DLL - Science 5 - Q1 - W4

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School: Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by DepEd Click Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: September 18-22, 2023 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 1st QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES 1. Describe changes in materials under different conditions.
2. Cite the conditions/factors that bring about changes in materials.

A. Content Standards Materials undergo changes due to oxygen and heat

B. Performance Standards The learner uses local, recyclable solid and/ or liquid materials in making useful products.

C. Learning Investigate changes that happen in materials under the following conditions:
Competencies/Objective 1 presence or lack of oxygen
s 2 application of heat
Write the LC code for S5MT-Ic-d-2

II. CONTENT Changes in Materials Due to Heat and Oxygen

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
What’s In What’s More What’s In What I Can Do Weekly
Physical changes are caused by Directions: For the given activities, read and Directions: Identify what will happen A. Directions: Study the following objects.
forces like motion, temperature, study the situations, then answer the to the objects when heat is applied. Determine the by-product or result
and follow-up questions. Match when the material is applied with heat.
pressure. Chemical changes the materials in column A to the Remember, some
happen on a much smaller level. Activity 1 “Fire Out” products in Column B. examples of heat sources are the Sun,
Most of these changes Have you seen a fire or flame? If not, observe AB burning fuel, electric
between molecules are unseen. the fire in the picture below. 1. fish A. charcoal heater, and human body. Caution: DO NOT
Factors that affect the rate of 2. wood B. boiled egg place the actual
chemical changes 3. sugar C. dried fish materials below in direct heat like fire.
include temperature, 4. egg D. toasted bread
concentration, inhibitors, surface 5. bread E. syrup
area, and catalysts.
What’s New
Directions: Identify which among
the following activities shows Directions: The following materials
Physical Change or Chemical undergo either physical or chemical
Change when applied with heat. change.
Write PC for Physical Change Identify whether the change in the
and CC for Chemical Change. How does fire start? materials shows good or bad effects
1. Melting of candle 4. Cooking • Will fire continue its flame in the absence of on the environment.
Rice oxygen?
2. Burning of wood 5. Frying Egg • Suppose we will cover it with a basin, what
3. Boiling of water do you think will happen to the
• What are the three important things needed
for combustion to occu

Activity 2 “Fish Kill”

A fishpond owner reported that there had
been a fish kill in the pond. The
fisheries bureau investigated the incident, only
to find out that the fishpond was B. Is rusting a problem in your home? Find
overly populated. out 4 ways on how you can prevent
rusting of materials that are made of iron.
Make a list of it using the table
shown below:

• What could be the cause of the fish kill?

• What is needed in the overpopulated pond? C. Directions: List down activities that you
can do with the following materials to
save and protect the environment.
1. left-over food
2. rusted tin cans
3. empty boxes
What’s New What’s More What is It Assessment
A. Directions: Study the following situations
Let us now investigate the Activity 3 “Rusting” Changes in materials can cause a and identify what is likely to happen
changes in materials in the Observe the rusted iron nails. good or a bad effect in the when the heat is applied to the object.
presence or absence of environment. Choose the answer inside the
oxygen. Some changes in materials are good parenthesis.
for the environment. Composting, 1. The (melting, melts) of butter when left
Have you observed your mother recycling, and the use of technology out in a warm room is
slicing an eggplant? What was are some examples of the good an example of (chemical change, physical
the color of effects of the change)
the eggplant while it was being changes in materials. Composting is a 2. An ice cream cone (melting, melts) on a
sliced? What was its color after a way of decomposing plant or animal hot day is an example
few minutes? Were there any matter into fertilizer. Recycling helps of . (chemical change, physical change)
changes in the color? Did it turn lessen garbage by reusing them like 3. Charcoal (burns, burning) on the grill is
brown after slicing? plastic, an example of ______.
styrofoam, old tires, and paper. (chemical change, physical change)
• What causes the formation of rust in the iron Evaporation and condensation are 4. Frying an egg on a (heated, heating) pan
nails? forms of physical change in matter. is an example of _______.
• What shall we do with the iron nails to Evaporation is a crucial part of the (chemical change, physical change)
minimize or prevent it from rusting? water cycle. Water from all areas on B. Directions: Choose and write the letter
• What are the two factors that influence the Earth of the correct answer in your answer sheet.
formation of rust in the iron will not be recycled if it will not 1. The presence or absence of oxygen in
nails? evaporate into water vapor as clouds the materials may result in __________.
in the sky. A. the burning of the materials
Condensation is important in B. the melting of the materials
transforming water vapor to droplets C. the change in the materials
of water D. no change in the materials
stored in clouds. 2. Iron, nails, cans, and other metals with
Some changes in matter may result in iron when exposed to moisture may
negative effects like pollution, develop ___ .
destruction of habitat, and loss of A. dust
lives. Improper disposal of garbage, B. rust
harmful C. heat
chemicals, and human waste can D. fuel
cause changes. It can pollute air, land, 3. The inner part of the potatoes and
and apples change in color because of .
water. Burning of garbage materials A. water in it
releases dangerous toxic chemicals, B. chemicals in it
and C. exposure to heat
gases that contribute to the intense D. exposure to oxygen
greenhouse effect that may lead to 4. The following activities cause a change in
global matter. Which of these has a bad
warming. Smoke from the burning of effect on the environment?
fuels can cause air pollution. Cutting A. slicing fruits
down B. sewing clothes
trees is also harmful to our C. peeling vegetables
environment. It affects the quality of D. breaking empty bottles of liquor
air that we breathe. It causes a rapid 5. The following are effects in the
change in the temperature and in environment by the changes in matter.
turn changes the Which of these has a good effect on the
weather patterns, which leads to environment?
other environmental concerns. A. air pollution
Throwing into B. composting
the river the detergents used for C. deforestation
washing the clothes makes the river D. water pollution
become 6. Many families use wood as fuel in
polluted because these contain toxic cooking food. What is the bad effect on
substance. Polluted water kills living the environment of this activity?
organisms like fish, and water plants. A. deforestation
When land is dumped with garbage, B. air pollution
the C. land pollution
land becomes polluted, if this D. water pollution
happens, the polluted land will serve
as the
breeding places for pests that carry
germs, hence dangerous to human
We have to do our share in
maintaining a healthy environment.
We must
avoid too much use of electricity and
gasoline. We must also avoid burning
tires and plastics. Practices that will
produce acid rain, increase global
temperature, or deplete the ozone
layer must be minimized. No matter
how big or
small the contribution you give, what
matters most is you’ve made a
difference for
our environment.
What is It What’s More

The changes in the color of the Activity 1

inner fleshy part of the eggplant Directions: Identify which bad effect
is due to its to the environment results from the
exposure to oxygen. The same following
phenomena could also be changes in matter. Choose the letter
observed in potato, banana, of the best answer.
guava, cassava, and other fruits A. Air pollution C. Soil Pollution
and vegetables. B. Deforestation D. Water Pollution
How do you keep the eggplant 1. illegal logging of trees
from turning brown? Place in a 2. burning of wood
large bowl of 3. using plant insecticide sprays
water with a teaspoon of salt 4. dumping rusted tin cans in the sea
dissolved in it. The water should 5. making forest areas into a
be enough for all the residential lot
sliced eggplant to dip in fully.
This is to prevent the oxygen Activity 2
present in the air to react Directions: Write YES if the change in
with the chemicals present in matter in each number has a good
vegetables. effect
Another example of a change in on the environment and NO if it has a
materials when oxygen is bad effect.
present is in 1. Burning of dry leaves 2.
combustion. It occurs when Stitching holes on clothes
oxygen combines with another
substance (as fuel) and
produces fire with heat and light.
Combustion is also known as
burning. It is always
exothermic, that is, giving off
heat. In combustion, oxygen,
fuel, and heat are always
For example, when you lit a
candle, its wick burns if oxygen
and wax (candle) is
present and heat is produced.
Other examples include the
burning of wood or
charcoal for cooking and burning
of petrol or diesel to run your
If oxygen is present in a wet
material with iron, such as a nail
or steel bar, the
formation of rust occurs. It only
happens when iron, oxygen, and
water react with
one another. Rust occurs when
iron or alloys such as steel
corrode, thus rusting is
commonly known as iron or steel

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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