12 09
12 09
12 09
-The TOEFL® test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world,
recognized by more than 9,000 colleges, universities
-more than 130 countries, including Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the United States.
-It values how well you combine your listening, reading, speaking and writing skills to
perform academic tasks.
-The first test was held in 1964 by the Modern Language Association in the USA.
-Its main task is to ensure (іншуе) English language proficiency (префішенсі) for non-native
speakers wishing to study at U.S. universities.
-You can also take this exam online in the following locations: Kyiv Kharkiv Lviv Odesa Donetsk
and Simferopol
-There are four sections – listening, reading, speaking and writing – in the TOEFL test which
take a total of about four and a half hours to complete.
As for the reading, these are passages with 700 words and questions. These passages are about
academic topics where you can find these topics either in a book or on the Internet. Students have to
answer the questions, find important information, know the vocabulary, draw conclusions and pay
attention to details and ideas. New types of questions in the TOEFL iBT test require filling out
tables or completing summaries.
The Writing section measures test-takers’ ability to write in English in an academic environment.
There will be 2 writing tasks: one integrated task and one independent task.
For the first task (integrated), you will read a passage and listen to a part of a lecture about an
academic topic. Then you will write a summary about the important points in the listening passage
and explain how these relate to the key points of the reading passage. The question does not ask you
to express your personal opinion. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and
on how well your response presents the points in the lecture and their relationship to the reading
passage. For the second task (independent), you will demonstrate your ability to write
an essay in response to a question that asks you to express and support your opinion about a topic
or issue, rather than simply listing your personal preferences or choices.
Your essay will be scored on the quality of your writing: the development of your ideas, and the
quality and accuracy of the language you use to express your ideas. evaluated by four raters.
The TOEFL iBT test is scored on a scale of 0 to 120 points. Each of the four sections
(Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing) receives a scaled score from 0 to 30. All your scores
are then added together for a total. Starting in March 2013, the Listening and Speaking sections
include other English accents. Test-takers will hear accents from the United Kingdom, New
Zealand or Australia.
1. Мені вже до смерті набридло чекати так довго, я вже не можу терпіти ваш) безглузду
тріскотню. До того ж, я не схвалюю/не подобається те, що ви кажете.
1. I am annoyed to death at waiting for so long, I can't stand your) meaningless chatter. Besides, I
don't encourage/dislike what you are saying.
2. Якби я зміг обирати курси з природничих наук, соціальних наук та гуманітарних наук,
я б успішно склав усі екзамени та став би аспірантом,
If I could choose courses in the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, I would have
passed all my exams and become an alumnus(еламнес), postgraduate student
5. Як би мені хотілось, щоб студенти першого, другого, курсів пам'ятали про свої перші дні
в університеті. Мені здається, що при вступі до університету було необхідно подати заяву,
додаток до атестату з оцінками за середню школу до приймальної комісії. Якби я не звів до
мінімуму відпочинок на морі, я б не склав екзамен успішно. А мені ж, як і всім іншим,
абітурієнтам, прийшлось складати стандартизовані вступні екзамени. Мені повезло, я не
провалився на екзамені.
I would like the freshmen and sophomores to remember their first days at university.
It seems to me that when applying to the university, it was necessary to submit an application, high
school transcript to the office of undergraduate admissions. I hadn't limited my holidays at the sea
to a minimum, I wouldn't have passed the exam successfully. And I, like all other applicants, had to
pass standardized (стендедайзд) entrance tests. I was lucky, I didn't fail the exam.
6. Студенти нашого факультету криками схвалення зустріли новину про приїзд цього
відомого театру до нашого міста.
Students of our faculty cheered the news of the arrival of this famous theatre to our city.