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Characterization of a Three-Phase Dual Active Bridge

DC/DC Converter in Wye-Delta Connection for a High

Frequency and High Power Applications
Seunghun Baek, Sumit Dutta Subhashish Bhattacharya
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
North Carolina State University North Carolina State University
Raleigh, USA Raleigh, USA

Abstract— In this paper, high-frequency (HF) three-phase dual side leakage inductance and assuming that the magnetizing
active bridge (DAB) dc/dc converter in wye-delta connection is inductance of transformer is infinite.
characterized and the optimal condition in efficiency and size
of the practical application is investigated. The proposed
topology has many advantages, such as linear operation and
wide range of full ZVS operation region which have been the ϭ ϯ ϱ ϱ͛ ϯ͛ ϭ͛

major restrictions of the existing single-phase DAB

applications. This new approach is applied to a 10kW DAB
dc/dc converter prototype with multiple outputs to mitigate the
switching losses using newly introduced 1200V SiC MOSFET ϰ ϲ Ϯ Ϯ͛ ϲ͛ ϰ͛
and 1200V JBS Diodes.

Single and three phase DAB dc/dc converter were ϱ͛ ϯ͛ ϭ͛

introduced in [1] and [2] for high-power and high frequency

application and there has been much research on a variety of
DAB dc/dc converters. In case of three-phase DAB dc/dc
Ϯ͛ ϲ͛ ϰ͛
converter, there is a benefit in size. However, there has been
reluctance to use this topology because of complex operating
principle and control. The proposed three-phase DAB dc/dc
Figure 1: Three-phase dual active bridge in wye-delta connection 
converter in wye-delta connection in this paper has simple
and linear power transfer in terms of phase-shift of input side The inductor current referred to the primary side at each
transformer high-frequency voltage with respect to the phase is a function of θ = ωt in (1).
output side transformer high-frequency voltage. Further, the
third harmonics issues in three phase inverters are naturally There are 5 independent intervals depending on the
taken care of in secondary delta connection. switching actions in phase-shift range of 0 to /3. The high
frequency ac voltages on both side of the transformer have
II. THREE PHASE DUAL ACTIVE BRIDGE DC/DC different shapes as shown in Fig. 2, which is different from
CONVERTER OPERATION IN WYE-DELTA the single-phase DAB. Nonetheless, this relationship leads
CONNECTION the linear operation in regard to phase-shift and power output
The one of the three-phase input inverter applications is
introduced in Fig. 1. It is represented by inductors v p (θ ) − v ′s (θ )
i p (θ ) = (θ − θ i ) + iθ (θ i ) , θ i ≤ θ < θ f (1)
connecting input and two output bridges in wye-delta ωL
connection. The output power is controlled by the phase-shift
The formula of the power output (2) in terms of the
between the input and output bridges which switches at 0.5
output gain, d and phase-shift, ʔ is derived from the time
duty ratio. The operation of the converter is investigated by
average of the product of current and voltage equations
the equivalent circuit referred to the primary side by
during a cycle in Table 1. The power output is linear with
replacing the transformer by the total primary and secondary
respect to the control variable, phase-shift. The VA rating of

978-1-4577-0541-0/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE 4183

transformer is derived in (3) from the product of r.m.s. (2 − 3d )πV p L 2 (0 < φ < π ) (4)
values of voltage and current. i p (0) = <0 → d <
9 Lω 3 3
dV p2 (π − 6φ ) For lagging bridge (Output) bridge: i s (φ ) > 0 ,
P[φ ] = − , ( dVi = V s' , V s' = nV o , X = ωL ,
6Lω i sa (θ ) = i s − ab (θ ) − i s − ca (θ ) = n × ( i p −an (θ ) − i p − cn (θ ))
(turns ratio n:1) (2)
2π (1 − 2d )πVp 1
isa (φ) = is−ab (φ ) − is−ca (φ) = n × (is−ab (φ ) − is−ab ( + φ)) = − >0 → d >
Vprms I prms + Vs' I s' 3 3Lω 2
T [ϕ ] = (3)
2 (0 < φ < π ) (5)
The full range of soft switching is achievable at any point
in the range of ½< d<2/3, which is different from the fact
that the single-phase dual active bridge has a full soft-
switching region at single point and the ZVS region is
500 limited depending on the phase-shift between the primary
and secondary side transformer voltages.


The relationship between power output and phase shift is
500 shown in Fig. 4, and the quantities are normalized by
equation (6). As we discussed in previous sections, the
power output is linear in terms ‘ø’ and‘d’. The soft
switching region is shadowed in the range of ½< d<2/3. The
transformer power rating is shown in figure (5) and the
transformer utilization factor is given in (7) and in Figure 6.

Vb = Vi , I b = Vi , Pb = Vb I b (6)
ωL ,
 P [φ ]
Transforme rUtilizati on factor =
T [φ ]
In order to find the best operating condition, the soft-
switching has to be guaranteed in full operating range in
terms of phase shift and the transformer utilization factor
(TUF) is preferred to be high to minimize magnetic
10 components size and VA rating. TUF value does not have
much variation in case of phase shift larger than /4 and the
5 ZVS is guaranteed full operating region theoretically. To
achieve required specification in Table 2, the required
 inductance between bridges referred to input side is 16uH
considering phase-shift of /4 and d is 0.6. The specification
of three-phase transformer is shown in Table 3, the required
turns ratio is 6:5 to have output voltage 400V at the optimal

fs P Vi Vo d φ
Figure 2: Voltage and current waveforms
100 kHz 10 kW 800 V 400 V 0.6 /4
Required Output ripple
Output Cap. Device
The zero voltage switching is achieved by turning on the inductance
switches when the corresponding anti-parallel diode is on. 16uH 700uF 1200V SiC 4 V (1%)
Therefore, the soft switching region is determined by the TABLE 2 SPECIFICATION OF DAB CONVERTER
condition of current at zero and ø in (4) and (5). Hence, the
line current at ø of the lagging bridge is sum of the two
connected phase current in (5).
For leading bridge (Input) bridge: i p (0) < 0 , i pa (θ ) = i p − an (θ )

Peak Pri.
fs s T Peak Pri. Amps
100 11.5
6:5 533 V 15.3 A
kHz kVA
RMS Pri. Ri
Pri. Po/kVA Connnection
Amps Rin
377 V 10.0 A 0.868 Wye--delta

0.25 ansformer
Figure 5: Coaxial Tra

0.1 1

0.05 0.8

0 0.6

-0.05 0.4

-0.1 0.2

-0.15 0

0 10 20 30 400 50 60

Figure 3: Power output (pu) with d as paarameter, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
x-axis : phase shift [degree] 

0.4 Figure 6: P/T (TUF) vs. phase shift (degree)

0.35 B. Coaxial type transformer design n

The parasitic inductances and capacitances of the
0.3 transformers, especially leakage inductance, play an
important role in DAB operation n at high phase-shift. A
0.25 coaxial type transformer has chosen for this application
because the LC characteristics of coaxial geometry are well
0.2 defined and predictable. The lay-outt and prototype of 10kVA
coaxial type transformer are shown n in Fig 5. Assuming the
0.15 infinite outer winding totally coverss inner winding in ideally
symmetric geometry, only inner winding has very low
leakage magnetic flux between inneer and outer windings and
the leakage inductance can be utilizeed for DAB application.

0 All simulation parameters are set up on the basis of the

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
uced topology in Figure 7
Table 2 and Table 3 and the introdu
is simulated in PLECS. The curren nt waveforms in Figure 8
Figure 4: Transformer kVA (pu) with d ass parameter and Figure 9 show the 5 operation n mode and zero voltage
switching at turn on stage and the 400V of output voltage
and 10kW of output power are acchieved as mentioned in
previous sections. The voltage riipple is 1% with output
capacitor 700uH and the 16uH of inductance between
Primary 1 Secondary 1

HF 3 phs

800 V 500 DC
DC output

Secondary 2
Transformer Leakaage
inductance 100uH H
Output Capacitor 10

500 DC

Figuure 7: Schematic of the circuit under simulation

Figure 8: Simulation results of 3-phase

3 DAB in wye-delta configuration – voltages and in
nductor current

Figure 9 Simulation results of 3-phase DA
AB in wye-delta configuration – primary and secondary currentss, voltages and dc voltage

Figure 10: Device current and voltages on transfoormer primary side

 Figure 11: Device voltage and currentss on transformer secondary


The simulation results in Figure 8 are given for the 3-phase Figure 12 and 13. The existing prototype in Figure 12 is
DAB in wye-delta configuration as shown in Figure 7. In being modified to three-phase 10kW DAB dc/dc converter
Figure 8, Vm1 is the line to line voltage in phase A of in wye-delta connection. Figure 13 shows the experimental
primary. Vm2 is the line to line voltage of the phase A for results of the single phase DAB.
secondary 1 and Vm3 is the line to line voltage of the phase
A of secondary 2. Vm4 is the line to neutral voltage of
secondary 1. Figure 10 shows the switch current and V. REFERENCE
voltages on the transformer primary side. The current
through the device is positive when the switch turns on, [1] Rik W. A. A. De Deonker, Deepakraj M. Divan,
indicating hard switching operation. Figure 11 shows the Mustansir H. Kheraluwala, “A three-phase sofrt-switched
current and voltage through the device on the transformer high-power-density dc/dc converter for high-power
secondary bridge. The switch current is negative during turn applications”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY
on, indicating soft switching operations. APPLICATIONS, VOL. 27, NO. 1,
[2] Mustansir H. Kheraluwala, Randal W.
Gascoigne, Deepakraj M. Divan, Eric D. Baumann, "
a Performance Characterization of a High-Power Dual
Active Bridge dc-to-dc Converter", IEEE
d VOL. 28, NO. 6, NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 1992.
c [3] Mustansir H. Kheraluwala, Deepakraj M. Divan,
“Coaxially wounded transformers for high-power high-
frequency application”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
Figure 12 : Single phase dual active bridge dc/dc converter [4] Hua Bai, Chris, Mi; “Eliminate Reactive Power
( a : 100kHz HF coaxial wound winding transformer
b : gate drivers, c : 12kV SiC mofet, d : DSP and interface board)
and Increase System Efficiency of Isolated Bidirectional
Dual-Active-Bridge DC–DC Converters Using Novel
Dual-Phase-Shift Control”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[5] C. Zhao S.D. Round J.W. Kolar, “Full-order
averaging modeling of zero-voltage-switching phase-shift
bidirectional DC–DC converters”, IET Power Electron.,
2010, Vol. 3, Iss. 3, pp. 400–410

Figure 13 : primary voltage (yellow),

Secondary voltage (light blue),
Primary current (green) in single phase DAB dc/dc converter

This proposed three-phase DAB dc/dc converter in wye-
delta connection provides simpler and wide control range
and size reduction of the transformer. The bidirectional
power flow is verified and is linear in terms of phase-shift
input in the range of phase-shift 0-/3 and soft-switching in
full range is guaranteed between d=/2 to d=2/3. The
operation principle and the optimal design are studied and
validated by simulation. The experimental set up for single
phase 100 kHz 7kW DAB dc/dc converter with coaxial type
transformer has been implemented and tested as shown in

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