financial
literacy and digital literacy. The population used in this study were young entrepreneurs at the Faculty of
Economics, Unesa, amounting to 400 students. Sampling using purposive sampling by determining the number
of samples using the Slovin formula with a total of 200 respondents. The instruments used in early research are
questionnaires and questionnaires. The technique used is analysis of reliability test, validity test, classical
assumption test and multiple regression test. The results showed that financial literacy and digital literacy had an
effect on student entrepreneurship behavior during the covid 19 pandemic.
Keywords—Financial Literacy, Digital Financial, Entrepreneurial Behavior

ID # 653
Improving EFL Students’ Higher Order Thinking Skills Using Reading
Arik Susanti Sarah Lailiyah
English Education English Education
Department Department
Universitas Negeri Universitas Negeri
Surabaya Surabaya
Surabaya Surabaya
ariksusanti@unesa.ac.id sarahlailiyah@gmail.com

Abstract— In 21st century, the learners must master higher order thinking skills (HOTS) to solve problems in
their life easily. This study aims to investigate whether reading strategies can increase students’ higher order
thinking skills for students. It was an experimental study that was held in MAN 1 Mojokerto, East Java Indonesia.
The participants were students in eleventh graders that was divided into experimental and control group. Both of
the group were given pre-test and post-test to know the different result of their achievement after the experimental
group was conducted treatment. The data was analyzed using SPPS. The result showed that there was a significant
different mean score of post-tests between experimental group and control group. The mean score of experimental
groups was higher than control group which show .000 level. To sum up, reading strategies can improve students’
higher order thinking skills. It is recommended EFL teachers should apply many kinds of strategies in learning
process to motivate and engage in studying English.
Keywords—Reading strategies, higher order thinking skills, improve, English

ID # 726

Self-Efication In Interpreting As a Teacher In Indonesia

Dr. Agung Listiadi, S.Pd, M.Ak Rochmawati, S.Pd, M.Ak

Doctor of Economic Education, Surabaya State Surabaya State University,
University, JL. Kampus Ketintang Fakultas JL. Kampus Ketintang
Ekonomi Unesa, Surabaya-Indonesia Fakultas Ekonomi Unesa,
agunglistiadi@unesa.ac.id Surabaya-Indonesia

Abstract-This study aims to determine the effect of perceptions of the teaching profession, self-efficacy and
learning management programs on the interests of becoming a teacher. The purpose of this study is to analyze
the effect of perceptions of the teaching profession, self-efficacy and learning management towards the interest
in becoming a teacher. Students who are interested in becoming teachers, especially in the field of accounting are
still few. One of the factors influencing students' interest to become accounting teachers is perceptions about the
teaching profession, self-efficacy and field experience programs. The interest in becoming a teacher must also
have a high sense of self-efficacy, they will try harder to complete tasks, face challenges faced and achieve
success. This research is a quantitative study with data collection techniques using questionnaires, and
documentation. The sample in this study used a saturated sample. Data analysis techniques in this study used
multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study are perceptions of the teaching profession, self-
efficacy and learning management programs simultaneously influence the interest in becoming a teacher.

Keywords: Perception of the teaching profession, Self-Efficacy, learning management, Interest in

becoming a teacher,Accounting.

ID #626

Upgrading Counselor’s Critial Thinking Skills for High School Counselors

in Surabaya to Improve Student Problem Solving Readiness during The

Ajeng Dianing Kartika Arif Hidajad Ririe Rengganis

German Department Art Department Indonesian Department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
ajengkartika@unesa.ac.id arifhidajad@unesa.ac.id ririerengganis@unesa.ac.id

Bambang Dibyo Wiyono Cindy Asli Pravesti

Counseling Department Counseling Department
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
bambangwiyono@unesa.ac.id cindypravesti@unipa.ac.id

Abstract— The optimization of counselors in high school during the pandemic must been carried out properly
based on the facts that students experience many problems both academic and non-academic during online
learning. the transition process from face-to-face learning to online learning requires students to adapt quickly to
the situation. Differences in student adaptability create problems for certain students, such as lack of motivation
to attend classes which results in decreased academic achievement. In dealing with this problem, counselors are
required to have critical thinking skills so that they can analyze the root of the problem and provide appropriate
alternative solutions for students as their counselees. Therefore, workshop is carried out with the aim of improving
the critical thinking skills of counselors in Surabaya with the hope that they will be able to optimize their role in
overcoming student problems. The workshop was followed by a focus group discussion to directly practice critical
thinking skills in mapping problems and solutions for students.

Keywords—critical thinking, counseling, online learning

ID #668
Music Scoring Training
in the Pare String Ensemble Music Community in Kediri - East Java

Raden Roro Maha Kalyana Mitta Anggoro Harpang Yudha Karyawanto Heri Murbiyantoro
Music Study Program, Sendratasik Music Study Program, Sendratasik Music Study Program, Sendratasik
Department, Faculty of Language and Arts Department, Faculty of Language and Arts Department, Faculty of Language and Arts
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
radenanggoro@unesa.ac.id harpangkaryawanto@unesa.ac.id herimurbiantoro@unesa.ac.id

Autar Abdillah Noordiana

Sendratasik Department, Faculty of Sendratasik Department, Faculty of
Language and Arts Language and Arts
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
autarabdillah@unesa.ac.id noordiana@unesa.ac.id

Abstract – Sendratasik Department, Language and Art Faculty, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, in order to carry out
the Tri Dharma of University and efforts to grow with character, it will carry out various activities that are
manifested in the form of "Music Scoring Training in the Pare String Ensemble Music Community in Kediri".
This training aims to introduce and implement digital literacy in the field of Music, namely about music scoring
using the Sibelius software. This Sibelius software is later expected to be the main provision for each individual
member of the Pare String Ensemble to develop the expected repertoire, increase professionalism in work
(especially in operating the Music Learning Management System), and can become a superior selling power in
the local, regional, even nationally. The activity of training the operation of the Sibelius software to the Pare String
Ensemble community in Kediri, East Java, clearly showed significant results, where the soft skills of members in
optimizing music technology devices were facilitated, which directly increased their productivity in carrying out
musical activities, starting from arranging songs, to creating new musical works. With the increase in the skills of
these members, it is also an investment for the Pare String Ensemble community institutionally, where the
community has competitive offers or high selling power to music services users. In the end, the goal of the Pare
String Ensemble community, Kediri – East Java to develop the existence and performance of their community,
was achieved.
Keywords - Music Scoring, training, musician, ensemble

ID #719
Utilization of QuizWhizzer Educational Game Applications as Learning
Evaluation Media
Fahmi Wahyuningsih Rr. Dyah Woroharsi P Lutfi Saksono
German Department German Department German Department
Surabaya State University Surabaya State University Surabaya State University
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
fahmiwahyuningsih@unesa.ac.id dyahworoharsi@unesa.ac.id lutfisaksono@unesa.ac.id

Suwarno Imam Samsul

German Department
Surabaya State University
Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— In order to support and facilitate online learning and evaluation activities in distance learning activities
during this pandemic, relevant media are needed. Therefore educators must be ready to use educational and
innovative learning media. Along with the rapid development of technology, many website-based applications
provide easy means in the learning evaluation process, one of which is the QuizWhizzer educational game
application. But unfortunately with the various facilities that QuizWhizzer has, it is less known and used by
teachers, including teachers who are members of the German MGMP in Surabaya. This was revealed from the
results of the questionnaire distributed. Based on the results of interviews with teachers who are members of the
Surabaya German MGMP, they are not familiar with and use this application. Therefore, practical solutions are
needed that are able to assist teachers in presenting learning materials and making evaluations of interesting,
interactive, and technology-based learning through training and mentoring. This activity aims to provide
knowledge and equip educators to be skilled in using online-based learning media. The focus of this activity is
the use of the QuizWhizzer educational game application in making interactive and fun learning evaluations for
students. The implementation method is carried out online which is divided into planning, implementation and
evaluation stages. The subjects of this training are teachers who are members of the Surabaya German MGMP.
An indicator of success is obtained when more than 85% of participants can create an account and are able to
collect assignments to create interactive quizzes with the QuizWhizzer application. Based on the results of the
responses, participants thought that this activity was very useful and was able to develop the QuizWhizzer
application for making daily, formative and summative questions for their students.
Keywords—media, quizwhizzer, learning evaluation

ID #728

Hoerbuch–Deutsch: Maerchen on Youtube as a additional material for

listening skills for students of the German Literature Study Program

1st Rr. Dyah Woroharsi P. 2nd Fahmi Wahyuningsih 3rd Lutfi Saksono
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia
dyahworoharsi@unesa.ac.id fahmiwahyuningsih@unesa.ac.id lutfisaksono@unesa.ac.id

Abstract—As is known, the Covid–19 pandemic has changed the way of teaching and learning. In learning
listening skills, many teachers or lecturers use social media such as YouTube. This study discusses the exercises
that can develop listening skills teaching materials obtained from audiobooks (Hoerbuch–Deutsch) on YouTube.
The title of the fairy tale of the audio text in the audiobook is Rotkaeppchen. Some exercises can be given to
students before, during, and after listening. The six forms of exercise being tested are: Associograms, Discussion
of the topic, Multiple–choice, True or false, W-questions about the text, Which statements are factual? To find
out students’ interest in the six forms of exercise given, students were given a questionnaire. The questionnaire
was filled out by 37 fourth-semester students of the German Literatur Study Program at Universitas Negeri
Surabaya. The questionnaire results showed that the students’ very high interest was in the forms of exercise:
Associograms (67%), Discussion of the topic (52%), and Which statements are true ? (73%). Meanwhile, the
exercises that make students uninterested are Multiple–choice (22%), True or false (45%), and W-question about
the text (19%). The data of this research are the words and sentences that were heard from the audiobook. This
descriptive qualitative research explains that the six exercises can be used in learning listening skills. The
contribution of this research helps lecturers to use types of listening skills exercises based on the of Hoerbuch–
Deutsch on Youtube.
Keywords— Hoerbuch, listening skill, exercise

Development of Research and Community Service Information
Systems (SIRIP) based on website

Nurhayati Nurhayati Sari Edy Cahyaningrum Warju

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Chemistry Universitas Negeri Suarabaya
Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Suarabaya Surabaya, Indonesia
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia warju@unesa.ac.id
nurhayati@unesa.ac.id saricahyaningrum@unesa.ac.id

Zulaikhah Abdullah Supriadi Alfi Qonitatin Wafiyah

Universitas Negeri Suarabaya Universitas Negeri Suarabaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia alfi.fifi222@gmail.com
Supriadi@unesa.ac.id Supriadi@unesa.ac.id

Abstract— The Research and Community Service Information System is a system that facilitates the collection of
research and community service data for educators in a particular agency. Information systems can save, manage,
and coordinate data and it will speed up the process of manage data compared to the manual method. This article
discusses the development of research and community service information systems that synchronizing data from
information system research and community service Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) SIMLPPM and
performance requirement Research Management Information System and Community Service of Ministry of
Research and Technology / National Research and Innovation Agency SIMLITABMAS. SIRIP was developed to
facilitate easier data access, faster data import, database management that requirements needed by each faculty so
that they can be more effective.

Keywords— Information systems; management data; research; research, community service


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