The ability of an organism to produce new offspring of its own type is
called reproduction.
It is a unique characteristic of life as it is not essential for the survival
of the individual unlike other characteristics of life; it is however,
required for the survival of the species.
Without reproduction, the species will cease to exist if all of the
members of present generation have died.
It guarantees the transmission of genetic material of one generation
to the other generation.
Reproduction is a fundamental process and seen in all organisms.
412 | P a g e
The testes are male gonads which are situated outside the abdomen The process of
within a skin pouch called scrotum. spermatogenesis
Each testis is divided into 250 to 300 lobules. takes place here
Each lobule contains one to four tightly coiled seminiferous tubules. in the
Leydig cells also
Accessory called as the
ducts interstitial cells are
present between
the seminiferous
vas ductus ejaculatory
epididymis urethra tubules which
effrentia deferens duct
produce male sex
Once spermatozoa are produced, they move through the testosterone.
seminiferous tubules and enter a tubular network called the rete About 10 to 20
testis for further maturation. vasa efferentia
The spermatozoa are transported out of the testis by a series of collect sperms
efferent ductules. from inside the
The epididymis is coiled on the outer surface of the testis. testes and transfer
The epididymis functions in the transport and storage of the sperms. them to the
Epididymis opens into another duct called ductus deferens (sperm epididymis.
duct or vas deferens) which joins with the duct of the seminal vesicle The epididymis
to form the short ejaculatory duct. Each ejaculatory duct enters the rests on the
prostate gland, where it empties into the urethra. backside of each
Urethra is also called urinogenital duct as it carries urine as well. testis.
Most of the
consists of the
highly coiled duct
of the epididymis
with an uncoiled
length of about 6
m (20 feet).
Its functions are
the transport and
storage of the
sperms. Here the
sperms are stored
they gain the
The human penis consists mainly of tissues that can fill with blood to ability to swim.
cause an erection. Vas deferens
starts from the
epididymis moves
413 | P a g e
ACCESORY GLANDS deep into the
pelvic cavity.
The urethra is the
Accessory terminal portion of
glands the male duct
system. It opens
to the outside at
seminal bulbourethral the external
prostate gland
vesicles glands urethral orifice and
conveys both
A pair of seminal vesicles is located at the junction of sperm duct urine and semen.
and ejaculatory duct. The Seminal
The prostate gland encircles the urethra just below the bladder. Vesicles provide
an alkaline fluid
A pair of bulbourethral glands (Cowper's gland) is situated at the
junction of ejaculatory duct and urethra.
fructose sugar,
ascorbic acid, and
Why are the testes located outside the abdominal cavity? a coagulating
enzyme called
The testes work best at temperatures slightly less than core body vesiculase, as well
temperature. as other
The optimum temperature for sperm development is about 35°C. substances that
enhance sperm
SEMEN motility thus
improving their
Semen is a white, sticky mixture of sperm and secretions of fertilizing power.
accessory glands. The Prostate
The liquid substance in the semen provides nutrients and protection encircles the
to sperms and acts as a transport medium for sperms. urethra just below
Prostaglandins in semen decrease the viscosity of mucus guarding the bladder. Its
the entry (cervix) of the uterus and stimulate reverse peristalsis in secretion is a
the uterus, facilitating sperm movement through the female milky, slightly
reproductive. acidic fluid that
The amount of semen propelled out of the male duct system during contains citrate as
ejaculation is about 2-5 ml and there are between 20 to 150 million a nutrient source
sperm per ml. and several
Epididymis especially
It is a long-coiled tube that rests on the back side of each testis. Cowpers' gland
secretes mucus
It stores and transports sperms.
and an alkaline
Here sperms also get mature.
fluid into the
urethra. The
Vas deferens: alkaline fluid
neutralizes the
It is a long muscular tube that travels from epididymis into the pelvic acidity of urine in
cavity to just behind the bladder. the urethra.
414 | P a g e
Ejaculatory duets The Bulbourethral
Glands produce
The two vas deferens and two seminal vesicles join to form thick and clear
ejaculatory duct. mucus.
Urethra BTB
The urethra is the tube that carries urine from bladder to outside of The male
the body. reproductive
In male, it has the additional function of ejaculating semen during system performs
sexual excitement. following main
Therefore, urethra is also called urinogenital duct. functions:
To produce,
Copulatory Organ (Penis) maintain and
transport semen
(sperms + fluids).
It is the male organ used in sexual intercourse (used to transfer the
sperms into the female reproductive tract). To discharge
semen within the
The skin of penis is loose and elastic to accommodate changes in
penis size during an erection.
reproductive tract
The penis consists mainly of tissues that can fill with blood to cause
during sexual
an erection.
To produce and
Human sperm secrete male sex
It has a head with a diameter of about 2.5um. responsible for
It contains a large nucleus with little cytoplasm and acrosome. maintaining the
The nucleus carries a haploid set of chromosomes. male reproductive
The middle piece contains mitochondria which provide energy for system.
sperm activity. Unlike the female
The tail of sperm is a flagellum which enables the sperm to swim reproductive
towards the egg. system, most part
of male
Seminal Vesicle reproductive
system is located
These are sac like pouches that attached to vas deferens near the outside of the
base of the bladder. body i.e., penis,
It produces a sugar rich fluid that provides sperms with a source of scrotum, and
energy to help them move. testicles (testes)
while some parts
Prostate glands i.e., vas deferens
and associated
These are walnut size structures that are located below the urinary glands like
bladder at both sides of urethra. seminal vesicles,
prostate gland and
Cowper's gland
are located inside
415 | P a g e
the body.
Functions of prostate gland The testes are
organs about the
Additional Nourish Protect size of large olive
Ejaculation seeds.
fluid sperm sperms
The scrotum is a
pouch like sac of
Bulbourethral glands (Cowper's gland) skin that hangs
behind and below
These are pea sized structures located on the side of urethra, just the penis.
below the prostate glands. The scrotum acts
as climate control
PTB system for the
testes, because
Functions of for normal sperm
Sertoli cells development, the
testes must be at
a temperature
nourishment slightly cooler than
liquid medium protection
to sperms the body
The sperms are then transferred to the main duct of the male The testes are
usually two in
reproductive tract, the vas deferens, which forms highly convoluted
epididymis. The sperms then pass through the urinogenital duct and
‘are discharged out. In the testes there
are coiled masses
of tubules called
This hormone is essential for the successful production of sperms
The sperms are
and controls the development of male secondary sexual
produced in these
characteristics during puberty.
About 100 million
released into the
Process of spermatogenesis is controlled by hormonal secretions vagina during
from hypothalamus and pituitary gland. intercourse, only
The hypothalamus releases gonadotropin- releasing hormone one of these will
(GnRH), which controls the release of the anterior pituitary fertilize the egg.
gonadotropins follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH). KPK
The sperm, or
FSH stimulates spermatogenesis by stimulating the sertoli cells (cell (animal seed), is a
of the testes that is part of a seminiferous tubule) to complete the very small haploid
development of sperms from spermatids.
416 | P a g e
It has a head, a
LH stimulates Leydig cells (found adjacent to the seminiferous neck, a midpiece,
tubules in the testicle) to release testosterone. Testosterone causes and a tail. The
the growth and development of germinal epithelium to form sperms. head contains the
Inhibin hormone is produced by the sertoli cells and serves to control nucleus having
the spermatogenesis at normal rate. haploid set of
When the sperm count is high, inhibin release increases and it chromosomes.
inhibits anterior pituitary release of FSH and hypothalamic release of Adhering to the
GnRH. top of the head is
When sperm count falls, inhibin secretion declines steeply. acrosome.
The lysosome-like
acrosome is
produced by the
Testosterone Golgi apparatus
and contains
male mass and fat hydrolytic enzyme
bone mass sex drive hyaluronidase
characters strength distribution
that enables the
sperm to
penetrate and
Spermatogenesis enter an egg.
The neck of sperm
is very short and
contains a pair of
The microtubules
of one of the
elongate and run
the entire length of
the tail.
It forms the axial
filament of the tail.
The middle piece
contains many
arranged spirally
around the axial
The process
begins around the
age of 14 years in
males and
throughout life.
Every day, a
Each testis consists of a highly complex duct system called
healthy adult male
417 | P a g e
seminiferous tubules, in which repeated division by the cells of the makes about 400
germinal epithelium produce spermatogonia. million sperm.
Spermatocytes which undergo meiotic division to form
secondary spermatocytes and spermatids. BTB
Eventually, the spermatids differentiate into mature sperms.
Fluid secreted by sertoli cells provides liquid medium, protection FSH and LH are
and nourishment to sperms while they are in the tubules. produced by the
pituitary gland
FTB located at the
base of the brain.
The process of spermatogenesis takes place in divide by mitosis FSH is necessary
forming a primary spermatocyte. for sperm
production and LH
is necessary to
Spermatid continue the
process of
round non-motile haploid cell
Every day, a healthy adult male makes about 400 million sperms. This process
(24-48 hours life Span) takes place in
Spermiogenesis Spermatogonia
are the outermost
cells which make
the epithelial wall
spermatid of the semniferous
sheds cytoplasm forms a tail
elongates tubules.
These cells are
just beneath the
Spermiogenesis basal lamina.
Spermiogenesis is a process in which spermatids change into spermatogonia
motile and active sperms. During this process a spermatid divide
elongates, sheds its excess cytoplasm, and forms a tail. continuously by
mitosis and, each
a spermatogonium
The reproductive role of the female is far more complex than that of a results in two
male. Not only must she produce gametes, but her body must prepare distinctive
to nurture a developing embryo for a period of approximately nine daughter cells-
months. types A and B.
The type A
daughter cell
remains at the
418 | P a g e
Female reproductive system membrane to
maintain the germ
pair of cell line.
oviducts uterus cervix vagina The type B cell
gets pushed
toward the lumen,
where it becomes
a primary
destined to
produce four
Each primary
meiosis I, forming
two smaller
haploid cells
called secondary
The secondary
OVARIES continue on
rapidly into
Ovaries are female gonads which produce ova and release meiosis II, and
hormones. The paired ovaries flank the uterus on each side and their daughter
each ovary is held in place within the peritoneal cavity by several cells, called
ligaments. spermatids are
The ovaries are almond-shaped, solid, ovoid structure measure formed. Each
spermatid is a
about 3-5 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.
round, nonmotile
Within the ovary are many tiny saclike structures called ovarian
haploid cell.
follicles each of which consists of an immature egg, called an oocyte.
Each month in adult women, one of the ripening follicles ejects its
oocyte from the ovary. This event is called ovulation. BTB
After ovulation, the ruptured follicle is transformed into a glandular
structure called the corpus luteum. There is a pair of
ovaries, which are
OVIDUCT oval- shaped and
attached to the
Fallopian tubes or oviducts form the initial part of the female duct dorsal body wall
just below the
system. They are narrow muscular tubes.
kidneys. Eggs or
They receive the ovulated oocyte and are the site where fertilization
ova develop inside
generally occurs.
the ovaries of
Each oviduct is about 10 cm long and extends near the region of an
mature female.
ovary to empty into the uterus.
There are
The oocyte is carried toward the uterus by a combination of
419 | P a g e
muscular peristalsis and the beating of the Cilia. 4,000,00 potential
(follicles) cells are
PTB already present at
birth, only about
The uterine tube opens into the uterus. 500 will ever
The fertilization of the ovum takes place in the proximal part of the become mature
oviduct. within two they
ovaries and they
UTERUS are released from
puberty to
The uterus or womb is a hollow, muscular organ, shaped somewhat
Usually, only one
like an inverted pear.
egg is released
The uterus has three portions: the fundus, the body and the cervix.
every month. The
The oviducts join the uterus just below the fundus and the opening of
ovaries take turns
the cervix leads to the vaginal canal. alternate to
The wall of the uterus is composed of three layers. release an egg.
The perimetrium is the outermost thin covering layer of uterus. The egg is
The myometrium is the middle thick muscular layer composed of spherical in shape
bundles of smooth muscle, which contracts rhythmically during and about 120µm
childbirth to expel the baby from the mother's body. in diameter,
The endometrium is the inner spongy lining of the uterine cavity. containing a large
If fertilization occurs, the young embryo is implanted into the nucleus with
endometrium and resides there for the rest of its development. haploid number of
The main functions of uterus are to receive, retain, and nourish a chromosomes.
fertilized ovum. The female
PTB system is also
under the
A placenta is established between the uterine and foetal tissues for influence of
the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, waste, nutrients and other menstrual cycle.
The uterine tube
It is a narrow entrance from uterus to vagina. contains sheets of
It is normally blocked by a plug of mucous. smooth muscle
At the lower narrow end of the uterus is a circular ring of muscle and contains both
known as cervix. ciliated and non-
Urethra and vagina have independent openings to the exterior. ciliated cells.
Non-ciliated cells
VAGINA produce a
secretion that
The vagina is a thin walled 8-10 cm long tube and extends from the keeps the oocyte
cervix to the body exterior. (and sperm, if
It is often called the birth canal as it provides a passageway for present) moist and
delivery of an infant and for menstrual flow. The urethra is embedded nourished.
420 | P a g e
in its anterior wall. KPK
It is the external genitalia.
The uterus is
DO YOU KNOW? located in the
pelvis, anterior to
The reproductive system contains 1 the largest cell of the body: the the rectum and
egg, which is about 120mu in diameter and smallest human cell: the posterior to the
sperm, about 5mu in diameter. bladder.
A female uterus is normally about 3 inches long and 2 inches wide It is about the size
which can expend up to 20 times during pregnancy. Uterus contains and shape of an
one of the strongest muscles in the female body. inverted pear.
It is a hollow,
OOGENESIS thick-walled,
muscular organ.
It is a elastic sac
of about 7.5 cm
It is the site for the
development of
the fetus.
The opening of
the vagina is
called vulva.
Semen is
deposited in the
vagina during
The process of egg formation in females is called oogenesis.
The process of oogenesis takes years to complete. First, in the fetal
period the oogonia, the diploid stem cells of the ovaries, multiply The reproductive
rapidly by mitosis and then enter a growth phase and lay in nutrient cycle in human
reserves. and other
Gradually the oogonia are transformed into primary oocytes and primates is called
menstrual cycle.
become surrounded by a single layer of follicle cells.
The first
The primary oocytes begin the first meiotic division but become
"stalled" late in prophase I and do not complete it.
begins at puberty.
They remain in their state of suspended animation all through
The uterine or
childhood, the wait is a long one-10 to 14 years at the very least!
menstrual cycle is
At puberty, a small number of primary oocytes are recruited each
a series of cyclic
421 | P a g e
month, however, only one is selected each time to continue meiosis changes that the
I, ultimately producing two haploid cells (that are quite dissimilar in uterine
size. The larger cell, which contains nearly all the cytoplasm of the endometrium goes
primary oocyte, is the secondary oocyte. The smaller cell is called through each
the first polar body. month as it
In humans, the secondary oocyte arrests in metaphase II and it is responds to the
this cell that is ovulated. waxing and
If an ovulated secondary oocyte is not penetrated by a sperm, it waning of ovarian
simply deteriorates. hormones in the
But, if sperm penetration does occur, it quickly completes meiosis II, blood.
yielding one large ovum and a tiny second polar body. These endometrial
The unequal cytoplasmic divisions that occur during oogenesis changes are
ensure that a fertilized egg has ample nutrients for its six- to seven- coordinated with
day journey to the uterus. the phases of the
Without nutrient-containing cytoplasm the polar bodies degenerate ovarian cycle.
and die. It has been
assumed that a
female's total
In females the production of egg is a cyclic activity as compared to determined by the
males, where gamete production and release is a continuous time she is born,
process beginning at puberty and lasting throughout life. and the time span
In human females, the periodic reproductive cycle is completed in during which she
approximately 28 days and involves changes in the structure and releases them
function of the whole reproductive system. It is called the menstrual extends only from
cycle. puberty to
The events of the menstrual cycle involve the ovaries (ovarian cycle) menopause, about
and the uterus (uterine cycle). the age of 50.
These are regulated by pituitary gonadotropins. Under the influence of
Based upon changes and hormonal regulation the cycle can be rising blood levels of
divided into three phases. estrogens, the basal
layer of the
Menstrual generates a new
cycle functional layer during
proliferative phase.
menstrual proliferative secretory
phase phase phase BTB
Menstrual Phase
Menstruation is
the elimination of
the thickened
lining of the uterus
and blood from
the body through
the vagina.
Menstrual fluid
contains blood,
The cycle is thus completed, and the uterus is ready to enter into the cells from the
next cycle. lining of the uterus
The human menstrual cycle generally repeats every 28 days and mucus.
although there is considerable variation in different individuals or The average
even within the same individual at different times of her age. length of this
The end or complete stop of the menstrual cycle is called phase is 5 days.
menopause, after which the female stops producing the ova.
Malnourishment and emotional stresses effect the female Follicular Phase
reproductive cycle, which may be disturbed. The cycle is not
completed in its normal 28 days. The follicular
phase starts at the
424 | P a g e
Effects of releases a
herpes chemical called
releasing hormone
Individuals Infants
This hormone
stimulates the
pituitary gland to
Eye CNS produce raised
Soreness Ulcers
infection damage levels of
hormone (LH) and
AIDS FSH within two
days, ovulation is
AIDS is one of the most serious, deadly diseases in human history. triggered by the
More than 20 years ago, doctors in the United States identified the high level of LH.
first cases of AIDS in San Francisco and New York. The egg is
Now there are an estimated 42 million people living with HIV or AIDS funneled into the
worldwide, and more than 3 million die every year from AIDS-related fallopian tube and
illnesses. AIDS is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus toward the uterus
(HIV). by waves of small
HIV destroys a type of defense cell in the body called a CD4 helper hair like
lymphocyte. projections.
These lymphocytes are part of the body's immune system, the The life span of
defence system that fights infectious diseases. But as HIV destroys the typical egg is
these lymphocytes, people with the virus begin to get serious only around 24
infections that they normally wouldn't- that is, they become immune hours.
deficient. The name for this condition is acquired immunodeficiency Fallopian tubes are
syndrome (AIDS). about 12cm long and
As the medical community learns more about how HIV works, wide as a sewing
they've been able to develop drugs to inhibit it (meaning they needle.
interfere with its growth). These drugs have been successful in
slowing the progress of the disease, and people with the disease Luteal phase
now live much longer. But there is still no cure for HIV and AIDS.
HIV can be transmitted from an infected person to another person During ovulation,
through blood, semen vaginal fluids, and breast milk. the egg bursts out
The virus is spread through high-risk behaviors including immoral from its follicle, but
sexual behaviour, sharing needles, such as needles used to inject the ruptured
drugs, needles used for injecting steroids and those used for follicle stays on
tattooing. the surface of the
People who have another sexually transmitted disease, such as ovary for the next
syphilis, genital herpes, gonorrhea, or bacterial vaginosis are at two weeks or so.
greater risk for getting HIV. The follicle
If a woman with HIV is pregnant, her newborn baby can catch the transforms into the
virus from her before birth, during the birth process, or from breast structure called
feeding. corpus luteum.
This structure
starts releasing
426 | P a g e
FTB progesterone
along with small
amounts of
The main cause of HIV transmission is that it is a worldwide sexually estrogen.
transmitted sease. As per HIV fact sheet November 2016 released The combination
by, there are 36.7 million people living of hormones
with HIV or AIDS worldwide in 2015. maintains the
thickened lining of
About 35 million people have died from AIDS-related illness since the uterus of
the start of the epidemic till 2015. Every year since 2010, around 1.9 fertilized egg
million adults have become newly infected with HIV. implants in the
lining of the
KPK uterus.
It produces the
hormones that are
it can be contracted congenitally from an infected mother. Fetuses necessary to
infected with syphilis are usually stillborn or die shortly after birth. maintain the
The bacterium easily penetrates intact mucosae and abraded skin. corpus luteum.
Within a few hours of exposure, an asymptomatic body wide It induces human
infection is in progress. chorionic
After an incubation period of two to three weeks, a red, painless (hCG), the
primary lesion called a chancre (shang'ker) appears at the site of hormone that is
bacterial invasion. In males, this is typically the penis, but in females detected in urine
the lesion often goes undetected within the vagina or on the cervix. test for pregnancy.
The chancre ulcerates and becomes crusty; then it heals If pregnancy does
spontaneously and disappears within a few weeks. not occur, the
corpus luteum
If syphilis is untreated, its secondary signs appear several weeks degenerates
later. usually during day
A pink skin rash all over the body is one of the first symptoms. 22 after
Fever and joint pain are common. menstrtryuation.
These signs and symptoms disappear spontaneously in three to The drop in
progesterone level
twelve weeks. causes the lining
Then the disease enters the latent period and is detectable only by a of the uterus to fall
blood test. away.
The latent stage may last a person's lifetime (or the bacteria may be This is known as
killed by the immune system), or it may be followed by the signs of menstruation. The
cycle repeats.
tertiary syphilis.
Tertiary syphilis is characterized by gummas, destructive lesions of
the CNS, blood vessels, bones, and skin. Penicillin is still the
treatment of choice for all stages of syphilis. KPK
Bacterium invades
BTB the mucosae of
the reproductive
It has three stages, which are typically separated by latent periods. and urinary tracts.
In the primary stage, a hard chancre (ulcerated sore with hard The most common
symptom of
edges) appears. In the secondary stage, rash appears all over the gonorrhea in
body. males is urethritis,
During the tertiary stage, syphilis may affect the cardiovascular and accompanied by
nervous system. Syphilis is a very devastating disease. Control painful urination
and discharge of
427 | P a g e
depends on prompt and adequate treatment of all cases being pus from the
treated with antibiotic therapy. penis.
Symptoms vary in
women, ranging
BTB from none (about
20% of cases) to
AIDS is a major global public health issue. There are approximately abdominal
38 million people living with HIV at the end of 2019. Over two thirds discomfort,
of all people with HIV infection live in African region (26 million). HIV vaginal discharge,
abnormal uterine
can be diagnosed through rapid diagnostic tests. However, there is bleeding, and
still no cure for AIDS. occasionally,
If you require acupuncture, ear, piercing, nose piercing, etc. You urethral symptoms
should go to reliable operators and make sure that needles used are similar to those
sterilized or insist on using disposable instruments. Blood of donor seen in males.
must be screened before transfusion. Untreated
gonorrhea can
Use disposable syringes and sterilized operation tools for surgery. cause urethral
constriction and
inflammation of
the entire male
duct system.
In women, it
causes pelvic
disease and
sterility. It can be
treated by
tetracycline, and
certain other
There is no blood
test to diagnose
gonorrhoea. In
male, typical
symptoms are
pain upon
urination and a
thick greenish
yellow urethral
Gonorrhoea can
spread to internal
parts of the body,
causing heart
damage or arthritis.
428 | P a g e
429 | P a g e
power in the form of NADPH (NADPH + H+) and ATP, are formed,
both temporarily storing energy to be carried along with H to the light
independent reactions.
Dark reactions
The products of light reactions, NADPH provides energized electron
(and H+), while ATP provides chemical energy for the synthesis of
sugar by reducing CO2, using reducing power and chemical energy
of NADPH and ATP respectively, produced by light reactions.
The energy is thus stored in the molecules of sugar. This phase of
photosynthesis is also called dark reactions because these reactions
do not use light directly and can take place equally well both in light
and dark provided NADPH2 and ATP of light reactions are available.
Dark reaction takes place in the stroma of chloroplast.
Components of photosystems
Each photosystem consists of a light gathering antenna complex and
a reaction centre.
Antenna complex
Reaction centre
It is the central part of photosystem.
It also contains associated proteins which are responsible for
deviation of spectrum of PS-1 and PS-2.
See how the light is absorbed by the pigment molecules and then
transferred from one molecule to other and finallyreaches the
reaction centre where this light energy is converted into the chemical
Since chlorophyll a generally has an optimal absorption wavelength
of 660nm, it associates with different proteins in each type of
photosystems to slightly shift its optimal wavelength producing two
distinct photosystem types i.e., photosystem-I (PS-I), photosystem-II
These photosystems are named according to their order of
The stomata covers over only 1-2% leaf surface.
Air contains about 0.03-0.04% of CO2.
178 | P a g e
This CO2 is used by terrestrial plants while aquatic plants use CO2
dissolved in water as carbonates.
Light Reactions
Light dependent phase of photosynthesis involves the absorption of
light by the photosystems, excitation and flow of electrons through
an electron transport chain chemiosmotic synthesis of ATP, and
reduction of NADP to NADPH.
The flow of excited electrons through an electron transport chain
during light reaction is of two different types
Non-cyclic phosphorylation
Cyclic phosphorylation
This production of ATP during light reaction is called
photophosphorylation and the mechanism is called chemiosmosis.
Photosystem-I can absorb maximum wavelength of 700nm while
photosystem-II can absorb 680 nm.
Non-cyclic photophosphorylation.
In non-cyclic electron flow, the excited electrons after leaving a
particular photosystem do not comeback, these electrons after losing
their energy are incorporated into another molecule.
The events of non-cyclic photophosphorylation are continuous but
here they are discussed in steps for convenience:
Cyclic photophosphorylation
In the cyclic photophosphorylation the excited electrons after leaving
a particular photosystem finally come back to their photosystem
Requirements H2O
Products ATP
182 | P a g e
These products are transported from grana to stroma for use in dark
Stroma of
Dark reaction
The reaction that do not require light directly and can occur in the
presence and absence of light.
Energy of ATP and NADPH of light reactionsis used in the formation
of carbohydrate from CO2and thus stored there in.
Calvin Cycle
The cyclic series of reactions, catalysed by respective enzymes, by
which the carbon is fixed and reduced resulting in the synthesis of
sugar during the dark reactions of photosynthesis is called Calvin
183 | P a g e
They used
isotope of C14 in
Phases of Calvin
Regeneration of
Carbon fixation Reduction CO2 acceptor
1.Carbon Fixation
Because the product of initial carbon fixation is a three - carbon The six carbon
compound, the Calvin cycle is also known as C3 pathway. intermediate
molecule is called
PTB intermediate
because it exists
It is the most abundant protein in chloroplasts, and probably the
for such a brief
most abundant protein on Earth.
Chloroplast contains 16% rubisco.
The whole process of Calvin cycle indicates that there are three
molecules of CO2, six molecules of NADPH (reducing power) and
nine molecules of ATP (assimilating power) are used to release just
one molecule of G3P form the cycle
However, in order to produce a glucose molecule, two molecules of
G3P are required. The overall process of Calvin cycle can be
represented as:
186 | P a g e
Steps of Calvin cycle Number of ATP and NADPH
1. Carboxylation Zero
2. Reduction 2+2 = 4
3. Regeneration 1 ATP+ zero NADPH
6 CO2
Inputs 18 ATP
Calvin cycle
Outputs 18 ADP
Anaerobic respiration
Anaerobic respiration takes place in many microorganisms (bacteria,
yeast), muscle cells of vertebrates and in the cells of higher plants.
Anaerobic respiration is incomplete breakdown of glucose in the
absence of oxygen. It is also known as fermentation.
There are two pathways of anaerobic respiration depending upon the
nature of final products i.e.
Lactic acid fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation
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as it is needed.
The accumulation of lactic acid causes muscles fatigue i.e., muscles
become unable to contract and begin to ache.
C6H12O6+ 2NAD+2C3H4O3 +2NADH + 2H+
2C3H4O3+2NADH+ 2H+2C3H4O3+2NAD+
Alcoholic fermentation
In primitive cells and in some eukaryotic cells such as yeast, pyruvic
acid is further broken down by alcoholic fermentation into alcohol
(C2H5OH) and CO2.
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energy of the organic molecules to the chemical bonds of ATP.
A large “battery” of enzymes and coenzymes slowly release energy
from the glucose molecules.
Thus mitochondria are the “power houses” that produce energy
necessary for many cellular functions.
Functions of ATP
Biological oxidation
The maintenance of living system requires a continual supply of free
energy which is ultimately derived from various oxidation reduction
Except for photosynthetic and some bacterial chemosynthetic
processes, which are themselves oxidation reduction reactions, all
other cells depend ultimately for their supply of free energy on
oxidation reactions in respiratory processes.
In some cases biological oxidation involves the removal of hydrogen,
a reaction catalysed by the dehydrogenases linked to specific
Cellular respiration is essentially an oxidation process.
Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose up to the formation of pyruvic
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Glycolysis can take place both in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic
condition) or in the presence of oxygen (aerobic condition).
In both, the end product of glucose breakdown is pyruvic acid.
The breakdown of glucose takes place in a series of steps, each
catalysed by a specific enzyme.
All these enzymes are found dissolved in the cytosol. In addition to
the enzymes, ATP and coenzyme NAD (nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide) are also essential.
Phases of glycolysis
It can be divided into two phases.
Preparatory phase
In this phase energy is expended. Two ATPs are consumed and its
final products are two molecules of G3P.
Oxidative Phase
Pyruvic acid (pyruvate), the end product of glycolysis, does not enter 1,3-
the Krebs cycle directly but they undergo an intermediate phase Bisphosphoglycer
called oxidation of pyruvate or link reaction as it links the glycolysis ate (BPG) is also
with Krebs cycle. called as
It is also called transition reaction. diphosphoglycerat
The pyruvate (3- carbon molecule) is first changed into 2-carbon e (DPG).
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Steps KPK
Kreb’s cycle
This cycle was discovered by British Scientist Sir Hans Krebs,
therefore called as Krebs cycle.
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It is also called the Citric Acid Cycle or Tri Carboxylic Acid (TCA) It takes place in 2
cycle because the first compound which is formed in the cycle is stages.
citrate (Citric acid) that contains three carboxylic acid groups. 1. Oxidation of
pyruvic acid to
form Acetyl
Coenzyme A
It is an oxidation
reaction in which
electrons are
removed from
pyruvate by
that uses NAD as
a coenzyme.
This reaction
occurs twice for
each original
glucose molecule.
2. Oxidation of
Acetyl Coenzyme
It takes place
through Krebs
Coenzyme A consists
of a nucleotide and a
portion of one of the
PTB vitamins B.
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Oxidative decarboxylation
The product then has one carbon atom and one oxygen atom less. It
is succinate.
The conversion of a-ketoglutarate into succinate is accompanied by
a free energy change which is utilized in the synthesis of an ATP
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Formation of ATP
Dehydrogenation / Oxidation
Succinate undergoes dehydrogenation/oxidation to form fumarate.
The hydrogen and electrons which are released from succinate are
taken up by FAD to form FADH2.
The next step in the Krebs cycle is the oxidation of succinate to
Once again, two hydrogen atoms are removed, but this time the
oxidizing agent is a coenzyme called flavin adenine dinucleotide
(FAD), which is reduced to FADH2.
2 Acetyl groups
Krebs cycle
4CO2 The energy of
substrate used in
the generation of
4ATP ATP is called as
Output substrate level
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1. Middle lamella 2. Primary wall 3. Secondary wall Cell wall was
Discovered by
Robert Hook in
Middle lamella 1665
Middle lamella is present between adjacent primary walls of two
cells. Uses of cellulose in
Primary wall 1) Nitrocellulose:
Primary wall is a true wall and develops only in a newly growing Used as
cell. explosives.
It is composed of cellulose, pectin and hemi-cellulose. 2) Rayon:
Cellulose fibrils are arranged in a criss cross manner (right angle Used in textile
to each other) fibers.
3) Cellophane:
Secondary wall Partially
Secondary wall is formed between primary wall and plasma permeable
membrane (on inner surface of primary wall) membrane.
4) Paper making:
It is rigid and thick
5) Celluloids and
It is composed of inorganic salts (Ca+2, Mg+2, K+ etc) silica, waxes,
cutin and lignin.
As plastic.
Cell wall provides definite shape and it is rigid.
Cell wall contains pores through which substances pass through
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freely and is called as freely permeable membrane. (Don't act as Thickness of
barrier) primary wall,
Cell wall maintains cell shape provides protection and mechanical secondary wall and
support. middle lamella
Middle lamella:
PTB 1 µm
Middle lamella is the first layer to be formed between the primary Primary cell
walls of neighbouring cells. wall:
1 – 3 µm
FTB Secondary wall:
The primary cell wall is present inner to middle lamella. 5 – 10 µm
Primary wall is thin and flexible.
Primary wall stretches plastically i.e., irreversibly.
Secondary wall is dead and is found in sclerenchyma cells.
Secondary wall develops only when cell reached its maximum
size. (growth is complete)
Lignin in secondary wall is responsible for rigidness and anchors
cellulose microfibrils.
Middle lamella is composed of calcium and magnesium salts of
pectic acid and pectin (protein)
Middle lamella is cementing material or substance.
Both primary and secondary walls are crystalline and optically
Cell wall prevents over- expansion.
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kinds of
Chemical composition of cell membrane
2. Intrinsic or
Protein (e.g.,
Proteins 60 – 80 Lipids 20 – 40% Carbohydrates permease)
(small amount) 3. Extrinsic or
protein (e.g.,
Functions of cell membrane
One of the most important function of cell- membrane is to control
transport of material across it.
Lipid bilayer
Cell membrane allows only selective substances to pass through it;
makes the layer
therefore, it is known as selectively or differentially permeable
Non-polar or neutral substances can easily across the membrane
It allows only
e.g. gas molecule, water, glucose etc.
selective material
to pass through it.
Two layers of lipid
Transport molecule
Suggested by
Garter and
Passive Active
Grendel in 1925.
Unit membrane
No use of
Use of ATP Bulk transport model was given
From lower to by Robertson in
higher concentration 1959.
Uphill movement Endocytosis Exocytosis
Transport through
Facilitated Na+ - K+ pump membrane is
Taking in Taking out
dynamic structure.
substances in substances in Membrane
the form of the form of
Movement from vesicles vesicles. carbohydrate
higher to lower responsible for
concentration Membrane
through a semi- surface area is pinocytosis
permeable decreased
Phagocytosis Pinocytosis phagocytosis are
(cell surface
Taking in solid Taking in liquid
substances substances
Unit membrane model:
According to this model, lipid bilayer is sandwiched in between
inner and outer layers of proteins.
This basic earlier model is present in all cellular organelles.
Modern technology rejected this model.
Cell membrane also contains charge pores through which
movement of material takes place both by active and passive
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It regulates the flow of material and ions to maintain definite
Small molecules can easily cross the membrane.
Ions being charged particle have difficulty in crossing.
Many substances which are not needed constantly enters the cell
by passive transport while others are taken up by active transport
Cell membrane helps to take material by enfolding in the form of
In nerve cell (neuron), the cell membrane transmits nerve impulses
from one part of body to other to keep co-ordination.
Carbohydrates are in the form of conjugated glycolipids,
glycoproteins in cell membrane.
Glycoproteins and glycolipids are cell surface markers which help
to recognize, stick and connect two cell together.
Cell Cell
Plasma Biological Cell surface
Plasmalemma membrane of membrane of
membrane membrane membrane
muscle neuron
Sarcolemma Neurolemma
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The living contents of the eukaryotic cell are divided into nucleus and
cytoplasm, the two collectively called protoplasm.
Cytoplasm is the region between nuclear membrane and plasma
Functions BTB
1. Store house of vital chemicals: The word
Useful substances used in various cellular activities. e.g. cytoplasm literally
means living gel
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glycogen of cell
Waste compounds are removed out of the cell time to time. Cytoplasm
2. Metabolic activities: contains both
Many important metabolic reactions take place in cytoplasm organic and
e.g., glycolysis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis etc. inorganic
Cytoplasm of
Cellular eukaryotes
Eukaryotic cell organelles maintains shape
Cytoplasm Insoluble of cell by
wastes organelle like
inclusions cytoskeleton
Storage present inside it.
Soluble part of cytoplasm cytosol forms the ground of cytoplasm and
is 90% water.
Cytosol contains all the fundamental molecules of life.
Sugar, amino Non-viscous
True solution
acids, vitamins
Cytoplasm is the common component of both prokaryotes and
The major difference between cytoplasm of these two types of cells
is presence of cytoskeleton or absence of cytoskeleton and
membrane bound organelles.
These structures are absent in prokaryotic cells.
Metabolic reactions take place in cytosol.
Storage of compounds take place in cytogel part of cytoplasm.
Cyclosis is responsible for distribution of cell contents in cytoplasm.
Tiny granular structures in the cell called ribosomes.
Ribosomes were first studied by Palade in 1955.
Ribosomes are made up of equal amount of RNA and Protein known
as ribonucleoprotein. BTB
Ribosomes in exist in two forms: Engine of cell or
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requiring a force
Endoplasmic Reticulum of 150,000 times
Interconnected channel of cisternae channel that extended from gravity for 3
nuclear membrane to plasma membrane. hours.
Extra point:
Materials in these channels separated fem cytoplasmic content
through cisternae membranes. Attached
Two forms of ER:
Synthesize protein
that is transported
SER RER outside the cell.
1. Ribosomes are not attached on 1. Ribosomes are attached on Free ribosomes:
outer surface outer surface Synthesize protein
2. Also known sarcoplasmic 2. Involved in protein synthesis that is utilized.
reticulum in muscle cells.
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done by SER
FTB Cellular
RER faces the cytoplasm. metabolism: The
SER stores the Ca+2 ions for the transmission of impulse. membrane of ER
Products formed are on RER are passed through SER. increases surface
area for metabolic
activities, also
Lysosome contains some
Lyso means splitting and soma means "body". enzymes like
Lysosome is some membranous sac (vesicles) sucrase, glucose-
Lysosomes contain digestive or hydrolytic enzymes like acid 6-phosphatase,
phosphatase. NAD- Bi-
These enzymes are synthesized by ribosomes on RER, and are phosphatase etc.
further processed in Golgi apparatus. Formation of
After modification, these enzymes are released in the form of nuclear
vesicles and are known as primary lysosomes. membrane:
Vesicles before performing their functions are called primary Fragmented
lysosomes elements of
Lysosomal enzymes work in acidic medium. disintegrated
membrane and
ER arranged
chromosome to
form nuclear
membrane during
cell division.
All membranous
organelles except
chloroplast and
mitochondria are
formed by ER.
SER makes lipids
from fatty acids
and glycerol and
absorbed in gut
and passes them
Major functions of lysosomes are: to Golgi
1. Intracellular Digestion: The ingested food of stored in apparatus.
vesicles cell is called food vacuole Food vacuole combines
with lysosome and called secondary lysosome. The
made in adrenal
digested food absorbed in cytoplasm. Remaining wastes
containing vesicles are called contractile vacuoles.
2. Exocytosis: Then these vacuoles are excreted out through
initiated in SER.
3. Autophagy: Unwanted worn out structures within the all are
engulfed by the cell itself is called autophagy and these
lysosomes are known as autophagosomes. They are also BTB
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is called residual
In unicellular
organisms, they
are removed
outside by
In multicellular,
they are retained
in the cell in the
form of lipofuscin
are also called
Human liver cells
recycle half of its
Products are passed from: each week.
In intracellular
Ribosomes RER SER Golgi Vesicles
Lyso- Exo - digestion, the
some cytosis
process is also
Modification (glycylation) of carbohydrates into glycoprotein and called
glycolipid also its main function. heterophagy.
digestion: when
osteoclast cells of
bone dissolve
unwanted parts of
digestion also
takes place in
Tail of human
embryo and tail of
tadpole is
removed by
PTB Crinophagy :
The whole stack consists of a number of cisternae thought to be Excess of
moving from outer to the inner face. hormones of
Endocrine gland
Finishing and packing of products is the function of Golgi.
are digested by
In mammals, pancreases secretes granules having digestive
These granules are transported out of cell through Golgi.
type - II diseases
are caused due to
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They also help in the protection of plants against herbivores by Golgi bodies.
storing compounds that are poisonous and unpleasant for animals. Golgi apparatus
The solution inside the central vacuole is called cell sap. add surface area
Cell sap also contains reservoir of inorganic ions like potassium and to cell membrane.
Centriole BTB
Non-membranous organelle Diameter of
Nine triplets of microtubules are found in cylindrical arrangement at centriole is 10 nm.
right angle to each other exterior to nucleus Centrioles were
Found in animals and lower microorganisms slime such as protists, discovered by
slime molds. Benden in 1883
Absent in higher plants. and Boveri in
They become double just before cell division
Centrioles are
Involved in cell division and formation of cilia and flagella
Whole structure of spindle fiber is known as mitotic apparatus.
Basal bodies of
cilia and flagella
are types of
Microfilaments are
involved in
1. Muscle
2. Change in cell
3. Division of
cytoplasm during cell
Centrioles also play role in location of furrowing.
FTB Koltzoff in 1928
Centrioles are about 0.15 – 0.25 µm in diameter. suggested the
0.3 – 2 µm in length existence of
Centrioles lie in a distinctly staining region of cytoplasm Known as Fibrous network,
centro-sphere. later on, Cohen
Centrioles and centrosphere are together called centrosome. (1977) confirmed
Centrioles also give rise to basal bodies or kinetosome of cilia and his views.
Cytoskeleton Microtubules
Cytosol contains fiber network culled cytoskeleton. perhaps are
It contains three types of fibers: involved in the
transport of cell
wall materials
from Golgi bodies
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to outside of cell.
Intermediate filaments also
Microfilament Microtubule plays role in
attachment of
muscle cell.
Made of actin protein.
More slender, linked to the inner surface of plasma membrane.
Involves in internal cell motion.
Amoeboid or cyclosis movement is also due to microfilament.
Microfilament is of 7 nm diameter.
Four twisted chains.
Two chains of F - actin and two chains of tropomyosin and triplets of
troponin at regular intervals.
Long, unbranched, slender, tubulin protein structure.
Plays role in assembly and disassembly of spindle structures during
cell division.
Involved in formation of mitotic apparatus.
Involved in formation of cilia, flagella, centriole and basal body.
0.2 – 0.25 µm in length.
25 nm in diameter.
Tubulin is a dimer.
Intermediate filament
Role in support and maintenance of cell shape.
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8 – 10 nm in diameter.
Contains vimentin protein.
Vimentin contains three chains of intermediate filaments with no
hollow space and twisted around each other.
Mitochondria Mitos means
It is found in all eukaryotic cells. thread; chondrion
Powerhouse of cell. means granules.
Role in production of ATP from ADP. Altman (1890)
Self-replicating organelle. established
Varies in number from cell to cell. mitochondria, and
called them
The term
mitochondria is
given by C.
Benda. (1898)
All the
present in a cell
Animal cells have
mitochondria than
plant cell.
If outer membrane
of mitochondria is
removed, it is
called mitoplast.
Cristae increase
Two membranes: surface area for
i) Outer smooth layer. chemical reaction.
ii) Inner contain foldings called cristae. 1% of total DNA is
Cristae consists of F₁-Fo particles. present in
Other names of F1 particles
This DNA is small,
circular and can
code the
Stalked Elementen
Fernandas - synthesis of some
Oxysome ATP synthase Moran
particle particles
particles type of proteins.
Mitochondria also
help in
Matrix of mitochondria consists of many coenzymes, ions and
important chemicals like DNA, RNA, and ribosome (70 S).
(yolk formation)
Kreb's cycle and oxidation (fatty acid oxidation) of pyruvate occurs in
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mitochondria. in oocyte.
Extracting energy from food. It is believed that
Site of cellular respiration. mitochondria have
Endo-symbiont origin organelle. endosymbiotic
origin from purple
PTB sulphur bacteria.
Membrane enfolding or cristae is made of lipoprotein.
Under electron microscope appears as complex structure. KPK
Mitochondria are
FTB absent in in
mature RBC of
Outer membrane contains porin protein that it can exchange
material freely and is freely permeable.
Mitochondria were
Inner membrane is semi-permeable.
first seen in
Have its own metabolic machinery.
Muscle cells in
Diameter 0.5 – 1 µm. 1850.
Young one gets
Other names for mitochondria all its
mitochondria from
Most busy and its mother (eggs).
ATP mill in cell Cell within cell Cell furnace Storage batteries active organelle in Semi-autonomous
cell cell organelle
Plastids Plastids are the
Plastids are pigmented organelles found in plants. sites of
manufacture and
Plastids are double membranous organelles.
storage of
Plastids are of three types:
Most plants inherit
plastids from one
Leucoplasts Chromoplasts Chloroplasts. Angiosperms
inherit plastids
from female
All these three types made of are their precursors called proplastids. gamete, while
Chloroplast inherit plastids
Membrane bound organelle with small granules. from male pollen.
Discoid structure. Chloroplasts are
Self-replicating. green plastids and
Responsible for photosynthesis. found in green
Light reactions on thylakoid membrane and dark reactions occur in parts of plants like
stroma of chloroplast. leaves,
The most
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important and
Parts of chloroplast abundant enzyme
is rubisco (about
16% of
Envelope Stroma Thylakoid chloroplast)
Thylakoids pile up to form grana and inter-grana. Endosymbiont
25 – 50 thylakoids form grana (green part). organelle.
Inter-grana is non-green part.
Membrane of the thylakoids involved in the formation of ATP. KPK
Chloroplast is
PTB heterogeneous
Chlorophyll molecules have Mg+2 as its central atom unlike structure.
haemoglobin. Stroma covers
Diameter is 4 – 6 µm. most of the
volume of
Stroma consists of protein, ribosome (70 S) and DNA (circular)
Outer membrane has poring proteins.
Inner membrane is rich in protein and it is semi-permeable.
Nuclear pores are
Inter-grana are larger than grana. also guarded by
permeases in the
form of a pore
complex which
regulate RNA,
ionic exchange.
cytoplasmic traffic
nucleoplasm and
Nucleolus usually
attached to
chromatin at
Chromoplasts specific site called
They impart colour to plants other than green. nuclear
organizer region
They are found in petals of flowers.
Also found in ripened fruits.
Help in pollination and dispersal of seeds.
consists of both
histone, non-
Leucoplasts histone proteins,
They are colourless, plastids. DNA, and little
They are found in underground parts of plant like roots, stem etc. amount of RNA.
They help in storage of compounds. Chromas:
They are triangular in shape. colour; Soma:
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Chromosome can
Elaioplast Store lipids be best studied at
metaphase stage
because size of is
Leucoplast 03 types Amyloplast Store starch the chromosome
shortest during
Proteinoplast or metaphase
Store protein Chromosome is
covered by thin
Nucleus sheath called
Discovered by Robert Brown in 1831. pellicle.
Diameter of
nucleus = 10 µm.
Pigeon has 80
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For example:
1. Muscle cell contains many nuclei.
2. Paramecium is dikaryotic.
3. Opalina is multinucleated.
Nucleus is absent in some cells like:
a) In mature mammalian RBCs.
b) Mature phloem sieve tube elements in plants.
Nucleus is self-replicating organelle.
Nucleus consists of following structures:
Nucleoplasm Nucleolus Nuclear pores Chromatin Chromosomes Karyotype
Nuclear Envelope
Encloses nuclear
Inner membrane
Nucleoplasm is ground substance of nucleus which is also known
as nuclear matrix or karyoplasm.
It is transparent complex colloidal fluid contains water, proteins,
enzymes like ATPase, DNA and RNA polymerase,
endonucleases and ions like Ca++, Mg++ etc.
Nucleoplasm also contains one or more nucleoli.
Nucleolus is non-membranous which is spherical darkly stained.
It is only visible during interphase while disappear during cell
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Nuclear pores
Gaps between inner and outer nuclear membranes.
Number of nuclear pores depends vary from nuclear pores cell to
Nuclear pores control traffic of cell.
Network of nucleoprotein fibers, embedded in nucleoplasm.
Chromatin condensed to form chromosomes during cell division.
Chromosomes absorbs deeply in basic dyes during staining, thus
darkly stained structure.
Array of chromosomes.
The number of chromosome is definite for each species.
Human 46 Chimpanzee 48
Onion 16 Maize 20
Pea 14 Frog 26
Sugarcane 80 Fruit fly 08
Mouse 40 Mucor 02
Undifferentiated cell has greater nuclear pores than differentiated
Egg cell has 30,000 per nucleus.
While erythrocytes 3 – 4 per nucleus.
Ends of chromosomes are called telomeres
Chromosome is made of DNA and Protein.
Controller of
Heart of cell Brain of cell
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Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
4. Lacks membrane bound 4. All membrane bound organelles
organelles like cytoskeleton, are present.
mitochondria etc.
5. 70 S ribosome (50 S + 30S) 5. 80S ribosome (60 S + 40S)
6. Nuclear material (DNA) is 6. Nuclear material (DNA) is within
dispersed in cytoplasm. nucleus.
7. Consists of small, single, 7. Consists of two linear
circular chromosome chromosomes.
8. Histone is absent 8. Histone protein is present.
9. Plasma membrane lacks sterols 9. Plasma membrane does have
like cholesterol. sterols in it.
10. Divided by binary fission 10. Divided by mitosis. (normal
cells) Meiosis in germ cells
11. Flagellin is part of flagella. 11. Tubulin is part of flagella.
12. Mesosomes are present. 12. Mesosomes are absent.
13. Prokaryote (bacteria) cell wall is 13. Plant cell wall is made of
made of peptidoglycan cellulose. Fungi cell wall is
(polysaccharide + amino acid) / made of chitin.
murein. (a as whole sacculus)
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Double Membranes
Single Membrane
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Plants Animals
1. Plastid 1. Centriole
2. Central vacuole 2. Peripheral vacuole
3. Glyoxysome 3. Peroxisome
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Mitochondria, lysosome, ER, Golgi body, nucleus and ribosomes are
found in both animals and plants.
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Adjacent cells join together to form branching fibres by specialised
cell-to-cell attachments called intercalated discs, which have gap
like junctions that allow action potentials to pass from cell to cell.
Skeletal muscles
These muscles are attached to the bone and are responsible for
movements of body parts and whole body movements (locomotion).
Skeletal muscles or striated muscles show alternate light and dark
regions under microscope.
Skeletal muscles are composed of muscle fibres or muscle cells.
Bundles of muscle fibres are enclosed by collagen fibres and
connective tissue.
At the ends of the muscle the collagen and connective tissue
forms tendons which attach the muscle to skeletal elements.
Each skeletal muscle fibre is a single cylindrical cell, enclosed by a
plasma membrane like structure called sarcolemma and has
several nuclei.
The sarcolemma of muscle fibre cell penetrates deep into the cell to
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form a hollow elongated tube, the transverse tubule (T-tubule).
The cytoplasm of the muscle fiber is called sarcoplasm.
It contains sarcoplasmic reticulum.
Within the muscle fibres are numerous thin myofibrils which possess
characteristic cross striations. The myofibrils are 1-2 µm in
diameter that run in parallel fashion and extend the entire length of
the cell.
Each myofibril is composed of two types of myofilaments thin
myofilaments and thick myofilaments.
Thick filament
16 nm
Thin filament
7 to 8 nm
Muscle is a
This arrangement of thin and thick myofilaments results in a number specialized tissue
of other bands being recognizable in the sarcomere. of mesodermal
The entire length of thick myofilaments constitute the A band origin.
because they are anisotropic that can polarize visible light. Muscle tissue
Thin myofilaments alone constitute I band, which is isotropic or makes up nearly
non polarizing. half the human
The centre of the A band is lighter than the outer regions in a relaxed body mass.
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sarcomere as there are no overlap between the thin and thick The most
myofilament in this region. It is called the H zone (H stands for 'hele' distinguishing
means bright). functional
The H zone itself may be bisected by a dark line, the M line. characteristic of
The M line joins adjacent myosin filaments together at a point muscles is their
halfway along their length. ability to transform
Thick myofilaments are 16 nm in diameter and are composed of chemical energy
only myosin protein. (ATP) into
The thin filaments are 7-8 nm in diameter and are composed of mechanical
three proteins. energy.
Skeletal muscles
can contract
actin TnI rapidly, but get tire
easily and must
Proteins in rest after short
troponin TnC
thin filament
periods of activity,
or fatigued.
tropomyosin TnT
Nevertheless, it
can exert
Two intertwisted beaded chain of actin which form the core of tremendous
filament. power.
Two strands of tropomyosin spiral about the actin core and help Skeletal muscles
stiffen it. In a relaxed muscle fibre, they block myosin binding sites are also
on actin so that the myosin heads cannot bind to the thin filaments. remarkably
Troponin is a three-polypeptide complex found at regular intervals on adaptable. For
thin myofilaments. One of these polypeptides (TnI) is an inhibitory example, hand
subunit that binds to actin; another (TnT) binds to tropomyosin and muscles can exert
helps position it on actin. The third (TnC) binds calcium ions. a force of a
Both troponin and tropomyosin help control the myosin-actin fraction of an
interactions involved in contraction ounce to pick up a
dropped paper clip
and the same
Muscle Contraction - Sliding Filament Model muscles can exert
a force of many
The sliding filament theory of contraction states that during pounds to pick
contraction the thin myofilaments slide past the thick ones so that heavy loads like a
they overlap to a greater degree. bucket full of
In a relaxed muscle fibre, the thick and thin myofilaments overlap water.
only at the ends of the A band. Once most of the
But when muscle fibres are stimulated by the nervous system, the calcium is
myosin heads are attached on to myosin binding sites on actin in the sequestered in the
thin myofilaments, and the sliding begins. sarcoplasmic
These links are called cross bridges which are formed and broken reticulum sacs,
several times during a contraction, acting like tiny ratchets to which takes only
generate tension and propel the thin myofilaments toward the centre milliseconds, the
of the sarcomere. binding between
As this event occurs simultaneously in sarcomeres throughout the the myosin heads
cell, the muscle cell shortens. and the actin
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The I bands shorten filaments can no
The distance between successive Z discs is reduced longer occur.
The H zone disappears The immediate
The contiguous A bands move closer together but do not change in source of energy
length. for the muscle
contraction is
Control of cross bridges ATP, stored in the
muscle cells.
An enzyme
Muscle contraction is initiated by nerve impulse arriving at the
ATPase, in the
neuromuscular junction.
muscle cells
The nerve impulse is carried through the sarcolemma to the T tubule
breaks ATP to
then to the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). ADP, thus
The calcium gates of the SR open releasing calcium into the cytosol. releasing energy
When muscle is at rest the tropomyosin is disposed in such a way for muscle
that it covers the sites on the actin chain where the heads of myosin contraction.
become attach. Of the total energy
When calcium ions bind with the troponin molecules they cause expended in
them to move slightly. This has the effect of displacing the muscles
tropomyosin and exposing the binding sites for the myosin head. contraction, only
Once the myosin head has become attached to the actin filament, about 35% is
ATP is hydrolysed and the crossed bridges are broken down. utilized for the
The formation and breakdown of cross bridges occur again and performance of
again during this process. work; the
remaining is
FTB liberated in the
form of heat,
Externally muscle is covered in a connective tissue wrapping called which is employed
epimysium. Each skeletal muscle consists of hundreds to to maintain body
thousands of muscles fibres (muscle cells). temperature.
Each muscle is divided into discrete bundles of muscle cells called In cold weather
fascicles. The fascicle is surrounded by perimysium. the production of
Each muscle fibre within the fascicle is covered by a layer of heat can be
connective tissue called the endomysium increased through
Each myosin molecule consists of six polypeptides which are voluntary
arranged in such a way that each myosin molecule possesses a tail muscular activity
and two globular heads. (walking, rubbing
Each thick filament contains about 300 myosin molecules bundled hand together etc)
together with their tails forming the central part of the thick filament or involuntary by
and their heads facing outward and in opposite directions at each shivering.
end. Conversely, in
The kidney-shaped polypeptide subunits of actin, called globular warm weather,
actin or G actin, bear the active sites to which the myosin heads muscular activity
attach during contraction. is deliberately
G actin monomers are polymerized into long actin filaments called decreased to
fibrous, or F actin. reduce heat
The backbone of each thin filament appears to be formed by two production.
intertwined actin filaments that look like a twisted double strand of
340 | P a g e
pearls. BTB
PTB There are over
640 muscles in
Each muscle fibre is a long cylindrical cell with multiple oval nuclei the body of human
arranged just beneath its sarcolemma. .
Skeletal muscle fibres are huge cells. Their diameter is 10-100 µm. The hardest
Sarcoplasm of the muscle fibre is similar to the cytoplasm of other working muscle in
cells but it contains usually large amount of stored glycogen and the body are
unique oxygen bonding protein myoglobin, a red pigment that stores cardiac.
oxygen. The heart pump
Each dark band is called A band, because it is anisotropic, i.e it can about 2500 gallon
polarize visible light. of blood per day.
The light band called I band is isotropic or non-polarizing. The smallest
It gives the cell as a whole its striped appearance. muscles
Sarcomere is the smallest contractile unit of muscle fibre. (stapedius) of the
A. F. Huxley and their colleagues suggested a hypothesis in 1954 to body lie in the ear
explain all events in muscle contraction, this is called "Sliding along with
filament model" of muscle contraction. smallest bone
It is revealed that ATP is needed to break the link between the (Stapes), while the
myosin and the actin. strongest muscle,
After death, the amount of ATP in the body falls. based on its
Under these circumstances the bridges can not be broken and so weight, is the
they remain firmly bound. This results in the body becoming stiff, a masseter, in the
condition known as rigor mortis. jaw.
Muscle contraction is initiated by nerve impulse arriving at the The sarcomere is
neuromuscular junction. All the fibres innervated by a single motor the structural and
neuron are a "motor unit" and contract simultaneously in response functional unit of
to the action potential fired by the motor neurons. muscle fibre
(muscle cell
The thousands of T-tubules of each muscle cell are collectively
called T-system. It extends and encircles the myofibril at the Muscles are built
level of Z-line or A and I junction. during sleep, not
in gym or during
The T-tubule and the terminal portion of the adjacent envelope of
exercise because
sarcoplasmic reticulum form triads at regular intervals along the
at this time more
length of the fibril.
blood circulation
The nerve impulse is carried through the T-tubule to the adjacent
and hormo- nes
sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR).
are released.
The calcium gates of the SR open releasing calcium into the cytosol,
Half of the myosin
thus binding calcium ion to troponin molecules of the thin filament.
heads projecting
The binding sites are exposed and cross bridges with myosin can from it at an angle
form, and contraction occurs. to the left and half
of them angle to
All or None Response the right, creating
an area in the
The contraction of each muscle fibre is based on "all or none" middle of the
principle i.e. all of its fibrils participate in contraction. The degree of filament known as
contraction depends upon the number of muscle fibers that bare zone.
341 | P a g e
participate in contraction. Each actin
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (S.R) is continuous system of sarco- filament also
tubules extending throughout the sarcoplasm around each myofibril. contains 40-60
It is like endoplasmic reticulum but devoid of ribosomes and molecules of
exhibits a highly specialized repeating pattern. tropomyosin, the
protein which
Energy For Muscle Contraction block the active
sites of thin
Energy for muscle contraction comes from the ATP. filaments when
the muscle is
Supply of ATP is maintained by the aerobic breakdown of glucose in
muscle cell, which comes from stored glycogen in the cell.
According to
When more energy is required due to high metabolism, it is provided
sliding filament
by another energy storing substance called creatine phosphate.
theory of muscle
Sometime during oxygen deficiency or very high metabolic activity
contraction, the
such as prolonged or strenuous exercise ATP requirement is met
actual length of
by anaerobic breakdown of glucose into lactic acid.
actin and myosin
Lactic acid accumulation causes muscle fatigue. filament does not
At rest, 1/5 of the lactic acid is broken aerobically and its energy is change but actin
used to change the remaining 4/5 lactic acid into glucose. filaments slide
over myosin
Effect of Exercise on Muscle activity filaments.
The actual trick is
The amount of work a muscle does is reflected in muscular activity. played by myosin
When muscles are used actively they increase on size and become filaments.
more efficient and fatigue resistant. The sliding
Aerobic exercises such as swimming, jogging, and fast walking filament theory or
result in several changes in skeletal model is
Capillaries surrounding the muscle fibers , as well as mitochondria universally
within them increase in number and fiber synthesizes more accepted.
These changes result in more efficient muscle metabolism an
fatigue resistant.
Complete immobilization of muscle leads to muscle weakness and
severe atrophy.
342 | P a g e
343 | P a g e
All animals show some common characteristics, one of these is to
produce a response to stimuli (i.e. any internal and external change).
The activities of different body parts in response to the stimuli must
be coordinated.
The coordination makes possible the integration of functions
essential to animal behavior.
It is must for animals and human to survive. In humans and most
animals there are two types of coordination, i.e. nervous coordination
and endocrine coordination.
This unit deals with only nervous coordination.
This type of co-ordination involves specialized cells or neurons linked
together directly or via the central nervous system, to form network that
connects the cell or organs which receive stimuli (receptors) and those
which carry out actions or responses (effectors). The neuron has the
capacity to generate and conduct impulses which travel across the
synapse and pass from the receptors to the effectors, bringing about
nervous coordination. The elements of nervous system which help in co-
ordination are:
Elements of NS
344 | P a g e
Nervous coordination in higher animals therefore consists of three
basic steps i.e... reception of, stimulus, processing/analysis of
information and response to stimulus.
The most developed, advanced and evolved nervous system among all
organisms is that of humans.
Motor Sensory
Brain Spinal cord
neurons neurons
345 | P a g e
The brain and spinal cord are also protected by triple layers of
Brain is enclosed within the cranium while spinal cord is enclosed
within vertebral column.
The three meninges are dura matter (next to the cranium), arachnoid
matter (middle membrane) pia matter (next to the nervous tissue).
Between the arachnoid and pia matter there is a fluid, the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF),
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), similar in composition to blood
plasma, bathes the neurons of brain and spinal cord and it cushions
against the bumps and jolts.
Both brain and spinal cord are hollow.
The spinal cord has central canal and brain has many cavities
(ventricles) filled by CSF, which is also present between the
The parts of skeleton that protect the brain and spinal cord are
cranium and vertebral column.
Cranium is the part of skull that covers the brain.
Vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae that encloses the spinal
These parts protect the brain and spinal cord from accidents or other
physical traumas.
346 | P a g e
Cerebrospinal fluid
Formation Function
Diffusion Pinocytosis Homeostasis Metabolism
The brain is a part of Central nervous system. CNS includes the brain
and spinal cord.
Protection of
Arachnoid Helps to
Dura matter Pia matter cushion the
brain from
(Next to the
(next to the (Middle
cranium) membrane)
Parts of brains
Forebrain is further divided into three functional parts, the thalamus, the
limbic system and the cerebrum.
347 | P a g e
It works together to produce our most basic and primitive emotions, KPK
drives, and behaviors, including fear, rage, tranquility , hunger, thirst,
pleasure and sexual responses. The brain is involved
It is also involved in formation of memories. more in coordination
than spinal cord.
Spinal cord also acts
The limbic system and thalamus
as a link between
PNS and brain.
The limbic system extends through several brain regions. It seems to
be the center of most unconscious emotional behaviors, such as
love, hatred, hunger, sexual responses, and fear. The thalamus is a
crucial relay center among the senses, the limbic system, and the
cerebral cortex.
Hypothalamus Amygdala Hippocampus regions of
348 | P a g e
Functions of amygdala
pleasure punishment fear rage
It consists of two horns that curve back from the amygdala. It seems
to be very important in converting things that are in your mind at the
moment (in your short term memory) into the things that will you
remember for the long run (long-term memory).
349 | P a g e
350 | P a g e
areas are most
Surface lobes of cerebral occupy the
anterior of frontal
lobe and
Frontal parietal occipital temporal widespread in
lateral portion of
parietal, temporal
Each lobe further contains different functional areas. Each functional and occipital
area consists of three sub areas: lobes.
contains highest
sub-areas number of
neurons than any
other part of brain.
Sensory area Motor area According to
"Roger Spray"
Sensory Area
Both cerebral
hemisphere of
Receives impulses from different parts of body.
superficially same
Association area but right and left
portion function so
Interprets or analyzes incoming information. differently that we
could almost say
Motor area we have two
brains in one.
Controls responses of the body. Left cerebrum
house our
CEREBRAL CORTEX: language center,
logic mathematical
The surface of cerebrum is called cerebral cortex. It has many folds abilities while the
or convulsions forming ridges or gyri (singular, GYRUS) which are right hemisphere
separated by grooves. imagination,
A shallow groove is called a sulcus (plural, sulci) and a deep groove spatial perception,
is called as fissure. The two hemispheres (cerebrum) are separated artistic and
by longitudinal fissure. emotional abilities.
These grooves greatly increase the surface area of the cerebrum. The limbic
system consists
PTB of hypothalamus,
hippocampus and
MIDBRAIN some part of
Midbrain is reduced in humans, and it contains auditory relay centre and
centre that controls relex movements of eyes.
Midbrain contains reticular formation, which is a relay centre
351 | P a g e
connecting hindbrain with the forebrain. Reticular formation is very HIND BRAIN
important in screening the input information, before they reach
higher brain centres. Pons is a group of
neuron, it act as a
HINDBRAIN bridge between
medulla and
Parts of hindbrain Cerebellum is
second largest
part of the brain,
medulla pons cerebellum bulb or leaf like in
Medulla is last
It acts as a bridge between the cerebellum, medulla and cerebrum. part of brain but in
evolutionary point
MEDULLA of view, it
developed first.
It controls several automatic functions, such as breathing, Heart rate, The mid brain,
blood pressure and swallowing. together with pons
and medulla know
as brain stem,
which support the
It is small.Certain neurons in pons, located above the medulla, appear
to influence transitions between sleep and wakefulness, and the rate
and pattern of breathing. VENTRICLES OF
Human brain
The cerebellum is important in co-ordinating movements of the body. possesses four
The cerebellum guides, smooth and accurate motions and maintains ventricles or
body position. The cerebellum is also involved in the learning and cavities, which are
memory storage for behaviours. filled with
It is best developed in bird, which is engaged in the complex activity cerebrospinal
of light. fluid.
It consists of a central lobe and two lateral lobes. The first and
If it is destroyed the movements become jerky, shaky and disturbed.
ventricles are
present between
FTB limbic system and
cerebrum known
Cerebellum controls equilibrium. body position and coordination of the as lateral
actions of individual muscles to produce complex activities such as ventricles.
walking, running, riding bicycles etc.
Another ventricle
The brain is hollow structure, and it has cavities known as Ventricles. is present
There are four ventricles. between limbic
system and
352 | P a g e
thalamus called
Special reflexes of medulla third ventricle
while fourth
salivary ventricle is
vomiting coughing sneezing present in
There is a tube
RECEPTORS between third and
fourth ventricle
The neuron fibres and cell bodies can be excited by small electric known as iter or
shocks, mechanical, chemical, light and temperature stimuli. Receptors cerebral aqueduct.
detect changes in the external and internal environment of the animal. while an opening
The receptor may be a cell, or neuron ending or a receptor organ. between lateral
Receptors are classified as follows: ventricles and
third ventricle is
called intra
Receptors ventricular
Chemo- Mechano- Thermo- Photo-
Nociceptors KPK
receptors receptors receptors receptors
Forebrain is
Chemoreceptors massively
developed and
These are for smell taste and for blood CO, oxygen, glucose, amino contains the most
acids and fatty acid (e.g. receptors in the hypothalamus) sophisticated
Mechanoreceptors centers.
The olfactory
These detect stimuli of touch pressure, hearing and equilibrium (e.g. bulbs are
Free nerve endings + expanded lip endings + stray endings) concerned with
the sense of
Photoreceptors smell. The
cerebrum has
Electromagnetic receptors, these respond to stimuli of light, for example many folds or
in eyes, rods, and cones. in the retina of the eye. convolutions that
may be related to
Thermoreceptors intelligence.
The Diencephalon
These are free nerve endings. These show a response to cold and region harbors
warmth. limbic system,
Nociceptors: (Undifferentiated endings) which produce the sensation of collectively
pain. representing parts
of thalamus,
PTB hypothalamus,
amygdala and
There are many receptors which respond to the mechanical
353 | P a g e
conditions of the internal organs. MID BRAIN
Examples are the receptors of the stomach wall which may be
concerned with arousal of 'hunger'; stretch receptors in the carotid It is reduced in
and aortic arteries of tetrapods have important roles in the regulation human and
of blood pressure; endings with similar properties are found in the contain reticular
branchial vessels of fishes. formation which is
Each type of the principal type of sensation that There a we can a network of
experience pain, touch, sight, sound and so forth are called neurons running
modalities of sensation. through medulla in
Yet despite the fact that we experience these different modalities of the hindbrain,
sensation; nerve fibres transmit only impulses. How is it that different through the
nerve fibres transmit different modalities of sensation? The answer midbrain and up
to this question is: into the thalamus
Each nerve tract terminates at a specific point in the CNS; and the and hypothalamus
type of sensation is determined by the point in the nervous system to of the forebrain.
which the fibre leads. So, touch stimulus is carried by nerve impulse It receives input
in the 'touch' area of the brain. Similarly, fibres from the eyes (retina) from most of the
terminate in the visual cortex of the brain. senses and sends
Moreover, each receptor organ is specialized to receive a particular outputs to higher
type of stimulus and this is carried to the particular area of the brain. brain centers,
filtering the
Working of Sensory Receptors with Special sensory
Reference to Skin
In the skin there are at least 3 different types of sensoryendings
involved in touch stimulus reception. In skin, the receptors are
Medulla oblongata
concerned with at least five different senses: touch, pressure, heat, cold
is the posterior
and pain.
most portion of the
1. Situated at the base of hairs, hair end organs receive touch
brain. It is broad in
front and narrows
behind, where it is
Meissner's corpuscles continuous with
the spinal cord.
2. Meissner's corpuscles (encapsulated endings) which lie in
Medulla oblongata
papillae which extend into the ridges of the fingertips. The corpuscle is the highway of
consists of spiral and much twisted endings, each of which ends in a
knob. These are touch receptors. between the body
and the brain.
Pacinian corpuscles
Taste buds occur primarily on the surface of the tongue and are
associated with tiny elevations called papillae.
Each taste bud includes a group of modified epithelial cells, the taste
355 | P a g e
cells, which function as receptors.
The taste bud has an opening, the taste pore on its surface.
Tiny projections, called taste hairs, protrude from outer ends of taste
cells and just protrude through the taste pore.
There are four primary taste sensations i.e., sweet, sour, salty and
bitter, which are situated at various regions on the tongue.
All the four regions overlap at certain places.
These receptors are located on the throat and mouth especially in the
upper surface of tongue as many raised structures called papillae or
356 | P a g e
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This MASTER BOOK Biology is just the tip of the iceberg we have for you - all there
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Sr. Chapter Name Page
1. Biological molecules 01
2. Enzymes 32
3. Cell structure and function 43
4. Viruses 69
5. Prokaryotes 83
6. Kingdom Animalia 98
7. Bioenergetics 167
8. Nutrition 204
9. Gaseous Exchange 240
10. Transport 260
11. Immunity 304
12. Support and movement 325
13. Nervous coordination 344
14. Chemical coordination 378
15. Reproduction 412
16. Genetics 430
17. Evolution 459
Biochemistry BTB
It deals with study of chemical processes (metabolism) and their Trace elements
occurring in living organisms. are also called
All living things are made of certain chemical compounds which are dietary elements.
of two types:
Water is the most
abundant of all the
compounds in
Carbohydrates protoplasm and
Organic forms three fourth
of the body.
Lipids Proteins are the
most abundant
Nucleic acid compounds in
Chemical body.
compounds Proteins have
Water structural and
functional roles in
Acids & bases
Chemical Bacteria cell Mammalian
components (prokaryote) cell (human)
Water 70% 70%
proteins 15% 18%
Carbohydrate 3% 4%
Lipids 2% 3%
DNA 1% 0.25%
RNA 6% 1.1%
Other organic 2% 2%
Inorganic 1% 1%
All the chemical reactions taking place in call are called metabolism.
Metabolism is characterized as :
Needs energy
Simpler compounds
compounds are
Such as
Energy is released
Larger molecules
Smaller simpler
molecules formed
Such as respiration
1. C-H bond Hydrocarbon (potential source of chemical energy for
cellular activities)
2. C-N bond Peptide bond (forms proteins which are very important
due to their diversity in structure and function)
3. C-O bond Glyosidic bond (provides stability to complex
carbohydrate molecules)
Heat of vaporization
Ionization of water:
Water molecules also have attraction to polar surfaces.
These properties help to circulate in living bodies and to act as a
transparent medium.
Hydrophobic exclusion
Carbohydrates BTB
Carbohydrates are
Carbohydrates strong reducing
Hydrogen and oxygen are found in the same ratio as water 2:1.
More valid definition is: “poly hydroxy aldehyde or ketone which upon
hydrolysis yield such compounds and their derivatives.”
Their general formula is Cx(H2O)y .where x is whole number from 3
to many thousands.
Where y is may be same or different whole number.
Fructose is an
intermediate in
Galactose is the
component of
milk sugar,
Heptoses(7C) C7H14O7 Glucoheptose(ald Intermediate in
o) photosynthesis.
Second last carbon is called penultimate carbon e.g., carbon 4 in
In ring structure formation,oxygen atom reacts with penultimate
carbon to link.
Acetic acid,lactic acid and formaldehyde have the same formula as
carbohydrates but they are not carbohydrates.
While rhamnose (C6H12O5)n does not match the carbohydrate
formula but are carbohydrates.
The ring structure demonstrated by Emil Fischer is called Fischer
projection and it is two dimensional.
While the structure represented by Norman Haworth is called
Haworth structure and it is three dimensional.
In ring structure if –OH group is found downward on C1 is called
alpha carbon.
If –OH group is upward on C1 it is called beta carbon.
Those isomers in which –H and –OH groups are arranged in
different pattern to the asymmetric carbon(chiral carbon) are called
An asymmetric carbon (chiral) is that which makes four bonds with
different atoms.
In glucose,C2,C3,C4,C5 are asymmetric.
In monosaccharides, the number of stereoisomers depend upon the
number of asymmetriccarbons and can be calculated by the formula
2n where n is number of asymmetric carbon.
In glucose, there are 16 stereoisomers.
Stereoisomers are classified into 3 groups:
On hydrolysis, oligosaccharides yield two to ten monosaccharides
They are less sweet in taste and less soluble in water.
On the basis of number of saccharide units, oligosaccharides are
classified as disaccharides, disaccharides etc.
Most common are disaccharides.
The covalent bond between two monosaccharides is called glyosidic
Physiologically important disaccharides are maltose, sucrose,
10 | P a g e
Sucrose Maltose Lactose
Cane /transport Malt sugar. Also called milk
sugar. Intermediate sugar.
produced during the
breakdown of starch
and glycogen.
Maltose is found in
germinating seeds.
In brewing industry
the maltose is
produced from the
breakdown of barley
starch by the help of
amylase enzyme.
This process is known
as malting.
Upon hydrolysis it Upon hydrolysis, it Upon hydrolysis, it
yields alpha glucose yields two alpha yields beta glucose
and beta fructose glucose molecules. and beta galactose.
Alpha 1-2 glycosidic Alpha 1-4 glycosidic Beta 1-4 glycosidic
linkage between C1 of linkage between C1 of linkage between C1 of
glucose and C2 of one glucose and C4 galactose and C4 of
fructose. of other glucose. glucose.
Sucrose and polysaccharides are non-reducing sugars.
Maltose is found in digestive tract.
Glucose and fructose are reducing sugars
The carbohydrates which upon hydrolysis yield more than ten
monosaccharides are called polysaccharides.
Polysaccharides are usually branched
Polysaccharides are sparingly soluble in water
This is the largest and most abundant carbohydrate in nature.
They are tasteless and insoluble in water.
They are the most complex.
Some biologically important polysaccharides are
starch,glycogen,cellulose, chitin,agar,pectin and dextrin.
It is found in fruits,grains,seeds and tubers.
It is main source of carbohydrates for animals
On hydrolysis, it yields glucose.
Starches are of two types:
11 | P a g e
Soluble in hot
Branched chains
Insoluble in water.
Heteropolysaccharides Pectin
Glycogen has also alpha 1-4 and1-6 linkages.
Cellulose is formed by beta glucoses and resembles with amylose
It has beta 1-4 glycosidic linkage.
Chitin BTB
It is the second most abundant carbohydrate in nature. Many amino acids
It is major component of cell wall of fungi and exoskeleton of insects are non-essential
and also called fungal cellulose. because body of
Chitin is the derivative of N-acetyl glucosamine. the organisms can
It has beta 1-4 glycosidic linkage. prepare them.
Few amino acids
Proteins are essential
because body
Proteins are the most abundant organic compound found in cell. can’t prepare
Proteins are polymer of amino acids or polypeptides. them and are
An amino acid contains a carbon called alpha carbon or chiral required in diet.
carbon also because it is attached with a amino group,carboxylic Word protein has
group, hydrogen and R group. been derived from
R group is variable and varies from amino acid to amino acid. Greek word
R group is H in case of glycine and CH3 in case of alanine. “proteios” means
The amino group of one amino acid reacts with carboxylic group of prime or first.
other amino acid releasing a water molecule.
The linkage group between the hydroxyl group of carboxyl group of
one amino acid and the hydrogen of amino group of another amino
acid release H2O and C-N link to form a bond called peptide bond.
The product of two amino acids is called dipeptide and three is called
13 | P a g e
A dipeptide has an amino group at one end and carboxylic group at
other end so that further peptide bonds are formed to produce tri-
peptides,tetra-peptide leading to polypeptide chain.
Primary structure
Secondary structure
Protein organization
Tertiary structure
Quaternary structure
Primary structure
Secondary structure
Tertiary structure
Tertiary structure
Quaternary Structure
Quaternary structure
Hydrogen bond. Ionic bonds.
17 | P a g e
There are over 10,000 proteins in the human body which are
composed of unique and specific sequence of 20 types of amino
Classification of proteins
Fibrous proteins
According to their structure, proteins are classified as: perform structural
role in cells and
Fibrous Globular organisms.
1. Linearly arranged in the form 1. Spherical or ellipsoid in shape Collagen (most
of fibrils. due to folding abundant protein
2. Water insoluble 2. Water soluble in animal kingdom
3. Elastic and non-crystalline 3. Non elastic and crystalline or higher
4. Secondary structure is 4. Tertiary structure is important vertebrates) is
important fibrous in nature.
5. Examples : 5. Examples :
Silk fibre (from silk worm, spider’s Enzymes
web) Hormones
Myosin (on muscle cell) Antibodies
Fibrin (blood clotting) Haemoglobin
Keratin(of nails, hairs, hooves, Albumin etc
feathers), ligament,tendon etc
Proteins play both structural and functional roles as follow: In plants, proteins
are stored in most
Structural roles Functional roles seeds for future
1. Collagen (it establishes the 1. Enzymes (control metabolism) need of the
matrix of bone and cartilage) embryos. e.g.,
bean, pulses, pea
2. Elastin (it provides support for 2. Hormones (regulate
connective tissues such as metabolism)
tendons and ligaments )
3. Keratin (it strengthens 3. Antibodies (produced in
protective coverings like response to antigens and
quills,horns and beaks etc) provide immunity)
4. Histone (it arranges the DNA 4. Haemoglobin (found in RBCs
into the chromosome) and transports oxygen mainly
and to some extent CO2 also).
5. Fibrinogen (blood clotting)
found in blood plasma.
6. Oval albumin (egg white) and
casein (milk based protein)
both are involved in storage of
amino acids.
Heterogeneous group of compounds related to fatty acids.
It includes fats, oils,waxes,fat like molecules (steroids) found in body.
As they are non-polar molecules,most lipids are insoluble in water
but soluble in non-polar solvents like alcohol,acetone and
ether,benzene etc.
They are intermediate size molecules.
They don’t achieve the giant size of polysaccharides,proteins and
nucleic acids.
Chief means of long term energy storage in animals.
Have higher proportion of C – H bonds and low proportion of oxygen.
Store the double amount of energy as compared to same amount of
In general,lipids are components of components of cell membrane
(phospholipids and cholesterol)
19 | P a g e
Functions of lipids
Classification of lipids
Acylglycerols BTB
Chemically, they can be defined as esters of fatty acids and alcohol,
Acylglycerols are
the reaction is called esterification.
called neutral
Acylglycerols = glycerol + fatty acids
lipids because
Most widely spread acylglycerols is the triacylglycerol also called as
both acid and
triglycerides or neutral lipids.
base are present
in them.
Fatty acids
During formation
water molecules
are released and
process is called
Most of the fatty
acids in cell
contain 16-18
carbons per
20 | P a g e
Saturated fatty acid Unsaturated fatty acid Linolin (C57H104O6)
1. C-C single bond 1. Upto six C=C bond. is found in cotton
2. Straight chain 2. Ring or branched seed have linoleic
3. Solid at room temperature 3. Liquid at room temperature acid.
4. Fats 4. Oils
5. Found in animals 5. Found in Plants
Glycerol + 1 fatty
Glycerol + 2 fatty
Acylglycerols Diacyglycerol
Glycerol + 3 fatty
Phospholipids are derivatives of phosphatidic acid.
They are
Composition of phospholipids compounds.
Glycerol Fatty acids Phosphoric acid They regulate cell
permeability and
transport process.
Nitrogenous bases are important components of phospholipids.
22 | P a g e
N-bases in phospholipids
Glycerol In backbone
23 | P a g e
Polar head
Phosphate region
Parts of
They are widespread in bacteria, animal, and plant cells and are
frequently associated with membranes.
Terpenes KPK
Terpenes are made up of simple repeating units called isoprene or Terpenoids lack
isoprenoid units. fatty acids.
These units condense in different ways to form many compounds
like rubber, carotenoids, steroids etc.
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Steroids BTB
Steroids are composed of 17 carbon atoms arranged in 4 interlocked They are not fatty
rings in which 3 are of 6 carbons and 1 contains 5 carbons. acids lipids.
Cholesterol is the structural component of cell membrane. All steroids are
It is precursor of a large number of equally important steroids which manufactured in
include bile salts, male sex hormone testosterone,oestrogen etc. cells.
Bile salts which emulsify fats and vitamin D which helps to regulate
calcium metabolism are also steroids.
Waxes STB
Waxes are used as protective coatings on fruits and leaves. Formula of wax is
Waxes are mixtures of long chain alkanes (with odd number of CH3(CH2)4COO(C
carbon atoms ranging from C25-C35) and alcohols,aldehydes, H2)29CH3.
ketones and esters of long chain fatty acids. Waxes are water
Some insects also secrete wax
Waxes protect from water loss and abrasive damage. Most common
They also provide water barrier for insects,birds and animals such as animal wax is
sheep. bee’s wax and
plant wax is
FTB epicuticular wax.
Natural Synthetic
1. They are simple lipids. 1. These are generally derived
from petroleum or
2. They are typical esters of long 2. Paraffin wax is used to make
chain fatty acids and long candles, waxpaper, lubricants
chain alcohols. and sealing material.
Bees wax found in honey
Cutin found on surface of
Lanolin found from sheep
25 | P a g e
Suberin found in cell wall of
endodermis of plant roots.
3. They are chemically inert and
resistant to atmospheric
They exit in virtually every mammalian tissue, acting as local
hormone. The name
They are derived from arachidonic acid. prostaglandin is
Their function vary widely depending on the tissues derived from
prostate gland
Some reduce blood pressure others raise it.
because it was
In the immune system various prostaglandins help to induce fever
first isolated from
and inflammation and also intensify the sensation of pain.
seminal fluid in
They also help to regulate the aggregation of platelets, an early step 1935.
in the formation of blood clots.
They are derived
The fact the ability of prostaglandins to reduce fever and decrease enzymatically from
pain depends on the inhibition of prostaglandins synthesis. fatty acids.
Uses of synthetic prostaglandin prostaglandin
contains 20
carbon atoms
Treatment of
Induce Prevent peptic Treat peptic Prevent egg
pulmonary including 5 rings.
parturition ulcer ulcer binding In 1971 it was
discovered that
aspirin like drugs
RNA (Ribonucleic acid) could inhibit the
synthesis of
They play a role in
Types of RNA dilation and
contraction in
smooth muscle
mRNA tRNA rRNA They sensitize
spinal neuron for
3 – 4% 10 – 20% 80% centre of
hypothalamus to
regulate fever.
Like DNA, RNA is a polymer of ribonucleotides.
The RNA molecule occurs as a single strand, which may be folded
back on itself, to give a double helical characteristic.
26 | P a g e
Nitrogenous bases form the usual complementary pairing viz.
cytosine(C) with guanine(G) and uracil(U) with adenine(A).
RNA is synthesized by DNA in a process called as transcription.
Types of RNA
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Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
It is the major portion of RNA in the cell and may be up to 80% of the
total RNA.
It acts as a machinery for the synthesis of proteins.
Ribosome consists of rRNA and protein. rRNA is transcribed by the The rRNA is the
genes present on the DNA of the several chromosomes it is called catalytic
rRNA because it eventually becomes part of the ribosome. component of
The rRNA is packaged with a variety of proteins into ribosomal ribosome.
subunits. It is synthesized
The basic sequence of rRNA is similar from bacteria to higher plants by the genes on
and animals. DNA of several
rRNA have the largest size among the RNA. chromosomes
found within the
Transfer RNA (tRNA) region of nucleus
called nuclear
A tRNA is a single stranded molecule but it shows a duplex organizer.
appearance at its some regions where complementary bases are The base
bonded to one another. sequence of rRNA
It shows a flat cloverleaf shape in two dimensional views. Its 5' end of all organisms is
always terminates in Guanine base while the 3' end is always similar thus there
terminated with base sequence of CCA. is only one type of
Amino acid is attached to tRNA at this end. rRNA.
The nucleotide sequence of the rest of the molecule is variable.
tRNA has three loops. The middle loop in all the tRNA is composed
of 7 bases, the middle three of which form the anticodon;
28 | P a g e
It is complementary to specific codon of mRNA.
The D loop recognizes the activation enzyme.
Theta (θ) loop recognizes the specific place on the ribosome for
binding during protein synthesis.
Sixty tRNA have been identified. However, human cells contain
about 45 different kinds of tRNA molecules, each transports a
specific amino acid from cytoplasm to the surface of ribosome for
protein synthesis.
Conjugated molecules
Molecules when joined by other kinds of molecules are called
conjugated molecules.
Conjugated molecules
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Centrioles lie in a distinctly staining region of cytoplasm Known as BTB
centro-sphere. Microfilaments are
Centrioles and centrosphere are together called centrosome. involved in
Centrioles also give rise to basal bodies or kinetosome of cilia and 1. Muscle
flagella. contraction.
2. Change in cell
Cytoskeleton shape
3. Division of
Cytosol contains fiber network culled cytoskeleton. cytoplasm during cell
It contains three types of fibers: division
Cytoskeleton Koltzoff in 1928
suggested the
existence of
Fibrous network,
Intermediate later on, Cohen
Microfilament Microtubule
filament (1977) confirmed
his views.
Made of actin protein. Microtubules
perhaps are
PTB involved in the
transport of cell
wall materials
More slender, linked to the inner surface of plasma membrane.
from Golgi bodies
Involves in internal cell motion.
to outside of cell.
Amoeboid or cyclosis movement is also due to microfilament.
filaments also
Microfilament is of 7 nm diameter.
plays role in
Four twisted chains. attachment of
Two chains of F - actin and two chains of tropomyosin and triplets of muscle cell.
troponin at regular intervals.
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0.2 – 0.25 µm in length.
25 nm in diameter.
Tubulin is a dimer.
Intermediate filament
Role in support and maintenance of cell shape.
Size in between microtubule and microfilament.
8 – 10 nm in diameter.
Contains vimentin protein.
Vimentin contains three chains of intermediate filaments with no
hollow space and twisted around each other.
It is found in all eukaryotic cells.
Powerhouse of cell.
Role in production of ATP from ADP.
Self-replicating organelle.
Varies in number from cell to cell.
Two membranes:
Outer smooth layer.
Inner contain foldings called cristae.
Cristae consists of F₁-Fo particles.
Fernandas -
Stalked Elementen
Oxysome ATP synthase Moran
particle particles particles
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Chromoplasts Semi-autonomous
They impart colour to plants other than green. organelle.
They are found in petals of flowers. Endosymbiont
Also found in ripened fruits. organelle.
Help in pollination and dispersal of seeds.
Leucoplasts Chloroplast is
They are colourless, plastids. heterogeneous
They are found in underground parts of plant like roots, stem etc. structure.
They help in storage of compounds. Stroma covers
most of the
They are triangular in shape.
volume of
Elaioplast Store lipids
Proteinoplast or
Store protein
Discovered by Robert Brown in 1831.
Nuclear pores are
also guarded by
permeases in the
form of a pore
complex which
regulate RNA,
ionic exchange.
For example: cytoplasmic traffic
Muscle cell contains many nuclei. between
Paramecium is dikaryotic. nucleoplasm and
Opalina is multinucleated. cytoplasm)
Nucleus is absent in some cells like: Nucleolus usually
attached to
In mature mammalian RBCs.
chromatin at
Mature phloem sieve tube elements in plants.
specific site called
Nucleus is self-replicating organelle. nuclear
Nucleus consists of following structures: organizer region
Nucleus Chromatin
consists of both
histone, non-
Nucleoplasm Nucleolus Nuclear pores Chromatin Chromosomes Karyotype
envelope histone proteins,
DNA, and little
amount of RNA.
Nuclear Envelope Chromas:
colour; Soma:
Contains nuclear pores body.
(porin proteins) Chromosome can
Outer membrane be best studied at
Continuous with
metaphase stage
Membranes of nuclear endoplasmic reticulum. because size of is
envelope the chromosome
shortest during
Encloses nuclear metaphase
Inner membrane
Chromosome is
covered by thin
Nucleoplasm sheath called
62 | P a g e
Nucleoplasm is ground substance of nucleus which is also known as KPK
nuclear matrix or karyoplasm. Diameter of
It is transparent complex colloidal fluid contains water, proteins, nucleus = 10 µm.
enzymes like ATPase, DNA and RNA polymerase, endonucleases Pigeon has 80
and ions like Ca++, Mg++ etc. chromosome.
Nuclear pores
Array of chromosomes.
The number of chromosome is definite for each species.
Undifferentiated cell has greater nuclear pores than differentiated
Egg cell has 30,000 per nucleus.
While erythrocytes 3 – 4 per nucleus.
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Potato has 48 chromosomes.
Diploid cell = 2n chromosome.
Haploid cell = n chromosome.
Ends of chromosomes are called telomeres
Chromosome is made of DNA and Protein.
Controller of
Heart of cell Brain of cell
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
4. Lacks membrane bound 4. All membrane bound
organelles like cytoskeleton, organelles are present.
mitochondria etc.
5. 70 S ribosome (50 S + 30S) 5. 80S ribosome (60 S + 40S)
6. Nuclear material (DNA) is 6. Nuclear material (DNA) is
dispersed in cytoplasm. within nucleus.
7. Consists of small, single, 7. Consists of two linear
circular chromosome chromosomes.
8. Histone is absent 8. Histone protein is present.
9. Plasma membrane lacks9. Plasma membrane does have
sterols like cholesterol. sterols in it.
10. Divided by binary fission 10. Divided by mitosis. (normal
cells) Meiosis in germ cells
11. Flagellin is part of flagella. 11. Tubulin is part of flagella.
12. Mesosomes are present. 12. Mesosomes are absent.
13. Prokaryote (bacteria) cell wall 13. Plant cell wall is made of
is made of peptidoglycan cellulose. Fungi cell wall is
(polysaccharide + amino acid) / made of chitin.
murein. (a as whole sacculus)
Plants Animals
1. Plastid 1. Centriole
2. Central vacuole 2. Peripheral vacuole
3. Glyoxysome 3. Peroxisome
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Mitochondria, lysosome, ER, Golgi body, nucleus and ribosomes are
found in both animals and plants.
Double Membranes
Single Membrane
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Word virus is derived from Latin word "Venom" means "Poison".
Non-cellular infectious entities containing either RNA or DNA in a
protein coat
Reproduce only in living cell.
They depend host cell because they lack biosynthetic machinery
Causes disease in plant and animal like influenza bird flu, dengue
fever, swine flu
They don't follow cell theory
History of viruses
About a century ago, at the time of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch,
the word virus is referred as disease and death
First infectious disease against which vaccination was used was viral
In 1796 Edward Jenner, first Vaccinated an eight year old boy with
cowpox lesion after 6 week, he was inoculated with puss from a
small pox victim.
The boy didn't get the disease
As the material was from cow (Latin: vacca), Pasteur reformed this
process as vaccination.
Rabies a disease caused by bite of dog, foxes cats etc.
Charles Chamberland:
In 1884, Charles Chamberland, found that organism or agents
Responsible for rabies could pass through the porcelain filters of
(100-1000nm) while filter can remove all bacteria or other cells from
cell/liquid suspension.
These agents were considered as filterable Virus.
Iwanosky, in 1892, he discovered that infectious entities responsible
for tobacco mosaic disease is filterable.
To examine, he extract the juice from diseased tobacco plants and
pass it through the filter to remove the bacteria, when the juice was
applied on normal plants, they got disease
W.M.Stanely: He crystallized the tobacco mosaic (T.M.V) in 1935.
The study of virus is known as virology.
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Characteristics of viruses
Viruses are seen through electron microscope.
Can pass through filter.
Reproduce only in living cells.
Occur in different stains.
Contain either RNA or DNA and can undergo mutation.
Destroyed by ultraviolet radiations.
Lack cellular structure and enzymes.
No metabolic activity of its own.
Can be crystallized and stored in bottles.
Non-living outside the organism.
Resistant to broad range antibiotics like tetracycline etc.
Living Non-living
1. Have genetic material 1. Non-cellular.
2. Undergo mutation. 2. Lack enzymes and
3. Reproduce inside host cell by 3. Can be crystallized and stored
using host machinery. in laboratory.
4. Destroyed by UV radiations 4. Don’t respire and use energy
and chemicals. of host.
5. Occur in different strains. 5. Have ambivalent (fluctuating)
Structure of virus
Complete and mature virus is known as VIRION.
Composed of two parts primarily:
Protein coat(made of capsomere known as capsid)
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Nucleic acid (either RNA or DNA) also known as genome.
There is an additional covering derived from host cell membrane
called envelope.
Envelope is external to capsid.
Genome + capsid =core
Enzyme in core helps in virus mode of action.
Capsid gives definite shape.
No.of capsomeres is specific for each virus.
Virus Capsomeres
Herpes 162
Adeno 252
Retroviruses and hepatitis B have reverse transcriptase that
converts single stranded RNA into double stranded DNA.
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Polio virus has 32 capsomeres.
Virus envelope is also covered by glycoprotein spike (to recognise
host cells).
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Influenza virus
This virus belongs to family orthomyxoviruses.
It includes seven genera and out of which 3 are common.
Virus A
Genera of Virus C
influenza virus
Vaccines and drugs are available for this disease.
The total genome length of flu virus is 12000-15000 nucleotides and Bacteriophage are
the genome contains 6-8 segments. ubiquitous viruses
found wherever
Polio virus bacteria exist.
It is estimated that
Also called infantile paralysis number of
First identified by KarlLandsteiner in 1908. bacteriophages is
transmitted by: more than any
Contaminated water with faeces. other organism on
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Polio virus
symptoms : vaccines
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Structure of HIV
Following are features of HIV:
Matrix Spherical
Enveloped Spikes Viral capsid Viral RNA
protein shape
Types of HIV
Infect specific
Host specific
Types of HIV
Can infect any
Non-host specific
Influenza virus
exists in different
shapes from
round balls to
long, spaghetti-
like filaments.
Common symptoms
Severe pneumonia
Rare vascular cancer
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