soldier horse
(fort ilocandia)
Prior to the September 11th
attacks, then-Capt. Mark Nutsch
never imagined he'd employ his
horseback riding skills, which he Aside from learning about the Bangui
mastered as a kid on a Kansas Windmills' characteristics and history, you
as a visitor will most likely want to go there
cattle ranch, in a fight. Nutsch
to take some great photos to save and
and a team of 11 other Green share. This scenario is more than available
Berets from the 5th Special for you if you visit during the day (the
Forces Group's Operational windmills are not lit at night), as all places
are accessible and the site is touristically
Detachment Alpha 595 were put up. You can even ride horses and there
launched into Afghanistan a few are various souvenir kiosks near the
weeks later, on Oct. 19, 2001, to entrance where you can buy small
windmills and other items. You can also
liberate the territory from the
drink and eat some at the site's gate, so if
Taliban without the use of tanks you're on a day trip to Ilocos Norte, you can
or trucks. It's all about horses. easily spend one day there.