Nistspecialpublication250 46
Nistspecialpublication250 46
Nistspecialpublication250 46
isurement Services: REFERENCE
NIST Multifunction
Calibration System
U.S.Department of Commerce
Technology Administration
U57 National Institute of Standards and Technology
#he National Institute of Standards and Technology was established in 1988 by Congress to "assist industry in
the development of technology . . . needed to improve product quality, to modernize manufacturing processes, to
ensure product reliability . . . and to facilitate rapid commercialization ... of products based on new scientific
NIST, originally founded as the National Bureau of Standards in 1901, works to strengthen U.S. industry's
competitiveness; advance science and engineering; and improve public health, safety, and the environment. One
of the agency's basic functions is to develop, maintain, and retain custody of the national standards of
measurement, and provide the means and methods for comparing standards used in science, engineering,
manufacturing, commerce, industry, and education with the standards adopted or recognized by the Federal
As an agency of the U.S. Commerce Department's Technology NIST conducts basic and
applied research in measurement techniques, test
the physical sciences and engineering, and develops
methods, standards, and related services. The Institute does generic and precompetitive work on new and
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Major technical operating units and their principal activities are listed below. For more information contact the
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February 1 998
Technology Administration
Gary R. Bachula, Acting Under Secretary for Technology
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Waslnington, DC 20402-9325
Abstract - The NIST automated Multifunction Calibration System (MCS) for voltage, current, and
resistance is described. Developed primarily to calibrate digital multimeters and calibrators, the
system can also be used to test thermal converters, and micropotentiometers. Methods for
characterizing the MCS over a wide range of amplitudes at frequencies from dc to 30 MHz are
Digital multimeters (DMMs) from a number of manufacturers claim uncertainties and stabilities that
approach those of the laboratory standards used to support them. This is possible because these
DMMs are essentially miniature standards labs with built-in zener references, stable resistors, and
ac-dc transfer standards, all controlled by a central processor that applies corrections and performs
data analysis. In addition to being easier to use than most standards, DMMs are also quite rugged,
able to withstand the mechanical and thermal shocks of transportation from one laboratory to another
with little degradation in performance. These properties make them ideal transport standards to
provide traceability for the five quantities that most DMMs measure (dc voltage, current, and
resistance, and ac voltage and current).
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offers calibration services^ for dc
voltage, dc resistance, and the ac-dc difference of thermal converters With these three services,
[ 1 -4] .
sources designed to calibrate DMMs), and special tests for low voltage thermal converters, and
micropotentiometers. The MCS is periodically calibrated using reference electrical standards
available at NIST. Results of these system calibrations and of frequently performed self-tests are
analyzed statistically to maintain quality control of the MCS.
NIST calibration services are well documented and analyzed measurements offered at a fixed cost.
NIST special tests are generally undocumented measurements that are charged "at cost."
The NIST test facility consists of two such systems which utilize the instruments shown in Table 1
Table 1
MCS Instrumentation
System 1 System 2
Hewlett Packard 345 8 A Digital Multimeter Hewlett Packard 345 8 A Digital Multimeter
Commercial instruments and software are identified in this report to describe the measurement system.
Such recommendation or endorsement by NIST, nor does it imply that the instruments
identification does not imply
or software are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
The system calibrator and DMMs are periodically characterized using the support equipment and
NIST reference standards shown in Table 2 and in Fig. 2.
Table 2
Support Equipment
Instruments are controlled using a PC (486 or higher) and a National Instruments GPIB-PCIIA
general purpose interface bus (GPIB) interface card.
The systehi software, developed in National Instruments LabVlfeW™, allows the operator to perform
allof the tests needed to characterize the system calibrator and DMMs, store and edit correction files,
and set up and perform tests of the instrument under test (lUT). Since the instrumentation is
10Hz - 30IVHZ 0 .1 Hz - 1 kHz 10Hz - 100kHz
controlled through theGPIB, most tests can be completely automated, requiring an operator only to
change connections between the calibrator and DMM
for certain functions. Test data are numerically
processed using commercial spreadsheet software. In addition to the software developed at NIST,
the MCS also makes use of commercial software to control the 4950 DMM.
Table 3
A list of the software routines available in the MCS
Title Description
DMM cal Used to calibrate any of the ftanctions on a test DMM using
the MCS calibrator.
Calibrator cal Used to calibrate any of the ftinctions on a test calibrator
DCR Used to calibrate the resistance function of the MCS
caHbrator and DMMs.
AC-DC diff Used to determine the ac-dc difference of thermal
voltage/current converters and micropotentiometers.
A Wavetek 4911 10 V zener reference is part of the MCS equipment used to support the DCV
fiinction of the system calibrator and DMMs. This instrument is periodically compared to the NIST
10 V Josephson array [5]. A control chart with the zener reference corrections is shown in Fig. 3.
3 1
-3 '
Periodically, special resistive dividers, a Fluke 752, and another similar divider designed at NIST,
are used to compare five calibrator voltages (100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, and 1 kV) to the 10 V zener
reference. The dc voltage corrections to the calibrator C^^^^y are related to the calibrator setting S and
the actual calibrator output voltage F^^ck by:
A control chart with selected calibrator corrections is shown in Fig. 4. Over long intervals, calibrator
corrections tend to drift linearly with time, so a least-squares fit to the correction time series is
performed and a linear equation is used to predict the calibrator correction between calibrations.
-1 I
U -2 I
The system DMMs are calibrated at 10 V directly against the zener reference and at other voltages
using the characterized calibrator. The DMM corrections C^^cf related to the DMM reading R and
the true voltage by:
The system calibrator and DMMs rely on an internal zener voltage reference and timing to generate
and measure voltage. The calibrator uses a scaling technique known as time-division-multiplexing,
while the DMMs employ multislope integrating analog-to-digital converters. Both techniques are
capable of excellent linearity. The linearity of one of the system DMMs has been shown to be better
than 1 part in 10^ of full scale between 1 V to 10 V using the Josephson array [5]. The linearity of
other voltage ranges is measured using a calibrated DMM
and resistive divider.
For both the calibrator and DMMs, calibration at fiill scale and 10% of full scale in each range is
generally adequate to characterize the full range. The system software linearly interpolates between
calibration points to compute calibrator corrections over the full range (>1 0'' discrete voltages). These
software corrections are applied during the test of a customer's DMM. DMM corrections are
processed in a similar manner and applied during the test of a customer's calibrator.
The uncertainty of DCV measurements performed using the MCS depends on uncertainties computed
during the test (Type A) and uncertainties associated with the calibration of the MCS (Type B). A
description of these uncertainty types and methods of combining them is given in Section 5 and in
reference [6].
The Type B standard uncertainties of the MCS caHbrator for DCV are given in Table 4. These figures
include uncertainties associated with the DCV support equipment described in Table 2. The
uncertainties in Table 4 are for the set of points where the MCS is routinely calibrated and monitored
(Calibrated Points) and for all other points within the range (Full Range) where corrections are
interpolated estimates.
Table 4
MCS Type B Standard Uncertainties for DCV
100 V to kV
1 3 ^iVA^ 6 |nVA^
The DCI function of the MCS calibrator and DMMs is periodically calibrated by applying various
of NIST reference, four-terminal resistors and measuring the voltage across
calibrator currents to a set
the resistors using a system DMM. The set of reference resistors consists of values between 0.1 Q
and 1 MQ that are maintained in oil and air baths with a temperature control of ±0.1 °C, and are
periodically calibrated against the NIST resistance standards [7].
To measure the influence of compliance voltage, calibrator currents are measured with the following
The dc current corrections to the cahbrator C^^ci ^re related to the caHbrator setting S and the actual
calibrator output current I^j^^., by:
The system DMMs are also calibrated at various currents by this procedure. The DMM corrections
CdDci related to the DMM reading R and the true current loc^y-
Ioc = RO +C,^a)- (4)
A control chart with selected DCI calibrator corrections is shown in Fig. 5. DCI corrections tend to
drift linearly with time, so a least squares fit to the correction time series is performed and a linear
equation used to predict the calibrator correction between calibrations. The system software also
linearly interpolates between calibration points to compute corrections over the fiill range. As with
DCV, software corrections are applied during DMM and calibrator tests.
.2 20
a 10
0 4- 4- + +
12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time (weeks)
^ 1 0 mA (measured) 10 mA (regression)
Measurements are performed at cardinal currents between 1 )nA and 10 A. Measurements at other
DMMs, the current linearity is generally as good or better
currents indicate that, for the calibrator and
than the current stability. measurement at other than the calibrated points, the MCS
However, for
corrections are interpolated estimates and uncertainties are somewhat larger. As with DCV, the
uncertainty of DCI measurements performed using the MCS depend on Type A and Type B standard
uncertainties. The Type B standard uncertainties of the MCS calibrator for DCI (which include the
uncertainties of the DCI support equipment described in table 2) are given in Table 5.
Table 5
MCS Type B Standard Uncertainties for DCI
1 A to 10 A 25 \iA/A 50 jiA/A
The DCR function of the MCS calibrator and DMMs is periodically calibrated against the set of NIST
reference resistors described earlier. Each reference resistor is measured by the system DMMs using
the 4-wire DCR function. The dc resistance corrections to the DMM Q^ic^ are related to the DMM
reading R and the true dc resistance R^^ by:
R^c=RO + C,^cr)-
Once the DMMs are calibrated, they are used to measure the set of resistors in the system calibrator.
The corrections to the calibrator resistors are based on the average of values assigned by the system
DMMs. The dc resistance corrections to the calibrator Q^i^;? are related to the cahbrator setting S and
the actual calibrator dc resistance R^^cr by:
A control chart with selected DCR calibrator corrections is shown in Fig. 6. DCR corrections also
tend to drift linearly with time, so a least squares fit to the correction time series is performed and a
linear equation is used to predict the calibrator correction between calibrations. The system software
also linearly interpolates between calibration points to compute corrections over the full range
(DMMs only). As with other ftmctions, software corrections are applied during DMM and calibrator
Measurements are performed at nominal decade resistance values from 0.1 Q to 100 MQ using the
DMMs. Decade resistance values between 1 Q and 10 MQ are available on the system calibrator.
Other than decade values may be measured using the system DMMs, which demonstrate resistance
linearity as good or better than resistance stability. However, for measurement at other than the
cahbrated points, the MCS corrections are interpolated estimates and uncertainties are somewhat
larger. The Type B standard uncertainties of the MCS DCR (which include the uncertainties of the
DCR support equipment described in table 2) are given in Table 6.
4 T-
? 2-
-4 -M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-
1 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Time (weeks)
Table 6
MCS Type B Standard Uncertainties for DCR
1 Q 20 [iQ/Q 60 \iQ/Q
1 kQ 3 [iQ/Q 9 ^Q/Q
10 kQ 3 |iQ/Q 9 [xQ/Q
1 MQ 5 [iQ/Q 15 ^iQ/Q
10 MQ 20 [iQ/Q 60 nQ/Q
The low-frequency ACV function of the MCS calibrator and DMMs is periodically calibrated using
a multirange thermal voltage converter (TVC) that has been calibrated against a set of NIST reference
TVCs, micropotentiometers, and a calculable DSS [8] . The ac-dc differences of these support
instruments are ultimately referenced to a set of characterized TVCs that are the NIST standards for
ac-dc difference [9]. The test procedures for characterizing the system calibrator and DMMs for ACV
are more complex than the other functions and will be described in detail.
)iV/V and 50 |iV/V.] The calibrator is switched back to ACV and the TVC emf and the DMM
ACV reading R^, are recorded. The calibrator is then switched to -DCV and adjusted to V_^/ to bring
the TVC emf e_^j to within ±t of e^^ . The above procedure is repeated for frequencies through f-
The TVC is disconnected, the calibrator is switched to ACV, frequencies fj through / are set at the
same nominal voltage V, and the DMM
readings through i?^- are recorded.
The calibrator correction for each test voltage at frequency f- is described by:
The DMM correction for each test voltage at frequency / is given by:
Notes: i. The above procedure is designed to allow the MCS to be calibrated using the
reference TVCs as well as the multirange TVC. By driving the dc voltage to
match the TVC output when ac voltage is applied, the importance
of an
accurate knowledge of the TVC power coefficient n is minimized by
minimizing the numerator in the second term of (7). For the reference TVCs,
this coefficient varies between 1.6 and 2 as a function of the test voltage and
must be measured at each voltage. The multirange TVC has a nominal power
coefficient of 1, which is relatively insensitive to the test voltage, so the
tolerance t may be increased to reduce test time.
a. The reference TVC time constants are typically 1 s to 2 s; therefore, a wait
period of up to 30 s is required before recording the TVC emf. To minimize
the effects of drift, important that all of the wait periods are the same for
it is
Hi. It is important that the dead time in switching from the ACV to the DCV
functions is minimized. For the highest accuracy using reference TVCs, a
switch and auxiliary supply are used to keep the TVC energized while the
calibrator is switching between functions. The multirange TVC is less
sensitive to switching time.
iv. The dc DVM should be able to resolve the TVC emf to within ±1 ju V/V. This
resolution corresponds to several nV for the reference TVCs (which have
output emfs from 2 mV to
10 mV) and several /iVfor the multirange TVC
(which has a full scale output of about 2 V).
V. Depending on the random error of the measurements, an actual calibration
consists offrom 1-10 repeats of the described procedure.
As the test frequency increases the calibrator becomes more sensitive to the load imposed by the TVC
and the test DMM. Therefore, to obtain the lowest uncertainties, the calibrator must be characterized
for each DMM type using the procedure described above. The second set of readings i?^, is DMM
used to generate unique corrections C^^cvhx) for all DMMs of that type (type-X DMMs for this
example). These corrections apply only when a type-X DMM is connected to the calibrator using the
same connectors and cables that were used to obtain the set of R^j readings. The unique set of
calibrator corrections for each DMM type are given by:
^cACVi(X) ~ ^cACVi ^di(X)- (9)
where Q,^^^
= (R^kx) -
Rai(x)^^i represents the additional correction neededcompensate for the
difference between the calibrator output vohage (programmed to with the TVC and type-X DMM
connected and with only the type-X DMM connected.
3.4.2 Voltages from 1 mV to 250 mV from 10 Hz to 1 MHz
A reference micropotentiometer (i^pot) is connected to the system calibrator output and a DMM is
connected to its output as shown in Fig. 8. The calibrator is set to the ACV function at kHz and its 1
voltage is adjusted until the DMM reading R^g is within ±t of the test The
voltage V. DMM reading
R^Q and the |apot output emf e^g are recorded. The calibrator frequency is programmed to // (the first
test frequency), the calibrator voltage is adjusted until the |j.pot emf e^, is within ±t of e^g, and the
DMM reading R^, is recorded. The calibrator is programmed to 1 kHz, the calibrator voltage is
adjusted until the nominal test voltage V±t is read by the DMM, and its reading R^, and the )ipot emf
e^, are recorded. The procedure is repeated for frequencies /, through f- interleaving a 1 kHz
measurement between measurements at each test frequency.
V/////////C3PIB // / /////////
The jipot is removed, the DMM is connected directly to the calibrator output, frequencies // through
are set at the test voltage V, and the DMM readings i?^/ through i?^, are recorded.
The DMM corrections for each test voltage at frequency/ is described by the following relationship:
A 50 Q TVC is connected to the wideband output of the MCS calibrator and to a wideband DMM
manner as shown in Fig. 7. The nominal voltage Fat frequency // is programmed and the
in a similar
TVC emf is measured using the dc DVM. The calibrator firequency is set to 1 kHz and its
amplitude is adjusted to V^g to bring the TVC emf to within ±t of e^. The calibrator frequency is
set to fj and the TVC emf e^, and the reading R^, are recorded.DMM The calibrator is
reprogrammed to 1 kHz and adjusted to V^, to bring the TVC emf e^, to within ±t of e^,. The above
procedure is repeated for fi"equencies f through f .
The TVC is disconnected, frequencies f through f are set at the same nominal voltage V, and the
DMM readings i?^/ through i?^, are recorded.
The calibrator correction for each test voltage at fi-equency f is described by:
The DMM correction for each test voltage at frequency / is then given by:
A programmable digitally synthesized source (DSS) developed at NIST is employed in place of the
system calibrator to perform high accuracy, low- frequency tests of DMMs. The DSS synthesizes a
staircase approximation of a sine wave using a sine look-up table and a precision digital-to-analog
converter (DAC). Output voltages are programmable between 1 mV and 7 V (for higher voltages an
external dc-coupled amplifier is used). A DMM (on its DCV frmction) is used to measure the dc
voltage of each of the steps in the approximation. The rms value of the output voltage is computed
by this step calibration:
V, = (Tv,'/N)''\ (14)
The frequency response rms error of the synthesized signal measured between 20 Hz and 1 kHz
using a calibrated multirange TVC. Below 20 Hz, it is assumed that the rms value remains constant
to within ±2 |iV/V. At 7 V, the frequency response out to 1 kHz is flat to within ± 5 |nV/V. This
performance degrades at lower voltages; however, even at 1 the DSS may be treated as an ac mV,
calibrator with zero correction below 20 Hz. DMMs calibrated using the DSS are assigned
corrections Q^ck/ by:
Control charts for the ACV function corrections of the system calibrator and DMMs are quite
complex covering voltage, frequency, and DMM type. A ACV calibrator
sample chart for the
corrections at 10 V at 10 kHz is shown in Fig. 9. ACV corrections are less predictable than the DCV
corrections; however, until the drift patterns are better understood, a least squares linear fit to the
correction time series performed and a linear equation is used to predict the calibrator correction
between calibrations. The system software also linearly interpolates between calibration points to
compute corrections over the full range. Specific software corrections for the type being tested DMM
are applied where possible and all interconnection parameters are specified. In a similar manner,
when a calibrator is tested using a system DMM, the DMM type and all interconnection parameters
are specified. Measurements are performed at a specific set of voltages and frequencies from 1 mV
to 1 kV and 0.1Hz to 30 MHz. Measurements can be made at other than the calibrated points;
however, because the corrections at these points are interpolated estimates, the MCS uncertainties are
somewhat larger. The Type B standard uncertainties of the MCS ACV function are given in Table 7.
60 r
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (weeks)
Table 7
MCS Type B Standard Uncertainties for ACV
Voltage Range Calibrated Points Full Range
100 V to kV
1 (20 + f/5)[iV/V (60 + f75)^VA^
Where v = test voltage in mV and f = test frequency in kilohertz.
3.5 AC Current (ACI)
The ACI function of the MCS calibrator and DMMs is periodically calibrated against a set of
reference thermal current converters (TCCs), ac shunts, and a calculable DSS. The ac-dc differences
of these support instruments are ultimately referenced to a set of characterized TCCs that are the
NIST standards for ac-dc difference [10]. The test procedures for characterizing the system calibrator
and DMMs for ACI are also described in detail.
The TCC is removed, the calibrator is switched to ACI, frequencies /; through / are set at the same
nominal current / and the
readings R^, through i?^, are recorded. The calibrator correction at
each test current at frequency / is described by:
The DMM correction at each frequency Q^c// is given by:
As the frequency increases the cahbrator becomes more sensitive to the load imposed by the TCC and
the test DMM. DMM type,
Therefore, for the highest accuracy test of a particular the above
procedure must be performed using that DMM type. The second set of DMM readings 7?^, is used to
generate unique corrections C^^cii(X) for all DMMs of that type (type-X DMMs for this example).
These corrections apply only when a type-X DMM is connected to the calibrator using the same
connectors and cables that were used to obtain the set of i?^,- readings. These corrections are given by:
= C
^cACIi + C
^di(X)' (18)
where Q,y;j.^
= (Ri,i(X)
Rai(X))^^ represents the additional correction needed to compensate for the
difference between the calibrator output current (programmed to /,) with the TCC and type-X DMM
connected, and with only the type-X DMM connected.
As with DCI, ACI measurements are made at various compliance voltages and a correction factor for
the calibrator compliance voltage is applied when testing a DMM type that has not been characterized
with the system calibrator.
Control charts for the ACI function corrections of the system calibrator and DMMs are also quite
complex covering current, fi^equency, and DMM type (or compliance voltage). A sample chart for
the ACI calibrator corrections at 1 A, at 1 kHz for one of the DMM types shown in Fig. ACI is 1 1 .
corrections are less predictable than the DCI corrections; however, until the drift patterns are better
10 15 20 25 30
Time (weeks)
understood, a least squares linear fit to the correction time series is performed and a linear equation
is used to predict the calibrator correction between calibrations. The system software also linearly
interpolates between calibration points to compute corrections over the fiall range. Specific software
corrections for the DMM type being tested are applied where possible and all interconnection
parameters are specified. In a similar manner, when a calibrator is tested using a system DMM, the
DMM type and all interconnection parameters are specified.
The NIST DSS and Transconductance Amplifier are employed to perform high accuracy, low
fi-equency current tests of DMMs. A DMM (on its DCI function) is used to measure the dc current
of each of the steps in the waveform approximation. The rms value of the output current is
i = (i:if/Ny^\ (19)
where /• = the dc currents of the steps
= the number of steps per period.
The frequency response error of the synthesized signal is measured between 20 Hz and 1 kHz using
a calibrated TCC. Below 20 Hz, it is assumed that the rms value remains constant to within ±2 |liA/A.
At currents between 100 mA and 10 A, the fi"equency response out to 1 kHz is flat to within
±100 |iA/A. This performance degrades at lower currents; however, even at 1 mA, the DSS may be
treated as an ac calibrator with zero correction below 20 Hz. DMMs calibrated using the DSS are
assigned corrections Q/jc// ^y:
^ the DSS correction to at frequency f- .
Again, a least squares linear fit to the correction time series is performed and a linear equation is used
to predict the calibrator correction between calibrations. The system software also linearly
interpolates betiveen calibration points to compute corrections over the full range. Specific software
corrections for the DMM type being tested are applied where possible and all interconnection
parameters are specified. In a similar manner, when a calibrator is tested using a system DMM, the
DMM type and all interconnection parameters are specified.
Measurements are performed at a specific set of currents and frequencies from 1 mA to 1 A and
0.1 Hz to 1 kHz. Measurements can be made at other than the calibrated points; however, because
the corrections at these points are interpolated estimates, the MCS uncertainties are somewhat larger.
The Type B standard uncertainties of the MCS ACV function are given in Table 8.
Table 8
MCS Type B Standard Uncertainties for ACI
Once the system calibrator and DMMs have been characterized, the MCS is used to test customer's
DMMs, calibrators, and related instruments.
Prior to testing, the test instrument is energized in the MCS lab overnight, to allow and it to stabilize
to satisfy any warmup requirements. Then, self-calibration or auto-zeroing routines are performed
to bring the instrument to its rated uncertainty.
From To
The calibrator is programmed to local sense and local guard, and the DMM is programmed or
switched to local guard.
Table 10
Connections and configuration for a DCI or ACI calibration
From To
The calibrator is programmed to local guard, and the DMM is programmed or switched to local
Table 11
Connections for a DCR (4-wire) calibration
From To
The calibrator is programmed to remote sense and local guard, and the DMM is programmed or
switched to local guard.
Calibrations are performed by programming MCS calibrator to the desired function and setting,
triggering the DMM (the first reading is ignored), and recording the next N readings.
The average reading of the DMM under test R, its associated correction Cj^^^, the system calibrator
setting S, and its correction C^cal ^^e related by the following equation:
Certain DMMs have software correction tables that are used to keep the instrument witliin a particular
specification. Correction tables are updated by applying a reference signal from the MCS calibrator
and then initiating a GPIB "correction" command that changes the appropriate correction value until
the DMM displays the proper value to within a selectable tolerance. Both the MCS software and the
Wavetek 4950 software have this capability. Repeat tests are performed to verify that the DMM
correction table has been accurately modified. This service represents a change in the long-standing
NIST policy of not adjusting instruments submitted for test. However, instead of making an analog
adjustment which can not generally be undone, in this case the adjustment is digital. The initial
corrections are stored in the instrument and the residual corrections are given in the test report. The
uncertainties of the residual corrections are based on the standard uncertainty of the calibrator and the
standard deviation of the repeat tests.
where Cj-^^^ is the test calibrator correction and C^^mm is the system DMM correction.
As with DMMs, certain calibrators have software correction tables that are used to keep the
instrument within a particular specification. Correction tables are updated by applying a nominal
signal fi-om the test calibrator to the MCS DMM, and then initiating a GPIB "correction" command,
which changes the appropriate correction value until the DMM displays the proper value to within
a selectable tolerance.
The highest accuracy test of a DMM or calibrator involves direct comparisons against the standards
that are used to characterize the MCS DMMs and calibrator using the techniques described in 3.4.
These are inherently more time consuming and expensive than the automated tests described in 4.2.
Low voltage thermal voltage converters are tested using the MCS multirange thermal voltage
converter. Tests are performed by placing the two instruments nose-to-nose, and then applying ac
and dc voltages, while monitoring the output of each device. The ac-dc difference corrections for the
TVC under test are calculated by using the techniques described in 3.4.
Micropotentiometers are tested using the MCS multirange thermal voltage converter. Tests are
performed by connecting the )ipot input to the calibrator output and the |apot output to the thermal
converter input and then applying ac and dc voltages, while monitoring the output of each device.
The ac-dc difference corrections for the i^pot under test are calculated using the techniques described
in 3.4.
The MCS on standards that are calibrated in other laboratories in the NIST Electricity Division
and it is important to maintain traceability back to these standards. Each of the support artifacts or
instrument standards is calibrated on a regular interval (normally once a year) and a control chart
describing its value and uncertainty at any time is maintained. The MCS calibrator and DMMs are
normally characterized four times a year using the support standards. The calibrator and DMMs are
also intercompared several times per month to track long-term stability. The standard deviation of
this intercomparison represents a composite stability figure for the calibrator and two DMM
The standard uncertainty of each function in the MCS calibrators and DMMs is based on the standard
uncertainties of the associated support instrument, the repeatability of the transfer process, and the
long-term stability of the calibrator. The figures given in the tables in section 3 represent one-
standard deviation (1-sigma) estimates of the system standard uncertainty. Note: These are
composite figures that serve for both the calibrator and the DMMs. Over a large parameter space
the figures apply equally to both; however, at high frequencies, the stability of the calibrator may be
significantly better than theDMMs. Under these conditions, a different set of uncertainty figures is
used. The total uncertainty of a test performed using the MCS includes the short-term stability of the
instrument under test. For example, the uncertainty of a test DMM
calibrated by the MCS calibrator
on the ACV function depends on the uncertainties of the following parameters:
1. The ac-dc difference of the muhirange TVC, fZ/y^ (see 3.4)
2. The correction of the dc voltage function of the cahbrator, U^f-. (see 3.1).
3. The standard deviation of the process in which the calibrator ac voltage is compared to its dc
voltage, (see 3.4).
4. The long-term stability of the calibrator/DMM at the test point, Ui^j^ (the standard deviation
of periodic comparisons with a system DMM).
5. The short-term stability of the test, U^ts (the standard deviation of the measurement including
the MCS calibrator and the instrument under test).
These values (all 1 -sigma estimates) are combined according to the procedures recommended in [6]
to give the expanded total uncertainty, Uj
where the first three terms are considered to be type A standard uncertainties and the last two are type
B standard uncertainties.
The authors wish to acknowledge those people who helped in the development of the MCS: Barry
group leader of the Electronic Instrumentation and Metrology Group, for his strong support;
Bell, the
Ron Dzuiba, and Dean Jarrett for sharing their expertise in resistance measurements; Dick Steiner and
June Sims for assisting in dc voltage support; Joe Kinard and Tom Lipe for providing ac-dc transfer
calibrations and overall guidance in ac-dc voltage measurement techniques; Robert Palm for
prototyping and drafting support; and Kathy Magruder for running tests, and performing much of the
C.A. Hamilton et al., "The NBS Josephson Array Voltage Standard," IEEE Trans. Instrum.
Meas., IM-36, No. 2, pp 258-261, June 1987.
R.F. Dziuba et al, "NIST Measurement Service for DC Standard Resistors," NIST Technical
Note 1298, 1992.
N.M. Oldham, P.S. Hetrick, and X. Zeng, "A Calculable, Transportable Audio-Frequency AC
Reference Standard," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 368-371, April 1989.
J.R. Kinard et al, "NIST Measurement Services: AC-DC Difference Calibrations," NIST
Special Publication 250-27, May 1989.
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