Vadgaon Maval

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Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri

148, NARP, Agricultural Research Station,

Vadgaon Maval

1. Year of Start : 1940

2. Contact Details :
Postal Address : Agricultural Research Station, ion, Vadgaon Maval, Tal. Maval, Dist. Pune
412 106
Phone No. : 02114-235229
Fax No. : 02114-235229
Email :
3. Objectives/Mandates :  To evolve improved, high yielding rice strains suitable for the track
having resistance to pests and diseases.
 To conduct the agronomy trials for recommending the package of
practices for high yielding varieties.
 To produce breeder, foundation and truthful seed of the improved rice
varieties to meet the demand of Government agencies, taluka seed
farms and farmers.
 To give new developed agro technologies to the farmers to boosts the
yield of rice.
 Extension activities of research to concerned
ned agencies/farmers etc.
4. Infrastructure :
Land : 18.22 ha.
Irrigation facilities : Well - 2, Farmpond - 1
5. Human Resource :
Technical Staff : SN Designation Discipline Remarks
1 Officer In-charge Agronomy Filled
Assistant Professor of
2 Agronomy Vacant
Assistant Professor of
3. Botany Filled
Junior Research
4. Botany Filled
Non-Technical Staff : SN Designation No of posts Remarks
Filled - 2
1. Agril Asstt 3
Vacant - 1
2. Sr. Clerk 1 Filled - 1
Filled - 1
3. Counter 2
Pooled - 1
4. Peon 1 Vacant -1
5. Watchman 1 Vacant -1
Filled - 5
6. Mazdoor 11
Vacant - 6
6. Research :
Varieties : 05
Recommendations : 22
7. Ongoing Research : 1.

Ongoing Research (only list of ongoing research experiments)

I. Rice Breeding
1) Short Term Programme
A) AICRP Trials-Kharif 2017 - 2
B) Maharashtra State Trials- Kharif 2017 - 10
C) Station Variety Trials- Kharif 2017 - 5
D) Product Testing Trials -Kharif 2017 (64 Entries including checks) -

2) Long Term Programme

A) Collection, maintenance and evaluation of germplasm lines - 207 Genotypes
B) Varietal Development Programme - Development of high yielding, early, long
/Medium/Small slender and scented variety of paddy with diseases & pest resistance.
C) Generation of Breeding Material - F1 - 25, F2 - 6, F3 - 12, F4 - 12, F5 - 18, F6 - 8 and F7 -
D) CMS line Development Programme - Development of long slender, CMS lines with
resistance to pest and diseases.
E) Restorer line Development Programme - Development of long slender, scented restorer
lines with resistance to pest and diseases.
F) Maintenance of Male Sterile lines - IR-58025 A / B
G) Mutation Breeding - Development of early, dwarf, scented strains of Indrayani variety
and development of dwarf, non-lodging, scented and high yielded stains of Ambemohar-
157 variety.
H) Population Development programme - A cross between blast susceptible paddy variety
Indrayani and a resistant line KJT-2 is effected to study the genetics of blast resistance in

II. Rice Agronomy

1) State Programme
a) Climate change -Studies on the effect of transplanting time of different paddy varieties in
relation to climate change
b) Integrated nutrient management- Effect of foliar application of nutrients on growth yield
and quality of paddy.
c) Organic farming - To study the effect of substitution of various on-farm organic resources
in paddy.
d) Weed management - Weed management in nursery, drilled and transplanted paddy.
e) Production technology- To compare the performance different varieties of paddy under
different levels of fertilizers during summer season.
f) Cropping sequence- Diversification of rice based cropping system with high value crops
under receding soil moisture in paddy field harvesting after November.
g) Direct seeded rice - Performance of different direct seeded rice methods in sub mountane
h) Mechanization - Performance of tractor operated seed drill in nursery of transplanted rice
and DSR.

2) AICRP Programme
a) Integrated weed management
i. Long term evaluation of different weed management practices for enhancement of the
productivity in different DSR methods.
ii. Evaluation of cultivars for weed competitiveness under puddled direct wet seeded rice.
iii. Evaluation of cultivars for weed competitiveness under aerobic rice.

b) Rice based cropping system

i. Conservation agriculture / system based management practices in rice and rice based
cropping system.
ii. Analysis of long term meteorology data (temp and rainfall) for identifying the reasons
for yield reduction.

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