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Thursday, September 14, 2023

Rubric Assignment

1. A citation of the grade, course, and curriculum expectations addressed by the

assessment task.

Grade: 11 University/College Preparation

Course: AMU3M
Curriculum Expectations:
• A1. The Creative Process: apply the stages of the creative process when performing
notated and/or improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;
• A2. The Elements of Music: apply the elements of music when performing notated and
improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;
• A3. Techniques and Technologies: use a range of techniques and technological tools in a
variety of applications relating to music.
• C2. Characteristics and Development of Musical Forms: demonstrate an understanding of
the development, function, and characteristics of various forms of music

2. A description of the assessment task

This assessment will take place toward the middle marker of the duration of the course. At the
time of this assessment, students will have many pieces that they are preparing for either a
concert or competition. Therefore this is a good time to assess students’ knowledge and
playability of these pieces. The whole piece and sections will be available for testing to avoid
students only practicing the section that will be tested on. This will only be a short test as there
will be a section from two of the pieces and the students will be instructed to play around a line
or two from the two selected pieces. The student will have the opportunity to have a one-on-one
assessment with the teacher and will not be asked to complete this assessment in front of the
whole class.

3. A rubric suitable for providing formative feedback for students and for guiding
teachers in their grading decisions.

Objective Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Notes/Pitches Students Student Students lacks Students note

accuracy consistency demonstrated only constituency of accuracy is not
demonstrated high minor mistakes in proper rhythm. consistent and
note accuracy in rhythmic accuracy. may show lack of
the music. preparation or

Accurate Student Student Student lacks Students rhythm is

Rhythms consistently demonstrates only consistency of not consistent,
demonstrates the minor mistakes in proper rhythm. may show lack of
proper rhythm in the rhythm of the preparation.
the music. music.

Posture Student sits or Student sits or Student Student does not

stands properly stands properly demonstrates demonstrate
with their head up with their head up marginally acceptable
and shoulders and shoulders acceptable posture and
erect. Posture erect. Overall posture and position. The head
follows all criteria posture its good position. The Hess and shoulders are
and is excellent. but could use and shoulders are not su ciently
some not su ciently erect and needs
improvement. erect. improvement.

Tone Quality Student consisting Student Student lacks Students tone

demonstrators a demonstrates consistency of indicates room for
fully and open minor di culties good tone, tone improvement and
tone throughout all with consistent might be lacking in is very
ranges. tone. certain ranges. inconsistent in all

Dynamics Student Student Student lacks Student dynamic

consistently demonstrates only consistency in use use is not
demonstrates minor defects in of written and non consistent and
proper use of use of written and written dynamics. shows lack of
written and non non written preparation or
written dynamics dynamics. musical
in the music. comprehension of
written and non
written dynamics.

Phrasing Student Student Students lacks Students use of

consistently demonstrates consistency in phrasing is not
demonstrates minor defects in phrasing such as consistent and
proper phrasing phrasing regarding breathing, may show lack of
techniques in breathing, dynamics, and preparation or
regard to dynamics, and style. understanding of
breathing, style. phrasing such as,
dynamics, and breathing,
style. dynamics, and


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