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SCIENCE Research Paper
e-ISSN: 2587-1110

Design and Analysis of a Solar Powered Absorption Refrigeration

System for Cooling a House in Isparta Province
Bengi Gozmen Sanli
Mersin University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 33343, MERSİN, TURKEY

ORCID: B. Gozmen (0000-0001-6805-2454)

In the present study, cooling of a duplex house placed in Isparta province by using solar-powered single effect
absorption refrigeration system, which uses water-lithium bromide (H2O-LiBr) mixture, was evaluated in
details. Firstly, the cooling load of the house was determined as 19.34 kW. In order to provide the cooling load of
the house (19.34 kW), the heat required for the generator was calculated as 26.76 kW, and the required collector
surface area was determined by considering different types of collectors (flat plate and vacuum tube) to meet
this heat capacity. In order to provide the cooling load of the house, the required surface area for the vacuum
tube collectors was calculated as 10.32 m2 while it was found as 25.95 m2 for the flat plate collectors. It was
concluded that the usage of vacuum tube collector with 57.9% efficiency is more appropriate since the required
collector surface area is 15,63 m2 less than the required collector surface area for flat plate collector.

Keywords: Solar energy, cooling performance coefficient (COP),cooling load, absorption refrigeration system

1. INTRODUCTION buildings with high rate of availability of solar energy. Yılm-

The energy demand on earth is increasing with growing azoğlu [6] carried out thermodynamic analysis of a single
world population. New energy sources have been investigat- acting solar powered absoption refrigeration system (SPAR)
ed on alternative fuels to replace with fossil fuels due to the using H2O-LiBr as working fluid. Öztürk [6] performed a
reduction of fossil fuel consumption and harmful emissions theoretical thermodynamic system on a SPAR system work-
into the environment. Solar energy is the most important ing with NH3-H2O fluid pair. Ghaddar et al [7] represented a
source in the renewable energy sources. Turkey is one of the modelling and simulation of a solar powered absorption re-
favorable countries in terms of solar energy potential and frigeration system for Beirut. The results of their study indi-
Turkey has taken part in the region called as sun belt [1]. cated that the montly solar fraction for cooling process was
Due to these reasons, solar energy has been used in sever- the function of solar collector surface area and storage tank
al applications such as solar cells, absorption refrigeration capacity. Daşkın and Aksoy [1] studied on the cooling and
systems, etc. Solar powered absorption refrigeration system air conditioning of additional building of Engineering Facul-
discovered by Ferdinand Carre [2] is preferred for cooling ty of Inönü University by using solar energy supported ab-
in summer season. This system requires very low or no sorption cooling system. They used LiBr-H2O as the work-
electricity input for the same cooling capacity and physical ing fluid pair and they created the suitable system model by
dimensions of an absorption refrigeration system is small- simulation. The performance analysis of a SPAR system used
er than those of different refrigeration systems as adsorp- in Mersin province was performed by Şahin et al. [8]. They
tion refrigeration systems. These systems play an important designed a NH3-H2O SPAR system using vacuum tube so-
role in the sustainability of energy and reduce the energy lar collectors and they analyzed the system. For the analysis,
requirements, cooling cost and CO2 emission [3, 4]. The they used weather temperature and solar radiation value of
absorbtion refrigeration systems are widely used in sever- Mersin province. Li et al. [9] studied on the experimental
al areas owing to their advantages. Many researchers from performance of a single-effect H2O-LiBr absorption refrig-
various countries have studied on solar powered absorption eration system (of 23 kW refrigeration capacity) driven by
refrigeration system due to the need for comfort cooling of a parabolic trough collector of aperture area 56 m2 for air

European Mechanical Science, September 2019; 3(3): 112-117

*Corresponding authour doi: https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.588646
Email: bengigozmen@mersin.edu.tr
Received: July 8, 2019
Accepted: August 21, 2019
Bengi Gozmen Sanli

conditioning of a 102 m2 meeting room located in Kunming, 2. MATERIAL AND METHOD

China. They investigated appropriate methods for improv-
2.1 Basic principle of solar powered absorption
ing the cooling performance. A solar powered absorption
refrigeration system
cooling system was modelled for Cyprus with TRNSYS sim-
ulation program by Florides et al. [10] and they examined A solar powered absoption refrigeration system (SPAR) is a
economic performance of this system. They showed that the kind of vapour compression refrigeration system that solar
SPAR system worked with maximum performance when the heat is used to increase the pressure of refrigerant. The ab-
auxiliary boiler thermostat was set as 87°C, Moreover, it can soption refrigeration system using Lithium bromide- water
be said that the energy of 84.240 MJ required for cooling (LiBr-H2O) consists of solar collector, solution tank, con-
and 41.243 MJ were supplied for hot water production. Xu denser, evaporator, absorber, generator, pump and a heat ex-
et al [11] performed a study on a new solar powered ab- changer. At these sytems, a refrigerant is used to transfer the
sorption refrigeration (SPAR) system with advanced energy heat equal to the cooling load from the house to outdoor by
storage technology. This advanced energy storage technolo- the evaporator and an absorbent provides to transport the
gy meant the variable mass energy transformation and stor- refrigerant [17]. The refrigerant-absorbent pairs (LiBr-H2O)
age (VMETS) technology. The results of this study showed are selected by considering both chemical and physical pro-
that the COP of this system can increase to 0.7525 cooling perties of fluids. At this study, LiBr-H2O commonly used in
air) or 0.7555 (cooling water) and the required solar collec- these systems was selected as working fluid pair [18].
tor area was calculated as 66 m2 for cooling air and 62 m2 At a solar powered absoption refrigeration system (SPAR),
for cooling water. Many researchers as Ali et al [12] and the solar heat is used to distill the water vapour from the
Ramesh et al. [13] have focused on solar powered absorp- working solution (LiBr-H2O) by a generator. The working so-
tion refrigeration systems due to its economic and ecolocial lution having LiBr in high quantity passes through the heat
applications by combining the need for comfort and effec- exchanger and it is drawn into the absorber. At this time, the
tive cooling of buildings. Bozkaya et al. [14] investigated vaporized fluid condensed in the condenser by heat trans-
to provide the required cooling load of İzmir province at a fer to outdoor. The liquid refrigerant having high pressure
summer season. They used a single acting SPAR system us- passes through an expansion valve in order to decrease the
ing NH3-H2O. In order to supply heat given to generator, pressure of the refrigerant and it is sent into the evaporator.
proper collector area and collector type were determined. The heat equal to the cooling load of the house is absorbed
Özay [15] designed a solar powered absorption refrigeration by the refrigerant in the evaporator and the refrigerant va-
system by using a parabolic solar collector for july in Isparta porizes. And then, the vaporized refrigerant draws into the
province. The COP and usability of the system were inves- absorber and the heat of Qa is rejected from the absorber.
tigated. A solar powered NH3-H2O absorption cooling sys- This weak solution in the absorber is pressured by a solution
tem was investigated by Stanciu et al.[16] They focused on pump. This solution is passed through a heat exchanger, it
the the best sizing of a solar-storage part of the global sys- returns to the generator and this refrigerant cycle is comp-
tem for the longest possible daily operation in July, at 44.25° leted [19]. A shematic presentation of the solar-powered
N latitude. They used the meteorogical data generated by single-effect absorption cooling system using water-lithium
Meteonorm software. They revealed that there is a specific bromide (H2O-LiBr) mixture is shown in Figure 1.
storage tank dimension associated to a specific PTC dimen-
sion that could ensure the longest continuous operation of
the ACS. When an initial solar start-up was considered, the
initial temperature of storage tank water was closed to the
ambient one. The longest continuous operation of the NH3-
H2O cooling system was obtained for a 10 m x 2.9 m PTC
aperture dimensions with a 0.16 m3 storage tank volume.
In order to provide thermal comfort conditions, the cooling
process has great importance and the cost of energy require-
ment for the cooling process is very high. In order to reduce
the cost of energy requirement for the cooling load, the solar
energy is used to supply the energy requirement of the SPAR
system. The objective of this study is to analyze the cooling
performance of SPAR system used in a dublex-house having Fig.1. Schematic presentation of the solar-powered single effect absorp-
the area of 150 m2 with double-glass, light colour shadowing tion cooling system using water-lithium bromide (H2O-LiBr) mixture
in Isparta Province. A solar powered absoption refrigeration
system (SPAR) using H2O-LiBr was designed and analyzed 2.2 Calculation of Cooling Load for a House
theoretically. In order to cool a duplex house in Isparta province via a so-
lar powered water-lithium bromide (H2O-LiBr) absorption
refrigeration system, the cooling load of the dublex house

European Mechanical Science, September 2019; 3(3): 112-117 113

doi: https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.588646
Design and Analysis of a Solar Powered Absorption Refrigeration System for Cooling a House in Isparta Province

should be determined. In this study, the considered dublex by convection and radiation were considered. The total co-
house is located on a longitude of 30.33° and 37.46° latitude. oling load was calculated using the following formulas [23];
To use at the calculation of cooling load, the meteorological
The cooling load for human;
datas for Isparta province are illustrated in Table 1. At this
study, the meteorological data of july was used for the cal- (1)
culation of cooling load since the cooling load is maximum The cooling load for fresh air;
in July for Isparta province. The external design temperature
was assumed as 30°C while the internal design temperature
was assumed as 25°C and the calculation of cooling load of (2)
the house was performed. The floor plan of this duplex hou- Cooling load for lightings and electrical devices;
se is indicated in Figure 2.
Table1. Meteorological data for Isparta porvince [20-21].
Month Average Temperature (°C) HY (MJ/m2.day)
Cooling load from radiation;
May 16.1 22.7
June 20.1 24.4
July 23.5 24.4
August 23.4 21.9 (5)
September 18.8 18.3 Cooling load for convection and conduction;
Qconvectionandconduction=8-12 percentoftotal ofcoolingloadof hu-
man, fresh air, lightings, electrical devices and radiation.
Percent quantity at this equation depends on the isolation
of the house [6]
Total cooling load;

For Isparta the total cooling load is multipled with 0.89 as
the correction factor.

2.3 Thermodynamic Analysis of Absorption

Refrigeration System
The equations of energy conservation and mass conser-
vation, which are used at the design of the SPAR system,
are demonstrated in Table 2. At this table, ṁ, h, Q̇ and W
are identified as the mass flow rate, enthalpy, heat capacity
and pump work, respectively. The subscripts of a, g, k and
e mean absorber, generator, condenser and evaporator, res-
pectively. The evaporator heat capacity is determined by
calculating total cooling load of the house. The thermody-
namic calculations of this SPAR system were performed by
using evaporator heat capacity and other design parameters
shown in Table 3.
Table 2. The equations of energy conservation and mass conservation
Fig. 2. The floor plan of the duplex house
used at the design of the SPAR system [24]
The ground floor is earth-contacted, each floor area is about system eguipments mass conservation Energy conservation
75 m2 and the house has a flat roof. The heat transfer coeffi- Absorber ṁ1=ṁ6+ṁ10 Q̇ a=ṁ10h10+ṁ6h6-ṁ1h1
Pump ṁ1=ṁ2 Wp=ṁ2h2-ṁ1h1
cients of the building elements are 1.03 W/m2K for the ou- Heat exchanger ṁ2=ṁ3, ṁ4=ṁ5 ṁ2(h2-h3)=ṁ4(h4-h5)
ter wall, 2.6 W/m2K for the double-glazed window, 4.0 W/ Generator ṁ3=ṁ4+ṁ7 Q̇ g=ṁ7h7+ṁ4h4-ṁ3h3
Expansion valve 1 ṁ5=ṁ6 h5=h6
m2K for the outer door, 0.58 W/m2K for the floor and 0.44
Condenser ṁ7=ṁ8 Q̇ c=ṁ8h8-ṁ7h7
W / m2K for the ceiling [22]. The house is facing to South Expansion valve 2 ṁ8=ṁ9 h8=h9
and there is no obstacle on any sides of the house. The house Evaporator ṁ9=ṁ10 Q̇ e=ṁ10h10-ṁ9h9
is well insulated, and it has the normal glass light color sha-
de. While calculating the total cooling load; heat gain from
people, lighting and devices, heat gain from neighboring
walls, floors and ceilings, heat gain coming from windows Table 3. Design Parameters of Solar-Powered Absorption Refrigeration

114 European Mechanical Science, September 2019; 3(3): 112-117

doi: https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.588646
Bengi Gozmen Sanli

System termined by the equation (16). Here, Qg is the generator heat

Parameter Symbol Value capacity, ƞ is the efficiency of the collector system.
Evaporator Qe 19,34 kW
Output temperature of evaporator T10 6°C (16)
Output temperature of solution at the generator T4 90°C
Concentration of weak solution X1 %55LiBr
Concentration of strong solution X6 %60LiBr
This efficiency (ƞ) is determined as shown below;
Steam temperature at the generator T7 85°C (17)
Output temperature of heat exchanger T3 65°C
2.4. Monthly Average of Solar Radiation Reaching to
Surface of Inclined Collector and Defination of Collector (19)
Area The useful energy acquired by the selected collector is calcu-
The surface area of collector is determined after the genera- lated by the following equation;
tor heat capacity is calculated by the thermodynamic analy-
sis of the SPAR system. While the surface area of collector is
Some refrigerant systems are designed that the required
defined, the first step is calculation of declination angle. The
energy is only obtained from solar energy. On the other
declination angle is used in order to determine the optimum
hand, some of these systems use both solar energy and ele-
inclination of plane where the collectors are placed on. Total
ctrical energy as supplement energy in order to supply the
daily solar radiation reacing to collector surface is assessed
required energy for SPAR systems [18]. At these systems, the
by using the mountly average solar radiation (Hy) for Ispar-
solar fraction (SF) is determined by the equation (21);
ta Province. The collector efficiency based on collector type
is calculated and the required collector area is determined.
The corresponding equations are given below: [18] (21)
The supplement energy for a month (Qsp) can be assessed as
Declination angle is calculated by the equation (8):
indicated below;

(8) (22)
n means the day of which data is used in a year. The tilt angle For the SPAR systems using only solar energy, the SF is equ-
of collector is defined as al to 100% [18]. The performance coefficient (COP) of the
SPAR systems is defined as;

Here, e is the latitude angle. Total daily solar radiation rea- (23)
cing to collector surface (Ht) is calculated by; While determining the collector area for solar powered ab-
sorption refrigeration (SPAR) system, the month datas of
(10) which cooling loads are high are used. It is concluded that
the providing of 70% and 80% of annual cooling load by solar
In the equation above, Hy is the mountly average solar radi- energy is economic [25].
ation (Hy) for Isparta Province. The equation 11 is used to
calculate the coefficent R̅ ; 3. RESULTS
In the present study, a solar-powered absoption refrigerati-
(11) on system (SPAR) using H2O-LiBr was designed and anal-
Here, H is defined as the angle of sunrise and sunset and it is yzed theoretically to cool a house having the area of 150 m2
determined by the equation (12); with double-glass, light colour shadowing in Isparta Provin-
ce. The required energy for this SPAR system was supplied
(12) by solar energy. The cooling load of the house for july was
Moreover, Hg is calculated by the equation (13); calculated as 19.34 kW and details for calculation of cooling
(13) load are demonstrated in Table 4.
With the equation (14), the day length is assessed. Table 4. Details of cooling load
Type of cooling load Capacity(W)
(14) Heat gain due to person 520 W
Heat gain due to fresh air 1400 W
Daily average solar radiation reaching to surface of inclined
Heat gain due to electrical devices and lighting 14069 W
collector (Ie) is defined as;
Heat gain due to Radiation 1744.72 W
Heat gain due to convection and conduction 1610 W
(15) Total cooling load (total heat gain) 19343.72 W

After Ie is calculated, the surface area of collector (Ac) is de- The required cooling load for the house is equal to absor-

European Mechanical Science, September 2019; 3(3): 112-117 115

doi: https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.588646
Design and Analysis of a Solar Powered Absorption Refrigeration System for Cooling a House in Isparta Province

bed heat from the house by the evaporator. The equations of the cost of the SPAR system with vacuum tube collectors is
energy conservation and mass conservation shown in Table less than the SPAR system with the flat plate collectors.
2 were used every equipment of the SPAR system and the
Table 8. Type of collectors analyzed in this study
results were indicated in Table 5. The cooling performan- Type of collector ƞ SF Area(m2)
ce coefficient (COP) of the SPAR systems designed in this Viessmann Vitesol300T Vacuumtube collector
study was calculated as 0.72 and the heat capacities of all Optical performance: 0.809
equipments are given in Table 6. k1:1.37 W/m2K 0.579 1 10.32
k2:0.0068 W/m2K
Table 5. The results of thermodynamic analyses of solar-powered single Viessmann Vitesol300F flat plate collector
effect absorption refrigeration system Optical performance 0.834
Point h(kJ/kg) ṁ(kg/s) P(kPa) T(°C) X State k1:3.66 W/m2K 0.231 0.999 25.95
(%LiBr) k2:0.0169 W/m2K
1 83.023 0.04137 0.934 34.9 55 Weak solution
2 83.023 0.04137 9.662 34.9 55 Weak solution 4. CONCLUSION
3 145.38 0.04137 9.662 65 55 Weak solution
In the present study, cooling of a duplex house placed in Is-
4 212.191 0.03792 9.662 90 60 Strong solution
parta province has been aimed by using solar-powered sing-
5 280.217 0.04137 9.662 54.8 60 Strong solution
6 280.217 0.04137 0.934 44.5 60 Strong solution
le effect absorption refrigeration system operating water-lit-
7 2627.985 0.008315 9.662 85 0 Super heated hium bromide (H2O-LiBr) solution. The main objective of
water vapour this study was to provide a decrease in the cost of energy
8 185.207 0.008315 9.662 44.3 0 Saturation water requirement for the cooling process. Firstly, the cooling load
9 185.207 0.008315 0.934 6 0 Saturation water of the house was determined as 19.34 kW. The heat required
10 2511.798 0.008315 0.934 6 0 Saturation water for the generator in order to provide the cooling load of the
house (19.34 kW) was calculated as 26.76 kW, and the requ-
Table 6. The equipment capacity of solar-powered absorption refrigera- ired collector surface area was determined by considering
tion system different types of collectors (flat plate and vacuum tube) to
Parameter Symbol Capacity meet this heat capacity. In order to provide the cooling load
Evaporator capacity Qe 8.02 kW of this house, the required surface area for the vacuum tube
Pump work Wep 0.492 kW
Absorber capacity Qa 38.231 kW collectors was calculated to be 10.32 m2 while it is found to
Generator capacity Qg 26.76 kW be 25.95 m2 for the flat plate collectors. It has been conc-
Condenser capacity Solution Heat Qk 20.32 kW
luded that the useage of vacuum tube collector with 57.9%
exchanger Qee 6.23 kW
Performance coefficient (COP) COP 0.72 efficiency is more appropriate since the difference between
the required collector surface area of vacuum tube collector
The required heat for the generator of SPAR system (Qg) and flat plate collector was determined as 15.63 m2.
was calculated as 26.76 kW by the thermodynamic analyses.
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doi: https://doi.org/10.26701/ems.588646

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