100+ Spanish Countries and Nationalities in Spanish
100+ Spanish Countries and Nationalities in Spanish
100+ Spanish Countries and Nationalities in Spanish
It’s impossible to truly get to know someone without learning where they are from.
These simple words allow you to discover new cultures, explore exotic places, and
build relationships with millions of more people.
Buckle up because you’re about to discover the names and nationalities of over one
hundred countries in Spanish and English!
Plus, you can download a free nationalities list PDF at the end to take with you on
the go!
Table of Contents:
Adjective Example
Noun Example
Ella es costarricense.
She is Costa Rican.
Unlike in English, nationalities in Spanish aren’t capitalized. They do, however, have
several distinct forms.
4 Different Forms
Just like with most Spanish adjectives, nationality adjectives change depending on
who and what they are describing.
Each of the four forms has its own unique ending. However, there are several
exceptions to this rule.
1. Masculine singular -o
3. Feminine singular -a
Oftentimes, people have the same ethnicity and nationality, but this isn’t always the
Get ready to uncover American, Asian, European, Oceanic, African, and black
nationalities in Spanish!
North American Nationalities
1. Belize (Belice) – el beliceño (m.), la beliceña (f.)
José es hondureño.
Jose is Honduran.
Conocí a un boliviano.
I met a Bolivian.
El profesor es guineano.
The teacher is Guinean.
European Nationalities
28. Austria (Austria) – el austriaco (m.), la austriaca (f.)
Mi madre es austriaca.
My mother is Austrian.
Mi mecánico es un estonio.
My mechanic is an Estonian.
Es finlandés.
He is Finnish.
37. France (Francia) – el francés (m.), la francesa (f.)
Conoce al luxemburgués.
She knows the Luxembourger.
Mi enfermera es eslovaca.
My nurse is Slovakian.
Mi vecino es esloveno.
My neighbor is Slovenian.
62. United Kingdom (Reino Unido) – los británicos (m.), las británicas (f.)
African Nationalities
63. Ethiopia (Etiopía) – el etíope (m.), la etíope (f.)
Mi supervisor es nepalí.
My supervisor is Nepali.
Ella es filipina.
She is Filipino.
91. South Korea (Corea del Sur) – el surcoreano (m.), la surcoreana (f.)
Australian/Oceanic Nationalities
97. Australia (Australia) – el australiano (m.), la australiana (f.)
Mi vecino es palauano.
My neighbor is a Palauan.
SOURCE: Massive List of 100+ Spanish Countries and Nationalities in Spanish [Free PDF]
2023. február 5.