10 26701-Ems 588646-800724
10 26701-Ems 588646-800724
10 26701-Ems 588646-800724
SCIENCE Research Paper
e-ISSN: 2587-1110
In the present study, cooling of a duplex house placed in Isparta province by using solar-powered single effect
absorption refrigeration system, which uses water-lithium bromide (H2O-LiBr) mixture, was evaluated in
details. Firstly, the cooling load of the house was determined as 19.34 kW. In order to provide the cooling load of
the house (19.34 kW), the heat required for the generator was calculated as 26.76 kW, and the required collector
surface area was determined by considering different types of collectors (flat plate and vacuum tube) to meet
this heat capacity. In order to provide the cooling load of the house, the required surface area for the vacuum
tube collectors was calculated as 10.32 m2 while it was found as 25.95 m2 for the flat plate collectors. It was
concluded that the usage of vacuum tube collector with 57.9% efficiency is more appropriate since the required
collector surface area is 15,63 m2 less than the required collector surface area for flat plate collector.
Keywords: Solar energy, cooling performance coefficient (COP),cooling load, absorption refrigeration system
should be determined. In this study, the considered dublex by convection and radiation were considered. The total co-
house is located on a longitude of 30.33° and 37.46° latitude. oling load was calculated using the following formulas [23];
To use at the calculation of cooling load, the meteorological
The cooling load for human;
datas for Isparta province are illustrated in Table 1. At this
study, the meteorological data of july was used for the cal- (1)
culation of cooling load since the cooling load is maximum The cooling load for fresh air;
in July for Isparta province. The external design temperature
was assumed as 30°C while the internal design temperature
was assumed as 25°C and the calculation of cooling load of (2)
the house was performed. The floor plan of this duplex hou- Cooling load for lightings and electrical devices;
se is indicated in Figure 2.
Table1. Meteorological data for Isparta porvince [20-21].
Month Average Temperature (°C) HY (MJ/m2.day)
Cooling load from radiation;
May 16.1 22.7
June 20.1 24.4
July 23.5 24.4
August 23.4 21.9 (5)
September 18.8 18.3 Cooling load for convection and conduction;
Qconvectionandconduction=8-12 percentoftotal ofcoolingloadof hu-
man, fresh air, lightings, electrical devices and radiation.
Percent quantity at this equation depends on the isolation
of the house [6]
Total cooling load;
For Isparta the total cooling load is multipled with 0.89 as
the correction factor.
(8) (22)
n means the day of which data is used in a year. The tilt angle For the SPAR systems using only solar energy, the SF is equ-
of collector is defined as al to 100% [18]. The performance coefficient (COP) of the
SPAR systems is defined as;
Here, e is the latitude angle. Total daily solar radiation rea- (23)
cing to collector surface (Ht) is calculated by; While determining the collector area for solar powered ab-
sorption refrigeration (SPAR) system, the month datas of
(10) which cooling loads are high are used. It is concluded that
the providing of 70% and 80% of annual cooling load by solar
In the equation above, Hy is the mountly average solar radi- energy is economic [25].
ation (Hy) for Isparta Province. The equation 11 is used to
calculate the coefficent R̅ ; 3. RESULTS
In the present study, a solar-powered absoption refrigerati-
(11) on system (SPAR) using H2O-LiBr was designed and anal-
Here, H is defined as the angle of sunrise and sunset and it is yzed theoretically to cool a house having the area of 150 m2
determined by the equation (12); with double-glass, light colour shadowing in Isparta Provin-
ce. The required energy for this SPAR system was supplied
(12) by solar energy. The cooling load of the house for july was
Moreover, Hg is calculated by the equation (13); calculated as 19.34 kW and details for calculation of cooling
(13) load are demonstrated in Table 4.
With the equation (14), the day length is assessed. Table 4. Details of cooling load
Type of cooling load Capacity(W)
(14) Heat gain due to person 520 W
Heat gain due to fresh air 1400 W
Daily average solar radiation reaching to surface of inclined
Heat gain due to electrical devices and lighting 14069 W
collector (Ie) is defined as;
Heat gain due to Radiation 1744.72 W
Heat gain due to convection and conduction 1610 W
(15) Total cooling load (total heat gain) 19343.72 W
After Ie is calculated, the surface area of collector (Ac) is de- The required cooling load for the house is equal to absor-
bed heat from the house by the evaporator. The equations of the cost of the SPAR system with vacuum tube collectors is
energy conservation and mass conservation shown in Table less than the SPAR system with the flat plate collectors.
2 were used every equipment of the SPAR system and the
Table 8. Type of collectors analyzed in this study
results were indicated in Table 5. The cooling performan- Type of collector ƞ SF Area(m2)
ce coefficient (COP) of the SPAR systems designed in this Viessmann Vitesol300T Vacuumtube collector
study was calculated as 0.72 and the heat capacities of all Optical performance: 0.809
equipments are given in Table 6. k1:1.37 W/m2K 0.579 1 10.32
k2:0.0068 W/m2K
Table 5. The results of thermodynamic analyses of solar-powered single Viessmann Vitesol300F flat plate collector
effect absorption refrigeration system Optical performance 0.834
Point h(kJ/kg) ṁ(kg/s) P(kPa) T(°C) X State k1:3.66 W/m2K 0.231 0.999 25.95
(%LiBr) k2:0.0169 W/m2K
1 83.023 0.04137 0.934 34.9 55 Weak solution
2 83.023 0.04137 9.662 34.9 55 Weak solution 4. CONCLUSION
3 145.38 0.04137 9.662 65 55 Weak solution
In the present study, cooling of a duplex house placed in Is-
4 212.191 0.03792 9.662 90 60 Strong solution
parta province has been aimed by using solar-powered sing-
5 280.217 0.04137 9.662 54.8 60 Strong solution
6 280.217 0.04137 0.934 44.5 60 Strong solution
le effect absorption refrigeration system operating water-lit-
7 2627.985 0.008315 9.662 85 0 Super heated hium bromide (H2O-LiBr) solution. The main objective of
water vapour this study was to provide a decrease in the cost of energy
8 185.207 0.008315 9.662 44.3 0 Saturation water requirement for the cooling process. Firstly, the cooling load
9 185.207 0.008315 0.934 6 0 Saturation water of the house was determined as 19.34 kW. The heat required
10 2511.798 0.008315 0.934 6 0 Saturation water for the generator in order to provide the cooling load of the
house (19.34 kW) was calculated as 26.76 kW, and the requ-
Table 6. The equipment capacity of solar-powered absorption refrigera- ired collector surface area was determined by considering
tion system different types of collectors (flat plate and vacuum tube) to
Parameter Symbol Capacity meet this heat capacity. In order to provide the cooling load
Evaporator capacity Qe 8.02 kW of this house, the required surface area for the vacuum tube
Pump work Wep 0.492 kW
Absorber capacity Qa 38.231 kW collectors was calculated to be 10.32 m2 while it is found to
Generator capacity Qg 26.76 kW be 25.95 m2 for the flat plate collectors. It has been conc-
Condenser capacity Solution Heat Qk 20.32 kW
luded that the useage of vacuum tube collector with 57.9%
exchanger Qee 6.23 kW
Performance coefficient (COP) COP 0.72 efficiency is more appropriate since the difference between
the required collector surface area of vacuum tube collector
The required heat for the generator of SPAR system (Qg) and flat plate collector was determined as 15.63 m2.
was calculated as 26.76 kW by the thermodynamic analyses.
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