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Middle Ages and Modern Ages:

Renaissance & Industrial Revolution

Lesson 2: Historical Antecedents of Science and Technology

The middle Ages is also known as the Dark Ages due to the invasion of various Germanic
tribe on the previous domain of the Roman Empire.

Called ‘Dark Ages’ because it implies a time devoid of progress and innovation.

The Middle Ages is usually associated with the time when people were seen as
tasteless, vulgar, and old fashioned.
Alaric I king of Visigoths

Alaric I was the first king of the Visigoths, who ruled from 395 to 410
AD. He is famous for leading the sack of Rome in 410, which marked
the decline of the Western Roman Empire

Byzantine Empire
-After the collapse of the Roman Empire, only the Eastern part remained
with Byzantine as its capital.

-The peak of the Byzantine Empire was witnessed during the rule of
Emperor Justinian who was able to reclaim the land invaded by the
various Germanic tribes.
- After Emperor Justinian’s rule, the Byzantine Empire slowly declined and lost its aclaim
throughout the old world. However, developments in the fields of science and technology
continued to flourish.

The Handheld Trebuchet A tide mill in france

A counter trebuchet a larger version Various invention were also made during
oh hand held trebuchet the Middle Ages to improve Agriculture.
Atide mill in france.
Islamic Empire
During the Middle Ages, the Islamic Empire grew as one of the Largest empire in history.
Empire was estimated to have lasted from the mid-7th to the mid-13th century.
In the Islamic world of this time became notable for their innovations in the field of Science and

The holy book of the muslims, the Koran, Paper making technologies spread to different
Encouraged the development of science by parts of the world during the Middle Ages.
allowing believers to seek knowledge and
observe nature for a sign of allah through
The house of Wisdom in baghdad was built
a result of translations of greek and syriac
text to Arabic.

Belonging to the Abbasid Caliphs, Housed a

community of intellectuals and scientist and
researchers on Alchemy, Astronomy, Medicine,
Philosophy and optics.
The Golden Age of Islamic Science also began in the8th century and continued up to the 13th century.

Mathematician Muhammad ibn

Ibn AI-Haytham or Alhazen
Musa aI-Khwarizmi.

In the field of medicine, Mathematician Ibn AI-

Algebra is known to be developed by
Haytham or Alhazen laid the foundation for modern
persian scholar Muhammad ibn Musa aI-Khwarizmi.
optics when he applied the scientific
The book he manifested in his book is current principles
method for hismoptic experiments. He devised the
of algebra.
laws of refraction and performed e
Also AI-Biruni and Jabir ibn hayyan also contributed knowledge into their specific field of study

AI-Biruni Jabir ibn Hayyan

The mathematician, astronomer and geographer Jabir ibn Hayyan knowns as the ‘the father of Chemistry’
AI-Biruni devised a method of determining is believed to have authored a multitude
the radius of the earth by observing the hieght of a of books on Alchemy, cosmology, astrology,
mountain in Nandana. medicine, mysticism, and philosphy.
Medieval Europe

Around the 8th century Charles the Great or Charlemagne assisted by the english monk
Alcuin of york, founded the carolingian Empire founded the carolingian Renaissance.

Charles the Great or Charlemagne

The Vikings while known to be cruel warrior, pillagers, and skillful navigators are also credited for a
number of technological advancements.The Axe was the most commonly used weapon of vikings both
for battle and as a tool.

Modern reproduction of a Dane axe A medieval compass Crossbow

The Dane Axe was used for battles The vikings also developed a magnetic Crossbow which was considered
supposedly held by two hands. compass which uses the sun to help the an essential weapon in battle
navigate the seas
The success of the first Crusade gave Europeans a renewed sense of confidence that helped boost economic
development within the continent.
The Improvement of agricultural technology and practices, an example of which is the three-field system
improved the lives of many Europeans.

three-field system

The Translation of these works led to the rediscovery of greek philosphy. Among the most known
translator of Aristotle works were Averroes (1126-1198)And william of moerbeke (1215-1286)
The establishment of mediaval universities also allowed european and muslim scholars to meet and
exchange ideas. The blending of such ideas established the pillars of christian scholasticism.

Two main religious orders spearheaded the methodology of scholasticism throuhout Europe, namely the
Franciscans founded by St.Francis of Assisi in 1209, and the Dominicans founded by St.Dominic in 1215,

St.Francis of Assisi St.Dominic Roger Bacon Contributed to the develpoment of

moderns-day science greatest tools of scientific method.
Alchemy Astrology
Alchemy is an ancient branch of natural philosophy, Astrology is a range of divinatory practices,
a philosophical and protoscientific tradition recognized as pseudoscientific since the 18th century



he 14th century unshered in the late Middle Ages, Also known as the period characterized by intellectual
progress. During this time European universities began maturing, notably the University of paris and Oxford
They were also responsible for promoting the study of the physics of motion through mathematics.

Mathematician Nicholas Oresme Another Mathematician John Buridan

In the World: Modern Ages Renaissance
Is period from the 14th to the 17th century marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity.
The Utilization and innovation of printing, through which information was spread throughout the west, is
one of the highlights of this period.

Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press

The use of iron and steel became common in Agricultural techniques were also developed
the 15th century due to the invention of the to accumalate more income with less capital
blast furnace, a type of metallurgical furnace and manpower. Sheep farming
liquifies iron that runs directly into the
mold which creates various materials.
The construction of canal for inland transport also great harry The introduction of the wheel
began during this period though less progress in barrow and wooden tracks for mining
early modern times that sea transport led to the development a railway transportation.

Bridgewater Canal, England

Industrial Revolution
Began in the 18 century a period characterized by the shift from agricultural processes to urbanized
and industrial processes.

England is considered to be the first country to be industrialized.

Several fa tors that led to the industralization of england ,
two of which are the country large working class and its
abundant natural resources.

Arnold Toynbee

Iron and Steel Industry

Technologies of the 18th and 19th centuries involved the use of raw materials such as iron and steel in
the development of machines and infrastructures. A swedish metallurgist discovered the important role
of carbon in steel in 1750.
Depiction of iron and steel factory iron carbon phase diagram
Textile Industry
The textile industry went through important changes during the industrial revolution.

Flying shuttle Spinning jenny Spinning mule water frame

Power loom
cotton gin
Transportation Industry

engine watt's steam


Macanip, Shanin Van

Daniagel, Rowil Andrey P.
Barando, Mark Anthony M.
Lechido, Jocks G.

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