Epidemic Inteligence in Europe

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Epidemic Intelligence in Europe: a users’ needs

perspective to foster innovation in digital health

Fanny Bouyer (  neptisliberti@gmail.com )
Groupe d'Expérimentation et de Recherche : Développement et Actions Locales (GERDAL)
Oumy Thiongane
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Alexandre Hobeika
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Elena Arsevska
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Aurélie Binot
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Déborah Corrèges
National School of Veterinary Services (VetAgro Sup)
Timothée Dub
Finish Institute for Health and Welfare
Henna Mäkelä
Finish Institute for Health and Welfare
Esther Kleef
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
Ferran Jori
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Renaud Lancelot
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Alize Mercier
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Francesca Fagandini
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Sarah Valentin
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD)
Wim Bortel
Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
Claire Ruault
Groupe d'Expérimentation et de Recherche : Développement et Actions Locales (GERDAL)

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Research Article

Keywords: zoonotic diseases, one health, digital tools, event-based surveillance, big data, sociology of
innovation, sociology of work, co-design process, co-creation, co-conception

Posted Date: July 18th, 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3097263/v1

License:   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Read
Full License

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European Epidemic Intelligence (EI) systems receive vast amounts of information and data on disease
outbreaks and potential health threats. The quantity and variety of available data sources for EI, as well as
the available methods to manage and analyze these data sources are constantly increasing. Our aim was
which innovations, according to EI practitioners, could improve the detection, monitoring and analysis of
disease outbreaks and emergence of new pathogens.


We conducted a qualitative study to identify the needs for innovation expressed by 33 EI practitioners of
national public health and animal health agencies in five European countries and at the European Center for
Disease Control (ECDC). We adopted a step-wise approach to identify the EI stakeholders, to understand the
problems they faced concerning their EI activities, to validate and further define practitioners’ problems to
offer solutions. We characterized their EI activities, their professional logics, and the desired changes in their

Our analysis highlights that EI practitioners wished to collectively review their EI strategy in order to enhance
their preparedness for emerging infectious diseases, adapt their routine to manage an increasing amount of
data and to have methodological support for cross-sectoral analysis. Practitioners were in demand of timely,
validated and standardized data acquisition processes by text mining of various sources; better validated
dataflows respecting the data protection rules; and more interoperable data with homogeneous quality levels
and standardized covariates sets for epidemiological assessments of national EI. The set of solutions,
identified to facilitate risk detection and risk assessment, included visualization, text-mining, predefined
analytical tools combined with methodological guidance. Practitioners also highlighted their preference for a
partial rather than a full automation of analyses in order to keep control over the data, inputs and adapt
parameters to versatile objectives and characteristics.


Overall, the set of solutions had to be based on holistic and integrated approaches for monitoring zoonosis
and antimicrobial resistance and on a harmonization between agencies and sectors, while keeping flexibility
in the choice of tools and methods. The technical requirements should be defined in detail by iterative
exchanges with EI practitioners and decision-makers.

The threat of (re-)emerging infectious diseases (EID) has increased due to global changes including climate
change, and a proliferation of global movement of persons and goods. Recent pandemics highlighted the
vulnerability of traditional indicator-based surveillance systems (IBS) for early detection, monitoring and
assessment of EID (1). Detection of and early responses to emergences will continue to challenge the

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European disease surveillance systems. More than 60% of EID are zoonoses and their incidence has
significantly increased over time (2), stressing the relevance of a One Health approach (3). Its implementation
faces many challenges from the design of collaborations between sectors up to the integration of
intersectoral data for shared risk assessments, hence placing an additional burden on Public Health (PH) and
Animal Health (AH) epidemic intelligence (EI) services (4, 5).

To complement traditional IBS based on mandatory disease notifications, sentinel surveillance, syndromic
surveillance, and other structured alerts (6), many national surveillance systems have established activities
and services of event-based surveillance (EBS) for EI. EI encompasses all activities related to early
identification, verification, analysis, assessment, and investigation of health threats and integrates both IBS
and EBS activities. IBS uses systematically collected surveillance data, whereas EBS uses non-official, non-
verified, non-structured data from multiple sources. The importance and high value of EBS is stated by the
International Health Regulation (IHR) (7, 1) setting up a legal framework for EI aiming at the early detection,
reporting and response to EID outbreaks. The three pillars of internet-based EBS are: disease and syndromic
surveillance of the news or based on participatory tools, social media analysis (Twitter, Facebook, etc), and
aggregated internet search trends (e.g. Google search trends) (8, 9). The availability of new information
sources and methods to explore large volumes of data leads to new challenges to manage, analyze and
interpret these data flows (10).

The European Commission (EC) supports the concept of an innovation process to respond to EID and the
growing threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This process should be built on the principle of openness
(open science, open innovation and open to the world of societal challenge), and aims to develop a European
market of digital tools in the health sector that could promote improved and sustainable digital practices for
EI (11).

A recent quantitative description of the EI activities of national agencies (12) brought some new ideas about
the trajectories of innovation of the national PH and AH agencies. A complementary qualitative assessment
can provide insight in the causality links of problems to solve and expectations of the EI practitioners in terms
of changes of practices.

The aim of our study was to describe the activities of European EI practitioners and their needs for innovation
in the framework of their professional EI activities. EI practitioners are defined as epidemiologists of national
and international PH and AH agencies with a mandate of EID detection. In addition, we aimed to co-design
the possible adaptation of new tools and services in EI. This approach is based on the idea that innovation, in
the sense of creating and implementing sustainable changes in practices in a professional group (13, 14), is
a process fueled by the operational objectives and action logics of the practitioners: "The problems are not
given by the situations but by those who experience them" (15). In order to be implemented adequately, the
changes must be considered as answers to practical questions as they are posed by the practitioners in the
exercise of their activity. We provide a first assessment of the innovation needs in terms of digital health
surveillance in the area of EI relating to EID and unknown diseases (“Disease X” identified by WHO),
considering both the PH and AH sectors in Europe.

Material and methods

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Study design and data collection
We used a qualitative socio-technical approach (15, 16) to identify both, i) how EI activities and services are
organized at the national level and at the ECDC, and ii) the actors' practices and their professional network.
We aimed to understand their perceived difficulties, the problems they wanted to solve, and to identify
possible solutions. Additionally, we summarized and validated this initial assessment and collectively
prioritized the needs and paths of solutions among practitioners, researchers and engineers.

We targeted epidemiologists who have an official mandate for the early detection and monitoring of
infectious threats according to the following EID types i.e., respiratory diseases, vector-borne diseases (VBD),
food and water borne diseases (FWBD), AMR, and unknown diseases (Table 1). We involved these
epidemiologists as gatekeepers and potential users of new digital tools and services, subsequently called EI
practitioners (Table 1 and 2) even when their EBS activity was marginal at the individual scale.

The study was carried out in five national European PH and AH agencies and a supra-national agency
represented by ECDC. The Five countries were chosen in order to have a diversity of Health Information
Systems (HIS) and ecological situations (North, South, East and West continental Europe) (Figure 1).

In accordance with the principles of comprehensive sociology and a research approach intended to be useful
for action (15;16), several loops of interactions were implemented based on a step-wise approach (Figure 2)
using different tools, including questionnaires, interview guides, and a digital tool for exchange of ideas
(Klaxoon ®)):

Step 1: Describe the EI activities in each country and sector and identify EI practitioners to interview.
We interviewed one key informant, or one group of informants per country and sector and one key
informant for ECDC (Jan.-Feb. 2020). The informants were epidemiologists working in a dedicated EI
team or having a good overview of the surveillance of the preselected EID types. The telephone
interviews were conducted by epidemiologists using a semi-structured questionnaire.
Step 2: Understand the professional practices related to the management of epidemiological data and
identify the problems to solve and expectations in terms of types of solutions.
We conducted 28 in-depth interviews (@1h30) by teleconference using semi-structured interview guides
with 12 key informants involved in the Step 1 and 16 additional epidemiologists (with various
backgrounds) or entomologist performing surveillance and risk assessment on a selected list of
diseases models of relevance to Europe (Table 1; Figure 1). We ensured a gender balance of the
interviewees (Table 2). Interviews focused on position, mandate, activities, practices of data
management, difficulties encountered, priority problems, and suggested paths of solution. Interviews
were recorded upon informed consent of the interviewees (Mar.-Nov. 2020).
Step 3: Interact with researchers from different disciplines i.e., epidemiology, computer science, modeling
and sociology to categorize and prioritize the problems that could be solved through solutions based on
new open-source tools and data. The interaction was implemented through a workshop by
teleconference with PowerPoint documents;

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Step 4: Interact a second time with the interviewees together with researchers in epidemiology, computer
science, modeling and social sciences, based on three workshops by teleconference with PowerPoint and
Excel documents;
Step 5: Validate collectively the problems to solve and detail the problems and paths of solutions. Five
workshops have been implemented by teleconference with the interviewees of Step 2 plus five
practitioners (added by snowballing) and researchers (at least one of each discipline). The Klaxoon ®
boards were used as a supportive tool (Dec. 2020).

An additional series of dedicated meetings about the needs related to highly pathogenic avian influenza
(HPAI) were organized during the first trimester of 2021 as response to recent requests expressed by the AH
authorities of France concerning modeling outputs to support decision-making.

Data analysis
The analysis of the interviews performed in Steps 1-2 (Figure 2) was done along the four following thematic
areas, corresponding to our research objectives and used for the interview guide: professional mandate and
objectives; surveillance practices and professional network; difficulties and problems to be solved; and the
useful data and tools. We have created tables in order to highlight the different types of difficulties and
problems to be addressed with as expressed by the practitioners, and the identified points of discussion being
points of vigilance or paths of solution mentioned by the interviewees. We then performed a thematic
analysis on all the information collected with NvivoⓇ 12 software. We used 28 pre-selected nodes that
correspond to central sub-themes approached by each segment of discussion (Supplementary File 1). Each
node was annotated and a memo was generated for each node. The interview, the annotation, and the memo
were transversally analyzed. We cross-checked the nodes that were linked and made a general comparison
between interviews related to each node.

Regarding the workshops (first without EI practitioners, then with them; steps 3, 4 and 5; Figure 2), the main
topics discussed were summarized in a report and the causes of difficulties, statements of the practitioners,
and problems to solve were further defined, complemented or reformulated in tables. To characterize the
diversity of the difficulties and problems, categories were built in an inductive way (related to the concerned
step of the activity and the nature of the difficulties) (See Supplementary file 1 and 2).

The results presented below are the outputs specified and validated after step 5 presented upon (Fig. 2).

Description of EI systems and activities

Fifteen epidemiologists from PH and AH agencies in five countries and the ECDC were interviewed during 11
preliminary individual or collective interviews. Among them, 12 were involved for the second round of
interviews and 16 other epidemiologists from these networks were selected according to their position for the
28 semi structured interviews (Fig. 1). Five additional practitioners participated in the workshops and HPAI

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meetings. Table 1 presents the EI activities executed by the 28 interviewees (14 women and 14 men): 61% of
them worked in a PH agency, 39% in an AH institution. The average age of the interviewees was 46,6 years
and the seniority in the position of 9 years, with higher averages in age and seniority for men than for women
(Table 2).

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Table 1
Summary of the EI activities of the interviewees
Country Sector EI activities of the interviewees

Europe PH Modelling of trends and non-pharmaceutical interventions to inform risk assessment


Detection and assessment of infectious and X threats (EBS)

Detection and assessment of infectious and X threats (EBS)

Detection and assessment of infectious and X threats (EBS)

Italy PH Monitoring and risk assessment in entomology (IBS)

Surveillance of enteric pathogens (IBS)

Detection and risk assessment of infectious threats (national EI, and IBS for VBD)

AH Surveillance in animal health and food safety (IBS mainly)

Monitoring program about bacterial diseases, AMR, biosecurity and animal welfare

Monitoring of West Nile disease virus and Usutu virus (IBS)

France PH Epidemiologic surveillance of tropical diseases: detection and risk assessment of

introduction (IBS)

Management of surveillance systems for arboviroses (IBS)

Management of surveillance systems for AMR (IBS)

Surveillance of hepatitis A, E, tularaemia + coordination of TBD surveillance (IBS)

AH Coordination of the IBS groups and the EI group of the platform (EBS and IBS)

Editor of the national epidemiological bulletin (AH and food security); international EI

Detection and assessment of infectious and X threats EBS (international EI))

Detection of OH threats (Low signals monitoring) (EBS)

Finland PH Preparedness, Response, risk assessment (IBS)

Infectious disease consultant dedicated to the Hotline (EBS)

Investigations on bacteria and Food Borne Pathogens (IBS)

AH Modelling risk assessment for animal diseases (IBS)

Serbia PH Surveillance, Detection and Reporting (IBS)

Detection and assessment of VBD (IBS)

Spain AH Surveillance, detection, management and Elaboration of guidelines (IBS)

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Country Sector EI activities of the interviewees

Management and implementation of European law in disease surveillance and VH


Implementation of program and reporting on zoonosis and AMR for EC (IBS)

PH Coordination and Management of information system (IBS)

Table 2
Age, Gender and seniority of the interviewees
Gender Number Average age Average seniority

Female 14 43.8 6.9

Male 14 48.7 11.1

Total 28 46.4 9.0

The organization of EI activities (Supplementary file 3) varied in terms of mandate, centralization, human
resources and data sources from one institution to another, and between EI teams. EID and biothreats
detection and surveillance was the core mandate and the mandate concerning bioterrorism was sometimes
delegated to a specific center. AMR was sometimes addressed in different EI networks than the central one
(not addressed by the platform ESA (France, AH) and addressed by different agencies (France, PH)). At
national level, IBS, based on mandatory notification of diseases, sentinel- and syndromic surveillance had a
prominent role in early detection and surveillance. Most of the human resources of national agencies were
dedicated to national IBS and very few to national EBS, even less for international EBS. The larger national
group dedicated to Epidemic Intelligence (Italy PH) mobilized their 20 officers for national EBS by rotation
and their main occupation was IBS. In Spain, international EBS was specifically externalized to a public-
private partner. When international EBS was not part of the mandate of the team, it was often implemented in
a non-formal manner, according to sanitary situation, on top of the IBS activities (France PH, Serbia, Italy AH).

National Health Information Systems (HIS) were mainly based on heterogeneous non interoperable
institution-specific databases, more interoperable dataflows from laboratories and sometimes on shared
multi-level repositories from surveillance networks (Spain, Italy). The shared online national platforms (multi-
institutions, multi-level and multi-sectoral) were recent or under development and do not concern all the
diseases. Some specific challenges were linked to the regionalization of Spain and Italy, and the related
autonomy in the organization of disease surveillance.

The use of international platforms for reporting (ECDC (TESSy), EFSA, WHO, ADNS), sharing of events
(EWRS/EPIS, WHO, WAHIS) and accessing international validated data (notifications and website of WHO,
ADNS, OIE, ECDC) was generalized for the 4 European countries and Serbia also as an ENC.

The ECDC is an agency proposing to European countries the outputs of its EI activities or its support to
develop their own EI service. The ECDC, ISS from Italy (for PH) and ESA platform from France (for AH) had
dedicated teams implementing EBS and standardized procedures for EBS. The professional networks were

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complex for the daily work of detection and validation and included informal relationships on top of formal

The EI team of ECDC was the only centralized team with a rotation of EI officers and a wide network of
disease specialists in situ for the daily round table. They also used various EI data sources: official sources at
multiple scales on top of their in-house platforms and databases, and many informal sources such as
aggregators, blogs and social media.

The Italian EI group (rotation of 20 part-time agents for national EBS and two for international monitoring)
was decentralized and used only two EBS tools for national EBS and one additional tool for international
monitoring. The focus on only two tools was possible due to the efficiency of the Italian language as a filter
to collect national information and the strong technical support of the European Commission Joint Research

The French AH platform of epidemiological surveillance also had a decentralized group and used a limited
number of EI tools like the Italian PH EI group. The three dedicated groups used Standard Operative
Procedure (SOPs) for EBS. ECDC has a prominent role to produce and share new SOPs.

In Spain (AH), national and international EBS was implemented without SOP by a network of officers of the
ministry and epidemiologists from a private-public company, to complete IBS (ADIS and national databases)
for some selected transboundary animal diseases by periodical monitoring of the situation in ENC from
various Web sources (aggregators (HealthMap, ProMed), national and international public medias, official
websites (WHOAH sites, WHO, etc..).

Specific EBS dataflows based in the notifications of medical practitioners were implemented at national level:
a hotline for healthcare professionals to notify suspicions of EID in Finland, the system RYMY to notify FWBD
events (Finland), and an online tool e-SIN to notify health-care related infections (France). These data sources
were confidential and some tools were not numeric (as the hotline). In Serbia, systematic media monitoring
concerned rumors and PH communication.

The multi sectoral collaborations (between PH, AH and wild fauna stakeholders) were often implemented for
disease specific activities in an ad hoc way (for food safety, some VBDs and AMR), without formal One
Health SOPs. The formalization of the intersectoral collaborations was facilitated in some countries by the
institutional integration of AH institutions under the authority of the ministry of Health, like in Italy and in
Finland (Table 3) or through national plans (against AMR, for communication about zoonosis, for
coordination of alerts in Spain) or agreements between institutions involved in thematic and transversal
working groups (France AH).

Main difficulties encountered by EI practitioners

We collected in the interviews 58 difficulties, defined as statements made by the interviewees concerning
tasks seen as “difficult to implement” or statements corresponding to unfulfilled expectations. We grouped
them into 6 categories (Table 3): the time-consuming tasks (17/58 difficulties, mentioned by 61% of our
interviewees), the technical barriers (13/18, mentioned by 46% of our interviewees), the lack of quality (8/58,

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mentioned by 29% of our interviewees), the lack of collaboration (8/58), the methodological issues (8/58)
and the lack of timeliness (4/58, mentioned by 14% of our interviewees). The most frequent difficulties in the
interviews were related to different steps of the EI activities: data collection (14/58 difficulties, mentioned by
50% of our interviewees), their processing (9/58, mentioned by 32% of our interviewees), their analysis
(15/58, mentioned by 54% of our interviewees), as well as the strategy to organize surveillance (10/58,
mentioned by 36% of our interviewees) (Table 3). Many EI practitioners expressed being overwhelmed by the
time-consuming data collection, processing, data sharing and reporting activities (14/58, mentioned by 50%
of our interviewees), which left them little time for the actual data analysis and interpretation. Their first
mandate was to produce consolidated data, but they were also in charge of producing risk assessments.
Many difficulties concerned the analysis, because of the poor quality or lack of data, a lack of dedicated
personnel with sufficient training, a lack of coordination to review strategic issues, and a lack of knowledge,
know-how and tools for implementing the One Health approach.

Table 3
Occurrence of difficulties by category of difficulty, for each EI step (on a total of 58 difficulties identified in 28
Collaboration: difficulties linked to the insufficient or absence of work relations between different
agencies, or stakeholders involved in surveillance activities

Quality: difficulties linked to the insufficient value of the output/ result of the activity (as expected by the

Technical barrier: lack of capacity linked to a tool, data or any technical aspect.

Methodology: difficulties linked to a lack of know-how or consensus concerning methods and tools.

Time-consuming: constraint linked to the time needed to implement the task.

Timeliness: in a broad meaning, the difficulties linked to the capacity to address the task at the accurate
moment (according to the user point of view).

Type of difficulties

Tasks Collaboration Methodology Quality Technical Time- Timeliness Total

barrier consuming

Strategy 5 5 0 0 0 0 10

Collection 0 1 1 3 7 2 14

Processing 0 0 1 4 4 0 9

Data 3 0 0 3 1 0 7

Analysis 0 2 6 3 3 1 15

Reporting 0 0 0 0 2 1 3

Total 8 8 8 13 17 4 58

Table based on data from Supplementary file 2.

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Data access, processing and validation
The difficulty of accessing good-quality data in a timely manner was a major constraint for national
epidemiological data collection, early warning, and long-term international monitoring. It has been highlighted
by the COVID-19 crisis, which tested the limits of the EI system.

“Now, after the COVID-19 crisis […] we understood that [most of] the failures that we had in some areas of the
emergency response […] were due to the poor data availability.” (Italy P2 PH)

Access to data was divided into several issues, which were all sources of practical difficulties: the knowledge
of the existing data sources; the heterogeneity of the data formats; and economic, legal, and political
roadblocks. All affected the timeliness of the access and the quality of the data.

Firstly, the quality of the data linked to the deficit of dedicated epidemiological databases beyond punctual
studies was also frequently mentioned as a source of difficulty. This was especially salient in EI decentralized

“The problem is that we have very low-quality data from the peripheral labs because they use different
systems. They don't really agree on the list of antimicrobials that should be tested because they have
diagnostic needs.” (Italy, P2, PH)

Trustful sources of validated data describing local sanitary situations were also missing in some countries
(European Neighboring Countries (ENC) in central Europe and north Africa), and worldwide regarding VBDs
(e.g., Zika, chikungunya, dengue and malaria). The efforts of data collection were perceived as too time-
consuming and were a constraint to improve the travel medicine by more precise risk assessments by
location worldwide.

Countries also expressed the challenges in implementing better assessment of the risk of introduction of EID,
in relation to additional dataflows that were missing or time-consuming to collect and merge. Concerning PH,
the sources for immunization, medication, travel destinations, and risk behaviors came from punctual studies
that were not deemed as sufficient. For animal health, the information about legal and illegal movements
were collected through time-consuming requests to the customs or researchers and there was no centralized
source of composition of food products.

Secondly, EI practitioners had to consult a high number of data sources and the knowledge of the best
sources was sometimes person-dependent. The data sources of the EI systems were highly heterogeneous in
the responding countries: the structured sources, in particular the mandatory notification reports, still play a
major role for early warning. The EI team of ECDC stated that they have to consult a high number of
structured and unstructured sources, whereas the national officers made strategic choices to reduce the
number of unstructured sources in relation to the workload.

EI practitioners had to manually collect up-to-date diseases data and covariates among many scattered
sources. This task was especially important for VBDs, FWBDs and AMR in PH (national and international
scales), but also for epizootics in AH at the international scale. The international primary sources of the most

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up-to-date validated data were scattered. Even in Europe, their identification was based on the practitioner's
experience and there was no alert when a new report or notification of new data became available. This
fragmentation and heterogeneity of data producers was also salient at the national level between ministries,
medical services, and between autonomous regions. This situation led to data sources being left unknown, or
known but unused.

“I am sure that there are lots of things that are put officially on certain official ministry websites, with a delay
or not. Official data, things that could be useful for us to evaluate epidemiological situations. We do not have
access to them because we do not know about them. Then […] we lose time, so we do not persist.” (France,
AH, P3)

The COVID-19 pandemic increased the workload by overwhelming some notification tools with a lack of
human moderation. For example, the signals for other infectious diseases than Covid-19 were overshadowed
by the increased flow of emails from EWRS, the tool dedicated to mutual notification for early warning
between EU countries.

“The early warning and response system has a big problem actually, because of COVID, the amount of
information has increased […] immensely. […] If every institute of every country in the EU is responding every
day, it means like 20 or 30 replies for a single question and there are several discussions going on there. So,
this EWRS notifications, they are filling my email box, right now. There might be something interesting, some
Listeriosis for instance, but it is difficult to find because most of the notifications are about COVID.” (Finland,
PH, P2)

Thirdly, the formats of the accessible data were highly heterogeneous. When databases were available, they
were rarely interoperable. When they were not downloadable, or not yet, data could be found in published
reports and bulletins, in even less standardized formats. For instance, there was a lack of dedicated
databases for epidemiology, in particular for PH, and the numeric entry of epidemiological data by the
medical practitioners was partial. In AH, the sources for legal and illegal animal movements and composition
of animal by-products were different (customs, researchers, scattered non structured sources) and their
extraction was human-based and very time-consuming.

“They do not have a standardized system able to collect information for all human diseases, just for some
human diseases. And also, many epidemiological investigations, I mean, investigation data that are quite
important, they do not have a complete and informatized system.” (Italy, AH, P3)

Fourthly, economic, legal, and political roadblocks hampered data access. Databases were sometimes
expensive – for instance, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) data of flights and passengers.
Dealing with the regulations for data protection and licensing agreement required a specific know-how. For
instance, in Italy, the databases used by various institutions (laboratories, hospitals, private doctors), sectors,
and administrative units could not be merged easily in 2020 in order to respect the new data protection laws.
Further, the state authorities sometimes chose not to publish their data or to delay their publication.

“It is not always possible to find the original source. Especially in some countries, when the ministry of Health
is not as transparent as one would want to, or the website is not up to date. In some situations, you need to
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be more imaginative, also check with other stakeholders, e.g. MSF, Oxfam, WHO regional country offices. This
is the next step. So multiple non-direct (i.e. not original) sources would need to be checked.” (ECDC, P2)

The differences in timeliness of data flows were a barrier to their combined analysis needed by stakeholders
in order to implement control measures. The scientific literature was considered as an important source of
quality but outdated data.

“If you want to be effective in prevention, you have to start right away, when we detect the problem. [You
need] tools that [are] very reactive […]. Today, we are already happy to have an annual temporality of about n
+ 1 […]. [But] the PRIMO mission with the city labs, they are able to give, every month, to the labs the analysis
that they make of [their data]. If you want to take data from people, you have to offer them something,
otherwise they are not interested!” (France, PH, P3)

The timeliness of reporting was often considered not satisfying. The most prominent European central
database repository, TESSy, provided data often seen as outdated for the EI practitioners. Concerning the
international early warning at European level, the timeliness of IBS dataflows and notification to international
agencies (ECDC, EFSA and WOAH) vary a lot according to the disease. For COVID-19, the health data
notification became daily at the national level through dashboards. However, for other infectious threats like
tick-borne diseases (TBDs), the delay of notification and the under declaration did not allow an early
detection of events.

“This data is not transferred into TESSy straight away. So there is always a delay in reporting. And we have to
look for information one by one (per member state). We do not do it often, because it is so time consuming,
only when [it is] something big. […] “Most of the states, not all of them, publish on their websites weekly, and
monthly bulletins with the numbers of cases reported for all these diseases. And that is the most up to date
data that we can access.” (ECDC, P2)

For some countries with low resources, the most up-to-date sources for validated health data was considered
to be their ministry websites or social media accounts, but the direct monitoring of social media (not collected
by an aggregator) produced a very large amount of data. Facing this difficulty, many practitioners (France
and Italy) preferred to monitor only a selection of specific accounts.

The validation of EBS signals was cited as a time-consuming step. When an international event was
suspected, it needed to be validated by a committee of experts (in ECDC, Italy PH and France AH). They had
the possibility to contact their networks of focal points (from ECDC) in Europe and ENC, reference
laboratories, and disease specialists. They also used their personal networks like researchers or other
professional stakeholders (NGOs). The validation was subject to discussion between peers in the EI
institutions during daily or weekly briefings, and consensus could take some time to be reached when
uncertainty was high. Lack of information exchanges between eastern European countries rendered the
validation of information difficult between national agencies.

The validation of IBS data at local level was also time-consuming when the number of cases was high and
the sources had to be cross-checked like it was the case for COVID-19 in 2020, that mobilized human
resources from other priorities.
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“In addition to that, when there is a mandatory declaration, there is a whole validation work to be done which
is generally done by the regional health agencies. And this validation works, if there are many, many cases, in
fact, hundreds of people would be needed on a permanent basis…” (France, PH, P4)

Respondents using IBS data stated they spent time validating them before the risk assessment and field
investigation to be sure to have reliable data even if a validation was not their personal duty. The mandatory
notification tools and process were not adapted to diseases with many cases (like COVID or Dengue) and
lead to additional work to get exhaustive datasets.

“We know that mandatory reporting does not work when there are too many cases to report.” (France, PH, P3)
Data analysis
Many EI officers highlighted a lack of human, methodological and organizational resources to perform
sophisticated cross-sectoral analysis about AMR, VBDs and FWBDs. They indicated a lack of consensus
about the best intersectoral determinants for the emergence and spread of zoonoses. Missing knowledge in
epidemiology (e.g., accurate inputs about immunity interactions) or missing shared resources (e.g. more
complete genomics reference library to implement better risk assessments in a One Health approach or
access to open-source tools) were cited as important barriers.

Sharing epidemiological datasets between the sectors often required a request of special access that was
hampered by data protection issues and by the difficulty to manage the very heterogeneous quality of data.
Beyond health data sharing, the lack of standardized covariates sharing between the sectors and countries
was a constraint to implement standardized intersectoral risk assessments. Building an intersectoral
platform was described as challenging and could not cover all diseases.

“A common database is missing. What happens with Veterinarians is not up to them, it is up to the system.
That is established in that way. If they don't have a project and sometimes financial support provided, they
cannot give us the data because of Ministry of agriculture” (Serbia, PH, P1)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the monitoring and comparison of control measures has been challenging,
although the countries have timely shared their data through dashboards, and relied on ECDC and research
institutes for the analysis. The “human covariates” were deemed not sufficiently standardized (such as
movements and implementation of health measures).

The collaboration between the animal, food, environment and human sectors was considered insufficient by
most of the respondents, because the coordination from data collection up to analysis was lacking.
Multisectoral collaboration was program-specific and related to specific diseases – mainly VBDs or formal
programs in AMR, rather than implemented to prepare for bio-terrorism.

“We have a lot of informal contact with [public health] authorities, but formally, and there is no constant
interexchange. So […] it is difficult for us to get all the information from the human side, and sometimes it is
difficult for them to get all the information from our animal health side. I mean, One Health is a challenge for
every country at this moment, because there is a lot of inertia from the past opposite of this approach and it
is difficult to fight against inertia.” (Spain, AH, P1)
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The difficulties to implement multi-sectoral collaborations underlined by practitioners were explained by the
different concerns in prioritization of pathogens for human and animal health, the structural constraint of the
institutions and also the lack of knowledge about intersectoral relations of causality for emergences (AMR,
FWBDs). This was a barrier to build or implement a One Health plan for AMR despite the political will.

“Few resources, poor understanding… I think of the problem and at the moment, poor integration between the
different parts, the different stakeholders mentioned in that plan.” (Italy, PH, P2)

Many difficulties were related to methodology for implementing intersectoral analysis. Beyond the constraint
for collecting and merging the data, some knowledge or skills to perform sophisticated analyses were
sometimes missing at the scale of the team.

We noted an overlap between some mandates of surveillance, with a thin line between the descriptive
analysis (situation assessment) and risk assessment for decision-making. The data production by multiple
stakeholders can lead to duplication of efforts and difficulty of data merging without a strong coordination
(e.g., indicators for AMR). There was also a challenge to produce analytical outputs adapted to decision-
makers. In the time of pandemics (COVID-19 and HPAI), the production of new modeling outputs was
externalized to researchers and specialists. They had to translate their research products into ready-to-use
documents for decision-making and communication: taking criteria of decision-makers into account was
necessary to warrant their effective use.

“We are asked not to carry out a risk assessment because it is not our role, but we are always obliged to do so
when we assess an epidemiological situation, so we have done a minimum and this is a cursor that is
difficult to place […] In the first stages of the work (writing notes for epidemiological bulletin), one may be
limited in what one has to deal with or not to deal with.” (France, AH, P3).
Notification, reporting, and data sharing
The heterogeneity of reporting systems was one of the main constraints in countries having a high degree of
decentralization, organized with autonomous regions and municipalities. In Spain, the lack of
homogenization and interoperability was experienced through platforms for national alert network and
national database of veterinary antibiotic prescriptions (Table 3) that allowed different interpretations over
the regions. In addition, it was pointed out that large rounds of surveys organized though internal forums may
be interpreted differently over the regions. Delay of reporting was also stated as a critical problem at national
and subregional levels. When the IT system did not allow an automatic uploading of the data, more human
resources were needed to fill the forms online.

Some technical difficulties were also related to the constraints about the interface for uploading and frequent
changes in format required for official notification. For example, uploading to TESSy required large datasets
to be split into smaller ones. Furthermore, the frequent changes in the format of data entries induced
coordination costs throughout the surveillance systems. The divergences of reporting outputs according to
the international system were also representing a difficulty for analysis.

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“According to the ECDC system, you have to split your data set in parts with no more than 500 records.
Otherwise, the system is not capable of uploading it. And I have thousands of records. […] [And] It changes
quite often. And we have to adapt the system, but […] even a small change in terms of an additional field of
data means a big change in the system. Because we have to explain to each lab what the new information
means, the way it should be collected, the availability, if it is available or not at their own level. And it cannot
be done on a one-year basis. If you want a new information now, you have to start asking that two years in
advance at least” (Italy, PH, P2)

"It's really the [member] states that declare after everyone declares in their own way, regularly, in blocks. You
have to get to know them. At the beginning, there were also problems between the declarations of the ADNS
and the declarations made to the FAO because they were not always consistent. Less and less, there are
problems of concordance between the declarations made to the FAO and the ADNS. Now, with the OIE
[WOAH], this is not the best way to declare. But there is going to be a new system that will pool declarations
between Europe and the OIE [WOAH]. So there will be no more discrepancies.” (France, AH, P3)

At the national level, the problem of reporting could result in a lack of confidence in the reliability of data, for
data managers. This problem was also pinpointed in relation to the transparency regarding data coming from
extra European countries that needed careful validation through different networks.
Variety of strategic objectives
Strategic stakes appear to be a barrier to analyze data or even to organize surveillance. There is a lack of
collective review of EBS objectives and tools between EI practitioners in general and for AMR in particular.
End users expressed the need to have a better prospective approach in order to build surveillance systems
concerning new threats timelier (this expectation increased since the Zika epidemics). National officers also
expressed the need to exchange experiences and procedures between countries about sentinel monitoring
and COVID-19 surveillance.

Countries had different priorities with traditional mandatory diseases notification and different resources to
complement IBS by EBS. They allocated resources to particular diseases depending on the level of risk and
control strategy for their country. VBDs and AMR are important for all the European countries. For Italy, France
and Serbia, it primarily concerned TBDs and the mosquitoes borne diseases (in particular West Nile Virus
(WNV)). The interest for Aedes-borne diseases was linked to the changing distribution of the mosquito vector
species. Italy gave importance to the close monitoring and diagnosis of WNV that have consequences for
blood deferral and vector control. France put efforts on the risk of introduction and endemization of Aedes-
borne diseases.

“It is more of a problem of staffing and objectives before SOPs. What do we want to see? What do we need to
pay attention to? And when it comes to AMR in animals, it is even worse.” (ECDC, P1)

When vector control strategies were not sufficiently based on the results of the entomological monitoring, it
decreased their direct usefulness and thus the quality of their implementation. The lack of cost/benefit
analysis of these strategies was a barrier to the revision of these vector control strategies and the lack of
perceived data utility a barrier to the quality of the vector data collection.

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Professional logics and propositions for possible
Reliance on networks for collective expertise
Mobilizing their professional network was described by EI practitioners as a core feature of their work. To
carry out their missions, they thus relied on a large network of epidemiologists in their regional and local
administrations, with the addition of private actors or NGOs. These relationships were instrumental in getting
access to data from supranational organizations (mainly ECDC, WHO, FAO, WOAH, EFSA), collecting a variety
of insights and feedback for risk analysis. In AH, multiple collaborations were made with academia,
associations of hunters, key stakeholders for wildlife diseases, farmers, and birds protection associations
that were part of national sentinel networks.

They also expressed the need for more peer networking between EI practitioners (such meetings as those
organized by ECDC were seen as insufficient), to review their EI strategies, objectives, tools and procedures. A
collective thinking about priority objectives and feasibility assessments was considered as useful to redefine
the EBS objectives for AMR and thus adapt the EBS tools. In a parallel process, it was pointed out that the
intersectoral list of pathogens produced recently by the project EU-JAMRAI could be reviewed and
comparisons done between sectors. Moreover, an optimal set of data requirements for the AH sector (beyond
food safety) and environmental sector should be identified.

“Could we have networks that can help analysts who may come from different backgrounds? To have a
comparable evaluation of the information. That's the human component, that's always very present in the
surveillance part of the media environment. But on the other hand, you've got the whole meta analysis of
epidemic intelligence data.” (Italy, PH, P1)

Some interviewees pointed out that networking would improve data sharing and consultation among
European peers. Epidemiologists performing forecasting for FWBDs would require inter-countries feedback as
well as AH specialists regarding experiences of databases for the monitoring of antimicrobial use or for
building a comprehensive reference genomics repository. In Spain, exchanges of experiences were also
requested regarding a network of public and private veterinarians performing sentinel surveillance through IT
application. Such networks should be strengthened at the European level, as well as the regional level – the
Balkan region has been cited as a relevant perimeter to exchange official information related to outbreaks.

“We have gathered some groups of private veterinarians, to see which would be their interest in these
applications, how we could focus our approach, these sentinel networks of veterinarians. We have started
with dairy herds, the outcomes are still to be seen. […] It would be very nice a comparison assessment or
report about how are these things done in other countries that are participating” (Spain, AH, P1)
More data integration and interoperability
Improving access to data, in the multiple dimensions (technical, legal, organizational and political)
highlighted in 3.1.1., could be achieved by tools and institutional strategies that vary in terms of
centralization and standardization.
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First, improved digitization of the health data at the level of the private physicians and hospitals was still a
major expectation. The laboratory dataflows were more digitized and timelier, but were not sufficient, since
the diagnosis of some mandatory notifiable diseases relied on clinical or other complementary examinations,
as well as using paper forms in reporting.

The multi-scale integration of data sources in national systems was requested for different epidemiological
and administrative databases from the different medical services including pharmacovigilance. It could be
solved by text mining tools applied to medico-administrative databases, the use of proxies, agreements to
implement epidemiological objectives, or incentives services (by bringing quick analytical results as a
feedback). National officers expected more integrated and comprehensive data flows through platforms for
mandatory diseases (“notification portal”) or OH platform for enteric pathogens.

“In a hospital, you have a lot of computer systems: you have some in the laboratory, (...), you have
bacteriology, but you also have hematology, that's it. There are radiology data, clinical data from the clinical
services which are all computerized! And so all this can be put into perspective.” (France, PH, P4)

“The idea is that we need the administrative level of electronic system where any health facility that have a
suspicion of any communicable diseases may fill the information about that person, that disease can be in
the same time be reported to the district institute and also be visible on national level” (Serbia, PH, P1)

A recurrent hope was to have better data merging and integration in order to save time for analysis and to
provide complete datasets for useful analysis. The harmonization and interoperability of infra-national
databases could be achieved through a better scientific and institutional concertation of the needed
epidemiological datasets (opinion papers) and also a better know-how to manage the new data protection
laws. Some issues, AMR in particular, required better coordination between stakeholders to enable better
indicators collecting in both sectors.

“The more useful data, the minimum amount of data that would be helpful for forecasting and the
description of epidemiological situations at the national or international level and the way in which the
constraints related to the regulation about data protection… Concerning the exchange of information, the
interoperability of the database can be to some extent faced and some solution can be proposed.” (Italy, PH,

Timeliness and comprehensiveness of dataflows has improved during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example,
the real time access to data from sampling laboratories in France was considered to be extended to other
diseases. In Italy, the EBS was helpful to bring context to the clusters.

“The example of the laboratory data that comes back on a daily basis, which makes it possible to know how
many people have been tested for COVID and how many have tested positive from the sampling laboratories.
This raises the question of whether or not to make it sustainable. […] in what form? Will it be anonymous or
not? Will it be for all diseases, will it be only for COVID? […] And now we're going to try to set up the same
thing for arboviroses as well, using the same pipelines we set up for the COVID, where for the COVID we have
direct information from the sampling laboratories” (France, PH, P1)

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At the international level also, a shared system would be welcomed by several respondents asking for One
Health IT system to formalize the OH network and integrate climate and other environmental data and animal
data. Indeed, EI practitioners requested a better identification of health determinants, in particular for VBDs,
and risk thresholds validated by specialists. This identification could be partly done by literature review: it
would help to better focus on the most important dataflows to merge. Moreover, it could help the agencies to
get more standardized analysis and allow them to compare their risk assessments. These data would be
gathered with a OH approach that was considered as more efficient in terms of decision making. A preference
for an interoperable system with the existing platforms was elicited. The general trend was to reduce the
number of platforms. A user-friendly access to already processed and standardized covariates would allow EI
practitioners to save time and to perform more sophisticated intersectoral analysis.

“All the information in one single place. So, for example, if I see […] that they found anthrax in cattle
somewhere in the EU, I want to understand, you know, if that is relevant or not. So, is it the first time? [If not],
would it be transmitted to humans at some point, or some other zoonosis? […] There is a platform that deals
with the zoonotic diseases in animals, another [one] that deals with […] the presence of the disease in
humans, [and] the movement of people is on another platform. […] So, to assess which are the relevant [health
determinants], we need to jump from one platform to another.” (ECDC, P2)

Building preselected datasets related to the sanitary context of worldwide locations would help EI officers to
perform the risk assessment of the introduction of EIDs by travelers (PH). The information about travel
locations, mobility and behaviors of travelers could be collected through app for travelers, social media
mining or proxies (TripAdvisor, WTO) and additional dataflows (Eurogate project and covariates repositories).

“If you can help to centralize or to have processed or to store. I found an example: hantavirus in China, which
was everywhere in the media last week. I want, for example, to know what is the latest outbreak of Hantavirus
in China. Where is this outbreak? How many people live in the cities that are infected? How many people from
Europe are traveling to and from this City; what animal reservoir is susceptible to be in this city in China? Will I
have a mass gathering in this city? All this kind of information.” (ECDC, P1)

Concerning the risk assessment of introduction by international movements of animals and importation of
animal by-products, a European repository could centralize the composition of food products. Another
European repository could allow the queries of animal and by-products importation and (legal and illegal)
movements between countries based on existing dataflows (Eurostat, TRACE database, Movebank and
covariates for WNV wildlife etc).

It was pointed out that institutional collaboration took the form of externalization of some complex and time-
consuming tasks, in particular to ECDC or research institutes. A methodological support to choose R libraries
and predefined analytical tools would strengthen the capacities, as well as the continuous training.

This strategy was also often applied regarding EBS or modeling in crisis time. Many countries externalized
this service to ECDC, OIE and EFSA and preferred to use their reports or get their notifications (Table 3).
Specialized EBS tools for early warning, like social media analysis, were used mainly in dedicated EI teams
(EI team of ECDC, Italian network of EI, VSI team of ESA platform), as they were seen as demanding in terms

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of know-how and continuity of service. In Italy, EBS was used to bring context to the outbreaks of COVID-19
(at the step of community spread). Thus, the EBS was seen as very flexible for the national EI dedicated
teams. The standardization of the EBS tools and procedures and communication about their capacities and
roles would help the institutions to adapt their strategies. ECDC had the mandate to provide training and
support to the Member states.

“In Italy, the objective is to support IBS on potential epidemics, or ongoing epidemics in the country. So, we are
also interested in information that normally is not very interesting because it is considered normal to have a
certain number of infections in the country. In other countries, in other systems that look for what is unusual,
what is different from what you expect. So, EBS is very flexible, you can choose your objectives, you can
manage it according to what you need in the countries.” (Italy, PH, P1)

The COVID-19 crisis increased the need for EI practitioners to have more knowledge of social and political
dimensions, for risk analysis as well as communication. Identified other data needs included rumors, context,
beliefs and perceptions to monitor trust related to health measures by using sentiment analysis. Possible
uses of existing and new tools (EpitweetR, for example) should be shared among Member States.
Complementary tools should also be user-friendly with a manageable quantity of results and settings to
monitor trends and visualization, and be standardized to avoid differences of interpretation between
practitioners. In terms of relationships with decision-makers, preparedness during “peacetime” has been
identified as a need. For instance, modeling was used in an extensive way to support decision-making, and a
strengthening of the capacities of the modelers for a better use of their results by decision-makers has been

“You have your indicator-based, you have your EBS, you have a lot of possibilities that you can maintain or
reuse, refit as we did for the EBS, so you can put them back when you need them, so it's good to have the
instruments in place. And then you can modulate the monitoring response to better suit the situation!” (Italy,
PH, P1)

Tools for automation à la carte

The need for a One Health methodological support was recurrent and covered various aspects: from the
identification of the best drivers and thresholds of risk for zoonosis (in particular VBD) to the guidance to
preselected open-source tools or R libraries, and the use of machine learning to better analyze environmental
covariates, genomic data (to detect new strains), and trends for endemic diseases (causal inference and

A recurring message is that EI practitioners wanted to keep control of their workflow and their data, rather
than relying on black boxes. They want to use their own data or/and to choose the data sources.

Practitioners were interested in methodological support to be able to choose predefined analytical tools
through a decision tree for example. They expressed the need for tools that can help them accelerate specific
steps on their workflows, depending on the specific characteristics (manual validation or not) of the
situations at hand. Although the standardization of the risk assessment was an important objective, the
practitioners preferred semi-automation that allows flexibility of the analyses and a research mindset: for
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example, a tool that could import and visualize processed covariates and merge to the series of points
corresponding to the health/disease data owned by the users would be useful.

“There is always a physical analyst looking at things, so we have dropped the idea of an artificial intelligence
doing everything. But at the same time, I think automation is enhancing the analyst's job in ways that can
better organize the things that you can find, to allow the analyst to have a systematic visualization of things
that are together very similar. So you can handle volumes of information more easily.” (Italy, PH, P1)

One core need of automation was to get more timely access to validated and up-to-date data. An alert system
indicating the availability of new publications from the European laboratories and centers of reference or
local bulletins is cited as a useful solution or a tool allowing queries of multiple sources (gathering of
international and national validated health data, migration flows and customs for AH, or aggregation of
cases published in local bulletins for PH) to assess sanitary situations. The centralization of the alerts and
signals in the same formats is also important.

“Digested information, like for example, to take the same example, it's Hungary with a case of AI in a farm. So,
I type in my software Hungary France, turkey AI. And there, it will take me all the information concerning
Hungary from the OIE, from the ADNS, which will take me information on migration. So I won't have to go and
look for articles on migration. It's going to look for articles on the website of the Hungarian Ministry of
Agriculture and then translate them for me so that I can say here is the information that is available on the
website of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. So, I won't have to look for it myself. So here are the
channels, the Hungarian professional channels, their website on poultry farming, here is what they have put
as information and so everything comes to me already digested.” (France, AH, P3)

Machine learning was seen as useful when recurrent complex analyses are needed (to analyze clusters of
bacterial strains, trends and outliers in endemic diseases). The production of risk assessments could possibly
benefit from analytical tools merging covariates and health data linked to machine learning. For instance, in
Italy, respondents would have liked to integrate environmental covariates and molecular typing of enteric
bacterial pathogens to better understand the correlation between outbreaks of FWBDs and environment and
get automatic alerts of new dynamics or abnormalities (causal inferences and prediction).

“The way the analysis that we are producing now is descriptive only. Some basic reporting concerning the
number of isolates, the trends, the difference of isolation according to the different regions and labs and
pathogens. We had some previous studies in which we apply some special analysis on the specific outbreaks
and we try to include also some environmental correlates. And that [gave us] additional information
concerning the dynamic, the ecology of some pathogens that were more linked to the environment than
others. We would like to implement this kind of analysis.” (Italy, PH, P2)

User-friendly visualization tools were also mentioned as useful. The building of risk maps to support decision
making implies to take into account the criteria of decision-makers (for HPAI, the accurate administrative
resolution of the results should avoid stigmatization of farms and allow control measures). The other main
use cases were analyzing social media and identifying trends, visualizing health data and their covariates,

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and monitoring outbreaks or endemic diseases in real time. Practitioners would like to have access to
settings to choose the analysis period and thresholds of alerts and detection of outliers.

“It can be much more reworked to maybe even generate buzz level graphs and alerts like that, and that's
where it could be improved! Now we have the raw information which can be tedious to rework manually, but if
we set up with macros or with a way of reworking the data that is here in relation to graphs. I think we can go
a little bit... We can lighten the information gathering.” (France, P4, AH)

“It would be fantastic if we could then apply some formulas that would detect / trigger an alert when there is
an increase somewhere and in neighboring countries. E.g. a severe increase in scarlet fever, the month before
they had 200 cases and the month before that only one case, it is very difficult for a human to [detect] this
stuff, unless someone is checking proactively, this could go unnoted, [until] one of the neighboring countries
notifies it.” (ECDC, P2)

Finally, practitioners expressed the need for a sustainable improvement of practices: they wanted to increase
their skills at the scale of the team or institution and replace time-consuming practices in a sustainable way.
The maintenance of tools and regular update of data flows were important issues identified to ensure
efficient EI systems.

Additional quotes from interviews can be consulted in Supplementary File 4.

Diversity of EI systems in the studied European countries
Our study showed that the infrastructures of EI systems and the strategies for early warning and surveillance
of EIDs vary across European countries and between national and regional levels, despite recommendations
of supranational agencies (7). The organization of surveillance and collaborations were different according
to the disease as stated also in a recent cross-sectional study (12). Despite these differences, all countries in
our study benefited from the creation of a Health Information System (HIS) with different components that
are common for many other European countries (6). They combined mandatory communicable disease
notifications, sentinel surveillance network with local stakeholders, event-based surveillance, and syndromic
surveillance during mass gatherings. The most interoperable and timely databases at national level were
those from laboratories, whose importance for early warning have been recently confirmed, by a quantitative
study, for many models (12), and the shared platforms were useful for intersectoral collaborations although
they cannot be extended to all models. Inside EI, the practices and logics of users showed activities that span
from detection to reporting, rather than siloed activities for epidemic preparedness and response as
previously described by Barboza (17).

Use of Event-Based Surveillance

EBS has gained prominence in the past decade. EI practitioners recognized its added value for the timely
detection of health threats and its complementary with IBS like previous studies stated (17, 18, 19), but also
its insufficient uptake into decision making (2, 21) as stated for the monitoring of COVID-19. The COVID-19

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crisis highlighted the importance of monitoring perceptions and observance of control measures, in order to
enable communication towards the public and to identify situations of increased risk. However, media
surveillance was sometimes neglected during the COVID-19 pandemic because of decisions to concentrate
resources on IBS.

The use of EBS data, in broad meaning (the collection of unstructured data, including non-digital sources,
scientific literature and reports of international agencies), was used in all surveillance teams or units,
sometimes in a non-regular way. But the use of specific analytical tools for EBS was very different between
the surveyed countries, and depended on the existence of a skilled EI team or rather on the choice of using
mainly the reports of international agencies. So, the situation in 2020 was similar to 2006 (22). The
usefulness of EBS was appreciated in different ways by the EI practitioners in relation to their institutional
infrastructure and strategy for early warning and response. Efforts mainly focused on increasing the IBS
dataflows timeliness, and only some early innovators already had a precise use of media watch and of
bringing context to their IBS data, even for COVID-19. Other practitioners were focused on international watch
(reports from WHO, Pro-Med etc) or even started to explore other EBS sources and methods for analyzing
social media. Many practitioners acknowledged the usefulness of text mining tools and Application
Programming Interface (API) applied to structured data like medico-administrative databases or bulletins in
order to complete the epidemiological datasets. It shows that the methods of EBS are seen as useful, goes
beyond the use of media data, and highlights a continuity between IBS and EBS. However, EBS should be
vigilant regarding two important challenges, which are to strengthen the data protection and to ensure
intellectual property protection of the researchers and developers (10).

Our analysis showed the need for more anticipation to integrate readily available EBS tools and skills during
inter epidemic periods since the capacities of using EBS tools in time of increased workload were linked to
the skills developed during peacetime. A step-wise approach is recommended to define collectively objectives
with the stakeholders (PH and AH network) (23).

Data collection and processing

The time-consuming data collection and processing was a priority concern of the practitioners. It translated
into needs for centralized access to validated data and already processed covariates, better data integration
and interoperability between open and confidential databases. Previous assessments of user needs were
based on quantitative surveys and the needs were investigated in relation to the performances of specific
tools (17), or to a preselected solution (24). Our analysis identified a limited knowledge of known databases
and a lack of human resources to extract and process data (24). We confirmed the importance of centralizing
data access and descriptive epidemiology, in the process of EI.

Interviewees linked the difficulties to data access and processing to critical technical and organizational
(time-consuming) barriers. They needed more complete, standardized and timely epidemiological datasets in
order to have a more comprehensive view of communicable disease emergence needed to improve
prevention. A strengthening of capacities to address the new data protection rules, new knowledge about
intersectoral causes of EIDs, identification of the best drivers of EID relevant for different sectors, and
scientific networking to get agreements about the intersectoral data to collect were also identified as

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important. Strategies that would allow quicker assessment of risks of introduction include the centralized
provision of predefined sets of determinants and health information by disease and location, as well as alerts
when new validated datasets are available. These needs expressed by practitioners highlight concrete
expectations in line with the general recommendations of connecting data from a wide range of sources (23,

Even if the COVID-19 pandemic allowed more capacity-building in surveillance systems, it increased the
workload, tested and strained the existing surveillance systems, and questioned their relevance in
contingency time as previously observed (25). This observed impact of information overload was also shown
in a systematic review of internet-based data for global health surveillance systems (26).

Notifications and reports from international agencies were described as useful data sources. Difficulties were
identified in relation to the timeliness of reporting, which then caused issues with data gathering; ergonomics
of the interface for the upload of datasets; or the varying formats of indicators, that required technical

Strategy and preparedness

More collective thinking and networking between EI peers was suggested by the practitioners to solve generic
strategic issues, related to preparedness (in particular anticipation of future pandemics), or to the general
review of EI strategies and tools, and to learn from peers on specific practices (e.g., sentinel surveillance). A
recent study highlighted the strong potential for building integrated intersectoral strategies in European
Neighboring countries concerning VBD detection (27). New strategic issues arose like the review of EBS
objectives for AMR and the standardization of social media analysis to monitor sentiments and behaviors of
the general public related to control measures. Our study identified clear expectations for the purposes of
networking in line with expert recommendations (20, 21).
Strengthening the analytical capacities
The interviewees expressed the need for a holistic and integrated approach of surveillance and early warning.
The roadblocks to intersectoral collaborations were multi-dimensional, as observed for AMR. The needs
expressed to better implement a One Health approach were also complex. These needs included new
epidemiological knowledge about emergencies that concerned different sectors (zoonosis or WFBD), peer
networking and collective thinking about surveillance objectives, collective validation of determinants of EID
concerning different sectors, skills to manage data protection and methodological support. Although some
changes are under the regalian responsibility of ministries, some generic and external support can be
provided by opinion papers and capacity strengthening. A multi-sectoral integrated platform could help
intersectoral collaborations by providing standardized resources (like covariates), generic tools and shared
methodological support. This is congruent with a review about the optimization of an integrated OH
surveillance that provided general recommendations beyond EIDs threats and data management. It
highlighted the need to review the intersectoral determinants of EIDs in a broad way (including societal
drivers) and to use collaborative disease mapping to have a more holistic approach to health threats (29).

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The question of a better use of open-source data and proxies was discussed between EI practitioners and
researchers during the workshops on how to produce generic tools that may contribute to harmonized
procedures and analysis. This harmonization was an important concern, as well as the capacity to select the
data sources and the possibility to integrate their own confidential data.

Moreover, the steps in the semi-automation have to be well characterized with the practitioners: sometimes
the step of validation should remain human-based but sometimes the collection of already validated data is
a lever to save time. This identified need of semi-automation is more precise than the recommendation of
more automation (21). Solving “basic” needs should be a lever to reach a higher impact than just save time:
for example, the user-friendly access to standardized and accurate covariates would allow complex analysis
that are not currently implemented, leading to new outcomes. Visualization and machine learning are
expected areas of innovation with very different potential outcomes such as integration of unstructured data
into epidemiological surveillance, causal inferences and predictions. These expectations are in line with a
previous qualitative study with AI experts (30) that validated these opportunities and identified the stakes to
strengthen the legal framework and the collaborations between Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts and PH/AH
practitioners. To increase the acceptability of new methods concerning big data and AI, Zengtao
recommended grounding technology developments on practitioners’ problems, and to guarantee the
intellectual property of researchers (10).

Support to the innovation process

This study allows a better understanding of European member states’ needs and their capacities to
implement their own international EI. We observed that if problems were identified, needs were not directly
expressed as they correspond to complex solutions. Some requests, like reviewing objectives of surveillance,
were sometimes the first phase of the expression of a formal need. Their translation into solutions requires a
consultation between peers and/or health authorities for strategic issues and discussion with researchers to
define technical tools, services and support to the change of practices. Our analysis of the practitioners’
discourse allowed us to identify the problems they faced and their associated professional logics. This is
required for having an accurate collective thinking about the paths of solutions that can combine
concertation, new knowledge, technical requirements and ergonomics. ECDC expressed some proper support
but highlighted their willingness to adapt their practices to Member States’ requests and needs, as past
collaboration between the organization and visiting member states showed (18).

A major challenge is to help the practitioners to save time in their EI routine, meaning that a replacement or
improvement of practices must be preferred to adding a new practice. The sustainability of the tools was a
major concern that will condition the changes of practices and thus the ability to reach the stage of
innovation. The sustainability of a new platform would need maintenance, an updating of the dataflows,
flexible uses of a panel of generic tools that allows user-friendly settings, methodological guidance and
possible use of confidential data. The strengthening of capacities is an important dimension of the
innovation process, which can rely on building a new expert network (287), summer schools and
methodological support.

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Agencies were engaged in solving their problems. This is a continuous process in an uncertain world (31, 32,
33), and the stake is to identify how to support their innovation process, by taking into account what they are
already developing, at what stage their thinking and initiatives are currently, as they could be developing tools
with quite advanced thinking about their deployment and use (34). We thus have to be careful not to
duplicate efforts and innovations.

The prioritization of the needs to address is crucial and the discussion must involve health authorities
concerning issues with data protection, confidentiality and data access, justifying the choice of a co-creation
process by the MOOD project. Providing solutions to the expectations and needs requires to consider
constraints specific to national surveillance systems and at the regional level, the regulatory infrastructure of
data access and the context of each country (35). It requires several learning loops of interactions to increase
in genericity (36, 37) and the implementation of study cases as recently recommended by the international
health authorities (5) in order to develop a “Global One Health Intelligence System” (GOHIS). The global
understanding of the practitioners' needs is crucial to build feasible, effective, sustainable solutions that will
be translated into changes of practices at the scale of the national PH and AH agencies and feed the
European numeric market of open-source tools.

Our findings from this qualitative study can still serve as a preliminary basis for an innovation process
fulfilling the multidimensional needs of EI practitioners at national and supranational levels.

Limits of this paper

The needs expressed in our manuscript remain person-dependent. Some expectations or requests may be
connected to the mandate of other national agencies, or a particular jurisdiction or administration at the
regional level or overseas territories that were not part of our study. Nevertheless, this problem is partially
overcome by targeting the leaders and officers involved in risk or situation assessment as gatekeepers of the
Epidemic Intelligence activities at national level or European level. In addition, the facilitation workshop
organized later after the first users’ need assessment put together all stakeholders of the study to discuss
particularities and limitations.

Finally, we collected information with users during a period that was outside the routine activity of
surveillance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, influencing their priority needs. It posed constraints of availability
of the EI practitioners that were overburdened by the emergency.

ADNS: EC's Animal Disease Notification System

AH: Animal Health

AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance

COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019

EBS: Event-based surveillance

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ECDC: European Center for Disease prevention and Control

EFSA: European Food Safety Authority

EI: Epidemic Intelligence

EID: Emerging Infectious Diseases

ENC: European Neighboring Countries, for ECDC: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel,
Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine.

EU-JAMRAI: Joint Action Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections project coordinated
by INSERM and ended in 2021.

EWRS: The Early Warning and Response System (EWRS) for communicable diseases in the European Union
is a web-based system created by the European Commission to "ensure a rapid and effective response by the
EU to events (including emergencies) related to communicable diseases

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FTE: Full Time Equivalent

FWBD: Food and Water-borne Diseases

GOHIS: Global One Health Intelligence System

HIS: Health Information System

HPAI: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

IATA: International Air Transport Association

IBS: Indicator-based surveillance

IHR: International Health Regulation

IT system: Any organized assembly of resources and procedures united and regulated by interaction or
interdependence to accomplish a set of specific functions

MoH: Ministry of Health

MOOD: MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context;

NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

OH: One Health

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OIE: Office International des Epizooties (WOAH)

PH: Public Health

RYMY: ruokamyrkytysepidemiarekisteri (Food Poisoning outbreak register)

SOP: Standard Operative Procedure

TESSy: The European Surveillance System [link] from ECDC

TRACE: EU system of animal movements and products of animal origin for official certification

VBD: vector-borne diseases

VSI: International health surveillance (Veille Sanitaire Internationale)

WHO: World Health Organization

WHOAH: World Organization for Animal Health (founded as OIE)

WNV: West Nile Virus

WP: Work Package

WTO: World Trade Organization

Ethics approval and consent to participate
All experiments were performed in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations. This study received
an ethical approval from Vet Agro Sup ethical committee reference number: 2173. Humans were only
involved as interviewees or participants to meetings and the personal data had been collected in full
compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Informed written consent was
requested and obtained from each participant.

Consent for publication

Not applicable

Availability of data and materials

Analytical data are available from supplementary files; complementary information can be asked to the
corresponding author (neptisliberti@gmail.com). The transcripts generated and analyzed during the current

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study cannot be made available due to the richness of qualitative data, and the corresponding risk of re-
identification of participants.

Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

This study has been funded by MOOD research project from the H2020 research and innovation program
under grant agreement N°874850 and cataloged as MOOD 079. The content of this publication is the sole
responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the views of the European Commission.

Authors Contribution
FB, CR, AB and RL designed the study. FB, AB and CR built the methodology. TD, EA, AM, HM, SV, FF and FJ
implemented the data acquisition for the preliminary interviews. FB and OT implemented the data acquisition
for the sociological interviews. FB, OT and WB organized the process and the workshops. FB, OT, TD and HM
curated the data. FB, OT, TD, HM, AH, DC and EVK implemented the analysis. FB and HM designed the figures.
FB, OT and AH wrote the initial manuscript. FB, OT, AH, CR, WB, TD, EA, HM, EVK, FJ, AM, SV, FF, DC and RL
reviewed the manuscript.

The authors would like to thank the interviewees and experts from the different public and animal health
agencies, who dedicated part of their time to answer our questions and validate the data.

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Figure 1

Model countries and number of interviewees by sector and location involved in the 28 in-depth interviews of
the user needs assessment

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Figure 2

Process for the initial users’ needs assessment and prioritization implemented by the MOOD consortium
(MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context;
https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/874850) in 2020.

WP: Work groups of the consortium

Supplementary Files
This is a list of supplementary files associated with this preprint. Click to download.


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