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Vinzons Ave.,Daet, Camarines Norte, 4600 Philippines


S.Y. 2021-2022
Midterm Module

GEC 1 – Understanding the Self

Lesson 6: The Physical Self
The physical self includes physical development, attractiveness and characteristics which are the
defining features about a person’s body physique, face hair, nose or the color of the skin which are
indicators of fertility and health. The society in which we live shapes us in many ways. Shaping which
may result to inevitable views that may range from positive to negative.
This lesson helps us better understand ourselves on how our physical self is being shaped by society and
how we able to care for ourselves as well as be aware of our own physical body.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. understand the physical changes that take place with the development of the primary and secondary sex
2. enhance oneself to be physical attractive.
3. improve body image and enhance self – esteem.
Preliminary Test (Answer sheet is provided on page 3)
Activity: Defining Beauty
Complete the sentences below:
1. For me, beauty means
2. A beautiful person is
3. I am beautiful because
4. List down three names of people you know who are beautiful
5. Based on the names listed in number 4, identify at least three reasons that made them beautiful person

Lesson Proper:
Physical Development
The age of puberty is the stage of physical transformation from childhood to adulthood. Puberty is the
stage of life, generally between ages of 10 and 15 years, when the reproductive organs grow to their adult
size and become functional under the influence of rising levels of gonadal hormones (testosterone in
males and estrogen in females).
Females gain weight between 7 – 25 kilos during puberty and slow down at the time of the first menstrual
period and continue until late adolescence. Male teens gain 7 – 30 kilos during puberty. As much as 25%
of the final height is gained during puberty.
In females, the budding of the breasts usually occurring at the age of 11 signals their puberty stage.
Menarche is the first menstrual period of females which happens two years after the start of puberty.
Hormones play an important role in the regulation of ovulation and fertility of females.
Two important factors that affect our physical development are the primary sex characteristics and the
secondary sex characteristics. The primary sex characteristics which are already present at birth refers to
changes of the sexual organs that are directly concerned with reproduction. Nocturnal emission for boys
and menarche for girls are indicators of readiness for reproduction.
Secondary sex characteristics refer to visible changes and features that appear during puberty which are
not directly part of the reproductive system. The development of secondary sex characteristics is usually
earlier in girls than in boys.

Boys Girls
Body becomes muscular Enlargement of breasts
Growth of body hair, including underarm, Growth of body hair, most prominently underarm
abdominal, chest hair and pubic hair and pubic hair
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the Greater development of the thigh muscles at the
femur back of femur
Greater mass of thigh muscles in front of the Greater development of the thigh muscles at the
femur back of femur
Shoulders grow broader than hips Hips grow wider than the shoulder
Lower body fat percentage than prepubescent or Change distribution in weight and fat; more
adult females or prepubescent males, on average subcutaneous fat and fat deposits, mainly around
the buttocks, thighs, and hips
Enlargement of larynx (Adam’s apple) and Voice becomes melodious
deepening of voice

Physical Attractiveness
Physical attractiveness is the degree to which a person’s physical features are considered pleasing
or beautiful which implies sexual attractiveness. Proximity, similarity, and reciprocity are some of the
factors that affect physical attractiveness. This includes universal perceptions across cultures along with
the individual’s view himself. Positive characteristics such as intelligence and honesty are also attributed
to physically attractive people.
Body Image and Self – Esteem
Body image refers to how attractive you perceive yourself. It is one part of your self – image that becomes
the focus of your attention when you reach the age of puberty where you undergo several changes as a
result of the development of secondary sex characteristics.
Body image is the major factor in self – esteem. Self – esteem is made up of the thoughts about your self –
worth and how much you feel other people value you. A person with poor self-esteem often relies on how
he is doing in the present and how he feels about himself. People with high self – esteem often tend to be
more realistic and have better knowledge of themselves. They are aware of their strengths and weakness.
Tips for Improving Body Image
1. Recognize that your body is your own, no matter what shape or size it comes in.
2. Identify which aspects of your appearance you can realistically change which you can’t.
3. If there are things about yourself that you want to change and can, do this by making goals for yourself.
4. When you hear negative comments coming from within, tell yourself to stop.
5. Try building your self – esteem by giving yourself three compliments everyday.
Supplementary Aids:
To know more about physical self, click link below:
Learning Assessment: Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.
Answer the following questions honestly.
1. As you experience the different physical changes, especially the secondary sex characteristics, how
does it affect your personality?
2. Have you ever felt discriminated because of your physical appearance? Explain.
3. Do you have poor self – esteem or high self – esteem? Explain.
4. How do you develop your self – esteem?
Tomas, Rodrigo DP., et. al., Understanding the Self (Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, 2018).
Alata, Eden Joy P., et. al., Understanding the Self (Quezon City: Rex Book Store, 2018).
Vinzons Ave.,Daet, Camarines Norte, 4600 Philippines

S.Y. 2021-2022
Midterm Module


LESSON 7: The Physical and Sexual Self
It has been believed that the sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (female or male) and
their secondary sexual characteristics. From childhood, we are controlled by our genetic makeup. It
influences the way we treat ourselves and others. Aside from our genes, our society or the external
environment helps shape our selves.
This lesson helps us better understand ourselves through a discussion on the development of our physical
and human sexual behavior.
Learning objectives:
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. explain erogenous zones.
2. characterize the diversity of sexual behavior.
3. examine one’s self on how external environment affects your sexual behavior.
Preliminary Test:
Activity: Self – Discovery
Answer the following questions cogently but honestly.
1. What comes into your mind when you talk about sex?
2. How would you characterize homosexual person?
3. How would you characterize heterosexual person?
4. Are you aware of your human sexual behavior?
5. How do you perceive sex as sacred?
Lesson Proper:
Erogenous Zones
Erogenous zones refer to parts of the body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal when
touched in a sexual manner. Some of the commonly known erogenous zones are the mouth, breasts,
genitals, and anus. Erogenous zones may vary from one person to another. Other common areas of the
body that can be aroused easily may include the neck, thighs, abdomen, and feet.
Human Sexual Behavior
Human sexual behavior is defined as any activity that induces sexual arousal. There are two major factors
that determine human sexual behavior: the inherited sexual response patterns that have evolved as a
means of ensuring reproduction and that become part of each individual’s genetic inheritance, and the
degree of restraint or other types of influence exerted on the individual by society in the expression of his
Types of Behavior
1. Solitary behavior
It involves only one individual. Self – gratification means self – stimulation that leads to sexual arousal
and generally sexual climax. Usually, most self – gratification takes place in private as an end in itself,
but can also be done in a socio sexual relationship.
2. Sociosexual behavior
Sociosexual behavior is the greatest amount of sociosexual behavior that occurs between only one male
and female. It usually begins in childhood and may be motivated by curiosity, such as showing or
examining genitalia. Coitus, the insertion of the male reproductive structure into the female reproductive
organ, is viewed by the society quite differently depending upon the spatial status of the individuals.
Physiology of Human Sexual Response
Sexual response follows a pattern of sequential stages or phases when sexual activity is continued.
1. Excitement phase
It is caused by increase in pulse and blood pressure; a sudden rise in blood supply to the surface of the
body resulting in increased skin temperature, flushing, and swelling of all distensible body parts, more
rapid breathing, the secretion of genital fluid, vaginal expansion, and a general increase in muscle tension.
2. Plateau phase
It is generally of brief duration; if stimulation is continued, orgasm usually occurs.
3. Sexual Climax
It is marked by a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure, a rapid increase in pulse rate and blood pressure, and
spasms of the pelvic muscles causing contractions of the female reproductive organ and ejaculation by the
male. Sexual climax may last for few seconds (normally not over ten).
4. Resolution phase
It is the last stage that refers to the return to a normal or subnormal physiologic state.

Supplementary Aids:
To understand more about human sexual behavior; click link below:

LEARNING ASSESSMENT: Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.
Answer the following questions honestly.
1. How does the society shape the physical and sexual characteristics and behavior of an individual?
2. How does the society affect your perspective on sexual behavior?
3. Agree or Disagree. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage among homosexuals? Why?

Tomas, Rodrigo DP., et. al., Understanding the Self (Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, 2018)
Alata, Eden Joy P., et. al Understanding the Self (Quezon City: Rex Book Store,2018).
Vinzons Ave.,Daet, Camarines Norte, 4600 Philippines

S.Y. 2021-2022
Midterm Module


LESSON 8: The Sexual Self
It has been believed that the sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (female or male) and
their secondary sexual characteristics. From childhood, we are controlled by our genetic makeup. It
influences the way we treat ourselves and others. Aside from our genes, our society or the external
environment helps shapes ourselves.
This lesson helps us better understand the meaning of sexual self – concept and its major factors on how
oneself perceive his/her sexuality. This lesson will also tackle the concepts that fall within the general
domain of sexuality.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. explain the nature, concept and meaning of sexual self – concept.
2. identify behavior towards understanding of one’s sexuality.
3. demonstrate understanding and acceptance of one’s sexual self – concept.

Preliminary Test: Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.
Short video clip viewing: Click the corresponding link and watch the video clip. After watching, make a
reflection paper. What are your thoughts about the video?
“Building Sexual Self – Esteem” at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZfVuPCOqRG

Lesson Proper:
What does it mean to be a man or woman? What does it mean to be lesbian or gay?

Sexual Self – Concept Defined

Sexual self – concept is characterized as a person’s evaluation of his or her own sexual feelings and
actions. It is defined as an individual’s evaluation of his or her own sexual feelings and actions.

A study in 2009 by Jokin De Iralawas conducted among 4,000 Filipino students from third year high
school to third year college, aimed at looking into their views on relationships, love and sexuality. The
sexual self – concept consists of four main factors:

1. Information or event (external events that affect sexual function or affect aspects of sexuality)
2. Sexual esteem (cognitive, attitudes, sexual schemata)
3. Sexual affect/feelings (feelings about sexuality and function)
4. Sexual behavior and function
Sex and Sexuality in Adolescent

Sex is a primary category of human social perception. Judging a person as a male or female has been
described as an automatic social – cognitive process that is effortless, unintended, and involuntary.

At birth, each individual is classified by biological sex. Biological sex means whether an individual is a
girl or a boy. Generally speaking, a biologically prescribed characteristic that differentiate males and
females has been defined as sex. Sex can be defined using:

1. Chromosomes (XX or YX)

2. Gonads (ovaries/testes)
3. Gonadal hormones (estrogen or testosterone)
4. Internal accessory organs (fallopian tubes, uterus or vas deferens)
5. External genitalia

Individuals with mixed sexual configurations using these different biological criteria are known as
intersexed or intersexual.

(The continuation of our discussion will be on the next module.)

Learning Assessment:
Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.

Self Discover: Answer the following questions honestly.

1. In your own words, what is sexual self – concept?

2. Do you have difficulties in accepting one’s own sexual concept that contradicts to our beliefs? Why?
Or why not?
3. In your own words, what does it mean to be a man or woman?

Tomas Rodrigo DP., et. Al., Understanding the Self(Malabon City Mutya Publishing House, 2018)


For our next module, we will discuss the following topics:

1. The Sexual Self

2. The Sexual self: sexual self – concept & sex and relationships
3. The Sexual self: sexually transmitted diseases and natural and artificial methods of contraception
Vinzons Ave.,Daet, Camarines Norte, 4600 Philippines

S.Y. 2021-2022
Midterm Module


LESSON 9: The Sexual Self

It has been believed that the sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (female or male) and
their secondary sexual characteristics. From childhood, we are controlled by our genetic makeup. It
influences the way we treat ourselves and others. Aside from our genes, our society or the external
environment helps shapes our selves.
This lesson helps us better understand the meaning of sexual self – concept and its major factors on how
oneself perceive his/her sexuality. This lesson will also tackle the concepts that fall within the general
domain of sexuality.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the student are expected to:
1. explain the difference between sex, gender and sexuality.
2. identify behavior towards understanding of one’s sexuality.
3. demonstrate understanding and acceptance of one’s sexual self – concept.

Lesson Proper:

Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation

In 2015, the eminent psychologist Dr. Margie Holmes gave the primer on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans,
Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ) issues and definitions, raising that sex is about biological dimensions of
chromosomes, gonads and hormones.

Dr. Holmes asserted that gender is psychosocial and cultural. It describes how one views him or herself
and may or may not coincide with his or her anatomy. Concepts in gender identity, gender roles, and
gender stereotypes.

Gender identity refers to the intimate knowledge and experience of the individual’s own gender. Gender
roles, roles people play according to their identified gender, refer to the societal norms relating to
perceived transsexual. In a gender – binary or heteronormative paradigm where male and female are the
only acceptable genders, transgender and transsexuals are ostracized.

Holmes studies have shown that transphobia – antagonism towards transsexuals and transgenders – is
often worse than homophobia. Seen previously as a simple matter of sexual attraction the term has now
come to include actions and behavior in response to attraction. This sexual attraction is also commonly
referred as sexual orientation.

Sexual orientation is an “enduring, emotional, romantic, sexual, or affectional attraction to another

person.” The following are the emerging nature of sexual orientation:

 Heterosexual is an attraction and behavior towards the opposite sex.

 Homosexual is an attraction to the same sex
 Bisexual is an attraction to both male and female
 Asexual is a person who do not have attraction towards any sex or gender.
 Pansexual have the ability to be attracted to anyone regardless of the sex.
 Intersexed are people who fall outside the male and female dichotomy.
Gender Identity

Gender identity is perceived as subjective and based on self – identification. It is defined as a personal
conception of oneself as male or female a blend of both or neither – how individuals perceive themselves
and what they call themselves.

Aspects of Sexuality

Sexual Pleasure
The emotional satisfaction that arises from the movement of those organs and secretions that aid the act of

Sexual Satisfaction
Feeling fulfilled and satisfied with one’s sexual life, may include both physical and
psychological/emotional satisfaction.

Sexual Desire
A motivational state that generates increased attention to sexual stimuli, and variable subjective and
physiologic arousal.

Sexual Agency
Agency is the ability to act in a way that accomplishes your goals. To have agency in an area of your life
is to have the capacity to act in a way that can produce the results you want. In sexuality, sexual agency is
composed of complex group of skills, rights and abilities. According to Madsen, sexual agency may

 The ability to define yourself sexually

 The ability to choose whether or not you want to experience sexual activity
 The ability to choose how you want to engage in sexual activity
 The ability to stop engaging in sexual act or to refuse an act that was never desired.

Your sexuality is defined by your choices and not by the perceptions of others.

(The continuation of our discussion will be on the next module.)

Supplementary Aids:

To know more about the perspectives of Eastern views of self, kindly click the link below.

LEARNING ASSESSMENT: Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.

Self Discovery: Answer the following questions honestly.

1. In your own words, what is sexual self – concept?
2. What is your sexual orientation?
3. Do you have difficulties in accepting one’s own sexual orientation that contradicts to your beliefs?
Why? Or Why not?
Tomas Rodrigo DP., et. Al., Understanding the Self(Malabon City Mutya Publishing House, 2018)
Vinzons Ave.,Daet, Camarines Norte, 4600 Philippines

S.Y. 2021-2022
Midterm Module


LESSON 10: The Sexual Self: Sexual Self Concept & Sex and Relationships
It has been believed that the sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (female or male) and
their secondary sexual characteristics. From childhood, we are controlled by our genetic makeup. It
influences the way we treat ourselves and others. Aside from our genes, our society or the external
environment helps shapes our selves.
This lesson helps us better understand the meaning of sexual self – concept and its major factors on how
oneself perceive his/her sexuality. This lesson will also tackle the concepts that fall within the general
domain of sexuality.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. explain the nature, concept and meaning of sexual self – concept.
2. analyze the effect of pornography is one’s sexual self – concept.
3. demonstrate understanding and acceptance of one’s sexual self – concept.

Lesson Proper:
Sexual Self Concept

Sexual self – concept is also referred as “sexual self – view.” It perceives how you view yourself
sexually. Men can fall in love with women and women sexually attracted to men. People who are
attracted to and love only or predominantly members of the opposite sex perceive viewing sexual self –
accordingly. Sexual self – concept is considered a multi – dimensional construct that refers to an
individual’s positive and negative perceptions and feelings about him or herself as a sexual being. It is a
complex mix of physiological, interpersonal, cultural, emotional, and psychological factors.

There are three (3) aspects of sexual self – conept.

1. Sexual Self – esteem

The sexual self – esteem is the feeling of self – worth in sexual situations. It tends to positively
evaluate one’s own capacity to engage in healthy sexual behaviors and to experience one’s sexuality in a
satisfying and enjoyable way.
2. Sexual Anxiety
Sexual anxiety tends to feel tension, discomfort, and anxiety about the sexual aspects of one’s
life. According to the study, traditional sex role propose that open expressions of sexuality are seen as
shameful for women who are not married, (or at least not strongly committed), married and strongly
committed women are expected to yield to their male partners’ sexual desires, becoming capable sexual
counterparts who are able to satisfy their partners.
3. Sexual Self - exploration
Scientific studies are replete with data suggesting that most teenagers admit that they are too
young to engage in sexual intercourse. But between the compelling nature of the sex urge and immense
social pressure, many teenagers succumb, often times ruining their first sexual experience on account of
their inexperience and the guild often times associated with under – aged and/or premarital sex.
Sex and Relationships

Emerging sexual trend

 Partner Swapping – Swinging, sometimes called wife swapping or partner, is a non –

monogamous behavior in which both singles and partners in a committed relationship engage in
sexual activities with others as recreational or social.
 Orgies – These are parties where people engage in unrestrained intimacy with each other. It
happens with both strangers and known people.

The Online Space

Pornography is the portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual arousal. Pornography may
be presented in a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photographs, sculpture,
drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, writing, film, video, and video games.

Education, Guidance, and Support

 Developing a sexual self – concept is an important developmental task of adolescence. However,

little empirical evidence describes this development, nor how these changes are related to
development in sexual behavior.

(The continuation of our discussion will be on the next module.)

Learning Assessment: Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.

Answer the following questions honestly.

1. How do you view your sexual self-according to your sexual self – concept?
2. In your own words, what can you say about the effect of pornography towards the sexual self – concept
of an individual?
3. What is your perspective on the pornography and emerging sexual trend?


Creative Work: In one long bond paper, create a motivational artwork that will raise the awareness of
students on the negative effects of pornography. Indicate a short explanation on your piece.

Tomas Rodrigo DP., et. Al., Understanding the Self(Malabon City Mutya Publishing House, 2018)
Vinzons Ave.,Daet, Camarines Norte, 4600 Philippines

S.Y. 2021-2022
Midterm Module


LESSON 11: The Sexual Self: Sexually Transmitted Disease and Natural And Artificial Methods of


It has been believed that the sex chromosomes of humans define the sex (female or male) and
their secondary sexual characteristics. From childhood, we are controlled by our genetic makeup. It
influences the way we treat ourselves and others. Aside from our genes, our society or the external
environment helps shapes our selves.
This lesson helps us better understand the meaning of sexual self – concept and its major factors on how
oneself perceive his/her sexuality. This lesson will also tackle the concepts that fall within the general
domain of sexuality.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

1. explain the effects of sexually transmitted diseases.

2. appreciate the importance of knowing the different STDs and methods of contraception.
3. differentiate natural and artificial methods of contraception.

Lesson Proper:

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected
person through sexual contact. STDs can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. You can get a
sexually transmitted disease from sexual activity that involves mouth, anus, vagina, or penis.

One of the leading STDs worldwide is Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), which is caused
by HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus attacks he immune system making the individual
more prone to infections and other diseases. The virus survives throughout the body but may be
transmitted via body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. AIDs occurs in the
advanced stage if HIV infection.

Aside from HIV and AIDS, there are other sexually transmitted diseases in humans.
1. Chlamydia is bacterial infection that is easily cured with antibiotic medicine. It is one of the most
common STDs, and most people who have chlamydia don’t show any symptoms. Chlamydia spreads
through vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The infection is carried in semen (cum), pre – cum, and vaginal fluids.
Chlamydia an infect the penis, vagina, cervix, anus, urethra, eyes, and throat.
2. Genital Warts are common and are caused by certain types of HPV or Human Papillomavirus. It can
be annoying, but they’re treatable and are not dangerous. It can be passed on by having skin to skin
contact with someone who is infected.
3. Gonorrhea is a very common sexually transmitted infection, especially for teens and people in their
20s. Gonorrhea is sometimes called “the clap” or “the drip” or “tulo” in tagalog. It spreads through
vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The infection is carried in semen (cum), pre – cum, and vaginal fluids. Most
people with gonorrhea don’t have any symptoms and feel totally fine.
Natural and Artificial Methods of Contraception
Natural method

The natural family planning methods do not involve any chemical or foreign body introduction
into the human body. People who are very conscious of their religious beliefs are more inclined to use the
natural way of birth control and others follow such natural methods.

 Abstinence – this natural method involves refraining from sexual intercourse and is the most
effective natural birth control methods with ideally 0% fail rate. It is considered to be the most
effective way to avoid STDs.
 Calendar Method – this method is also called the rhythm method. It entails withholding from the
coitus during the days that the woman is fertile. According to the menstrual cycle, the woman is
likely to conceive three or four days after ovulation
 Coitus Interruptus – is one of the oldest methods that prevents conception. A couple still goes
on with coitus, but the man withdraws the moment he ejaculates to emit the spermatozoa outside
of the female reproductive organ. A disadvantage of this method is the pre – ejaculation fluid that
contains a few spermatozoa that may cause fertilization.

Artificial method

 Oral Contraceptives – also known as the pill, oral contraceptives contain synthetic estrogen and
progesterone. Estrogen suppress the Follicle Stimulating Hormone and LH to prevent ovulation.
 Vaginal Ring – the vaginal ring releases a combination of estrogen and progesterone and it
surrounds the cervix. The silicon ring is inserted into the female reproductive organ and remains
there for three weeks and then removed on the fourth week as menstrual flow would occur.
 Male Condom – the male condom is a latex or synthetic rubber sheath that is placed in the erect
male reproductive organ before penetration into the female reproductive organ to trap the sperm
during ejaculation. Male condoms have an ideal fail rate of 2% and a typical fail rate of 15% due
to a break in the sheath’s integrity.
 Female Condom – female condoms are made up of latex rubber sheaths that are pre – lubricated
with spermicide. They are usually bound by two rings.

Supplementary Aids:

To understand more about STIs, click link below:


Learning Assessment: Answer the following questions in one long bond paper or yellow pad.

Answer the following questions honestly.

1. What is/are the importance of studying different STDs as an individual?

2. In your own words, differentiate natural and artificial methods of contraception?
3. For you, what is the better method of contraception?

Activity: Creative Work. In one long bond paper create a diagram on how to prevent Sexually
Transmitted Infections. Indicate short explanation.

Hyperlink: For our next lesson, we will discuss Social Self.

Tomas, Rodrigo DP., et. al., Understanding the Self (Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, 2018)
Alata, Eden Joy P., et. al., Understnding the Self (Quezon City: Rex Book

Prepared by:

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