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Study Protocol Systematic Review Medicine ®


Weight status in individuals with autism spectrum

A study protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis

Xue-Ni Xie, BSa, Yong-Jiang Li, PhDb, Xue Lei, BSc, Ya-Min Li, PhDd,

Background: Weight status and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are rising public health concerns. An increasing number of
reports indicate that individuals with ASD may have unhealthy weight status, but the evidence is mixed. To understand the weight
status in individuals with ASD and provide strategies for prevention and intervention, we describe the protocol for a systematic review
and meta-analysis aimed at assessing the prevalence of obesity, overweight, and underweight in ASD.
Methods: A broad range of key bibliographic databases including MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane, and ISI Web of
Science will be searched to identify studies reporting the prevalence of obesity, overweight, and underweight in patients with ASD.
Retrieved records will be independently screened by 2 authors and relevant estimates will be extracted from studies reporting data on
obesity, overweight, and underweight prevalence among individuals with ASD. The assessment of study quality will be conducted
primarily using the Newcastle–Ottawa scale and checklist proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. Prevalence estimates of obesity
and overweight will be separately pooled using random-effects model. The pooled estimates will be summarized and presented by
regional groupings. Subgroup analysis will be conducted for variables (such as study setting, participants’ age, and geographical
region) across studies, depending on data availability. Between-study heterogeneity will be assessed using the I2 statistic and
explored through subgroup analyses. This systematic review and meta-analysis will be reported following the preferred reporting
items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses checklist and the meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology statements
guidelines for meta-analysis and systematic reviews of observational studies.
Results: In this study, we will outline details of the aims and methods on the meta-analysis of weight status of individuals with ASD.
Conclusion: The results of this study will summarize the current data of weight status of individuals with ASD.
Registration: PROSPERO-National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
Abbreviation: ASD = autism spectrum disorder.
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, obesity, overweight, prevalence, underweight

Ethics approval is not required since this is a systematic review and meta- 1. Introduction
analysis of published data and no primary data will be collected. The results will
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the most common
be published in a peer-reviewed journal and disseminated in international
conferences as well as in policy documents. neurodevelopmental disorders. ASD usually appears in children
This work was supported partially by the National Natural Science Foundation of
by the age of 3 and is characterized by deficits in social
China (81873806). interactions and communications and repetitive sensory-motor
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. behaviors as well as stereotypic patterns of behaviors.[1] ASD is a
Supplemental Digital Content is available for this article.
major pediatric health issue. According to the report from autism
a and developmental disabilities monitoring network, up to 3% of
Shuda College, Hunan Normal University, b Department of Pharmacy, The
Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China, children in the US have ASD.[2] ASD is associated with a range of
School of Psychology, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia, high costs and families with autistic children are facing crushing
Clinical Nursing Teaching and Research Section, The Second Xiangya Hospital economic burdens.[3]
of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China. Obesity and overweight are major public health issues, and the

Correspondence: Ya-Min Li, Clinical Nursing Teaching and Research Section, prevalence has been rising.[4,5] Obesity and overweight are the
The Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, 139 Renmin Middle
leading cause of death and are considered as one of the major
Road, Changsha 410011, China (e-mail: aminny@csu.edu.cn).
causes of morbidity such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
Copyright © 2019 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
cancer.[6–8] Obesity and overweight in children can cause early
Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and death.[9] Childhood obesity also presents an increased risk of
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. adult obesity and is associated with health risks.[10,11] Obesity-
How to cite this article: Xie XN, Li YJ, Lei X, Li YM. Weight status in individuals related medical costs will rise to as high as $48 billion to $66
with autism spectrum disorder. Medicine 2019;98:38(e17274). billion per year in the US and £1·9 to 2 billion per year in the UK
Received: 26 August 2019 / Accepted: 28 August 2019 by 2030.[12] While the prevalence of underweight has not been
http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000017274 rising,[13] underweight among children and adolescents is

Xie et al. Medicine (2019) 98:38 Medicine

associated with higher risk of various diseases and burdens of 2.1.2. Definitions and outcome measures. The definition of
underweight is increasingly high in low- and middle-income ASD will include:
(1) categorical diagnosis according to the diagnostic and
A growing number of studies have investigated the association
statistical manual of mental disorders or international
between ASD and unhealthy weight status in children/adolescents
classification of diseases;
and adults,[15–17] while quiet variable results have been
(2) a validated ASD rating scales;
reported.[18–20] Unlike underweight, the putative association
(3) records of medical system or registries of previous diagnosis
between ASD and obesity/overweight might seem reasonable
of ASD;
because, other than a disease, obesity, and overweight are often
(4) an affirmative answer from parents to the question “Did the
terms used to describe fatness and unhealthy dietary habit and
doctor ever inform you that your kid has ASD?” about their
lack of physical activities are recognized as the main drivers.[21] It
children or from adults to the same question about
has been reported that individuals with ASD were less likely to
participate in physical activities[22] and ASD patients often have
significantly dysregulated diet composition, with atypical The definition of obesity/overweight will include:
selectivity (prefer more calorically dense foods).[23] However,
(1) diagnosis report based on any of the internationally accepted
study results have not been consistent and to what extent are
body mass index cut-offs (Centers for Disease Control and
obesity and ASD are associated is not clear. More recently, high
Prevention,[26] International Obesity Task Force,[27] World
frequency of underweight class in children/adolescents with ASD
has also been noted. Besides, the role of potential confounders in Health Organization [28]);
explaining the association has not been understood. Given the (2) records based on parental-report or self-report of obesity or
public health concerns of unhealthy weight status and ASD and overweight or directly measured data (height and weight).
the uncertainty about the association, it is of public health
priority to assess the possible link and to evaluate the role of
2.2. Search strategy
confounding factors on the relationship to design evidence-based
prevention strategies. A series of complementary search method will be applied for the
The objective of this protocol is to conduct a systematic review strategy. Relevant studies will be identified through searching the
and meta-analysis to estimate the global prevalence of obesity, electronic databases: Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and
overweight, and underweight in ASD based on existing literature. ISI Web of Science. The search strategy was first developed in
We specifically focus on whether, and to what extent, the Pubmed using Mesh subject headings combined with keywords
prevalence of obesity, overweight, and underweight are around the 2 search components (obesity, overweight and
significantly higher in individuals with ASD compared to those underweight and ASD). Then, the manual search will be
without. Also, possible confounding factors would be conducted through reviewing reference lists or citations fol-
addressed by performing additional meta-analysis depending low-up of identified eligible articles and relevant articles. No
on data availability. language limitation will be applied. Detailed search strategy for
electronic databases is available in online supplementary
Appendix 1, http://links.lww.com/MD/D248.
2. Methods
Methods for performing this systematic review and meta-analysis 2.3. Identification and selection of studies
have been defined in advance following recommendations from The records retrieved from electronic searches and manual
meta-analysis of observational studies in epidemiology state- searches will be grouped together and independently screened by
ments[24] and the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews 2 researchers for eligibility. Full-text copies would be obtained for
and meta-analyses (PRISMA).[25] records that potentially meet the eligibility. Then, these full-text
articles will be independently assessed by 2 researchers for
consideration of inclusion. Any disagreement about the eligibility
2.1. Selection criteria
2.1.1. Study setting and population. All original, peer- will be resolved through consensus between the 2 researchers or
reviewed studies that reporting data or estimates will be discussion and a third author as arbitrator.
considered. We exclude case studies, reviews, meta-analysis,
and meeting abstracts. Besides, to collect data as many as possible 2.4. Data extraction
and summarize the global prevalence of obesity, overweight, and The data in included studies will be independently extracted by 2
underweight in ASD, the control group setting is not a mandatory researchers. The following data will be extracted for all included
criterion for study inclusion. The representative populations will studies using a standardized form: publication information
include children and/or adults with ASD. Study sample derived (author, published year); study information (country where the
from the following sources will be considered: study conducted, study setting, data source, study period);
(1) the general population; general population information (sample size, age, and gender
(2) patients’ registers and databases; distribution); specific population information (ASD criteria,
(3) screening programs; treatment or medication use, comorbidities); outcome informa-
(4) clinical settings. tion (obesity, overweight and underweight definition, point
prevalence rates of obesity, overweight and underweight for
No geographical limitations will be applied when selecting overall sample or for specific subgroups); confounding factors (if
studies. available). If studies did not report such point prevalence but

Xie et al. Medicine (2019) 98:38 www.md-journal.com

provided the number of obese participants or height and weight 2.6. Data analysis
information in ASD population, the data will be collected and We will first describe the characteristics of included studies in
calculated to obtain the prevalence rates. Any discrepancies for narrative text and baseline tables, and then perform meta-
the data extraction will be resolved through consensus between analysis to pool the prevalence of obesity/overweight in
the 2 authors or discussion with the third author as arbitrator. individuals with ASD. If available, meta-analysis of both crude
and adjusted prevalence estimates will be conducted. Considering
the variability between included studies, obesity/overweight
2.5. Study quality assessment prevalence pooled estimates and their 95% confidence intervals
Two authors will independently assess the quality and bias in the will be computed applying random-effects model of DerSimo-
included studies. Since there is no consensus on rating methods nian-Laird. Heterogeneity between studies will be assessed using
and appropriateness of quality assessment in systematic review the Cochran Q statistic and the I2 statistic.[31]I2 values of 25%,
and meta-analyses of observational studies. We will firstly use the 50%, and 75% would be generally interpreted as low, medium
Newcastle–Ottawa scale[29] as recommended by the Cochrane and high heterogeneity, respectively. The presence of publication
collaboration, and then use the appraisal checklist proposed by bias will be assessed by visually observing the funnel plot and by
the Joanna Briggs Institute,[30] which is developed for studies quantitative Egger[32] and Begg[33] tests. If publication bias is
reporting prevalence estimates and has been used in systematic detected, the Duval Tweedie method will be used to obtain the
review and meta-analysis. The results of 2 different rating systems adjusted estimates.[34] Subgroup analysis and meta-regressions,
will be referenced when performing sensitivity analysis and depending on the data feasibility, would be performed consider-
subgroup analysis. Any discrepancy in the rating of study quality ing the following covariates: study setting, gender, age, sample
and bias will be resolved by consensus between the 2 authors or size, study period, geographical region, the method to assess
through discussion with the third author as arbitrator. ASD, the definition of obesity, overweight and underweight,

Records idenfied through Addional records idenfied

database searching through other sources
(n = ) (n = )

Records aer duplicates removed

(n = )

Records screened Records of irrelevant

(n = ) topics excluded (n = )

Full-text arcles excluded,

with reasons (n = )

Full-text arcles assessed • Ineligible study design

for eligibility (n = )
(n = )
• Not original research
(n = )

• Not address outcome

of interest
(n = )

• Meeng arcles
Papers selected (n = )
(n = )
(ASD: ADHD: both: ) Not clear result
(n = )

Figure 1. Flow chart of the study selection process.

Xie et al. Medicine (2019) 98:38 Medicine

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